Calendar Spring 2015 Stay curious.200+ coursesand programs toINSPIRE YOUR
The common thread–curiosity.Find out how Joshua Lambert (above left) discovered that embarking on a Humanities diploma changed not justthe direction his life was taking but how he now thinks about everything. Read his story on page 14.Ana Maryori Escalante (centre) came from Venezuala to improve her English at the English Language Centre. Thisyear, she earned a Diploma in Business Administration. Read her story on page 21.Brent Parker (right) needed specialized courses to boost his ability to work in the Population Health field. He foundthem here. Read his story on page 32. English Naturalist David Attenborough said it best: “An understanding of the natural world and what’s in it is a source of not only a great curiosity, but great fulfillment.” And we agree! If you are naturally curious about things—all kinds of things—then you’ll find yourself in good company at Continuing Studies. Satisfy your curiosity about the world around you by engaging in some of the fascinating, and often surprising, courses we offer every fall and spring. Continuing Studies is a place to connect with ideas and people in a way that is accessible, challenging and fun.Learning that shapes who you are.This calendar is also available on our website in a user-friendly interactive format—nothing to download, just turn thepages and click on a course title to get to registration. Take a look: Designed and produced by the marketing unit of the Division of Continuing Studies. Printed in Canada on 10% recycled paper (Nature Web) using vegetable based inks by Mitchell Press, Vancouver, BC, an ®environmental award winning, FSC certi ed and G7 accredited company.2
ContentsTOPIC AREAS Humanities Diploma Program / Humanities Travel Study .................................... 68 coursesThe Arts ............................................. 7 SAGE Study Groups 2015 Guided Educational Tours: Discover the World with UVicHistory in Art Indigenous Language 2016—Do These Trips Interest You?Music and Culture .......................................43Theatre USEFUL INFORMATIONVisual Arts Certificate in Aboriginal Language RevitalizationWriting and Literature Courses Starting by Month ............. 4 Intercultural Education .................. 44 Certificates, Diplomas, GraduateBusiness and Management ........... 15 Professional Certificates/Diplomas, Intercultural Education Program Professional SpecializationBusiness and Management Programs Certificates ......................................... 6On-Campus Courses Languages ....................................... 46 Online Courses Applying to Our ProgramsIntensive Courses on Campus World Languages Credit/Non-Credit StudyCertificate in Business Administration French Language ProgramsDiploma in Business Administration English Language Centre General Information and Campus Services ............................. 70 Career Planning and Skills Population Health Data ................. 53 Visiting the UVic Campus ............... 71Upgrading ....................................... 20 Population Health Data Analysis Professional How to Register .............................. 72 Computing and Technology .......... 22 Specialization Certificate Cancellations, Withdrawals, RefundsComputer Based Information Systems Public Relations .............................. 54 Gift CertificatesCertificate Program Bursary ProgramOnline Courses Diploma Program in Public Relations Holiday ClosureDistance Learning Online .............. 26 Science and Nature ........................ 56 Registration Form ........................... 73Health, Wellness and Safety .......... 27 General Courses Index .................................................74 Nature Explorations on Vancouver IslandCertificate Program in Environmental and Campus Map.......... inside back coverOccupational Health Social Justice Studies ..................... 60 Online CoursesEducation for the General Public Diploma in Social Justice StudiesEducation for Health and Helping Professionals Sustainability and Environment ... 61Heritage, Culture and Museums ... 33 General CoursesCultural Resource Management Program Restoration Speaker SeriesOn-Campus Immersion Courses Restoration of Natural Systems ProgramOnline Courses Native Species and Natural ProcessesGraduate Professional Certificate in Cultural Professional Specialization CertificateHeritage Studies Teacher ProfessionalHumanities, History and Development .................................. 64 Contemporary Issues.......................35 Professional Development WorkshopsGeneral Courses Credit Courses OnlineThe Amica at Somerset House Sessions Programs for TeachersThe Berwick Royal Oak Sessions Non-Credit Course for Aspiring TeachersIn Pursuit of Knowledge Lecture SeriesDeans’ Lunchtime Lecture Series Training and Adult Education ....... 66 28th Annual Medieval Studies Workshop (2015)Canadian Studies Diploma Program Certificate in Adult and Continuing Education (CACE) Online Courses CACE • 250-472-4694 THE ARTS 37
Courses Project Management................................................. 24 Managing the Public Relations Function.............. 55 Web Design and Management I ............................. 24 Media Relations .......................................................... 55 Starting by Month Health, Wellness and Safety Science and NatureJANUARY 2015 Tools for Learning Online for Environmental and Marine Mammals of British Columbia: FromThe Arts Occupational Health ............................................ 28 Nostril to Blowhole; From Feet to Flippers and Flukes ............................................................56New Canadian Art Part III ............................................7 Risk Management: Perception andCanadian Masterpiece Series: A. Y. Jackson ............7 Communication ..................................................... 28 Winter Storm Watching at Wickaninnish Inn..........59An Introduction to the Art and Architecture in the Ergonomics .................................................................. 28 Teacher Professional Development Islamic World .............................................................8 Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology 28Masterworks of Symphonic Literature .....................8 Hazardous Waste Management.............................. 28 Literacy Strategies for Supporting StrugglingOpus First, Opus Last ....................................................8 Wound Management for Health Professionals Learners I ................................................................. 64Heavy Metal: Its Place in Culture and How to Level 1 ...................................................................... 31 Organization and Procedures for Instruction of Understand it.............................................................9 English to Second Language Learners............. 64Sight Singing, Ear Training: Level II ...........................9 Heritage, Culture and MuseumsSing! Level I .................................................................. 10 Multidisciplinary Foundations of PhysicalSing! Level II ................................................................. 12 Museum Principles and Practices I......................... 34 Activity .............................................................. 64Voci Belle Vocal Ensemble ........................................ 10 Managing Cultural Organizations .......................... 34Barrel House, Boogie Woogie, Honky Tonk and Collections Management ......................................... 34 Leadership Methods for Recreation and Health Caring for Collections ................................................ 34 Education................................................................. 64 Stride ........................................................................ 10 Building Community Relations ............................... 34Watercolour for Beginners ....................................... 10 FEBRUARYGoing Beyond—Mixed Media Collage ................. 11 Humanities, History andYes, You Can Draw! ..................................................... 11 Contemporary Issues The ArtsFine Paper, Unique Prints and a Little Bit of the Ethnoclimatology: Survival of the Fittest ............. 35 A Short History of Classical Music..............................8 Exotic ........................................................................ 11 World War I: Little-Known Perspectives................ 35 Saturday Mornings at the Opera ...............................8Writing Memoir........................................................... 12 AMICA at Somerset House: Opera Live and in High Definition.............................8Short Fiction ................................................................ 12 Opera: 19th Century and Beyond..............................9 Orientalism: Impressions of the Arab World Jerome Kern and the Development of theBusiness and Management through Western Eyes .......................................... 38 A History of the James Bay Neighbourhood... 38 American Song..........................................................9Human Resources Management ............................ 15 Victoria Fifty Years Ago......................................... 38 Overcoming Vocal Difficulties ................................. 10Management Computing......................................... 15 Medieval Studies: 28th Annual Medieval Expose Yourself: Showing Your PhotographsSmall Business Management................................... 16 Workshop: Burnt at the Stake............................. 38Business Law................................................................ 16 The Natural History of Earth’s Atmosphere.......... 40 to the World ............................................................ 10Management Accounting ........................................ 16 Deans’ Lunchtime Lecture Series............................ 40 The Fascinating World of Stencil Imagery ............ 11Business Administration ........................................... 16 Canadian Studies: Introduction to Canadian Travel Photography (series)...................................... 12Business Writing.......................................................... 16 Contemporary Issues............................................ 41 Writing About the Natural World............................ 12Business Ethics ............................................................ 16Interpersonal Business Communications............. 17 Intercultural Education Business and ManagementBusiness Writing and Presentation Skills .............. 17Marketing ..................................................................... 17 Facilitating Intercultural Relationships ................. 44 Marketing ..................................................................... 17International Business............................................... 17 Languages Career Planning and Skills UpgradingCareer Planning and Skills Upgrading Arabic............................................................................. 46 Mathematical Skills .................................................... 20Planning or Enriching Your Career ......................... 21 German ......................................................................... 47Enhancing Your Life: Self-Discovery and Action . 21 Italian............................................................................. 47 Health, Wellness and Safety Japanese ....................................................................... 48Computing and Technology Mandarin ...................................................................... 48 Constructive Use of Anger........................................ 28 Brazilian Portuguese.................................................. 49 A Family History of Cancer: What Are the Risks?Computing Concepts ................................................ 23 Spanish.......................................................................... 49Database Concepts .................................................... 23 Swedish......................................................................... 50 What Are the Options?......................................... 28Database Application Development .................... 23 French............................................................................ 50 Your Arms Give Your Legs a Helping Hand:Networks and Network Management................... 24 English (ESL)................................................................. 52Human Side of Information Systems..................... 24 How Being Like a Cat Helps You Walk Population Health Data Like a Human ................................................... 28 Feeling Positive! Applying the Benefits of Positive Epidemiological Statistics ........................................ 53 Psychology in Everyday Life................................ 29 Spatial Epidemiology and Outbreak...................... 53 Reacting to Gluten? Discover Why and How to Diagnose and Treat Your Condition .................. 29 Public Relations Understanding Common Mental Health Challenges in Youth .............................................. 30 Public Relations Theory and Practice .................... 55 Supporting Others through Loss, Change and Life Effective Communication Tools............................... 55 Transitions ............................................................... 30 Research and Evaluation........................................... 55 Brain Injury Recovery: An Uphill Road .................. 30 Canadian Falls Prevention Curriculum©............... 31 Wound Management for Health Professionals Level 1 ...................................................................... 31 Wound Management for Health Professionals Level 2 ...................................................................... 314 COURSES STARTING BY MONTH
Heritage, Culture and Museums Limitless Mind, Limitless Potential: An Training and Adult Education (CACE) Exploration of the Material World andIndigineity and the Museum ................................... 33 Buddha Nature................................................. 37 Training Needs Assessment: OvercomingExhibition Design and Installation ......................... 33 Challenges............................................................... 67 AMICA at Somerset House:Humanities, History and Destination Balkans—Part 1 .............................. 38 MAYContemporary Issues Berwick Royal Oak : Business and ManagementJourneys on the Camino de Santiago.................... 36 Destination Balkans—Part 2 .............................. 39Art and Language in the Ice Age ............................ 36 Classic American Drama of the 20th Century ...39 Financial Accounting ................................................. 17Orientalism: Impressions of the Arab World Business Writing and Presentation Skills .............. 17 Destination Balkans—Part 2 ................................... 39 Interpersonal Business Communications............. 17 through Western Eyes .......................................... 36 Deans’ Lunchtime Lecture Series............................ 40 Economics .................................................................... 17A Brief History of Ukraine ......................................... 36 In Pursuit of Knowledge :Buddhist Psychology for Everyday Life ................. 36 Career Planning and Skills UpgradingBerwick Royal Oak : Whats in a Placename? The Gazeteer of Shakespeare’s London.......................................... 41 Introduction to Chemistry I...................................... 21 Emily Carr on the Northwest Coast: Sketching In Pursuit of Knowledge: Trips from Vancouver Island to Haida Gwaii, How Canadians Discovered Inequality ............ 41 Computing and Technology 1899–1944 .............................................................. 39Deans’ Lunchtime Lecture Series............................ 40 APRIL Computing Concepts ................................................ 24 Database Concepts .................................................... 24Science and Nature The Arts Web Design and Management I ............................. 25The Canadian Arctic: A Naturalist’s Perspective.. 56 Sunset Boulevard .........................................................7 Humanities, History andThe Joy of Birds: Love Among the Feathers and Natural Light Portraiture Made Easy...................... 11 Contemporary Issues Writing for Children ................................................... 13 Diving Birds Revealed........................................... 57 Rumi, Hafiz and the Mystic Poets of Persia .......... 13 The Explorers Series: South Pacific ......................37Marine Birds................................................................. 57 Berwick Royal Oak: Heritage, Culture and MuseumsSustainability and Environment Ethnoclimatology: Survival of the Fittest ........ 39 Practical Building Conservation.............................. 34Restoration Speaker Series: Population Health DataUrban Farms................................................................. 61 Humanities, History andRain Gardens................................................................ 61 Contemporary Issues Population Health and Geographic InformationLakes in Garry Oaks Ecosystems ............................. 62 Systems ................................................................... 53 Science and Technology in the Ancient World....37Training and Adult Education (CACE) The Explorers Series: South America...................37 Health Services Program Monitoring and The Explorers Series: Central America.................37 Evaluation................................................................ 53How to Design and Deliver Engaging Learning in Berwick Royal Oak : the Workplace ........................................................ 67 Science and Nature Destination Egypt.................................................. 39MARCH Deans’ Lunchtime Lecture Series............................ 40 Birding Basics I: Songbirds ....................................... 57The Arts Languages Travel StudyMusic and Healing.........................................................9 Arabic............................................................................. 46 Guided Educational Tours 2015 .............................. 68From the Wizard of Oz to Downton Abbey .......... 10 German ......................................................................... 47 Italian............................................................................. 48 JUNEBusiness and Management Japanese ....................................................................... 48 Mandarin ...................................................................... 48 Business and ManagementInternational Business............................................... 17 Brazilian Portuguese.................................................. 49 Spanish.......................................................................... 50 Marketing ..................................................................... 18Health, Wellness and Safety Science and Nature JULYLiving Consciously: The Practice of Mindfulness....................................................29 Our Changing Ocean: Business and Management Sour Seas: Understanding OceanHomeopathy 101: Traditional Medicine for Acidification ..................................................... 57 International Business............................................... 18 Modern Problems.................................................. 29 Tangled Up in Blue: the Impacts of Marine Managing Change...................................................... 18 Debris ....................................................................... 58 Strategic Leadership .................................................. 18The Beneficial Roles of Intestinal Bacteria............ 29 Threats to Orcas ..................................................... 58 Strategy Execution ..................................................... 18Reiki Level 1 ................................................................. 30 Marine Geohazards ............................................... 58Heritage, Culture and Museums History of Garden Design ......................................... 58 Polar Bears: Outstanding Survivors of ClimateCultural Tourism.......................................................... 33 Change:Humanities, History and Polar Bears in Winter/Spring............................... 58Contemporary Issues Polar Bears in Summer/Fall ................................. 58 Spring Explorations at Yellow Point Lodge .......... 59Why We Do the Things We Do: An Introduction to Neuroscience.......................................................... • 250-472-4694 COURSES STARTING BYTHMEOANRTTHS 57
Certificate and Diploma ProgramsPROGRAMS Certificate Diploma Graduate Professional Professional Part-time Distance PageAboriginal Language Revitalization Professional Specialization Development Options 43 Certificate 66 Certificate 18 18Adult & Continuing Education * 41Business Administration ** 22Business and Management 22 34**Business Studies for International Students 33 27Canadian Studies ** 51Collections Management 30 41Computer Based Information Systems 44 63Computing and Technology 53 54Cultural Heritage Studies 62 60Cultural Resource Management 64 65Environmental & Occupational Health 64Foundations in Indigenous Fine Arts French Language Health & Helping Professionals Humanities Intercultural Education Native Species & Natural Processes Population Health Data Analysis Public Relations Restoration of Natural Systems Social Justice Studies Teacher Professional Development Teaching English as a Foreign Language Teaching French Immersion * For more information on business studies for international students, please call 250-721-6412.** For more information on these arts, cultural and heritage programs, please call 250-721-8457.Applying to our programs: non-credit/credit study optionsApply directly to Continuing Studies to study as a non-credit student. Go to to select a program.Application forms are available on the program web pages. Or, contact a program by phone/email.If you want to earn university credits (or study part time toward a degree), you must first apply for admission to the University of Victoria via the ”regular Admissions procedures. Our program staff can advise you on how to proceed. Courses and programs available for credit are marked with “in this Calendar.6 CERTIFICATE AND DIPLOMA PROGRAMS Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
Dr. Seuss expected to spend “a week or so” writing The Cat in the Hat. The book was nally nished 1.5 years later.The Arts NEW Sunset Boulevard Canadian Masterpiece Series: A.Y. JacksonHISTORY IN ART Billy Wilder’s Sunset Boulevard, the bitter, coruscating story of a faded silent screen star This is the second in a new art history series NEW New Canadian Art: Part III and her kept lover, a young writer down on his embarking on an intensive study of major luck, is considered one of the best films ever Canadian artists. Sessions will be devoted to theThis is the third course by John Lucas on made about Hollywood, and one of the greatest life and works of each individual artist as well ascontemporary Canadian art and will feature films of all time. Written (with Charles Brackett) how the work of each artist affected that of theall new material. This course will explore the and directed by Wilder, the film is a monument others either directly or indirectly. We will lookwork of artists from across Canada and discover to his wit, black humour and mastery of the at the common origins and concerns of thesethe depth and extraordinary variety of the medium. The performances by Gloria Swanson, artists, and the differences in their responsesCanadian art scene. Examples will be drawn William Holden and Erich von Stroheim create and intention. The backdrop of North Americanfrom a wide array of media: painting, sculpture, much of its lustre. The stage musical by Andrew and European art history of the 19th and 20thpottery, glassmaking, film, photography and Lloyd Webber will be given some consideration. centuries will also enter the discussions.printmaking.Instructor: John Lucas, MA, BFA Instructor: John Lucas, MA, BFA A.Y. Jackson (1882-1971) is best known for hisDate: Wednesdays, Jan. 14 to Feb. 18 role as a founding member and a driving force ofTime: 2:30 to 4:30 pm Date: Wednesdays, April 8 to 22 the Group of Seven. We will consider his studentSessions: 6 days in Europe, his commitment to Canada—Fee: $105 plus GST Time: 2:30 to 4:30 pm the arts in particular—and his unique vision ofCode: ASHA099 2015S C01 the landscape from coast to coast to coast. The Sessions: 3 course is designed to include as many examples of his paintings as possible, from the turn of the Fee: $55 plus GST 20th century until 1970. Code: ASHA100 2015K C01 Instructor: Kerry Mason, MA Dates: Thursdays, Jan. 15 to Feb. 19 Time: 2:30 to 4:30 pmwwwwww..LLeeaarrnniinnggTThhaattSShhaappeess..ccaa •• 225500--447722--44669944 THE ARTS 7
Sessions: 6 into musical forms—creating music with a Saturday Mornings at the Opera recognizable “sound” reflective of a particular (formerly Enchanted Evenings atFee: $105 plus GST historical era. We can actively engage with the the Opera) music—discover ways to fine-tune your “active”Code: ASHA096 2015S C01 listening skills in this introduction to the history If you missed the first session of this course in and developments of classical music, exploring the fall, but would like to join the class this term, NEW An Introduction to the Art its contributions to and reflection of history, you are in luck! Limited space is still available inand Architecture in the Islamic culture and society. the remaining sessions, which focus on two ofWorld the season’s Pacific Opera Victoria productions. In Instructor: Allison Star, PhD contrast to the October production of Wagner’sThis course will examine the development of Das Rheingold, a more earthly kind of madness isMuslim religious and social practices that gave Date: Wednesdays, Feb. 4 to Mar. 25 to be found in Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoorrise to a tradition of “Islamic” art and architecture. and in the season finale, Puccini’s MadamaWe will look at the requirements for educational Time: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm Butterfly, the story of an outcast geisha’s tragicsettings, the complexes of charitable foundations love affair.such as hospitals and soup kitchens, and the Sessions: 8evolution of places for religious assembly, Instructor: Mikki Reintjes, MMusincluding mosques. Our focus will also include Fee: $130 plus GSTthe ways in which Islam integrated into local Dates: Saturdays, Feb. 7 and Mar. 28traditions and styles of art and architecture, Code: ASMU389 2015S C01often making use of local craftspeople and Time: 10 am to 12 pmdesign traditions, or re-using pre-Islamic spaces Masterworks of Symphonicand monuments. There will be many beautiful Literature Sessions: 2images from around the world, from Muslimarchitecture in Canada, to the Islamic gardens of Limited space is available for the second half Fee: $40 plus GSTmedieval Spain, to the tiled funerary complexes of this course, designed to help develop yourof Samarkand and the glass lamps of Egypt. listening skills and aesthetic appreciation of Code: ASMU382 2015S C01There will be time for questions and discussion. classical music in preparation for the Victoria Symphony’s 2015 season. Each session in Opera Live and in High DefinitionInstructor: Angela Andersen, MA History in Art, this course corresponds with a differentis currently working on her PhD dissertation and program from the Symphony’s Signature and We invite opera enthusiasts of all levels—research focussed primarily on the architecture Legacy series, including such highlights as including those just beginning an affair withof Islamic societies, and the inter- and intra- Mendelssohn’s vivacious Midsummer Night’s opera—to join us and go beyond Pacific Operareligious interactions that take place through Dream, Brahm’s Piano Concerto No. 2 and Victoria’s (POV) season to explore dual operasarchitectural sites. Dvořák’s Symphony No. 8. Through guided centered on the theme of jealous and adulterous listening and discussion, you will learn how to love in the new Metropolitan Opera productionDate: Tuesdays, Jan. 20 to Feb. 17 discern elements of form, instrumentation and of Pagliacci and Cavalleria Rusticana, in addition style in these works and gain more enjoyment to POV’s Lucia di Lammermoor and MadamaTime: 1:30 to 3:30 pm at concerts. Guest Symphony musicians will Butterfly. share their expertise and offer personal insightsSessions: 5 into the works we are studying. All levels of This is the second half of a course that began in listeners, from beginners to veteran Symphony the fall; space is limited so register early!Fee: $90 plus GST enthusiasts, are welcome. Instructor: Mikki Reintjes, MMusCode: ASHA097 2015S C01 Instructor: Mikki Reintjes, MMus Date: Thursdays, Feb. 5, April 2 and 23MUSIC Masterworks (Thursdays) Time: 7:15 to 9:15 pm NEW A Short History of Classical 1. Jan. 15: Mendelssohn’s Midsummer Night’sMusic Dream Sessions: 3Join us for a short voyage in classical music, as 2. Jan. 29: Brahm’s Piano Concerto No.2 Fee: $55 plus GSTan introduction to the major composers, theirhistorical eras and their musical compositions. 3. Feb. 26: Lisiecki plays Ravel’s Piano Concerto Code: ASMU381 2015S C01Can you hear the difference between Mozart and in GMahler? Learn to recognize particular stylistic NEW Opus First, Opus Lastelements that distinguish each composer and his 4. March 26: Dvořák’s Symphony No. 8age—from Early Music to Modern compositions. From debut work to swansong, the music by aWhat do we listen for in music? We navigate our Date: Thursdays, Jan. 15 and 29, Feb. 26, composer can only reflect the person within andunderstanding by building on recognition of the March 26 the response to the creative impulse. Rarely doesfundamental elements of music, notably melody, the genius of a master emerge with the first andharmony, texture and orchestration. Then we Time: 7:15 to 9:15 pm remain unchanged to the last. Simultaneouslyexplore how each major composer has a unique restricted and enabled by the time and theway of developing these musical elements Sessions: 4 prevailing society, the style of a single composer can change radically across a career, no matter Fee: $70 plus GST how long or short. Code: ASMU212 2015S C01 In this course we will explore the career styles of some of our most illustrious composers, considering prodigious beginnings, triumphal8 THE ARTS Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
closes, and auspicious mid-career crises. No prior Sight-Singing, Ear-Training: Fee: $150 plus GSTexperience in music is required. Level 2 Code: ASMU385 2015S C01Instructor: Mary C. J. Byrne, PhD Do you have basic music reading skills but lack NEW Jerome Kern and the confidence? Would you like to brush up on Development of the AmericanDates: Mondays, Jan. 19 to March 23 your skills and be more at home when reading Song (no class Feb. 23) new music? Are you interested in developing a deeper understanding of the language of music? Jerome Kern is one of the most beloved writersTime: 9:30 to 11:30 am Then this series of 10 workshops is definitely of American popular song. At first a successful for you! Together we will practice reading and composer of operettas, in 1917 he radicallySessions: 8 writing a variety of music patterns (rhythmic and changed the direction of the American song by melodic) to widen our music vocabulary. We will writing in an easy, conversational style, and inFee: $145 plus GST (includes refreshments) also explore music harmony while singing in a 1927 with Showboat he reshaped the form of group, and will learn to recognize and appreciate the stage musical by making the songs serveCode: ASMU390 2015S C01 its meaning. The course will combine music character and story. His career in film is equally theory and practical exercises for development legendary.Heavy Metal: Its Place in Culture, of skills and confidence in discovering the worldand How to Understand It of music. Instructor: John Lucas, MA, BFAAre you a fan of music but not a fan of heavy Prerequisites: basic music reading skills (major Date: Wednesdays, Feb. 25 to April 1metal? Curious to understand where the Cookie scales, simple rhythm)Monster singing, “blast beat” drumming and Time: 2:30 to 4:30 pmdown-tuned riffing comes from? Gain a deeper Instructor: Teodora Georgieva-Gitberg, MA,understanding and appreciation of one of has been a choral conductor and educator Sessions: 6music’s most diverse and rich, yet consistently since 1999, when she graduated from the Statemaligned genres. Presented in a fun and Academy of Bulgaria with a Masters Degree in Fee: $105 plus GSTrespectful manner by a life-long metal fan, Choral Conducting, Musicology as her secondthe course will cut through the stereotypes major. Code: ASMU393 2015S C01surrounding metal. You’ll learn how mainstreamNorth American metal in the ‘80s was a reaction Dates: Sundays, Jan. 25 to April 12 NEW Music and Healingagainst conservative Satanic Panic attitudes; (no classes Feb. 1 or April 5)how European metal in the ‘90s fought against Throughout all of human history music hasreligious norms with church burnings and Time: 1 to 3 pm played a vital role in connecting us to health andmurders; how metal’s many subgenres each wellness. In every culture and corner of our world,have their own voice and purpose. From Sessions: 10 music touches the lives of children, youth, adultsgrindcore to sludge metal, from death metal to and seniors every day. Through a series of simpleblack metal, get a primer on what it all means, Fee: $145 plus GST guided musical experiences, including mindfulhow to process it, and if you’re already a metal listening, playing and singing, we will explore ourfan get some deeper insight into this most Code: ASMU353 2015S C01 relationship to music and its effect on our mind,fascinating musical genre. body and brain. Together we’ll learn about the NEW Opera: 19th Century and current practices within various music and healingInstructor: Greg Pratt is a local writer and Beyond traditions from around the world and exploreeditor who has been writing about metal for ways that you can bring some of these into your15 years. His writing about metal regularly Following the course Opera: The Beginnings to own life to restore a sense of health and wellness.appears in Revolver, Exclaim!, Brave Words and 18th Century, we continue the exploration of No musical skill or experience is necessary toBloody Knuckles, Snowboard Canada, and other opera of the 19th and 20th centuries. Learn benefit from this course.publications. As well, he writes for Douglas about the social, ideological and politicaland Island Parent, and his work has appeared changes that influenced each composer, and Instructor: Joel Kroeker, RCC, MA, MMT, MTA,in Wired and Today’s Parent. He did a metal explore the movements of bel canto, verismo is a music-centred psychotherapist and aradio show at UVic for 15 years, and served as a and realism in opera. We’ll examine the works of registered clinical counselor, whose music andjudge in the metal category for the 2013 Junos. significant French, German, Russian, British and research has taken him all over the world fromHe has interviewed everyone from legendary American composers of the period using the best the Middle East and India to New Zealand,arena metal band Metallica to extreme death available audio and video performances. Japan, Laos, Cambodia, Brazil and Europe. Hemetal pioneers Carcass, stopping to interrogate won “Pop Album of the Year” for his most recentmembers of Slipknot, Gwar, Cannibal Corpse, and Instructor: Zhila Kashaninia is a graduate album Closer to the Flame and is a Zurich-trainedPantera, to name a few, along the way. of Victoria Conservatory of Music and York Jungian Analytical Psychology candidate. For University, and has been teaching opera history more information please visit his website: www.Date: Tuesdays, Jan. 27 to March 3 courses since 2009. In May 2010, Zhila was invited by the Director of the Cultural InstituteTime: 7 to 9 pm in Campeche, Mexico to perform a concert of Date: Wednesday, March 11 Spanish songs and hold a lecture on the historySessions: 6 of the art of Spanish songs. Time: 7 to 9 pmFee: $105 plus GST Dates: Tuesdays, Feb. 10 to March 31 Sessions: 1Code: ASMU375 2015S C01 Time: 7 to 9:30 pm Fee: $21 plus GST Sessions: 8 Code: ASMU394 2015S • 250-472-4694 THE ARTS 79
Sing! Level I Sessions: 14 NEW From the Wizard of Oz to Downton Abbey: Theme Songs inShare the joy of singing with other novice Fee: $155 plus GST Television and Moviessingers. This fun, mixed-voice class is for singerswho may be preparing to join a choir or who Code: ASMU304 2015S C01 An entertaining presentation of diverse musicalsimply love to sing. An overview of the singing styles featuring live piano performances by Janprocess will be followed by developing the Overcoming Vocal Difficulties: Randall. Includes romance, cloak and dagger,basic technical skills of posture, breathing, tone, Survival Techniques for Singers action, comedy, melodrama, musicals, soapresonance and diction. Many styles of music and Speakers operas, fantasy, science fiction, tearjerkers andwill be explored, including folk songs, ballads, action flicks. Explore the composers who set theart songs, musical theatre and basic harmony, Many people experience problems with their trends from over a century of music for film andthrough the use of canons and rounds. No voices, times when the voice is hoarse or when television.previous musical knowledge or experience is sound is difficult to produce. Aging, healthrequired. issues, self-doubt: any one of these can affect Instructor: Jan Randall, BMus (see instructor bio the voice. under Barrell House, Boogie Woogie,Instructor: Debra Laprise Honky Tonk and Stride) In this course, we will look at the general rulesTwo sessions: of good vocal health, and seek solutions to Dates: Wednesdays, March 11 to April 15 vocal problems through the use of proper vocalDate: Fridays, Jan. 16 to April 24 technique and positive thinking. Time: 7 to 9 pm (no class April 3) Instructor: Debra Laprise Sessions: 6Time: 11 am to 12:30 pm Date: Tuesdays, Feb. 3 to March 24 Fee: $105 plus GSTSessions: 14 Time: 6:15 to 7:15 pm Code: ASMU392 2015S C01Fee: $155 plus GST Sessions: 8Code: ASMU204 2015S C01 Fee: $75 plus GSTand THEATRE Code: ASMU386 2015S C01Date: Tuesdays, Jan. 20 to April 21 See Classic American Drama of the 20th Century NEW Barrel House, Boogie under Berwick Royal Oak Sessions on page 39.Time: 7:15 to 8:45 pm Woogie, Honky Tonk and StrideSessions: 14 sessions This series of lectures accompanied by live piano performances illustrate the rich history andFee: $155 plus GST evolution of piano music from the Gay Nineties VISUAL ARTS through the blues traditions of New OrleansCode: ASMU204 2015S C02 that were popular in the dirty ‘30s and continue to be a soulful influence on the music of today.Sing! Level II Featuring the music of Fats Waller, Piano Red, Watercolour for Beginners Scott Joplin, Dr. John, and Otis Spann.This course is for those of you who have Weekend Workshopcompleted Sing! Level I—continue to work on Instructor: Jan Randall, BMus, composer andimproving your vocal technique and enhancing pianist, is currently music director for CBC’s This workshop will introduce you to some of theyour choral skills. weekly comedy series “The Irrelevant Show.” He techniques and rewards of watercolour painting. is a Second City alumni and has worked with Through demonstrations, individual and smallInstructor: Debra Laprise Mike Myers, Catharine O’Hara, Bob Newhart and group (limited to 10 people) instruction, you will many others. He is also a veteran bluesman and be guided through the use of basic watercolourDate: Fridays, Jan. 16 to April 24 has been a sideman for Otis Rush, Sam Lay, Bo tools and materials, with explorations of wet-on- (no class April 3) Diddley and Amos Garrett. wet and wet-on-dry methods. Expect to have fun and learn through still life and abstract painting.Time: 12:30 to 2 pm Dates: Wednesdays, Jan. 28 to March 4Sessions: 14 Time: 7 to 9 pm A supply list will be sent to you before the start of the course. Please bring a bag lunch or useFee: $155 plus GST Sessions: 6 UVic dining services on Saturday.Code: ASMU310 2015S C01 Fee: $105 plus GSTVoci Belle Vocal Ensemble Code: ASMU391 2015S C01 Instructor: Joanne Thomson, MAdEd, is an accomplished artist in watercolour andHave fun exploring classical, musical theatre illustration. For more information about Joanne’s(Broadway), madrigals and pop music. philosophy on teaching, please visit her websiteThis mixed-voice vocal ensemble is at the at level and each session starts with a15-minute technical warmup. Date: Friday, Jan. 23, Saturday, Jan. 24 and Sunday, Jan. 25Prerequisite: Choral experience in the course Sing! Time: Friday, 7 to 9 pm, Saturday, 9 am toInstructor: Debra Laprise 4 pm, Sunday, 1 to 5 pmDate: Thursdays, Jan. 15 to April 16 Sessions: 3Time: 7 to 8:30 pm Fee: $150 plus GST Code: ASVA019 2015S W0110 THEA RTS Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
Expose Yourself: Showing Your NEW Natural Light Portraiture traditional and innovative forms of printmaking.Photographs to the World Made Easy She has been teaching various art forms for over 10 years, with students often returning for moreAre you tired of your photographs living only on Thursday evening lecture and encouragement and inspiration.your desktop? Learn how you can display or have Saturday on-site shootingyour photos presented online. Find out how you Date: Tuesdays, Jan. 20 to Feb. 17 andcan place your images into a gallery exhibition Learn how to photograph people on location. Saturday, Jan. 24or create a book or magazine featuring those If you have wanted to learn the professionalpictures. The opportunities to place your images secrets to getting a great portrait then this class Time: Tuesdays: 7 to 9 pm, and Saturday:where others can enjoy and purchase them are is for you. We will cover the following: 10 am to 4 pmgrowing all the time—discover them and thetools you need to make it a reality. • Portrait lighting using natural light Sessions: 6Instructor: Don Denton is a documentary • Understanding different qualities of light and Fee: $130 plus GST (plus $5 for materials)photographer, newspaper photojournalist, editor how to use them; using reflectors and scrimsand educator. He is currently the Photo Supervisor Code: ASVA069 2015S C01for Black Press’Greater Victoria newspapers. • Posing and working with single and multiple NEW Fine Paper, Unique Prints,Date: Wednesdays, Feb. 4 to March 25 subjects and a Little Bit of the ExoticTime: 6:30 to 9 pm • Which lens to use and whenSessions: 8 • How to maintain consistently accurate colour Even if you have no art background, you’ll be guided with ease into this two-dimensionalFee: $170 plus GST • Understanding your light meter medium to create a dazzling array of imagery. We’ll start with miniature works of art on exoticCode: ASVA068 2015S C01 Participants should have an understanding of fibrous paper, then move to delicate Japanese how their camera functions. Suitable for the paper to create small banners, suitable to hangGoing Beyond—Mixed Media informed novice to more advanced hobby in the window and large hanging banners forCollage photographers. the wall or an open space. The process combines relief print, image transfer, brayer, printer’s inksMixed media collage is about experimentation, Instructor: Tony Bounsall (see instructor bio under and special brushes.exploration and creative play using photographic Going Beyond—Mixed Media Collage)source material as its base and departure point.Learn about the integration of unique materials Date: Wednesday, April 22 and Saturday,and new approaches to mixed media. We’ll explore April 25methods such as image transfer, distressing, acrylic Everyone will go home with several small printsskins, working with drywall compound and plaster Time: Wednesday, 7 to 9 pm and and banners, as well as a completed banner,transfer prints. No experience necessary; just bring Saturday, 9 am to 1 pm ready to hang.your enthusiasm to class! Sessions: 2 Explore and have fun with this art form to openNote: There is an additional $40 fee for basic a new world of creative possibilities. This diversematerials payable to the instructor in cash. You’ll Fee: $60 plus GST process is ideal for the home-based studio as noreceive a supply list of additional items to be elaborate equipment is required.purchased before the start of the course. Code: ASVA091 2015K W01Instructor: Tony Bounsall has 30 years professional Yes, You Can Draw! All supplies and equipment are included in theexperience as a commercial and editorial course fee. All you need to bring is a bag lunch, aphotographer and is a photo arts graduate (BAPA) If you doubt you’ll ever be able to draw, or feel notebook and pencil.from Ryerson Polytechnical University. For the you have limited drawing abilities, this courselast 10 years, he has worked in and taught several offers you the opportunity to learn to draw with Instructor: Jenn Whitford Robins, BFA (seedifferent mediums, including digital artwork, collage, confidence and achieve the accuracy you wish instructor bio under Yes, You Can Draw!)iPhoneography, alternative based photography, for while developing your own natural style.mixed media and encaustics. His teaching style is Date: Saturday Jan. 31 and Wednesday Feb. 4relaxed, informative and inclusive. His work draws The first step is to recognize the approach toinspiration from his travels, the environment, drawing that we have unconsciously followed Time: 10 am to 4 pm (Saturday) and 7 to 9 pmtopographic mapping, satellite photography and since childhood, and then learn to see and draw (Wednesday)medical imagery. He exhibits and sells his own fine what is really there. Working with inexpensiveart prints and mixed media work throughout North materials and using easy-to-follow exercises, you Sessions: 2America. will be guided to gain hand-to-eye connectivity while exploring mark-making and tonal options. Fee: $90 plus GST (plus $17 for materials)Date: Mondays, Jan. 26 to April 13 Perspective will become a natural element of your drawing. Code: ASVA092 2015S W01Time: 6:30 to 9 pm The program will include in-class drawing NEW The Fascinating World ofSessions: 10 projects and suggested assignments to bring out Stencil Imagery the artist in you.Fee: $195 plus GST Designed for inquisitive minds with an artistic A comprehensive supply list will be sent to you bent, this one-day workshop will introduce youCode: ASVA074 2015S C01 before the start of the course. A limited amount to the world of the stencil print. of supplies will be provided by the instructor. This art form has graced windows, paper, fabric, Instructor: Jenn Whitford Robins, BFA, is an buildings and clothing. Over time almost every award-winning printmaker who specializes in form of flat surface has utilized the stencil print and historically many cultures have embraced its • 250-472-4694 THTEHAERATRSTS171
Try your hand at a type of stencil printmaking make your trip more memorable and less stressful. WRITING AND LITERATUREthat originated in Japan, known as the Kappazuriprint, which was adopted and adapted by the Instructor: Chris Mundigler, ACA, BA Writing Memoirfamed Inuit printmakers. Date: Thursday, Feb. 12 You have a story to tell about somewhere you’veWe’ll add a dash of southern imagery and flavour, been, a turning point in your life: a time youexperiment with inks, rollers and brushes, to Time: 7 to 9 pm faced a challenge, learned something or werecreate prints on exquisite paper. You’ll be guided forced to reassess your values. You are a miner ofwith ease, exploring a diverse process that is Sessions: 1 memory and self.ideal for the home-based studio as no elaborateequipment is required. Fee: $21 plus GST In this course you will learn through writing exercises and assignments, reading publishedAll supplies and equipment are included in the Code: ASVA054 2015S C01 non-fiction essays, and through focused writingcourse fee. All you need to bring is a bag lunch, a that everyone can write. You will translatenotebook and pencil. Travel Photography: Composition memories and learn what they have taught you and Techniques about life, the world and yourself.Instructor: Jenn Whitford Robins, BFA (see instructor biography under: Yes, You What does it take to make a great photograph Whether you are a new or more experienced Can Draw!) and not just another “snapshot”? What are the writer, you’ll find something you can use in this best techniques to use, both in-camera and workshop-based, essay-writing course.Dates: Saturday, Feb. 7 in your mind, to capture just the right mood and feeling in your travel photographs? In this Instructor: Joelene Heathcote, BA, MFA, is aTime: 10 am to 4 pm session, we’ll discuss the rules of photographic master’s graduate of UBC’s Writing Program. composition and techniques, and also when it’s She has published widely and won internationalSessions: 1 all right to break those rules to produce your awards in poetry, fiction and non-fiction essay. best results. She is the author of Inherit the Earth, winner ofFees: $65 plus GST (plus $17 for materials) Rubicon Press’s chapbook award, and What’s Instructor: Chris Mundigler, ACA, BA Between Us Can’t Be Heard, a finalist for the PatCode: ASVA093 2015S W01 Lowther Award. She is a previous recipient of the Date: Thursday, Feb. 19 Prism International prize for poetry and essay, asTravel Photography Series: well as This Magazine’s Best New Writer Prize, ThisSpring Session Time: 7 to 9 pm Magazine’s Great Canadian Literary Hunt, ARC Poetry Magazine’s Poem of the Year Contest, theThis series is intended to answer your travel Sessions: 1 Ledbury Poetry Award (Wales), and the Floridaphotography concerns, not only in dealing with Review’s Editor’s Choice Award.time-honored tips and techniques, and modern Fee: $21 plus GSTinnovations, but also about how to be culturally Date: Wednesdays, Jan. 28 to March 25sensitive and aware of foreign surroundings to Code: ASVA055 2015S C01better tell the story of your travels. Time: 6:30 to 9 pm Travel Photography: Now What?This series of three classes may be taken Sessions: 9individually, or you may register for all three at a Okay, so you’ve just come back from eitherdiscounted fee. that once-in-a-lifetime expedition or the family Fee: $180 plus GST reunion you’ve always dreaded—now what? YouInstructor: Chris Mundigler, ACA, BA have hundreds (if not thousands) of priceless Code: ASWL068 2015S W01 photographs, but don’t have a clue what to doDates: Thursdays, Feb. 12 to 26 with them. Short FictionTime: 7 to 9 pm In this class, we discuss the best ways to store Do you want to write a story but have no idea and archive those precious memories, whether how to start? This is a workshop-based course forSessions: 3 film or digital, so they’ll last for generations to those interested in writing short stories ranging come. We’ll figure out what your personal needs from 500–1,500 words. Suitable for writers ofFee: $55 plus GST are and how best to meet those needs, whether all abilities, this nine-week course focuses on it’s printing your photographs, scrapbooking writing exercises that help employ creativeCode: ASVA082 2015S C00 them or emailing them to friends and family. process and uncover story, create scene and character, dialogue and conflict, plot and pointTravel Photography: Equipment on Instructor: Chris Mundigler, ACA, BA of view. You and your fellow writers will focusthe Run on these story elements as a basis for respectful Date: Thursday, Feb. 26 peer editing during the workshop sessions. LotsYour plans are in place, your tickets are in hand. of writing is encouraged.Now, what kind of equipment do you need to Time: 7 to 9 pmtake all those memorable photos you want to Instructor: Joelene Heathcote, BA, MFAbring back? What is the “right” equipment for Sessions: 1 (see instructor bio under Writing Memoir)your specific travel needs? Fee: $21 plus GST Date: Thursdays, Jan. 29 to March 26We’ll discuss camera choices and features,point-and-shoot versus single-lens reflex (DSLR), Code: ASVA048 2015S C01 Time: 7 to 9 pmappropriate lenses for different situations, flashand add-on accessories, special effects, camera Sessions: 9maintenance and much more.Making the right decisions before you go will help12 THE ARTS Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
Fee: $155 plus GST Date: Wednesdays, April 15 to May 20 NEW If you are interested in writing, you mayCode: ASWL072 2015S W01 Time: 6:30 to 9 pm be interested in a new course in the Sessions: 6 Sustainability and Environment section: Writing NEW Writing About the Natural Fee: $135 plus GST This Place: An Experiential, Experimental andWorld Code: ASWL041 2015K C01 Site-Specific Exploration.Nature writing has never been more popular See page 62.with readers! Ecologically-aware audiencesare as interested in the wildlife in their own Rumi, Hafiz and the Mystic Poets Let There Be Music ...gardens as they are in the more exotic fauna of Persiaof other countries. The literature of nature Enjoy special recitals given by faculty,includes information about the natural How did a 13th-century poet writing in Farsi, students and well-known guests of UVic’senvironment, personal responses and the language of Persia, become the best-selling School of Music, Faculty of Fine Arts. Forphilosophical interpretations of it. This writing poet of the present day? The poet Rumi was one details of the full and diverse array ofcourse addresses our complex relationship with of several luminaries of a golden age of Persian programs planned for this semester,the natural and non-human world. It takes us literature. Along with near contemporaries Hafiz, call 250-721-7903 between 8:30 am andbeyond eco-literature and focuses on wildness, Khayyam, Attar and Sa’adi, all were steeped in 4:30 pm, weekdays.our connection with environment and place, Sufi philosophy, which lends a timeless relevanceour sense of belonging and our relationship and meaning to their work. The Sufi’s approachwith our instinctual and authentic self. Through of direct experience and universal wisdom oftenthe examination of classic and contemporary led to persecution by the ruling clergy, so Sufisnature writing, written exercises and individual turned to poetry to pass on their knowledge,feedback, this course teaches you how to turn hiding meaning in symbol and metaphor. Wepersonal experience and observation into vivid, will explore the mystical poetry of these poetsdescriptive prose readers will love. (in various English translations), delving into Jelaluddin Rumi’s Mathnawi, Hafiz’s Divan, TheInstructor: Joelene Heathcote, BA, MFA Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Fariddudin Attar’s (see instructor bio under Short Fiction) Conference of the Birds and The Rose Garden of Sa’adi, in relation to Sufi thought and practice.Date: Tuesdays, Feb. 3 to March 31 Instructor: Carol Ann Sokoloff is a poet, author,Time: 6:30 to 8:30 pm editor and writing instructor. She has published four books including New Sufi Songs and Dances,Sessions: 9 drawn from her extensive study of the subject.Fee: $155 plus GST Dates: Thursdays, April 16 to May 21Code: ASWL085 2015S C01 Time: 7 to 9 pmWriting for Children: Releasing Sessions: 6the Child Within Fee: $105 plus GSTDo you long to write picture books for childrenor stories for young adults, but don’t know Code: ASWL082 2015K C01where to start? Join us in exploring thedelicate art of writing compelling stories in few Only the curiou havewords. Activities and discussion will focus ontechniques for building character, setting, plot something to find.and perspective, and crafting an exciting storyfor young audiences. We will practise writing – Anonymoustechniques, examine successful children’sbooks and discover why it is important to beaware of the child as audience. You will alsolearn what editors look for in a cover letter,and how manuscripts should be formattedfor submissions to a publisher. Come withenthusiasm and bring your ideas.Instructor: Carol Ann Sokoloff, recipient of thePeabody Award for educational radio, is a poet,author, editor and songwriter. Author of twopicture books and editor of the Cherubim Booksimprint, she enjoys sharing the imaginativeworld of children’s literature and the excitementof the writing • 250-472-4694 THTEHAERATRSTS173
I GRADUATE PROFILE Photo: supplied Joshua Lambert, Humanities Diploma Program experienced being a schoolteacher, an archaeologist, and have landed (see page 41) a lucrative job with a professional pollster, leading teams and designing campaigns.“As I prepare for graduation and think about my next challenge ingraduate studies, I must acknowledge that I would most likely never have “For many people, deciding what’s next after completing degree studiesattended university had it not been for the Humanities Diploma program. means looking for a job and feeling a bit lost. However, I am realizing that university for me has always been a means to access a world with“The Humanities Diploma program was an excellent starting point to resources and connections, through which I can carry out projectsmy university career. It introduced me to university study and served to and research that would otherwise just sit in my mind. Re-imaginingguide me throughout my undergraduate experience—I think it should education (inspired by Dr. Sugata Mitra – see required learning for any new university student. The opportunity and sugata_mitra), designing systems to support and augment third worlddirection to explore emergent knowledge-sharing technologies and their NGOs, and furthering decolonization through historical study and art arepotential implications for the near future had an impact that significantly the major projects I’m now juggling in my mind.enriched my studies in social science, and which will continue toinfluence my graduate level studies. “The Humanities Diploma program both enabled and inspired me, and continues to do so. “ – Joshua Lambert“During the four short years of my undergraduate studies I have beenprivileged to complete a double major, two diplomas, two field schools,a work-study, and a practicum abroad. My studies have taken me tothe mountains of BC’s interior, to Poland and to rural Guatemala. I have14 LEARNING THAT SHAPES WHO YOU ARE
70% of small businesses are owned and operated by one person. Invest in your most important asset.Business and Management (CIM). Sessions: 13Management For more information, phone 250-721-8073/8072; Fee: $495The Business and Management Programs email [email protected], or visit our website:have a proven track record for providing the Code: BMBA150 2015S C01essentials and credentials to make you and yourorganization an even greater success. SPRING COURSES ON CAMPUS Management Computing Whether you are an employee or an employer, Human Resource Management CBA/DBA Courseor whether you want to specialize or acquire abroader understanding of business practices CBA/DBA/CBIS Course This course enables managers, professionals,and information technology, we can help you and business people to become educated usersachieve your goals, anticipate problems and This course focuses on personnel and human of computers. During the course, you’ll have theopportunities, and prepare for change. resource management in a Canadian setting. opportunity to develop computer applications Topics include: planning staff recruitment within based on word processing, spreadsheet, andThe following courses can be taken on an a business, job design, recruitment and selection, database software that you may use both inindividual basis or as part of the Certificate or performance appraisal, employee compensation your day-to-day business activities, and inDiploma Program in Business Administration and benefits, staff development and training, other courses in the Certificate in Business(CBA or DBA). health and safety issues, employee rights and Administration Program. In hands-on lab labour relations. sessions you learn to use Word for Windows,There is a complete description of the format, Excel for Windows and PowerPoint.program requirements, curriculum and Optional textbook: Essentials of Managing Humanadmission requirements for the certificate and Resources (4th Cdn Ed) by Stewart and Belcourt Instructor: Tim Smithdiploma programs on pages 18 and 19. Instructor: Peter Sanderson Date: Wednesdays Jan. 21 to April 15Specific business and management coursesare accredited by the Canadian Institute of Date: Mondays, Jan. 19 to April 27 Time: 7 to 10 pm (No class Feb. 9 or April 6) Sessions: 13 Time: 7 to 10 pm Fee: $590 Code: BMBA200 2015S • 250-472-4694 BUSINESS AND MANAGTEHMEEANRTTS175
Small Business Management Accounting by focusing on the accounting covered will include letters, memos, business functions internal to the organization. proposals, and email.CBA/DBA Course Management Accounting is concerned with the data and techniques used in the decision- Please note that this is not a remedial EnglishThis course provides a systematic framework making process. This includes the analysis and language course, and that students are expectedfor recognizing the commercial potential accounting for costs, exposure to cost behaviour to have a good grasp of secondary schoolof a product or service and for creating and (cost-volume-profit), the contribution approach, composition skills.managing a small business to bring that product variance analysis, differential cash flows andor service to market. budgeting. The course will also discuss recent Instructor: Murray Cornish, BA developments such as activity-based costing.The characteristics of entrepreneurial activity Date: Jan. 19 to April 17and small business management will be Required text: Managerial Accounting (4th Ed) byexplained and illustrated through lectures and Jiambalvo. Sessions: 13 weeksrelated case studies. You will be expected todevelop your ideas for a small business into a Instructor: Reg Beniac BA, MBA, CMA Fee: $595well-conceived and researched feasibility studyand a management plan to implement your Date: Thursdays, Jan. 22 to April 16 Code: BMBA110 2015S D01product or service. Time: 7 to 10 pm Business Ethics Topics covered include: strategic planning,venture development, market research, business Sessions: 10 CBA/DBA Courseplans, finance, production management,legal issues, organizational structures and Fee: $495 The objective of this course is to explore, frommanagement systems. an ethical point of view, the relations of a Code: BMBA220 2015S C01 corporation with its stakeholders. We’ll examineInstructor: Frank Leonard, BA, MA important areas such as corporate governance SPRING COURSES BY DISTANCE and social responsibilities from both a pragmaticDate: Wednesdays, Jan. 21 to April 22 business and ethical point of view. Additionally, (no class March 18) Business Administration a corporation’s ethical responsibilities to its employees, customers and the global marketTime: 7 to 10 pm CBA/DBA/CBIS Course place are examined. Course delivery includes short lectures, case studies, and severalSessions: 13 This course introduces you to the nature and appropriate movies. scope of decision-making in business, andFee: $495 provides an overview of the functional areas Instructor: John Kyle, PhD of management, finance, marketing andCode: BMBA290 2015S C01 organizational behaviour. Using a business case Date: Jan. 19 to April 17 approach, you will develop a personal frameworkBusiness Law for defining and analyzing business problems Sessions: 13 weeks and developing solutions and plans of action.CBA/DBA Course Fee: $595 It is strongly recommended you take this courseIt is essential for business people to acquire a first in the Certificate in Business Administration Code: BMBA440 2015S D01general understanding of the law as it affects Program.businesses in the conduct of their operation and For additional online courses see the Computingthe legal framework within which management Instructor: Ken Bodnarchuk, DBA, PMP, CMC and Technology section, page 23, for for coursesdecisions take place. Topics include: the that apply to the CBA/DBA programs.Canadian legal system, law of contracts, law of Date: Jan. 19 to April 17agency, employment and insurance, business Using Mobile Devices forstructures, real property, negotiable instruments, Sessions 13 weeks Your Coursescommercial financing and personal propertysecurity, and creditors rights. Fee: $595 If you are planning on accessing your online courses using a mobile device such as aInstructor: Mark Bridge, BSc, LLB, LLM Code: BMBA100 2015S D01 tablet or a smartphone, please note that not all required course features will be accessibleDate: Tuesdays, Jan. 13 to April 14 Business Writing with these devices. Your mobile devices can (no class Feb. 10) be used to access some of your online course CBA/DBA Course tools; however, to fully function in yourTime: 7 to 10 pm online courses, you will need to have access The main objective of this course is developing to a computer running Windows or MacOS.Sessions: 13 the self-assurance to communicate effectively Please see the “Computer Requirements” in the workplace. You’ll learn to identify the page on the Distance Education ServicesFee: $495 characteristics of effective communication website for more information: distance.uvic. and learn how to successfully critique business ca/onlinehelp/tutorials/compreq.htmCode: BMBA300 2015S C01 documents.Management Accounting A repeatable writing process and strategic planning guides for specific applications willCBA/DBA Course be introduced and practiced through learning activities. Peer support and feedback will beThis course is an introduction to the fundamental emphasized. Business communication formatsconcepts of management accounting. Itcomplements concepts covered in Financial16 BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
SPRING INTENSIVE COURSES Date: Feb. 25 to March 3 Sessions: 10ON CAMPUS Fee: $495 Time: 9 am to 4:30 pm Code: BMBA120 2015K C01The following one-week intensive courses areopen to CBA/DBA and CBIS students. Please Sessions: 5 Economics contact the Business and Management office at250-721-8072/721-8073 to register. Fee: $580 CBA/DBA CourseInterpersonal Business Code: BMBA240 2015S E02 This course provides an overview of Canadian micro- and macroeconomics. Topics includeCommunications International Business the theory of supply and demand; competitive markets; costs curves; production choicesCBA/DBA/CBIS* Course CBA/DBA Course and costs; characteristics of monopolies and oligopolies; economic efficiency inThe primary objective of this course is to Working in today’s rapidly changing and the allocation of resources and markets;assist you to improve the effectiveness of complex global business environment requires national output and determinants of grossyour interpersonal business communication highly competent management skills. Global national product; investment, money, prices,skills. Topics include the communication trade is vital as companies look at how to grow and inflation; goals of economic policy andprocess, perception, self-assessment, conflict, their business, and the management skills international trade.relationships, language and needs, beliefs required to do so will become increasingly Instructor: Doug Taylor, BA, MSc, CITPand values. Emphasis is placed on developing important throughout the 21st century. This Date: Tuesdays, May 5 to July 7effective approaches to personal and course covers the importance of operating Time: 6 to 10 pmprofessional relationships. globally, strategies for reaching global markets, Sessions: 10 the forces impacting doing business in global Fee: $495Instructor: Pat Micek, BA, MEd markets, trade agreements and establishing Code: BMBA230 2015K C01 global operations.Date: Jan. 12 to 20 INTERSESSION COURSES BY Instructor: Doug Taylor, BA, MSc, CITP DISTANCETime: 9 am to 4:30 pm Date: March 23 to 27 Financial Accounting Sessions: 7 Time: 9 am to 4:30 pm CBA/DBA/CBIS CourseFee: $580 Sessions: 5 This course introduces you to the essentialCode: BMBA120 2015S E02 accounting principles and techniques used in Fee: $580 reporting and analyzing the financial aspects of a business. Particular emphasis is placed Code: BMBA430 2015S E02 on developing a practical understanding of the preparation and interpretation of financialBusiness Writing and INTERSESSION COURSES statements. ON CAMPUS Instructor: Betty Weber, BA, BCom, MBAPresentation Skills Date: May 5 to July 31 Business Writing and Sessions: 13 weeksCBA/DBA/CBIS* Course Fee: $595 Presentation Skills Code: BMBA140 2015K D01See description (Business Writing) on page 16 CBA/DBA/CBIS Course For additional online courses see the ComputingInstructor: Murray Cornish, BA and Technology section, page 23, for for courses See description (Business Writing) on page 16 that apply to the CBA/DBA programs.Date: Jan. 26 to Feb. 3 Instructor: Murray Cornish, BA Date: Thursdays, May 7 to July 9Time: 9 am to 4:30 pm Time: 6 to 10 pm Sessions: 10Sessions: 7 Fee: $495 Code: BMBA110 2015K C01Fee: $580 Interpersonal BusinessCode: BMBA110 2015S E02 Communications Marketing CBA/DBA/CBIS CourseCBA/DBA Course See description under Spring Intensive CoursesMarketing has two essential functions: to identify on Campusand to satisfy a buyer’s needs. In this introduction Instructor: Pat Micek, BA, MEdto marketing management, you’ll examine the Date: Thursdays, May 7 to July 9concepts and techniques used by business to Time: 6 to 10 pmperform these functions. Topics include: targetmarket definition; buyer behaviour; demandforecasting; product, pricing, communications,and distribution strategies; marketing research;and market planning and organization.Instructor: Cheryl • 250-472-4694 BUSINESS AND MANAGTEHMEEANRTTS17
SUMMER INTENSIVE COURSES effectively lead in a complex and constantly • you want to enhance your professional ON CAMPUS changing environment. This course is expertise competency based and emphasizes five essentialMarketing elements: taking charge, strategic visioning, • a business credential would be useful in communications, teamwork and integrity. advancing your careerCBA/DBA A variety of approaches are used in the delivery • your previous education is of a specialized See course description on page 17. of the course. Selected movies bring to life in nature and you wish to acquire a broaderInstructor: Cheryl Fitzpatrick the classroom different leaders from a variety understanding of management, orDate: June 17 to 23 of backgrounds. In addition to discussing theseTime: 9 am to 4:30 pm leaders, short lectures develop in more depth the • as a business owner or manager, you wish to Sessions: 5 elements of leadership. Role playing and other encourage your staff to enrol in a systematicFee: $580 experiential exercises demonstrate some of the program of professional development inCode: BMBA240 2015K E02 skills that are required to lead effectively. business administration.International Business Instructor: Cheryl Fitzpatrick Program Format: Study at your own pace via convenient evening lectures, online or intensiveCBA/DBA Course Date: July 13 to 17 courses to complete the program in two or three years. Courses are normally 13 weeks in duration.See course description on page 17. Time: 9 am to 4:30 pm On-campus courses are usually one night perInstructor: Doug Taylor, BA, MSc, CITP week from 7 to 10 pm. This schedule may vary.Date: July 13 to 17 Sessions: 5Time: 9 am to 4:30 pm Program Requirements: To qualify for theSessions: 5 Fee: $495 University of Victoria’s Certificate in BusinessFee: $495 Administration, you are required to successfullyCode: BMBA430 2015K C01 Code: BMBA 410 2015K C01 complete eight courses: the foundation course, Business Administration, and sevenManaging Change Strategy Execution specialized courses on key aspects of business administration selected from the following:CBA/DBA Course CBA/DBA CourseChange management is all about executing • Applied Communication Conceptsstrategies to achieve goals and objectives. This Using an intensive workshop format, thiscourse focuses upon managing the motivation, course explores the art of executing strategy • Business Ethicsthe behaviours, the business controls and the in organizational settings. Topics includework environment in order to introduce, stabilize strategy identification and risk assessment; • Business Lawand normalize changes that are necessary to strategy mapping; stakeholder identificationimplement new strategies. Topics include the and management; management and control • Business Writing and Presentation Skillstypes of change, change planning, organizational frameworks; resource identification, acquisition,readiness, pacing, prioritizing objectives, and management; change management; and • E-Commerce and Social Marketingmonitoring progress and business controls, adapting and refining strategy execution inbehavioural vs. non-behavioural considerations, dynamic environments. • Economicsleading change and change execution.Instructor: Cheryl Fitzpatrick Instructor: Rhordon Wikkramatileke, PhD • Employment Law and Labour RelationsDate: July 6 to 10Time: 9 am to 4:30 pm Date: July 27 to 31 • FinanceSessions: 5Fee: $495 Time: 9 am to 4:30 pm • Financial AccountingCode: BMBA 420 2015K C01 Sessions: 5 • Human Resource ManagementStrategic Leadership (formerly Personnel Management) Fee: $495CBA/DBA Course • Human Side of Information Systems Code: BMBA 460 2015K C01The objective of this course is to create an • International Businessawareness of what constitutes the process CERTIFICATE IN BUSINESSof leadership, as well as the skills needed to ADMINISTRATION • Interpersonal Business Communications The Certificate in Business Administration is • Management Accounting designed for the mid-career adult learner, and is a convenient part-time program of study • Management Communication that focuses on the practical application of key business concepts and tools. • Management Computing or Computing Concepts Emphasis is placed on the development and • Management Consulting refinement of: written, oral and interpersonal communications; team building and conflict • Management Practices resolution; decision making and creative problem solving; and client service. • Managing Change The certificate will be of value to you if: • Marketing • Marketing Communications • Negotiation Skills • Operations Management • Organizational Behaviour • Professional Sales Skills • Project Management18 BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
• Selected Management Topics and Management Programs. Out of the resulting Refunds, Withdrawals and Cancellations: A total of 14 courses, candidates for the Diploma full refund will be issued for individual courses• Small Business Management in Business Administration must ensure that if you withdraw from a course prior to the start they plan their program of studies so that they date of the course. A course refund, minus a• Strategic Leadership include the following courses. $60 administration fee, will only be provided within six calendar days after the course start• Strategic Management Required Courses: date for online and part-time courses. A request to withdraw from a course must be submitted• Strategy Execution • Business Administration in writing to the Business and Management Programs office.Admission Requirements: Graduation • Business Writing and Presentation Skillsfrom secondary school is normally required Course Workload: Varies from course to course;for admission to the Certificate in Business • Management Computing or Computing Concepts students can expect to spend approximately sixAdministration. Mature applicants who do not to eight hours per week per course, in addition tomeet this requirement may also be considered plus a minimum of five courses selected from the in-class time, to complete the required readingon the basis of a minimum of five years work following: and assignments.experience. Registrants who want to enrol inindividual courses, but do not wish to complete • Business Law (formerly Commercial Law) DIPLOMA IN BUSINESSthe requirements of the certificate program, are ADMINISTRATION:also welcome. If, at a later date, you decide to • Economics AVIATION/ACCELERATEDenter the certificate program, you may requestadvanced standing for any certificate courses • Finance (formerly Business Finance) The Diploma in Business Administration canyou have successfully completed. There is a $150 also be completed in nine months throughadministrative fee for admission to the program. • Financial Accounting our specialized Aviation or Accelerated option programs. Applicants for these programs areTo apply for admission, contact Business and • Management Accounting asked to contact the Business and ManagementManagement Programs or complete the online Programs office to confirm course offerings,application form. Please see the end of this • Management Practices specific dates and tuition fees.calendar section for contact information. • Marketing For more Information, contact:CERTIFICATE IN BUSINESSADMINISTRATION: • Organizational Behaviour Business and Management ProgramsFAST TRACK Division of Continuing Studies • Operations Management University of VictoriaThe Certificate in Business Administration can PO Box 1700 STN CSCalso be completed in just 12 weeks through • Strategic Management (formerly Business Strategy) Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2our accelerated format Fast Track program. Phone 250-721-8072/8073Applicants for this program are asked to contact plus a maximum of six electives selected from Fax 250-721-8774the Business and Management Programs office other certificate and diploma courses offered Email [email protected] confirm course offerings, specific dates, tuition by Business and Management Programs. (See Web bmt.uvic.cafees and to register. full course list under Certificate in Business Administration.)DIPLOMA IN BUSINESSADMINISTRATION It is recommended that candidates for the Diploma in Business Administration consultThe Diploma in Business Administration is with program staff prior to enrolling in coursesdesigned to enable graduates of the Certificate to ensure that their selections satisfy programin Business Administration, and other midcareer requirements.learners with similar levels of academicpreparation, to pursue further studies for Admission Requirements: Graduationcareer or professional development needs from the University of Victoria’s Certificateand/or bridging programs designed to satisfy in Business Administration or an equivalentblock transfer arrangements with cooperating level of academic preparation. There is a $150undergraduate or graduate programs. administrative fee for admission to the Diploma in Business Administration Program.Program Requirements: To qualify for theDiploma in Business Administration, candidates Advanced Standing: Students may transferare first required to complete the Certificate up to three courses from UVic credit programsin Business Administration (eight courses) and or other colleges or universities, providedthen go on to complete an additional six courses that course content and requirements matchfrom the selection available through Business, certificate and diploma courses. To obtain advanced standing, send a written request along with course outlines (if available) to the program director, and arrange to have official transcripts sent direct from the issuing institution. Please see the end of this calendar section for contact information. There is a transfer credit fee of $150 per course. Grades and Student Evaluation: Student evaluations are based on management projects, assignments and • 250-472-4694 BUSINESS AND MANAGTEHMEEANRTTS179
Calculators aren’t much help if you don’t know which buttons to push. A tool is only as good as the person controlling it.Career Math 151 or Math 161. Fee: $171.97 plus GSTPlanning Date: Mondays and Thursdays, Feb. 2 to April 2 Code: ASCH091 2015K D01and Skills ANDUpgrading (no class Feb. 9 and 12) Date: July 6 to Aug. 21 Time: 5:30 to 7:30 pm Sessions: 7 weeksMathematical Skills Sessions: 16 Fee: $171.97 plus GST Fee: $300 plus GST Code: ASCH091 2015K D02This non-credit preparatory course provides Code: ASMA099 2015S C01a review of the fundamental concepts andproblem-solving skills taught prior to Grade 12. Introduction to Chemistry I Planning or Enriching Your CareerTopics include fractions, ratios and proportions;shape, space and geometry; right triangle This online tutorial course is designed to provide What do you really want from your career? Thistrigonometry; exponents; lines, polynomials background for students who intend to enrol in course will help you discover ways to enrichand factoring; functions; co-ordinate systems; a university-level introductory general chemistry your career, whether you are seeking alternategraphing functions; and solving equations and course. If you do not have the equivalent of career possibilities or simply more satisfactioninequalities. Chemistry 12, you may be allowed to use this in your current work. In three individual course to fulfill that prerequisite. sessions you will develop career goals byIf you successfully complete this course you may exploring your interests, needs, values,apply to the UVic Department of Mathematics Prerequisites: Successful completion of Principles passions, priorities, personal characteristicsand Statistics for permission to take Math 120, of Mathematics 12 or Pre-Calculus 12, and and lifestyle preferences. Chemistry 11, or their equivalents. Transcripts must be provided to show successful completion Note: You may take up to six months to of these courses. complete this individualized program of three sessions with a counselor who is a registered Instructor: Monica Reimer psychologist. The second and third sessions must be scheduled within six months of the Date: May 11 to June 26 first session. Sessions: 7 weeks20 CAREER PLANNING AND SKILLS UPGRADING Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
Please note: completion of the Myers-BriggsType Indicator (MBTI) is required beforemeeting with the counselor.Instructor: Dr. Kathryn Jardine is a registeredpsychologist in private practice ( She has a wide rangeof experience as a therapist, consultant andfacilitator, in a variety of settings. Throughouther career she has been particularly interested inpeople’s strengths and resiliencies, and in helpingthem to discover ways to flourish and excel.Date: Dates and times to be determined with the instructorSessions: 3Fee: $379.50 plus GST (plus $50 MBTI fee)Code: ASAE009 2015S E01Enhancing Your Life:Self-Discovery and ActionDo you know what you want from life but nothow to achieve it? It’s possible to develop anaction plan that will enable you to create with morepurpose the quality of life you want for yourself.In three individual sessions with a counseloryou will begin the process of learning to: moremindfully examine and articulate your goals;explore your values, preferences and priorities;and how to more closely match your intentionswith actions.Please note: completion of the Myers-Briggs TypeIndicator (MBTI) is optional before meeting withthe counselor.Instructor: Dr. Kathryn Jardine (see instructor bio IGRADUATE PROFILE above) Ana Maryori Escalante, Diploma in Business AdministrationDate: Dates and times to be determined (see page 19) with the instructor Ana has a degree in arts from her native Venezuela and first came to the University of VictoriaSessions: 3 to pursue studies in the English Language Centre. Once she had completed all the necessary levels in English, she embarked on the Diploma in Business Administration through ContinuingFee: $379.50 plus GST (MBTI $50 fee is Studies. She graduated in 2014. optional) “Learning in this environment gives you many beautiful tools to help be aware and focus betterCode: ASAE010 2015S E01 on what you are doing—here or wherever you are.” Hear what else Ana has to say. Watch the video at Every course was am in . – Ana Maryori • 250-472-4694 THE ARTS271
48% say if a site isn’t smartphone-friendly, the company doesn’t care about their business. What do your users have to say?Computing and Information Systems from the University of of the courses run for 13 weeks, during whichTechnology Victoria. students will interact with seasoned instructors and fellow students through online posting,COMPUTER BASED You’ll learn to: open forums and group work. All courses haveINFORMATION SYSTEMS an online final exam component.CERTIFICATE PROGRAM • Use computer systems to process information and solve problems The distance delivery model provides with ample opportunity to balance a full-time • Describe computer systems from both the user career with part-time studies or full-time studiesWho is taking this program? and analyst point of view while re-training to increase employability.This non-credit, certificate program hasestablished a reputation of providing well- • Explain the relationship between technology Required Core Coursesrounded education in information technology and the managerial rolefor mid-career professionals. Courses reinforce • Computing Conceptsanalytical skills and encourage critical thinking • Use relational database management systemsin reflecting on the impact of information • Database Conceptstechnology in our workplace and society. Upon • Identify computer networking and current IT completion of the CBIS program, students security developments • Human Side of Information Systemswill receive a Certificate in Computer Based • Use systems analysis and design • Networks and Network Management methodologies and practices • Systems Analysis and Design I • Explain elements of project management and use MS Project 2013 You may choose four electives from three areas of interest: Program Format Electives Technology and Analysis Electives The CBIS certificate—delivered exclusively online—allows students incredible flexibility. The • Database Application Development program consists of nine courses: five required core courses and four electives. Electives may be • Digital Identity Management: Concepts and chosen from three areas of interest: Technology Technologies and Analysis, Business and Technology, and Education and Workplace Training. The majority • IT Security22 COMPUTING AND TECHNOLOGY Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
• Programming with Java SPRING 2015 Text: Database Design for Mere Mortals (3rd ed.) COURSES BY DISTANCE by Hernandez• Relational Database Management Systems Computing Concepts Instructor: Jeanette Aubry• Web Design and Management I CBIS Core Course, CBA/DBA Course, Date: Jan. 12 to April 10• Web Design and Management II by Distance Fee: $595Business and Technology Electives This course provides you with the practical and theoretical fundamentals of computing. As the Code: TECJ432 2015S D01• Project Management first course in the CBIS program, Computing Concepts lays the conceptual groundwork for Database Application• Business Administration* you to build your understanding of information technology by introducing you to hardware, Development • Financial Accounting* operating systems, productivity software, basic website design and networks. You will use word CBIS Technology and Analysis• Business Writing and Presentation Skills* processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation Elective, by Distance and Internet software in the Microsoft Windows• Interpersonal Business Communications* environment. This course builds upon the database design skills taught in Database Concepts (DBC) and• Management Practices* Prerequisite: Ability to launch a program, save the SQL skills obtained in Relational Database and load documents in Microsoft Office or Management Systems (RDBMS). You will find*Offered through the Certificate in Business LibreOffice, visit a website and send email. this course provides a valuable and naturalAdministration Program; see page Course requires Microsoft Office Professional follow-up to the acquired database design andEducation and Workplace Training Electives 2007/2010 (including Access) or LibreOffice. data access skills by completing the lifecycle LibreOffice is an open source application that with the creation of a sophisticated web-based• Strategies and Tools for Teaching Adults Online† can be downloaded from the Internet at no cost. application interface. For further information about LibreOffice, please• Adult Learning and Development† visit Using Open Source and/or free software editions, you will learn to install and configure the Vaadin,• Facilitating Adult Learning† Text: Digital Planet: Tomorrow’s Technology and Eclipse and Apache Tomcat products as well as You (10th Intro. ed.) by Beekman and Beekman. your choice of the following database products:• Organizational Change through Transformative MySQL, MS SQL Express or Oracle Express. Learning† Instructor: Tim Mitchell, BA, MFA You will build a web-based graphical user• Training and Development† Date: Jan. 12 to April 10 interface (GUI) application that incorporates multiple forms (pages), GUI controls such as†Offered through the Certificate in Adult and Fee: $595 buttons and lists of values, as well as generatingContinuing Education Program; see page dynamic reports. You will deploy and testApplications, Refunds and Withdrawals Code: TECJ100 2015S D01 your web-based application to the openApplications: All new applicants must submit a source Apache Tomcat Web Server. The coursecompleted application form accompanied by a Database Concepts incorporates extensive hands-on work.$60 application fee.Refunds: A full refund will be issued if you CBIS Core Course, by Distance Prerequisite: Computing Concepts, Databasewithdraw from a course prior to the official start Concepts and Relational Database Managementdate. A refund, less a $60 administrative fee, This course is designed to help you become Systems or equivalent experience.will be issued within six calendar days after the a knowledgeable end user of databaseofficial course start date. management systems and to help you Text: Web-based readingsWithdrawals: A request to withdraw from a understand the needs and roles of users,course must be submitted in writing/via email database designers, managers and Instructor: Jeanette Aubryto the program’s administrative office before the administrators. Database Concepts, a keylast day of the course. component of the CBIS program, provides you Date: Jan. 12 to April 10Prior Learning and Assessment (PLA): You with an understanding of how databases fit intomay be eligible to receive advanced standing the information system of an organization. Fee: $595in the program. Please contact the program’sadministrative office: [email protected] You will cover topics such as the major Code: TECJ320 2015S D01 components and functions of a database, how information is modelled, stored and manipulated Networks and Network in databases, and the implications of databases on operations, control and planning for the Management organization. You will also gain hands-on experience creating and maintaining a relational CBIS Core Course, by Distance database using Microsoft Access or LibreOffice, available from This course examines the fundamental concepts of computer networks, their implementation, Prerequisite: Computing Concepts or equivalent operation and management. Networks and experience. Network Management is integral to the core of the CBIS program, as it provides you with the knowledge of how networks fit into the information system of an organization. You will cover topics such as network technology, • 250-472-4694 COMPUTING AND TECHNTOHLEOAGRYTS273
architecture, management, operating System Requirements: It is strongly INTERSESSION 2015systems, security, reliability, maintenance, recommended that students use Microsoftinterconnectivity and user interface and support. Windows. Use of a Mac OS is not advisable at this Computing Concepts time.Prerequisite: Computing Concepts or equivalent CBIS Core Course, CBA/DBA Course,experience. Text: Revised, An Introduction to Project by Distance Management (Fourth Edition), by Kathy SchwalbeText: Network+ Guide to Networks (6th ed.), by This course provides you with the practical andTamara Dean, plus web-based readings Instructor: Terri Cheeseman, BSc, PEng, PMP theoretical fundamentals of computing. As the first course in the CBIS program, ComputingInstructor: Stephen Gidden, BA Date: Jan. 12 to April 10 Concepts lays the conceptual groundwork for you to build your understanding ofDate: Jan. 12 to April 10 Fee: $595 information technology by introducing you to hardware, operating systems, productivityFee: $595 Code: TECJ410 2015S D01 software, basic website design and networks. You will use word processing, spreadsheet,Code: TECJ420 2015S D01 Web Design and Management I database, presentation and Internet software in the Microsoft Windows environment.Human Side of Information Prerequisite: Ability to launch a program, saveSystems CBIS Technology and Analysis and load documents in Microsoft Office or Elective, by Distance LibreOffice, visit a website and send email.CBIS Core Course, CBA/DBA Course Course requires Microsoft Office Professional This course will provide you with the technical 2007/2010 (including Access) or LibreOffice.This course provides you with an skills and conceptual understanding to create LibreOffice is an open source application thatunderstanding of the impact of information and manage professional websites. Web Design can be downloaded from the Internet at no and systems on society. Human and Management I complements the core of the For further information about LibreOffice, pleaseSide of Information Systems complements CBIS program by providing a rationale for the use visit technical content of the CBIS program by of the web as an effective tool to meet businessaddressing issues of information technology needs. You will learn the basics, such as hypertext Text: Digital Planet: Tomorrow’s Technology andfrom the human perspective. markup language (HTML), creating links, adding You (10th Intro. ed.) by Beekman and Beekman. graphics and applying cascading style sheetsYou will discuss the impact of technology on to web pages. You will advance to learn more Instructor: Tim Mitchell, BA, MFAeducation, business, cultures and society at large. about navigational graphics and image maps,Topics include intellectual property, security, incorporating different graphic formats and Date: May 4 to July 31privacy and confidentiality, globalization and the video and/or sound into web pages. You will alsoevolution of information technology. gain an understanding of complex issues such Fee: $595 as site management and use of online forms.Text: Web-based Readings Many of these skills will be developed through Code: TECJ100 2015K D01 hands-on exercises.Instructor: Tim Mitchell, BA, MFA Database Concepts Prerequisite: TECJ100 Computing ConceptsDate: Jan. 12 to April 10 CBIS Core Course, by Distance Text: HTML and CSS (8th ed.), by Castro andFee: $595 Hyslop This course is designed to help you become a knowledgeable end user of databaseCode: TECB402 2015S D01 Instructor: Peter Lindsay, BFA management systems and to help you understand the needs and roles of users,Project Management Date: Jan.12 to April 10 database designers, managers and administrators. Database Concepts, a keyCBIS Business and Technology Fee: $595 component of the CBIS program, providesElective, CBA/DBA Course you with an understanding of how databases Code: TECJ230 2015S D01 fit into the information system of anThis course covers all stages of projects, organization.including feasibility, development, management,administration and completion. Standard You will cover topics such as the majorproject management tools such as Critical Path components and functions of a database,Method (CPM), and network diagrams are also how information is modelled, storedcovered. The course presents the concepts and and manipulated in databases, and themethodologies needed to plan, manage and implications of databases on operations,track performance over a complete project life control and planning for the organization. Youcycle. These concepts include: cost–benefit will also gain hands-on experience creatinganalysis, change control management, quality and maintaining a relational database usingcontrol, performance tracking and corrective Microsoft Access or LibreOffice, available fromaction. Further topics presented are time and estimating, resource levelling, critical pathanalysis and charting. You will use MicrosoftProject software with a case study to gainpractice in applying these concepts.Required Software: MS Project 201324 COMPUTING AND TECHNOLOGY Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
Prerequisite: Computing Concepts or equivalent Stay Curious Photo Contestexperience. We’re all born curious, but what makes us stayText: Database Design for Mere Mortals (3rd ed.) curious? We wanted to know, and you told us!by Hernandez “[Curious] about what the boreal forest floor nearInstructor: Jeanette Aubry Whitehorse looks like from a mushroom’s eye view...”Date: May 4 to July 31Fee: $595Code: TECJ432 2015K D01Web Design and Management ICBIS Technology and AnalysisElective, by DistanceThis course will provide you with the technicalskills and conceptual understanding to createand manage professional websites. Web Designand Management I complements the core of theCBIS program by providing a rationale for the useof the web as an effective tool to meet businessneeds. You will learn the basics, such as hypertextmarkup language (HTML), including creatinglinks, adding graphics and applying cascadingstyle sheets to web pages. You will advance tolearn more about navigational graphics andimage maps, incorporating different graphicformats and video and/or sound into webpages. You will also gain an understanding ofcomplex issues such as site management anduse of online forms. Many of these skills will bedeveloped through hands-on exercises.Prerequisite: TECJ100 Computing ConceptsText: HTML and CSS (8th ed.), by Castro andHyslopInstructor: Peter Lindsay, BFADate: May 4 to July 31Fee: $595Code: TECJ230 2015K D01 “Curious [of] what lies ahead on the trail... This adds to my determination to explore and discover what is on my path.” View all photo submissions on the UVic Continuing Studies Facebook • 250-472-4694 COMPUTING AND TECHNTOHLEOAGRYTS275
By 2019, nearly 50% of all classesworldwide will be taken online.Just think of the possibilities.Distance locate material online., or contact the relevantLearning program area for more information.Online This is what makes us different and this is why we won the Award for Excellence and Innovation Check out the many resources available to helpTHE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS in Student Services, 2007, from the Canadian you get started with your online studies at Association for Distance Education. over 30 years, Continuing Studies has beenoffering distance education for working adults Learn more about being an online student with Please note: All distance learning courses requireacross BC and beyond. We help you stay home in us by visiting this website: access to the Internet. Refer to the “Courses byyour community and still stay on track with your Distance” sections as you browse through thispersonal or professional development. publication for courses offered by distance. Look Prospective students are urged to seek adviceContinuing Studies online learners never feel from the program area offering the course(s) or for this symbol:alone. Our innovative approach to distance program in advance of the date of maximizes the flexibility of online There may be special registration procedures or Some diploma and certificate programs arelearning while helping to make the learning special application/administration fees required. delivered via a blend of distance learning onlineexperience engaging, fun and productive. The Please read the FAQ pages that are available on and face-to-face learning.Online Help Desk supports students in their use many program areas’ websites before contactingof course learning tools such as Moodle, while a staff member. Interested in a Degree?our library staff help you carry out research and For complete registration information, visit: For information about UVic distance programs leading to degrees and other qualifications, consult the Distance Learning and Immersion Programs Course Guide, which is now available in PDF format only. It can be found at Many of the certificate/diploma programs listed summer/assets/docs/de-guide.pdf. in this calendar are available online for distance learning (see page 6). Please check in the relevant sections of this calendar before applying to a program, visit the Continuing Studies website at www.26 DISTANCE LEARNING ONLINE Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
Accurate diagnosis and the right food options are key to gluten issues. It is possible to live well without gluten.Health, increasing concern for employee health and • Environmental/Occupational EpidemiologyWellness protection of the environment • Hazardous Waste Managementand Safety • those looking for a change in career to a • Environmental Health Economics rapidly expanding field and wishing to obtainCERTIFICATE PROGRAM a professional certificate Application: All new applicants to the certificateIN ENVIRONMENTAL AND • managers in environmental and occupational program are required to submit an applicationOCCUPATIONAL HEALTH health who are seeking continuing for admission before registering for their first professional education course. There is a $60 applicaton fee.This certificate program, a recipient of the Project • those who would find the certificate program Minerva Canada Award from the Canadian in environmental health personally rewarding Refund Policy: A course refund, less a $75Society of Safety Engineering, is for: This distance education program consists of administration fee, will only be provided up to six • individuals working in the fields of eight courses: four mandatory and four elective calendar days following the course start date. courses. environmental health, or related occupations, Transfer Credit: Athabasca University, Thompson who want to specialize in the field of Mandatory Courses Rivers University (formerly Open University) and environmental health the University of Phoenix accept the Certificate • those seeking employment in either the • Occupational and Environmental Health Law Program in Environmental and Occupational private or public sectors where there is an • Risk Management: Perception and Health for transfer credit toward their degree programs. Communication • Human Health Risk Assessment For details about the program, please contact • Occupational Health Hazards the Health Sciences program office: Electives Phone: 250-721-6129 Email: [email protected] • Health Protection Technology Web: • • 250-472-4694 HEALTH, WELLNESS AND TSHAEFEATRYTS27
COURSES BY DISTANCE Code: HPEO406 2015S D01 Fee: $75 plus GST Code: HPHE252 2015S C01Note: Prerequisite for all courses: admission to Hazardous Waste Managementthe Certificate Program in Environment and NEW A Family History of Cancer:Occupational Health. What are the Risks? What are the Options?Tools for Learning Online for Instructor: David Rogers, BA, MBAEnvironmental and Occupational This course provides an introduction to theHealth Date: Jan. 12 to April 3 important aspects of assessing a family history of cancer. Dr. Aubertin will discuss features inInstructor: Keith Webster, MA, Online Course Sessions: 12 weeks a family history which determine a hereditaryDeveloper/Consultant, UVic Department of cancer syndrome. The common cancerTechnology Integrated Learning Services Fee: $425 until Dec. 29; $465 after predisposition syndromes, such as HereditaryDate: Jan. 5 to 11 Dec. 29; $500 international students Breast Ovarian Cancer and Lynch SyndromeSessions: 1 week (inherited predisposition to colon cancer), willFee: $20 plus GST Code: HPEO407 2015S D01 be highlighted. Learn about the options forCode: HPEO436 2015S D01 genetic testing and for managing an increasedNote: The Tools for Learning Online workshop is EDUCATION FOR THE risk of cancer.strongly recommended for students who have GENERAL PUBLICnot previously completed a course by distance Instructor: Dr. Gudrun Aubertin, MD, FRCPC, is aeducation. Note: Course withdrawal must occur at least 48 clinical geneticist based in Victoria, who has been hours prior to course commencement to receive with the BC Cancer Agency Hereditary CancerRisk Management: Perception a refund less a $25 administration fee. Program since 2010. Her work involves seeing patients who have a personal or family history ofand Communication Constructive Use of Anger cancer to assess for the possibility of a hereditary cancer syndrome.Instructor: Sonia More, BSc, MSc, CRSP The first session will focus on theoretical aspectsDate: Jan. 12 to April 3 of anger, anger management, and our cultural Date: Tuesday, Feb. 17Sessions: 12 weeks beliefs and myths/fallacies about anger as aFee: $425 until Dec. 29; $465 after dangerous or bad emotion. Participants will be Time: 7 to 9 pm encouraged to rethink anger—to embrace it as Dec. 29; $500 international students a healthy emotion that tells us important things Sessions: 1Code: HPEO403 2015S D01 about ourselves and the situations we are in— often even providing important clues that we Fee: $55 plus GSTErgonomics all overlook for fear of appearing aggressive or otherwise unattractive. Code: HPHE257 2015S C01Text: Ergonomics for Beginners: A Quick ReferenceGuide (3rd ed.), by Dul and Weerdmeester, and The second session will shift to the application NEW Your Arms Give Your Legs aThe Anatomy Colouring Book (4th ed.), by Kapit of a practice model that enables us to Helping Hand: How Being Like aand Elson remain emotionally regulated when feeling Cat Helps You Walk Like a HumanInstructor: David Smit, BSc, MSc, CSCS angry—in other words we can feel angry andDate: Jan. 12 to April 3 simultaneously feel in control of ourselves The physical ability to walk requires links betweenSessions: 12 weeks and our responses to others. By changing sensation, the spinal cord and the brain. OurFee: $425 until Dec. 29; $465 after our thinking—or at the very least, becoming human walk shares similarities with many other aware of our thoughts and how they affect our species, including rat, cat and macaque. Learn Dec. 29; $500 international students feelings—we are able to manage our feelings how these similar connections between the armsCode: HPEO405 2015S D01 and behaviours better. This ultimately leads to and legs can be used to retrain the brain and better feelings about ourselves and better, more guide rehabilitation of walking after a stroke.Environmental and Occupational authentic, relationships with others. Instructor: Dr. Paul Zehr, BPE, MSc, PhD, isEpidemiology Instructor: Maryse Neilson, MSW, RSW, is the Professor of Neuroscience in the School of Director of Health Promotion at CFB Esquimalt Exercise Science, Physical and Health EducationText: Epidemiology (5th ed.) by Leon Gordis where she is responsible for one of the largest and the Division of Medical Sciences, and isInstructor: Jason McInnis, BSc, MHSc, CRSP, ROH health and wellness programs in the country. In Director of the Centre for Biomedical ResearchDate: Jan. 12 to April 3 addition, she has her own counseling practice at the University of Victoria. His research focusesSessions: 12 weeks where she helps individuals, couples, and youth on the neural control of arm and leg movementFee: $425 until Dec. 29; $465 after develop the insight, understanding, and skill to during gait and recovery of walking after stroke move forward with confidence to a better and and spinal cord injury. Dec. 29; $500 international students more fulfilling life. Date: Thursday, Feb. 19 Date: Tuesday, Feb. 10 and Thursday, Feb. 12 Time: 7 to 9 pm Time: 7 to 9pm Sessions: 1 Sessions: 2 Fee: $55 plus GST Code: HPHE253 2015S C0128 HEALTH, WELLNESS AND SAFETY Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
Feeling Positive! Applying the and differences in the testing, diagnosis and NEW Homeopathy 101: Benefits of Positive Psychology in treatment of FODMAP intolerances and the four Traditional Medicine for ModernEveryday Life forms of gluten-related disorders. Learn how Problems timely diagnosis and treatment can significantlyDo you want to “re-program your brain” to feel reduce health and financial burdens. Homeopathy has fascinated generations sincehappier and calmer? Do you ever get stuck in it was developed in the early 1800s. Begin youra mood, a rut or incessant negative thoughts? Instructor: Joyce Schnetzler, RD, has been own homeopathic discovery with HomeopathyDo emotions like anger or sadness sometimes a registered dietician for over 26 years. She 101, where you’ll learn how this complementaryoverwhelm you? Do you feel you need to find provides nutrition therapy to individuals and alternative medicine can be applied to yourmore balance in your work or personal life? with a variety of conditions, having spent the everyday life. A homeopathic doctor will discuss past 11 years specializing in gluten-related the history, philosophy and principles of thisThe world of positive psychology introduces disorders including celiac disease, non-celiac therapy. Case studies will focus on digestivesimple, effective and practical tools to help you gluten sensitivity, irritable bowel syndrome disorders, fatigue, stress and anxiety. You willlook at the world in ways that help you feel and FODMAP intolerances. She is currently a learn how to stay healthy from a homeopathichappy, optimistic and in control of your life. member of the professional advisory board of perspective and apply simple remedies atThis is not about faith, affirmations or getting a the Canadian Celiac Association. home, including how to make a basic first aidpersonality transplant! Instead, it’s about really kit with treatments for motion sickness, burnslooking inside and gently challenging the way Date: Thursday, Feb. 26 and food see your life … prepare to be surprised! Time: 6.30 to 8.30 pm Instructor: Shoshana Scott, DMS HD, studiedPresented in a lively, frank, hands-on and organic chemistry at the University of Winnipeg.often humorous way, this workshop is about Session: 1 After working in a busy homeopathic clinic, herrecognising unconscious patterns and how we interest was piqued and she began to pursue thisall have the potential to be the architects of Fee: $55 plus GST avenue of study. Shoshana completed a four-yearour own happiness. There is no need to share degree in Homeopathic Medical Science with ananything personal, nor is this a group therapy Code: HPHE254 2015S C01 internship at Father Muller Homeopathic Medicalsession. In fact, the mood of the workshop will College and Hospital in Manganlore, upbeat, inspiring and will offer you an “aha!” Living Consciously: The Practicemoment or two. of Mindfulness Date: Wednesday, March 11Instructor: Jason Cressey, PhD (psychology), Have you noticed life seems a little out of control Time: 7 to 9 pmlectures for UVic’s Department of Educational lately? Are your body and mind constantlyPsychology and Leadership Studies, and is busy? Eastern philosophy teaches us that when Session: 1director of “Motivation in Mind” corporate we pay attention to what is happening in theseminars and motivational training. He present moment, we develop an ability to make Fee: $55 plus GSTspecializes in body language, interspecies more conscious and healthy choices in our lives.communication, social skills, interpersonal This highly experiential course facilitates this Code: HPHE255 2015S C01relationships and cultural differences. innate capacity for living more mindfully and draws upon the work of Jon Kabat Zinn and his NEW The Beneficial Role ofDate: Saturday, Feb. 21 mindfulness-based stress reduction program. Intestinal BacteriaTime: 11:30 am to 5:30 pm Instructors: Lynne Mustard began incorporating Recent medical advances have shown that mindfulness into her life in 1990 and then intestinal bacteria play an important role in theSessions: 1 trained in facilitating Mindfulness-Based development of the immune system. In this Stress Reduction (MBSR) at the University of session, we’ll discuss how these bacteria alsoFee: $95 plus GST Massachusetts Medical Centre in 2000. She contribute metabolically to diverse conditions has taught mindfulness privately and in the ranging from autoimmune disease to obesity.Code: HPHE250 2015S C01 community for the past 10 years at various locations, including: the BC Cancer Agency, Instructor: Dr. Denis Petrunia, BSc, MSc, NEW Reacting to Gluten? businesses, and at an international psychosocial MD, FRCP(C) is a clinical gastroenterologistDiscover Why and How to oncology conference. practicing in Victoria. He has a special interestDiagnose and Treat Your in inflammatory bowel diseases, havingCondition David Greenshields is a medical social worker participated in international clinical trials and in who supports people suffering a variety of the use of probiotic therapy.There are a variety of reasons why a growing hard-to-treat conditions such as chronic fatiguenumber of people cannot tolerate wheat, rye syndrome and fibromyalgia from a mindfulness Date: Thursday, March 26and barley. These reactions may be caused perspective. He has undertaken MBSR facilitatorby FODMAP (fermentable carbohydrate) training at the University of Massachusetts Time: 7 to 9 pmintolerances or gluten-related disorders such Medical School and has been incorporatingas celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, mindfulness into his life for over 20 years. Session: 1wheat allergies or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.Diagnosis and treatment of these conditions is Dates: Thursdays, March 5 and 12 Fee: $55 plus GSTessential and complex and therefore requires amultidisciplinary team with experitise in gluten- Time: 7 to 9 pm Code: HPHE256 2015S C01related disorders, irritable bowel syndromeand FODMAP intolerances. Learn similarities Fee: $78 plus GST Code: HPCE181 2015S • 250-472-4694 HEALTH, WELLNESS ANDTSHAEFEATRYTS279
Reiki Level 1 EDUCATION FOR HEALTH AND consultant, educator, and facilitator in the HELPING PROFESSIONALS field of grief, loss and wellness. She has beenReiki, or “universal life force energy,” is a working with the non-profit Learning Throughtechnique commonly referred to as “palm Note: Course withdrawal must occur at least 48 Loss for over seven years, delivering griefhealing” or “hands-on healing.” It is through hours prior to course commencement to receive education and support to youth. She also trainsthe use of systematized hand-placements a refund less a $25 administration fee. leaders and facilitates loss support groups withthat a person may self-heal and find a state BC Victims of Homicide.of equilibrium. Learn to draw out stress, NEW Understanding Commonimbalance and dis-harmony in the body with Mental Health Challenges in Date: Tuesday, March 3this alternative healing method. Learn how Youththis complementary medicine is applied to Time: 6.30 to 9.30 pmour everyday life. The history, philosophy Learn about and discuss common mental healthand principles of this ancient therapy will be challenges in youth. The DSM (Diagnostic Session: 1discussed through a series of learning activities, and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)including work in self-reflection, energy, lifestyle will be explored, along with pros and cons Fee: $85 plus GSTand connection—exploratory self-treatment is of a diagnosis, and the when and why ofthe key of this level. pharmacological and non-pharmacological Code: HPPD274 2015S C01 interventions for common diagnoses: ADHD,Text: Reiki the Healing Touch: First and Second anxiety and depression. Health and helping Brain Injury Recovery: An UphillDegree Manual by William Lee Rand (not professionals will leave with valuable resources, Roadincluded in the course fee) having gained an understanding of the issues involved in mental health diagnoses and The road to recovery following a brain injuryInstructor: Pasquale Fiore, MSc (Health Admin), available interventions for youth with mental can be a long and difficult one. The resultingBScN, Cert.Ed., RN, and PhD student in pedagogy health challenges that they work with. Some problems differ depending on which area of thespecializing in higher education, is a Reiki master familiarity with the DSM will be helpful. brain is injured. This session relates brain injuryand instructor at Camosun College and the UVic to brain areas, and brain areas to challengesSchool of Nursing. Instructor: Dr. Jennie Preuss, MD, FRCPC, is a experienced after injury, emphasizing that child and adolescent psychiatrist with over recovery requires time and practice. CurrentDate: Saturday, March 28 20 years’ experience. She is recognized by the research on brain mechanisms and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons as importance of friends, family and communityTime: 9 am to 5 pm a specialist in psychiatry, has practiced in a support will be discussed. Please note that this variety of clinical settings and typically works lecture is not about clinical management ofSessions: 1 with a multidisciplinary team, which she very patients with brain injury. much enjoys.Fee: $100 plus GST Instructor: Dr. Ron Skelton, BSc, MA, PhD, is Date: Wednesday, Feb. 25 an associate professor for the Department ofCode: HPHE125 2015S C01 Psychology at UVic. His areas of interest are Time: 7 to 9 pm cognitive neuroscience—recovery of function after traumatic brain injury; spatial learning; Sessions: 1 and memory. Fee: $70 plus GST Date: Tuesday, March 24 Code: HPPD273 2015S C01 Time: 7 to 9 pm NEW Supporting Others Session: 1 Through Loss, Change and Life Transitions Fee: $70 plus GST Experiencing loss, change and transition is Code: HPPD261 2015S C01 an inevitable part of life. During this course you will be presented with a framework for understanding the complexities of loss and strategies for supporting an individual’s grief process. An overview of historical and contemporary grief theory, responding to grief in the five life areas and client self-care strategies will also be provided. This course is intended for health and helping professionals such as caregivers, support workers, volunteers, peer counsellors, clergy and social workers. Instructor: Shauna Janz, MA, is a compassionate30 HEALTH, WELLNESS AND SAFETY Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
COURSES BY DISTANCE Refund Policy: Refunds are subject to an Using Mobile Devices for administration fee of $75 up until the start of the Your CoursesCanadian Falls Prevention course. No refund will be issued after the start ofCurriculum© this course. If you are planning on accessing your online courses using a mobile device such as aAn E-Learning Course for Health and Wound Management for Health tablet or a smartphone, please note that notHelping Professionals Professionals Level II all required course features will be accessible with these devices. Your mobile devices canThose working with older adults will acquire This blended learning course continues to be used to access some of your online coursethe knowledge and skills needed to apply an develop your clinical skills and knowledge of tools; however, to fully function in yourevidence-based approach to the prevention of advanced practice wound care. During eight online courses, you will need to have accessfalls and fall-related injuries. During this course weeks of online instruction you will focus to a computer running Windows or will learn to: define the scope and nature on pressure and vascular ulcers, VAC usage, Please see the “Computer Requirements”of the problem of falls; identify and assess debridement, high risk foot, lymphedema, page on the Distance Education Servicesfor falls risk; use evidence-based practice to surgical wounds, burns and oncology. The website for more information: http://identify prevention strategies; understand social on-campus workshop allows you to practice your policy context; apply a program planning skills, including debridement, and to undergo a compreq.htmmodel; and evaluate the effectiveness of a falls performance evaluation.prevention program. Prerequisite: Successful completion of WoundText: Fall Prevention Programming, by Dr. Vicky Management Level IScott (required); through Lulu Marketing Required Text: Acute and Chronic Wounds by Bryant and Nix (4th edition)Instructor: Phil Groff, PhD Instructor: Lindsay Wheelock, BScNDate: Feb. 6 to March 13 (five weeks) Date: Feb. 13 to April 10 (eight weeksFee: $210 plus GST; $250 plus GST for plus one day on campus; international students on-campus workshop to be held Saturday, April 18)Code: HPCF215 2015S D01 Fee: $385 plus GST; $421 plus GST forRefund Policy: Refunds are subject to an international studentsadministration fee of $75 up until the start of thecourse. No refund will be issued after the start of Code: HPPD258 2015S D01this course. Refund Policy: Refunds are subject to anWound Management for Health administration fee of $130 up until the start ofProfessionals Level I the course. No refund will be issued after the start of this course.Multidisciplinary health care professionals areprovided with essential tools and strategies to An understanding of theconfidently address wound management in thiscomprehensive online course. Course concepts natura worl and what’s in itinclude prevention, assessment, healing,infection, dressings and pain management. is a source of not only a greatA challenge exam for Level I is available for curi it , but great fulfillment.qualifying students who wish to take theWound Management Level II course. Please call – David Attenborough250-721-8558 for more information.Required Text: Acute and Chronic Wounds byBryant and Nix (4th edition)Fee: $265 plus GST; $292 plus GST for international studentsTwo Offerings:Instructor: Jennifer Dunlop, RN MSN ONC (C) NP (P)Date: Jan. 23 to March 6 (six weeks)Code: HPPD257 2015S D01Instructor: Janet Crosby, RNDate: Feb. 27 to April 10 (six weeks)Code: HPPD257 2015S • 250-472-4694 HEALTH, WELLNESS AND TSHAEFEATRYTS371
I GRADUATE PROFILE “The program was a great learning experience. As I work with administrative data—at both the local and national level data—I found Brent Parker, Professional Specialization Certificate in the structure of the data used in the courses very similar to my workplace Population Health Data Analysis (see page 53) data. It was very helpful to have my day-to-day work be in direct parallel to my course studies.“I learned about the PHDA program while pursuing work at the BC CancerAgency. It was good timing, as I wasn’t sure about my professional “Students came from a diverse range of professional backgrounds, whichdevelopment plans for that year. I saw the program as a good was really interesting. It’s good to learn how to work with people at aopportunity to develop new skills I could use in my work, where I have a distance, especially in my kind of workplace where I am often connectingPopulation Health related role. with people in different regions.“I was looking for in-Canada certificate level courses I could take “I would definitely recommend this program to others interested into further advance my knowledge in preparation to pursue further working in this field, and I have recommended the program to severalgraduate-level training. As a research coordinator based in Kelowna, I individuals, including graduates pursuing a career track in healthdidn’t have many local professional development opportunities in the analytics and medical statistics/epidemiology.area of population health so the online structure of the program was verybeneficial for me. “Overall, it was a great learning experience and really provided valuable overarching guidance to my work.” – Brent Parker“The program was really a very good experience. Being able to directlyapply the knowledge I was gaining in the courses made an amazingdifference to my skill development.32 LEARNING THAT SHAPES WHO YOU ARE
Building conservationists ght to retain sites of unique quality and beauty. Learn to showcase the best of our heritage.Heritage, or a Professional Specialization Certificate in Exhibition Design andCulture and Collections Management. They can also applyMuseums to a degree program in a related discipline. Installation Courses are usually offered in face-to-faceCULTURAL RESOURCE immersion formats over a six-day period or by Credit/non-credit registration availableMANAGEMENT PROGRAM distance online. Instructors are leading experts in their fields. Instructor: Tim WillisThis innovative program enables people There is a one-time program admission fee On-campusworking as professionals, board members and of $100. Dates: Feb. 23 to 28volunteers in the museum, gallery, heritage and Time: 9 am to 4 pmcultural sector to stay current with their practice IMMERSION COURSES Fee: $642.97and earn professionally recognized credentials. Code: HA488K NEW Indigeneity and theWhether courses are taken individually to Cultural Tourism address an interest or professional need, or Museum as part of a program, they provide engaging Credit/non-credit registration availablelearning experiences that balance theory with Credit/non-credit registration availablepractice. Courses taken for credit can lead to Instructor: Steven Thornea Diploma in Cultural Resource Management Instructors: Chris Creighton-Kelly and France On-campus Trepaniér Dates: March 30 to April 4 On-campus Time: 9 am to 4 pm Date: Feb. 16 to 21 Fee: $642.97 Time: 9 am to 4 pm Code: HA489H Fee: $642.97 Code: • 250-472-4694 HERITAGE, CULTURE AND MUTSHEEUAMRSTS373
NEW Practical Building Collections Management GRADUATE PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE IN CULTURALConservation Credit/non-credit registration available HERITAGE STUDIESCredit/non-credit registration available Instructor: Richard Gerrard The online Graduate Professional Certificate Distance (GPC) in Cultural Heritage Studies providesInstructors: Ben Gourley and Gordon Macdonald Dates: Jan. 5 to April 12 advanced education in either a museum studiesDates: April 13 to 18 Fee: $642.97 or heritage conservation specialization. TaughtTime: 9 am to 4 pm Code: HA488B by leading practitioners in the field, this five-Fee: $642.97 course program is perfect for those pursuingCode: HA489D Caring for Collections related academic study or professionals looking to advance their career and competence withCOURSES BY DISTANCE Credit/non-credit registration available graduate level education.Museum Principles and Practices II Instructor: Susan Maltby For more information on our programs and Distance courses please contact: Dates: Jan. 5 to April 12 Fee: $642.97 Cultural Heritage Studies ProgramCredit/non-credit registration available Code: HA488D Division of Continuing Studies University of VictoriaInstructor: Deborah Tuyttens Building Community Relations PO Box 1700 STN CSCDistance Victoria BC V8W 2Y2Dates: Jan. 5 to April 12 Phone 250-721-8457Fee: $515.91 Fax 250-721-8774Code: HA486B Credit/non-credit registration available Email [email protected] Web Cultural Organizations Instructor: Elizabeth Kidd Distance Dates: Jan. 5 to April 12 Fee: $642.97Credit/non-credit registration available Code: HA488SInstructor: Carrie Brooks-Joiner Stay Curious Photo ContestDistanceDates: Jan. 5 to April 12Fee: $642.97Code: HA488A “Icelandic [monument] dedicated to a Viking slave, Brak, a nickname derived from a medieval tool... Even the humblest among us can achieve greatness.” View all photo submissions on the UVic Continuing Studies Facebook Page34 HERITAGE, CULTURE AND MUSEUMS Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
Everything we do, think or feel in lifeis traceable to our brain’s webwork.So why do we do the things we do?Humanities, explore a different perspective on this age-old troubled history of the Middle East to thisHistory and speculation—that of changing climates and day?Contemporary how they had disastrous, as well as beneficial,Issues consequences on past cultures and people. • the Germans tried to entice Mexico to attack the US, the “prize” being Texas?Ethnoclimatology: Survival Instructor: Chris Mundigler, ACA, BA is a localof the Fittest (previously archaeologist and anthropologist. • the reason the Spanish Influenza (1918 to Palaeontology II) 1920) was so widespread was that wartime Date: Wednesday, Jan. 28 blockades and economic dislocationsBoth the history of culture and climate tell us weakened peoples’ immunity?that human societies have evolved from hunter- Time: 7 to 9 pmgatherers to culturally dependent societies, and In this course, through readings, classmore often than not, that evolution includes Sessions: 1 discussions and a film, we will explore thesean increasing vulnerability to environmental and other little-known facts of the “War to Endand climate change on our planet. In the Fee: $21 plus GST All Wars,” including how Victoria was affected.past, theories about the demise of some ofthe greatest civilizations the world has ever Code: ASHI451 2015S E01 Instructor: Chandar S. Sundaram is a widely-known have hinged on politics and military published, Victoria-based military historian. Hepower struggles. However, in this session, we NEW World War I: Little-Known recently co-organized the UVic/Bay St. Armoury Perspectives conference: The First World War: One Hundred Years Later (1914-2014) Transnational, Local, and One hundred years ago, war raged in Europe Interdisciplinary Perspectives. and we know that it soon became a “world war” affecting many parts of the globe. But did Date: Thursdays, Jan. 29 to March 5 you know that: • from 1914 to 1915 troops from India held one- Time: 7 to 9 pm third of the British line on the western front? Sessions: 6 • the very first shots in the war were fired not in Fee: $105 plus GST Flanders, but in Africa? Code: ASHI620 2015S C01 • a secret Anglo-French agreement to partition the Ottoman Empire has determined • 250-472-4694 HUMANITIES, HISTORY AND CONTEMPORARYTIHSSEUAERSTS375
NEW Journeys on the Camino Date: Tuesdays, Feb. 3 to 24 exploring basic Buddhist ideas to help us turnde Santiago our problems to our advantage. Time: 5:30 to 7:30 pmThe Camino de Santiago has gone from a series Instructor: Gen Kelsang Zopa is a Buddhistof little-known pilgrim trails across Spain to a Sessions: 4 monk who has studied Kadampa Buddhism forfairly popular excursion. In this session, your more than 20 years. He has taught extensivelyinstructor—who has walked the Camino twice— Fee: $70 plus GST throughout Canada and is currently the Residentwill take you on a visual and descriptive tour Teacher at the Bodhichitta Buddhist Centre inincluding a historical overview of the Camino, his Code: ASHI609 2015S C01 Victoria.thoughts on the journey from a neuroscientist’sperspective, and practical tips for those NEW Orientalism: Impressions Date: Saturdays, Feb. 7 to 28considering making the journey themselves. of the Arab World through Western Eyes Time: 10 am to noonInstructor: Olav Krigolson is a neuroscientistwith a PhD from the University of Victoria (2008) In the 19th century, Western travellers Sessions: 4and has recently joined us after four years as an descended on the Arab world, transmittingAssistant Professor at Dalhousie University. He colourful imagery back to Europe in the Fee: $83 plus GSTis the author of over 30 peer-reviewed research form of art, literature and photography. Thisarticles and his work was featured in a special representation of the Other from a position of Code: ASHI614 2015S C01edition of Maclean’s magazine: “The New Brain.” power was problematic, because such discourses rested on the premise that the West knew more NEW A Brief History of UkraineDate: Monday, Feb. 2 about the Orient than the Orient knew about itself. As well as depicting romantic, timeless and For 2,500 years, prehistoric and historicalTime: 7 to 9 pm exotic imagery, there was a tendency to depict civilizations flourished in what is now Ukraine, the Orient as static, passive and sometimes where East and West meet. However, the worldSessions: 1 morally inferior—promoting prejudices that did not seem to know much about this land and not only facilitated colonialism, but linger in the its people until the end of the 20th century. InFee: $21 plus GST Western imagination to this day. this course, we will look at the history of this new/old nation with an emphasis on the periodCode: ASHI613 2015S C01 In this session, we will explore the concept between 1648 and 2014. Topics will include: of Orientalism in the context of “Grand Tour NEW Art and Language in the Memorabilia” to better understand how it was • The first two attempts to build independent Ice Age articulated, why it has stimulated so much Ukrainian statehood (1648 to 1711, and 1918 debate, and what it means for our contemporary to 1920)How long ago did our ancestors start to understanding of the Arab world.communicate? What makes human language • Ukrainian immigration to Canada in the late different from that of other species? Does the Instructor: Paul G. Chamberlain, PhD, is a 19th and early 20th centuriesart from the Ice Age represent the first time historical geographer who has travelledthat ancient humans turned the verbal into the extensively through the Middle East over the • The background reasons and possible visual, and what could this tell us about the past 13 years, researching, writing and lecturing consequences of the current political andcreation of writing? about the region. His primary focus is on history, military crisis at the Ukrainian-Russian frontier comparative religion and current events in theCombining physical anthropology, archaeology Arab world. We will also explore Ukrainian culture andand linguistics, this course will explore the the cultures of other ethnic groups that wererelationship between the origins of language Date: Thursday, Feb. 5 significantly present in this traditionallyand art. Starting in Africa, we will follow the trail multicultural country, as well as the legaciesof the earliest art from its portable beginnings Time: 2:30 to 4:30 pm left by other civilizations, including butto the first known manifestations of cave art in not limited to, ancient Greek, Scythian,Europe around 40,000 years ago. At the same Sessions: 1 Scandinavian, Mongol, Polish, Turkic, Austro-time, we will explore the latest research about Hungarian and Russian.the origins of first spoken and then written Fee: $21 plus GSTlanguage, and how an expansion of symbolic Instructor: Andrew Andersen, PhD, is a politicalcognitive capacity could have affected the Code: ASHI610 2015S C01 scientist and historian. He is currently a researchdevelopment of both language and art. associate with the Centre for Military and NEW Buddhist Psychology for Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary.Instructor: Genevieve Von Petzinger is a PhD Everyday Life: Transformingcandidate in the department of Anthropology Problems into Solutions Date: Mondays, Feb. 23 to March 30at UVic. Her main area of interest is European IceAge rock art, in particular the geometric imagery, Buddhism is a profound and sacred psychology Time: 2 to 4 pmand how we can use this type of behaviour that explains how the mind works and howto identify cognitive and symbolic evolution to master it through systematic analysis and Sessions: 6in modern humans and look for patterns of training in meditation. Life is too short andmigration and cultural borrowing. Her work was our relationships are too valuable to hold onto Fee: $105 plus GSTfeatured as the cover of New Scientist in 2010 resentment, disappointment and fear. Theand Science Illustrated in 2011. She was recently way to experience peace and happiness when Code: ASHI611 2015S C01named a TED senior fellow. adversity comes our way is to develop a strong and courageous mind. In this course, we will be36 HUMANITIES, HISTORY AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
NEW Why We Do the Things We Destination: Balkans, Part 2 the unknown? In these sessions, we will followDo: An Introduction to various explorers’ journeys to lands marked onNeuroscience In Part 1 of these two photographic odysseys ancient maps as only “Here Be Lions”. through the fascinating Balkans region of easternAdvances in neuroscience have provided insight Europe, we wound our way through Bulgaria You may register for individual sessions orinto all aspects of our daily lives. In this course, you and ended up in the lake district of Macedonia, receive a discount for all three.will learn how we see and perceive people and staring across the border into Albania andobjects, why we make the decisions we do, how wondering “what’s next?” Instructor: Chris Mundigler (see bio underwe learn, and how we move. The course will be Ethnoclimatology: Survival of the Fittest)grounded in recent neuroscience research so you Find out as we continue our journey throughcan see how your brain creates the world around Albania and Montenegro, and on to the coastal Series Registrationyou, how it helps you, and how it can hinder you. region of Dalmatia with its exotic Croatian townsWe will also discuss neural impairments such as and islands, finishing up in Slovenia with more Date: Tuesdays, April 7, 21 and May 5dementia, Parkinson’s and ALS, with a focus on history and culture behind us than you can shakewhat these disorders are and how they impact a klobasa at. Time: 1 to 3 pmyou on a day-to-day basis. Finally, we will look athow the activity in your brain leads to higher level Instructor: Chris Mundigler (see bio under Sessions: 3constructs, such as love, kindness and even why Ethnoclimatology: Survival of the Fittest)we sometimes do things that are“evil”. Fee: $53 plus GST Date: Wednesday, March 25Instructor: Olav Krigolson, PhD (see bio under Code: ASHI616 2015K C00Journeys on the Camino de Santiago) Time: 7 to 9 pm NEW The Explorers Series: SouthDate: Tuesdays, March 3 to April 7 Sessions: 1 AmericaTime: 6:30 to 8:30 pm Fee: $21 plus GST Date: Tuesday April 7Sessions: 6 Code: ASHI621 2015S C01 Time: 1 to 3 pmFee: $105 plus GST Science and Technology in the Sessions: 1 Ancient WorldCode: ASHI612 2015S C01 Fee: $21 plus GST When did we first start using tools and NEW Limitless Mind, Limitless technology to enhance our lives? What impact Code: ASHI617 2015K C01Potential: An Exploration of the did science and technology have on newMaterial World and Buddha civilizations? Did the ancient Romans perfect NEW The Explorers Series: CentralNature the central heating system 2,000 years ago? Did America the ancient Greeks invent the steam engine 300What is mind? Is it a product of the world, or is years before that? Date: Tuesday April 21the world a product of the mind? Does mindoccupy space, or is space created by mind? In this course, we look at these and other issues Time: 1 to 3 pmThese types of questions may have given rise as we investigate the basis for many of theto interesting speculative considerations, but technological breakthroughs we take for granted Sessions: 1within Buddha’s teachings we can find clear today, many of which were put to practical useand extraordinarily beneficial answers. In this long before most of us realize. Our investigation is Fee: $21 plus GSTcourse, through following the practices known a journey through the times and minds of ancientas Mahamudra, we will learn to experience the peoples, as we trace the progress of some of Code: ASHI618 2015K C01nature of our mind directly in meditation. What the most profound scientific and technologicalwe can discover is a limitless mind, in particular innovations the world has ever known. NEW The Explorers Series: Southa mind of limitless potential, capable of universal Pacificlove, profound wisdom and unceasing joy. Instructor: Chris Mundigler (see bio under Ethnoclimatology: Survival of the Fittest) Date: Tuesday May 5Instructor: Gen Kelsang Zopa (see bio underBuddhist Psychology for Everyday Life) Date: Thursdays, April 2 to May 7 Time: 1 to 3 pmDate: Saturdays, March 14, 21, 28 and Time: 10 am to noon Sessions: 1 April 11 (no class April 4) Sessions: 6 Fee: $21 plus GSTTime: 10 am to noon Fee: $105 plus GST Code: ASHI619 2015K C01Sessions: 4 Code: ASHI463 2015K C01 NEW The Promised Land:Fee: $83 plus GST A History of the Israeli- The Explorers Series Palestinian ConflictCode: ASHI615 2015S C01 What was it like looking for Terra Incognita—an A recent escalation of violence between unknown land? What was it like to sail off not Israel and Hamas reminds us that sixty years knowing where you were going, or if you’d after its inception, Israel still does not have ever find your way back home? Who were the a secure border and Palestinians still do not intrepid explorers who ventured forth for king have a country, even though there have been and country in search of fame, fortune and extraordinary efforts in the last two decades to find a solution to the problem. In this lecture we will take a detailed look at the history of the struggle from its origins in the nineteenth century to the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, to the violence that followed, to • 250-472-4694 HUMANITIES, HISTORY AND CONTEMPORARYTIHSSEUAERSTS37
controversial building of Jewish settlements on but linger in the Western imagination to Heritage preservation projects made a tentativethe West Bank, and, finally, to the breakdown of this day. In this session, we will explore the beginning with Centennial Square and Bastionthe most recent talks, which heralded another concept of Orientalism in the context of “Grand Square. The city still had lots of industrial sitesround of violent confrontation between Israelis Tour Memorabilia” to better understand how around the harbour, but they were starting toand Palestinians. it was articulated, why it has stimulated so close down, awaiting redevelopment decadesInstructor: Paul G. Chamberlain, PhD (see bio much debate, and what it means for our later. A series of centennial celebrations (1962,under Orientalism) contemporary understanding of the Arab world. 1966, 1967) gave a focus to our history, culminating in the opening of the Royal BCTwo sessions: Instructor: Paul G. Chamberlain, PhD (see bio Museum. Join historian John Adams for an under Orientalism) illustrated talk about the fascinating 1960s.Date: Tuesday, March 24Time: 2:30 to 4:30 pm Date: Wednesday, Jan. 28 Instructor: John Adams (see instructor bio underFee: $21 plus GST A History of the James Bay Neighbourhood)Code: ASHI623 2015S C01 Time: 1 to 3 pmand Date: Wednesday, Feb. 25Date: Tuesday, March 17 Sessions: 1Time: 7 to 9 pm Time: 1 to 3 pmFee: $21 plus GST Fee: $22 plus GST (for individual session orCode: ASHI623 2015S C02 can be taken as a series for a discount) Sessions: 1THE AMICA AT SOMERSET HOUSE Code: ASHI610 2015S E01 Fee: $22 plus GST (for individual session orSESSIONS: SPRING TERM SERIES can be taken as a series for a discount)REGISTRATION A History of the James Bay Neighbourhood Code: ASHI622 2015S E01Explore the world and history from the comfortof Amica at Somerset House. You may register for Amica at Somerset House NEW Destination: Balkans—Part 1individual sessions or receive a discount for theseries registration. In this session, illustrated with maps, paintings Amica at Somerset HouseInstructors: various (see below) and photographs, you will learn about theDates: various (see below) history of James Bay—Victoria’s oldest Join us on the first leg of a photographicTime: 1 to 3 pm residential district—from the 1840s to today. odyssey through the fascinating Balkans regionSessions: 4 This visual tour will include the first government of Eastern Europe, where east meets west andFee: $73 plus GST buildings and surrounding homes and the ancient meets modern. We’ll start in BulgariaCode: ASHI552 2015S E00 introduction of industry to the area including and Macedonia, and in Part 2 continue through shipyards, grain elevators and chemical plants. Albania, Montenegro, Croatia and Slovenia, NEW Orientalism: Impressions of You will learn about First Nations’ extensive use we will explore medieval towns, Roman ruins,the Arab World through Western of the shoreline and the Hudson’s Bay Company’s Ottoman splendor, the stunning DalmatianEyes establishment of company homes and Beckley Coast, national parks and much more. Farm. The neighbourhood developed a roughAmica at Somerset House reputation by the mid-20th century, but now Instructor: Chris Mundigler, ACA, BA is a local James Bay is a vibrant area combining heritage archaeologist and anthropologist.In the 19th century, Western travellers descended streetscapes, seaside parks, deep-sea docks,on the Arab world, transmitting colourful imagery commercial and tourism nodes nestled beside Date: Wednesday, March 4back to Europe in the form of art, literature and the Parliament This representation of the Other Time: 1 to 3 pmfrom a position of power was problematic, because Instructor: John Adams is a historian, author andsuch discourses rested on the premise that the heritage consultant. More information about Sessions: 1West knows more about the Orient than the John’s Heritage Programs is available at www.Orient knows about itself. As well as depicting Fee: $22 plus GST (for individual session orromantic, timeless and exotic imagery, there was can be taken as a series for a discount)a tendency to depict the Orient as static, passive Date: Wednesday, Feb. 11and sometimes morally inferior—promoting Code: ASHI596 2015S E01prejudices that not only facilitated colonialism, Time: 1 to 3 pm MEDIEVAL STUDIES Sessions: 1 The 28th Annual Medieval Fee: $22 plus GST (for individual session or Workshop: Burnt at the Stake can be taken as a series for a discount) Enjoy a day of history, philosophy and education Code: ASHI594 2015S E01 while exploring some of the most interesting topics of medieval times. NEW Victoria 50 Years Ago Flames can devour bodies or books, but they Amica at Somerset House cannot devour the legacies of ideas or dreams. This workshop will talk about the life beyond the The decade of the 1960s was a pivotal time in pyres: it will celebrate the continued memory of Victoria. The housing market was taking off for inspiring thinkers, dissenters, and marginals. the first time since before World War I. High-rise apartments were sprouting up in James Bay. The To people living in medieval and early modern first malls were being built in suburban areas. times in Europe, burning at the stake was more38 HUMANITIES, HISTORY AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
than an execution: presented as a Biblical Sessions: 1 NEW Classic American Drama ofpunishment, the ritual was intended to construct the 20th Centuryand instruct the community. From heretics to Fee: $21 plus GSTwitches, philosophers to scientists, the victims of Berwick Royal Oakthe pyres changed with times and places, but the Code: ASHI621 2015S E01purpose was always the same: the flames would This course will focus on important plays fromdestroy not only their bodies, but also their Destination: Egypt the golden age of American theatre. In studyingnames and memories. the plays, we will consider their significance in Berwick Royal Oak relation to contemporary society and culture.This workshop will examine some famous cases Plays we will discuss include:of burning at the stake—the Cathars, but also In this visual presentation, we leave theAbelard’s books, Joan of Arc, Savonarola and the academic world behind and hit the streets, Thornton Wilder: Our Townwitchcraft trials—and pay tribute to the legacy markets and tourist attractions that make Egyptof those who were persecuted and silenced. a must-see in many peoples’ minds, and the Eugene O’Neill: Long Day’s Journey into Night;It will also explore the meanings of punishing focus of some 10 million visitors a year. The Iceman Comethpractices in Christian Europe as well as in othercultures and religions. Rituals of exclusion were While the world-famous pyramids, temples, Arthur Miller: Death of a Salesman; All My Sonsoften a rite for collective identity. Which flames tombs and museums make up a huge part ofare dancing in the mirror of our memories? anyone’s tour of Egypt, the other side of this Tennessee Williams: The Glass Menagerie; A ancient land is its people and their lifestyles— Streetcar Named DesireOur keynote speaker, Dr. Madeleine Jeay from the farmers’ fields, sleepy villages, bustling shops,McMaster University, will discuss Burning at the chaotic markets, sometimes-familiar homes and Edward Albee: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf; TheStake: from XIIIth-Century Heretics to XVIIth- everyday minor tourist attractions that usually American DreamCentury ‘empoisonneuses’. don’t warrant much more than a footnote in a travel journal. Instructor: Michael Booth, PhDCURRENT UVIC STUDENTS: Please call 250-472-4747 to register at the student rate. Instructor: Chris Mundigler, ACA, BA Dates: Thursdays, March 5 to April 9Faculty Coordinator: Hélène Cazes, PhD, Director, Date: Thursday, April 16 Time: 10 am to noonMedieval Studies Program, UVic Time: 2 to 4 pm Sessions: 6Date: Saturday, Jan. 31, 2015 Sessions: 1 Fee: $105 plus GSTTime: 9 am to 4:30 pm Fee: $21 plus GST Code: ASTH652 2015S E01Sessions: 1 Code: ASHI428 2015K E01 NEW Emily Carr on theFee: $55 plus GST Northwest Coast: Sketching Trips Ethnoclimatology: Survival from Vancouver Island to HaidaCode: ASMS006 2015S W01 of the Fittest (previously Gwaii, 1899-1944 Palaeoclimatology II)THE BERWICK ROYAL OAK Berwick Royal OakSESSIONS Berwick Royal Oak This course examines Emily Carr’s two majorDestination: Balkans—Part 2 Both the history of culture and climate tell us sketching trips in British Columbia: those of 1912 that human societies have evolved from hunter- and 1928, in which she travelled to as many FirstBerwick at Royal Oak gatherers to culturally dependent societies, and Nations villages as possible between Victoria and more often than not, that evolution includes an Haida Gwaii, the Skeena River and the Nass. WeIn Part 1 of these two photographic odysseys increasing vulnerability to environmental and will also explore the many other sketching tripsthrough the fascinating Balkans region of eastern climate change on our planet. on Vancouver Island and beyond, which inspiredEurope, we wound our way through Bulgaria and stimulated Carr to create. We will considerand ended up in the lake district of Macedonia, In the past, theories about the demise of her sketches, oils on paper, oils on canvas,staring across the border into Albania and some of the greatest civilizations the world watercolours and her writing as well. Where Carrwondering, “what’s next?” has ever known have hinged on politics and went, as well as the why, how and when, will military power struggles, but in this session, we form the framework of this course. Each lectureFind out as we continue our journey through explore a different perspective on this age-old will provide many examples of Carr’s artworkAlbania and Montenegro, and on to the coastal speculation—that of changing climates and from private as well as public collections.region of Dalmatia with its exotic Croatian towns how they had disastrous, as well as beneficialand islands, finishing up in Slovenia with more consequences on past cultures and people. Instructor: Kerry Mason, MAhistory and culture behind us than you can shakea Klobasa at. Instructor: Chris Mundigler, ACA, BA Dates: Wednesdays, Feb. 25 to April 1Instructor: Chris Mundigler, ACA, BA, is a local Date: Thursday, May 7 Time: 10 am to noonarchaeologist and anthropologist Time: 2 to 4 pm Sessions: 6Date: Thursday, March 19 Sessions: 1 Fee: $105 plus GSTTime: 2 to 4 pm Fee: $21 plus GST Code: ASHA098 2015S E01 Code: ASHI451 2015K • 250-472-4694 HUMANITIES, HISTORY AND CONTEMPORARYTIHSESUAERSTS379
DEANS’LUNCHTIME LECTURE What’s New in Fine Arts? ASDS267 E01 What’s New in Social Sciences?SERIES ASDS240 E02 The Three Components of theSpring 2015 at the Golden Elixir: Mirror Neurons, Tai Buddha in the Brain: HowGreater Victoria Public Chi Chuan and Choral Singing Eastern Contemplative TraditionsLibrary Can Inform a Western Science of Adam Jonathan Con, PhD, School of Music, UVic the MindResearch is reshaping the way we live and Friday, Feb. 13: 12:30 to 1:45pmthink. Meet distinguished members of the Colette Smart, PhD, Department of Psychology, UVicfaculties at UVic and learn about their research What’s New in Social Sciences? Friday, April 10: 12:30 to 1:45 pminterests. Find out what’s new and shape your ASDS240 E01understanding of the world around you. What’s New in Graduate Studies? Reconciliation through ASDS279 E01 The series is presented in partnership with the Repatriation: Art and Truth inGreater Victoria Public Library, the Division the Wake of Canada’s Residential “Radical Rawls” and Climateof Continuing Studies and the Faculties of Schools Change: A New Kind ofEducation, Engineering, Fine Arts, Graduate Liberalism for a Warming WorldStudies, Human and Social Development, Andrea Walsh, PhD, Department ofHumanities, Law, Science and Social Sciences. Anthropology, UVic Jonathan Weiss, LLM candidate, Faculty of Law, UVic Friday, Feb. 20: 12:30 to 1:45 pm Friday, April 17: 12:30 to 1:45 pmAll lectures are held at the Greater Victoria PublicLibrary, Central Branch, 735 Broughton Street. What’s New in Humanities? IN PURSUIT OF KNOWLEDGEParking is available underground and you are ASDS259 E01welcome to bring a bag lunch. This series is designed to acquaint you with UVic Cross, Star and Crescent: faculty and their many areas of interest andAdmission to these popular lectures is free. Christians, Jews and Muslims in introduce you to a wide variety of topics. YouPlease register online or by calling 250-472-4747 Spain, 711 to 1609 may register for individual sessions or receive ato reserve your seat. If you are unable to attend, discount for all three. Coffee and tea is included.please let us know so that we can offer a seat to Gregory Andrachuk, PhD, Department ofsomeone on the waitlist. Hispanic and Italian Studies, UVic Spring Term Series Registration Friday, Feb. 27: 12:30 to 1:45 pmWhat’s New in Education? ASDS280 E01 Instructors: various (see below) What’s New in Law? ASDS255 E01 Dates: various (see below)Kids, Comics and Critical Time: 9:30 to 11:30 amThinking: Engaging the Post Judges Gone Wrong: Judicial Sessions: 3Millennials Independence and Responsibility Fee: $64 plus GST Past and Present Code: ASPT007 2015S C00Deborah Begoray, PhD, Department ofCurriculum and Instruction John McLaren, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of The Natural History of Earth’s Law, UVic AtmosphereFriday, Jan. 16: 12:30 to 1:45 pm Friday, March 6: 12:30 to 1:45 pm The composition of Earth’s atmosphere isWhat’s New in Science? ASDS268 E01 What’s New in Human and Social controlled by a mix of geological and biological Development? ASDS282 E01 processes, and the composition of theConnecting Eyes to the Pancreas: atmosphere in turn controls Earth’s climate.How Studying Rare Eye Diseases Heroin-Assisted Treatment Through Earth’s history, there have been drasticMay Lead to Treatments for and Drug Policy: Possibility for changes in the composition of the atmosphereDiabetes Change linked to changes in the carbon, nitrogen and oxygen cycles, geological change andPerry Howard, PhD, Departments of Biology and Susan Boyd, PhD, Faculty of Human and Social biological evolution. In this talk, Dr. GoldblattBiochemistry and Microbiology, UVic Development, UVic will review the history and the processes, and Friday, March 27: 12:30 to 1:45 pm what perspective they give us on anthropogenicFriday, Jan. 23: 12:30 to 1:45 pm climate change. Instructor: Colin Goldblatt, PhD, School of EarthWhat’s New in Engineering? and Ocean SciencesASDS281 E01 Date: Thursday, Jan. 29 Time: 9:30 to 11:30 amDeveloping New Technology forArchaeology—A PartnershipBetween Engineering and theSocial SciencesAlison Proctor, PhD, Department of MechanicalEngineering, UVicFriday, Jan. 30: 12:30 to 1:45 pm40 HUMANITIES, HISTORY AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
Sessions: 1 Date: Thursday, March 26 core courses in Canadian culture and issues, Time: 9:30 to 11:30 am students may choose from a range of otherFee: $25 plus GST (for individual session or Sessions: 1 courses related to Canada offered by the faculties can be taken as a series for a discount) Fee: $25 plus GST (for individual session or of Humanities, Social Sciences and Fine Arts.Code: ASPT007 2015S C01 can be taken as a series for a discount) Canadian Studies courses can be taken for Code: ASPT007 2015S C03 credit (1.5 units) or for non-credit. Proficiency inWhat’s in a Placename? The English is required. A fee differential applies toGazetteer of Shakespeare’s UVIC ON THE PENINSULA international students.London Each term we offer a selection of lectures and For more information:We live in the era of GPS (Global Positioning short courses in Sidney, most of which take placeSystems), GoogleMaps, GIS (Geographic at the Mary WInspear Centre. Canadian Studies ProgramInformation Systems) and georeferencing. But Phone: 250-721-8458; Fax 250-721-8774placenames, also known as toponyms, still Open House Email: [email protected] our understanding of the places we Mary Winspear Centre Web: and help us to navigate space. The Map Sunday, January 18, 2015 of Early Modern London’s (MoEML) gazetteer 2 to 4 pm humanities/programs/of London placenames shows that placenamesfunction like an early GIS, helping Londoners Bring along friends, neighbours and relatives HUMANITIESnavigate their space and record the events, to meet some of our course instructors, SAGEpractices, past inhabitants and topography that facilitators, and staff from Continuing Studies. Humanities Diploma Programmake space into place. In this talk, Dr. Jenstad If you haven’t already done so, you may registerwill give an overview of how MoEML created for courses at this time. We look forward to The humanities are academic disciplines thatthe gazetteer from a library of texts rich in seeing you! study human culture – history, classical traditions,toponyms, and explain what we can do with the Here are just a few of the courses that will be literature, language and philosophy. We studyplacenames of Shakespeare’s London. offered between January and May 2015: the humanities to learn how to construct an Peninsula Pursuits argument, how to think critically: in short, to learnInstructor: Janelle Jenstad, PhD, Department of Archaeology of Ancient Trade Routes how to learn. The skills acquired in the humanities English Ottoman Ceramics will benefit you in your personal and professional Birding Basics I: Songbirds life, but are also valued by society.Date: Thursday, March 5 Orientalism Destination Peloponnese The Humanities Diploma Program (HDP) isTime: 9:30 to 11:30 am A Listener’s Guide to Instrumental Music: an award-winning program designed to help Symphonic Music mature students access a university educationSessions: 1 If you’d like more information about these in the humanities. HDP students range in courses, please call 250-721-7797 or email age from late-20s to mid-80s and have aFee: $25 plus GST (for individual session or [email protected] wide range of backgrounds. They engage in can be taken as a series for a discount) full- or part-time study for career or personal CANADIAN STUDIES development, and benefit from individualCode: ASPT007 2015S C02 support from program and faculty coordinators Diploma Program and from the community they build with theirHow Canadians Discovered peers. In return, they bring their extensive lifeInequality Why Study Canada? experience, diverse cultural backgrounds and passion for learning to undergraduate coursesInequality is in the news these days. Occupy A country as vast, diverse and ever-changing as at the University of Victoria.Wall Street turned the subject into a protest Canada offers near-limitless opportunities formovement. President Obama has said that study and reflection. This life-changing diploma program, offeredinequality “challenges the very essence of who Multicultural and multilingual, with a unique in partnership with the University of Victoriawe [Americans] are as a people”. Inequality is political, economic and social history, Canada Faculty of Humanities, is available to students“the root of social ills”, according to the Pope. defies easy definitions and continues to fuel who have life experience and an interest inInequality in income distributions is one of debate about its identity as a nation. studying some area or areas of the humanities.the great economic issues of our time, but is The Canadian Studies Program is designed for There are no formal educational a recent discovery? In fact, inequality is an full- or part-time local and international students The first course is for HDP students only andold subject among economists, in the media who wish to broaden their knowledge and provides an introduction to university study. Aand in public awareness. In Canada, the social understanding of Canada. In addition to three diploma is awarded upon completion of 18 unitsand economic problem of income inequality of undergraduate offerings (12 courses).was discovered more than a century ago. Theproblem was analyzed extensively by Canadian For more information, contact:economists, including Stephen Leacock, thefamous humorist. In this talk, Dr. Sager will Humanities Diploma Programilluminate how today we have much to learnfrom what our ancestors thought and said about Phone: 250-721-8481this enduring social and political issue. Email: [email protected] Web: Eric Sager, PhD, Department of History • 250-472-4694 HUMANITIES, HISTORY AND CONTEMPORARYTIHSSEUAERSTS471
University 102 SAGE STIMULATE, An important aspect of these groups is their ADVANCE AND GUIDE small size (maximum 15 participants). MembersA desire to learn is all you need for University EDUCATION quickly get to know each other, and learning102. This non-credit course in the social sciences takes place in a relaxed, friendly offered to people whose economic and SAGE Study Groups—An Excitingsocial circumstances normally pose obstacles Learning Alternative! There is a limited number of fee waivers availableto university education (e.g., low income, for all study groups.mental health challenges, single parenthood, Would you like to exchange ideas and pursuehomelessness). Classes are presented by UVic some of your favourite subjects with a small For more information about these groups, callinstructors and include topics from subject group of other interested people? Sage 250-721-7797.areas such as political science, anthropology, Study Groups are not taught by instructors;sociology,psychology and environmental studies. instead, a facilitator assists in coordinating Study groups happen through your initiative, so the presentations of group members and in if there is a subject you would love to learn moreThis program is sponsored by the Faculty of moderating the discussions. about and you are willing to facilitate a group,Social Sciences and the Division of Continuing please call Janet McDonald at 250-721-8827. NoStudies. There are no tuition fees, however, experience necessary! We provide the must still apply and be accepted into theprogram. Stay Curious Photo ContestNote: For more information or to apply to theprogram, contact Becky Cory at [email protected], or phone 250-721-6516 (9:30 to 11:30 am)and leave a message.Instructors:VariousDates: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Jan. 13 to April 9Sessions: 28Code: ASHU102 2015S C01University 201This course is for people who have completed atleast one of the University 101 or University 102courses. The course runs in all three academicterms and covers a wide range of different topicson a monthly basis.See University 102 for application and contactdetails.Instructors: VariousDates: Tuesdays, Jan. 13 to April 28Time: 6 to 9 pmSessions: 13Code: ASHU201 2015S C01 “ gently touch. A personal experience [at Banpaku-Kinen-Kōen Station, Japan].” View all photo submissions on the UVic Continuing Studies Facebook Page42 HUMANITIES, HISTORY AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
Roughly 2,000 languages have become extinct around the world. Take part in language revitalization.Indigenous Applications to this innovative 13.5-unit program • LING 359 Indigenous Language IIILanguage and are accepted year round. You complete 9.0 unitsCulture (six courses) of required core courses that build • LING 172 Introduction to the Languages of BC your foundation of knowledge and skills. SelectCERTIFICATE IN 4.5 units (three courses) of elective courses based • LING 184 Indigenous Language MaterialsABORIGINAL LANGUAGE on personal interest. Courses can be taken on an DevelopmentREVITALIZATION individual basis, towards the certificate program or another program with departmental approval. • LING 185 Indigenous Language RevitalizationThis award-winning and accessible program is Practicum (1.5 or 3.0 units)designed to strengthen your understanding of Core Courses (1.5 units unless indicated):language loss, maintenance and recovery, and • LING 186 Language in Indigenous Culturedevelop knowledge and strategies for language • LING 180A Dynamics of Indigenous Language Shiftrevitalization within communities. It is offered • LING 187 Special Topics in Languageby the University of Victoria’s Department of • LING 180B Issues, Principles and Practices in Revitalization (1.5 units; topics vary)Linguistics and Division of Continuing Studies, Language Revitalizationin partnership with the En’owkin Centre in • LING 158 Indigenous Language I: MentorshipPenticton. • LING 181 Introductory Linguistics for Language Revitalization • LING 258 Indigenous Language II: Mentorship • LING 182 Language Learning, Language • LING 358 Indigenous Language III: Mentorship Revitalization and Social Action • LING 379 Language and Land • LING 183A Field Methods for Language Preservation and Revitalization: Documentation • LING 458 Indigenous Language IV: Mentorship and Recording • LING 459 Indigenous Language IV • LING 183B Field Methods for Language Preservation and Revitalization: Project For more information, contact: Development Aboriginal Language Revitalization Program (CALR) Elective Courses (1.5 units unless indicated): Phone: 250-721-8504 Fax: 250-721-8774 • LING 159 Indigenous Language I Email: [email protected] Web: • LING 259 Indigenous Language • 250-472-4694 INDIGENOUS LANGUAGE AND CTUHLTEUARRETS473
It’s legal in Paraguay to “duel” if bothparties are registered blood donors.Di erent strokes for di erent folks?Intercultural • undergraduate students seeking to SPRING COURSEEducation combine the diploma program with their undergraduate degree Note: Credit and non-credit registration isINTERCULTURAL EDUCATION available. Regular UVic students can register byDIPLOMA PROGRAM • community and social workers, counselors, signing in at using the police officers, health care providers, CRN 21887This program gives you the opportunity to employee equity and diversity officersengage in a wide range of current issues IET430 Facilitating Interculturalincluding diversity, power and prejudice, • teachers, instructors and administrators in intercultural relationships, social justice and public and private educational institutions Relationships cross-cultural communication. The courseswithin the diploma program will strengthen • people working with diverse employee or 1.5 units, on campusyour understanding of intercultural dynamics client groups and not-for-profit sectorsand challenges, along with your ability to work This course develops a range of interpersonaleffectively among diverse communities. Certain • people interested in working abroad and organizational skills that build positivecourses may be open for non-credit registration. intercultural relationships and strengthen There is a one-time program admission fee communication. It focuses on strategies suchThe program consists of four core courses (six of $150. Diploma students pay regular UVic as equity policy development, analysis ofunits), four interdisciplinary elective courses undergraduate tuition and fees for program social justice issues, promotion of anti-racism,(six units), and a final practicum and/or project courses (international fees apply). facilitation meetings and workshops, dispute(three units). Participants include: resolution, sensitivity building, and advocacy For more information or to apply for the program: and management of change in intercultural settings. Intercultural Education Phone: 250-721-6460 This course facilitates intercultural relationships Email: [email protected] within the context of deconstructing systemic Web: structures and ideologies, which impact every aspect of our society as well as our personal intercultural world-views.44 INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
You, your and classmates and instructors Curiou Quotewill engage critically, deeply and honestly.Together we will aim to facilitate and create DOWNLOAD OUR FREE DESKTOP WALLPAPERSa respectful community of learners using a Posted twice per month!dialogical (dialogue) model and an action- process throughout classes andassignments. Stay connected—get the latest news and downloads on social media.Topics for critical analysis include: equality, Find us under: UVic Continuing Studiesequity, knowledge, leadership, privilege, race,class, orientation, oppression, social justiceand injustice. We will work toward developingstrategies and action plans for social changeand transformation in our respective spheresof influence.Instructors:Nirmala Lall brings 20 years of diverseexperiences working with communities tofacilitate social change. Anti-racism, equity,inclusion, social justice, and literacy issues formthe foundation of Nirmala’s passion. Nirmalaholds a Masters of Education from Harvard andis currently a doctoral candidate in LeadershipStudies at the University of Victoria.Robyn Fila has a BA in Geography from theUniversity of Victoria, and an MA in AdultEducation and Global Change from LinkopingUniversity in Sweden. Robyn is passionate andcommitted to experiential learning, increasingintercultural understanding, and promotingsocial justice issues. Robyn spent 10 yearsliving and working in Japan, Indonesia andmost recently the Czech Republic. Her projectsincluded working on women’s reproductiverights, capacity building and working withstreet kids in Bandung, Indonesia. Robyn iscurrently working as a Program Manager withthe Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives running theInternational Internship Program.Date: Jan. 5 to March 30Time: 6 to 8:50 pmFee: $515.91Code: IET430 2015S • 250-472-4694 INTERCULTURAL EDUTCHATEIAORNTS475
Arabic is one of the world’s oldest spoken languages and carries great history. Discover a language from 16 centuries past.Languages in the art of learning a language. They she has enjoyed teaching at Continuing Studies are available to students who register for since 2006.WORLD LANGUAGES language courses in this section. Date: Mondays, Jan. 19 to March 30Our portfolio of world language courses The Structures of Arabic (no class on Feb. 9)is constantly evolving to meet a growingdemand for more languages and more levels. If you are a visual learner and are interested in Time: 7 to 9 pmBelow are the courses we are planning to offer learning Modern Standard Arabic, this course willstarting in January and April. provide you with the fundamentals of the formal Sessions: 10 version, with a greater emphasis on grammarPlease note that we have three sessions of structure than the conversational course. You Fee: $200 plus GSTcourses per academic year, thus, in many will learn the alphabet; be introduced to thecases, you can take up to three successive writing system; learn to count in Arabic and use Code: ASLA095 2015S C02levels between September and June. basic everyday phrases. You will also develop the syntax skills necessary to build basic sentences Conversational Arabic forIf you are interested in one of the courses and have the opportunity to practise in class. Beginners—Part 2where more than one level is offered and are Your instructor will familiarize you with thenot sure about your level, please leave your various Arabic cultures and dialects. If you have previously taken an introductoryname and phone number with the Language course in colloquial (informal) Arabic,Programs office (250-721-8630) and an Note: We recommend that you bring a recording or completed Conversational Arabic forinstructor will call you to assess your level of device to class. Beginners—Part 1, and would like to expressproficiency. yourself in a wider variety of everyday Instructor: Nooshafarin Saberi was born in situations, this course will help you gainThe University of Victoria’s language labs Kuwait to a Persian family and grew up speaking, confidence in speaking. You will be encouragedprovide students with the latest technology reading and writing Persian and Arabic. She also to fine tune your pronunciation, reinforce became fluent in English after spending a year your basic knowledge and develop your in England, and then 22 years in Luxembourg communication skills. Additional material will added another three languages to her palette. also be introduced to expand your vocabulary. She and her family came to Canada in 2002, and Knowledge of the Arabic alphabet is required to register for this level.46 LANGUAGES Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
Note: We recommend that you bring a recording Date: Wednesdays, Jan. 21 to March 25 material as well as fascinating information aboutdevice to class. Time: 5 to 7 pm German culture, traditions and attractions. Sessions: 10Text: Easy Arabic Read and Speak Arabic for Fee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual) Instructor: Joanna Schaller (see instructor bioBeginners, by McGraw-Hill (required) Code: ASLA216 2015S C02 under German for Beginners—Part 2)Instructor: Nooshafarin Saberi (see instructor bio Date: Mondays, April 13 to June 22under The Structures of Arabic) (no class on May 18)Date: Wednesdays, Jan. 21 to March 25 German: Intermediate—Part 1 Time: 5 to 7 pmTime: 7 to 9 pm Whether you have completed German for Sessions: 10 Beginners—Part 2 or have good knowledge ofSessions: 10 basic German grammar, this course will widen Fee: $200 plus GST your vocabulary, improve your oral and writtenFee: $200 plus GST skills and empower you to become a more Code: ASLA516 2015K C02 fluent German speaker. Lessons will be filledCode: ASLA298 2015S C02 with fascinating cultural facts, fun videos and Italian for Beginners—Part 1 interesting audio materials.Conversational Arabic for This course is designed for those of you withBeginners—Part 3 Text: Course manual will be provided in class. no previous knowledge of Italian who want to learn basic conversation, reading and writingThis course is intended for those who Instructor: Joanna Schaller (see instructor bio skills. You will learn about Italy and Italian culturehave completed Conversational Arabic for under German for Beginners—Part 2) through short lectures and videos, and there willBeginners—Part 2, or who have already reached be plenty of opportunities to speak in Italian.a similar level. If you are eager to improve Date: Wednesdays, April 15 to June 17 Oral participation is encouraged.your conversation skills, this course will helpyou solidify your knowledge and give you a Time: 5 to 7 pm Text: Course manual will be provided in class.greater exposure to more complex sentences.To optimize your learning and fluency, oral Sessions: 10 Instructor: Rossana Vincenti was born andparticipation is highly encouraged. raised in Italy. She moved to Canada in 1995 Fee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual) and has been teaching Italian for ContinuingNote: We recommend that you bring a recording Studies since 2005. She loves teaching her nativedevice to class. Code: ASLA316 2015K C02 language and the opportunity it gives her to meet many interesting people.Instructor: Nooshafarin Saberi (see instructor bio German: Intermediate—Part 2under The Structures of Arabic) Date: Thursdays, Jan. 22 to April 2 If you have successfully completed German: (no class March 19)Date: Wednesdays, April 15 to June 17 Intermediate—Part 1 or have an intermediate knowledge of German, this course is for you! Time: 7 to 9 pmTime: 7 to 9 pm Although emphasis will be given to oral skills, this course will also give you plenty of Sessions: 10Sessions: 10 opportunities to deepen your understanding of German grammar. Fee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual)Fee: $200 plus GST Code: ASLA049 2015S C02Code: ASLA398 2015K C02 Text: Course manual will be provided in class. Italian for Beginners—Part 2German for Beginners—Part 2 Instructor: Joanna Schaller (see instructor bio Two sectionsThis near beginner course will help you improve under German for Beginners—Part 2)your oral, reading and writing skills. It has beendesigned for those who have completed German Date: Mondays, Jan. 19 to March 30 This near beginner course is intended forfor Beginners—Part 1 or who have previous (no class on Feb. 9) those of you who have completed Italian forknowledge of the language. You will learn how Beginners—Part 1 or who already have someto use the language more accurately and fluently Time: 5 to 7 pm basic skills. Videos and cultural discussions willin a range of situations, requiring the use of enhance your learning and strengthen your basicpresent, past and future tenses. These and other Sessions: 10 knowledge in a fun and interactive atmosphere.aspects of grammar will be introduced andreinforced during the lessons. Fee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual)Text: Course manual will be provided in class. Code: ASLA416 2015S C02 Text: Course manual will be provided in class.Instructor: Joanna Schaller has a passion German: Intermediate Instructor: Rossana Vincenti (see instructor biofor languages and cultural awareness. She Conversation for Travelers under Italian for Beginners—Part 1)completed her master’s degree in Germanlanguage and literature, as well as in pedagogy. This highly interactive course will provide you Early Spring section:She worked as an interpreter, tour guide and with lots of opportunity to practise Germanlanguage teacher in Germany and Poland conversation in an engaging and friendly Date: Wednesdays, Jan. 21 to April 1before moving to Canada in 2004. In Victoria, atmosphere. If your oral skills and grammar (no class March 18)Joanna has been teaching German, translating, have reached an intermediate level and you feelinterpreting and tutoring. confident discussing general topics, this course Time: 7 to 9 pm will help you deepen your knowledge. Lessons will be enriched with fun and useful multimedia Sessions: 10 Fee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual) Code: ASLA249 2015S • 250-472-4694 LANGTUHAEGAERSTS47
Late Spring section: Japanese: Intermediate—Part 1 understanding, speaking and reading Mandarin in practical situations. You will also learn moreDate: Thursdays, April 16 to June 18 Designed for those of you who have completed about China’s culture and people.Time: 7 to 9 pm Japanese for Beginners—Part 2 or who haveSessions: 10 a strong knowledge of the language with Text: Practice Makes Perfect: Beginning ChineseFee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual) recognition of hiragana and katakana letters. book and CD-ROM set, by Live ABC (required)Code: ASLA249 2015K C02 This course further develops your grammatical and conversation skills while exploring various Instructor: Ye (Dawn) Yuan (see instructor bio aspects of the Japanese culture. under Mandarin for Beginners—Part 1)Italian: Intermediate Text: Course manual will be provided in class. Early Spring section:The purpose of this intermediate course, held Instructor: Keiko Tachibana, BA (linguistics) Date: Tuesdays, Jan. 20 to March 24mostly in Italian, is to build your confidence (see instructor bio under Japanese forin speaking and strengthen your writing skills Beginners—Part 2) Time: 7 to 9 pmthrough discussions, readings, grammar andvideos. These classes are designed for those of Date: Mondays, April 13 to June 22 Sessions: 10you who have completed Italian for Beginners— (no class on May 18)Part 2 or have a sufficient vocabulary and Fee: $200 plus GSTgrammatical skills to contribute thoughts and Time: 6:30 to 8:30 pmideas during conversation. Code: ASLA213 2015S C02 Sessions: 10Instructor: Rossana Vincenti (see instructor bio Late Spring section:under Italian for Beginners—Part 1) Fee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual) Date: Wednesdays, April 15 to June 17Date: Wednesdays, April 15 to June 17 Code: ASLA308 2015K C02 Time: 7 to 9 pmTime: 7 to 9 pm Mandarin for Beginners—Part 1 Sessions: 10Sessions: 10 Learning Mandarin, China’s official language, can improve your travel experiences, career Fee: $200 plus GSTFee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual) opportunities and discovery of one of the world’s oldest civilizations. Join us and learn the Code: ASLA213 2015K C02Code: ASLA349 2015K C02 Mandarin language in a fun and encouraging atmosphere. This course is designed for those Mandarin for Beginners—Part 3Japanese for Beginners—Part 2 of you who have no previous knowledge of Mandarin. You will learn the tones of the This fun and interactive advanced beginnerThis course is designed for those of you who language and pinyin of the characters, and course is for those of you who have completedhave completed Japanese for Beginners— will have ample opportunity to practise your the first two levels or who already have goodPart 1 or who have some prior knowledge listening and speaking skills so that you will be communication skills in the Mandarin language.of the language. You will gain proficiency in able to carry on basic conversations. You will further improve your proficiency inunderstanding, speaking, reading and writing understanding, speaking and reading Mandarin,Japanese in practical situations. You will also Text: Practise Makes Perfect: Beginning Chinese be exposed to the fascinating writing systemlearn more about Japan’s culture and people. book and CD-ROM set, by Live ABC (required) of Mandarin characters, and broaden your knowledge of China’s culture and people.Text: Course manual will be provided in class. Instructor: Ye (Dawn) Yuan has reached her goal in making learning Mandarin easy, fun Text: Living Language Chinese Complete EditionInstructor: Keiko Tachibana, BA (linguistics) was and educational for her students. In China, (required)born in Osaka, Japan. She came to Canada in Dawn taught as a part of the International1995 and studied linguistics at UVic, where she Baccalaureate Program team at an international Instructor: Ye (Dawn) Yuan (see instructor biostarted working as a teaching assistant when school. In Canada, she has taught Mandarin under Mandarin for Beginners—Part 1)she was a graduate student. She genuinely cares for both adults and families at UVic and atabout her students and their learning, providing community centres. Date: Tuesdays, April 14 to June 16them with an encouraging environment in whichto learn Japanese. She has enjoyed teaching at Date: Wednesdays, Jan. 21 to March 25 Time: 7 to 9 pmContinuing Studies since 2007. Time: 7 to 9 pm Sessions: 10Date: Mondays, Jan. 19 to March 30 (no class on Feb. 9) Sessions: 10 Fee: $200 plus GSTTime: 6:30 to 8:30 pm Fee: $200 plus GST Code: ASLA313 2015K C02 Code: ASLA013 2015S C02 Mandarin: Intermediate—Part 1Sessions: 10 If you have completed Mandarin for Beginners— Part 3 or have an intermediate level ofFee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual) Mandarin for Beginners—Part 2 proficiency in the language, this course will further develop your oral and written skills.Code: ASLA208 2015S C02 Two sections Interactive activities in class will encourage the use of Mandarin in life-like situations. Aspects of This course is a continuation of Mandarin for Chinese culture will also be covered. Beginners—Part 1; some prior knowledge of Mandarin is necessary. In this lively and Text: Living Language Chinese Complete Edition interactive course, you will gain proficiency in (required) Instructor: Ye (Dawn) Yuan (see instructor bio under Mandarin for Beginners—Part 1)48 LANGUAGES Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online
Date: Mondays, Jan. 19 to March 30 Brazilian Portuguese for Late Spring section: (no class Feb. 9) Beginners—Part 1 Date: Thursdays, April 16 to June 18Time: 7 to 9 pm With the 2016 Summer Olympics taking place in Rio, Brazil will be very much in the spotlight Time: 7 to 9 pmSessions: 10 these coming years. Why not take a course in the language of this fascinating country? If you Sessions: 10Fee: $200 plus GST are a real beginner, it will help you develop your reading, writing and mainly listening and Fee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual)Code: ASLA513 2015S C02 speaking skills. At the end of this course you will be able to communicate about everyday Code: ASLA200 2015K C02Mandarin: Intermediate—Part 2 situations. Classes will include games, music, videos and websites to facilitate your learning Brazilian Portuguese:This course will help those of you who have process. An overview of important sociocultural Intermediate—Part 1completed Mandarin: Intermediate—Part 2, characteristics of Brazil will also be covered.or who have an intermediate to advanced This level is intended for those of you wholevel of proficiency in Mandarin, to achieve Text: Course manual will be provided in class. have completed Brazilian Portuguese foran even more advanced command of the oral Beginners—Parts 1 and 2, or who already haveand written language, and an appreciation of Instructor: Danielle Ramos is a Brazilian an intermediate knowledge of the PortugueseChinese culture. You will do some interactive Portuguese native speaker, born and raised in language. This course will give you theactivities in class to use the language in an São Paulo. She is currently doing her Master’s opportunity to practise conversation and extend“authentic” context. studies in Curriculum and Instruction at Simon your knowledge of Brazilian Portuguese. Fraser University and has over 10 years ofText: Living Language Chinese Complete Edition experience as a language teacher. Teaching Text: Course manual will be provided in class.(required) has always been her passion and she loves to share her culture with her students. So don’t be Instructor: Danielle Ramos (see instructor bioInstructor: Ye (Dawn) Yuan (see instructor bio surprised if you encounter some dancing and under Brazilian Portuguese for Beginners—Part 1)under Mandarin for Beginners—Part 1) singing in her classes. Date: Wednesdays, April 15 to June 17Date: Mondays, April 13 to June 22 Date: Thursdays, Jan. 22 to March 26 ( no class May 18) Time: 7 to 9 pm Time: 7 to 9 pmTime: 7 to 9 pm Sessions: 10 Sessions: 10Sessions: 10 Fee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual) Fee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual)Fee: $200 plus GST Code: ASLA300 2015K C02 Code: ASLA100 2015S C02Code: ASLA613 2015K C02 Spanish for Beginners—Part 1 Brazilian Portuguese forMandarin: Advanced Beginners—Part 2 Two sectionsConversation and Pronunciation Two sections In this introduction to Spanish, designedTwo sections for those of you who have no previous This course is intended for those of you with knowledge of the language, you will acquireIn this advanced course, you will be able to some oral and written knowledge of Portuguese, basic pronunciation, vocabulary, grammarsharpen your pronunciation, acquire fluency or who have completed Brazilian Portuguese and conversation skills. Oral participation isin conversation, and practise the use of correct for Beginners—Part 1. If you wish to improve encouraged with student partners and in smallgrammar. A wide range of topics and students’ your command of the formal language and groups. Videos and audiovisual materials will beindividual needs will shape the delivery of this develop your speaking, listening, reading and used to enhance each class.interactive course. writing skills, this course will help you achieve these goals. Useful grammatical points and new Text: Course manual will be provided in class.Instructor: Ye (Dawn) Yuan (see instructor bio vocabulary will be introduced.under Mandarin for Beginners—Part 1) Instructor: Maria Elena Cuervo-Lorens was born Text: Course manual will be provided in class. and raised in Mexico City where she taught ESLEarly Spring section: before moving to Canada in 1976. She has always Instructor: Danielle Ramos (see instructor bio been connected with the education field andDate: Thursdays, Jan. 22 to March 26 under Brazilian Portuguese for Beginners—Part 1) has now been teaching Spanish for more than 10 years, in community schools and at ContinuingTime: 7 to 9 pm Early Spring section: Studies. She is also the author of Maria Elena’s Mexican Cuisine and Mexican Culinary Treasures.Sessions: 10 Date: Wednesdays, Jan. 21 to March 25 Early Spring (morning) section:Fee: $200 plus GST Time: 7 to 9 pm Date: Tuesdays, Jan. 20 to March 24Code: ASLA1113 2015S C02 Sessions: 10 Time: 9:15 to 11:15 amLate Spring section: Fee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual) Sessions: 10Date: Thursdays, April 16 to June 18 Code: ASLA200 2015S C02 Fee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual)Time: 7 to 9 pm Code: ASLA025 2015S C01Sessions: 10Fee: $200 plus GSTCode: ASLA1113 2015K • 250-472-4694 LANGTUHAEGAERSTS479
Instructor: Alicia Brown was born in Mexico, where Spanish: Intermediate Swedish for Beginners—Part 2she was a civil engineer and a tutor before shecame to Canada in 1992. Her involvement at UVic Three sections This course is intended for those of you whobegan in 1993 when she started as a lab monitor have completed Swedish for Beginners—Partfor the Hispanic and Italian Studies Department. Do you have a basic knowledge of Spanish? 1 (or the equivalent). You will learn moreShe has been teaching Spanish at Continuing Have you already completed Spanish for complex aspects of Swedish grammar andStudies since 1998. Beginners—Part 2? If so, this course will help syntax, and your conversational skills will be you improve your speaking abilities by giving further developed. Online resources will beEarly Spring (evening) section: you ample opportunity to practise conversation. used to enhance your learning experience. An increased emphasis on grammar will alsoDate: Mondays, Jan. 19 to March 30 strengthen your writing skills. Text: Colloquial Swedish: The Complete Course (no class February 9) for Beginners (required) and Swedish: An Text: Course manual will be provided in class Essential Grammar (optional)Time: 7 to 9 pm Instructor: Maria Elena Cuervo-Lorens (see Instructor: John Dingley is a professor of SlavicSessions: 10 instructor bio under Spanish for Beginners—Part 1) languages who has taught in England, the USA, Canada and Germany. He shares his passionFee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual) Early Spring (morning) section: for languages at Continuing Studies, where he has offered Finnish, Russian and, most recently,Code: ASLA025 2015S C02 Date: Wednesdays, Jan. 21 to March 25 Polish courses.Spanish for Beginners—Part 2 Time: 9:15 to 11:15 am Date: Thursdays, Jan. 22 to March 26Three sections Sessions: 10 Time: 7 to 9 pmThis course is for those of you who have Fee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual) Sessions: 10completed Spanish for Beginners—Part 1, or havea basic knowledge of the language and wish to Code: ASLA325 2015S C01 Fee: $200 plus GSTimprove your writing and speaking skills. Thiscourse gives you the opportunity to participate Late Spring (morning) section: Code: ASLA235 2015S C02in class and strengthen your oral skills in afriendly atmosphere. Essential grammar points Date: Wednesdays, April 15 to June 17 Swedish: Intermediatewill also be covered. Conversation Time: 9:15 to 11:15 amText: Course manual will be provided in class This course is intended for those of you who Sessions: 10 have completed Swedish for Beginners—PartInstructor: Maria Elena Cuervo-Lorens (see 1 and Part 2 (or the equivalent). You will learninstructor bio under Spanish for Beginners—Part 1) Fee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual) more intricate aspects of Swedish grammar and syntax, and your conversational skills will beEarly Spring (morning) section: Code: ASLA325 2015K C01 advanced to a higher level. Online resources will be used to optimize your learning.Date: Mondays, Jan. 19 to March 30 Instructor: Alicia Brown (see instructor bio under (no class Feb. 9) Spanish for Beginners—Part 1) Text: Colloquial Swedish: The Complete Course for Beginners (required) and Swedish: An EssentialTime: 9:15 to 11:15 am Late Spring (evening) section: Grammar (optional)Sessions: 10 Date: Wednesdays, April 15 to June 17 Instructor: John Dingley (see instructor bio under Swedish for Beginners—Part 2)Fee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual) Time: 7 to 9 pm Date: Thursdays, April 16 to June 18 Sessions: 10 Time: 7 to 9 pm Fee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual) Sessions: 10 Code: ASLA325 2015K C02 Fee : $200 plus GSTCode: ASLA225 2015S C01 Code: ASLA335 2015K C02Instructor: Alicia Brown (see instructor bio under Spanish: Advanced ConversationSpanish for Beginners—Part 1) Afternoon sectionEarly Spring (evening) section: This is an advanced conversation class forDate: Wednesdays, Jan. 21 to March 25 those of you who have already reached at least a high intermediate to advanced level andTime: 7 to 9 pm wish to maintain your fluency and enrich your vocabulary. Typical activities will include oralSessions: 10 presentations, discussion of current events, etc.Fee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual)Code: ASLA225 2015S C02 Instructor: Maria Elena Cuervo-Lorens (see instructor bio under Spanish for Beginners—Part 1)Late Spring (evening) section:Date: Mondays, April 13 to June 22 Date: Mondays, Jan. 19 to March 30 (no class May 18) (no class Feb. 9)Time: 7 to 9 pm Time: 2 to 4 pmSessions: 10 Sessions: 10Fee: $225 plus GST (includes course manual) Fee: $200 plus GSTCode: ASLA225 2015K C02 Code: ASLA425 2015S C0250 LANGUAGES Certificate/diploma Credit options Distance/online