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Home Explore TEST_Capi product catalogus

TEST_Capi product catalogus

Published by joy, 2019-01-18 02:51:46

Description: TEST_Capi product catalogus


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Nice to meet you! Indoor & outdoor collection 2019 Together we grow.

Capi Europe our story Start 1999 First award 1997 Heavyweight terrazzo planters and furniture 2004 The company was est.: from Vietnam. making sculptures from First awards for Capital Holland. Ornaments with many more to follow. 2014 2016 2017 April Official introduction of Expansion Made in Start construction first Made in Holland Holland products: of Capi Europe’s new products: Capi Tutch. Nature Rib & Row. headquarters. Insulating New Foun- layer dation stone 222

Capi 2010 2011 Capi China Holland factory International growth Capital Ornaments factory supplying 55 countries. becomes Capi Europe. 2006 2013 Lightweight terrazzo Reshoring!? Research, pottery from China. development and test phase Made in Holland products. 2017 June 20TH 2018 March 2019 Brand new collections: ANNIVERSARY Grand opening of the We are proud to intro- Made in Holland Tube new Capi building and duce our new rain barrel, and new Nature indoor 2017 November the celebration of our Made in Holland Clay and series. 20th anniversary. new indoor series.. New Capi Europe head- New quarters (office, factory Honored series and warehouse) fully to accept operational with a tripled the Tilburg production capacity for Trophy Made in Holland products. 3


Index Index New product Capi Rain barrel NL 14 Indoor & outdoor Capi Nature NL 18 Capi Urban NL 32 EN Capi Europe manufactures unique Stilrichtungen und Texturen findet jeder Outdoor designer flowerpots for indoor and outdoor einen passenden Blumentopf. Ein Teil use. With our different styles and textures, unserer Produktion findet in unserer Capi Nature 44 there is a suitable flowerpot for everyone. eigenen Fabrik in Tilburg statt. Capi- Capi Lux 50 Part of our production takes place at our Blumentöpfe überzeugen nicht nur durch own factory in Tilburg. In addition to the modernes Design, sondern auch durch Capi Classic 60 modern design, Capi flowerpots are also ihre hohe Qualität. Trotz ihrer robusten Stuff Collection 62 high quality. They are lightweight, despite Außenseite sind sie besonders leicht und Care Collection 63 the robust exterior, and weather-resistant. wetterbeständig. Flowerpots suitable for every garden, Blumentöpfe für jeden Garten, jedes Indoor interior, terrace and balcony, for any plant Interieur, jede Terrasse oder jeden Balkon. and any style. All the flowerpots have their Für jede Pflanze und jede Stilrichtung. Alle Capi Nature 66 own design and are available in various Blumentöpfe haben ein eigenes Design Capi Lux 88 colours and models. und sind in vielen Farben und Modellen erhältlich. Warranty & service 98 NL Capi Europe maakt bijzondere design Scanbook 99 bloempotten voor binnen en buiten. Met FR Capi Europe fabrique des pots de onze verschillende stijlen en texturen is er fleurs design exceptionnels pour l’intérieur voor iedereen een passende bloempot. et l’extérieur. Grâce à notre diversité de Een deel van onze productie vindt plaats styles et de textures, nous proposons des in onze eigen fabriek in Tilburg. Naast pots de fleurs selon les goûts de chacun. het eigentijdse design hebben Capi Une partie de notre production a lieu bloempotten een hoge kwaliteit. Ze zijn dans notre propre usine à Tilburg. En plus licht van gewicht – ondanks het robuuste du design contemporain, les pots de fleurs exterieur – en ze zijn weersbestendig. Capi sont de qualité supérieure. Ils sont Bloempotten voor in iedere tuin, ieder légers - malgré l’extérieur robuste - et ils interieur, terras of balkon. Voor elke plant résistent aux intempéries. en elke stijl. Alle bloempotten hebben Des pots de fleurs pour chaque jardin, een eigen design en zijn beschikbaar in intérieur, terrasse ou balcon. Pour chaque vele kleuren en modellen. plante et chaque style. Tous les pots de fleurs ont leur design propre et sont DE Capi Europe stellt besondere disponibles dans un grand nombre de Designblumentöpfe für drinnen und couleurs et de modèles. draußen her. Dank unserer verschiedenen Capi Europe | Asteriastraat 17-19 | 5047 RM Tilburg | The Netherlands | +31 (0)13 511 5050 | [email protected] | 5

Visit our Capi Experience! Two thousand square metres of inspiration. Are you ready for the real Capi experience? Come visit us! All sorts of styles that focus on greenery create an inspiring environment. Our flowerpots are not only displayed as inspiration for garden centres but also for end consumers. It is a place where you can see the flowerpots close up, with and without plants, and where all sizes and models are displayed alongside each other. In other words, the complete picture! We are delighted to share this experience with you. Let’s We are very proud meet! We would like to share this Capi Experience with you. Feel free to come and visit us. You are more than welcome! Please contact your account manager and we hope to see you soon in Tilburg. At the centre of the Experience, there is a wide, tall tree surrounded by a circular bar with a beer tap. A cool jeep has been brought inside and converted into a fully- equipped kitchen. A large tree trunk table with 40 seats has also been brought inside. The Midi theatre with cinema seats and a large screen gives the area a Tilburg touch. Altogether, this creates a unique experience that focuses on a green lifestyle and is filled with Capi’s designer flowerpots. 6

WOW! Be amazed Rent the Capi Experience See you in Do you like the idea of holding a meeting the Capi Experience! or throwing a party in the Capi Experience? We do too and that’s why you can rent the Capi Experience for your own event. Find out more here: 7

Download now! Place planters directly in your room or garden with the Capi App. Indoor & Mix & Where outdoor Match to buy SWIPE SAVE LOOK WHERE TO BUY Exclusive for iPad. 8

Join us on social media and be inspired! #capieurope 9

Working on a sustainable future EN Our new facility is a big step towards the sustainable future Capi is striving for, and the result of the growth Capi has experienced over the past years. This has enabled us to welcome new production robots as well as lots of new colleagues, which has given us the possibility to add the new ‘Nature Clay’ collection to our range this season (page 21). We are extremely proud of this milestone, but particularly looking forward to what’s next! NL Ons nieuwe pand is een grote stap richting de duurzame toekomst die Capi nastreeft en het resultaat van de groei die Capi de afgelopen jaren heeft doorgemaakt. Hierdoor hebben we nieuwe productierobots kunnen verwelkomen, maar ook veel nieuwe collega’s. Dit heeft ervoor gezorgd dat we dit seizoen ook de nieuwe ‘Nature Clay’ collectie hebben kunnen toegevoegen aan ons assortiment (pagina 21). We zijn enorm trots op deze mijlpaal, maar we hebben vooral veel zin in wat komen gaat. DE Unser neues Gebäude ist ein großer Schritt in Richtung der nachhaltigen Zukunft, die Capi anstrebt, und es ist das Ergebnis des Wachstums, das Capi in den letzten Jahren erreichen konnte. Hierdurch konnten wir neue Produktionsroboter anschaffen und auch viele neue Kollegen begrüßen. Dank dieser Entwicklungen konnten wir in dieser Saison auch die neue Kollektion „Nature Clay“ in unserem Sortiment aufnehmen (Seite 21). Wir sind sehr stolz darauf, dass wir diesen Meilenstein erreicht haben, freuen uns aber vor allem auf das, was vor uns liegt.. FR Notre nouveau bâtiment est un grand pas en direction de l’avenir durable visé par Capi et est le fruit de la croissance de Capi au cours de ces dernières années. Cela nous a permis d’accueillir de nouveaux robots de production, mais aussi de nombreux nouveaux collègues. Cela nous a permis aussi d’ajouter la nouvelle collection « Nature Clay » à notre gamme au cours de cette saison (page 21). Nous sommes très fiers de cette étape, mais nous envisageons avec plus d’enthousiasme encore les étapes futures. 10

Why we love orange Our unique insulating layer The Made in Holland planters are made of a mix of polyethylene and wood fibres. It all starts with a powdered substance, which melts due to a heating process and then hardens as two separate layers in the planter. Having a double layer in the planter makes it extra strong. The result is a bright orange heart in the planter: the insulating layer. Synthetic material of the Light- planter resembles natural weight stone, but has an unexpected benefit: it’s lightweight. Makes a stronger planter. Double layer Plants will live longer because Protects the orange insulating layer your protects the roots of the plant plants from heat in the summer and frost in the winter. The surface is sturdy because Sturdy of the wood fibres. surface 11

Behind the orange scenes From powder to planter We 1 The production process tripled our robots Capi Europe has developed its own rotation moulding this year method for the production of Made in Holland pots. We are unique throughout the world in using this particular rotation moulding technique. The process uses less than half the energy of traditional rotation moulding. The two layers of the pot (outer layer and insulating layer) are made in a single cycle. • Unique rotation moulding. • This year, another six robots were added. 2 Spinning around Made in Holland flowerpots are made from a mixture of plastic and wood fibres. These raw materials are poured into the mould using a filling system. This is heated to melt and liquefy the mixture. The robots spin around so that everything is distributed throughout the mould. The substance is then cooled to produce the flowerpot. • Each model, texture and size of pot has its own mould. • The Capi robots work 24/7. 3 Finishing touch Once the flower pots are removed from the machines, they proceed to quality control via a conveyor belt. This inspection is carried out by our product specialists. After- wards, each pot is provided with a Capi label, information sticker and a barcode. The flowerpots are then wrapped, placed on a pallet and made ready for shipment! • The pots are roughened to give them a natural look. • Useful information is included on the bottom of the pot. 12

indoor & For outdoor use: outdoor drill a drainage hole with a insulating diameter of 25mm. layer 13 frost- resistant UV- resistant fracture- resistant light- weight recyclable

Rain barrel Rib NL Vase elegant deluxe Rib NL New product Large (56 x 123) RKBLR 1132 RKGRR 1132 RKOFZ 1132 The climate is changing and Reuse rainwater the weather is becoming more extreme: there are more days Rainwater is soft and with heavy and prolonged that's good for your rainfall. The risk of flooding and plants. You also save water damage is increasing because the sewer system on tap water. cannot handle the high And that's good for amounts of rainwater. At the same time, there are everyone. more periods of sustained heat and drought. With all of the associated negative con- sequences. To help maintain a water-friendly garden, Capi has developed this rain barrel. 14

New product Embrace Scan on 100 the green lifestyle 15

Made in Nature Holland Rib Suitable for indoor & outdoor Black KBLR 16 Row Black KBLRO Urban Tube Black KBLT Smooth Black KBL

Clay Gray Anthracite Indoor & outdoor KGRC KRCZ New series Rock Black Brown Ivory KBLC KBRC KRCI Grey KGRR Ivory KOFI Anthracite KOFZ Dark Brown KOFB Grey KGRRO Ivory KRWI Anthracite KRWZ Dark Brown KRWB Grey KGRT Ivory KIVT Anthracite KANT Dark Brown KDBT Grey KGR Brown KBR 17

Nature Inspired by nature 18

Nature Indoor & outdoor The phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations. Warmth Landscape Earth Green Sustainable 19


Nature New Indoor & outdoor series Scan on 100 Clay NL The new Clay is inspired by cracked clay soil. It shows the process of nature where solid clay dries out and cracks. One of nature’s many forms. Nature Clay NL is available in: Black Grey KBLC KGRC Brown vase elegant deluxe Clay nl KBRC EGG planter Clay nl Small (35 x 34) KBLC 932 KGRC 932 KBRC 932 Medium (45 x 72) KBLC 1138 KGRC 1138 KBRC 1138 KGRC 933 KBRC 933 Medium (43 x 41) KBLC 933 Large (56 x 84) KBLC 1132 KGRC 1132 KBRC 1132 indoor & insulating frost- UV- fracture- light- recyclable 21 outdoor layer resistant resistant resistant weight

Nature Rock NL The rough Rock is inspired by the raw texture of rocks, nature at its purest. Nature Rock NL is available in: Ivory Krci Anthracite Krcz Vase elegant Rock NL Planter round Rock NL Medium (35 x 58) KRCI 221 KRCZ 221 Small (35 x33) KRCI 211 KRCZ 211 Medium (43 x 41) KRCI 212 KRCZ 212 22 indoor & insulating frost- UV- fracture- light- recyclable outdoor layer resistant resistant resistant weight

Indoor & outdoor Scan on 100 23

Nature Rib NL The rhythmic Rib design is inspired by thin reeds moving in the wind. Nature Rib NL is available in: Black KBLR Grey KGRR Ivory kofi Anthracite KOFZ Dark brown KOFB 24

Indoor & outdoor Vase ball Rib NL Vase tapered round Rib NL Scan on 100 Small (40 x 32) KBLR 270 KGRR 270 KOFI 270 Medium (42 x 38) KBLR 362 KGRR 362 KOFI 362 KOFZ 270 KOFB 270 KOFZ 362 KOFB 362 Large (62 x 48) KBLR 271 KGRR 271 KOFI 271 KOFZ 271 KOFB 271 indoor & insulating frost- UV- fracture- light- recyclable 25 outdoor layer resistant resistant resistant weight

Planter square Rib NL Vase elegant low Rib NL Small (30 x 30 x 30) KBLR 902 KGRR 902 KOFI 902 Medium (36 x 47) KBLR 782 KGRR 782 KOFI 782 KOFZ 902 KOFB 902 KOFZ 782 KOFB 782 Medium (40 x 40 x 40) KBLR 903 KGRR 903 KOFI 903 Large (46 x 58) KBLR 783 KGRR 783 KOFI 783 KOFZ 903 KOFB 903 KOFZ 783 KOFB 783 Egg Planter Rib NL Vase elegant deluxe Rib NL Small (35 x 34) KBLR 932 KGRR 932 KOFI 932 Small (40 x 60) KBLR 1131 KGRR 1131 KOFI 1131 KOFZ 932 KOFB 932 KOFZ 1131 KOFB 1131 Medium (43 x 41) KBLR 933 KGRR 933 KOFI 933 Ne w Medium KBLR 1138 KGRR 1138 KOFI 1138 KOFZ 933 KOFB 933 KOFZ 1138 KOFB 1138 si ze (45 x 72) Large (54 x 52) KBLR 935 KGRR 935 KOFI 935 Large (56 x 84) KBLR 1132 KGRR 1132 KOFI 1132 KOFZ 935 KOFB 935 KOFZ 1132 KOFB 1132 2266 indoor & insulating frost- UV- fracture- light- recyclable outdoor layer resistant resistant resistant weight

Indoor & outdoor Scan on 101 planter rectangle Rib nl New model Small (73 x 39 x 32) KBLR 963 KGRR 963 KOFI 963 KOFZ 963 KOFB 963 222777


Nature Row NL Indoor & outdoor The broad Row lines are inspired by the sand waves of the beach. Scan on 102 Nature Row NL is available in: Black Grey Ivory KBLRo KGRRo KRWI Anthracite Dark brown KRWZ KRWB Vase ball Row NL Vase tapered round Row NL Small (40 x 32) KBLRO 270 KGRRO 270 KRWI 270 Medium (42 x 38) KBLRO 362 KGRRO 362 KRWI 362 KRWZ 270 KRWB 270 KRWZ 362 KRWB 362 Large (62 x 48) KBLRO 271 KGRRO 271 KRWI 271 KRWZ 271 KRWB 271 indoor & insulating frost- UV- fracture- light- recyclable 29 outdoor layer resistant resistant resistant weight

Planter square Row NL Vase elegant low Row NL Small KBLRO 902 KGRRO 902 KRWI 902 Medium KBLRO 782 KGRRO 782 KRWI 782 (30 x 30 x 30) KRWZ 902 KRWB 902 (36 x 47) KRWZ 782 KRWB 782 Medium KBLRO 903 KGRRO 903 KRWI 903 Large KBLRO 783 KGRRO 783 KRWI 783 (40 x 40 x 40) KRWZ 903 KRWB 903 (46 x 58) KRWZ 783 KRWB 783 3300 indoor & insulating frost- UV- fracture- light- recyclable outdoor layer resistant resistant resistant weight

Indoor & outdoor ScScaannoonn 1x0x2x Egg Planter Row NL Vase elegant deluxe Row NL Small (35 x 34) KBLRO 932 KGRRO 932 KRWI 932 Medium (40 x 60) KBLRO 1131 KGRRO 1131 KRWI 1131 KRWZ 932 KRWB 932 KRWZ 1131 KRWB 1131 Medium (43 x 41) KBLRO 933 KGRRO 933 KRWI 933 Large (56 x 84) KBLRO 1132 KGRRO 1132 KRWI 1132 KRWZ 933 KRWB 933 KRWZ 1132 KRWB 1132 Large (54 x 52) KBLRO 935 KGRRO 935 KRWI 935 KRWZ 935 KRWB 935 31

Urban Inspired by the city 32

Indoor & outdoor Urban in, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city. Design Stylish Basic Idealistic Metropolitan 33

Urban Tube NL The Tube design is inspired by the new generation of Urban. Subtle and modern, but makes a statement. Urban Tube NL is available in: Black Grey Ivory Anthracite Dark brown KBLT KGRT KIVT KANT KDBT Vase elegant low Tube NL Egg Planter Tube NL Medium (34 x 46) KBLT 782 KGRT 782 KIVT 782 Small (35 x 34) KBLT 932 KGRT 932 KIVT 932 KANT 782 KDBT 782 KANT 932 KDBT 932 Large (46 x 58) KBLT 783 KGRT 783 KIVT 783 Medium (43 x 41) KBLT 933 KGRT 933 KIVT 933 KANT 783 KDBT 783 KANT 933 KDBT 933 Extra Large (55 x 73) KBLT 785 KGRT 785 KIVT 785 Large (54 x 52) KBLT 935 KGRT 935 KIVT 935 KANT 785 KDBT 785 KANT 935 KDBT 935 34 indoor & insulating frost- UV- fracture- light- recyclable outdoor layer resistant resistant resistant weight

Indoor & outdoor Scan on 104 Vase tapered round Tube NL Small (40 x 40) KBLT 801 KGRT 801 KIVT 801 KANT 801 KDBT 801 Medium (55 x 52) KBLT 802 KGRT 802 KIVT 802 KANT 802 KDBT 802 Large (70 x 70) KBLT 803 KGRT 803 KIVT 803 KANT 803 KDBT 803 35

Urban Smooth NL Our Smooth design is the epitome of Urban. Old school and modern at the same time. A real classic in our collection. Urban Smooth NL is available in: Vase rim Smooth NL Black Grey Brown KBL KGR KBR Medium (48 x 44) KBL 100 KGR 100 KBR 100 Vase elegant low Smooth NL Vase tapered round Smooth NL Small (26 x 36) KBL 781 KGR 781 KBR 781 Medium (42 x 38) KBL 362 KGR 362 KBR 362 KGR 782 KBR 782 Medium (36 x 47) KBL 782 36 indoor & insulating frost- UV- fracture- light- recyclable outdoor layer resistant resistant resistant weight

The wood fibres used in the Indoor & outdoor Made in Holland planters are FSC certified. Scan on 105 37

3388 indoor & insulating frost- UV- fracture- light- recyclable outdoor layer resistant resistant resistant weight

Indoor & outdoor Vase ball Smooth NL Vase elegant DEluxe Smooth NL Scan on 105 Small (40 x 32) KBL 270 KGR 270 KBR 270 Medium (40 x 60) KBL 1131 KGR 1131 KBR 1131 Medium (51 x 40) KBL 278 KGR 278 KBR 278 Large (62 x 48) KBL 271 KGR 271 KBR 271 Planter square Smooth NL Egg Planter Smooth NL Small (30 x 30 x 30) KBL 902 KGR 902 KBR 902 Small (35 x 34) KBL 932 KGR 932 KBR 932 Medium (40 x 40 40) KBL 903 KGR 903 KBR 903 Medium (43 x 41) KBL 933 KGR 933 KBR 933 Large (50 x 50 x 50) KBL 904 KGR 904 KBR 904 Large (54 x 52) KBL 935 KGR 935 KBR 935 39

Filling tip Choose an impressive green plant like the Fargesia Rufa Fill the planter for 2/3 with soil After filling it for 1/3 with hydro grains Cover drainage hole with mesh 25 mm 40 Make sure to drill a drainage hole for outdoor use!

EN Would you like to use the flowerpot indoors? Then make gefüllt werden. Die oberste Schicht kann zur Dekoration sure there is no drainage hole in the bottom of the flowerpot. beispielsweise mit Hydrogranulat oder Holzspänen bedeckt If the flowerpot does have a drainage hole, use an insert. werden. Damit sorgen Sie außerdem dafür, dass die oberste Would you like to use the flowerpot outdoors? Then make Schicht nicht so schnell austrocknet. sure the flowerpot has a drainage hole. If the flowerpot does not have a drainage hole, drill one of about 25 mm yourself. Stellen Sie den Blumentopf schon an seinen Platz, bevor sie ihn füllen, damit Sie ihn nach dem Befüllen nicht Cover the drainage hole before you fill the pot, for example mehr umstellen müssen. Wenn Ihnen der Blumentopf with gauze, so the hole does not become blocked but ein Stück weiter weg doch besser gefällt, heben Sie ihn excess water can still drain away. dann im Ganzen hoch und nicht an den Rändern. Durch das Gewicht können Risse im Blumentopf entstehen. Next, fill the pot to about 1/3 with hydro grains. Hydro grains improve the water balance in the pot, so the plant can grow FR Vous souhaitez utiliser le pot de fleurs à l’intérieur ? better. The rest of the pot can be filled with potting soil. As Dans ce cas, vous devez veiller à ce qu’il n’y ait pas de trou decoration, the top layer can be covered with hydro grains d’évacuation au fond du pot de fleurs. Si le pot de fleurs or wood chippings, for example. This also stops the top layer a un trou d’évacuation, vous devez utiliser un cache-pot. from drying out so quickly. Vous souhaitez utiliser le pot de fleurs à l’extérieur ? Dans ce cas, vous devez veiller à ce que le pot de fleurs ait un trou Put the flowerpot where you want it before you fill it, so you d’évacuation. Si le pot de fleurs n’a pas de trou d’évacuation, don’t have to move it when it is full. If you do want to move the vous pouvez en percer un d’environ 25 millimètres. flowerpot, pick the whole pot up rather than holding it by the edges. Otherwise, the weight can cause the flowerpot to crack. Couvrez le trou d’évacuation avant le remplissage, avec un voile par exemple, de sorte que le trou ne puisse pas être NL Wil je de bloempot binnen gebruiken? Zorg dan dat er bouché, mais que l’eau puisse s’écouler. geen afwateringsgat in de onderkant van de bloempot zit. Heeft de bloempot wel een afwateringsgat, gebruik dan een Remplissez ensuite le pot de billes d’argile à hauteur d’un inzetpot. Wil je de bloempot buiten gebruiken? Zorg dan dat tiers environ. Les billes d’argile assurent une meilleure de bloempot een afwateringsgat heeft. Heeft de bloempot gestion de l’humidité dans le pot, ce qui permet à la geen afwateringsgat, boor dan zelf een afwateringsgat van plante de mieux pousser. Le reste du pot peut être rempli ongeveer 25 millimeter. de terreau. Pour la décoration, le dessus du pot peut par exemple être recouvert de billes d’argile ou de copeaux de Dek het afwateringsgat voor het vullen af, met bijvoorbeeld bois. Cela empêche par ailleurs la couche supérieure de gaas, zodat het gat niet verstopt kan raken, maar het water sécher trop rapidement. wel weg kan lopen. Placez votre pot de fleurs au bon endroit avant de le remplir, Vul vervolgens de pot voor ongeveer 1/3 met Hydro korrels. afin de ne pas avoir à le déplacer après le remplissage. Si De Hydro korrels zorgen voor een betere waterhuishouding vous voulez tout de même déplacer votre pot de fleurs, in de pot, waardoor de plant beter kan groeien. De rest van saisissez l’ensemble du pot de fleurs et non les bords. Le pot de pot kan gevuld worden met potgrond. Ter decoratie de fleurs peut se fissurer par le poids. kan de bovenste laag afgedekt worden met bijvoorbeeld hydro korrels of houtsnippers. Dit zorgt er tevens voor dat de bovenste laag minder snel uitdroogt. Zet je bloempot alvast op de juiste plek voordat je deze gaat vullen, zodat je deze na het vullen niet meer hoeft te ver- plaatsen. Wil je de bloempot wel nog een stukje verplaatsen, pak de bloempot dan in zijn geheel op en niet bij de randen. Door het gewicht kan de bloempot dan gaan scheuren. DE Möchten Sie den Blumentopf im Innenbereich verwenden? Achten Sie dann bitte darauf, dass der Blumentopf keine Entwässerungsöffnung an der Unterseite hat. Falls der Blumentopf eine Entwässerungsöffnung hat, können Sie einen Kunststoffeinsatz verwenden. Möchten Sie den Blumentopf im Freien aufstellen? Achten Sie dann bitte darauf, dass der Blumentopf eine Entwässerungsöffnung hat. Falls der Blumentopf keine Entwässerungsöffnung hat, können Sie selbst eine bohren (ungefähr 25 Millimeter). Decken Sie die Entwässerungsöffnung bitte vor dem Befüllen ab, zum Beispiel mit einer Gaze, damit keine Verstopfung in der Öffnung entsteht und das Wasser ablaufen kann. Anschließend füllen Sie den Topf ungefähr zu 1/3 mit Hydrogranulat. Das Hydrogranulat sorgt für einen besseren Wasserhaushalt im Topf, wodurch die Pflanze besser wachsen kann. Der Rest des Topfs kann mit Blumenerde 41

Made in China Why do planters have a drainage hole? Dutch Design This drainage hole allows the soil to breathe, which ensures the healthy roots. Suitable for This eventually makes the planter frost- outdoor resistant. The water can drain from the planter preventing the soil from freezing, expanding and bursting out of the planter. Be sure to put the planter on raised pot feet to ensure the planter has sufficient drainage. outdoor UV-resistant frost-resistant lightweight 42

Outdoor Nature Classic Stone New Rib series Ivory STI Ivory OFI Ivory OFI Lux Special Edition Terrazzo New New colour colour Ivory TZIV New Grey TZGR Light green TZLG colour White Lux Terrazzo Black FIT Light grey FGT White WFL 43

Nature Inspired by nature 44

Outdoor Nature The phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations. Warmth Peaceful Earth Natural 45


Nature Stone All Nature Stone Outdoor products are also The slate Stone design is a composition of small elongated stones. available in sets. Scan on 106 You can find them New in the scanbook. series egg planter Stone planter square Stone Extra Small (27 x 26) STI 931 Small (31 x 31 x 31) STI 902 Small (35 x 34) STI 932 Medium (41 x 41 x 41) STI 903 Medium (42 x 40) STI 933 Vase elegant deluxe Stone planter rectangle Stone Medium (39 x 60) STI 1131 Small (26 x 26 x 58) STI 951 Medium (32 x 32 x 72) STI 952 outdoor frost- UV- light- 47 resistant resistant weight

Nature Rib The rhythmic Rib design is inspired by thin reed moving in the wind. All Nature Rib products are also available in sets. You can find them in the scanbook. Vase elegant deluxe Rib Medium (39 x 60) OFI 1131 Planter square Rib Small (30 x 30 x 30) OFI 902 Medium (40 x 40 x 40) OFI 903 48

Vase tapered round Rib Egg Planter Rib Outdoor Scan on 106 Small (30 x 29) OFI 361 Extra Small (27 x 26) OFI 931 Medium (41 x 38) OFI 362 Small (35 x 34) OFI 932 Medium (42 x 40) OFI 933 Planter rectangle Rib Large (53 x 51) OFI 935 Small (56 x 22 x 22) OFI 961 Medium (64 x 30 x 26) OFI 962 Planter rectangle Rib Small (26 x 26 x 58) OFI 951 Medium (32 x 32 x 72) OFI 952 outdoor frost- UV- light- 49 resistant resistant weight

Lux Inspired by luxury living 50

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