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Home Explore Continuing-Studies-Calendar-Spring-2011


Published by Continuing Studies at UVic, 2017-04-26 14:36:09

Description: Continuing-Studies-Calendar-Spring-2011


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Albert Einstein didn’tknow how to drive a car.Everyone can learn something new. Course Calendar, January – August 2011 Whether you’re working towards a degree, rethinking your career, or you simply want to rekindle your love of learning, rediscover the pleasures of exercising your intellect. Get your brain in shape with learning that shapes who you are.

New start, new direction“The flexibility of distance learning onlineallowed me to combine my family and myfull-time job with professional development.”Tine Lathouwers is an OHSE consultant with the Department ofOccupational Health, Safety, and Environment at the University of Victoria.Photo: UVic Photo ServicesContinuing Studies certificate graduate, offered through UVic’s Division of Continuing project,“Mitigation Strategies for the PotteryTine Lathouwers (2006), shares her story: Studies. This way I was able to familiarize myself Room in the MacLaurin Building at the University with Canadian legislation and get some“Canadian” of Victoria,”to the committee was such a great“I started my career in Occupational Health experience in the field. The flexibility of distance experience after all the hard work I had put in it.and Safety (OHS) about 12 years ago when I learning online allowed me to combine my familygraduated in Belgium as an occupational health and my full-time job with professional development. “I’ve been with the OHSE department fornurse. After working there in OHS for about six almost six years now and I still feel that I haveyears, I moved to Victoria to get married and start “I truly enjoyed the online discussions with my one of the best jobs in the world. My portfolioa new life. I knew it wouldn’t be a problem to find fellow students, whose diverse backgrounds includes the Ergonomics, Health Promotiona job here as an RN but I really had my heart set brought unique perspectives to the courses. The and Medical Monitoring Programs. I’m the firston occupational health. instructors always challenged us and provided point of contact for providing health and safety valuable insight and feedback when marking information and advice to my assigned areas. I’m“Luckily, the Department of Occupational Health, assignments. And let’s not forget the help from the also a field guide for the UVic School of NursingSafety and Environment (OHSE) at the University of library staff and the onlinehelpdesk that I could and provide practicum placement for nursingVictoria valued my experience and offered me an count on. I opted to do a final project as my final students. “It is rewarding to show them howentry-level position. My director encouraged and course. It was an amazing learning opportunity exciting a job in Occupational Health, Safety andsupported me to enroll in the Certificate Program that brought all the different course contents Environment can be. “in Environmental and Occupational Health together into one report. Presenting my

Generations of learningTELAXTEN, Paul R. Sam, picturedin First Peoples House on the UViccampus. Photo: MJ Turner, UVicPaul’s son Ian (SDEMOXELTEN)graduated with his father fromthe Certificate in AboriginalLanguage Revitalization programand is also determined to help hisgeneration preserve its language,so much so that he has developeda system that he hopes will helphim achieve those goals. Soccer,he says, is popular with the TsartlipFirst Nation, so he built a SENCOTENimmersion program that can beused on the field.“It’s a program I developed to getpeople interested in the language,”Sam, 26, said. His next step iscoming up with a funding formulathat will help him launch theconcept. “It’s become a passion.”Story: Grant KerrWith nine children, 26 grandchildren and one TELAXTEN is one of fewer than 20 fluent speakers “Five years ago, I was too busy, just working andgreat grandchild, TELAXTEN has already built of SENCOTEN, the language of the four Saanich trying to survive, trying to raise my family. I didn’thimself quite a legacy. But the one of which he is First Nations, about 3,000 souls strong. As a share my language and my culture with my kids,”most proud is helping his youngest son reclaim councillor with the Tsartlip First Nation and co- he says.their traditional language. chair of the Saanich Indian School Board, language and culture are important to him. That changed when he signed up for the CertificateBy his own admission, TELAXTEN—known in the in Aboriginal Language Revitalization.“So manyworking world as Paul R. Sam—was too busy Unlike many in his generation, TELAXTEN was able of our elders have spoken of how important it is totrying to scrape together a living to pass along to retain his language as he was never forced to pass language on. Language and culture go handhis traditions to his children. However, after attend a residential school. His grandparents, who in hand. Without language, a lot is lost.”three years of intensive study, Paul and youngest raised him, spoke little English (his grandmotherson, Ian (SDEMOXELTEN) Sam, graduated from didn’t speak it at all), so he enjoyed the benefit of As a band counsellor, he’s painfully aware ofthe Certificate in Aboriginal Language retaining most of what others lost. As a student at that. But he has hope and a message for anyoneRevitalization program last spring. the Tsartlip Day School in the 1950s, however, he who thinks they are too old to go back to school. was strapped for speaking SENCOTEN. As he got TELAXTEN, 62, was nearly 60 when he started the“Out of all this, it’s the legacy I am leaving with older and his parents and grandparents died, he language revitalization program.him,”TELAXTEN says of his proudest moment. lost touch with his language and culture. “Hell, if I can do it at my age, anybody can. You are never too old for lifelong learning.”

Hooked on heritageStory: Grant Kerr “If you don’t know where you come from, how do you know where you’re going?” – June Botkin, graduate of the Cultural Resource Management Diploma Program Heritage Resource Management is one of the courses in the Cultural Resource Management Diploma Program. Pictured here are students enjoying a field trip to Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site (Victoria, BC) with course instructors Richard Linzey and Berdine Jonker of BC Heritage Branch. Photo: Berdine JonkerAs a Government of Saskatchewan employee, By that Botkin means the gamut from our built has been restoring the Edwardian GardensJune Botkin lives and breathes culture. It’s environment to how light plays off buildings. at the Lieutenant Governor’s House in theher life at work. After hours too. So much so The diploma also helped strengthen her Saskatchewan capital. Another is rehabilitatingthat the Regina resident regularly flew to belief in the importance of built heritage. “It’s the courthouse in the City of Weyburn, south-Vancouver Island to earn her Cultural Resource about our cultural heritage and about how it’s east of Regina.Management Diploma over a three-year span. threatened. In my opinion, we’re a disposable society,” she says, voicing alarm at how heritage Botkin herself lives in a historic neighbourhoodThe UVic program’s reputation is such that buildings in her city and across the continent in a house built in 1928 that she is fixing up.the conservation project manager took time are regularly torn down with little thought for The fact that she also holds a carpentry journeyoff work to pursue her diploma. That meant the past, let alone the future. ticket is a testament to her commitment tospending six days at a time in intensive study in lifelong learning.Victoria three or four times a year. “If you don’t know where you come from, how do you know where you’re going?” The Cultural Resource Management Program,“After I took one course, I was hooked: the she says, “is what good conservation is aboutvariety, depth of materials, websites and Established in 1982, the Cultural Resource … It’s incredibly focused and you have to bereading materials. Everything,” Botkin says. “It Management Program is set up for volunteers too, which is a good thing.”was about a different way of learning things, a and professionals, like Botkin, who work indifferent way of looking at our environment.” the cultural sector. One of her work

Waking up to wellness“Most people in North America are asleep.I want to show what it feels like to wake up a bit.”Jason Cressey, PhD, lectures for UVic’s Department of Psychology and is director ofThe POD: People, Oceans, Dolphins. He specializes in the areas of body language,interspecies communication, social skills, interpersonal relationships and culturaldifferences. Jason is teaching a Saturday course called Dolphins and Whales:Healers and Teachers, in March 2011.Photo: UVic Photo ServicesStory: Grant KerrStudents enrol in Jason Cressey’s Continuing By being awake, Cressey means getting more in Greenshields, meanwhile, teaches mindfulness, orStudies workshops for all sorts of reasons. What touch with their emotions and how to deal with how to live in the moment with no distractions orthey learn, however, isn’t necessarily what they them. He challenges students from the outset, baggage attached. His students, like Cressey’s, arethink they signed up for. starting most of his workshops with this decree: also at a time in their lives where they are open to “I want to make each and every one of you trying new things.“Sometimes people see a course [like Emotional self-conscious. And I mean that in an extremelyIntelligence, offered last fall] as a fix-it, as relatively positive sense.” “Maybe people are reaching some level ofinexpensive group therapy,” Cressey says. “People dissatisfaction. We usually don’t do stuff unlesscome in with one set of expectations and leave His classes consist mostly of women over 40 who we are suffering enough,” Greenshields says.with another.” are more willing to face their emotions than men. “Words like emotions or feelings scare men off In our fast-paced world, there’s a hunger forThat can be a very good thing, indeed. While and that’s really too bad,” Cressey says, adding getting back to basics and trying to fix broken orCressey and fellow health and wellness instructor that he would love to give men-only emotional strained relationships. But none of that can happenDavid Greenshields would agree that more intelligence workshop some day. unless we start with ourselves, Cressey says.people these days are taking control of theirown health than in the past, Cressey says, “Most Having said that, he has had learners from many “Not to sound like an anarchist but this is notpeople in North America are asleep. I want to backgrounds sign up: from a bus-driving couple about fixing your co-worker or changing yourshow what it feels like to wake up a bit.” to accountants to healthcare workers. husband. This is about you.”

Walking the talkLeft to right: English Language Centre (ELC) studentGerardo Gonzalez Rios, Abkhazi Garden staffmember Genevieve Bédard, ELC student ShinichiIizuka and Abkhazi chef Erick Knudsen, pictured inthe kitchen of Abkhazi Garden.Photo: UVic Photo ServicesStory: Grant KerrHe was born Gerardo Javier Gonzalez Rios in how far they have come. As the chef at Abkhazi, students, also took 12 weeks of intensiveMexico, but his Canadian friends and host family Erick Knudsen had to make sure that Rios English classes.just call him Jerry. understood the orders so that the Mexican could help the servers deliver food in the brightly lit Rios got much out of the course but found theSo do the customers at Victoria’s Abkhazi cafe that overlooks the spectacular flora. Iizuka work term particularly valuable. “You are notGarden where Rios worked last spring. Rios had needed considerable comprehension, too, as the reading a book, you are practising your skills.come to Victoria to take an intensive 18-week latter helped the chef prepare the food. You are in another environment.”English Work Experience Program to brush upon his language skills. “They have both learned very, very quickly. Shin The cultural experience was rewarding as well, on his first day started to take over the kitchen,“ Rios noted, enthusing about the friendliness of“I’m taking international marketing at a university Knudsen said with a good-natured chuckle. “It’s not Canadians and the slow pace of life. “The lifestylein Monterey. I need to pass my TOEFL (Test of easy because kitchen language isn’t always like the here is really relaxed. It’s so relaxed, you can liveEnglish as a Foreign Language) exam. The only way English language, but they have three times the each minute.”to learn is in an English environment,”Rios said as amount of English they had when they got here.”he took a patio break on a gorgeous spring day. Iizuka was similarly impressed with the cultural And that’s just in six weeks, the work-term aspect. “It’s a good chance to learn aboutBoth Rios and his Japanese friend and co-worker component of the program. The duo, like all the Canadian life,” said the soft-spoken young man.Shinichi (Shin) Iizuka are modest about their English Language Centre’s Work Experience “Canada is a more international country. In Japan,language progress, but their supervisor knows you rarely meet foreigners.”

REGISTER NOW: Continuing education coursesfor the whole community. Spring 2011Learning for life Learning for work Learning for fun!Lifelong learning is increasingly important Many of our programs provide a way for Once again this season we offer manyin a knowledge-based society. The benefits professionals already working in business, stimulating, informative and life-enhancingfor individuals include better job prospects, health care, museums and cultural courses for you to enjoy. The range of topicshigher earnings, better health and greater organizations, the environment, teaching, is very broad and we have added a numberlevels of personal fulfilment. The benefits for and so on, to connect with each other as of new courses—marked with the followingcommunities include a stronger economy, a they learn. It’s a great way to build your symbol: NEW!more cohesive society and citizens who are professional network!more engaged. • A great way to try something new • Build on skills you already have • Meet people who share your interests• Keep your mind sharp • Increase your self-confidence • Develop a new interest to share with family• Improve your memory • Learn new skills and move up in your• Enjoy a feeling of accomplishment and friends • 250-472-4694

ContentsAboriginal Language and Humanities, History, How to Register ................................ 3Culture .............................................9 Contemporary Issues .............. 33 Cancellations and Withdrawals ....... 3 Gift Certificates.................................. 3Arts ................................................. 10 General Courses Bursary Program ............................... 3 In Pursuit of Knowledge Lecture Series Holiday Closure ................................. 3History in Art Deans’ Lunchtime Lecture Series Certificates and Diplomas;Music Public Issues Series Professional Devleopment; ApplyingTheatre Humanities to a Program; Part-Time Study ........ 4Visual Arts Humanities Diploma Program Career Planning; Skills Upgrading ... 5Writing and Literature Canadian Studies Diploma and Certificate Programs Distance Learning Online ................ 5Fine Arts Diploma Program Medieval Studies Registration Form ............................. 6 SAGE—Stimulate, Advance and Guide Education Courses Starting by Month ............. 7Business, Management ......... 14 Index ................................................ 56 Independent Study .................. 39 Coming to the UVic Campus .......... 59Business, Management and Technology Programs General Information; CampusCourses on Campus Languages Services ........................................... 60Courses by Distance Science, Nature Campus Map............. inside back coverSummer Intensive Courses Readers’ Corner Contact information .......... back coverFinancial Planning CoursesCertificate in Business Administration Intercultural Education andDiploma in Business Administration Training ........................................ 41Computing, Technology ........ 19 Intercultural Education and Training ProgramComputer Based Information Systems (CBIS) Languages ................................... 42Certificate ProgramCourses by Distance World Languages French ProgramsEducation, Teaching, English Language CentreTraining ......................................... 23 Online Courses Study ToolsContinuing Studies in EducationProfessional Development Offerings Public Relations ........................ 47Credit Courses by DistanceCredential Program for Teachers Diploma Program in Public RelationsCertificate Program for Teachers Courses by DistanceCertificate in Adult and Continuing Education (CACE)Spring Workshops Science, Nature .......................... 49Courses by DistanceSummer 2011 Preview General Courses Nature Explorations on Vancouver IslandHealth, Wellness, Safety ........ 26 Social Justice Studies ................. 50Certificate Program in Environmental andOccupational Health Sustainability,Courses by Distance Environment ............................... 51Education for the General PublicEducation for Health and Helping Professionals General CoursesCourses by Distance Urban Restoration WalksContinuing Education for Social Workers and Other Restoration of Natural Systems ProgramHealth Professionals Native Species and Natural Processes Professional Specialization Certificate ProgramHeritage, Culture, Museums ... 31 Travel Study ................................ 54Cultural Resource Management ProgramOn-Campus Immersion Courses Travel Study Programs: Discover the World with UVicCourse at the Royal British Columbia Museum Do These Trips Interest You?Courses by Distance

How to Register Registration Process If you withdraw from a course, an administrative feein a Course may be charged for processing. The amount may To avoid disappointment, register as soon as vary according to the type of course, but will be ap Online Registration possible. Many courses fill up quickly while others minimum of $15. will be cancelled one week before the start date Note: Some programs have special refund policiesTo register via the web, please follow the secure if they do not meet their minimum enrolment. If as printed in individual course descriptions or inregistration process on our website. Go to: we are unable to register you in a course because program it is full, you will be placed on a waiting list andand click on “Continuing Studies Programs and contacted if a space becomes available. Your Gift CertificatesCourses.” payment will not be processed unless space isSearch for a course by name or by topic and available for you in the class. Our Continuing Studies gift certificates ($20 orthen follow the instructions for purchase via our $50) can be used toward the cost of tuition onshopping cart. Registration Payment registrations for yourself, or you can give the gift of learning to a friend. To order, fill in our registrations Walk-in Registration All registrations must be accompanied by full form on page 6 or call us at 250-472-4694. payment: cash/debit card (in person only), cheques,Register at the Continuing Studies Building, 2nd money orders and Visa, MasterCard and American Bursary Programfloor, Ring Road at Gabriola Road (see campus Express. Phone/fax/Internet registrations are bymap at the back of this calendar). See page 59 for credit card only. Each term the Division of Continuing Studiesparking information. Office hours are weekdays, offers bursaries totalling $1,000 to assist learners8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Make cheques payable to University of Victoria. in furthering their education. Bursaries will be We cannot accept postdated cheques. awarded to learners who can display evidence ofc Phone Registration: a commitment to lifelong learning and who can 250-472-4694 Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) demonstrate financial need. Applications are available at the Division ofRegister weekdays, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Some Continuing Studies courses are subject to Continuing Studies, 2nd floor, Continuing Studies Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). If HST is payable, it is Building, by calling 250-472-4694, or online at; Mail Registration indicated alongside the tuition fee in the course description. Application deadline is January 15, 2011.Fill out the registration form in this calendar(see page 6), and send to: Confirmation and Income Tax Receipt Classroom Locations Division of Continuing Studies After you register, you will receive a confirmation Most courses are held on campus. Classroom University of Victoria receipt with the classroom location noted on it. If locations are indicated on your receipt, as well as PO Box 3030 STN CSC you have not received your confirmation receipt by confirmation of times and dates of courses. Building Victoria, BC V8W 3N6 the day before the class begins, call 250-472-4694 locations can also be found on the campus map at for help locating the classroom. the back of this calendar.r Fax Registration: 250-721-8774 Tuition Fee Tax Deductions PARKING ON CAMPUSUse the registration form in this calendar (see Keep your confirmation receipt as it is your official There is now a flat fee of $2 for parking in allpage 6). income tax receipt. Your tuition fees may be tax campus lots in the evenings and all day Saturday. deductible if the total fees paid to UVic in a calendar Parking remains free on Sunday and official holidays.Registration Reminders year exceed $100. You may combine the fees of For current information on parking at UVic, visit more than one course so their total exceeds the • provide account number, expiry date and $100 minimum. signature if paying by credit card HOLIDAY CLOSURE Cancellations, Withdrawals and Refunds • postdated cheques are not accepted The University of Victoria is closed on statutory • notify us of an address change The Division of Continuing Studies reserves the holidays and from December 25 to January 1 • make cheques payable to University of Victoria right to cancel/reschedule courses or other offerings (inclusive). You may still register online during the • if a course is full, your registration will be placed without notice, and to establish special regulations holiday periods. for admission to non-degree programs or courses. on a waiting list If a course or offering is cancelled/rescheduled, FOR GENERAL ENQUIRIES CALL the liability of the Division of Continuing Studies is 250-472-4694 limited to a refund of your course fee, or, if desired, transfer to another offering. To withdraw from a course, let us know in person or by phone (250-472-4694), at least: 1. seven days prior to the first meeting of a short- term, intensive course, workshop or conference, with limited enrolment; 2. prior to the second class when a course meets once or twice weekly over a period of several weeks. Depending on your method of payment, a refund will be either mailed to you or credited to your credit card. The Canada Revenue Agency requires that we request the return of your original • 250-472-4694 CONTINUING STUDIES, SPRING 2011 3

Certificates, Diplomas, Professional Specialization CertificatesMultiple careers, workplace Professionalchange, personal growth—embrace the challenge in Specialization Professional Distanceboth your personal andprofessional life! PROGRAMS Certificate Diploma Certificate Development Part-time Options Page Aboriginal Language RevitalizationOur programs can help you develop the critical   9skills and specialized knowledge that will balancecurrent realities and anticipate future needs. Adult and Continuing Education    24Earn a credential as a way of advancing your career, Business Administration     17or simply enrich your life by pursuing intellectualand cultural topics in an integrated program of Business and Management    14study. Business Studies for International Students  *There are opportunities to study on campus, bydistance, or through a blended format. See the Canadian Studies   38chart to the right for a summary of our currentcertificate and diploma programs, and other Collections Management     **in-depth programs, in this calendar: Computer Based Information Systems     19Distance online study options make these programseven more accessible. See page 5. Computing and Technology    19APPLYING TO A PROGRAM Cultural Resource Management     31You can find application forms for our certificate Cultural Sector Leadership  **or diploma programs on the web pages for eachprogram. Go to Environmental and Occupational Health    26programs/diplomas. You can also contact theindividual program by phone or email and request Fine Arts   13an application form by email, mail or fax. Contactinformation is also on the relevant program pages Foundations in Indigenous Fine Arts   **in this calendar and under “Contacting Us” (backcover). French as a Second Language Credential  23You may apply directly to Continuing Studies to French Language   44study as a non-credit student and, once accepted,enter your chosen program and begin course work. Health and Helping Professionals   29If, however, you wish to earn university credits Heritage Conservation Planning     **while pursuing a program through ContinuingStudies, please see the information below. Humanities   38PROVIDING COMMUNITY Intercultural Education and Training   41ACCESS TO THE UNIVERSITY Native Species and Natural Processes     53Continuing Studies programs and courses aredeveloped and offered as the result of cooperation Public Relations    47between the Division and the University’s variousFaculties. Professional and community education Restoration of Natural Systems     52courses co-sponsored by UVic Departments orFaculties are located in most of the topic sections in Social Justice Studies   50this calendar. Teacher/Trainer Education    23 Teaching English as a Foreign Language  *** Teaching French Immersion    23 * For more information on business studies for international students, please call 250-721-6412. ** For more information on these arts, cultural and heritage programs, please call 250-721-8457. *** For more information on teaching English as a foreign language, please call 250-721-7871. PART-TIME STUDY FOR CREDIT Several departments at UVic make courses available to part-time students. For more information about part-time courses available in a specific area of UVic, please use the contact list on the back cover of this publication. If you want to study for university credit, or study part time toward a degree, you must first apply for admission to the University of Victoria via the regular Admissions procedures. Our program staff can advise you on how to proceed.4 CERTIFICATES AND DIPLOMAS, PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, APPLYING TO A PROGRAM, PARTTIME STUDY

Career Planning and Skills UpgradingPlanning or Enriching Your Career fully examine and articulate your goals; explore Course Code: ASMA099 2011S C01 your values, preferences and priorities; and more Date: Mondays and Thursdays, January 31 toThree Individual Sessions closely match your intentions with actions. March 31 (no classes February 21 and 24): 5 to 7 pm, 16 sessionsWhat do you want from your career? This course Please note: Completion of the Myers-Briggs Type Fee: $300 plus $36 HSTwill help you discover ways to enhance your career, Indicator (MBTI) is optional prior to meeting withwhether you are seeking alternate career pos- the counselor. Chem 091sibilities or searching for more satisfaction in yourcurrent work. In three one-on-one sessions you will Instructor: Dr. Kathryn Jardine (see instructor Chem 091 is an online tutorial designed to providedevelop career goals by exploring your interests, biography under Planning or Enriching Your Career, background for students who intend to enrol inneeds, values, passions, priorities, personal charac- above) a university-level introductory general chemistryteristics and lifestyle preferences. course. If you do not have the equivalent of Chem- Course Code: ASAE010 2011S E01 istry 12, you may be allowed to use this course toPlease note: Completion of the Myers-Briggs Type Date: Between January 1 and March 31: fulfill that prerequisite. This course is delivered viaIndicator (MBTI) is required prior to meeting with dates to be determined with instructor the Internet.the counselor. Fee: $345 plus $41.40 HST Prerequisites: Successful completion of Chem 11 or its equivalent, and Math 12. Transcripts must beInstructor: Dr. Kathryn Jardine is a registered psy- COURSES TO UPGRADE provided.chologist in private practice (www.jardinetherapy. ACADEMIC SKILLS Instructor: Monica Reimer, senior lab instructor,ca). She has a wide range of experience as a thera- Department of Chemistry, UVicpist, consultant and facilitator, in a variety of settings. Mathematical Skills Two sections:Throughout her career she has been particularlyinterested in people’s strengths, resiliencies and This non-credit preparatory course provides a Course Code: ASCH091 2011K E01helping them to discover ways to flourish and excel. review of the fundamental concepts and problem- solving skills taught prior to grade 12. Topics Date: May 2 to June 24 (no set times)Course Code: ASAE009 2011S E01 include fractions, ratios and proportions; shape, Fee: $155.75 plus $18.69 HSTDate: Between January 1 and March 31: space and geometry; right triangle trigonometry;dates to be determined with instructor exponents; lines, polynomials and factoring; func- Course Code: ASCH091 2011K E02Fee: $345 plus $41.40 HST tions; co-ordinate systems; graphing functions and equations; and solving equations and inequalities. Date: July 4 to August 19 (no set times)Enhancing Your Life: Self-Discovery Fee: $155.75 plus $18.69 HSTand Action A student who successfully completes this course may apply to UVic’s Department of Mathematics UNIVERSITY 102 AND 201Three Individual Sessions and Statistics for permission to take Math 120, Math 151 or Math 161. A free course for approved applicants.What do you want from life? Develop an action plan Please refer to page more purposefully create the quality of life you Instructor: Chedomir Barone, MSc (mathematics)want for yourself. In three one-on-one sessions youwill begin the process of learning to: more mind-Distance Learning Learn more about being an online student with us Distance” sections as you browse through thisOnline by visiting the Distance Education Services website publication for courses offered by distance. ( BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Not all the courses comprising these diploma and Prospective students are urged to seek advice certificate programs are delivered via distanceFor over 30 years, Continuing Studies has been from the program area offering the course(s) or learning online.offering distance education for working adults across program in advance of the date of registration. ThereBC and beyond. We help you stay home in your may be special registration procedures or special Interested in a Degree?community and still stay on track with your personal application/administration fees required. Please reador professional development. the FAQ pages that are available on many program For information about UVic distance programs areas’websites, before contacting a staff member. leading to degrees and other qualifications consultOur online learners never feel alone. Our blended the Distance Learning and Immersion Course Guidelearning formats maximize the flexibility that online For complete registration information, visit: available from Liliane Morgan, 250-721-8471, emaillearning offers and makes the learning experience [email protected] or visit, fun and productive. Our Onlinehelp Desksupports our students in their use of learning tools Programs Thompson Rivers–Open Learning (TRU–OL), thesuch as Moodle, Elluminate, blogs and wikis. Our University of British Columbia (UBC) and Simonlibrary staff help you carry out online research and Many of the certificate/diploma programs listed Fraser University (SFU) also offer programslocate material. in this calendar are available online for distance leading to degrees and other qualifications. learning (see page 4). Details may be obtained from:This is what makes us different and this is whywe won the Award for Excellence and Innovation Please check in the relevant sections of this Thompson Rivers Universityin Student Services, 2007, from the Canadian calendar before applying to a program, visit the Open Learning (TRU–OL)Association for Distance Education. Continuing Studies website at www.continuing, or contact the relevant program area for more information. For more information about post-secondary distance learning in British Columbia, visit the Check out the many resources available to help BCcampus website: you get started with your online studies at Online Courses for English Language Learners Please note: All distance learning courses require access to the Internet. Refer to the “Courses by See page 46 CAREER PLANNING AND SKILLS UPGRADING; DISTANCE LEARNING ONLINE 5

Registration FormAll registrations must be accompanied by full fees, The University of Victoria collects personal informa- Phone registration: 250-472-4694payable to the University of Victoria. No postdated tion on its form pursuant to the University Act,cheques are accepted. RSBC 1996, c.468 and section 26 of the Freedom Fax registration: 250-721-8774 of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. TheThe Division of Continuing Studies reserves information you provide is used for the purposes of Mail the completed registration form to:the right to cancel/reschedule courses or other admission, registration and other decisions relatingofferings without notice, and to establish special to your Continuing Studies program. Division of Continuing Studiesregulations for admission to non-degree programs University of Victoriaor courses. If a course or offering is cancelled/ For details on how the information is used, contact PO Box 3030 STN CSCrescheduled, the liability of the Division of Continu- Continuing Studies or read UVic Policy 4400, Access Victoria, BC V8W 3N6ing Studies is limited to a refund of the course fee, to Student Records at:, if desired, transfer to another offering. documents/access.html. The relevant law for all Web registration: matters concerning these programs shall be the law of the Province of British Columbia, Canada. Inquiries: Phone 250-472-4694 Email [email protected] of Continuing Studies, University of Victoria—Course Registration Spring 2011Courses fill up fast—Consider registering online at www.continuingstudies.uvic.caPlease notify us of any changes to your name and address.Ms/Mrs/Mr __________________________________________________________________________ Student Record UVic Student # _____________________Surname First Name Middle Name Preferred First Name I have previously taken a UVic credit course I have previously taken a UVic non-creditMailing Address ______________________________________________________________________ course Street Address Mail List___________________________________________________________________________________ I do not wish to receive further mailingsCity Province Postal Code Special Needs Provide details here: ________________Phone_________________________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________Email Address ___________________________________________ Date of Birth _______________ (YY/MM/DD)Course Selection, Independent Study Materials, or Gift Certificates Fee $ __________ Fee $ __________Course Title ______________________________________________ Course Code Fee $ __________Course Title ______________________________________________ Course Code Fee $ __________Course Title ______________________________________________ Course Code Total Enclosed: $ __________Course Title ______________________________________________ Course CodeCredit Card Visa MasterCard AmEx ________________________________ __________ ___________________________________ Account Number Expiry Date Signature (mandatory for credit card)6 CONTINUING STUDIES, SPRING 2011

Courses starting by monthThis at-a-glance list features courses with specific Introduction to Coaching and Counselling Skills in the Science and Naturestart dates listed in this calendar, and the page on Workplace, 25which they appear. Other offerings, such as our Between the Tides, 49French language programs, or certificate/diploma Program Planning in Adult Education, 25 Winter Storm Watching at the Wickaninnish Inn, 49programs, may have flexible start dates. Checkthe relevant topic areas for more details, or find Health, Wellness, Safety Sustainability, Environmentspecific courses using the index at the back of thispublication. NEW! indicates a NEW course. Ergonomics, 26 Tapping the Potential of Bigleaf Maple, 52 Final Project, 27JANUARY Health Protection Technology, 27 FEBRUARY Risk Management: Perception and Communication, 26Arts Spinal Cord Injury—Conquering Clinical Challenges, 29 Arts Tools for Learning Online for Environmental and NEW! A Mythic Journey through the World’s Sacred NEW! Art and Memory, 10 Music, 11 Occupational Health, 26 NEW! Art Appreciation: Part II, 10 NEW! Different Voices: English Theatre of the 1960s andA Taste of Food Writing, 13 Heritage, Culture, MuseumsAnyone Can Draw: Level I, 12 1970s, 12 NEW! Art History of the Northwest Coast: Approaches to Collections Research, 31 Enchanted Evenings at the Opera, 11 Building Community Relationships, 32 NEW! Foundation of Conducting, 12 Kwakwaka’wakw Cultural Group, 10 Curatorship: Contemporary Perspectives, 32 NEW! Hot Spot Berlin: New Art by Artists from around NEW! Bacchus Male Choir, 12 Determining Significance of Heritage Resources, 31 NEW! Gustav Mahler: An Introduction to His Exhibition Design and Installation, 31 the World, 10 Managing Cultural Organizations, 32 Watercolour for Beginners, 12 Symphonies, 12 Museum Principles and Practices II, 31 Writing for Children: Releasing the Child Within, 13 NEW! Introduction to Collage and Assemblage, 13 NEW! Music in Peace Time, 11 Humanities, History, Contemporary Education, Teaching, Training NEW! Shakespeare’s Lovers, Lunatics, Poets in Art, 10 IssuesSing! Levels I and II, 11 Performance-Based Learning: Training for Results, 24Stylus Fantasticus and Sad Music for Kings, 11 NEW! Happiness: Attention, Intention and Action, 36Voci Belle: Singing with a Choir, 11 Introduction to Canadian Contemporary Issues, 38 Health, Wellness, SafetyWrite Now! A Creative Writing Survey, 13 NEW! Iran: A Critical Analysis of an Emerging Global Best Foot Forward, 27Business, Management Crisis, 34 Canadian Falls Prevention Curriculum, 30 Law and Democracy: Victims of Climate Change?, 37 Cardiac Cafe: What You Need to Know about Women’sApplied Communication Concepts, 15 Live Data from the Beach to the Abyss, 36Business Administration, 14 Terrorism in the 21st Century, 33 Heart Health, 27Business Ethics, 15 The Koran in the Modern World, 37 Geriatric Drug Therapies, 29Business Writing, 15 NEW! The Lords of the Isles, 36 NEW! Homeopathy at Home, 27Financial Accounting, 14 NEW! The Palestinians: A Social and Cultural History, 33 Living Authentically, 27Financial Plan Development, 16 University 102 and University 201, 37 NEW! Taking Control of Common Disorders—A NaturalInterpersonal Business Communications, 15Management Communication, 14 Intercultural Education and Training Way, 28Negotiation Skills, 14 Tone Your Body with Smart Nutrition, 28Professional Sales Skills, 15 Facilitating Intercultural Relationships, 41 NEW! Who’s Game? Exploring the Wild and WonderfulRetirement Planning, 16Risk Management and Estate Planning, 16 Languages World of Exotic Eggs and Meats, 27Small Business Management, 14 NEW! Wound Management Program, Brazilian Portuguese for Beginners—Part 2, 43Career Planning and Skills Upgrading French Language Diploma, Conversation Programs, 44 Level I, 30 German: Conversation—Part 2, 42Mathematical Skills, 5 German for Beginners—Part 1, 42 Heritage, Culture, Museums Introduction to Arabic, 42Computing, Technology Italian for Beginners—Parts 1 and 2, 42 Caring for Collections, 31 Japanese for Beginners—Part 2, 43Computing Concepts, 20 Mandarin for Beginners—Parts 1 ands 2, 43 Humanities, History, ContemporaryDatabase Concepts, 20 Persian for Beginners—Part 1, 43 IssuesHuman Side of Information Systems, 20 Russian for Beginners—Part 2, 43IT Security, 21 Spanish for Beginners—Parts 1 and 2, 44 Adventures in the Middle East, 34More Programming with Java, 21 Spanish: Intermediate—Part 1, 44 NEW! An Introduction to Victoria’s Colourful Past, 36Project Management, 20 Swedish for Beginners—Part 2, 44 Destination: Peloponnese, 35Relational Database Management Systems, 20 The Structures of Arabic, 42 Educating Your Schooled Children, 37Web Design and Management I, 20 Ukrainian for Beginners—Part 1, 44 NEW! History of the Jews of Spain, 33 NEW! Iran: A Critical Analysis of an Emerging GlobalEducation, Teaching, Training Public Relations Crisis, 34Adult Learning and Development, 24 Communication Planning, 47 Medieval Studies Workshop: Medieval Lives, 38Foundations of Adult Education, 25 Ethics and Public Relations, 48 NEW! Modern Buddhism for Transforming Our Lives, 34Instructional Skills for Teaching Adults Online, 25 Public Relations Theory and Practice, 47 Our ‘Good’ Bacteria: How Symbiotic Interactions Writing for Public Relations, 48 with Resident Microbes Affect Animal Health and Evolution, 37 NEW! Patterns of Life in Retirement, 33 Science and Technology in the Middle Ages, 35 Terrorism and Counterterrorism in the Maritime Realm, 33 The Anthropology of Magic, 35 The Human Development Approach, • 250-472-4694 COURSES STARTING BY MONTH 7

Victoria’s Colonial Homes and Families, 36 Science and Nature Computing, TechnologyWhere Does Democracy Come From?, 37 Birding for Beginners, 49 NEW! Advanced Office and Collaboration Tools, 22Sustainability, Environment Space—The High Frontier, 49 Computing Concepts, 21 Database Concepts, 22 NEW! Busy Person’s Everyday Guide to Eating Locally: Sustainability, Environment Networks and Network Management, 22 Spring, 51 Systems Analysis and Design I, 21 NEW! The State of the Region’s Environment: Web Design and Management I, 22Ogden Point Breakwater, 52 Understanding the Issues and Taking Action, 51Rithet’s Bog, 52 Education, Teaching, TrainingViaduct Flats, 52 APRIL E-learning: Strategy and Planning, 24MARCH Education, Teaching, Training Instructional Techniques Workshop, 24Arts Appreciative Inquiry, 25 Humanities, History, Contemporary Cracking through to Creativity, 24 Issues NEW! EcoArts Workshop I, 13 Managing Collective Learning in the Workplace, 25 NEW! Louis Comfort Tiffany and His Art, 10 Planning Program Evaluation, 25 Destination: Desolation, 35Masterworks of Symphonic Literature, 11 Spiritual Intelligence and Learning, 24The Next Step in Watercolour Painting, 12 Strategic Marketing in Adult Education, 25 Science, NatureTravel Photography: Cultures and Landscapes, 12 Health, Wellness, Safety Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, 50Education, Teaching, Training Brain Injury—An Uphill Road, 29 Travel StudyCoaching 101: Developing Your Basic Coaching Skills Envisioning Your Retirement, 28 for Workplace Success, 24 From Insight to Action 28 Eastern Turkey and the Black Sea Coast, 54 NEW! Introduction to Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, 30 New York, New York, 54Health, Wellness, Safety NEW! Wound Management Program, Provence to Paris, 54Adverse Drug Reactions: When Medication Does More Level II, 30 JULY Harm than Good, 29 Heritage, Culture, Museums Business, ManagementAnxiety and Panic Attack Recovery, 28Art Therapy, 29 Cultural Landscapes, 31 E-Commerce and Social Marketing, 16Assessment Skills in Mental Health, 29 International Business, 16 NEW! Boomeritis: Overuse and Repetitive Stress Humanities, History, Contemporary Management Accounting, 16 Issues Selected Management Topics: Managing Change, 16 Injuries of the Baby Boomer Generation, 28Chronic Pain Treatment Options, 28 NEW! Destination: Southern Peru, 35 Career Planning and Skills UpgradingCore Strengthening and Ergonomics for a Pain-Free Is Religion a Problem, a Solution, or Neither?, 37 PRECARITY: photography, assemblage, collage and Chem 091, 5 Low Back, 28Dance/Movement Therapy, 29 performance, 37 Languages NEW! Designing Successful Retirement—Baby Boomer The Archaeology of Southwest Asia, 35 NEW! The Celtic Church, 36 French Language Day Camps, 45 Style, 28 La Maison Française, 45Dolphins and Whales: Healers and Teachers, 28 Intercultural Education and TrainingIntroduction to Theory and Practice of Expressive Art AUGUST Theatre, Community and Change, 41 Therapy, 29 Travel StudyManaging Headaches, 28 LanguagesMusic Therapy, 29 A History of Our Northwest Coast, 54Retirement and Transition: Journeying into the Brazilian Portuguese: Intermediate—Part 1, 43 German for Beginners—Part 2, 42 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER Unknown, 28 Italian for Beginners—Part 2, 42 NEW! Sufism: Spinning Meditation, 28 Mandarin: Intermediate—Part 1, 43 Travel StudyThe Retirement Advantage, 28 Russian: Intermediate—Part 1, 43 NEW! Working with Expressive Therapies, 29 Spanish for Beginners—Parts 1 and 2, 44 Jordan and Syria, 55Zen Meditation for Better Living, 27 Theatre in England, 55 Science and NatureHeritage, Culture, Museums COURSES WITH FLEXIBLE STARTS Spring Explorations at Yellow Point Lodge, 49Heritage Conservation Planning, 31 Career Planning and Skills Upgrading Sustainability, EnvironmentHumanities, History, Contemporary Enhancing Your Life: Self-Discovery and Action, 5Issues Busy Person’s Everyday Guide to Eating Locally: Planning or Enriching Your Career, 5 Summer, 51 NEW! A Journey in the Footsteps of the Israelites, 34 Independent Study Resources NEW! An Afternoon in … Southern Peru, 35 Food from the Hood: The Role of Urban Agriculture inDestination: Aegea, 35 the Relocalization of Our Food System, 52 A Poverty Reader, 39 NEW! Learning to Cherish Others, 34 An Ethics Reader, 39 NEW! Pirates! A Brief History of the Bloodthirsty Story Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems: Creating Local and Demystifying Math, 39 Global Sustainability, 51 Experiencing Science in Early Childhood, 39 of Piracy from Ancient Times to the Present, 34 Learning to Teach: Teacher Preparation in Victoria, BC,Seeing Like a City: The Urban as Politics, 37 MAYThe Forgotten Holocaust, 37 1903–1963, 40The Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, 34 Business, Management Responses to Terrorism: An Analysis, A Reader, 39 NEW! Under the Oaks: The History of Oak Bay, 34 Social Justice, Progressive Politics and Taxes:What’s in Your Backyard? Urban Sustainability and Business Law, 15 Marketing, 16 A Reader, 40 Wildlife, 37 Operations Management, 15 Sounds of Gaelic: A Beginner’s Guide to the8 COURSES STARTING BY MONTH Career Planning and Skills Upgrading Pronunciation of Scottish Gaelic, 39 Chem 091, 5

takBeCs risouhgohmlye 7to5 6d0a%ysof Canada’s Elective courses include:o grionwdiygoeunroouws nlatnogmuaatgoe.s. • Aboriginal Language Materials Development, at’sLneott’stkoeoelponitgt, hisaitt?way. LING 184 (1.5 units) • Aboriginal Language Revitalization Practicum, LING 185 (1.5 units) • Aboriginal Language in First Nations Culture, LING 186 (1.5 units) • Special Topics in Language Revitalization, LING 187 (1.5 units) For more information on the individual or commu- nity partnership options, or to apply and register for the program or a course, please contact: Aboriginal Language Revitalization Program Phone 250-721-8457 Fax 250-721-8774 Email [email protected] Web Courses can be taken on an individual basis,Language and towards the certificate program, or anotherCulture program with departmental approval.CERTIFICATE IN ABORIGINAL Note: UVic is developing a new Indigenous Lan-LANGUAGE REVITALIZATION guages Bachelor of Education degree that is designed to ladder from this certificate program as year oneThis award-winning and accessible program is of a four-year teaching degree. This program woulddesigned to strengthen your understanding of lan- enable certificate students to continue building onguage loss, maintenance and recovery and develop their fluency as well as gain skills toward becoming aknowledge and strategies for language revital- certified teacher in the province of BC.ization within communities. It is offered by theUniversity of Victoria’s Department of Linguistics Certificate Program Coursesand Division of Continuing Studies, in partnershipwith the En’owkin Centre in Penticton. The following is a listing of the core courses offered within the program:Applications to this innovative 13.5-unit programare accepted year round. You complete 9.0 units • Human Effects of Aboriginal Language Shift and(6 courses) of required core courses that build your Loss, LING 180A (1.5 units)foundation of knowledge and skills. Core coursesare offered in short, intensive sessions at the • Issues, Principles and Best Practices in LanguageEn’owkin Centre in Penticton and at the University Revitalization, LING 180B (1.5 units)of Victoria throughout the year, or in communitysettings through partnership arrangements. You • Introductory Linguistics for Languageselect 4.5 units (3 courses) of elective courses based Revitalization, LING 181 (1.5 units)on personal interest. These courses are drawn fromelective offerings at the University of Victoria and • Language Learning and Teaching in Situations ofthe En’owkin Centre, or through courses arranged in Language Loss, LING 182 (1.5 units)community settings. If you are not a fluent speakerin an Indigenous language, at least 1.5 units of • Field Methods for Language Preservation andelective course work must comprise language Revitalization: Documentation and Recording,course work to build your language learning. Some LING 183A (1.5 units)learners and communities focus their electivecoursework on language learning. • Field Methods for Language Preservation and Revitalization: Project Development, LING 183B (1.5 units) • 250-472-4694 ABORIGINAL LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 9

takAesvriooluinghalcytu7a5lldyacyosntains discussions aimed at raising questions, engagingo gr7o0wsyeopuarraotwenpiteocmesaotof.wood. ideas and provoking occasions for the endless pleasures and possibilities of looking at artworks. at’sSnootthtaoto’slownhgy, iist’ist?hard to play! Part II explores further topics such as humour and irony, assessing the value and validity of art, and how and why different art institutions operate the way they do. Art Appreciation: Part I is not a prerequisite to this course. Instructor: John Luna, VCA, MFA Course Code: ASHA059 2011S C01 Date: Tuesdays, February 1 to March 8: 7 to 9 pm, 6 sessions Fee: $95 plus $11.40 HSTArts Instructor: Mr. John Lucas, MA, BFA NEW! Hot Spot Berlin: New Art by Artists from around the WorldHISTORY IN ART Course Code: ASHA061 2011S C01 Date: Wednesdays, March 23 to April 6: Since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, no other NEW! Shakespeare’s Lovers, 12:30 to 2:30 pm, 3 sessions city in Europe has had a greater influx of artistsLunatics and Poets in Art Fee: $50 plus $6 HST from around the world than Berlin. Artists relocate to Germany’s capital and set up studios in the oldShakespeare’s characters and situations, owing to NEW! Art History of the Northwest warehouses left by the communist regime. In thetheir vividness, passion, charm and psychological Coast: Kwakwaka’wakw Cultural former East Berlin the rent is cheap, the buildingsdepth, have always been the subjects of plastic Group are large, and although run down, they retain aart and then later of movies and television. In productive ruinen-chic that is preferred over Westthis course we will explore the expressive power In this course we will examine a variety of themes Berlin’s concrete architectural progressiveness.of Shakespeare’s imagery, its play of ideas about relating to both historical and contemporary What comes out of these old brick buildings ishuman love and its ability to penetrate and inform Northwest Coast Art, with roots and traditions in breathtaking. Many artists have soared to criticalalmost every human endeavour with that love. We the Kwakwaka’wakw cultural group. These include acclaim and unbelievable market success.will also examine the actions and motivations of a arts of the potlatch; contemporary interpretationsfull spectrum of characters from the dark Richard of traditional concepts, such as transformation, in In addition, there are those who come to Berlin justIII to the sunny Rosalind, and how they serve as the work of many brilliant artists such as Mungo to showcase their work in the hope to gain fameinspiration to a host of artists. One full session will Martin, Charlie James, Willie Seaweed, Henry Hunt, and fortune. In this course we will discuss the mostbe devoted to Shakespeare-inspired Canadian art. Tony Hunt and many other members of the Hunt, challenging art exhibitions held in Berlin in recent Cranmer and Alfred families of artists. We will years by artists practising locally and elsewhere inInstructor: Mr. John Lucas, MA, BFA investigate the development of the graphic arts Europe, the Middle East, Asia, the Americas, Iceland in print form as well as a wide spectrum of artistic and Africa.Course Code: ASHA060 2011S C01 output embracing naturalistic as well as abstractDate: Wednesdays, January 19 to March 16: design. Through illustrated lectures we will explore Instructor: Maria Brendel, PhD12:30 to 2:30 pm, 9 sessions the meaning and context associated with a broadFee: $125 plus $15 HST range of objects from ceremonial masks and totem Course Code: ASHA064 2011S C01 poles to bentwood boxes, silkscreen prints, button Date: Thursdays, February 3 to March 10: NEW! Louis Comfort Tiffany blankets, raven rattles and feast dishes. 7 to 9 pm, 6 sessionsand His Art Fee: $95 plus $11.40 HST Instructor: Kerry Mason, MALouis Comfort Tiffany was one of the greatest NEW! Art and MemoryAmerican figures to emerge in the age of art Course Code: ASHA062 2011S C01nouveau and the aesthetic movement. He and Date: Mondays, January 10 to February 14: Art and Memory focuses on site-specific monu-his company created some of the most beautiful 2:30 to 4:30 pm, 6 sessions ments commissioned after the fall of the Berlinstained glass of the 19th and 20th centuries and his Fee: $95 plus $11.40 HST Wall. These commemorate individuals and groupswindows, lamps, vases and other objects are prized of people, and historic events associated with Berlintoday equally by professional connoisseurs and NEW! Art Appreciation: Part II and Germany. Included is the stunning installationthe general public. This course will examine his art, in honour of the life and work of Walter Benjamin,his business practices and his legacy, including the What exactly are “modern art” and “contemporary the deeply moving Track 17 and the Field of Stele inpresent-day Tiffany & Company of New York, whose art”? Why do works of art move us and what makes memory of the European Jews who perished in thename and legend have entered popular culture. a work of art good? What makes it art? An enter- holocaust. Another is The Wall Jumper, who unlike taining, informative, interactive introduction to most of his fellow elopers from East Berlin, made10 THE ARTS some key aspects of art theory and aesthetics, this it alive to the free West. But memory is not only course combines slide lectures and seminar-style related to past events—it’s a continuing process— which is why Mother by Käthe Kollwitz can be seen as the definitive work of our time. In terms of archi- tecture, the award-winning restored Neues Museum, by David Chipperfield, rounds up this course. Instructor: Maria Brendel, PhD Course Code: ASHA063 2011S C01 Date: Tuesdays, February 1 to March 8: 11:30 am to 1:30 pm, 6 sessions Fee: $95 plus $11.40 HST Certificate/diploma options Distance/online

MUSIC Instructor: Elizabeth Courtney, MA songs, ballads, art songs, musical theatre and basic harmony, through the use of canons and rounds.Stylus Fantasticus and Sad Music Course Code: ASMU341 2011S C01 No previous musical knowledge or experience isfor Kings Date: Mondays, January 31 to March 21: required. 7:30 to 9 pm, 8 sessionsThe Pacific Baroque Festival 2011 Fee: $95 plus $11.40 HST Instructor: Debra LapriseThroughout the winter, the Pacific Baroque Festival Enchanted Evenings at the Opera Two sections:is Victoria’s only opportunity for the concentratedappreciation of music provided by a festival. This If you missed the first sessions of this course in Course Code: ASMU204 2011S C01course provides an exciting lead-up to the festival the fall, but would like to join the class this term, Date: Tuesdays, January 18 to April 19:with discussions of the composers, the music, the you are in luck! Limited space is still available in 12 to 1 pm, 14 sessionsstylistic intricacies of Baroque music and historical the remaining sessions which focus on two of the Fee: $100 plus $12 HSTcontext. There will also be an opportunity to hear season’s Pacific Opera Victoria productions.interviews with the performers, as well as to meet Course Code: ASMU204 2011S C02some of them to ask questions and hear live dem- The works we will examine include the soaring Date: Mondays, January 17 to April 18:onstrations of the music. The theme of this year’s lyricism of young love in Puccini’s La Bohème in 6 to 7:30 pm, 14 sessionsfestival centres on the Peace of Westphalia (1648), February and in April, a POV premiere, Sam Barber’s Fee: $135 plus $16.20 HSTwhich ended the Thirty Years War and heralded Vanessa, the story of a tragic woman tortured bythe emergence of baroque music, nurtured in the the memory of past love. Sing! Level IIcourts of the newly established nation-states. The2011 festival features the music of the violin virtuo- Instructor: Mikki Reintjes, MMus In this course, designed for students who havesos, Heinrich Schmelzer and Heinrich Ignaz Franz completed Sing! Level I, we will continue to work onvon Biber, who both fostered a unique Austrian Two sections; Saturday mornings: improving vocal technique and enhancing choraltradition of Stylus Fantasticus from its origins in Course Code: ASMU137 2011S C01 skills.Italy. Date: Saturdays, February 12 and April 16: 9:30 to 11:30 am, 2 sessions Instructor: Debra LapriseInstructor: Lisa Szeker-Madden, PhD Fee: $35 plus $4.20 HST Course Code: ASMU310 2011S C01Course Code: ASMU335 2011S C01 Wednesday evenings: Date: Wednesdays, January 19 to April 20:Date: Wednesdays, January 12 to 26: 7 to 9 pm, Course Code: ASMU137 2011S C02 7:30 to 9 pm, 14 sessions3 sessions Date: Wednesdays, February 16 and April 27: Fee: $135 plus $16.20 HSTFee: $50 plus $6 HST 7:15 to 9:15 pm, 2 sessions Fee: $35 plus $4.20 HST Voci Belle: Singing with a Choir NEW! A Mythic Journey through theWorld’s Sacred Music Masterworks of Symphonic We will start each session with a 15-minute techni- Literature cal warmup. Classical, musical, theatre (Broadway),Myths are humanity’s oldest form of engaging with madrigals and modern music will be explored.and transmitting meaning across generations. A Limited space is available for the second half of This mixed-voice choir is at the intermediate toliving myth is understood to be reality for those this course, designed to help those interested in advanced level.cultures in which it operates. learning to appreciate and understand classical music. Four lectures will be offered this term, each Prerequisite: Sing Level I or choral experience.Sacred music (and also dance) is the medium in focusing on a different masterwork by the greatwhich we can most instinctively relate with the composers selected to correspond with a concert Instructor: Debra Laprisedeepest sources of meaning in any given culture. from the Victoria Symphony’s 2010–11 season.Listening to the myth and sacred music together Highlights include Bach’s Brandenburg Concer- Course Code: ASMU304 2011S C01provides a wonderful opportunity to enter into tos, Dvorak’s 9th Symphony, Verdi’s Requiem and Date: Mondays, January 17 to April 18:worlds of joy, loss, longing, nostalgia and devotion, Jacques Hétu’s ravishing Viola Concerto. Through 7:30 to 9 pm, 14 sessionsenhancing our appreciation for the unknown, while listening examples and guided discussion, you Fee: $185 plus $22.20 HSTnoticing the profound connections that link all of with learn to listen more appreciatively to the form,humanity’s deepest aspirations. instrumentation and style in the selected works. NEW! Music in Peacetime Guest instrumentalists and contemporary compos-In each class we will focus on a selection of myths ers will be invited each term to share their expertise There are those who would argue that the worldand music from a wide range of cultures, circling and offer personal insights into the works we are has never known a time of true peace. Absent thethe earth. We begin our journey in India; subse- studying. No previous musical experience is needed reality of a true peace, however, composers thequent travels may include Bali, China, Japan, the to benefit from this course. world over have sought to create the illusion ofIndigenous and Latin Americas, Africa, Aboriginal peace through music. Essences of dream, desireAustralia, Europe (medieval and contemporary), Instructor: Mikki Reintjes, MMus and declamation of who we either are, aspire to beTurkey, Iran and back to India. Participants from all or believe ourselves to be are audible from behindethnic backgrounds are warmly welcomed. Course Code: ASMU212 2011S C01 the façade. Through the host of great works of Date: Thursdays, March 3, April 14, May 5 and 12: music created during times of relative or uneasyLet There Be Music ... 7:15 to 9:15 pm, 4 sessions peace, we glimpse our idealized selves, explore new Fee: $60 plus $7.20 HST territories and ponder our past and future. Enjoy special recitals given by faculty, students and well-known guests of UVic’s School of Sing! Level I In this class we will explore some of the finest Music, Faculty of Fine Arts. For details of the full peacetime music, drawn from our recent and dis- and diverse array of programs planned for this Share the joy of singing with other novice singers. tant past. No prior experience in music is required. semester, call 250-721-7903 between 8:30 am You will have an overview of the singing process, and 4:30 pm, weekdays. developing the basic technical skills of posture, Instructor: Dr. Mary Byrne is Head of Woodwinds, breathing, tone, resonance and diction. This fun, Brass and Percussion at the Victoria Conservatory mixed-voice class is for singers who may be prepar- of Music. ing to join a choir or who simply love to sing. Many styles of music will be explored, including folk Course Code: ASMU340 2011S C01 Date: Mondays, January 17 to March 7: 9:30 to 11:30 am, 8 sessions Fee: $125 plus $15 • 250-472-4694 THE ARTS 11

NEW! Gustav Mahler: Instructor: Teodora Georgieva-Gitberg, MA (see Instructor: Chris Mundigler, ACA, BAAn Introduction to His Symphonies instructor biography under Foundation of Conduct- ing, above) Course Code: ASVA040 2011S C01Do you enjoy listening to the symphonies of Date: Tuesday, March 15: 7 to 9 pm, 1 sessionBeethoven, Schumann and Brahms? Have you heard Course Code: ASMU343 2011S C01 Fee: $20 plus $2.40 HSTthe symphonies of Gustav Mahler (1860–1911), Date: Saturdays, January 22 to April 16 (no classand would you like to know more about them? This February 12): 10 am to 12 pm, 12 sessions Anyone Can Draw: Level Icourse offers a gentle introduction to Mahler’s nine Fee: $150 plus $18 HSTsymphonies. You will be guided on how to begin to This course is designed for both the absolutelisten to their unique instrumentation and complex THEATRE beginner and the person who does not believe theyforms, and steered through the web of their extra- could ever learn to draw. With only the most simplemusical associations with Mahler’s life. A wide NEW! Different Voices: English and inexpensive tools and materials, your instructorrange of performance styles on CDs and DVDs will Theatre of the 1960s and 1970s will guide you through easy demonstrations andbe presented to help you begin to build your own practice to perfect highly realistic rendering incollection of Mahler performances. This course will examine the work of new play- either line or full tone. wrights who travelled different paths from theInstructor: Mikki Reintjes, MMus dramatists of the 1950s, without neglecting the A supply list will be sent to you prior to the start of continuity between the 1950s and the next two the course.Course Code: ASMU331 2011S C01 decades. Attention will also be paid to the socialDate: Thursdays, January 13 to February 3: and cultural context of this emergent drama. Instructor: Brian Grison, MA7:15 to 9:15 pm, 4 sessionsFee: $65 plus $7.80 HST The plays we will discuss are: Sergeant Musgrave’s Two sections: Dance, by John Arden; Saved, by Edward Bond; Loot NEW! Foundation of Conducting and What the Butler Saw, by Joe Orton; Jumpers Course Code: ASVA023 2011S W01 and The Real Inspector Hound, by Tom Stoppard; Date: Thursdays, January 27 to March 31:Have you ever watched a conductor magically unite Landscape and No Man’s Land, by Harold Pinter; and 1:30 to 3:30 pm, 10 sessionsan orchestra or a choir in a single musical creation Absurd Person Singular and Bedroom Farce, by Alan Fee: $160 plus $19.20 HSTand wondered whether or not you could do it? Ayckbourn. Course Code: ASVA023 2011S W02If you are interested in developing conducting skills All of the plays in the course are available, new or Date: Wednesdays, January 26 to March 30:and an understanding of conducting language, used, in print. Plays not easily found may have to 7 to 9 pm, 10 sessionsthis course is for you. In six sessions we will focus be ordered online or from a bookstore. For further Fee: $160 plus $19.20 HSTon developing confidence and flexibility within information about the volumes in which thesebasic conducting patterns and on acquiring a wide plays appear, contact us at 250-721-7797 or email Watercolour for Beginnersvocabulary of expressive conducting gestures. You [email protected] be encouraged to discover your unique con- Weekend Workshopducting style while practising within a small group. Instructor: Dr. Michael Booth is an emeritus profes- sor of theatre and former chair of the Department This course is designed to introduce you to thePrerequisites: music literacy required of Theatre, UVic. techniques and rewards of watercolour painting. Through demonstrations, individual and groupInstructor: Teodora Georgieva-Gitberg, MA, has Course Code: ASTH647 2011S C01 instruction, your instructor will guide you throughbeen a choral conductor and educator since 1999, Date: Wednesdays, February 16 to March 23: the use of basic watercolour tools and materials,when she graduated from the State Academy of 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, 6 sessions colour theory, composition and design. Expect toBulgaria with a master’s degree in choral conduct- Fee: $90 plus $10.80 HST learn a lot and have fun through still-life painting,ing, with musicology as her second major. while exploring the development of your own VISUAL ARTS personal style.Course Code: ASMU342 2011S C01Date: Wednesdays, February 2 to March 9: Travel Photography: Cultures and Please bring a bag lunch to Saturday’s session.7 to 9 pm, 6 sessions LandscapesFee: $95 plus $11.40 HST Instructor: Joanne Thomson, MAdEd, is an Whether you travel near or far, or are planning the accomplished artist in watercolour and illustration. NEW! Bacchus Male Choir trip of a lifetime, do you really want to bring back For more information about Joanne’s philosophy just another tourist snapshot? While this class is on teaching, please visit her website atThis course is for male singers with previous music a follow-up to the two previous courses on travel (though no previous vocal training is photography, both “the Basics” and “the Digitalnecessary), who are interested in exploring the Age,” it is not essential for you to have completed Course Code: ASVA019 2011S W01unique sound of male vocal ensembles or in further them to benefit from this class. Date: Friday, February 4: 7 to 9 pm; Saturday,development of their performance skills and musi- February 5: 9 am to 4 pm; and Sunday, February 6:cianship. The repertoire of the Bacchus Male Choir We’ll talk in simple, yet comprehensive, terms about 1 to 5 pm; 3 sessionsconsists of the world’s finest music for male voices: what you need to know to understand the nuances Fee: $150 plus $18 HSTfrom Georgian polyphony and Russian Orthodox of taking people pictures in various cultures—themusic to Baroque and Jazz. do’s, don’ts and should haves—so you’ll come away The Next Step in Watercolour with the best, culturally sensitive, least-intrusive Painting Love Theatre? Come and see the stars shots possible. This course is designed for those who have com- of tomorrow as they produce and participate We’ll also look at how the exotic landscapes you pleted Watercolour for Beginners or a similar course in classical and contemporary works at the visit fit into the culture and experience, and how with Joanne Thomson as the instructor. Expect to Department of Theatre on the UVic campus. you can bring home the most stunning “souvenirs” build on the basics of colour mixing and composi- of your trip—memories that take your senses back tion and move toward more individualized style of To receive a program, call 250-721-7992 or there every time you look at them. expression. There will be project opportunities for the Phoenix Box Office, 250-721-8000, or visit you to try out new things. Please bring a bag lunch to Saturday’s session. Instructor: Joanne Thomson, MAdEd (see instructor biography under Watercolour for Beginners, above)12 THE ARTS Certificate/diploma options Distance/online

Course Code: ASVA030 2011S W01 WRITING AND LITERATURE Instructor: Carol Ann Sokoloff, BA (see instructorDate: Friday, March 4: 7 to 9 pm; Saturday, biography under Writing for Children: Releasing theMarch 5: 9 am to 4 pm; and Sunday, March 6: Writing for Children: Releasing the Child Within, this page)1 to 5 pm; 3 sessions Child WithinFee: $150 plus $18 HST Course Code: ASWL064 2011S W01 Do you long to write picture books for children or Date: Mondays, January 31 to March 14 (no class NEW! EcoArts Workshop I stories for young adults, but don’t know where to February 14): 6:30 to 9 pm, 6 sessions start? Join us in exploring the delicate art of writing Fee: $125 plus $15 HSTLocal Fibers for Your Arts and Crafts compelling stories in few words. Activities and discussion will focus on techniques for building FINE ARTS DIPLOMA PROGRAMLearn the basics of spinning yarn, weaving textiles, character, setting, plot and perspective, and craft-the art of felting and fulling, all with fibre from our ing an exciting story for young audiences. We will The fine arts enrich the quality of our lives and ourlocal Vancouver Island flocks of sheep and other practise writing techniques, examine successful shared experience. Engaging with the arts feedsanimals. The skills are easy to learn; the potential for children’s books and discover why it is important to the soul; it helps us understand the world aroundart and creativity is boundless. Guest speakers and be aware of the child as audience. us, challenges and affirms our ideas and values,lots of hands-on practice! encourages creativity and new perspectives, and You will also learn what editors look for in a cover brings us together as communities.Materials and tools available at cost from instructor letter, and how manuscripts should be formatted($25 for fibres; $15 to $20 each for tools, which may for submissions to a publisher. Come with enthusi- If the opportunity to explore and build your under-also be borrowed from the instructor). asm and bring your ideas. standing of the fascinating world of the fine arts appeals to you, consider the Fine Arts Diploma Pro-Instructor: Claudia Lorenz, BA Instructor: Carol Ann Sokoloff, BA (English language gram, offered by the Division of Continuing Studies and literature), is a Peabody-award winning poet, in cooperation with the Faculty of Fine Arts.Course Code: ASVA057 2011S W01 author, editor, playwright and songwriter. SheDate: Saturday and Sunday, March 12 to 13: enjoys sharing the excitement of the writing pro- This flexible, interdisciplinary credit program allows10 am to 3 pm, 2 sessions cess in several genres with fellow-writers. you to participate on a part- or full-time basis in aFee: $95 plus $11.40 HST variety of regular day and evening lecture courses Course Code: ASWL041 2011S C01 offered through the Faculty of Fine Arts and the NEW! Introduction to Collage and Date: Thursdays, February 3 to March 10: dynamic departments of Visual Arts, Writing,Assemblage 6:30 to 9 pm, 6 sessions History in Art, Theatre and Music. Fee: $125 plus $15 HSTThis class will assist and inspire those who are just With assistance from the program adviser, youdiscovering the medium of collage and assem- A Taste of Food Writing design your own unique program of study to suitblage, as well as those who would like to add to your interests and goals. You may choose fromtheir knowledge and skills. We will cover different Did you love the movie Julie and Julia? Have you a wide range of courses, or pursue a specializedapproaches to collage using found materials and ever wanted to write your own cookbook? From focus of study such as (but not limited to) the ideasphotographs, and various media and techniques food blogs and magazine articles to restaurant and issues of the fine arts, the visual, musical andused to augment finished pieces will be introduced. reviews and cookbooks, food writing is a way to dramatic arts of Canada, the art and architecture of combine your passion for tasty treats with your a particular period or culture, traditional or contem-Topics will include: uses of colour; surface treat- love of the written word. We’ll cover food terminol- porary arts, or popular culture and new media.ments; incorporation of typographic elements; ogy, recipe descriptions, food blogging, restaurantworking with photographs; working with found reviewing and more for a class that’s a delicious mix The program is designed for individuals who wishobjects and ephemera; and the creation of one of reading and writing about food. The instructor to pursue their interest in the fine arts throughthree-dimensional assemblage with found objects. is a former newspaper food editor, a passionate university-level study. Its focus and structure are foodie and a contributor of food and other lifestyle well suited to active people who are balancingEach class will involve demonstrations in a relaxed, articles to Victoria’s Boulevard Magazine. Some personal, professional and community responsibili-fun and creative environment. No experience is writing and/or cooking experience is helpful for this ties. It combines elective courses with one requiredrequired; just your enthusiasm! A supply list will be class, but not required. course, Creative Being (FA 101 1.5 units, offered insent to you prior to the first session. the fall or spring term), which can be taken at any Instructor: Alisa Gordaneer, MA time during your program.Instructor: Tony Bounsall is a professionalphotographer and graphic designer Course Code: ASWL063 2011S W01 Applications are accepted year round. There is a Date: Tuesdays, January 25 to March 1: one-time $150 admission fee.Course Code: ASVA056 2011S C01 7 to 9 pm, 6 sessionsDate: Mondays, January 24 to March 28: 7 to 9 pm, Fee: $100 plus $12 HST For more information, visit our website or contact:10 sessionsFee: $160 plus $19.20 HST Write Now! A Creative Writing Fine Arts Diploma Program Survey Phone 250-721-8462 / Fax 250-721-8774 Email [email protected] Write Now! is a course designed to allow both new Web and experienced writers the opportunity to examine and experiment with a variety of literary forms. Exploring poetry, fiction, non-fiction, drama and songs, the program offers new writers the chance to investigate numerous genres as they develop voice and style. Experienced writers will find renewed creativity from trying new approaches. The program will feature in-class writing and suggested weekly assignments to nurture the writing genie! • 250-472-4694 THE ARTS 13

tak9e6s%rooufgChalnya7d5iadnasyms all • organizations seeking to improve team workingo a year. relationships, and at’sGnooot dtoiodeloansgd,eisseitr?ve sharper skills. • any person who wants to improve their personal negotiations skills. Note: Textbook will be handed out on the first day of class. Instructor: Peter D. Johnston Course Code: BMBA320 2011S C01 Date: Mondays, January 10 to April 4: 7 to 10 pm, 13 sessions Fee: $535 (includes $40 material fee)Business, COURSES ON CAMPUS Business AdministrationManagement SPRING COURSES CBA/DBA/CBIS Course*The Business, Management and Technologyprograms have a proven track record for providing Financial Accounting This course introduces you to the nature and scopethe essentials and credentials to make you and your of decision making in business, and provides anorganization an even greater success. (See also the CBA/DBA/CBIS Course* overview of the functional areas of management,“Computing, Technology” section on page 19.) finance, marketing and organizational behaviour.Whether you are an employee or an employer, or This course introduces you to the essential account-whether you want to specialize or acquire a broader ing principles and techniques used in reporting Using a business case approach, you will developunderstanding of business practices and informa- and analyzing the financial aspects of a business. a personal framework for defining and analyzingtion technology, we can help you achieve your Particular emphasis is placed on developing a business problems and developing solutions andgoals, anticipate problems and opportunities, and practical understanding of the preparation and plans of action.prepare for change. interpretation of financial statements.The following courses can be taken on an individual Note: We strongly recommend you take this certifi-basis or as part of the Certificate or Diploma Instructor: Mrs. Betty Weber, BA, BCom, MBA cate course first in your program of studies.Program in Business Administration (CBA or DBA).There is a complete description of the format, Course Code: BMBA140 2011S C01 Instructor: Mr. Kennith Bodnarchuk, CBA, DBA, PMP,program requirements, curriculum and admission CMCrequirements for the certificate program (page 17) Date: Mondays, January 10 to April 4: 7 to 10 pm,and diploma program (page 18). Our Financial 13 sessions Course Code: BMBA100 2011S C01Planning courses (pages 15–16) focus on the Fee: $495professional practice of financial advisors. Date: Tuesdays, January 11 to April 5: 7 to 10 pm,Specific business and management courses are Negotiation Skills 13 sessionsaccredited by the Canadian Institute of Manage- Fee: $495ment (CIM). CBA/DBA CourseFor more information, phone 250-721-8073/8072, Management Communicationemail [email protected], or visit our website: This course will enable you to develop more tive negotiation skills in your work settings. It is CBA/DBA Course particularly suitable for managers who would like*Certificate in Computer Based Information to improve the negotiating aspect of their work, or This course is an introduction to business commu- Systems; see page 19 who are becoming more actively involved in nego- nications from a management perspective. Topics tiating roles. You will explore stages of negotiation will include developing communication strategies, and a variety of negotiation techniques, as well enhancing written and oral messages, writing man- as alternatives to negotiation through activities, agement reports and executive summaries, and including case studies and scenarios. diagnosing and solving communications issues. Also covered will be managing communications The course is suitable for persons in all types of in related professional settings, such as meetings, organizations, including for profit and non profit public presentations and media interviews. (government, not for profits, crown corporations and agencies, education, etc.) The course will be of Instructor: Mr. Murray Cornish, BA high interest to Course Code: BMBA115 2011S C01 • all levels of managers in large organizations, Date: Tuesdays, January 11 to April 5: 7 to 10 pm, • persons who have a management role in smaller 13 sessions organizations, Fee: $495 Small Business Management CBA/DBA Course This course provides a systematic framework for recognizing the commercial potential of a product or service and for creating and managing a small business to bring that product or service to market. The characteristics of entrepreneurial activity and small business management will be explained and illustrated through lectures and related case studies. You will be expected to develop your ideas for a small business into a well-conceived and researched feasibility study and a management plan to implement your product or service.14 BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT Certificate/diploma options Distance/online

Topics include: strategic planning, venture develop- Business Ethics COURSES BY DISTANCEment, market research, business plans, finance, pro-duction management, legal issues, organizational CBA/DBA Course SPRING COURSESstructures and management systems. The objective of this course is to explore, from an Interpersonal BusinessInstructor: Mr. Frank Leonard, BA, MA ethical point of view, the relations of a corporation Communications with its stakeholders. It examines important areasCourse Code: BMBA290 2011S C01 such as corporate governance and social responsi- CBA/DBA/CBIS Course* bilities from both a pragmatic business and ethicalDate: Wednesdays, January 12 to April 13: point of view. Additionally, a corporation’s ethical The primary objective of this course is to assist you7 to 10 pm, 13 sessions responsibilities to its employees, customers and the to improve the effectiveness of your interpersonalFee: $495 global marketplace are examined. Course delivery business communication skills. Topics include the includes short lectures, case studies and several communication process, perception, self-assess-Applied Communication Concepts appropriate movies. ment, conflict, relationships, language and needs, beliefs and values. Emphasis is placed on develop-CBA/DBA Course Instructor: John Kyle, PhD ing effective approaches to personal and profes- sional relationships.Utilizing basic interpersonal communication skills Course Code: BMBA440 2011S C01 Instructor: Mr. Patrick Micek, BA, MEdas a foundation, this course delves into developinga deeper understanding of more complex commu- Date: Thursdays, January 13 to April 7: 7 to 10 pm,  Course Code: BMBA120 2011S D01nication issues in business settings and enhancing 13 sessionscommunication skills. The course will focus on Fee: $495 Date: January 10 to April 8: 13 weeksapplying effective communication and conflict Fee: $595resolution skills through a discussion format. INTERSESSION COURSES Business WritingPrerequisite: Interpersonal Business Communications Operations Managementor a pre-approved similar course. CBA/DBA/CBIS Course* CBA/DBA CourseInstructor: Mr. Patrick Micek, BA, MEd Those wishing to assess and add to their business This course covers the basics of operations, the writing skills will find this course a confidenceCourse Code: BMBA160 2011S C01 challenges encountered and the techniques builder. Developing the self-assurance to com- required to effectively meet those challenges. The municate effectively in the workplace will be theDate: Wednesdays, January 12 to April 6: emphasis is on the service industry, but the knowl- main objective, and students will benefit from the7 to 10 pm, 13 sessions edge gained is also applicable to the manufactur- practical approach to building these skills. They willFee: $495 ing industry, or support departments within the identify the characteristics of effective communica- organization. tion and learn how to successfully critique businessProfessional Sales Skills documents. Topics covered include: the characteristics of A repeatable writing process and strategic planningCBA/DBA Course operations, process planning, facility location and guides for specific applications will be introduced layout, capacity management, scheduling, material and practised through in-class learning activities.Focusing on relationship selling, this course is an management, human resources and quality. Peer support and feedback will be emphasized.introduction to, review of, and update on the sell- Business communication formats covered willing process from prospecting to closing. Particular Instructor: Ari Vainionpaa, BA, MBA include letters, memos, business proposals andemphasis is placed on customer needs and service. email.This course will be of interest to those contemplat- Course Code: BMBA260 2011K C01 Please note that this is not a remedial Englishing a career in sales and to sales professionals language course, and that students are expected towishing to learn, share and exchange ideas on their Date: Tuesdays, May 10 to July 12: 6 to 10 pm, have a good grasp of secondary school composi-chosen career. 10 sessions tion skills. Please also note that this online course Fee: $495 requires frequent group work.Topics include Instructor: Mr. Murray Cornish, BA Business Law • selling as a profession,  Course Code: BMBA110 2011S D01 CBA/DBA Course • social and ethical issues, Date: January 10 to April 8: 13 weeks During your business career you will undoubtedly Fee: $595 • buyer behaviour, be faced with many legal issues about which all managers should be knowledgeable. This course *Certificate in Computer Based Information • preparation for Relationship Selling, will expose you to several legal concepts such as Systems; see page 19 the Canadian legal system, civil dispute resolution • the relationship selling process, including alternative dispute resolution processes, negligence and professional liability, fiduciary • time management, and relationships, contract law, agency law, employ- ment and labour law, forms of business organiza- • negotiation skills and other keys to a successful tion (proprietorships, general partnerships, limited sales career. partnerships and corporations) and directors’ and officers’ liability. Course components will includeInstructor: Mr. Murray Cornish, BA readings, cases, class discussion, experiential exer- cises and lectures.Course Code: BMBA270 2011S C01 Instructor: Mark Bridge, BSc, LLB, LLMDate: Thursdays, January 13 to April 7: 7 to 10 pm,13 sessions Course Code: BMBA300 2011K C01Fee: $495 Date: Wednesdays, May 11 to July 13: 6 to 10 pm, 10 sessions Fee: $ • 250-472-4694 BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT 15

INTERSESSION COURSE Management Accounting SPRING FINANCIAL PLANNING COURSESMarketing CBA/DBA Course Registration deadline: December 17, 2010CBA/DBA Course This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of management accounting. It comple- Certified Financial Planner (CFP)Marketing has two essential functions: to identify ments concepts covered in Financial Accounting Qualifying Programand to satisfy a buyer’s needs. In this introduction by focusing on the accounting functions internalto marketing management, you examine the con- to the organization. Management Accounting is This program comprises a series of courses thatcepts and techniques used by business to perform concerned with the data and techniques used in qualify students to challenge the CFP exam offeredthese functions. the decision-making process. This includes the by the Financial Planning Standards council.Topics include: target market definition; buyer analysis and accounting for costs, exposure to costbehaviour; demand forecasting; product, pric- behaviour (cost-volume-profit), the contribution Risk Management and Estateing, communications and distribution strategies; approach, variance analysis, differential cash flows Planningmarketing research; and market planning and and budgeting. The course will also discuss recentorganization. developments such as activity-based costing. CFP Program CourseInstructor: Mr. Kennith Bodnarchuk, CBA, DBA, PMP,CMC Instructor: Ms. Margaret Klatt, MBA, CMA This course begins with a discussion of how financial risks can be offset through the use of Course Code: BMBA240 2011K D01 Course Code: BMBA220 2011K C01 insurance. The features and characteristics and uses of disability insurance, life insurance, health andDate: May 2 to July 29: 13 weeks Date: Monday to Friday, July 11 to 15: 6 to 10 pm, long-term care insurance, and property and liabilityFee: $595 5 sessions insurance are covered in detail.The course focuses Fee: $495 on estate planning, beginning with an overview of> the planning process. Following this, topics address International Business the unique features of different family relationshipsFor additional spring courses by distance in the (e.g., marriage, common-law relationships andCBA/DBA program, please see: CBA/DBA Intensive Course same-sex relationships) and support obligationsComputing, Technology for dependents. The implications with respect to • Computing Concepts (page 20) Working in today’s rapidly changing and complex taxation and property possession in the event of a • Project Management (page 20) global business environment requires highly breakdown in a relationship are also covered. competent management skills. Global trade is vitalSUMMER INTENSIVE COURSES as companies look at how to grow their business, Wills and power of attorneys play an important part and the management skills required to do so will in estate planning. This course looks at personalSelected Management Topics: become increasingly important throughout the trusts and estate planning strategies such as anManaging Change 21st century. This course covers the importance of estate freeze. Finally, the course comprehensively operating globally, strategies for reaching global explores the unique tax circumstances that ariseChange management is all about executing markets, the forces impacting doing business in when an individual dies, and how estate planningstrategies to achieve goals and objectives. This global markets, trade agreements and establishing can help alleviate the financial burden death cancourse focuses upon managing the motivation, global operations. bring.the behaviours, the business controls and the workenvironment in order to introduce, stabilize and Instructor: Mr. Doug Taylor, BA, MSc, CITP Instructor: Cathy Barber, PFP, FLMI, ACS, AIAA, CFPnormalize changes that are necessary to implementnew strategies. Topics include the types of change, Course Code: BMBA430 2011K C01 Course Code: BMFP204 2011S C01change planning, organizational readiness, pacing,prioritizing objectives, monitoring progress and Date: Monday to Friday, July 18 to 22: Date: Mondays, January 10 to April 4: 7 to 10 pm,business controls, behavioural vs. non-behavioural 9 am to 4:30 pm, 5 sessions 13 sessionsconsiderations, leading change and change execu- Fee: $495 Fee: $680 (includes $185 material fee)tion.Instructor: Cheryl Fitzpatrick E-Commerce and Social Marketing Retirement PlanningCourse Code: BMBA420 2011K C01 CBA/DBA Course CFP Program CourseDate: Monday to Friday, July 4 to 8: 9 to 4:30 pm, This course introduces you to the electronic The Retirement Planning course begins with an5 sessions marketplace and the rapidly developing field of overview of the retirement planning process,Fee: $495 e-commerce. followed by a comprehensive look at the sources of income an individual can expect to have at Combining lectures and seminars, the course retirement, including government-sponsored pen- provides the foundation for both the practice and sion plans (e.g., Canada Pension Plan and Old Age theory of doing business over the Internet. We will Security) and employer-sponsored pension plans cover topics such as: web-based business models; (e.g., defined benefit plans, defined contribution privacy and security concepts which are stressed plans, deferred profit sharing plans, etc.). from a business perspective; and technology, appli- cations and trends in social marketing. Electronic This course has a strong focus on individual retire- payment systems will be explored. ment savings vehicles such as registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs), registered retirement income Instructor: Mr. Ken Sekhon, BSc, MBA, MEng funds (RRIFs) and pension-related plans (e.g., LIFs, LRIFs and LIRAs). Regardless of one’s stage in life, Course Code: BMBA450 2011K C01 tax issues must be considered as part of a sound financial plan. Date: Monday to Friday, July 25 to 29: 9 am to 4:30 pm, 5 sessions Retirement Planning looks at the unique tax issues Fee: $590 that arise at retirement and explores strategies that ensure tax efficiency. Finally, the financial consider-16 BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT Certificate/diploma options Distance/online

ations an individual must make in preparation for • Business Ethics DIPLOMA IN BUSINESSretirement as well as after retirement are identified. • Business Law (formerly Commercial Law) ADMINISTRATION • Business WritingInstructor: Howard Dixon, BSc, CFP, RFP • Economics The Diploma in Business Administration is designed • Employment Law and Labour Relations to enable graduates of the Certificate in BusinessCourse Code: BMFP201 2011S C01 • Finance (formerly Business Finance) Administration, and other mid-career learners withDate: Wednesdays, January 12 to April 6: • Financial Accounting similar levels of academic preparation, to pursue7 to 10 pm, 13 sessions • Human Resource Management further studies for career or professional develop-Fee: $680 (includes $185 material fee) ment needs and/or bridging programs designed to (formerly Personnel Management) satisfy block transfer arrangements with cooperat-Financial Plan Development • International Business ing undergraduate or graduate programs. • International MarketingCFP Program Course • Interpersonal Business Communications Program Requirements: To qualify for the Diploma • Introduction to E-Commerce in Business Administration, candidates are firstThis course will prepare participants to be compe- • Management Accounting required to complete the Certificate in Businesstent in preparing and writing a detailed and profes- • Management Communication Administration (eight courses) and then go on tosional financial plan specific to individual clients. • Management Computing or Computing Concepts complete an additional six courses from the selec- • Management Consulting tion available through Business, Management andInstructor: Howard Dixon, BSc, CFP, RFP • Management Practices Technology Programs. Out of the resulting total of • Market Research 14 courses, candidates for the Diploma in BusinessCourse Code: BMFP500 2011S C01 • Marketing Administration must ensure that they plan their • Marketing Communications program of studies so that they include theDate: Tuesdays, January 11 to April 5: 7 to 10 pm, • Marketing Management following courses:13 sessions • Negotiation SkillsFee: $495 • Operations Management Required Courses: • Organizational BehaviourNote: Students will be required to purchase a • Professional Sales Skills • Business Administrationsoftware package for this course at the first class. • Project Management • Retail Management • Business WritingCERTIFICATE IN BUSINESS • Sales ManagementADMINISTRATION • Selected Management Topics • Management Computing or Computing Concepts • Small Business ManagementThe Certificate in Business Administration is • Strategic Leadership plus five courses selected from the following:designed for the mid-career adult learner, and • Strategic Managementis a convenient part-time program of study that • Business Law (formerly Commercial Law)focuses on the practical application of key business (formerly Business Strategy)concepts and tools. • Economics Admission Requirements: Graduation from second-Emphasis is placed on the development and refine- ary school is normally required for admission to • Finance (formerly Business Finance)ment of: written, oral and interpersonal commu- the Certificate in Business Administration. Maturenications; team building and conflict resolution; applicants who do not meet this requirement may • Financial Accountingdecision making and creative problem solving; and also be considered on the basis of a minimum ofclient service. five years’ work experience. Registrants who want to • Management Accounting enrol in individual courses, but do not wish to com-The certificate will be of value to you if: plete the requirements of the certificate program, • Management Practices are also welcome. If, at a later date, students decide • you want to enhance your professional expertise to enter the certificate program, they may request • Marketing advanced standing for any certificate courses they • a business credential would be useful in have successfully completed. There is a $150 admin- • Organizational Behaviour advancing your career istrative fee for admission to the program. • Operations Management • your previous education is of a specialized To apply for admission, contact Business, Manage- nature and you wish to acquire a broader ment and Technology Programs or complete the • Strategic Management (formerly Business understanding of management online application form. Please see the end of this Strategy) calendar section for contact information. • as a business owner or manager, you wish to plus six electives selected from other certifi- encourage your staff to enrol in a systematic CERTIFICATE IN BUSINESS cate and diploma courses offered by Business, program of professional development in ADMINISTRATION: FAST TRACK Management and Technology Programs. (See full business administration course list under Certificate in Business Administra- The Certificate in Business Administration can tion, this page.)Program Format: Study at your own pace via also be completed in just 12 weeks through ourconvenient evening lectures, online or intensive accelerated format “Fast Track” program. Applicants It is recommended that candidates for the Diplomacourses to complete the program in two or three for this program are asked to contact the Business, in Business Administration consult with programyears. Courses are normally 13 weeks in duration. Management and Technology Programs office to staff prior to enrolling in courses to ensure thatOn-campus courses are usually one night per week confirm course offerings, specific dates, tuition fees their selections satisfy program requirements.from 7 to 10 pm. This schedule may vary. and to register. Admission Requirements: Graduation from theProgram Requirements: To qualify for the Uni- University of Victoria’s Certificate in Business Admin-versity of Victoria’s Certificate in Business Admin- istration or an equivalent level of academic prepara-istration, candidates are required to successfully tion. There is a $150 administrative fee for admissioncomplete eight courses. These are: the foundation to the Diploma in Business Administration.course, Business Administration; and seven special-ized courses on key aspects of business administra- Advanced Standing: Students may transfer up totion selected from the following: three courses from UVic credit programs or other colleges or universities, provided that course • Advertising Management content and requirements match certificate and • Applied Communication Concepts diploma courses. To obtain advanced standing, send a written request along with course outlines (if available) to the program director, and arrange to have official transcripts sent direct from the issu- ing institution. Please see the end of this calendar section for contact information. There is a transfer credit fee of $150 per • 250-472-4694 BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT 17

Professional Accreditation: Many certificate and Certificate/diploma options Distance/onlinediploma courses may be used for credit towarddesignations awarded by professional organiza-tions. Contact the relevant society or instituteabout course equivalencies. Organizations whichrecognize UVic courses include: Association ofAdministrative Assistants, Canadian Credit UnionInstitute, Institute of Canadian Bankers, InsuranceInstitute of Canada, Investment Dealers Association,Purchasing Management Association of Canada,Trust Companies Institute, Society of ManagementAccountants and Real Estate Institute of Canada.Grades and Student Evaluation: Studentevaluations are based on management projects,assignments and exams.Refunds, Withdrawals and Cancellations: A fullrefund will be issued if you withdraw from a courseprior to the start date of the course. A courserefund, minus a CDN$40 administration fee, willonly be provided within six calendar days after thecourse start date for part-time courses.Course Workload: Varies from course to course;students can expect to spend approximately sixto eight hours per week per course, in addition toin-class time, to complete the required reading andassignments.DIPLOMA IN BUSINESSADMINISTRATION:AVIATION/ACCELERATEDThe entire Diploma in Business Administrationcan also be completed in less than nine monthsthrough our intensive “Aviation” or “Accelerated”format options. These programs combine a uniqueschedule of intensive academic courses with timeset aside for flight training or part-time work. Appli-cants for these programs are asked to contact theBusiness, Management and Technology Programsoffice to confirm course offerings, specific dates,tuition fees and to apply.For More Information Business, Management and Technology Programs Division of Continuing Studies University of Victoria PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2 Phone 250-721-8072/8073 Fax 250-721-6495 Email [email protected] Web www.bmt.uvic.ca18 BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT

takTehserroeu’lgl hbleym75ordeatyhsan 2 billion • Systems Analysis and Design IIo grPoCwsyinouursoewbny • Web Design and Management I • Web Design and Management II at’sWnoe’tlltonoeelodnggo, iosdits?ystems. Business and Technology ElectivesComputing, own pace through distance education. While you • Project ManagementTechnology participate in online classes you will be supported • Business Administration* by our experienced instructors. • Financial Accounting*Up-to-date knowledge and specialized skills are The program’s objectives are to help you to: • Business Writing*vital for enhancing employment opportunities and • practise using computer systems to process • Interpersonal Business Communications*improving professional effectiveness. Through its • Management Practices*Business, Management and Technology Programs, information and as a tool in solving problems *Offered through the Certificate in Businessthe Division of Continuing Studies offers seminars • consider computer systems from both the user Administration Program; see page 17and courses which provide you with the skillsneeded to be successful in the fields of information and analyst point of view Education and Workplace Training Electivestechnology and business. (See also the “Business, • understand the relationship between computer • Instructional Skills for Teaching Adults OnlineManagement” section on page 14.) • Adult Learning and Development† technology and the managerial role • Facilitating Adult Learning†You can take individual courses—delivered by • have opportunities to learn about relational • Transformative Learning for Organizationaldistance—or you can work through the entire CBISprogram toward a certificate in computer based database management systems Change†information systems (CBIS). • understand computer networking and current • Training and Development† †Offered through the Certificate in Adult andCOMPUTER BASED IT security developments Continuing Education Program; see page 24INFORMATION SYSTEMS • learn about systems analysis and designCERTIFICATE PROGRAM CBIS Program Requirements methodologies and practicesPart-Time Study • be familiar with Internet developments To fulfill the CBIS program requirements you must • explore the key elements of project complete five core courses and four electives. Addi-The CBIS certificate program has been offered since tionally, some seminars offered by Business, Man-1982. It has established a reputation as a program management agement and Technology Programs may qualify forproviding a well-rounded education in information The five core courses are: up to one elective credit toward the CBIS for mid-career professionals. Courses • Computing Concepts Upon completion of the CBIS program you willare continually updated to reflect current trends • Human Side of Information Systems receive a certificate in computer based informationin information technology, enforce analytical skills • Systems Analysis and Design I systems from the University of Victoria evaluating the costs and benefits of informa- • Database Concepts Based on your prior coursework and experience intion technology from a business perspective, and • Networks and Network Management information technology, you may also be eligibleencourage critical thinking in reflecting about the for advanced standing in the program through theimpact of information technology on our workplace Electives prior learning assessment (PLA) process.and society at large. Please contact our office at 250-721-8072 or visit You may choose electives from three areas of our website at for more details aboutCBIS is designed for part-time students who are interest: instructors, courses and prerequisites, textbooks,looking for a flexible training schedule—with CBIS Technology and Analysis Electives advanced standing and certificate enrol in one course at a time, and study at your • Database Application Development Note: A full refund will be issued if you withdraw • Decision Support Applications from a course prior to the start date of the course. • IT Security A course refund, minus a $40 administration fee, • More Programming with Java will only be provided within six calendar days after • Programming Concepts with Java the course start date. • Relational Database Management Systems CBIS Program • 250-472-4694 In order to align CBIS with other courses and certificate programs offered across the Division of Continuing Studies, the Senate Committee on Continuing Studies has approved a change to the CBIS program requirements. As of January 1, 2010, the CBIS program comprises five core and four elective courses. Students who began the program prior to January 1, 2010, should visit change/. COMPUTING, TECHNOLOGY 19

SPRING COURSES BY DISTANCE taining a relational database using Microsoft Access Prerequisite: Computing Concepts and Database or OpenOffice, available from Concepts or equivalent experienceComputing Concepts Prerequisite: Computing Concepts or equivalent Text: SQL Queries for Mere Mortals (2nd ed.), byCBIS Core Course, CBA/DBA* experience. Course requires Microsoft Office Viescas Professional 2002/2003 or 2007/2010 (includingThis course provides you with the practical and Access) or is an Instructor: Ms. Jeanette Aubry (see instructor biog-theoretical fundamentals of computing. As the first open source application that can be downloaded raphy under Database Concepts, this page)course in the CBIS program, Computing Concepts from the Internet at no cost. For further informationlays the conceptual groundwork for you to build about, please visit www.openoffice.  Course Code: TECJ315 2011S D01your understanding of information technology by org.introducing you to hardware, operating systems, Date: January 10 to April 8: 13 weeksproductivity software, basic website design and Text: Database Design for Mere Mortals (2nd ed.), by Fee: $595networks. You will use word processing, spread- Hernandezsheet, database, presentation and Internet software Web Design and Management Iin the Microsoft Windows environment. Instructor: With over 20 years in computer consult- ing and the training business, Jeanette Aubry CBIS Technology and Analysis ElectivePrerequisite: Ability to launch a program, save is committed to providing the highest level ofand load documents in Microsoft Office or consulting and training services in the areas of This course will provide you with the technical, visit a website and send email. database design, development and implementa- and conceptual understanding to create and man-Course requires Microsoft Office Professional tion, as well as advanced applications training. age professional websites. Web Design and Manage-2002/2003 or 2007/2010 (including Access) or Jeanette also has project management and busi- ment I complements the core of the CBIS is an open source ness analyst experience. Her clients work for both by providing a rationale for the use of the web as anapplication that can be downloaded from the the private and public sectors in organizations effective tool to meet business needs.Internet at no cost. For further information about across North, please visit You will learn the basics, such as hypertext markup  Course Code: TECJ432 2011S D01 language (HTML), including creating links, addingText: Tomorrow’s Technology and You (9th intro. graphics and applying cascading style sheets toed.) by Beekman and Beekman, plus Web-based Date: January 10 to April 8: 13 weeks web pages.readings Fee: $595 You will advance to learn more about navigationalInstructor: Mr. Tim Mitchell, BA, MFA, is an expe- Human Side of Information Systems graphics and image maps, incorporating differentrienced online instructor with a background in graphic formats and video and/or sound into webpublishing, teaching and computer game design. CBIS Core Course pages. You will also gain an understanding of com-He has a master’s degree in creative writing and has plex issues such as site management and use ofwon national awards for his writing, including the This course provides you with an understand- online forms. Many of these skills will be developedNational Magazine Award. One of Tim’s interests ing of the impact of information technology and through hands-on exercises.lies in technology and how it, and new develop- systems on society. Human Side of Informationments, affect teaching and learning. In addition Systems complements the technical content of the Prerequisite: Computing Concepts or equivalentto co-developing and teaching Instructional Skills CBIS program by addressing issues of information experiencefor Teaching Adults Online, he is also a content technology from the human perspective.specialist and instructor for the CBIS core courses Text: HTML, XHTML and CSS (6th ed.), by CastroComputing Concepts and Human Side of Information You will discuss the impact of technology on educa-Systems. tion, business, cultures and society at large. Topics Instructor: Mr. Jeffrey McManus, BA, has spent include intellectual property, security, privacy and more than a decade as a consultant, developer Course Code: TECJ100 2011S D01 confidentiality, globalization and the evolution of and writer. He has managed platform businesses information technology. and developer relations for two iconic InternetDate: January 10 to April 8: 13 weeks businesses, eBay and Yahoo!. Jeffrey has written orFee: $595 Prerequisite: Computing Concepts or equivalent co-written six books on technology, including the experience best-selling Database Access with Visual Basic series.Database Concepts Text: Web-based readings only He frequently speaks to corporate groups on bothCBIS Core Course strategic and tactical issues pertaining to emerging Instructor: Mr. Tim Mitchell, BA, MFA (see instructor technologies. In addition to consulting, speakingThis course is designed to help you become a biography under Computing Concepts, this page) and writing, Jeffrey also developed and managesknowledgeable end user of database management the consumer document-sharing site Approver.comsystems and to help you understand the needs  Course Code: TECB402 2011S D01 and the open-source collaboration portal Tinypug.and roles of users, database designers, manag-ers and administrators. Database Concepts, a key Date: January 10 to April 8: 13 weeks  Course Code: TECJ230 2011S D01component of the CBIS program, provides you with Fee: $595an understanding of how databases fit into the Date: January 10 to April 8: 13 weeksinformation system of an organization. Relational Database Management Fee: $595 SystemsYou will cover topics such as the major components Project Managementand functions of a database, how information is CBIS Technology and Analysis Electivemodelled, stored and manipulated in databases, CBIS Business and Technology Elective,and the implications of databases on operations, This online course will provide you with an under- CBA/DBA*control and planning for the organization. You will standing of the design, creation, maintenance andalso gain hands-on experience creating and main- management of a relational database management This course covers all stages of projects, including system (RDBMS). feasibility, development, management, administra-*Certificate/Diploma in Business Administration; tion and completion. Standard project manage- see pages 17–18 You will learn how to create and access data using ment tools such as Critical Path Method (CPM), Structured Query Language (SQL), the program- Project Evaluation Review Technique (PERT), and ming language used by most large relational network diagrams are also covered. database management systems such as Oracle, IBM DB2, MS SQL Server and Sybase, as well as open- The course presents the concepts and method- source products such as MySQL and PostgreSQL. ologies needed to plan, manage and track per- formance over a complete project lifecycle. These concepts include: cost–benefit analysis, change20 COMPUTING, TECHNOLOGY Certificate/diploma options Distance/online

control management, quality control, performance  Course Code: TECJ425 2011S D01 INTERSESSION COURSEStracking and corrective action. Further topics BY DISTANCEpresented are time and cost estimating, resource Date: January 10 to April 8: 13 weekslevelling, critical path analysis and charting. You will Fee: $595 Computing Conceptsuse Microsoft Project software with a case study togain practice in applying these concepts. More Programming with Java CBIS Core Course, CBA/DBA*Prerequisite: Computing Concepts or equivalent Eligible for 0.5 Technology and Analysis This course provides you with the practical andexperience elective in CBIS theoretical fundamentals of computing. As the first course in the CBIS program, Computing ConceptsText: Project Management in Practice (3rd ed.), This seminar builds on Programming Concepts with lays the conceptual groundwork for you to buildby Mantel, Meredith et al. (includes a 60-day Java by introducing students to more advanced GUI your understanding of information technology bydemonstration copy of Microsoft Project 2007; (Graphical User Interface) development. In addition, introducing you to hardware, operating systems,do not install the software until prompted in the participants learn to write and read data to sequen- productivity software, basic website design andcourse notes or it will expire while the course is in tial data files, use additional Collections and Strings, networks. You will use word processing, spread-progress) implement more advanced Classes and Interfaces sheet, database, presentation and Internet software (libraries), Access databases using Java Database in the Microsoft Windows environment.Instructor: Terri Cheeseman, BSc, PEng, PMP, is Connectivity (JDBC) and create a web applicationa principal in JRC Associates Inc., a consulting using Java servlets. Each of the six units in the Prerequisite: Ability to launch a program, savecompany that specializes in program and project course includes practical examples of application and load documents in Microsoft Office ormanagement, training, mentoring and facilita- and Applet development in hands-on lab exercises, visit a website and send email.tive management. She has managed a variety of and optional assignments. Course requires Microsoft Office Professionalprojects including the design and implementation 2002/2003 or 2007/2010 (including Access) orof automated systems and videoconferencing facili- Prerequisite: Computing Concepts and Programming is an open sourceties, and the development of new telecommunica- Concepts with Java or equivalent experience application that can be downloaded from thetions products and services. Internet at no cost. For further information about Text: Java Programming: Comprehensive Concepts, please visit Course Code: TECJ410 2011S D01 and Techniques (3rd ed.), by Shelley, Cashman, Starks and Mick Text: Please purchase text from UVic BookstoreDate: January 10 to April 8: 13 weeks ( Tomorrow’s TechnologyFee: $595 Instructor: Ms. Jeanette Aubry (see instructor and You (10th intro. ed.) by Beekman and Beekman, biography under Database Concepts, page 20) plus Web-based readingsIT Security  Course Code: TETS317 2011S D01 Instructor: Mr. Tim Mitchell, BA, MFA (see instructorCBIS Technology and Analysis Elective biography under Computing Concepts, page 20) Date: January 10 to February 25: 7 weeksThis course provides you with the background to Fee: $325  Course Code: TECJ100 2011K D01evaluate the risks and assess the available tools toprovide a secure environment for the IT infra- Other CBIS electives offered this spring Date: May 2 to July 29: 13 weeksstructure of an organization. Security issues and and intersession: Fee: $595solutions are discussed both from a managementas well as from a technical perspective. • Adult Learning and Development (page 24) Systems Analysis and Design IUpon completion of IT Security, you will under- • Business Administration (page 14) CBIS Core Coursestand the security threat and the risk assessmentprocess and how to apply it to operating system • Business Writing (page 15) This course provides you with the basic under-and network communications security in a way that standing of systems analysis and design method-supports business requirements. In addition, you • Financial Accounting (page 14) ologies. You will understand the roles and elementswill learn about security policies, procedures and involved in a system development project, theuser awareness, as well as disaster recovery and • Instructional Skills for Teaching Adults Online system design process, system implementation andbusiness continuation planning. Case studies and (page 25) support.self-assessment exercises provide for self evalu-ation, reinforcing the concepts presented in the • Interpersonal Business Communications (page 15) You will also be able to recognize the importancecourse. of a structured and organized approach to systems development, define the activities comprising aPrerequisite: Computing Concepts and Networks and systems development project and understand theNetwork Management or equivalent experience strengths and weaknesses of the various tech- niques for systems development.Text: Security in Computing (4th ed.), by Pfleeger andPfleeger Prerequisite: Computing Concepts or equivalent experience; recommended: Database ConceptsInstructor: Mr. Richard Barlow, CISSP, has beenemployed in the provincial government for the past Text: Systems Analysis and Design (8th ed., video16 years. Richard graduated from the CBIS program enhanced), by Shelly and Rosenblatt, plus web-in 1998 and as a student he developed an interest based readingsin IT security. In 1996 Richard joined the IT securitysection of the Ministry of Finance and has since Instructor: Dr. Steve Bensonbeen involved in both security operations work,as well as planning and coordination of IT security  Course Code: TECB401 2011K D01initiatives and projects. In May of 2004 he wasawarded the Certified Information Systems Security Date: May 2 to July 29: 13 weeksProfessional (CISSP) credential. Richard is now the Fee: $595Information Security Officer at the Ministry of SmallBusiness and Revenue. *Certificate/Diploma in Business Administration; see pages 17– • 250-472-4694 COMPUTING, TECHNOLOGY 21

Database Concepts Instructor: Ron Kozsan obtained his BSc in computer NEW! Advanced Office and science from UVic in 1987 and has been working Collaboration ToolsCBIS Core Course in information systems and telecommunications in numerous sectors since then. Ron’s extensive expe- Not eligible for CBIS creditThis course is designed to help you become a rience includes industry, government, telecomm,knowledgeable end user of database management health care, and since 2004, higher education at This course focuses on creating and maintainingsystems and to help you understand the needs UVic. complex documents, such as reports and proposals,and roles of users, database designers, manag- that contain text, data and images from multipleers and administrators. Database Concepts, a key As Director of (IT) Infrastructure at UVic, he and his contributors.component of the CBIS program, provides you with staff support a campus-wide network connectingan understanding of how databases fit into the over 20,000 computers, 5,000 telephones, and two You will gain hands-on experience with theinformation system of an organization. large data centres containing several hundred serv- advanced features of Microsoft Word, Excel ers. They collaborate regularly with peers at other and PowerPoint 2010. You will also use onlineYou will cover topics such as the major components institutions of research and higher education. collaboration tools such as GoogleDocs.and functions of a database, how information ismodelled, stored and manipulated in databases, While his attention is always focused on student/ The course offers recommended activities withand the implications of databases on operations, customer services, his technical background step-by-step instructions and video guides. Youcontrol and planning for the organization. You will includes industrial process control, workstation and will learn by exploring challenges that interestalso gain hands-on experience creating and main- Unix systems administration, and telecommunica- you, and choose the tasks you wish to master,taining a relational database using Microsoft Access tions management. learn through experimentation and guided onlineor OpenOffice, available from research, and explain your findings to the class in  Course Code: TECJ420 2011K D01 a blog. This approach allows students to build aPrerequisite: Computing Concepts or equivalent personal learning network/library of resources toexperience. Course requires Microsoft Office Date: May 2 to July 29: 13 weeks help keep their skills fresh in the future. StudentsProfessional 2002/2003 or 2007/2010 (including Fee: $595 may collaborate with others in the course or workAccess) or is an on their source application that can be downloaded Web Design and Management Ifrom the Internet at no cost. For further information Prerequisite: Computing Concepts or equivalentabout, please visit www.openoffice. CBIS Technology and Analysis Elective experienceorg. This course will provide you with the technical skills Text: Web-based readings onlyText: Database Design for Mere Mortals (2nd ed.) by and conceptual understanding to create and man-Hernandez age professional websites. Web Design and Manage- Instructor: Tim Mitchell, BA, MFA (see instructor ment I complements the core of the CBIS program biography under Computing Concepts, page 20)Instructor: Ms. Jeanette Aubry (see instructor biog- by providing a rationale for the use of the web as anraphy under Database Concepts, page 20) effective tool to meet business needs. Course Code: TETS251 2011K D01 Course Code: TECJ432 2011K D01 You will learn the basics, such as hypertext markup Date: May 2 to June 10: 6 weeks language (HTML), including creating links, adding Fee: $325Date: May 2 to July 29: 13 weeks graphics and applying cascading style sheets toFee: $595 web pages.Networks and Network You will advance to learn more about navigationalManagement graphics and image maps, incorporating different graphic formats and video and/or sound into WebCBIS Core Course pages. You will also gain an understanding of com- plex issues such as site management and use ofThis course examines the fundamental concepts online forms. Many of these skills will be developedof computer networks, their implementation, through hands-on exercises.operation and management. Networks and NetworkManagement is integral to the core of the CBIS Prerequisite: Computing Concepts or equivalentprogram, as it provides you with the knowledge of experiencehow networks fit into the information system of anorganization. You will cover topics such as network Text: HTML, XHTML and CSS (6th ed.), by Castrotechnology, architecture, management, operatingsystems, security, reliability, maintenance, intercon- Instructor: TBAnectivity and user interface and support.  Course Code: TECJ230 2011K D01Prerequisite: Computing Concepts or equivalentexperience. Date: May 2 to July 29: 13 weeks Fee: $595Text: Network+ Guide to Networks (5th intro. ed.), byTamara Dean, plus Web-based readings22 COMPUTING, TECHNOLOGY Certificate/diploma options Distance/online

takTeesarcohuegrshlsytu7d5ydfaoyrsan average EPHE 143 Multidisciplinary Foundationso groofw5yyoeuarrso.wn tomato. of Physical Activity at’sBnuottwtohoolownagn,tiss tito?be average? This course discusses the relationship of physical activity to education, kinesiology, athletics, health,Education, recreation and leisure. The contributions made byTeaching, Training the sciences of physiology, motor learning and biomechanics are discussed. Students gain an CONTINUING STUDIES IN understanding of the historical, philosophical and EDUCATION psycho-sociological foundations of physical educa- tion and discuss a wide range of contemporary Overview issues as they affect physical activity and active living. Continuing Studies in Education (CSIE), in asso- ciation with the Faculty of Education, works in EPHE 252 Leadership Methods for partnership with schools and districts, teachers’ Recreation and Health Education associations and communities, to bring a rich and diverse range of credit and non-credit offerings Theoretical and practical introduction to leadership, to educators, parents and community groups teaching, communication and decision making throughout BC. We offer: skills in recreation/leisure services, sport and • professional development workshops, credit fitness. Field experience is required as part of this course. courses, professional specialization certificates and credential programs CREDIT COURSES BY DISTANCE ME 310 Learning to Listen to Music • flexible delivery: online and on site—evenings, weekends and on professional development Online, starting in January, 2011 This course is a survey of the growth and histori- days cal development of Western European music. It is • year-round programs: summer, fall and spring The courses below are 1.5-unit undergraduate intended mainly for teaching how to listen to and offerings credit courses, offered in a distance format. To appreciate music of diverse styles and genres. register for courses, please see instructions at www. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CREDENTIAL PROGRAM FOR OFFERINGS The cost for a 1.5-unit course in 2010 is $476.61 TEACHERS (subject to change). Check our website for a range of professional Teaching French as a Second Language development offerings. EDCI 448 Organization and Procedures in Middle School for Instruction of English To Second Language Learners This credential is offered in collaboration with lower island school districts to certified teachers. The examination of current models for the orga- Participants may apply for bursaries to partially nization and instruction of ESL students at the cover tuition costs. elementary and secondary levels. The integration Teachers will gain the methodology and fluency to of language and content instruction within the be highly effective middle school FSL teachers. regular classroom is emphasized. Prerequisites: Registration in the Faculty of Edu- NEW—CERTIFICATE PROGRAM caton, Diploma in Applied Linguistics or major FOR TEACHERS in Applied Linguistics, or by permission of the instructor. Professional Specialization Certificate in Teaching French Immersion > Teachers will gain the methodology and fluency For more on TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND to be highly effective in the French immersion LANGUAGE, please see: environment. This new credit certificate consists of Languages four courses—two offered online in fall and spring, • Jason’s World/Judy’s World (page 46) and two offered face to face in summer session. Participants may apply for bursaries to partially cover tuition costs. To register or for more information, contact: Continuing Studies in Education Phone 250-721-6192 Email [email protected] Web • 250-472-4694 EDUCATION, TEACHING, TRAINING 23

CERTIFICATE IN ADULT AND SPRING WORKSHOPS Spiritual Intelligence and LearningCONTINUING EDUCATION(CACE) Registration Deadline: One week before workshop Available for CACE 0.5 elective credit start date, unless indicated (see Instructional Tech-CACE courses and workshops are open to those niques Workshop). See CACE website for details. This course will introduce you to spiritual intel-not enrolled in the CACE program. ligence: how it connects with learning and ways Performance-Based Learning: in which you can integrate it into your work. You’llAs someone who helps adults learn, you have the Training for Results leave with many practical ideas on how to inspireopportunity to encourage and model life-long others to access their spiritual intelligence, discoverlearning. CACE is an exciting professional develop- Available for 0.5 CACE elective credit their gifts and pursue their passions.ment program for people, like you, who want toenhance their effectiveness as adult educators and Drawing on the principles and philosophies of Instructor: Judy Carter, MAtrainers in: accelerated learning, you will undertake a critical exploration of your current assumptions about Course Code: EDCW004 2011K W01 • facilitation online and face-to-face learning and workplace training. You will walk away with a renewed perspective that will help revolu- Date: Friday, April 15: 6:15 to 9:15 pm, and • instructional design and technologies tionize how you design and deliver training. Saturday and Sunday, April 16 and 17: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, 3 sessions • evaluation and assessment Instructor: Lori Horne, MA Fee: $420 (includes course materials)What does the CACE program offer you? Course Code: EDCW007 2011S W01 E-learning: Strategy and PlanningCareer opportunity—take advantage of the grow-ing demand for highly qualified adult educators Date: Friday, February 25: 6:15 to 9:15 pm, and Available for 0.5 CACE elective creditand training professionals. Saturday and Sunday, February 26 to 27: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, 3 sessions Learn how e-learning strategies and technologiesCACE students are people like you. Applicants Fee: $420 (includes course materials) are being applied to enhance workplace learningwork in a wide variety of public, private and and performance. In this workshop, you will learnnon-profit organizations and they typically hold Coaching 101: Developing Your to identify critical success factors for introducingpositions such as: Basic Coaching Skills for Workplace e-learning and how to design and implement a Success comprehensive organizational e-learning strategy. • content experts Available for CACE 0.5 elective credit Instructor: Murray Richmond, MEd • instructional designers In this workshop, you will consider and examine Course Code: EDCA061 2011K W01 • instructors core coaching competencies as they are being understood and applied in today’s workplace. In Date: Friday, May 13: 6:15 to 9:15 pm, and • trainers this highly interactive and pragmatic workshop, Saturday and Sunday, May 14 and 15: whether you are a novice or an experienced coach, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, 3 sessions • facilitators you will gain insight or further understanding of Fee: $420 (includes course materials) your strengths and your style as a coach. • human resources professionals Instructional Techniques Workshop Instructor: Anneli Driessen, PhD • program coordinators Formerly Instructional Skills Workshop; Course Code: EDCA092 2011S W01 Available for CACE 0.5 elective credit • career practitioners Date: Friday, March 25: 6:15 to 9:15 pm, and If you wish to be an instructor, then the Instruc-Those with a high school diploma and three years’ Saturday and Sunday, March 26 and 27: tional Techniques Workshop (ITW) is the place toexperience working in adult education qualify 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, 3 sessions start! If you are experienced, ITW will be a powerful,to enrol in the CACE program. Appropriate and Fee: $420 (includes course materials) experiential workshop or laboratory in which toequivalent education and experience will be con- refine your practice. ITW includes identifying andsidered. Applicants may also consider CACE as they Cracking through to Creativity discussing instructional and classroom issues, learn-transition between careers. ing how to use audiovisual media, and exploring Available for 0.5 CACE elective credit learning and teaching styles.Flexibility—learn at your own pace. CACE offersan accommodating part-time program with courses This course will introduce you to a variety of creativ- Instructor: Leslie Robinson, MAoffered through: distance education, intensive ity tools that will enhance problem solving, goalfive-day summer classes at UVic and weekend setting, and visionary thinking in both business and Course Code: EDCA040 2011K W01workshops at UVic. Complete all of your coursework personal contexts. Using experiential exercises, youby distance education, in the classroom, or both. will learn how to think more creatively and freely as Date: Tuesday to Thursday, May 3 to 5:The choice is yours! an individual as well as a team member. Creativity 8:30 am to 5:30 pm (3 sessions) tools offer new perspectives and can inform action Fee: $595What is the time limit for completing CACE? to enable you to become an effective change agentFive years. at work as well as at home. You will receive a hand- SPRING COURSES BY out package detailing the tools acquired in class, as DISTANCEFees? Application for admission: $50; fee for 1.0 well as a reference list for other creativity sources.distance education courses (subject to change): Registration Deadline: Friday, January 7$435, plus course materials; 0.5 electives by Instructor: Maggi Feehan, MA Fee: $435, plus course materials, for 1.0 courses;distance (subject to change): $330, plus course $330, plus course materials, for 0.5 electives.materials; workshop fees vary. Course Code: EDCA069 2011K W01 Adult Learning and DevelopmentWhom do I contact for program and course/ Date: Friday, April 8: 6:15 to 9:15 pm, and Saturdayworkshop information? and Sunday, April 9 and 10: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm; CACE 1.0 required course 3 sessions Alison Brophey, Program Coordinator Fee: $420 (includes course materials) The content of this course reflects the large body Email [email protected] of knowledge in the area of lifespan development. Web Examine adult development, learning and change, Detail/?code=ACECERT24 EDUCATION, TEACHING, TRAINING Certificate/diploma options Distance/online

and relate these areas to andragogy. Emphasis is Instructional Skills for Teaching the various mini-cases and a detailed design planplaced on the importance of both contextual fac- Adults Online (blueprint) will be developed for a particular case.tors and individual differences when examining the Instructor: Mary Kennedy, EdDprocess of learning in adults. CACE 0.5 elective credit  Course Code: EDCA094 2011K D01Instructor: John Farquharson, MEd This course focuses on the practical/hands-on aspects of instructional skills for teaching online. Date: April 4 to June 24: 12 weeks Course Code: EDCA400 2011S D01 You will gain an understanding of adult teaching Fee: $435, plus course materials and learning principles and concepts, an overviewDate: January 17 to April 8: 12 weeks of current online teaching tools, and develop Appreciative InquiryFee: $435, plus course materials online teaching skills. You will apply your learning by facilitating an instructional unit in an online CACE 0.5 elective creditFoundations of Adult Education environment that demonstrates your understand- ing and application of your instructional skills. You Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is an exciting new orga-CACE 1.0 required course will also review/analyze case studies that illustrate nizational development tool that is ideal in adult best/worst practices. education classrooms, communities, workplacesExamine the history of adult education from or virtual spaces. Unlike the traditional problem-both the international and local perspectives and Prerequisite: This course assumes that students have based tools and models that focus on what is notanalyze the underlying philosophical, sociological, either classroom or online teaching experience or working well, AI focuses on what is working wellhistorical and political foundations of adult educa- have worked through the Pre-ISTAO module. (appreciative) by engaging you in asking questionstion. Then, apply your insights to contemporary and telling stories (inquiry). This shift in focus toadult education issues. Instructor: Tim Mitchell, BA, MFA the positive generates life within the organization/ group, allowing it to move more effectively towardsInstructor: Linda Perschonke, MA  Course Code: EDCA112 2011S D01 its goals. You will examine the theory behind AI, engage in the “5D” model (Definition, Discovery, Course Code: EDCA200 2011S D01 Date: January 17 to February 25: 6 weeks Dream, Design and Delivery), and explore ways to Fee: $330 (includes course materials) apply AI in your own organization/group.Date: January 17 to April 8: 12 weeks Instructor: Jeanie Cockell, EdDFee: $435, plus course materials INTERSESSION COURSES BY DISTANCE  Course Code: EDCA053 2011K D01Program Planning in AdultEducation Registration Deadline: Friday, March 25, 2011 Date: April 4 to May 13: 6 weeks Fee: $435, plus course materials, for 1.0 courses; Fee: $330 (includes course materials)CACE 1.0 required course $330, plus course materials, for 0.5 electives. Strategic Marketing in AdultIdentify and examine the planning procedures and Managing Collective Learning in the Educationstrategies which result in efficient and effective Workplaceprograms for adults learning in a wide variety of CACE 0.5 elective coursesocial and institutional settings. Develop basic skills 1.0 credit electiveor enhance and redefine your current skill levels. Learn to assess the market and the external envi- Learning, as collective meaning making, is an ronment in order to develop strategies to marketInstructor: Colleen Kawalilak, PhD ever-present incidental process that occurs in the your adult education courses. Study promotional “hallways” of organizations, outside the formal strategies and techniques to attract and retain adult Course Code: EDCA100 2011S D01 setting of workshops and seminars or the confines learners in programs at educational institutions and of an official curriculum. Determining when and non-profit, public and private sectors.Date: January 17 to April 8: 12 weeks how trainers, facilitators, consultants and coaches Instructor: Marilyn Drews, MEdFee: $435, plus course materials can successfully intervene in this mainly informal learning process will be the focus of this course.  Course Code: EDCA058 2011K D01Introduction to Coaching and Students will engage in practical activities whereCounselling Skills in the Workplace they will have the opportunity to learn how to plan, Date: April 4 to May 13: 6 weeks facilitate and manage the considerable potential of Fee: $330, plus course materialsCACE 1.0 elective credit collective learning. PREVIEW: SUMMERThis course is designed to introduce you to coach- Instructor: John Farquharson, MEd WORKSHOPS AND COURSESing and counselling skills that are relevant forthe workplace, for interpersonal communication  Course Code: EDCA202 2011K D01 Registration Deadline: Two weeks before electiveand for effective problem solving. You will learn workshop start date. Three weeks before corefundamental skills such as listening carefully and Date: April 4 to June 24: 12 weeks course start date.paraphrasing so that you can respond and probe Fee: $435, plus course materials Fee: $435, plus course materials, for 1.0 courses;for information respectfully. This highly practi- $420, course materials included, for 0.5 electivescal course, focused on experiential learning, will Planning Program Evaluation (except Instructional Techniques Workshop).provide you with the opportunity to practise anddemonstrate both coaching and counselling skills. CACE 1.0 elective credit CACE 1.0 Required CoursesAlthough this course is not designed to prepareyou to be a professional coach or counsellor, it This course will introduce you to the concept of Adult Learning and Development: August 8 to 12will provide you with the opportunity to learn the program evaluation and its application in adult Program Planning in Adult Education: July 4 to 8differences and similarities between coaching and and continuing education. Program evaluationcounselling, and enable you to engage in both history will be briefly reviewed, including the CACE 0.5 Elective Workshopsactivities at an introductory level. emergence of evaluation models. Five key models will be examined and related to the five forms of Instructional Techniques Workshop: July 11 to 13Instructor: Maggi Feehan, MA evaluation developed by Owen (1999). Mini-case Discovering Our Many Intelligences: July 8 to 10 studies will be used to exemplify these models and Course Code: EDCA501 2011S D01 forms. Evaluation approaches will be applied toDate: January 17 to April 8: 12 weeksFee: $435, plus course • 250-472-4694 EDUCATION, TEACHING, TRAINING 25

tak3e0s yroeuargshflryo7m5 ndoawys, one in 4 with learning online, and is strongly recommendedo grCoawnyaoduiarnoswwniltlobmeaotvoe. r 65. for anyone taking a course within the Certificate Program in Environmental and Occupational at’sTnhoet otothoelorn3gw, iisllint?eed to be healthy. Health. Instructor: TBA  Course Code: HPEO436 2011S D01 Date: January 10 to 16: 1 week Fee: $20 plus $2.40 HSTHealth, Wellness, Electives Risk Management: Perception andSafety Communication • Health Protection TechnologyCERTIFICATE PROGRAM This practical course prepares environmentalIN ENVIRONMENTAL AND • Ergonomics health professionals for the implementation andOCCUPATIONAL HEALTH management of risk assessments. By understand- • Environmental/Occupational Epidemiology ing the nature of risk and the public’s perceptions,This certificate program, a recipient of the Project approaches are developed to effectively communi-Minerva Canada Award from the Canadian Society • Hazardous Waste Management cate environmental health risks and related issuesof Safety Engineering, is for: to public and private sector decision makers, the • Environmental Health Economics media and the community. We also discuss ethical • individuals working in the fields of and legal issues related to risk communication. environmental health, or related occupations • Final Project who want to specialize in the field of Prerequisite: Admission to the Certificate Program in environmental health; Application: All new applicants to the certificate Environmental and Occupational Health program are required to submit an application for • those seeking employment in either the private admission before registering for their first course. Text: Risk Management: Guideline for Decision or public sectors where there is an increasing There is a $40 applicaton fee. Makers (PDF version can be purchased online), and concern for employee health and protection of Environmental Health Risk Management: A Primer the environment; Refund Policy: A course refund, less a $60 adminis- for Canadians (McColl et al.); available online (no tration fee, will only be provided up to six calendar charge) • those looking for a change in career to a days following the course start date. rapidly expanding field and wishing to obtain a Instructor: Glenn Barned, CHRP, CHSC, CRSP, is a pro- professional certificate; Transfer Credit: Athabasca University, Thompson fessional occupational health and safety consultant Rivers University (formerly Open University) and and trainer. He has developed and implemented • managers in environmental and occupational the University of Phoenix accept the Certificate comprehensive occupational health and safety health who are seeking continuing professional Program in Environmental and Occupational Health programs and specialized training courses for education; and for transfer credit toward their degree programs. various organizations. He is a certified instructor for Canadian Society of Safety Engineering, St. John • those who would find the certificate program in For details about the program, please call 250-721- Ambulance and Canadian Red Cross Society. environmental health personally rewarding. 6129, email [email protected] or visit the program website at  Course Code: HPEO403 2011S D01This distance education program consists of eightcourses: four mandatory and four elective courses. COURSES BY DISTANCE Date: January 17 to April 8: 12 weeks Fee: $395 until January 3; $435 after January 3;Mandatory Courses Tools for Learning Online for international students $450 Environmental and Occupational • Occupational and Environmental Health Law Health Ergonomics • Risk Management: Perception and Communication Are you considering an online course in Environ- Ergonomics is the science that addresses workers’ mental and Occupational Health? This workshop performance and well-being in relation to their • Human Health Risk Assessment will teach you how to set up your computer so you work, workplace, tools, equipment, and environ- can access online components of a course. You’ll ment. Ergonomic considerations include body • Occupational Health Hazards learn how to navigate and find course website positioning, indoor air quality, noise and lighting resources and communicate effectively with the levels, and the use of video display terminals. instructor and with other students using the online discussion and communication tools. This online This course provides practical information on workshop will provide key information to assist you identifying potential ergonomic hazards in the work environment, implementing and monitoring an ergonomic program, back injury and repeti- tive strain injury prevention, and meeting current regulatory requirements. Prerequisite: Admission to the Certificate Program in Environmental and Occupational Health. Text: Ergonmics for Beginners: A Quick Reference Guide (3rd ed.) and The Anatomy Coloring Book (3rd ed.) Instructor: David Smit, BSc, MSc, CSCS, is a reg- istered kinesiologist with the British Columbia Asso- ciation of Kinesiologists. He has a master’s degree in sport science with a focus on spine biomechanics, and has provided extensive services in the areas26 HEALTH, WELLNESS, SAFETY Certificate/diploma options Distance/online

of occupational rehabilitation, return to work tify potential challenges to living an authentic life NEW! Who’s Game? Exploring theand recovery management. David has provided and consider ways to identify and manage options, Wild and Wonderful World of Exoticcorporate ergonomics analyses for ICBC, provincial changes and transitions. Eggs and Meatsgovernment agencies and private sector industries. Instructor: Dr. Susan McIsaac is a registered psy- Exotic meats and eggs are finding their way into Course Code: HPEO405 2011S D01 chologist specializing in helping clients to help our grocery stores, restaurants, and for some, our themselves find personal meaning and direction. refrigerators! Learn more about nutrition com-Date: January 17 to April 8: 12 weeks parisons of quail, ostrich, duck and goose eggs.Fee: $395 until January 3; $435 after January 3; Course Code: HPHE210 2011S C01 Discover which wild meats and fish are lower ininternational students $450 Date: Tuesdays, February 1 and 8: 6:30 to 9:30 pm, cholesterol and saturated fats, which will help 2 sessions you to improve your overall health and preventHealth Protection Technology Fee: $78 plus $9.36 HST nutrition-related disease. “Wilder” meats and fish (such as marlin, mahi mahi tuna and bison) will beMinimizing risks to ensure a safe working environ- NEW! Homeopathy at Home explored, as well as any cautions and expert advice.ment may require the use of engineering controls A fun and informative look at how to avoid being asuch as safety equipment and personal protec- Homeopathy is an increasingly popular system of “chicken” when it comes to eggs and exotic meats!tive equipment. This course provides information medicine. Discover the use of homeopathic rem-on the proper selection, use and maintenance of edies for many common acute ailments and injuries Instructor: Anneke Vink, BSc/AHN, RD, is a pri-protective devices, and explores the design and including colds, flu, digestive upsets, bruises, burns, vate practice registered dietitian with a strongimplementation of workplace medical surveillance infections, insect bites and much more. Areas of background in health and nutrition. Anneke is aprograms. discussion include the basics of acute prescribing member of the BC Gerontological Nutrition Society, for adults, children and pets; assessing results; Dietitians of Canada and the College of Dietitians ofPrerequisite: Admission to the Certificate Program in where to obtain remedies and how to store them; British Columbia.Environmental and Occupational Health as well as how to assemble a useful homeopathic first aid kit for your home. Course Code: HPHE229 2011S C01Text: Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene (5th ed.), by Date: Tuesday, February 15: 7 to 9 pm, 1 sessionPlog and Quinlan Instructor: Dr. Anke Zimmerman, BSc, ND, FCAH, is Fee: $38 plus $4.56 HST a naturopathic physician and classical homeopath.Instructor: David Rogers, BA, MBA, is a hazardous Dr. Zimmerman has been in clinical practice for over Best Foot Forwardmaterials consultant and trainer with BC HAZMAT 20 years and has taught homeopathy at the OntarioManagement Ltd. He has been teaching environ- College of Homeopathy. Our feet are among the most supportive friendsmental safety programs for over 20 years to DND we have! Unfortunately, we often take them forpersonnel, government employees and in the Course Code: HPHE230 2011S C01 granted, and as a result, foot ailments are one ofprivate sector. Date: Thursdays, February 3 and 10: our most common health problems. Learn how to 6:30 to 9:30 pm, 2 sessions take care of your feet and avoid common issues Course Code: HPEO411 2011S D01 Fee: $78 plus $9.36 HST such as corns, calluses, bunions, foot odour, heel pain, heel spurs and diseases that affect the feet.Date: January 17 to April 8: 12 weeks Cardiac Cafe: What You Need to Other areas of discussion include foot orthotics,Fee: $395 until January 3; $435 after January 3; Know about Women’s Heart Health when to seek professional assistance and the latestinternational students $450 technology being used to diagnose and treat foot Many women are shocked to learn that heart problems.Final Project disease is our #1 health threat, killing more women than men each year, six times more women than Instructor: Dr. Douglas Lamb is a member of theThe final project is based on a topic of your choice breast cancer, and in fact more women than all BC Association of Podiatrists, and focuses on foot(which can be from your work situation) and will cancers combined. Over 80 per cent of women have health and its positive impact on wellness.apply and integrate the knowledge gained from at least one major risk factor for heart disease. Atthe program. If you are nearing completion of the this inspiring and interactive workshop, learn about Course Code: HPHE223 2011S C01certificate program, you are eligible to do the final heart attack symptoms that may surprise you, tests Date: Wednesdays, February 16 and 23: 7 to 9 pm,project. Call Health Sciences and Public Relations and treatments that could save you, personal les- 2 sessionsPrograms at 250-721-6129. sons learned from a heart attack survivor to inspire Fee: $45 plus $5.40 HST you, plus an interactive self-assessment survey toEDUCATION FOR THE check your own unique risk factors and heart- Zen Meditation for Better LivingGENERAL PUBLIC healthy ways to address them. There is so much to do these days that our mostRegistration note: Registrants who wish to withdraw Instructor: Carolyn Thomas is a heart attack survivor common response to the question “How are you?”from courses in this section must do so at least 48 and a 2008 graduate of the Mayo Clinic Science and is “Too busy!” Life’s pleasure/pain cycles seem tohours prior to the commencement of the course to Leadership Symposium for Women with Heart Dis- demand habits of avoidance and distraction. Truereceive a refund, less an administration fee of $25. ease in Rochester, Minnesota. Carolyn was the first control, according to Zen, is to see things as they Canadian ever invited to attend this symposium, are and to let everything go as it goes; to be pres-Living Authentically and has been named by “Our Bodies, Ourselves” ent for all of life, not just those moments we prefer. of Boston as one of their 2009 “Women’s Health Authentic Zen meditation mitigates the harm ofAre you living your real life? Is your life guided by Heroes.” cyclical stress or pain. This true control has a posi-personal meaning with experiences and purposes tive effect on physical and mental health.that matter to you? Join us as we make sense of Course Code: HPHE221 2011S C01these significant concepts and consider how they Date: Saturday, February 12: 10 am to 12 pm, You should dress comfortably and bring a towel orcan apply to your life path. We’ll engage in reflec- 1 session exercise mat to the class.tive and clarifying exercises. Fee: $10 plus $1.20 HST (refreshment included; no refund available) Classes will be held off campus at a location closeIn the first session we will explore, clarify and to the UVic campus.uncover what is necessary to connect you to anauthentic life, your beliefs and values, and other Instructor: Wayne Codling, BA (Buddhist studies),meaningful aspects. The second session will iden- has been a monk for more than 30 years within the Zen tradition of Shunryu Suzuki-roshi, and • 250-472-4694 HEALTH, WELLNESS, SAFETY 27

skilled and experienced teacher of Zen meditation. Anxiety and Panic Attack Recovery Dolphins and Whales: Healers andHis primary mission is to promote meditation as Teachersthe ultimate response to the harmful stresses of Course Code: HPHE231 2011S C05modern life. Date: Thursday, March 24: 6:30 to 8:30 pm, Dolphins and whales draw people in with their 1 session intelligence, grace and sense of playful joy. ManyCourse Code: HPHE180 2011S C01 Fee: $38 plus $4.56 HST people report feeling uplifted and having aDate: Wednesdays, March 2 to 23: 7 to 9 pm, tremendous sense of well-being after encounter-4 sessions NEW! Designing Successful ing dolphins in the wild. Discover and experienceFee: $68 plus $8.16 HST Retirement—Baby Boomer Style the magic of dolphins and whales in this unique and innovative course. Explore these fascinating NEW! Taking Control of Common Looking Inward: Four Sessions animals from the scientific to the spiritual perspec-Disorders—A Natural Way tive. Through the sharing of personal experiences, We look forward to retirement but are often unpre- dolphin and whale sounds and images, and aA Series pared for possibly the most complex and challeng- variety of activities, you’ll be touched by the magic ing of life’s developmental passages: retirement. of these oceanic healers.Understanding common disorders, their causes and Knowing what to expect and how to successfullytreatments can provide greater control over your navigate through this transformational process Instructor: Dr. Jason Cressey, PhD (psychology),body and your decisions about how to manage allows you to move into the future with a sense of lectures for UVic’s Department of Psychology andyour symptoms. Each evening of this five-session purpose, direction and connection. Welcome this is director of The POD: People, Oceans, Dolphins.series will explore a different disorder, with in- transition with a healthy attitude drawn from your He specializes in the areas of body language, inter-depth discussions related to nutritional, ergonomic personal values and life experience. Build on your species communication, social skills, interpersonaland non-pharmaceutical alternative approaches strengths and passions to create new possibilities relationships and cultural minimizing symptoms and maximizing function beyond the workplace and empty nest!of living with common disorders. An overview of Course Code: HPHE183 2011S C01causes and efficiency of common medication and You may also register separately for one or more Date: Saturday, March 26: 11:30 am to 5:30 pm,therapy treatments of the disorder will be reviewed. individual sessions. 1 session Fee: $65 plus $7.80 HSTInstructor: Dr. Emmanuel Parenteau is a chiropractor Instructor: Kate Dack, MA, RCC, is a certified retire-who has practised for over 10 years in the fields of ment specialist, coach, and registered clinical NEW! Sufism—Ruminations:chiropractic and exercise rehabilitation medicine, counsellor. She has had a counselling practice for Spinning Meditationboth in Canada and the United States. He currently over 10 years.holds a private chiropractic practice in Victoria. The poetry of Persian mystic Jalalludin Rumi has Course Code: HPHE228 2011S C00 become very popular in North America over theSeries registration: Date: Saturdays, March 19 to April 9: last 20 years, and has spawned a great interest inCourse Code: HPHE231 2011S C00 9 am to 12 pm, 4 sessions Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam from whichDate: Thursdays, February 24 to March 24: Fee: $100 plus $12 HST Rumi originated. Come learn about Rumi’s life and6:30 to 8:30 pm, 5 sessions philosophy, and experience the ecstatic Sufi chant-Fee: $150 plus $18 HST You may also register for individual sessions: ing ritual of zhikr (“remembrance”) and the moving meditation of whirling (as a dervish) in a practical,You may also register separately for one or more Retirement and Transition: Journeying well-paced workshop that caters to all ages andindividual sessions. into the Unknown physical abilities—no previous dance experience required! The day will emphasize the Sufi messageTone Your Body with Smart Nutrition Course Code: HPHE228 2011S C01 of creating space and peace within oneself. As Rumi Date: Saturday, March 19: 9 am to 12 pm, 1 session himself said, “The clear bead at the centre changesCourse Code: HPHE231 2011S C01 Fee: $38 plus $4.56 HST everything—there are no edges to my loving now.”Date: Thursday, February 24: 6:30 to 8:30 pm,1 session The Retirement Advantage Please wear comfortable clothing and thick socks orFee: $38 plus $4.56 HST soft-soled dance shoes for sliding. Course Code: HPHE228 2011S C02Core Strengthening and Ergonomics for Date: Saturday, March 26: 9 am to 12 pm, 1 session Instructor: Dr. Jason Cressey, PhD (psychology),a Pain-Free Low Back Fee: $38 plus $4.56 HST Department of Psychology, UVicCourse Code: HPHE231 2011S C02 Envisioning Your Retirement Course Code: HPHE233 2011S C01Date: Thursday, March 3: 6:30 to 8:30 pm, Date: Sunday, March 27: 10 am to 4 pm, 1 session1 session Course Code: HPHE228 2011S C03 Fee: $70 plus $8.40 HSTFee: $38 plus $4.56 HST Date: Saturday, April 2: 9 am to 12 pm, 1 session Fee: $38 plus $4.56 HST NEW! Boomeritis: Overuse and Repetitive Stress Injuries of theManaging Headaches From Insight to Action Energetic Baby Boomer GenerationCourse Code: HPHE231 2011S C03 Course Code: HPHE228 2011S C04 Boomeritis refers to injuries sustained amongstDate: Thursday, March 10: 6:30 to 8:30 pm, Date: Saturday, April 9: 9 am to 12 pm, 1 session ambitious older adults (Boomers) who participate1 session Fee: $38 plus $4.56 HST in competitive sports, adventure travel and otherFee: $38 plus $4.56 HST physically demanding activities. Although the benefits of a more active lifestyle are innumerable,Chronic Pain Treatment Options > overuse and repetitive stress injuries are becoming a common and potentially restricting occurrenceCourse Code: HPHE231 2011S C04 For more on retirement, please see: in the “Boomer” generation—from the 65-year-oldDate: Thursday, March 17: 6:30 to 8:30 pm, marathon runner to the 45-year-old surfer.1 session Humanities, History, Contemporary IssuesFee: $38 plus $4.56 HST Learn how aging affects your bones, muscles, • Patterns of Life in Retirement ligaments and tendons, and ways to protect your28 HEALTH, WELLNESS, SAFETY Certificate/diploma options Distance/online

body from injury. The focus will be on prevention Dance/Movement Therapy Instructor: Dr. Paul Winston, MD, FRCPC, is a special-and treatment options, including self-management ist in physical medicine and rehabilitation withstrategies related to common causes of overuse Course Code: HPPD260 2011S C02 VIHA. He is a consultant at Victoria General Hospitalinjuries and disorders such as tendinitis, bursitis Date: Tuesday, March 8: 6:30 to 8:30 pm, 1 session in neurorehabilitation and has a communityand osteoarthritis. Fee: $38 plus $4.56 HST practice in musculoskeletal and neuromuscular medicine, with a special interest in performing artsInstructor: Jason Craig, BEd, MPT, is a former high Music Therapy medicine. He is certified by the Canadian Society ofschool science and physical education teacher who Clinical Neurophysiologists in Electromyography.has worked as a physiotherapist in both public and Course Code: HPPD260 2011S C03private practice. Date: Tuesday, March 15: 6:30 to 8:30 pm, 1 session Course Code: HPPD225 2011S C01 Fee: $38 plus $4.56 HST Date: Tuesday, January 25: 7 to 9:30 pm, 1 sessionCourse Code: HPHE232 2011S C01 Fee: $45 plus $5.40 HSTDate: Wednesday, March 30: 6:30 to 9 pm, Art Therapy1 session Geriatric Drug TherapiesFee: $38 plus $4.56 HST Course Code: HPPD260 2011S C04 Date: Tuesday, March 22: 6:30 to 8:30 pm, 1 session Review of principles of drug therapeutics forEDUCATION FOR HEALTH AND Fee: $38 plus $4.56 HST common health conditions that affect the elderly,HELPING PROFESSIONALS including principles and goals associated with Assessment Skills in Mental Health such therapeutics. Discuss issues surrounding theRegistration note: Registrants who wish to withdraw desired outcomes of care, quality of life vs. survival,from courses in this section must do so at least 48 This interdisciplinary-approach workshop explores prevention of hospitalization and premature insti-hours prior to the commencement of the course to some of the tools and assessment factors utilized tutionalization, cost vs. cost effectiveness. Reviewreceive a refund, less an administration fee of $25. in mental health assessment. Topics include: an prevention and treatment of osteoporotic fractures, overview of mental health assessment including drug treatment of chronic pain syndromes, urinaryEducation note: The courses in this section are risk levels, observation tools, components and tract infections, hypertension and cardiovascularintended for health and helping professionals. delivery of a mental status exam. The importance conditions. A case-based format will be used. of psycho-social factors and need for collaboration NEW! Working with Expressive between members of the health care team and Instructor: Dr. Ted Rosenberg, MD, MSc, FRCP(C)Therapies how these contribute to formulating plans of opti- provides medical care in the homes of frail and mal treatment and care will be covered. As well, the elderly people together with a team of nurses and aFour Sessions signs and symptoms of psychiatric and personality physiotherapist, families, and community agencies. disorders for diagnostic purposes are described and His experience includes community medicine andUsing theory, research and anecdotal therapy discussed. geriatrics and holds a master’s degree in commu-experiences, this course presents an opportunity nity health sciences.for health professionals to discover how expres- Instructors: Mr. Paul McNamara, BA, MSW, is a clini-sive art therapies can contribute to the care and cal social worker at the Royal Jubilee Hospital/Eric Course Code: HPPD233 2011S C01treatment of clients experiencing disorders such Martin Pavilion, Psychiatric Emergency Service. Date: Wednesday, February 2: 7 to 9:30 pm,as dementia, autism, Parkinson’s disease, addiction 1 sessionor trauma. These expressive therapies, including Ruth Brown is a registered psychiatric nurse who Fee: $45 plus $5.40 HSTdance/movement, art and music, have been found has worked in the field of psychiatric nursing forto have the potential for tremendously beneficial the past 15 years, including assessment, individual Adverse Drug Reactions: Whenphysical and mental effects. Participants will be and group therapy, counselling and direct care Medication Does More Harm than Goodgiven the opportunity to experience and work with provision. She has worked for the past five yearseach of the therapy modes. The focus and intention at the Royal Jubilee Hospital/Eric Martin Pavilion, Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are a common andof this course is to provide a “tool box” of creative Psychiatric Emergency Service, and is involved in potentially fatal occurrence. Anyone taking moremodalities to those working with verbally chal- all aspects client assessment and acute patient care. than a single medication or supplement is at risk oflenged clients. having an ADR. In the US, ADRs are the fifth highest Course Code: HPPD245 2011S C01 cause of death after heart disease, cancer, strokesInstructor: Sepora Mayim Jacobson, MS, MA, DTR, Date: Saturday, March 5: 9 am to 3 pm, 1 session and lung disease. Join UVic’s Dr. Peter StephensonMA (somatic psychology: dance/movement ther- Fee: $75 plus $9 HST as he describes recent research addressing someapy) has a post-graduate certificate in expressive causes of the most common and serious adverseart therapy. She is a registered clinical counselor NEW! UVic Mini-Medical Series drug reactions (ADRs), especially those pertainingwith BCACC in private practice, and owner of MSI: to seniors. Topics such as misdiagnosis related toCreative Therapies for Healthy Living. Join us each month for a special evening dedicated medication side effects, problems with alternative to current medical issues, challenges or research and over-the-counter medications and adverseCourse Code: HPPD260 2011S C00 facilitated by local medical specialists and UVic outcomes, as well as ways to minimize the risk of anDate: Tuesdays, March 1 to 22: 6:30 to 8:30 pm, faculty. ADR will be discussed.4 sessionsFee: $100 plus $12 HST Spinal Cord Injury—Conquering Clinical Instructor: Dr. Peter Stephenson is director of the Challenges School of Environmental Studies, UVic.You may register separately for one or moreindividual sessions. Spinal cord injury is a life-altering event which Course Code: HPPD259 2011S C01 affects many systems within your client. Health care Date: Tuesday, March 8: 7 to 9 pm, 1 sessionIntroduction to Theory and Practice of practitioners need to have a clear understanding Fee: $45 plus $5.40 HSTExpressive Art Therapy of the challenges their clients face with this type of injury. We will discuss a range of topics, including Brain Injury—An Uphill Road: WhereCourse Code: HPPD260 2011S C01 the anatomy and mechanism of spinal cord injury Did All Those Bumps Come From?Date: Tuesday, March 1: 6:30 to 8:30 pm, 1 session to the practical care needs of physiotherapy, handFee: $38 plus $4.56 HST therapy, bowel and bladder care, wound care, sex, The road to recovery following a brain injury can be pregnancy, wheelchairs, bracing and electrical a long and difficult one. The resulting problems dif- stimulation. fer depending on which area of the brain is injured. This session relates brain injury to brain areas, and brain areas to challenges experienced after injury, • 250-472-4694 HEALTH, WELLNESS, SAFETY 29

emphasizing that recovery requires time and prac- Instructor: Noreen Campbell, BScN, MA, IIWCC, LT Instructor: TBAtice. Current research on brain mechanisms and (Vodder) is a clinical specialist in wound care inthe importance of friends, family and community Victoria. Course Code: HPCF215 2011S D01support will be discussed.  Course Code: HPPD257 2011S D01 Date: February 11 to March 11: 4 weeksInstructor: Dr. Ronald Skelton is an associate profes- Fee: $175sor with UVic’s Department of Psychology. His areas Date: February 4 to March 18: 6 weeksof interest are cognitive neuroscience, recovery of Fee: $210 plus $25.20 HST CONTINUING EDUCATION FORfunction after traumatic brain injury, spatial learn- SOCIAL WORKERS AND OTHERing and memory. Wound Management HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Level IICourse Code: HPPD261 2011K C01 NEW! Introduction to DialecticalDate: Tuesday, April 5: 7 to 9 pm, 1 session An eight-week distance education course Behaviour TherapyFee: $45 plus $5.40 HST with required one day on campus workshop/ evaluation session Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a broad arrayCOURSES BY DISTANCE of cognitive and behaviour strategies developed for This comprehensive blended learning course clients with borderline personality disorder (BPD). It NEW! New Wound Management for centres on the development of clinical skills and differs from traditional forms of cognitive behaviourHealth Professionals knowledge supportive of working with advanced- therapy in that there is an emphasis on acceptance practice wound care. The eight-week online of the behaviour, dialectic process, the therapeuticFor LPNs, RNs, physiotherapists, dieticians and segment focuses on pressure ulcers, vascular ulcers, relationship and therapy-interfering behaviour.other health disciplines working with patients who VAC usage, debridement, high risk foot, lympho- This introductory session will provide participantsrequire wound management dema, surgical wounds, burns and oncology. The with an overview of DBT. It will cover the biosocial importance of additional patient factors including theory of BPD, dialectics: balancing acceptance andHealth professionals are faced with daily challenges co-morbid conditions, psychosocial issues and change, assumptions about clients and therapy,related to effective wound management. The resource considerations will be addressed. The final brief overview of treatment strategies and an over-attainment of comprehensive wound management on-campus workshop assists participants to gain view of DBT components, stages and targets.skills requires continuing education that incorpo- confidence through skill practice and performancerates diverse, evidence-based information, best evaluation including debridement. Instructors: Dr. Elisabeth Hallam is a registeredpractice proficiency and collaborative opportunities psychologist currently working for Vancouveracross health disciplines. This online program in Prerequisite: Wound Management Level I Island Health Authority (VIHA). She specializes inwound management provides a self-paced learning treatment for clients with borderline personalityenvironment combining interactive activities with Instructor: TBA disorders and is a founding member of the DBT pro-in-depth discussions, concepts and understand- gram at VIHA’s USTAT clinic in of wounds and their challenges. Application of  Course Code: HPPD258 2011K C01theory integrates case studies and problem-based Martin Young, MSW, is a social worker currentlylearning to develop clinical expertise in a broad Date: April 8 to June 3: 8 weeks working for VIHA. Martin is engaged in a variety ofrange of essential wound care components. Fee: $385 plus $46.20 HST work that includes one-to-one and group therapy. He is a founding member of the DBT Program atRefund Policy: Wound Management Level 1 (course Canadian Falls Prevention USTAT Clinic.fee minus a $75 administration fee) will not be Curriculumprovided after 4:30 pm PST on the first Monday Course Code: HPPD262 2011K C01after course start. An E-Learning Course Date: Thursday, April 7: 7 to 9 pm, 1 session Fee: $45 plus $5.40 HSTRefund Policy: Level 2 (course fee minus a $130 Those working with older adults in long-term care,administration fee) will not be provided after acute care and home care will acquire the knowl- Note: Course withdrawal must occur at least 484:30 pm PST on the first Monday after course start. edge and skills needed to apply an evidence-based prior to course commencement to receive a refund approach to the prevention of falls and fall-related less a $25 administration fee.Wound Management injuries. Learn how to design, implement andLevel I evaluate a falls prevention program. Facilitated instruction leads you through a process to developChronic and acute wound prevention and treat- strategies and interventions; to apply current pro-ment requires a strong foundation of the theory grams; and to understand the reliability and validityand principles of wound management combined of existing resources and tools for screening andwith current, evidence-based practice. This assessing fall risk.comprehensive six-week, online course providesmultidisciplinary health care professionals with the Upon course completion participants shouldessential tools and strategies to confidently address be able to: define the scope and nature of thewound management care. Application of theory problem of falls; provide falls risk identificationis provided through visual actual case examples, and assessment; provide a selection of preventioninteractive assessments and collaborative discus- interventions reflecting evidence-based strategies;sion opportunities. Main course concepts include understand social and policy context; provide appli-prevention, assessment and healing, infection, cation of a program planning model; and evaluatedressings and pain management. the effectiveness of a falls prevention program. A project will be created throughout the course asChallenge exam for Level 1 is available for qualifying you work through modules specific to a populationstudents who wish to take the Wound Management of most interest (i.e., well community, frail com-Level 2 course. Please call Julia Liska at 250-721-8608, munity, acute care and long-term care).email [email protected], for more information. This four-week distance course begins with an online workshop on how to access online compo- nents of the course, locate website resources and communicate with the instructor and other stu- dents using online discussion tools to participate in interactive activities throughout this course.30 HEALTH, WELLNESS, SAFETY Certificate/diploma options Distance/online

takCeasnraoduigahnlym7u5seduamyss get Cultural Landscapeso gr5o4wmyoiluliroonwvnisittoomrsaetoac. h year. HA 489G, 1.5 units at’sHnoowt tdooo ltohnegy,sistaity?so relevant? From the landscapes and gardens associated with heritage buildings, industries and rural communi- ties, to First Nations sites, cultural landscapes are diverse resources that present special preservation and management challenges. This course focuses on the nature of cultural landscapes and strength- ens your ability to identify, develop and evaluate preservation strategies for landscape resources that are integral to your community. Instructor: Wendy Shearer, Principal, Wendy Shearer Landscape Architect Ltd. Date: April 11 to 16 COURSE AT THE ROYAL BRITISH COLUMBIA MUSEUMHeritage, Culture, ON-CAMPUS IMMERSION Approaches to Collections ResearchMuseums COURSES HA 386, 1.5 unitsCULTURAL RESOURCE Exhibition Design and InstallationMANAGEMENT PROGRAM Museum, gallery and archival collections offer HA 488K, 1.5 units authentic sources of knowledge for the profes-This innovative program enables people who work sionals that work with them in-house, as well asas professionals, board members and volunteers Create innovative exhibits that provide meaningful for those who access them from community andin the heritage and cultural sectors to stay cur- contexts in which objects can be presented, shared academic settings to pursue diverse research inter-rent with the significant changes taking place in and enjoyed through this lively and hands-on ests. This course makes use of the rich collections ofmuseums, heritage agencies, galleries and arts exploration of principles and practice. the RBCM to explore the ways in which collectionsorganizations. serve a range of research roles. Instructor: Darcie Fohrman, exhibition design Instructor: Lorne Hammond, PhD, Curator of History,Whether courses are taken individually to address a consultant, Monterey, CA with colleagues from various collections areasparticular interest or professional need, or as part of Date: Fridays, January 7 to April 1: 2 to 5 pm,a credit program, they provide stimulating learning Date: January 24 to 29 13 sessionsexperiences that balance theory with practice.Courses taken for credit can lead to a diploma in Caring for Collections COURSES BY DISTANCEcultural resource management or a professionalspecialization certificate in collections manage- HA 488D, 1.5 units The following courses are offered from January 10ment or heritage conservation planning. to April 17: Investigate the physical characteristics of museumSome Cultural Resource Management Program collections, the ways they are affected by environ- Museum Principles and Practices II:courses are offered in an immersion format over an mental factors, and the preventive conservation Programming, Exhibitions andintensive six-day period with a preparatory assign- and treatment policies and procedures that are Managementment. Others are offered in an interactive distance utilized to ensure the safe-keeping of artifactsformat, using a mix of print and online resources. and specimens in storage, on exhibit, in transit,  HA 486B, 1.5 unitsClasses are small, and instructors are expert in their and when in use for research and programmingfields. purposes. Explore the role and development of exhibits and programs, and ways in which knowledge is sharedThe following courses can be taken for credit or Instructor: Susan L. Maltby, collections conservation through collections, research, public partnershipnon-credit. consultant, Toronto and audience development. Instructor: Deborah Tuyttens, Museum Supervisor, Date: February 21 to 26 Burnaby Village Museum Heritage Conservation Planning Determining Significance of Historic Resources HA 489L, 1.5 units  HA 489C, 1.5 units Strengthen your understanding of conservation planning and decision-making principles and pro- Examine the range of historic, aesthetic, social and cesses in the management of heritage resources. scientific values that establish the significance and character-defining elements of historic resources, Instructor: Harold Kalman, PhD, Principal, buildings and cultural landscapes. Commonwealth Historic Resource Management Instructor: Alastair Kerr is an expert in heritage Limited, Vancouver resource evaluation and planning. Date: March 21 to 26 HERITAGE, CULTURE, MUSEUMS • 250-472-4694

Managing Cultural Organizations Certificate/diploma options Distance/online HA 488A, 1.5 unitsEnhance your understanding of the complex forcesthat are reshaping the museum and cultural sectorsand develop your capacity to manage responsiveand relevant cultural organizations.Instructor: Carrie Brooks-Joiner, Principal, CarrieBrooks-Joiner & Associates, arts managementconsultantBuilding Community Relationships HA 488S, 1.5 unitsReconsider your traditional role as cultural workerand identify new ways of relating to your commu-nity. This course encourages you to expand yourvision outward, beyond the familiar, to includeglobal trends that are affecting society today.Strengthen your ability to initiate, build and sustaininclusive and mutually beneficial relationshipswithin your communities. Develop new skills incommunity mapping, collaboration and incorporat-ing inclusive cultural perspectives.Instructor: Elizabeth Kidd, community artsmanagement consultantCuratorship: ContemporaryPerspectives HA 488J, 1.5 unitsConsider collections and acquisitions policies,object-oriented research methods, informationmanagement and the contemporary role ofthe curator in exhibitions and public programapplications.Instructor: Beth Carter, Director–Curator, JapaneseCanadian National MuseumPlease check our website (see below) for excitinglearning opportunities for Summer 2011.For more information and to register, pleasecontact: Cultural Resource Management Program Phone 250-721-6119 Fax 250-721-8774 Email [email protected] Web HERITAGE, CULTURE, MUSEUMS

tak9e0s%rooufgwhhlyat7w5 ed’allyksnow in 50 actors involved in dealing with maritime terrorism:o gryoewarysohuarsoywetnttoobmeadtois.covered. navies, merchant ship owners, insurance companies, port authorities, cruise line operators, international at’sMnoatketosoylooungth, iins kit,?doesn’t it? maritime organizations, state, regional and local governments and tourists, sailors and merchants. Instructor: Ronald Crelinsten (see instructor biogra- phy under Terrorism in the 21st Century, this page) Course Code: ASHI470 2011S C01 Date: Tuesday, February 1: 2:30 to 4:30 pm, 1 session Fee: $20 plus $2.40 HSTHumanities, threat or something else? Are counterterrorism NEW! History of the Jews of SpainHistory, approaches that were in vogue before those attacksContemporary still valid today? Do we need new approaches that In this course we will explore the rich history ofIssues have not been tried before? the Spanish Jews from the ancient times through Roman, Visigothic and Moorish rule to the mag- NEW! The Palestinians: A Social and These are some of the questions that will be nificent achievements of the Golden Age of theCultural History addressed in this session, which reviews the history 11th and 12th centuries. We will learn about the of terrorism and the efforts to deal with it from the period of the Reconquista and, finally, about KingCome and meet the people so often in the news— 1960s to the present day. You will learn about the Ferdinand and Queen Isabella’s Edict of Expulsion inthe Palestinians—in a series of six illustrated talks “new terrorism thesis” that emerged in the 1990s 1492 resulting in the diaspora of the Spanish Jewry.that will explore Palestinian ethnic identity and and examine the arguments for and against it. At We will discover a wondrous story of survival,cultural history. We will look at topics as varied as the end, you will be in a position to decide for your- endurance and rebirth of the Jewish people ofarchaeology, folk costumes, embroidery, pottery self whether we are faced with a completely new Spain.and architecture to indigenous foods and cooking threat, or an old one in a different context.styles. We will look at family structure and celebra- Instructor: Inna Smolovtions, and their roots in the agricultural cycles of Instructor: Professor Ronald Crelinsten is Seniorthe land. The influence, over time, of religion on the Research Associate at the Centre for Global Studies Course Code: ASHI473 2011S C01area and its people will also be discussed. There will at UVic. His latest book is Counterterrorism, pub- Date: Tuesdays, February 8 to March 15: 7 to 9 pm,be folk music and folktales, and for modern times, lished by Polity Press in the UK and distributed by 6 sessionspoetry, writers, film makers and artists to round out Wiley & Sons in North America. Fee: $95 plus $11.40 HSTthe stories of this ancient land and its people. Course Code: ASHI469 2011S C01 NEW! Patterns of Life in RetirementInstructor: Terri Hunter, MA, is a sixth-generation Date: Tuesday, January 25: 2:30 to 4:30 pm,Vancouver Islander. She writes and lectures in Victo- 1 session This course is for retirees who are interested inria on a wide variety of topics, from a background in Fee: $20 plus $2.40 HST exploring and discussing aspects of their retirementanthropology. experiences, prompted by the questions listed Terrorism and Counterterrorism in below. You will be provided with prompts aboutCourse Code: ASHI475 2011S C01 the Maritime Realm retirement to which you can respond within theDate: Thursdays, January 20 to February 24: context of group discussion (e.g., “My feelings of7 to 9 pm, 6 sessions Do you suffer from “maritime blindness”? Living well-being and life satisfaction have increased sinceFee: $95 plus $11.40 HST on an island in the Pacific Northwest, Victorians I retired”; “I underestimated the demands of adjust- are surrounded by water. What are the particular ing to retirement”; etc.). These statements will beTerrorism in the 21st Century: vulnerabilities of the maritime realm to terrorist balanced between positive and negative formats.Change or Continuity? attack? What are the typical targets and threats? What are the implications of climate change • Do other retirees experience retirement as I do?Are you a September 10 thinker or a September 12 for these targets, threats and vulnerabilities? Isthinker? Do you believe that terrorism has funda- counterterrorism in the maritime realm significantly • Are there common experiential patterns of life inmentally changed since the attacks of September different from counterterrorism in general? retirement?11, 2001? Or not? Is Al Qaeda a unique, global These are some of the questions that will be • What is the extent of individual differences in addressed in this course, which surveys the nature retirement experience? of terrorism and counterterrorism in the maritime realm. You will learn to appreciate the unique chal- • Can I validate my experience and pick up some lenges of the maritime realm for both terrorists and insights and ideas through discussion with other counterterrorists. You will also learn how counter- retirees? terrorism has adapted to the many different kinds of • Are there any keys to life satisfaction in retirement? Instructor: Dr. John Osborne is a professor emeritus at the University of Alberta; for more information please visit Course Code: ASHI474 2011S C01 Date: Saturdays, February 19 to 26: 9 am to 12 pm, 2 sessions Fee: $75 plus $9 • 250-472-4694 HUMANITIES, HISTORY, CONTEMPORARY ISSUES 33

Adventures in the Middle East Course Code: ASHI479 2011S C01 a variety of discourses embedded in the text, and Date: Saturdays, February 5 to 19: 10 am to 12 pm, thereby enrich our understanding of the narrative.In this session, the presenter will share his impres- 3 sessionssions following a four-month backpacking trip in Fee: $55 plus $6.60 HST Instructor: Dr. Paul G. Chamberlain is a historicalthe Middle East (Syria, Jordan, Israel, Palestine and geographer who specializes in the Middle East; heEgypt). Many aspects of this fascinating, complex NEW! Learning to Cherish Others is interested in textual criticism and comparativeand often troubled region will be introduced theology. He has spent time in Egypt and Israel, andthrough a visual presentation which will include: ”Equalizing” and “exchanging self with others” are travelled across the Sinai with the Bedouin, explor-tales of the legendary Arab hospitality, culinary the universal teachings of Buddha, who handed ing sites associated with the Exodus.delights, an unforgettable desert experience with down to us the secret to the purity already latentthe Bedouins, impressive monuments of past in our own hearts. The mind of loving kindness is Afternoon session, Amica at Somerset House:civilizations, diving in the Red Sea, Christmas in the a powerful source of true happiness for ourselves Course Code: ASHI477 2011S E01Old City of Jerusalem and stories of ordinary people and others, and the source of hope for humanity. Date: Tuesday, March 1: 1 to 3 pm, 1 sessionin Israel and Palestine seeking long-lasting peace in By increasing our love and kindness, we learn to Fee: $20 plus $2.40 HSTthe region. take responsibility for our actions, and improve our relationships at home and in our community. Evening session, UVic campus:This session should appeal to people who are Course Code: ASHI477 2011S C01thinking of travelling to the Middle East or who are Instructor: Gen Kelsang Zopa is a Buddhist monk Date: Wednesday, March 9: 7 to 9 pm, 1 sessioninterested in finding out more about this region, its who has studied Kadampa Buddhism for more than Fee: $20 plus $2.40 HSTpeople, cultures and natural history. 15 years, as well as teaching extensively throughout Canada. He is currently Resident Teacher at Bodhi- NEW! Iran: A Critical Analysis of anInstructor: Yves Parizeau is a former elementary chitta Buddhist Centre in Victoria. Emerging Global Crisisschool teacher and ageless adventurer. Course Code: ASHI480 2011S C01 On campus or at Amica at SomersetCourse Code: ASHI454 2011S C01 Date: Saturdays, March 12 to 26: 10 am to 12 pm, HouseDate: Wednesday, February 23: 7 to 9:30 pm, 3 sessions1 session Fee: $55 plus $6.60 HST Iran is popularly understood in the West today as aFee: $25 plus $3 HST nation that is destabilizing the Middle East through The Pilgrimage to Santiago de actions such as promoting terrorism, developing NEW! Under the Oaks: The History Compostela nuclear technology and refusing to recognize theof Oak Bay State of Israel. Many in the region, however, see the Join Dr. Thompson as she examines the histori- West as the source of the problem. A long periodThrough stories and pictures we will first explore cal origins and nature of the Camino de Santiago of political interference to bolster corrupt regimes,how geology and geography shaped Oak Bay’s fate, de Compostela through lecture, images and the unwavering support for Israel, and a need to controland then move on to the adventures of the men presentation of excerpts from a 12th-century text the flow of oil have all created a feeling of distrustand women who built Oak Bay. First Nations and (to be provided in class). She will focus on such among many in the Middle East. In this presenta-early settlers and tales of derring-do on the high questions as: Who was Saint James? Why did the tion we will examine Iran’s recent history and itsseas deliver us to Oak Bay’s glamorous heyday as pilgrimage come into existence? What were the current political landscape to better understandthe home of Rattenbury and European aristocrats. politics of the early pilgrimage? What was the the contemporary issues surrounding this country’sFrom its early days as Victoria’s open-aired play- nature of the Camino in the early years? Why were desire to harness nuclear technology and aggres-ground to modern day, come and hear the stories people attracted to the Camino? Who were the sively assert its role in the region.that gave Oak Bay its cachet as the genteel epitome early pilgrims? What sorts of experiences did theyof an English seaside town. have? Instructor: Dr. Paul Chamberlain is a historical geog- rapher who has taught at the University of VictoriaInstructor: Terri Hunter, MA, is a sixth generation This class will appeal to those of you interested in for 18 years; he specializes in Middle East StudiesVancouver Islander. She writes and lectures in Victo- the history of the pilgrimage and to those of you and was recently invited to Iran by the Universityria on a wide variety of topics, from a background in who have walked or who plan to walk the Camino. of Tehran.anthropology. No advance preparation is necessary. Afternoon session, Amica at Somerset House:Course Code: ASHI476 2011S C01 Instructor: Dr. Gillian Thompson, Professor Emeritus Course Code: ASHI478 2011S E01Date: Thursdays, March 3 to April 7: 7 to 9 pm, of History, University of New Brunswick, is a special- Date: Tuesday, January 25: 1 to 3 pm, 1 session6 sessions ist in European history. Fee: $20 plus $2.40 HSTFee: $95 plus $11.40 HST Course Code: ASHI448 2011S C01 Evening session, UVic campus: NEW! Modern Buddhism for Date: Thursday, March 10: 7 to 9 pm, 1 session Course Code: ASHI478 2011S C01Transforming Our Lives Fee: $20 plus $2.40 HST Date: Wednesday, February 2: 7 to 9 pm, 1 session Fee: $20 plus $2.40 HSTWhen our wishes are not fulfilled we usually NEW! A Journey in the Footsteps ofexperience unpleasant feelings, such as unhappi- the Israelites NEW! Pirates! A Brief History of theness or depression. This is our problem because Bloodthirsty Story of Piracy fromwe are so attached to the fulfillment of our wishes. On campus or at Amica at Somerset Ancient Times to the PresentBy practising Buddha’s teachings on renunciation, Housewe can solve our daily problems that arise from What is the origin of piracy? Who were the pirates?attachment. We will come to understand that our The journey of the Israelites from Egypt to the Are there any famous women pirates? Join us asproblems do not exist outside of ourselves, but Promised Land is widely regarded as one of the we explore the pirate lifestyle and morals as well asare part of our mind that experiences unpleasant most important events in the Bible, yet biblical the lives of some well-known pirates such as Avery,feelings. geographers are still uncertain as to which route Blackbeard, Kidd and Roberts, the North African the Israelites actually travelled. In this course we Barbary corsairs and their slave system. We will alsoInstructor: Gen Kelsang Zopa is a Buddhist monk will attempt to retrace the footsteps of the Israelites look at the image of pirates in film and literature,who has studied Kadampa Buddhism for more than using maps, artifacts and photographs. It is hoped and modern piracy.15 years, as well as teaching extensively throughout that by exploring the cartographic representationCanada. He is currently Resident Teacher at Bodhi- of this event in detail, we will be able to identify Instructor: Dr. Timothy Travers taught history at thechitta Buddhist Centre in Victoria. University of Calgary for more than 20 years, and34 HUMANITIES, HISTORY, CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Certificate/diploma options Distance/online

the history of piracy in UVic’s Department of History Some of the topics to be covered include: NEW! Destination: Desolationfor several years. He has published several books onmilitary history, as well as Pirates: A History in 2007. • an overview of the transmission and On Campus or at Berwick Royal Oak preservation of knowledge and learning fromCourse Code: ASHI483 2011S C01 the ancient East and West Join us on a virtual expedition to two of the mostDate: Wednesdays, March 16 to April 6: 7 to 9 pm, desolate and enigmatic places on earth—Easter4 sessions • external influences that shaped European Island and Antarctica.Fee: $65 plus $7.80 HST science and technology At between 1,000 and 3,000 kilometres fromThe Anthropology of Magic • the great minds and great deeds of the Middle anywhere these two “islands”—one smaller than Ages through ancient sources and archaeological Salt Spring Island, the other of continental propor-While we won’t be discovering any previously evidence tions—offer diametrically opposed landscapes.unknown ancient or medieval spells, or raising Both have harsh environments for humans to popu-any dead Egyptian pharaohs Hollywood style, we • examples of architecture and technology in late; both have seen their share of exploration andwill be investigating the mechanisms of magic in Medieval Europe and Asia tragedy; and both offer a unique look at what hasancient cultures. Magic has served many purposes been considered, at various times in human history,throughout human history, and has influenced Instructor: Chris Mundigler, ACA, BA the ends of the Earth. This photographic tour willcivilizations, religions, kings and best-selling novels highlight the serene beauty of a tropical island andsince the beginning of time. Our investigation will Course Code: ASHI296 2011S C01 an icy wasteland; the enigmatic majesty of stonelead us through both the dark side of magic in Date: Tuesdays, February 1 to March 8: 7 to 9 pm, statues and flightless penguins; a lava outcroppinghistory, as well as its influential side that blurred the 6 sessions and a glacial wonderland.boundaries between magic and religion, reality and Fee: $95 plus $11.40 HSTsuperstition. Instructor: Chris Mundigler, ACA, BA NEW! Destination: Southern PeruWe’ll begin our journey in prehistoric times as we Afternoon session, Berwick Royal Oak:travel through the ancient Near East and Egypt, On Campus or at Berwick Royal Oak Course Code: ASHI485 2011K E01then touch on Africa and Asia, before heading Date: Thursday, May 12: 2 to 4 pm, 1 sessionthrough classical and medieval Europe, and on to While much of southern Peru—Machu Picchu, Fee: $20 plus $2.40 HSTthe New World and Oceania in our search for con- Cuzco, Lake Titicaca—remains enigmatic andnections between history, magic and ourselves. mysterious to most of us, Peru is really no different Evening session, UVic campus: than any other exotic and exciting place to travel to Course Code: ASHI485 2011K C01Instructor: Chris Mundigler, ACA, BA in the world. It is full of life, colour, people, markets, Date: Tuesday, May 17: 7 to 9 pm, 1 session sights and smells that will tantalize any explorer or Fee: $20 plus $2.40 HSTCourse Code: ASHI325 2011S C01 armchair traveler. Join us as we travel the highlightsDate: Mondays, February 14 to March 21: of this amazing region, from the high Andes to the NEW! An Afternoon in …10 am to 12 pm, 6 sessions lowland plains and coastal areas in photographs Southern PeruFee: $105 plus $12.60 HST that will whet your appetite to see this “land of the Incas” for yourself. at Greater Victoria Public LibraryThe Archaeology of Southwest Asia Instructor: Chris Mundigler, ACA, BA Just as in the companion photographic presenta-The regions of southwestern Asia—Anatolia and tion, Destination: Southern Peru (this page), in thisthe Fertile Crescent of the ancient Near East—have Afternoon session, Berwick Royal Oak: talk we’ll visit a rich inventory of sites in this Incabeen called the “cradle of civilization” for good Course Code: ASHI484 2011K E01 land, only this time, we’ll concentrate on the historyreason. It’s here that many of the original civiliza- Date: Thursday, April 14: 2 to 4 pm, 1 session and archaeology of the region, moving through thetions on which most of our own traditions are based Fee: $20 plus $2.40 HST landscape from ancient site to ancient site, probingfirst began. The history and cultures of Turkey, deeply into the key elements that made this one ofSyria, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan all influenced the Evening session, UVic campus: the most important and mysterious cultural landsgroundwork for Western Civilization as we know it Course Code: ASHI484 2011K C01 in history, and the With the defeat of the Persians by Alexander Date: Tuesday, April 19: 7 to 9 pm, 1 sessionthe Great, a new era began in this region and it Fee: $20 plus $2.40 HST Instructor: Chris Mundigler, ACA, BAis the transition between the civilizations of theancient, Hellenistic and Islamic Near East that will Destination: Peloponnese Course Code: ASHI486 2011S E01draw our attention in this course. Date: Thursday, March 17: 1 to 3 pm, 1 session Western Civilization as we know it would not exist Fee: $22 plus $2.64 HSTInstructor: Chris Mundigler, ACA, BA if it was not for the historically and archaeologi- cally rich area of southern Greece known as the Destination: AegeaCourse Code: ASHI462 2011K C01 Peloponnese. While we won’t be delving into theDate: Wednesdays, April 13 to May 18: 7 to 9 pm, history of ancient Greece in this presentation, we Amica at Somerset House6 sessions will be feasting our eyes on the majesty, beauty andFee: $95 plus $11.40 HST wonder of a part of Greece that gave us the first Home to some of the most striking and amazing Olympic Games, unprecedented art, magnificent civilizations the world has ever known, the AegeanScience and Technology in the landscapes, one side of the Trojan War and more Sea boasts more than its share of idyllic islands,Middle Ages beaches than you can shake your sunglasses at. postcard beaches, ancient to medieval archaeologi- We’ll tour the Peloponnese through the major cal sites and a Modern Greek flair for life. We willThis course will highlight how the science and archaeological sites, the wayside Greek villages, the travel from Athens to the west coast of Turkey andtechnology of the ancient Western world was pre- people, food, touristic hot spots and the one-of-a- off-shore Greek islands of Lesbos, Chias, Samos andserved and saved from the European “Dark Ages” by kind Mediterranean shoreline. Kos, dabbling in the Turkish villages and sites alonga flourishing Arab culture. From there, we will inves- the way, before heading for Rhodes, Crete andtigate the eventual reawakening of knowledge in Instructor: Chris Mundigler, ACA, BA finally Santorini.Europe that led the Western world into a renais-sance of thoughts and ideas. Course Code: ASHI467 2011S C01 Join us on this visual journey that will take us Date: Thursday, February 10: 7 to 9 pm, 1 session through ancient Minoan and Mycenaean cul- Fee: $20 plus $2.40 HST tures, remnants of cataclysmic volcanic eruptions, unique Greek and Turkish villages, and a meeting of peoples, food, music and traditions that span • 250-472-4694 HUMANITIES, HISTORY, CONTEMPORARY ISSUES 35

Instructor: Chris Mundigler, ACA, BA walking tours around Victoria. His books include NEW! The Celtic Church “Old Square-toes and his Lady: the Life of James andCourse Code: ASHI468 2011S E01 Amelia Douglas, Historic Guide to Ross Bay Cemetery, Celtic spirituality is immensely popular today. ManyDate: Tuesday, March 8: 1 to 3 pm, 1 session Ghosts and Legends of Bastion Square, Christmas believe the tenets of the Celtic Church show respectFee: $20 plus $2.40 HST in Old Victoria and The Ker Family of Victoria, for nature in an era of pollution and exploitation. 1859–1976: Pioneer Industrialists in Western Canada. NEW! Happiness: Attention, More information about John’s heritage programs is This course, however, will explore the origins ofIntention and Action available at Celtic Christianity in Ireland and Scotland which were not without religion or spirituality in theWhat does current research say about the impor- Course Code: ASHI465 2011S E01 early Middle Ages. You’ve heard about St. Patricktance of where and how we focus our attention, Date: Tuesday, February 1: 1 to 3 pm, 1 session and St. Columba, but what about St. Fillan or St.and what happens when we are not paying con- Fee: $20 plus $2.40 HST Mungo? What do you really know about St. Bridget?scious attention to our lives. What exactly was a Culdee and why is that ascetic NEW! An Introduction to Victoria’s community so well remembered? After Christian- • What are the consequences for our happiness Colourful Past ity was firmly established in Scotland and Ireland, when we allow our attention to be hijacked by the Church survived the assaults of the Vikings. We habit? Amica at Somerset House will study the influence of the Anglo-Normans on Scotland and Ireland, and finish with the spiritual- • How are bottom-up and top-down attention Historian John Adams explores the reasons why ity of the early church which shone through the different? Fort Victoria was founded in 1843. He will discuss prayers of Scottish Gaels living in the 19th century. the formation of the Colony of Vancouver Island, The lecturer is not a theologian, but a historian. • Can mindfulness contribute to our sense of the growth of the city after the 1858 Gold Rush, well-being? and how Victoria became the colonial capital and Instructor: Sharron Gunn, MA (honours), University retained its position even after Vancouver became of Glasgow • In what ways do feelings frame our focus? the biggest city in BC. This is an illustrated talk com- bining social, architectural and economic history. Course Code: ASHI482 2011K C01 • How does biology influence attention? Date: Tuesdays, April 5 to May 10: 7 to 9 pm, Instructor: John Adams (see instructor biography 6 sessions • Can we develop more conscious control of our under Victoria’s Colonial Homes and Families, above) Fee: $95 plus $11.40 HST attention? Course Code: ASHI487 2011S E01 IN PURSUIT OF KNOWLEDGEAs American psychologist and philosopher William Date: Tuesday, February 15: 1 to 3 pm, 1 sessionJames said “my experience is what I agree to attend Fee: $20 plus $2.40 HST Designed to acquaint you with UVic faculty andto.” Discover how attention, mindful choice and their many areas of interest, this series introducescommitted action play important roles in determin- NEW! The Lords of the Isles you to a variety of topics that will intrigue you evening the quality of our lives and our sense of vitality. if they are outside your usual area of interest. We The Lordship of the Isles evolved from Vikings raid- invite you to join us for the following sessions.Instructor: Dr. Kathryn Jardine is a registered psy- ers and Gaelic kings. The Western Isles of Scotlandchologist in private practice (www.jardinetherapy. were on the main sea route from Scandinavia to Series Registration:ca). She has a wide range of experience as a Western Europe and the Mediterranean, and so Course Code: ASPT006 2011S C00therapist, consultant and facilitator, in a variety were a valuable prize for the Norse who colonised Date: Thursdays, January 27 to April 7:of settings. Throughout her career she has been the Hebrides and intermarried with the Gaels. In 9:30 to 11:30 am, 3 sessionsparticularly interested in people’s strengths and the 12th century, Somerled, an ancestor of the Fee: $59 plus $7.08 HSTresiliencies, and helping them to discover ways to MacDonalds, created his own kingdom indepen-flourish and excel. dent of the kingdom of Norway. The MacDonalds Detailed course information can be found in the backed Robert Bruce in the Wars of Independence individual sessions following.Course Code: ASHI488 2011S C01 and received lands and charters from him, leadingDate: Tuesday, January 25: 6:30 to 8:30 pm, to a vast growth of Gaelic language and culture. Live Data from the Beach to the1 session The Lordship became too powerful for the Scottish Abyss: NEPTUNE Canada RegionalFee: $20 plus $2.40 HST kings to ignore and the Lordship of the Isles was Ocean Observatory forfeited in 1493. For 250 years the Clan DonaldVictoria’s Colonial Homes and tried to retrieve the lands they had lost, to no avail. NEPTUNE Canada is operating a regional cabledFamilies The Campbells and MacKenzies acquired much of ocean observatory across the northern Juan de the land lost by Clan Donald. Although the Mac- Fuca plate in the northeastern Pacific. InstallationAmica at Somerset House Donalds held no feudal title in Scotland above that of the first suite of instruments and connectivity of baron, they continued to influence the course of equipment was completed in 2009, so this systemMeet some of Victoria’s prominent families of the Scottish history. now provides the continuous power and band-fur trade and gold rush eras, such as Sir James width to transform our understanding of biological,and Lady Douglas, Dr. and Mrs. Helmcken, the Instructor: Sharron Gunn, MA (honours), University chemical, physical and geological processes acrossFinlaysons, Works, Tolmies, Pembertons, McKenzies of Glasgow an entire tectonic plate from the shelf to the deepand O’Reillys. In this profusely illustrated talk, John sea (17–2700m). Real-time continuous monitoringAdams will take an in-depth look at these people Course Code: ASHI481 2011S C01 and archiving allows scientists to capture the tem-and their personalities. Where did they come from, Date: Tuesdays, January 18 to February 22: poral nature, characteristics and linkages of thesewhere were they educated, how did they earn their 7 to 9 pm, 6 sessions natural processes in a way never before, what roles did the women play? Not surpris- Fee: $95 plus $11.40 HSTingly, even a few scandals will be included in the Instructor: Mairi Best, PhD, Associate Directorstories. The family homes, some still standing and (Science), NEPTUNE Canadasome long ago demolished, will also be featured,with some rare pictures of the interior rooms. Find Course Code: ASPT006 2011S C01out more about houses with names such as Fern- Date: Thursday, January 27: 9:30 to 11:30 amwood, Cloverdale, Point Ellice, Hillside, Craigflower, Fee: $23.5 plus $2.82 HSTDuvals, Cary Castle and others, both prominent andforgotten.Instructor: John Adams is an historian, author andheritage consultant, well known for his historical36 HUMANITIES, HISTORY, CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Certificate/diploma options Distance/online

Where Does Democracy Come Parking is available underground. You are welcome What’s New in Fine Arts?From? to bring a bag lunch. Admission is free, but call 250-472-4694 to PRECARITY: Photography, Assemblage,Precisely when did the world become “democratic”? register so we can guarantee you a seat. Collage and PerformanceThis lecture will demonstrate that answering thisquestion is more complex than it might appear. What’s New in Humanities? Speaker: Lynda Gammon, PhD, Department ofAnswering the “when” question also requires us to Visual Arts, UVictake up both the “what” question (i.e., just what The Koran in the Modern Worldis democracy) and the “how” question (i.e., how Course Code: ASDS267 2011K E01did we go from non-democracy to democracy). As Speaker: Andrew Rippin, PhD, Department of Date: Friday, April 1: 12:30 to 1:45 pmwill be demonstrated, debate over what and how History, UViccrucially affects our ability to settle on just when Course Code: ASDS259 2011S E01 PUBLIC ISSUES SERIESthe world becomes democratic. Date: Friday, January 21: 12:30 to 1:45 pm What’s in Your Backyard? UrbanInstructor: Dennis Pilon, PhD, Department of What’s New in Law? Sustainability and WildlifePolitical Science, UVic Law and Democracy: Victims of Climate Spring 2011 Public Issues CommunityCourse Code: ASPT006 2011S C02 Change? ForumDate: Thursday, February 24: 9:30 to 11:30 amFee: $23.5 plus $2.82 HST Speaker: Professor Michael M’Gonigle, Faculty of Encounters between humans and wildlife are not Law, UVic new. But it seems as though we are now experienc-Is Religion a Problem, a Solution, or Course Code: ASDS255 2011S E01 ing more wildlife–human conflicts, particularlyNeither? Date: Friday, January 28: 12:30 to 1:45 pm in our urban areas. As cities and suburbs expand and encroach onto what was once wild habitat,Debunking Myths, and Building New What’s New in Social Science? and as predator species increase at predictablePaths Surrounding Faith and Global rates, we’re left asking how these conflicts can beConflict The Human Development Approach prevented. What is the role of provincial and local governments, farmers, businesses and individuals?Every corner of today’s world demonstrates the Speaker: Merwan Engineer, PhD, Department of What strategies are necessary in order to ensurenecessary connections between politics and Economics, UVic biodiversity and human health and safety, whilereligion. Yet, in the minds of many commentators Course Code: ASDS240 2011S E01 allowing for agricultural viability?and members of the public, religion (or at least Date: Friday, February 4: 12:30 to 1:45 pmkey manifestations of it) remains a banishment- Moderator: Dr. Freya Kodar, Faculty of Law, UVicworthy instigator of political violence and social Seeing Like a City: The Urban as Politicsills. However, religious belief and experience, as Course Code: ASPI183 2011S C01basic, holistic dimensions of human life, cannot be Speaker: Warren Magnusson, PhD, Department of Date: March 2011; date TBA. For more informationreduced to problems that must be solved if conflict Political Science, UVic when available, please call to be stemmed. Where religion contributes to Course Code: ASDS240 2011S E02violence, it is necessarily within complex arrange- Date: Friday, March 4: 12:30 to 1:45 pm HUMANITIESments of factors that also incorporate ethnic,national, cultural and linguistic identity; historical What’s New in Science? University 102memory; economics; geostrategy and more. In fact,this lecture points to no less an example than the Our ‘Good’ Bacteria: How Symbiotic A desire to learn is all you need for University 102.Israel–Palestine impasse in suggesting religion’s Interactions with Resident Microbes This non-credit introductory course in the socialunique potential for helping to ease, rather than Affect Animal Health and Evolution sciences is offered to people whose personal,tighten, knotty global struggles. economic and social circumstances might pose Speaker: Steven Perlman, PhD, Department of obstacles to university education (e.g., low income,Instructor: Andrew Wender, PhD, Departments of Biology, UVic physical or mental health challenges, work andHistory and Political Science, UVic Course Code: ASDS268 2011S E01 family responsibilities or lack of opportunity). Date: Friday, February 11: 12:30 to 1:45 pm Classes presented by UVic instructors will includeCourse Code: ASPT006 2011K C03 topics from subject areas such as political science,Date: Thursday, April 7: 9:30 to 11:30 am What’s New in Education? anthropology, sociology, psychology and envi-Fee: $23.5 plus $2.82 HST ronmental studies. This program is sponsored by Educating Your Schooled Children the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Division ofDEANS’ LUNCHTIME Continuing Studies. There are no tuition fees forLECTURE SERIES Speaker: Jason Price, PhD, Curriculum and students, however, applicants must apply and be Instruction, UVic accepted into the program.Join us for this popular noontime lecture series Course Code: ASDS280 2011S E01brought to you in partnership with the Greater Date: Friday, February 18: 12:30 to 1:45 pm Instructor: Various instructorsVictoria Public Library and sponsored by thefaculties of Education, Fine Arts, Graduate Studies, What’s New in Graduate Studies? Course Code: ASHU102 2011S C01Humanities, Law, Science and Social Sciences, Date: Tuesdays and Thursdays, January 6 toand the Division of Continuing Studies. This series The Forgotten Holocaust April 5: 6 to 9 pm on Tuesdays, and 4:30 to 9 pm onfeatures lectures by distinguished instructors from Thursdays; 26 sessionsthe faculties at UVic. Speaker: Moses Gans, Germanic and Slavic Studies, UVic University 201Lectures in the Deans’ Lunchtime Lecture Series Course Code: ASDS279 2011S E01will be held at the Greater Victoria Public Library, Date: Friday, March 11: 12:30 to 1:45 pm University 201 is a course for people who haveCentral Branch located at 735 Broughton Street. completed at least one of the University 101 or University 102 courses. The course runs in all • 250-472-4694 HUMANITIES, HISTORY, CONTEMPORARY ISSUES 37

of UVic’s academic terms, and covers a wide range CANADIAN STUDIES MEDIEVAL STUDIESof different topics on a monthly basis. Diploma and Certificate Programs Medieval LivesInstructor: Various instructors Why Study Canada? 24th Annual Medieval WorkshopCourse Code: ASHU201 2011S C01Date: Tuesdays, January 4 to April 26: A country as vast, diverse and ever-changing as It has been estimated that the average life expec-6:30 to 9 pm, 17 sessions Canada offers near-limitless opportunities for study tancy for men and women in Medieval Britain and reflection. was only about 30 years. In the Middle East andFor more information or to apply to the program, North Africa the average lifespan may have beencontact Becky Cory at [email protected], or leave a Multicultural and multilingual, with a unique politi- as long as 35. While such figures should be viewedmessage at 250-361-7014. cal, economic and social history, Canada defies easy with considerable scepticism, there seems little definitions and continues to fuel debate about its doubt that factors such as disease, war, economicHUMANITIES DIPLOMA PROGRAM “identity” as a nation. inequality and poor diet and hygiene combined to make life for most people (to borrow the words ofWinner of a National Award of The Canadian Studies Program is designed for full- Thomas Hobbes) “nasty, brutish, and short.” PerhapsExcellence or part-time local and international students who because life was so precarious, medieval readers in wish to broaden their knowledge and understand- Europe and the Islamic world were avid consumersThe Humanities Diploma Program has received an ing of Canada. In addition to three core courses in of the biographies of saints, political and religiousAward of Excellence from the Canadian Association Canadian culture and issues, students may choose leaders, poets, warriors, criminals and madmen.for University Continuing Education. from a range of other courses related to Canada This workshop will explore the many ways in offered by the faculties of Humanities, Social which the lives of medieval men and women wereWhy Study the Humanities? Sciences and Fine Arts. Options for study include: represented in words and images, and will ask what these representations can tell us about the societiesHumanities are those studies created by the human • the diploma: a credit program that can be for which they were made.desire for knowledge and understanding of our transferred toward an undergraduate degreehistory, classical traditions, literature, language and Instructor: Dr. Marcus Milwright, Director, Medievalphilosophy. These studies encompass disciplines • the certificate: a shorter, non-credit program Studies Program, UVicthat address a variety of needs: to examine theethical values in our lives, to examine our social • elective courses in Canadian studies Course Code: ASMS006 2011S W01responsibilities and to develop intellectually sound Date: Saturday, February 5: 9 to 5 pm, 1 sessionways of reflecting on what it means to be a human Canadian Studies courses can be taken for credit Fee: $50 plus $6 HSTbeing. (1.5 units) or for non-credit. Proficiency in English is required. A fee differential applies to international For more information, please call 250-721-8481.Studying the humanities increases our appreciation students.of ideas and of various modes of thinking. It leads SAGE—STIMULATE, ADVANCEto a greater understanding of values within cultural For more information about the Canadian Studies AND GUIDE EDUCATIONand historical contexts. program, please contact the program secretary or visit the website: An Exciting Learning Alternative!It can sharpen our skill in formulating our ownideas, developing them coherently and expressing Phone 250-721-8481 Would you like to exchange ideas and pursue somethem clearly and effectively. It can help us read Fax 250-721-8774 of your favourite subjects with a small group of“difficult” texts with increased comprehension and Email [email protected] other interested people? If so, become involved inpowers of analysis. It helps us learn how to learn. Web our SAGE program. humanities/programs/Who Should Apply? SAGE Study Groups SPRING 2011 OFFERINGSThe Humanities Diploma Program is designed to The main component of SAGE is our study the needs of those members of the commu- Introduction to Canadian Study groups are not taught by instructors; instead,nity who wish to follow an integrated course of full- Contemporary Issues a facilitator assists in coordinating the presenta-or part-time study in the humanities, and who may tions of group members and in moderating theneed an introduction to university study. CS102 discussions.Its flexibility will enable you to choose, in consulta- An introduction to contemporary issues in Cana- An important aspect of study groups is their smalltion with a faculty coordinator, a particular topic, dian society, including politics, economic and social size (maximum 15 participants). Group memberstheme or area of study and to arrange a selection structures, cultural and arts policy, science and quickly get to know each other, and learning takesof day or evening courses directed toward that technology, multiculturalism, bilingualism, First place in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.topic. Emphasis will be placed on interdisciplin- Nations and women’s issues.ary approaches, in order to make full use of the There is a limited number of fee waivers availableresources of all humanities departments at the Instructor: Dr. Norman Fennema, Department of for all study History, UVic Study groups will also be held at the MaryAn orientation course is offered each fall to familiar- Course Code: ASCS102 2011S C01 Winspear Centre in Sidney. For more informationize you with the library, essay writing and study Date: Tuesdays, January 11 to March 29 (no class about these groups, call 250-721-7797.skills. February 22): 6 to 9 pm, 11 sessions Fee: $550 Study groups happen through your initiative, soFor details or to request a brochure, please see if there is a subject you would love to learn or call about and you are willing to facilitate a group,250-721-8481. please call Janet King at 250-721-8827. No experi- ence necessary! We provide the training.38 HUMANITIES, HISTORY, CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Certificate/diploma options Distance/online

takAeustrooduigdhalcyts75ardeapyesople too. READERS’ CORNERo grTohweyy’roeuinr aocwlansstoofmthaetior o. wn. The following publications are available for at’s not too long, is it? purchase by individuals or agencies. To order: See “How to Register,” page 3, or visit our website at and use a credit card to order online. For more information, call 250-721-8458.Independent SCIENCE, NATURE Responses to Terrorism:Study Resources An Analysis, A Reader Experiencing Science in Early PODCASTS! Childhood • What is terrorism and what forms does it take? Downloadable podcasts of selected Booklet • What factors give rise to terrorism? Continuing Studies lectures and public presentations are available on our website: One of the primary tasks of children during their • How great are the risks posed by terrorism? early years is learning about the world around them. Science can help children to do that, for • What are effective and appropriate strategies forThe following resource guides and videos are science is much more than just a body of knowl- reducing terrorism?available for purchase by individuals or agencies. edge—it provides a way to investigate, explain, understand and make predictions about the world. This volume contains materials presented in aLANGUAGES series of lectures and discussions as part of the This 24-page booklet has been designed especially spring 2002 community forum, which was held inSounds of Gaelic: A Beginner’s for parents, early childhood educators, primary co-operation with members of the World HistoryGuide to the Pronunciation of teachers and other individuals who care for young Caucus, the Centre for Global Studies and theScottish Gaelic children. Centre for Asia–Pacific Initiatives, UVic.Online Course Course Code: ASIS043 BOOKLT N01 This is a public education project of Arts and Science Fee: $6 plus $.72 HST Programs, Division of Continuing Studies, and wasLearn to understand written and spoken Gaelic co-sponsored by the Faculties of Humanities, Law,with an online independent resource that will help To order, please call 250-721-8458. Social Sciences and Science, and the Leon and Theayou by guiding your pronunciation and letting Koerner become attuned to the correct sounds of the Demystifying Mathlanguage. Course Code: ASIS230 BOOKLT N01This is an online course. If you would prefer a A Self-Instructional Workbook for Adults Fee: $18 plus $2.16 HSTCD version for use on your computer, please call250-721-8481. This math refresher gives you the opportunity to A Poverty ReaderAuthor: Joan Noble, MA update your math skills, providing you with the necessary math base for courses in economics, The Poverty Reader contains the edited proceed- Course Code: ASIS100 business and management and other fields of ings of a community forum on poverty held at the study that have mathematical applications. University of Victoria on February 2, 1999. Over 450Fee: $30 plus $3.60 HST people heard the two keynote speakers, Bishop Working through Demystifying Math will allow you Remi De Roo and Dr. Marge Reitsma-Street, discuss to refresh or learn anew these important concepts. the subject of both global and local poverty. In addition to completing a self-diagnosis, ample opportunity is given to practise these skills and test The Poverty Reader also contains a summary of your progress. the audience’s ideas on what can be done about poverty in Victoria. It was prepared by the reader’s Course Code: ADPA100 BOOKLT N01 editor, Josie Schofield. Fee: $20 (includes HST); discount available for larger quantities This is a public education project of Arts and Science Programs, Division of Continuing Studies, and was To order: See “How to Register” on page 3, or visit co-sponsored by the Faculties of Humanities, Law, our website,, and Social Sciences and Science, the Leon and Thea use a credit card to order online. Koerner Foundation and the Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria. Course Code: ASIS228 BOOKLT N01 Fee: $6 plus $.72 HST An Ethics Reader An Ethics Reader contains edited versions of pre- sentations made at a community forum on ethical integrity and political leadership held at UVic in March 2001. The presenters offered reflections on this topic from the perspectives of philosophy, political science and law. Dr. Colin M. Macleod, Department of Philosophy, UVic, spoke about the general nature of ethical integrity and its relevance to politics in a democracy. Dr. Avigail Eisenberg, Department • 250-472-4694 INDEPENDENT STUDY MATERIALS 39

Political Science, UVic, turned her attention to the Learning to Teach: Teacherrole of integrity in the actual practice of Canadian Preparation in Victoria, BCpolitics. Finally, Professor Maureen A. Maloney, 1903–1963Faculty of Law and director of the Institute forDispute Resolution, UVic, explored the complexities Authored by Dr. Vernon Storey, Learning to Teachthat surround the interpretation of ethical integrity offers a glimpse into the early years of BC schoolingin politics and offered some recommendations for and the province’s first systematic approach toachieving greater integrity in politics. preparing teachers for elementary schools. Through the official record, the stories told by Normal SchoolThis is a public education project of Arts and Science students and more than 30 archival photographs,Programs, Division of Continuing Studies, and was Learning to Teach has enlivened the historical recordco-sponsored by the Faculties of Humanities, Law, of an important era in public education in Canada’sSocial Sciences and Science, and the Leon and Thea westernmost province.Koerner Foundation. Learning to Teach will appeal to teachers whoCourse Code: ASIS229 BOOKLT N01 were certified during the Normal School years, toFee: $9 plus $1.08 HST teachers and other readers interested in the legacy of those who were, and to general readers andSocial Justice, Progressive Politics scholars. The book traces the history of teacherand Taxes: A Reader preparation from the Normal School years and the transition from a college to university program.Alistair Macleod, Professor Emeritus, Departmentof Philosophy, Queen’s University, gave a keynote Course Code: EDBP100 BOOK N01lecture in February 2003 as the Division of Continu- Fee: $17.95 plus $2.15 HST and $3 shippinging Studies’ distinguished guest. This event waspart of the year-long UVic Celebration of 100 Years >of Education. For more on INDEPENDENT STUDY, please see:In this reader, which is based on the lecture, Profes-sor Macleod explores the role of ideals of liberty, Languages: English Language Centre, page 46equality, efficiency and justice in political decisionmaking. He sketches and evaluates several objec- • Online Coursestions to a justice-based political agenda, takes noteof the implications of tax-cut promises for publicprograms in health and education and identifiesstrategies for protecting citizens from the lure ofsuch promises.This publication was co-sponsored by the Facultiesof Humanities, Law, Social Sciences and Science, theDivision of Continuing Studies, UVic, and the Leonand Thea Koerner Foundation.Course Code: ASIS231 BOOKLT N01Fee: $9 plus $1.08 HST>For more on SOCIAL JUSTICE, please see:Social Justice Studies, page 5040 INDEPENDENT STUDY MATERIALS Certificate/diploma options Distance/online

takTehserroeuagrhely19765 cdoauynstries Core Courseso grionwthyeouwroorwldn. tomato. The seven interdisciplinary core courses include: at’sSnootthtoatomloenagn, sis1it9?6 cultures, right? Approaches to Cross-Cultural Education ED-D 423 (1.5) offered 2011 spring session Facilitating Intercultural Relationships IET 430 (1.5) offered 2011 spring session (see description below) either Race and Ethnicity in Canada to 1900 HIST 358D (1.5) next offering 2011/2012 session or Race and Ethnicity in Canada since 1900 HIST 358G (1.5) offered 2011 spring session either Ethnicity in Global Perspective ANTH 335 (1.5) next offering 2011/2012 session or Racialization and Ethnicity SOCI 335 (1.5) next offering 2011/2012 session either Issues in Cross-Cultural Communication LING 397 (1.5) next offering 2011/2012 session or Sociolinguistics LING 395 (1.5) offered 2011 spring sessionIntercultural Participants in the diploma program include: Facilitating Intercultural RelationshipsEducation andTraining • community workers, social workers, counsellors, IET 430 (1.5) offered 2011 spring session police officers, health care providersINTERCULTURAL EDUCATION Instructors: Nirmala Lall and Robyn FilaAND TRAINING PROGRAM • teachers, instructors and administrators in public and private educational institutions Wednesdays, 6 to 9 pm, January 5 to March 30,This innovative and accessible program offers non- 12 sessionscredit workshops and an interdisciplinary diploma • people working with diverse employee or clientprogram that are designed to engage learners in groups and not-for-profit sectors This course facilitates intercultural relationshipsa wide range of current issues including intercul- within the context of deconstructing systemictural relationships, social justice and cross-cultural • employee equity and diversity officers structures and ideologies, which impact everycommunication. The program will strengthen your aspect of our society as well as our personal world-understanding of intercultural dynamics and chal- • people interested in working abroad views.lenges, along with your ability to work effectivelyamong diverse communities. • undergraduate students seeking to combine the Participants and instructors will engage critically, IET diploma with undergraduate studies deeply and honestly. Together we will aim to facili-Diploma in Intercultural Education tate and create a respectful community of learnersand Training You can expect to: using a dialogical (dialogue) model and an action– reflection process throughout classes and assign-This 18.0-unit diploma program enables commu- • develop knowledge and skills in intercultural ments. Topics for critical analysis include: equality,nity members, working professionals and senior relationships and cross-cultural communication equity, knowledge, leadership, privilege, race, class,students to participate in courses from across the in the workplace, local community and orientation, oppression, social justice and as they explore topics of personal and international settings We will work toward developing strategies andprofessional interest. To apply for the diploma action plans for social change and transformationprogram or for more information, contact: • strengthen your understanding of social justice in our respective spheres of influence. and issues connected with intercultural relations Brenda Weatherston, Program Coordinator Elective Courses Phone 250-721-8457 • enhance your awareness of the issues Fax 250-721-8774 concerning cultural conflict, racism, power and The interdisciplinary elective courses may be Email [email protected] ethnocentrism, and learn approaches to their selected from a wide range of credit courses deal- Web resolution ing with intercultural dynamics and issues, selected intercultural/ from departments across campus. The following • apply strategies that foster respect and promote elective will be offered this summer: inclusion Theatre, Community and Change This interdisciplinary program consists of 18.0 units made up of: IET 420, offered 2011 summer session • 5 of 7 core courses (7.5 units) Instructor: Yasmine Kandil • 5 elective courses (7.5 units) Date: Mondays and Wednesdays, May 9 to June 22: 5 to 7:30 pm, 12 sessions • and a practicum or final project (3.0 units) Applied theatre is used globally to engage in a Credit obtained within this diploma program dialogue with marginalized and disempowered may also be applied to a regular degree program, communities to facilitate social change. You will subject to the specific requirements of the degree practice some of the methods of different types of program. theatre. One of the main goals of this course will be to help you realize the potential of using the There is a one-time program admission fee of theatre medium in your own community-building $150. Diploma students pay regular tuition fees for projects. program courses (international fees apply) • 250-472-4694 INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING 41

takMesorroeutghhanly7755ldanaygsuages are German for Beginners—Part 2o grsopwoykoenurinowCanntaodmaa. to. This course is designed for students who have at’sTnaoktetosooclioanl gn,eitswito?rking up a notch. taken German for Beginners—Part 1, or who have the vocabulary to discuss family, friends, homes, furniture and meals. Students should also be famil- iar with German grammar in the present tense. Text: Same course manual as in Part 1. Instructor: Mrs. Gisela Dumka, MA Course Code: ASLA216 2011K C01 Date: Wednesdays, April 13 to June 15: 7 to 9 pm, 10 sessions Fee—new students: $203 plus $22.68 HST (includes course manual); returning students: $179 plus $21.48 HST (does not include course manual)Languages Course Code: ASLA098 2011S C01 NEW! German: Conversation— Date: Mondays, January 24 to March 28: 7 to 9 pm, Part 2WORLD LANGUAGES 10 sessions Fee: $179 plus $21.48 HST We shall continue our conversation about dailyOur portfolio of world language courses is in encounters with family and friends including shop-constant evolution to meet a growing demand for The Structures of Arabic ping, trips and holidays. We shall also watch andmore languages and more levels. Below are the discuss short German TV episodes, study simplecourses we are planning to offer starting in January This course can be taken after Introduction to Arabic short stories, and become acquainted with inter-and in April. or concurrently. It can even be taken as an introduc- mediate to advanced grammatical structures. tory course by those of you who would prefer aFor those courses where more than one level is more formal and structural approach to the Arabic Instructor: Mrs. Gisela Dumka, MAoffered, please register at the level suggested language.(Beginner—Part 1, or Beginner—Part 2 if you have Course Code: ASLA416 2011S C01already taken a Beginner course, or Intermediate Text: Elementary Standard Modern Arabic 1, by Date: Thursdays, January 27 to March 31:if you have taken a Level 2 course). If you are not Ernest N. McCarus (required) 7 to 9 pm, 10 sessionssure about your level, please leave your name and Fee—new students: $203 plus $22.68 HSTtelephone number with the registration staff Instructor: Nooshafarin Saberi (includes course manual); returning students: $179(250-472-4694) and an instructor will call you to plus $21.48 HST (does not include course manual)assess your level. Course Code: ASLA298 2011S C01 Date: Tuesdays, January 25 to March 29: 7 to 9 pm, Italian for Beginners—Part 1The University of Victoria’s language labs provide 10 sessionsstudents with the latest technology in the art of Fee: $179 plus $21.48 HST This course is designed for those of you wholearning a language. They are available to com- have no previous knowledge of Italian and whomunity education students when you register for German for Beginners—Part 1 wish to acquire basic conversation, reading andlanguage courses in this section. writing skills. The instructor will acquaint you This course, which requires no previous knowledge with Italy through short readings and videos. OralIntroduction to Arabic of German, is designed for people who would like participation is encouraged. to travel to German-speaking countries or whoThis course is a very basic introduction to the have an interest in learning another language. A Text: Course manual will be provided at the firstArabic language. You will learn “survival” words conversational approach will familiarize students class.and phrases, and learn to read and write the Arabic with basic vocabulary and simple sentence struc-alphabet. Participants are required to bring a tures. By the end of the term, students will be able Instructor: Ms. Rossana Vincentirecording device to class. For a more structured, to talk about friends, family, homes, weather, foodgrammatical approach, please register for The and clothing. Course Code: ASLA049 2011S C01Structures of Arabic. Both courses can be taken Date: Thursdays, January 27 to March 31:concurrently or consecutively. Text: Course manual will be provided at the first 7 to 9 pm, 10 sessions class. Fee: $203 plus $22.68 HST (includes course manual)Text: Easy Arabic Script, McGraw-Hill (required) Instructor: Mrs. Gisela Dumka, MA Italian for Beginners—Part 2Instructor: Nooshafarin Saberi Course Code: ASLA016 2011S C01 Videos and cultural discussions will enhance your Date: Wednesdays, January 26 to March 30: enjoyment of this class, which is intended for those 7 to 9 pm, 10 sessions of you who have completed Italian for Beginners— Fee: $203 plus $22.68 HST (includes course manual) Part 1 or who have previous basic knowledge of Italian. Text: Course manual will be provided at the first class. Instructor: Ms. Rossana Vincenti Two sections: Course Code: ASLA249 2011S C01 Date: Wednesdays, January 26 to March 30: 7 to 9 pm, 10 sessions Fee: $203 plus $22.68 HST (includes course manual)42 LANGUAGES Certificate/diploma options Distance/online

Course Code: ASLA249 2011K C01 Mandarin: Intermediate—Part 1 Brazilian Portuguese:Date: Thursdays, April 14 to June 16: 7 to 9 pm, Intermediate—Part 110 sessions This fun and interactive low-intermediate course isFee: $203 plus $22.68 HST (includes course manual) for those of you who have completed the first two This intermediate course is intended for learners levels or who already have good communication who have a basic knowledge of the PortugueseJapanese for Beginners—Part 2 skills in the Mandarin language. You will further language, and intend to continue developing their improve your proficiency in the understanding, knowledge of the Portuguese language and theThis course is designed for those of you who have speaking and reading of Mandarin, be exposed Brazilian culture. The program aims to developcompleted Japanese for Beginners—Part 1 or who to the fascinating writing system of Mandarin the four linguistic skills (reading, writing, listeninghave some prior knowledge of the language. You characters, and broaden your knowledge of China’s and speaking), focusing on speaking and listeningwill gain proficiency in the understanding, speak- culture and people. comprehension. In order to facilitate learning, theing, reading and writing of Japanese in practical program provides learners with authentic videosituations. You will also learn more about Japan’s Text: Intermediate Chinese, by Yong Ho (required) activities, radio programs, newspaper/magazineculture and people. articles, games, music, etc. Instructor: Ms. Kai Zhang, MAText: Genki I: An Integrated Course in Elementary Brazil is a multiethnic society, with a population ofJapanese I, by The Japan Times (optional) Course Code: ASLA313 2011K C01 more than 190 million people. The instructor of the Date: Wednesdays, April 13 to June 15: 7 to 9 pm, program is a Brazilian native speaker from Rio deInstructor: Miss Akiko Hayashi, MA (education) 10 sessions Janeiro, and a PhD student in linguistics, with solid Fee: $179 plus $21.48 HST experience in teaching.Course Code: ASLA208 2011S C01Date: Mondays, January 24 to March 28: 7 to 9 pm, NEW! Persian for Beginners—Part 1 Text: Course manual will be povided at the first10 sessions class.Fee: $179 plus $21.48 HST Also known as Farsi or Parsi, and closely related to Dari or Tajik, the Persian language is widely spoken Instructor: Claudio Lucarevschi, PhD (linguistics; inMandarin for Beginners—Part 1 today in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan progress) and to some extent in Armenia, Iraq, Bahrain andKnowledge of China’s official language will enhance Oman. It is among the most used languages in Course Code: ASLA300 2011K C01your travel experience, career opportunities and the blogosphere. This course, taught by a native Date: Mondays, April 4 to June 20 (no class April 25your discovery of one of the world’s oldest civiliza- speaker of Persian, will give you useful “survival” or May 23): 7 to 9 pm, 10 sessionstions. Join us and learn the Mandarin language in oral skills and introduce you to reading and writing Fee: $203 plus $22.68 HST (includes course manual)a fun and encouraging atmosphere. This course of the Perso-Arabic designed for those who have no previous Russian for Beginners—Part 2knowledge of Mandarin Chinese. You will learn the Text: Course materials will be provided in class.tones of the language and Pinyin of the characters, This course is intended for students who have com-and will have ample opportunity to practise your Instructor: Nooshafarin Saberi pleted Russian for Beginners—Part 1 (or the equiva-listening and speaking skills so that you will be able lent). More complex aspects of Russian grammarto carry on basic conversations. This course will Course Code: ASLA096 2011S C01 and syntax will be treated and conversational skillsenhance your appreciation of Mandarin Chinese as Date: Wednesdays, January 26 to March 30: will be further developed. Online resources will bewell as the Chinese culture. 7 to 9 pm, 10 sessions used. Fee: $179 plus $21.48 HSTText: Beginner’s Chinese, by Yong Ho (required) Text: The New Penguin Russian Course, by N.J. Brown, Brazilian Portuguese for and Oxford Russian Grammar and Verbs, by T. Wade,Instructor: Ye (“Dawn”) Yuan Beginners—Part 2 both requiredCourse Code: ASLA013 2011S C01 This course is for those who have completed Instructor: Dr. John Dingley, PhDDate: Wednesdays, January 26 to March 30: Brazilian Portuguese for Beginners—Part 1 or have7 to 9 pm, 10 sessions a basic knowledge of the language and wish to Course Code: ASLA204 2011S C01Fee: $179 plus $21.48 HST improve their writing and speaking skills. There Date: Wednesdays, January 26 to March 30: will be more emphasis on grammar. Some cultural 7 to 9 pm, 10 sessionsMandarin for Beginners—Part 2 aspects of life in Brazil will be discussed. Fee: $179 plus $21.48 HSTThis fun and interactive course is a continuation Text: Course manual will be provided at the first Russian: Intermediate—Part 1of Mandarin for Beginners—Part 1; some prior class.knowledge of Mandarin is necessary. You will gain This course is intended for students who haveproficiency in the understanding, speaking and Instructor: Claudio Lucarevschi, PhD (linguistics; in completed Russian for Beginners—Part 1 andreading of Mandarin in practical situations. You will progress) Part 2 (or the equivalent). The more intricatealso learn more about China’s culture and people. aspects of Russian grammar and syntax will be Course Code: ASLA200 2011S C01 treated and conversational skills will be advancedText: Beginner’s Chinese, by Yong Ho (required) Date: Mondays, January 24 to March 28: 7 to 9 pm, to a higher level. Online resources will be used. 10 sessionsInstructor: Ms. Kai Zhang, MA Fee: $203 plus $22.68 HST (includes course manual) Text: The New Penguin Russian Course, by N.J. Brown, and Oxford Russian Grammar and Verbs, by T. Wade,Course Code: ASLA213 2011S C01 both requiredDate: Wednesdays, January 26 to March 30:7 to 9 pm, 10 sessions Instructor: Dr. John Dingley, PhDFee: $179 plus $21.48 HST Course Code: ASLA304 2011K C01 Date: Wednesdays, April 13 to June 15: 7 to 9 pm, 10 sessions Fee: $179 plus $21.48 • 250-472-4694 LANGUAGES 43

Spanish for Beginners—Part 1 Spanish: Intermediate—Part 1 FRENCH PROGRAMSThis course is designed for those of you who have This course is for those of you who have com- Have fun learning French at all levels inno previous knowledge of Spanish and who wish to pleted Spanish for Beginners—Part 2 or have basic our flexible programs!acquire basic pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar knowledge of the language and wish to improveand conversation skills. your writing and speaking skills. There will also be Do you plan to travel to a French-speaking destina- increased emphasis on grammar. tion? Are you perplexed by your children’s FrenchOral participation is encouraged with student part- assignments? Are you a school teacher wanting aners and in small groups. Music, videos and audio- Text: Course manual will be provided at the first refresher course in French? Or, do you simply wishvisual materials are used to enhance each class. class. to be able to communicate in Canada’s other official language?Text: Course manual will be provided at the first Instructor: Ms. Alicia Brown, BAclass. We have a choice of programs for you. Course Code: ASLA325 2011S C02Three sections; early spring sections: Date: Mondays, January 24 to March 28: 7 to 9 pm, We have structured our programs to meet your 10 sessions specific needs. You will:Instructor: Maria Elena Cuervo-Lorens is the author Fee: $203 plus $22.68 HST (includes course manual)of Maria Elena’s Mexican Cuisine and Mexican • learn in a relaxed, enjoyable atmosphere;Culinary Treasures. Swedish for Beginners—Part 2Course Code: ASLA025 2011S C01 • join the program of your choice at your ownDate: Tuesdays, January 25 to March 29: This course, at the “Beginner 2” level, will explore level; and9:15 to 11:15 am, 10 sessions Sweden and the Swedish language, emphasizingFee: $203 plus $22.68 HST (includes course manual) similarities between English and Swedish as well as • have access to the many resources available at other languages. Person-to-person dialogue will be UVic, including the digital language labs and theInstructor: Ms. Alicia Brown, BA encouraged. The course is designed to increase oral library.Course Code: ASLA025 2011S C02 skills and to enable participants to read SwedishDate: Wednesdays, January 26 to March 30: websites at the beginner to intermediate levels. Although these programs began in September, you5 to 7 pm, 10 sessions may join us in January for the second semester.Fee: $203 plus $22.68 HST (includes course manual) Text: Same course manual as in part 1 Getting Started: Reach an intermediateLate spring section: Instructor: Dr. Dillon Chrimes, PhD level in one, two or three yearsInstructor: Maria Elena Cuervo-Lorens is the author Course Code: ASLA235 2011S C01 For beginners and near beginners there are twoof Maria Elena’s Mexican Cuisine and Mexican Date: Thursdays, January 27 to March 31: options:Culinary Treasures. 7 to 9 pm, 10 sessionsCourse Code: ASLA025 2011K C01 Fee—new students: $203 plus $22.68 HST  French Language Diploma Program,Date: Tuesdays, April 12 to June 14: (includes course manual); returning students: $1799:15 to 11:15 am, 10 sessions plus $21.48 HST (does not include course manual) levels 1 and 2 (FLDP100 and FLDP200):Fee: $203 plus $22.68 HST (includes course manual) Two 2-hour classes per week Ukrainian for Beginners—Part 1 Textbook requiredSpanish for Beginners—Part 2 One exam per session Are you of Ukrainian background or planning a Emphasis on oral and written communicationThis course is for those of you who have completed trip to Ukraine? This course, designed for people Please note that students joining this pro-Spanish for Beginners—Part 1 or have a basic with no previous knowledge of Ukrainian, will gram in January cannot be total beginners.knowledge of the language and wish to improve provide you with the basic conversation, reading Fee: $450 per termyour writing and speaking skills. There will also be and writing skills you need. In addition to dialoguesincreased emphasis on grammar. and short texts, you will also get acquainted with or, contemporary Ukraine through short videos andText: Course manual will be provided at the first slide shows. • French Language Conversation Classes,class. Total Beginner, levels 1 and 2 (FLCC050, Text: Teach Yourself Ukrainian, by O. Bekh and FLCC100 and FLCC200)Instructor: Ms. Alicia Brown, BA J. Dingley (required) One 2-hour class per week No mandatory textbookTwo sections: Instructor: Olga Pressitch, MA No exams Emphasis on oral communicationCourse Code: ASLA225 2011S C02 Course Code: ASLA019 2011S C01 Fee: $309 per termDate: Wednesdays, January 26 to March 30: Date: Mondays, January 24 to March 28: 7 to 9 pm,7 to 9 pm, 10 sessions 10 sessions In both programs you join at the level that is appro-Fee: $203 plus $22.68 HST (includes course manual) Fee: $179 plus $21.48 HST priate for you. (Free, no-obligation level assessment.)Course Code: ASLA225 2011K C02 > Intermediate and Beyond: Two OptionsDate: Wednesdays, April 13 to June 15: 7 to 9 pm,10 sessions For more on LANGUAGES, please see: Work your way to the French LanguageFee: $203 plus $22.68 HST (includes course manual) Independent Study Resources, page 39 Diploma, with the advanced levels of the French Language Diploma Program (FLDP300, • Sounds of Gaelic: A Beginner’s Guide to the FLDP400 and FLDP500). Classes meet once Pronunciation of Scottish Gaelic weekly for three hours Fee: $370 per term or, • Continue to practise your French conversation skills at your level with the French Language Conversation Classes. We offer levels for those of you who are intermediate, high intermediate or advanced (FLCC300, FLCC400 and FLCC500). Classes meet once weekly for two hours Fee: $309 per term44 LANGUAGES Certificate/diploma options Distance/online

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