How to Check Student Detailed Test Analysis? Connect Live Assignments Reports Teach ing made easy Doubts Analysis Practice Tests
Tests Teach ing made easy Step 3: Select the subject Step 4: Topic Step 5: Sub Topic Page 5/13
Tests Teach ing made easy Here you can see the questions along with numbers. In that, red tick marked numbers are the questions that the student answered wrong. The green tick marked questions are correct, and the grey tick marked are not attempted. Step 6: Question Click on the Question to see the question, answer and solution. Page 6/13
Tests Teach ing made easy Please find the list of items you can see for the particular question Subject: shows the particular question is from which subject. Topic name: shows the particular question given from which topic. Subtopic: name of the subtopic of the given question. Difficulty: shows the question of whether easy, medium, or hard. My time: will give you how much time you have spent on that particular question. Avg time: shows the average of time of all the students spent on this particular question. Accuracy: shows the percentage of students answered correctly for the particular question. Page 7/13
Tests Teach ing made easy Availability of solutions is based on the file uploaded. If questions taken from the question bank solutions may available. If the question paper uploaded and parsed, the solutions file has to be uploaded. The box below questions will show the distribution of questions across easy, medium, and hard difficulty levels in that particular topic/subtopic. Each difficulty level also gives the number of questions the student got correct, wrong, and left unattempted. Page 8/13
Tests Teach ing made easy Step 2: Subject wise Time Analysis Click on the subjects to see the number of questions and time spent on that question. Click on the correct / wrong / unattempted to see the number of questions and time spent. Click on the difficulty level to check the number of questions and time spent. Question Analysis Step 3: Subject wise Question Analysis Click on the Time Analysis dropdown. Page 10/13
Tests Teach ing made easy Select the Question Analysis. Click on each subject to check time spent on each question. Click on the correct / wrong / unattempted to check the time spent on the particular category question. Click on the difficulty level to check the time spent on each question of that particular level. Subject Time Spent: This donut graph gives the distribution of time spent by the student across each subject in minutes. Page 11/13
Tests Teach ing made easy CWU Time Spent: This donut graph gives the distribution of time spent by the student across questions which he/she got Correct (green), Wrong (red) or left bu(gray). All is shown by default. User can filter by a subject. Step 4: Subject wise CWU Time Spent Click on the subjects to check the time spent on subject wise correct/wrong/unattempted questions Advantages: It will show the overall, topic, sub topic and question wise marks. It will show the Time analysis and question analysis of the students. It will show the time spent on overall / particular subject. Page 12/13
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