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Home Explore Team Davis - Your Lifestyle Specialists

Team Davis - Your Lifestyle Specialists

Published by olivia.peek, 2016-02-09 18:59:33

Description: Team Davis - Your Lifestyle Specialists


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SOLD Your leading country and lifestyle specialists for the Haura- ki Plains, Thames Valley, North Waikato and greater areas. 0508 83 83 83

About KarlSince joining the industry over ten years ago Karl has sold over $330 million dollars of countryproperty throughout the diverse, picturesque and productive North Waikato and Thames Valleyregions, establishing him as one of the top rural agents within Bayleys New Zealand.Karl’s success is the result of a sincere interest in country property and the ability to thinklaterally on behalf of his clients, employing his broad knowledge and wide experience toconsistently achieve excellent results whatever the market conditions. His upfront and honestmanner combined with a good natured approach and genuine enjoyment of people makes forsound client relationships.Prior to finding his niche in country real estate Karl gained a Bachelor of Leisure Studiesdegree, and worked for Microsoft as an engineer, sales manager and trainer. Karl supportsschools and sports clubs in his regions and his self run annual Charity Golf Tournament hasraised over $40,000 for local non-profit organisations. phone 027 496 4633/ 0508 83 83 83 or email [email protected] visit / Success Realty Limited, Bayleys, Licensed Under the REA Act 2008

Lee Carter BUYERS MANAGER Young, keen, and coached by the elite. Lee’s focus is on North Waikato, a region he knows well, spending his early years on a dairy farm in Kaihere and educated at both Ngatea Primary and Hauraki Plains College. He is delighted to base his business where he has a strong connection with the people and the place. Lee’s scientific background made it easy for him to identify with the process orientated goals and the high expectations set by Bayleys and the methodical approach to achieving the best results possible for Vendors. Lee strives to excel at, ensuring Vendors know exactly what is happening with their property and understanding each and every situation.Olivia MaceCLIENT MANAGERAs a natural multi-tasker, highly-motivated and results driven, Olivia takespride in maintaining long-term working relationships and making thingshappen. She enjoys assisting customers and working alongside vendorsto create effective marketing campaigns that will deliver the best possibleoutcome for promoting and selling their properties.Olivia has been with the Bayleys team for more than six years. Born andraised in the greater Thames Valley region, coming back to her roots tolearn from the best and working alongside Karl was an easy decision forher. Renae Tomelty MARKETING MANAGER Young, keen, and coached by the elite. Lee’s focus is on North Waikato, a region he knows well, spending his early years on a dairy farm in Kaihere and educated at both Ngatea Primary and Hauraki Plains College. He is delighted to base his business where he has a strong connection with the people and the place. Lee’s scientific background made it easy for him to identify with the process orientated goals and the high expectations set by Bayleys and the methodical approach to achieving the best results possible for Vendors. Lee strives to excel at, ensuring Vendors know exactly what is happening with their property and understanding each and every situation. phone 027 496 4633/ 0508 83 83 83 or email [email protected] visit / Success Realty Limited, Bayleys, Licensed Under the REA Act 2008

Benefits of listing with Karl Davis TeamA team of four + Recent verbal &national country written marketingteam working for updates youPR team offering Free auctioneditioral options process including in a number of auctioneer$publications Marketing - International investments publication/s +Tailor made to high profile net-suit all budgets work databasesAdvanced FREE high quality inhouse aerial & groundresearch & training photography“The selection of the right Consultant sup-ported by the right Company is crucial tothe success of your property sale. You will want to know they can provide you with everything you need to achieve what is important to you.”phone 027 496 4633/ 0508 83 83 83 or email [email protected] / Success Realty Limited, Bayleys, Licensed Under the REA Act 2008

What about the sales method?The benefits of sale by this process are: AUCTION 1 2u Auction is a highly e ective 4 -5 The auction process places a way of creating buyer competition time frame (usually a 5 - 6 week weeks period) on the sale. This in turn to ensure that the best possible instills an urgency into the minds price is achieved. of prospective purchasers. 3 uu u u uu 4 The Auction Process allows the When a property is sold at auction vendor to determine the terms the sale is unconditional, a 10% and conditions. deposit is paid and the settlement date is pre-determined.The benefits of sale by this process are: u u 2 FOR SALE 1 u Purchasers can make conditional u 4 -5 o ers on the property at any time An asking price is placed on the during the campaign. property. Purchasers are made weeks aware of the vendors’ expectationsso potential purchasers are genuine interested parties. 3 4 No time pressure on The process encourages vendors or purchasers. both conditional and unconditional o ers.The benefits of sale by this process are: u 2 TENDER 1 Tender sets a speci c timeframe 4 -5 within a formal o er must be Tenderers are encouraged to made, usually a 4 to 5 week complete due diligence and have weeks period to allow purchasers to carry out their due diligence. their nance in place prior to submitting a tender, reducing the 4 time delay between acceptance Tender allows the vendor to deal and settlement. with the preferred party and there is 3 exibility for the vendor to counter sign the preferred o er. Purchasers are required to submit on the vendor’s pre determined 027 496 4633/ 0508 83 83 83 or email [email protected] / Success Realty Limited, Bayleys, Licensed Under the REA Act 2008

What about marketing my property? “Each property is different and therefore requires a tailor made marketing package - Exposure to all identified target marketsalong with ensuring no stone is left unturned in terms of marketing is essential in the successful sale of all properties. At Bayleys we can customise a marketing package to suit any financial requirements and to best promote your property. Media’s used include a wide range of internet based channels plus local, regional, national and international publications.” REACH - FREE VS. INVESTMENT Report Generated on 24/01/2016 811057 - 6998 Puke Road, Paeroa Report Generated on 2/02/2016 • Premium placement on First Listed 24/12/2015 the homepage for 1 week For Sale Auction - 25/02/2016 11:00:00 a.m. • Listings categorised by property type811057 - 6998 Puke Road, Paeroa Last 7 Days Last Month Total • Key details with a ‘view 24/12/2015 4117 5061 5754 more’ call to actionFirst Listed Auction - 25/02/2016 11:00:00 a.m. Views 00 • Showcase links directly Enquiries 00 0 to your property’s listingFor Sale Last 7 Days Last Month Total Watchlists 0 $249 + GST FOR 7 DAYS 1560 Features NO 181 1434 0Views 00 0 NOEnquiries 00WatchlistsFeatures Views last 7 days Views by Country 2000 Views by Country 1750 1500 Views last 7 days United States: 4.0 % Australia: 8.1 % 1250 United States: 1.9 % Australia: 8.4 % 80 Australia: 8.H1o%ng Kong: 2.4 % 1000 United Kingdom: 2.2 U%nited States: 1.9 % Australia: 8.4 % United Kingdom: 2.U4n%ited States: 4.0 % 750 UniOtetdheKr:in2g.d8o%m: 2.2 % SoutUhnAitefrdicKa:in1g.d6o%m: 2.4 % Hong Kong: 2.4 % SoOutthheAr:fr0ic.8a:%1.6 % Other: 2.8 % 60 Other: 0.8 % 40 500 20 New Zealand: 80.7 % 250 New Zealand: 84.6 % NZ HERALD CAROUSEL New Zealand: 80.7 % New Zealand: 84.6 % • 7 days exposure 0 • A link directly back to the Enquiries/WatchLists last 30 days 26/01/2016 27/01/2016 28/01/2016 29/01/2016 30/01/2016 31/01/2016 1/02/2016 Enquiries/WatchLists last 30 days property listing on Bayleys • A full report at the 0 18/01/2016 19/01/2016 20/01/2016 21/01/2016 22/01/2016 23/01/2016 24/01/2016 Enquiries Views last 30 days Views Enquiries completion of the WatchLists WatchLists campaign including property clicks and rates 2000 $199 + GST FOR 7 DAYS Views Views last 30 days 175 1500 150 1000 0 125 0 100 500 75 50 0 252227383/9/0/11/11/212/312/41/2/50/2/60/2/7201/1/8201/1/92001/1/02001/1/12001/11/22001/11/42001/11/525001/11/625001/11/725002/11/825002/11/925002/11/026002/11/126002/11/22600/11/32600/11/42600/11/2600/11/2600/112600/112600/11260/11260/11260/1260/12601260126016016016161666 22237839//0/1/111/21/3122/412/50//2/60/2/70/1122/80/112/90/112/0000/112/100/112/200/1112/400/1112…/500/11125/600/11125/700/11225/800/11225/900/11226/000/11226/100/11226/200/1126/300/1126/400/1126/00/1126/00/112600/112600/11260/11260/11260/1260/12601260126016016016161666 0 111111111222222222233567890124567890123456789011///////////////////////////000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111112///////////////////////////222222222222222222222222222000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111666666666666666666666666666AGENTS 111111111222222222233567890124567890123456789011///////////////////////////000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111112///////////////////////////222222222222222222222222222000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111666666666666666666666666666 Karl Davis Lee Carter MOBILE +64 27 496 4633 MOBILE +64 27 696 5781 PHONE +64 5 088 38383 PHONE +64 5 088 38383 [email protected] Hamilton AGENTS LMlPeeHOee.OBcCaNILrEtEaerr+@+t6e6b44ra7y2l78e3y6s49.c63o25.n37z281 WHAT [email protected] ADVERTISEMENT? KMkPaaHOrrlO.BldNIDaLEvEaisv+@+i66sb44a0y25l70e8y4s98.c63o.48n63z3833 Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton 1 HAMILTON 17 Argyle Street Ucz1fafihoepon1lannldrv2recteaaahme,stceedftt²tamhd.eromroTree1nohinie9lnmyi6ts2.b1Bo0yeh5roo'domsyaurmsso²neoHafemuinheglsaldhys 1 For Sale $485,000 VwBMPMiwaeas0wwt0ri2.2libcS1L7akuey24nnlL2e8en1y46nas2n.n9-3c1a46o2n2.4.n546z5/p8m10875 HAMILTON SLIUCCECNESSESDRUENADLETRY TLHTDE,RBEAAYALECYTS2, 008. HAMILTON EAST Unit 1/9 Albert Street 1 17 Argyle Street AVuiecwtionAwHrCdbgenteaooiyasclmiumlrpmka-ambeiplgomlstceaaiofptnafinennabgctydtcehuEaaiidelnCoainanruslo'dt2aemestop.d0plmyubsB1ltesaofos3uinttnnwi.hclthitynTCrsoaobhwhmoovoyoeonfempudst'slghsit.tbmaereoeIuonnnrecwxiadutnnetegeiitnsorelenle.ndalWed17Feb 11am, sold prior) Ucz1fafihoepon1lannldrv2recteaaahme,stceedftt²tamhd.eromroTree1nohinie9lnmyi6ts2.b1Bo0yeh5roo'domsyaurmsso²neoHafemuinheglsaldhys 2016 (unless For Sale $485,000 VwBMPMiwaeas0wwt0ri2.2libcS1L7akuey24nnlL2e8en1y46nas2n.n9-3c1a46o2n2.4.n546z5/p8m10875 wAMSwaa0wrr2o.ab7nha6yPMAl8eado6ytnsae8.mc2r4os-24.son.53nz/08p1m1081 M 021 646 901 SLIUCCECNESSESDRUENADLETRY TLHTDE,RBEAAYALECYTS2, 008. SLIUCCECNESSESDRUENADLETRY TLHTDE,RBEAAYALECYTS2, 008. BE SEEN! phone 027 496 4633/ 0508 83 83 83 or email [email protected] visit / Success Realty Limited, Bayleys, Licensed Under the REA Act 2008

Red dots = Properties sold by the Team We Sell, Thames Valley, Hauraki Plains & North Waikato phone 027 496 4633/ 0508 83 83 83 or email [email protected] visit / Success Realty Limited, Bayleys, Licensed Under the REA Act 2008

DON’T SETTLE FOR LESSThere is always someone that will do it “cheaper!” Karl Davis Olivia Peek M 027 496 4633 M 022 456 7850 B 0508 83 83 83 B 0508 83 83 83 E [email protected] E [email protected] Success Realty Ltd, Bayleys, Success Realty Ltd, Bayleys, Licensed under the REA Act 2008 Licensed under the REA Act 2008 Lee Carter Renae Tomelty M 027 496 4633 M 022 152 2142 B 0508 83 83 83 B 0508 83 83 83 E [email protected] E [email protected] Success Realty Ltd, Bayleys, Success Realty Ltd, Bayleys, Licensed under the REA Act 2008 Licensed under the REA Act

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