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Arav Info Article

Published by wangw, 2014-11-25 22:29:56

Description: Arav Info Article


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z These are the most Honeybeesimportant animals, without By Arav them, we cannotsurvive…Read on to find out why?...Are you afraid of getting stung by a bee? If you These creatures are endangered and that isalready have, it hurts right? So this is why you why we need to protect them. Otherwise all ofprobably hate them? Well, I’m here to tell you America’s crops will die. Image By Aravhow important honeybees are to us, what they And soon, so will and all about them.So...Buzz!!!Oh that was a worker bee telling See? Now do you think they are pests? This isyou to read on. So as Buzz!!Uh! She was why these magical workers are the mosttelling me to go quick. Finally, important insects or even animals for plantsbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ok, ok I will make and humans.So now I hope that you realizethem read!!Just let me finish! Sheesh, anyways that this creature is not a pest and doesn’t wantso fly on and learn so much. Then, step 2! to harm you ,all it is doing is looking for nectarBrag to your friends about how many facts you or pollen!know about them!Why Honeybees are Important to UsThe honey bee is one of the most important Image byArav. P.S.You will not understand this photo,animals on earth and we rely on them to stay read on to find out what this photo is!alive and for plants also.The European honeybee is the most commonhoney bee. This bee is an important insectbecause it does the most pollinating. As itgoes around different plants collecting nectarand pollen, it drops the pollen on differentflowers that helps keep the plants healthy.Without them, farmers crops wouldn’t grow,and the consequence of that would be...Yup,you know it! no fruits or vegetables!!The way these female bees do pollinating isthat they have tiny hairs all over their bodiesand with that the pollen will stick. As it goes toother flowers collecting nectar, it drops theother flowers pollen onto the it is at. And toreally let you know about this, America isrelying on honeybees for pollination. TheAmericans are having trouble with their cropsand vegitables.And farmers are struggling tofind these creatures and put them in the hive.This has gone on the news and is a criticalproblem the Americans are having.

z The hive is one of the most organized things in all insects. Everything such as food, babies,The Nest and eggs are laid inside a hexagon shape called a honey comb. The honeycomb is usedThis chapter is going to let your brain fall out for storing young, pollen, and nectar. Thewith the facts of the hive/nest!! amazing hive is one of the most importantHoneybees are neat animals that are very things for the life of a bee.organized. There it is.There nest is organized,they are organized. There are thousands of combs.When the young are ready to be born, they push Image By Arav themselves up. All workers live for 6 weeks. In the first 3 weeks, they will feed the young, Honeybees Rule!! clean at the hive, make honey comb out of some bristle type things that squirt out wax. So the life of a worker is very important. Each group of combs have different purposes. For example, the top bit of the hive is stored for eggs and raising the young. They do this type of organization for the housekeepers, so they can raise the larva. Around 2-3 eggs are stored in each comb. The hive will always be made where the bees can see the sun clearly so it can communicate. Or if they can see the clear blue sky. Like most animals, bees also migrate. Bees only migrate when it is raining or when winter starts. If lots of nests are close to each other and every bee is mixed up.They will sense their relatives by smell.Yup, each hive has their sense which is the same for all the members of the hive. Bees often make their hive on wood or tree branches. Now, what if a lizard or a predator comes? What will they do? Well, they can flap their wings and then it will look like the shadow of a predator of the animal. Or the workers can start stinging its predator. Aren’t they smart? Shocking Fact!! Now, I don't think this will really fit but, did you know once in Sri- Lanka there was a powerful bee attack. This was because a boy threw a rock at 2 big nests. For the protection of their queen, all the workers stung the people and 200 people went to the hospital. So, I can read your mind, you are thinking that these are little nuisances and are fierce. Let’s put it in order, first, if they didn't do that then they will die and

z The 3 Groupsall the nectar and pollen will be destroyed. Thismeans that we will not get honey. Just like wasps, and ants, the honeybees are also divided into 3 groups.That’s it for the hive; catch you on the 3 types They are workers, the queen, and the drones.of honeybee’s chapter! Workers Fact Box!! Worker bees do most of the work. Just like There were actually 2 bee attacks!! their name says, they are all about work. Workers live for no longer than 7 weeks. AsGlossary: they are raised, they will spend 3 weeks being hive keepers. That means that they will cleanAbdomen: The end bit of a bee where the nest, raise the pupa/larva, feed the drones,Most organs are located. and make the combs/nest out of thin bristlesBzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: Come on, hurry!! located in their abdomens. After that, they areGlossary: The place where bold words very busy! They will go to different flowersdefinition is given. sucking up nectar throw their mouth, or gettingHoney Comb: A place where things are stored pollen to feed the drones and larva/pupa, theyin the hive. will stand outside the hive protecting the queenNectar: A substance of which bees need in buy stinging animals. But the sad thing is, afterflowers. they sting, they will die because the stingPollenating: Dropping pollen from different comes out and that rips a hole in theirflowers to others… abdomens where all the organs comeRoyal Jelly: A sweet rich substances which out.Anyways, they will also make royal jelly foronly the queen eats. the queen to eat. Believe it or not, these are only female! No male!!So they are busy right? Drones The 2nd group is called the drones. Drone bees are all males. They do not have stingers and don't really do much. They have 1 purpose. And that is that they are always ready to mate with the queen so she can lay eggs. The way they do this are male bees have a sperm that they enter into the queen. Then the queen can start laying more and more eggs! Drones can’t even feed themselves. They rely on the workers to get pollen or nectar. Drones live for until the end of summer, then the workers force them out of the hive where the die! Sometimes nature is cruel!

z Last, the head. This is where the antenna isThe Queen located. The antenna is where they can senseAnd now, last but definitely not least. The each other. The bees also pick up nectar andQueeeeen!!! pollen from this part. Next there are the 5The 3rd group, well not really group but 3rd compound eyes. There are 2 big ones at eitherbee, is the queen. sides and 3 tiny eyes at the top. A compoundThe queen is a really important bee. The eye is a lot of tiny honey comb shapes. This isqueen’s job is to lay as many eggs as 1,500 in why they can see in many directions at once.1 day! The queen is inside the hive with a What will really shock you is the way the beescrowd full of workers and drones surrounding look at colors. The way we see colors isher. different from the way they see it. They see theThe queen does not eat pollen or honey. She real color of things. For example, what coloreats a sweet rich substance brought from the shirt are you wearing now? Wrong! It is everyworkers called royal jelly. This substance is color but your color. So the honeybee’s eyesimportant because this helps lay eggs and live are really, the pure form of nature.longer.The queen can live for years without dying. So, now that I have told you a lot about theseEvery bee in the hive will do anything for their miracle creatures, do you think they are pests?queen. The queen is very cool. She has a Do you think that they are the most importantbigger abdomen and can sting as many times animals on earth? If you do, you rock! If youwithout dying. don’t think, well read the whole article again! AtBut when she dies, who will be the next queen? least I think that we need these creatures inWell the workers will create a special comb our planet and we need to appreciate that. Sowhere when the queen is laying the queen egg, fly away and find out more about honey bees!it will go there. Buzz buzz! That was the queen asking you ifThat is it for the groups, now on to the parts! you want to join the nest!!Parts As a controller, I will make you find out all about bumblebees, and allThis chapter is quite simple.All it is about is the structure of the honeybee. By, Arav Jain! P.S. Up on the 3rd page is a glossory,All of the insects share the same 3 main body please see it!parts. Do you think they are important? Please Sign and IThe abdomen, like you saw in a couple of don’t want any No’s!paragraphs is the last part. Is where the stingerand the eggs from the queen is located in the Yesabdomen? Most of the organs are also there.The queen has a very big and smooth Aidan and Cheayeonabdomen. NoThe thorax is where the 3 pairs of legs arelocated. The 2 pairs of translucent wings arealso located there. The thorax is the very thinpart so it is easy to recognize it.You rock if your answer is yes for the question!!! If it is no, sorry it again!! No

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