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Published by Patcharapon Chaisaentao, 2020-11-02 14:57:48

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OCTOBER 2020 | ISSUE 1 MY BODY A MAGAZINE FOR YOURE BODY HUMAN BODY 6 PACKS ABS FOR BEGINNERS Take you to know the system in Advise Abdomen muscle workouts the human body also known as Abs. 7 DAYS OF SELF-CARE QUINTUPLE-DOUBLE LIKE A PRO \"Self-care is not a waste of time; self- How to do quintile-double for beginner care makes your use of time more with our sports columnist. sustainable.” CLEAN FOOD FOR GOOD HEALTH A clean eating plan can be a simple effective way to lose weight

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6 PACKS ABS FOR BEGINNERS Many people may be familiar with a variety of workouts, Today I'll advise Abdomen muscle workouts also known as Abs, Especially for beginners. I have a simple stance and do anywhere, but then I need you to read “The Truths About Six-Pack Abs” first. The Truths About Six-Pack Abs. 1. You Don't Have To Train Abs Every Day. Your abs are a muscle group just like any other, and they require post-workout recovery time. 2. Training Abs Doesn't Decrease Body Fat Around you need to bring your overall body-fat levels down, which means watching your total caloric intake and burning more cals through exercise. 3. Your Abs Won't Be Visible Until You Reduce Your Body Fat 4. Anyone Can Have A Six-Pack—Or At Least A Four-Pack Keep in mind, though, that the overall shape of your six- pack is determined by genetics.

1. Crunches (10 times ) 2. Air bike crunches (10 times ) 3. Sitting twists (10 times) 4. Raised leg hold (Hold 10 seconds) 5. Plank hold (Hold 10 seconds) 6. Plank leg raised (10 times) 7. You have a rest up to 2 minutes and do it again for a 2-3 sets.

C l e a n E a t i n g T i p s

Clean eating focuses on consuming whole foods that are minimally processed and as close to their natural form as possible.Adopting a clean eating plan can be a simple and effective way to lose weight and boost your overall health.Additionally, eating clean means relying less on processed, store-bought items and preparing more meals at home, which could save you money. 1. Cut out Added Sugar Eating too much added sugar has been linked to a wide array of health issues ranging from obesity to heart disease. When transitioning over to a cleaner eating pattern, foods and beverages with added sugar should automatically be phased out.When cleaning up your diet, using healthy substitutes for your favorite sweet treats can satisfy cravings and keep you on track.For example, swap your nightly bowl of ice cream for a clean treat like Greek yogurt topped with berries, unsweetened coconut and cinnamon. 2. Go for the Green Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale and arugula are easy and nutritious ingredients that can be added to almost any meal.Adding a mixed green salad to your meal, incorporating sautéed spinach into an omelet or tossing fresh kale into your favorite smoothie are easy ways to eat more healthy produce.Greens — especially dark, leafy greens like kale — are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help your body thrive.Try experimenting with different types of greens to narrow down your favorites.

3. Don’t Drink Your CaloriesDrinking just a few calorie- and sugar-laden drinks per day can lead to weight gain over time and may increase your risk of developing chronic diseases like diabetes (6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source).Even healthy- sounding drinks like smoothies can be loaded with sugar, which isn’t good for weight loss or overall health.To keep your added sugar intake to a minimum, hydrate with healthy options like water, water infused with fresh fruit and unsweetened green tea. 4. Clean up Your Coffee Although coffee is a healthy drink on its own, additives like sweetened syrups, artificial sweeteners and whipped cream can negatively impact your health and waistline.Popular coffee drinks like frappuccinos, mochas and sweetened lattes can pack in hundreds of calories.In order to keep your coffee healthy and avoid flooding your body with excessive amounts of sugar, keep your drink simple and opt for unsweetened items. 5. Fill up on Protein Diets higher in protein have been shown to suppress hunger, boost metabolism, increase muscle mass and decrease body fat Clean sources of protein like eggs, poultry, fish, tofu, dairy, nuts and beans can be easily added to any meal.What’s more, combining protein sources with high-fiber foods makes for filling snacks that will keep you satisfied between meals.For example, dipping sliced vegetables in a few tablespoons of hummus or topping flax crackers with egg salad provides a winning combination that’s sure to keep hunger in check.

7 Days of Self-Care \"Self-care is not a waste of time; self-care makes your use of time more sustainable.” Jackie Viramonte

7DAYS SELF-CARE CHALLENGE DAY C R E A T E A F I T N E S S G O A L DAY G O F O R A L O N G W A L K 1 4 Create micro-goals like increasing your distance a little bit each time you go for a Schedule time during your day to take a long jog, or gradually improving your flexibility by aiming to touch your toes first. Make a plan— walk (30 minutes to an hour). Get out of the and celebrate milestones, both big and small —to achieve your goal. house and enjoy the fresh air. Walking outside DAY S T A R T A F O O D J O U R N A L for an extended period of time is not only 2 great exercise, but exposing yourself to the a food journal, detailing what’s (literally) been on your plate. If you have any food right amounts of vitamin D can also help boost sensitivities, this is a great way to figure out the foods that make you feel your best, and your mood. the ones that don’t. It’s recommended to not only take notes of the food you ate, but to DAY S K I P T H E A D D E D S U G A R also observe how it made you feel—both physically and mentally. 5 Limiting added sugars from both food and beverages in your diet is important for your overall health. Added sugars often make up more than 10% of daily caloric intake in the American diet and can contribute to an elevated risk for certain chronic diseases such as obesity and cardiovascular disease. DAY G O G R E E N DAY D O S O M E P L A N K S 3 6 Replacing a meal with a green smoothie or accompanying a meal with green juice is a planking can help strengthen your core and great way to get a daily dose of fruits and eliminate lower back pain. “Most everyone living veggies, which are packed with vitamins and with chronic back pain can benefit from minerals like vitamins C and E, potassium, strengthening their core muscles and introducing and folate. only a few exercises a day can help to improve the pain.” DAY TRY THAT NEW YOGA CLASS 7 Bert Mandelbaum, M.D., a sports medicine specialist and orthopedic surgeon, says a little bit of adaptability goes a long way, especially when it comes to fitness. Burnout and injury happen, and a willingness to change up your workouts makes it feel less stifling—and maybe even more exciting.

HUMAN BODY The human body is made up of cells. The same cells will merge to be tissue. These tissues work together as organs, and eventually they are allocated into different body systems. Then I will take you to know the system in the human body. 1. The digestive system The different types of food we consume. it’s needs to have organs and mechanisms make macromolecular nutrients become smaller molecules. 2. Blood cells Blood consists of two parts are the liquid part. 2.1Plasma 2.2 Blood cells 3. Respiration system Respiration is the introduction of air in and out of the body, results in oxygen gas reacting with nutrients, energy, water and carbon dioxide.

HUMAN BODY 4. Waste disposal system Wase mean substances resulting from metabolic processes in the body of a living that useless, too much of the useful substance will be eliminate. 5. Nervous System Animal stimulus response system allows animals to respond rapidly to surrounding things. 6. Reproductive system Reproductive system It is the process of producing organisms that will spread offspring and sustain their own species. The male sex glands are the testes, the female sex glands are the ovaries.
