Collaborative CRMOne of the goals of Customer RelationshipManagement is to provide an infrastructure ofsupport that iseffective and responsive to support questionsraised by customers, complaints, and any otherissues.The Collaborative portion of the CRM is tocoordinate a multi-channel service and supportsystem within the company that can take care ofthese issues.
A technical support department has interactionwith customers. It is common for customers tosubmitquestions or complaints about things to thetechnical support team.For example, customers are often asking for anonline system to make purchases or check thestatus of their order.The technical support team will take thesecustomer issues to the Collaborative CRM who canuse thisinformation to provide better customer serviceand create this online need.The ultimate goal of the Collaborative CRM is toimprove the customer service experience and
ensure everyone is happy.They might distribute surveys out to theircustomers or send them by mail if a mailing listhas beenestablished to find out answers to certainquestions.Surveys are often used to find out about customersatisfaction regarding certain products ortheshopping experience.Surveys often provide a lot of useful informationto the Collaborative CRM team when thereceive comments like the bathrooms are filthy,the sales girl was very rude, or maybesomeone couldn 抰 find a customer service
representative for over ten minutes.Collaborative CRM gives management an idea how tomake changes within an organization orwhat things are not being done so they canultimately improve the customerexperience.
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