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Home Explore haziq Aiani Nov

haziq Aiani Nov

Published by wangw, 2014-11-25 22:49:44

Description: haziq Aiani Nov


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Imagine you are flying above the What is a javator? Well it is awater. If you buy one of this javator you can powerful water motor that can makehave epic fun!! This cool jetpack has fuel people fly. If you have the longer pipes youand engine. If you have children you can put will fly higher but if you have the shorterhim or her on top of the boat because the Ones you won't fly so high but some of theboat keeps the engine to suck the water. At javators can fly so high even they have longthe end your children will have a little boat pipes because the bottom of the pipes is aride when you are riding the jetpack! large thing that will not lifted. The javators is a fuel machine. Some people in the U.SThe best thing you can have Javators if you want to make the javators are solarwant to fly above water buy this cool, powered. People want to play with theawesome thing, it is a water motor. If you javators but sometimes when you are notlike water jetpacks then chose the jetpack careful you might get hurt because it is hardbut if you don't like the jetpack you can to control the javator when you are on thechoose the different kind of Javators. ground. Some people that use javators andJavators have really strong pipes to suck the get hurt is because they make the controllerwater and push it where it shouldn't be the get drown whenout to make you there in the water because it is very hard toflout. A Javators is a control the javators when you are in thepowerful water water.motors it have a longpipes from to suck There is many different kinds of javatorswater. they make more different javators of javators because they want to make people use new things in the future. For example,

there is a motorcycle and many more kinds and search javators they will show all theof javators. The first javators is the different kinds of javators. Flying backpack The pipes are heavy thing thatJetpack because they are fun to ride but connect to the small boat that suck thethis javator is the most common one. If you water. In the small boat there is the motorare riding this javator you are like wearing a and engine, There is also the fuel container.heavy backpack. This javator is the most The pipes can suck 500 horsepower frompowerful engine in the whole javators the water. The engine is almost like the realkinds. The most best is the hand and the car engine but smaller. The engine is calledlegs it is like waking above the water. This 2600 V8 PWC. In 2011 the speed enginejavator is awesome because if you look at company builds a engine more speed thanthe guy that is playing it is the best thing to the last engine. It is called the MZR V6.Thelook. The one that I like was the motorcycle boat that is sucking the water is alwaysone it is not like a real motorcycle but close flowing the jetpack. This powerful engine isto it. a really expensive so not that people buy it. The engine are really loud like the really car Motorcycle in water? engine, but this engine is so much softerA motorcycle is different than the jetpack than the normal car. Some javators are notbecause the motorcycle have three pipes to normal javators engine for example themake it fly This javators doesn't have a boat motorcycle it take the Jet Ski engine but thelike the jetpack one this javators have a jet jetpack javators have its own engine in theski the engine of the motorcycle is the jet boat. Most the engine has the six hole forski engine’s. This new javators are made the fuel to came in. Because the enginebecause the people want to make the doesn't take that fuel you can ride thecitizen play with new things to let people javator about more than 40 minutes. If youfeel like in the new world. the controller is buy the faster engine it is really fast to useonly two stick in almost all javators are two the faster engine. But there is a few ofstick even the car javators, But the hand faster engine because the company wantand leg javators doesn't have two stick they people to be safe because if there peoplehave to control the javators by they own get hurt really bad the company will be notbody. allowed them to sell the javators. The engines are powerful so if you get hit by the Water car! water it will hurt because it is really heavyThe last one I going to talk is the car andjavators it is a one person seat and it have Sharp. Since the engines are powerful thetwo stick to control. This javators name was sucker can move a boat with the engine.v8 Dolphin. This javator is the fastest in alljavators but it can’t go up flying this I hope that you know how cool is it isjavators only go straight, left, right. Of to have a javator. There is many morecourse this javators is big so it is the most different kind of javator but I only told youexpensive. If you want to know all the a little bit about the different.different kinds of javators go to the google

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