TurtlesBy yu Dinosaurs as pets? different kind of turtles. These include mud turtles, musk turtles, soft-shelled turtles, Turtles are quite interesting animals. tortoises, & sea turtles. There are manyThey have unique properties along as a differehuge background. Back when the dinosaurslived, millions of years ago, turtles did too. nt Did you know?Since they worlds habitat has changed somuch over the years turtles did too. The turtles Tortoises can live up to 175features of the turtle like the bones inside in each years in captivity!of them have changed a lot. The shells have categorchanged too. They are quite cool too. The y. If people were to look at certain types ofcolours range from red to green or bright turtles, or study them, most people wouldorange. The top part of the shell is called choose tortoises, or sea turtles. Tortoisesthe carapace. This is where you see most of live on land and have legs instead of flippers.the colour. The bottom is called the This way it’s natural habitat is land and theyplastron. Turtles aren’t supposed to come can’t swim. Tortoises move slowly but itout of their shells. Most people think they would definitely win a race against a seado. But if they were to, (which they won’t), turtle on land. Its shell is curved in a semi-you would see its spine. Eek!!! “Turtles are circle shape. The colour is mostly a dry,interesting pets. They’re not warm and greenish colour but when you wash itloving like dogs but they are very interesting becomes a lively green.to watch.” Directly quoted by my teacherMr. Aiani. The Lochness Monster So many turtles! swimming the sea! In this world, there are many Sea turtles are a whole different kind of turtle. They swim in the water like anImage by Yu airplane in the sky but try to waddle around in the sand. The only reason why they go on land is because they need to lay their eggs. When they do this it takes them a long time. Their flippers aren’t designed for land. So they move very slowly when on land. When they go on land to lay their eggs, they “cry”. This is their method of getting rid of sand in their eyes. This is also a way to rid extra salt in their body. After the female sea turtle lays her eggs and goes back into the water, her eggs are in danger. If any animal that eats eggs see’s hers, they will
Image by Yu Quick tip!probably eat them. If they don’t, when they Go to simple.wikipedia.orghatch there’s a chance of them being eaten for a shorter lesson on turtlestoo. After that they roam the sea just like rather than reading on and ontheir mother. If they get eaten along theirway to the sea, most likely there are a few about them on the normalwho will survive. This also takes them a long Wikipedia. It’s simple and sho rt,time since they have flippers as well. Thereare 7 but straight to the point!types of sea turtles. These includeleatherback, green, flat back, loggerhead,hawksbill, Kemp’s ridley, and olive ridley.They all have unique properties of theirown. Uniqueness in shells Leatherbacks are unique because oftheir leathery shell, hence the name. All theothers have a bony carapace and scales onthe plastron. These shells can be round,oval, or heart-shaped. The colours rangefrom an olive-gray in the olive ridley to
reddish-brown in the hawksbill to black and more, check out websites like Britannica orwhite spots in the leatherback. Wikipedia. They will have A LOT of information. Keep this question in mind. Does size matter? Are turtles interesting? Why? You decide! Ridleys are the smallest of sea turtles, That’s all from YA (Yu’s article’s)with shells about 23-31 inches, that’s about BYE!!!58-78 centimeters. Leatherbacks are thelargest. They can have shells from 35-110 Maybe turtles are interesting…inches. That’s 90-280 centimeters. WOW!!!That might be an explanation to you on how 185 years ago dinosaurs roamed thebig a sea turtle get. A fully grown ridleywould be TINY compared to a fully grown earth. And so did turtles! Sometimesleatherback. learning about them is hard. Finding articles Information, information, andmore information! about them is hard. But YA has come to Now you know about eggs, shells, sea save the day, to help you about turtles! Justturtles, & many more! But if you did ordidn’t learn anything and want to learn read this article &, BAM!, you now know something about turtles !!Image by Yu
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