The Industrial Accidents Affect ... PEOPLE EQUIPMENT MATERIALS ENVIRONMENT PROCESS affect you and your business ... not be the weakest link !! are you prepared to control it ? We can help you ... Safety … the best option !!
About Us ...Who We Areat a glance ...We are an Independent group that provide Safety & Health Management ConsultingIndustrial Hygiene at Work, Management Tools Solutions, Training, Loss ControlManagement and Risk Assessment.We have a team of experts, specialists and consultants from the most diverseprofessional areas, forming a highly qualified multidisciplinary group, whose mission isto provide their clients Consulting Services, Training, Audits and especially solutions fora Sustainable and Competitive development.We have extensive international experienceand employ the best and most recognizedtalents of the Iberian Peninsula and Europe.Our activities are developed in European,Latin American, Caribbean and Austral Africa markets. Because we realize the importance of Safety and Health at Work and because we believe in the value of people … Our mission is to help Companies to Produce with Safety!! increasing industrial competitiveness and as a driver for sustainability. Safety & Health Through Innovation !! Safety … the best option !!
Management TeamRicardo BandinPartner & Founder – General ManagerMaster and Postgraduate on Safety, Hygiene and Health at WorkSenior Auditor OSHAS 18001International Loss Control AuditorInternational Accredit Safety AuditorSafety Certified TrainerMine Rescue Management TrainerHold other International Certifications and Membership of several Organizations (Europe, Latin America, USA)Relevant Experience 38 years on Safety and Health of which 22 in Mining Companies around the world. (Mining, Oil, Chemical, Cement Plants, Harbors, Pharmaceutical, Mega Constructions with a workforce over tens of thousands workers, Nuclear, Wood and Forestry, Pulp and Paper, Textile, Food, Railways, Retail, Logistics, Heavy Industry, Sugar Refineries, Alcohol Factories, Energy Contractors, Automobile Factories, Smelters, Hydroelectric Power Stations, Heavy Water Plants …); Manager and Lead Safety Auditor in South America, Africa, North America and Europe for World Class Companies, Managed Operations and Projects in politically and culturally sensitive environments; Work experience in 19 countries with different cultures, including indigenous communities; Development and implementation: Motivational, Behavior and Marketing Programs, Systems and Tools to drive a Safety Practical Management. World Bank Consultant (Technical Services Latin America); Large International work experience with the IFC Safety Standards, Honored with 19 International Awards on S&H (Europe - U.S. - Latin America); University Professor; Corporate Wellness Consultant Executive Producer of Safety Films; International S&H Consultant. Filomena Sanina - MD Partner & Founder Medical Doctor;. Over 35 years experience. Specialist in General and Family Medicine; Family Therapy; Smoking Cessation. Clinical Auditor; Corporate Wellness Consultant Management and Organization of Health services in: - Medical Centers (state & private) - Energy (generation and distribution), - Retail and large areas - Insurance companies (Workers Compensation) - Mining (underground mining and metallurgical plants) Safety … the best option !!
Network of Consultants... has a large experience developed in different countries.Our work is developed by qualified professionals to support companies in all theactivities connected to Safety, Hygiene and Health at Work management, in a consistentway and compatible with the real dimension and complexity of the client company. a wide network Our extensive network of multidisciplinary specialists and consultants are distributed around the world to satisfy your requirements.The Teams are configured; A Local Team to assist the Clients in the workplace. A Main Team located in Europe that provides permanente support to Local Team. We are ready to help and assist you … Safety … the best option !!
* Senior & Special Consultant Dr. Luis Lopes Safety & Health Senior Consultant Over 30 years of relevant experience. Teacher and Trainer. More than 18 years of experience on S&H. Safety & Health Trainer in the field of the ILO. Conceived and directed the installation and operation of the Centre of Educational Resources of the Technical Training Institute - Republic of Guinea-Bissau. Member of the Board of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (Bilbao Agency)from 1997 to 2012, having taken two terms as: Chairman of the Board of Directors and four terms as Vice-President Advisory Committee Member for Safety and Health at Work European Union from 1997 to 2012. Chairman of the Working Group \"SST Fisheries” -OSH Advisory Committee of the European Union. Portuguese Government Represented in the Ibero-American Social Security from 2007 to 2012 and actively participated in the drafting of the Iberoamerican Strategy for Safety and Health at Work. Vice-Chairman of the committee \"Education/Training for Prevention” International Association for Social Security (ISSA / ISSA) 2008-2012 Vice-Chairman of the Authority for Working Conditions, Portugal, as responsible for the prevention and promotion of OSH. Coordinator and responsible for the development of the National Strategy - Safety and Health at Work 2008-2012 (1st national OSH strategy). President of the Luso-Andalus Ist. Professional Risk Prevention Forum . In 2008 Awarded with the Prize ”PREVER\" in the International category, established by the Spanish government to distinguish individuals and institutions no Spanish by their work and example in the area of Occupational Risk Prevention. Safety … the best option !!
Network Consultants ** IT / Safety Senior Consultant - LatAm & Europe Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering - Control and Robotics. Postgraduate on Safety, Hygiene and Health at Work. Over 17 years experience in developing IT Tools and management systems for Government, Telecommunications, HR, Production and Mining. Creation IT Tools for Safety Management. ** Senior Consultant - Europe Degree - Mechanical Engineer Special Courses and Certifications Business Administration, Management Control Systems, Safety, Housekeeping Certified Trainer , Compressors Maintenance and Operation, Steam Generation and Distribution, Reengineering, RAPIS - RCFA – CSC, Theory of Constraints, Root Cause Failure Analysis, Searching Causes and Solutions, Optimized Production Technology Relevant Experience Over 45 years relevant experience held various senior management positions in Europe, Africa and South America, developed in several industries and activities such as: Wood and Paper, Oil, Fiber Paper Pulp Factories, naval transport, Maintenance, Manufacturing, Bear Factories, Consulting and Innovation, Training, iron and steel industry, food, Textile, Cement, Shipbuilding and Ship Repair, Forming Fabrics, Felts and Dryer Fabrics. Canneries. ** Safety, Health & Ergonomics Consultant - Europe Degree - Engineer and Safety Post Graduate Over 16 years relevant experience in: Planning & Organizational Coordinator; Accident / Incident Investigation; Working conditions in Agriculture; Risk assessment of exposure to pesticides; Judicial expert in risk prevention; Thermal environment; environmental management in construction; Critical Task Analysis; Implementing Safety Initiatives; Auditing; Contractor Management. Certifications: Senior technician in occupational risk prevention in the specialty of Health, Safety and ergonomics. Course prevention management auditor at the European Institute, Safety Trainer, Atex Course. Safety … the best option !!
Network Consultants ** Safety Technician - Europe Over 10 years experience in S&H. Non Destructive Testing Technician. Certified Trainer. \"Competent Person\" Certified for Machines Safety Inspection accordance with European Community Directives. Certified Rescuer – Pt. Red Cross. Certified Explosives Operator. Relevant experience in: Underground Mining Operation and Metallurgical Plants. Construction and Installation Projects. Construction of Storage Facilities for Refined Industrial Gases. Mining exploration. ** Safety Coach / Mining Specialist - Europe Over 28 years relevant experience in: Planning & Organizational Strategy; Creating Commitment to Plan; Maintaining Company Safety Focus; Creating Workforce Safety Motivation; Sense of Urgency / Problem Solving; Risk Assessment / Hazard Identification; Interpersonal Skill; Leadership; Team Player; Critical Task Analysis; Developing Work Procedures; Implementing Safety Initiatives; Auditing; Mine Rescue Coach and Coordinator Certifications: Mine Rescue . Mine rescue Brething Apparatus. Fire safety. Moderm Safety Management. Industrial First Aid. Blasting Safety. Mining Machines. NOSA – Five Star System Coaching. NEBOSH – International Certificate H&S ** Safety Consultant - Europe Safety Post Graduate Technician Navy Graduate Over 39 years relevant experience in: Planning & Organizational Coordinator; Accident / Incident Investigation;,Working conditions in Civil Works Risk assessment; Construction Safety; Critical Task Analysis; Implementing Safety Initiatives; Auditing; Contractor Management; Behavior Safety; Conflict resolution Management, Safety Trainer Safety … the best option !!
Network Consultants ** Safety Technician – LatAm Over 25 years experience. Certifications: ISO 9000 Auditor; Trainer; Defensive Driving Coach, Food Quality and Microbiology; First Aid. Relevant experience in: Mining, Oil, Chemical, Plastics, Pharmaceutical, Construction, Textile, Food, Railways, Airports Paint Factories, Sugar Refineries, Textile, Wood, Smelters, Soft Drinks and Beer Factories, Construction. Research and Developed of new chemical products. ** Psychologist - Europe Certifications: Degree in Psychology, Specialization, Management and Business Psycho Strategy, Certified Trainer, And others... Relevant Experience: Over 19 years relevant experience developed as Director, Consultant and Coach in: HR Strategy, Leadership and Organization in different international business. Felds of activity; Performance management, Communication, Change Management, Culture alignment, HR Strategic Development, Outplacement, Team Management, stress Management and more. ** Senior Safety Technician – Europe Over 10 years experience Certifications Degree in Geology. Safety & Health Technician Certified trainer Relevant experience in: Coordination of Health and Safety / Inspection. Development safety Audits, Develop Trainings, Organization, Risk Assessments. Safety … the best option !!
Network Consultants** Senior Safety & Hygiene Technician - Europe Degree in Engineering Geology. Master in Environmental EngineeringOver 15 years experience.Certified trainerRelevant experience in:Coordination and Management of Health and Safety at Works / Inspection. Development safety plans,emergency protective actions and auto - prevention plans. Audits development. Risk Assessments.** Medical Doctor – CaribbeanBS in General MedicineOccupational HealthOver 7 years experience in special environment. Trainer on Health factors Community Relations.Industrial Evaluation Programs. Safety Behavioral Factors. ** Psychologist and Senior Safety Technician - Europe Over 10 years experience. BS in Clinical Psychologist; Certified Trainer. Relevant experience in Psychological Evaluation - Safety Behavioral Factors. ... and a large international network of Consultants Safety … the best option !!
What we do Safety & Health Through Innovation !! we are fully committed on innovationUntangle the complexities of workplaceSynchronizing Safety and Businesschanging the old rules of game. NEW IDEAS + ACTION = CHANGE Safety … the best option !!
What we doWe invite you to explore our large wide range of activities, thatwill help your organization to achieve the target: Production with Safety !!* Safety Management and Loss Control * Audits * Occupational Health* Engineering for Safety * Special IT Tools for Safety* Behavior Safety * Trainings . Conferences . Webinars In-House Courses . Workshops* Safety Games * Safety Team Building Please come with us… Safety … the best option !!
What we do* Safety Management and Loss Control Safety & Health Management Risk Prevention Loss Control Management Safety Continuous Improvement Accident and Incident Investigation 5´s and Safety Housekeeping Risk Analysis Due Diligence Safety Audits Behavior Safety OHSAS 18001 Safety Signaling Emergency Preparedness Contractor Management Safety Committees Safety Marketing Practical Safety Leadership Leadership and Supervisory Development Best Practices Development Culture Change … and much more for Safety We help to develop attitudes to reinforce the Visible Commitment Safety … the best option !!
What we do * AuditsHealth and Safety Audits provide an independent evaluation of your company’s Healthand Safety Management system, by comparing your system to a recognized industryprotocol (standard).The audit is required for specific industry certifications and to demonstrate compliancewith legislated regulations. Audits are often used as the first steps in the development of a Health and Safety Management System. An audit will identify strengths, areas for improvement and provide guidance for the next steps in improving the deficiencies and in implementing a company specific Health and Safety Management System. Audits are an essential part of the regular monitoring and continuous improvement of established Health and Safety Management Systems. They provide confirmation of quality performance and pinpoint areas for continuous improvement. The audit process often leads to enhanced reporting to supervisors and managers and indicates to the workforce management’s ongoing commitment to workplace safety. Some of the tools that we used to develop the audit are: * International Safety Rating System * IFC-Safety & Health Standards * ISSA-Guidelines Safety … the best option !!
What we do* Audits ... to know where we are and how we are, based on the International Safety Rating SystemPerforming Audits to the processes of Safety, Hygiene and Health at Work, permits toassess and diagnose the fulfillment of the necessary requirements that ensure theSafety Conditions for People, Equipment, Materials, Environment and Process in theCompany, Preventing the occurrence of Accidents with Injuries and Losses. Diagnostic Audits Safety Observations. Registration of Sub-standard Practices and Conditions Reports of non-conformities. Recommend Solutions. Follow Up Audits To assess the progress of the recommendations of the Diagnostic Audit and Propose new objectives. Safety … the best option !!
What we do* Health and Occupational Health* Occupational PsychologyConsulting and ServicesClinical AuditsOccupational Health AuditsSmoking Cessation **** see our training offer Occupational Health. Organization of Occupational Health Services. Industrial Hygiene and Work Environment First Aid and Basic Life Support Training (see training offer) Training with Human Simulators and Real Practices. Prevention of Infectious Diseases - Hepatitis, HIV. Occupational Health Outsourcing. Ergonomics. We develop solutions tailored to the Companies necessities, in order to minimize the risks to Health and Safety. Safety … the best option !!
What we do * Safety Games * Safety Team BuildingSafety Games - Safety Team Building... to help improve a Safety CultureThis innovative concept was designed to increase the motivation and the team spirit ,either Indoor or Outdoor, and lets you develop and promote the concept of prevention,\"avoidability\" and safety in order to create the basis for establishing a Safety Culture inthe organizations or strengthening the existing ones.The teamwork, observation, visual commitment demonstrations developed throughthese games will provide the company a clear view of organizational climate andorganizational involvement in aspects of S&H, thus making clear what needs to bechanged. Safety … the best option !!
What we do * Behavior SafetySafety in the workplace is a combination of three measurable components: the person, their environment, and their behavior.* Only when these three elements are combined can workplace accidents be eliminated. Pillars of Behavioural Safety Awareness Management Ownership Measurement Feedback AnalysisBehavioural Safety ConsultancyWe offers expert advice on how to develop, design or improve behaviouralsafety processes.A consultant will visit the workplace and discuss the organisational structureand culture to provide a framework and plan of the most effective means ofimplementing a behavioural safety process in your organisation.Resulting in: Increasing efficiency Increasing productivity Increasing Safe Attitudes Increasing profitability Safety … the best option !!
What we do * Behavior Safety * Changing Attitudes ...but how is possible do it ? Imagine in your Company a tool...that would allow to anticipate unsafe attitudes of your employees Imagine a tool... with which you can correct those unsafe attitudes Imagine a tool... that can open the mind to a safe workplace !! Risk Assessment from the personal characteristics of each worker's job function or preventive functions performed. developing a specific activity to be integrated into the Preventive Company Planning Company. Thus, the Company can avoid Accidents at the root cause. We will give you the key to achieve it... Safety … the best option !!
What we do * Engineering for Safety * Safety Maintenance Through a network of specialists in various branches of engineering we develop practical solutions so that the industrial operations carryout safely and efficiently Safety through Innovation Safety through research Safety through Development Safety through Engineering Safety through you, and for you ! We develop projects, programs, prepare engineering designs and providing solutions... Production with Safety !! because Safety is also...\"The main interest of all technical effort should be concern for people and their destiny......we must never forget that, between diagrams and equations. “ Albert Einstein Safety … the best option !!
What we do * Engineering for Safety * Safety MaintenanceSafety through Innovationwe implement and develop for you, innovative methodologies and toolsfor the management of maintenance, production and safety.RAPISRapid Approach Production Improvement System A methodology for your Company that help to achieve production short-term results.RASISRapid Approach Safety Improvement System Is another of our tools that help you achieve the goal, Production with Safety !! Safety … the best option !!
What we do* Engineering for Safety* Safety MaintenanceIndustrial Plant Shutdown MaintenanceA shutdown is a scheduled orunscheduled temporary interruptionof an utility or building operation servicefor the purpose of maintenance,repair or replacement of equipment.Having a plant shutdown is not an easy task. Great effort and planningare required to pull it off effectively, efficiently and safely.And, of course, the health, safety, and environmental (HSE) recordsmust remain impeccable,A good Safety assessment tool for maintenance risks should address; work planning (organisations/management), work supervision (client/contractor) the workers (client/contractor) training (client/contractor)We can help you to do this work safely !! contact us... Safety … the best option !!
What we do• Special IT solutions for: * Safety * Engineering* Maintenance * and more… Imagine in your Company a tool able to investigate and discover the root the causes of the losses that affect your business... P E M E PEOPLE, QUIPMENT, ATERIALS, NVIRONMENT, ROCESS and…Root Cause Analysis Whether you work in safety, quality assurance, IT, logistics,legal, reliability or another field entirely; in industries like as Aerospace - Commercial & Defense, IT/IS, Pharmaceutical, Petrochemical (Production and Research Facilities), Food and Beverage,Power Generation & Distribution Engineering & Construction, Mining, Gas, Oil & Exploration, Refining, Manufacturing, Insurance and others These are the significant issues and events that drain your organization of time, money and morale. The process eliminates finger pointing and promotes a more cohesive team environment. Imagine in your Company a; Root Cause Analysis Software That generate effective solutions and reports with causelink software. We have the right partner with training and solutions to help you eliminate critical problems, please contact us... Safety … the best option !!
What we do• Special IT solutions to manage theImagine in your Companya single tool able to manage and interact with: Human Resources Maintenance Production Training Safety & HealthImagine in your Companya single tool able to minimize costs and losses that affect: Corporate Image Production Competitiveness Profitability Social Responsability Insurance Costs Investor Confidence and many more ... Safety … the best option !!
What we do• Communities Relations & Social Resposibility \"It is the ability of a company to listen, attend, understand and meet the legitimate expectations of the different actors that contribute to its development”Good community relations are as necessary for o business success as theeffective management of the operations. Is necessary and mandatory build a bridge between the company and the local communitiesIt is essential that we understand the social, environmental and economicimplications for the business activities so we can optimise benefits andreduce negative impactsThe social inclusion in the business environment is an opportunity to makeyour company a brand valued, respected and successful..Our team and partners with large experience in the manage of the socialissue is available for your organization to help and provide some of thefollowing services: Diagnosis of Social Responsibility Social Responsibility Policy Communities Relations Policy Memories or Sustainability Reports Communication Plans and Strategies Stakeholder Mapping and Awareness Awareness and Training Programs Motivational campaigns Counseling in the Local Business Development Social management consulting Development corporate strategies and socio-environmental plans … and all that you need. Safety … the best option !!
What we do• Safety & Health CampaignsAwareness and CommunicationWe work an awareness program and comprehensive communication, whichconsists of first developing a diagnosis of their needs, then design a work plantogether and execute it in their facilities,We have a team developing staff awareness campaigns and strategiesdesigned for internal and external communication on safety, health,communities and much more...We have the idea and the model appropriate for you Safety … the best option !!
What we doDeveloping activitiesto create or reinforce the Safety CultureSafety Culture AssessmentAchieving a Total Safety Culture requires the organization identify the barrierspreventing employees and leaders from performing their best. Otherwise, tremendouseffort may be lost pursuing initiatives that miss the mark.MR offers a comprehensive safety culture assessment that measures employees’perceptions about the overall effectiveness of the organization’s safety culture.Results of the assessment serve a number of functions. They act as a diagnostic tool totarget areas warranting attention, and identify barriers to the improvement efforts.The results can also be used as a performance measure to assess the success ofongoing safety improvement efforts, as well as to benchmark performance againstother organizations.Finally, the assessment provides an avenue for employee input into safetyimprovement efforts.Safety Culture Survey Management Support for SafetySafety Management Systems EvaluationStructured Interviesse Peer Support for SafetyLeadership Evaluation and Development for Safety Personal Responsibility for Safety DisciplineVision for Safety Incident Reporting and AnalysisEngagement in Safety Safety Rules, Regulations, and ProceduresRewards and Recognition for Safety TrainingTrust in Ability and Intent for Safety Safety Suggestions and ConcernsCommunication for Safety Rewards and RecognitionTeamwork for Safety Safety Audits and InspectionsEmpowerment for Safety Communication Employee Engagement Safety Meetings & CommitteesSafety … the best option !!
What we doSpecial EventsTrainings . Conferences . Webinars . In-House Courses . Workshops is a division of MR that specifically addresses training issues in all modalities that may be needed in your company / organization.Training can be calculated as a return on investment since it brings direct benefits to business. A World of OpportunitiesWe understand that the real measure of effective training is the successfulacquisition and use of knowledge.Our Training activities, focus on ensuring effectiveness for your company andachieve real performance improvement. We provide and organize around the world Open Courses Intensive training courses preparing to cover your expectations and reinforce your knowledge. In-house training programs That are custom made to suit your training requirements, with your desired learning outcome and at your preferred location. Conferences Gain access to a roomful of ideas, with the best minds across various fields and of course … give your contribute. Webinars open a window to the world from your own room. Workshops put your mind and hands on practical situations. * Please, take a look to our specific brochures We are where You are … and of course, with the best professionals.
What we do Training Training can be calculated as a return on investment since it brings direct benefits to business.An important safety factor is the individual.All the employees shall be educated and trained to manage various situations and to actand think proactively to prevent accidents.The Safety and Health of People, Environment and Heritage, involves the acquisition ofmultiple competencies, know-how, how to behave and how to be.We offer standard courses (more than 150) however, we design programs/courses thatsuits you, according to your specific needs…; In house and or externally; and on the job. Target group: Managers Technicians Supervisors Workers Community Our teams of trainers are composed of Senior Training Technicians with deep experience, qualified and certified. Safety … the best option !!
What we doTrainingtake a look at our... programs it is worth considering !! Safety … the best option !!
Training Offer Our flagship course new versionPractical Leadershipon Behavior Safety ... if they can, I can also !!This program means the first step for your organization in the Safety & Healthtopic for all hierarchical levels.It has been performed / provided to an extensive universe of managersaround the world up to date “in different languages”Performing this action represents a high challenge, since it is not just one more course, orthe transmission of concepts, nor the transmission of knowledge. It is fundamentally, aMotivational Action, which expects the all hierarchical levels to reflect for themselves,about the importance of accident prevention, in order to accept the proposed conductsand its application in daily work. We would be very pleased if you join this universe think Safety …, act Safety * based primarily on Behavioral Safety and Pro-Active Safety. Safety … the best option !!
Training Offer Worker Forewarned ... worth two !! ...Our most successful and challenging Course*** This action represents a high challenge for all the Company workforce, it isfundamentally, a great Motivational Action, which expects the employees toreflect for themselves, their families, and the Company, about the importanceof accident prevention, in order to accept the proposed conducts and itsapplication in daily work.Originally named Risk Prevention at Work; this program means the first step for yourorganization in the Safety & Health topic for all the workers. This action is the equivalent version for all workforce of the “Practical Leadership on Behavior Safety” course It has been performed/provided to a universe of 11 thousand workers around the world up to date. in different languages including indigenous dialects !! join your staff to the thousands of people who have already participated think Safety …, act Safety* based primarily on Behavioral Safety and Pro-Active Safety. Safety … the best option !!
Medical Consultation &Training 2 days open or in-house course \"Usually, people are more easily persuaded by reasons that discover by themselves than for the reasons that the others offering to them” Pascal Come ... to discover this reason ! Smoking still remains the behavioral risk factor responsible for the highest levels of preventable and premature death. \"The tobacco epidemic kills annually 5.4 million People...” ... lung cancer, heart disease and other diseases… and is one of the causes for a high percentage of work absenteeism and … losses in businessthree out of four smokers want to be free from this dependence !! … and what about you ??We have the toolsto help you STOP this addiction NOW… is time to quit !! Contact us Safety … the best option !!
Training Offer New !! Fatigue ManagementSome industrial locations are in remote areas. This requires employees to travel longdistances or fly-in and fly-out (FIFO), which can be taxing over time.Alternatively, employees may temporarily base themselves on-site. In either case, theymay work long, irregular, or consecutive shifts, often with heavy machinery.Whilst on-site, employees are isolated from friends and family, and face obstacleswhen maintaining relationships. It is a demanding workplace environment by anydefinition. These factors can be hazardous to employees in different ways, though themost common concern is fatigue.Fatigue at the work place is a growing problem in our societies.Particularly in the Industrial sector, employee fatigue is a critical safety issue.But fatigue is not inevitable. To combat it and prevent its consequences it’s necessary toknow its causes and variables.In this area each case is unique and there is no solution that fits all situations. This courseaims to provide basic tools to, in a case by case basis, prevent the risks arising fromworkforce fatigue and thus reduce accidents and incidents and improve productivity. Educate your personnel to understand and manage fatigue-related risk … is a challenge with a high return !! What are the benefits of an effective fatigue management system ? Is your organisation Safe ? the best solutions always come from within... We can help you ! Safety … the best option !!
Training Offer Special Course Lock Out-Tag Out for your life !! Employees can be seriously or fatally injured if machinery they service or maintain unexpectedly energizes, starts up, or releases stored energy.What is “Lock Out -Tag Out” ?\"Lock Out-Tag Out\" (LOTO) refers to specific practices and procedures to safeguardemployees from the unexpected energization or startup of machinery and equipment,or the release of hazardous energy during service or maintenance activities This course presents general requirements for prevent and controlling hazardous energy during service or maintenance of machines or equipment. This course will help you to stay alive! Is your organization Safe ? remember the best solutions always come from within... Safety … the best option !!
Training Offer Special Course Workplace Housekeeping 5´s Program “more than clean and tidy” Why should we pay attention to housekeeping at work ?Effective housekeeping can eliminate some workplace hazards and help geta job done safely and properly.Poor housekeeping can frequently contribute to accidents by hidinghazards that cause injuriesHousekeeping is not just cleanliness. It includes keeping work areas neatand orderly; maintaining halls and floors free of slip and trip hazards; andremoving of waste materials and other fire hazards from work areas.It also requires paying attention to important details such as the layout ofthe whole workplace, aisle marking, the adequacy of storage facilities, andmaintenance. Good housekeeping is also an important basic part of accident and fire prevention. 5´s Program …the right choice to your business Safety … the best option !!
Training Offer Special CourseThe use of asbestos is now virtually banned in the European Union and insome others countries, but there is still a lot of asbestos about. This meansthat asbestos exposure can still occur.Why is asbestos dangerous ?When these fibres are inhaled they can cause serious diseases which areresponsible for thousands deaths a year.Asbestos related diseases won't affect immediately but later on in life, sothere is a need for you to protect yourself now to prevent you contractingan asbestos-related disease in the future.Safety TrainingIt is essential that workersknow how to identifyand work safely with asbestosWe can help to discover the safe way to work Contact us... Safety … the best option !!
Training Offer Special CourseDuring the course we will assist you to develop safe work method statementsand risk assessments for working at height.Training can be conducted at your work site or off-site at one of ourpurpose built training facilities. Work at heights training is focused on fallprevention rather than fall arrest. It is designed to equip workers with theknowledge and skills to safely work in any height situation, primarily beingaimed at general construction, maintenance, mining, oil and gas, largefactories, energy, shiping or other work situations where work is conductedin a place where a fall from one level to another is possible.Working at heights can be extremely dangerous.If correct systems are not put in place and or you are not correctly training.We can provide support to help your company Contact us for more information... Safety … the best option !!
Training Offer Special CourseWhat is a Confined Space ? • Any area that is large enough that someone can enter • Limited means for entry and exit • Not designed for continuous occupancyRequires to;Develop proceduresProperly train employeesProvide appropriate safety equipmentProvide appropriate emergency servicesThe lack of safety during work in confined spaces cause thousandsof accidents and deaths every year.Know how to prevent... Contact us for more information... Safety … the best option !!
What we doTraining Corporate Social ResponsabilityThis intensive course enables the participants to develop the expertise tosupport an organization in implementing and managing a Social responsibilityguidance based on ISO 26000. This training is consistent with the goodpractices of project management established.The participant will learn the different core subjects and issues: human rights,labour practices, the environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues,community involvement and development.Who should attend?Project managers or consultants wanting to prepare and to support anorganization in the implementation of a social responsibility guidancesISO 26000 auditorPersons responsible for a social responsibility program in an organizationMembers of a social responsibility team. Human Resource Managers.Expert advisors in social responsibility. Top Managers. Contact us for more information... Safety … the best option !!
Training Offer “Standard Modules” training ... a pillar to success !! Safety … the best option !!
Training Offer * Standard Modules Induction / Leveling- Risk Prevention at Work. Modern Safety Management Loss Control Management Risk Control. Tasks Procedures. Planned Inspections. Pro-Active Safety Attitudes - Objective ZERO. Accidents/Incidents Investigation Analysis - Level I and II. Accidents/Incidents Analysis - Level I and II. Human Relations in Accident Prevention. Human Factor in Accident Prevention. Assessment of Psychosocial Management. Basic Psychology in Accident Prevention. Marketing about Safety. Behavioral Safety. Basic Induction of S&H for Contractors. Induction of S&H - Workers' Representatives and S&H Commission. Communication in Accident Prevention. Guidance S&H for Supervisors. Practical Leadership in Accident Prevention for Managers and Supervisors. Safety … the best option !!
Training Offer * Standard Modules Coaching in Safety for Supervisors. Hazard Communication - Level I. Hazard Communication - level II. Safety for Chemical and Hazardous Chemicals - Module I - II - III – IV. HazMat – GHS & REACH. Self-Inspection in Safety-Identification, Assessment and Correction. Safe Practices in Laboratories. Safe operations with Pressurized Gases. Handling Cylinders with Pressurized Gases. Manual Handling of Loads. Mechanical Handling of Loads. Safety with Cranes. Safety with Mobile Cranes. Safety with Mobile Equipment for Handling Material: o Forklifts. o Stackers. o Pallets. o Etc. Safety in Conveyor Belts Systems. Works in Confined Spaces - Level I. Work in Confined Spaces - Level II. Safety … the best option !!
Training Offer* Standard Modules Safety in Excavations. Safety with Electricity - Level I. Safety with Electricity - Level II. Safety with Static Electricity. Lock Out & Tag Out - LOTO. Fire Safety in Buildings. Manual Extinguishers. Fire Prevention - Level I. Fire Prevention - Level II. First Aid - Level I. First Aid - Level II. Simulations and Practices. Infectious Disease Prevention - Hepatitis, HIV. Machine Protection - Systems and Barriers. Defensive Driving - Module I & II. Safety in Office and Administrative Areas. Safety in Electric Welding Operations. Welding Safety. Works and Safety in Explosive Atmospheres. Works and Safety in Pulverulent Environment Safety … the best option !!
Training Offer* Standard Modules Safety in Works at Heights. Prevention in Transit Surfaces – Tumbles/Falls on the same level. Fall Protection and PPEs. Working Environment – Industrial Hygiene Work in Extreme Temperatures. Personal Protective Equipment: o PPEs (Selection, Use, Maintenance). o Hand and Arm Protection. o Eye and Face Protection. o Respiratory Protection. o Feet and Legs Protection. o Ear Protection. o Special Equipment Warehouse Safety. Safe Practices in Cold Storages. Safe Practices in Food Industries. Safety in Port Operations. Safety in Rail Operations. Safety in Handling and use of Explosives. House Keeping. The 5´s Program. Safety … the best option !!
Training Offer * Standard Modules Safety with Machines Tools and Hand Tools. Safety with: o Electrical Tools. o Pneumatic Tools. o Hydraulic Tools. Safe Practices in Civil Construction. Safe Practices in Industrial Assembly. Safe Practices in Excavations. Safe Practices in Drilling Interpretation and Use of Safety Signals. Snake Safety Emergency Procedures. Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene Risks: o Chemical o Physical o Biological o Lighting o Noise o Gas, o Dust, o Thermal Environment. Safety in Special Operations. Safety … the best option !!
Benefits of Safety & Health Minimizing Losses by Accidents as important as Maximizing profits !!For the Business Higher levels of efficiency. Investment and Action. Sensitization and interest in the Company. Investor confidence. Profitability. Insurance costs reduction. Commitment. Corporate Image Value. Productivity. Ethics and Social Responsibility Motivation. and for You …Words are unnecesary !!In Summary, Safety for ...... moral reason... social reason... legal obligation... economic convenience... competitive advantage Safety … the best option !!
Main Sectors of Activity Water Companies (drinking water); Mining Retail; (Underground - Open Pit/ metallic, non Logistics; metallic and gems stone mines); Forestry; Extractive Industry; Railway Companies; Drilling; Cellulose and Paper; Mega constructions with more than Paint Factories; Food Factories; 68.000 workers; Textile Industry; Oil (drilling and production); Pharmaceutical Industry; Mining Exploration Nuclear Industry; Construction and Operation of Nuclear Power Stations; Heavy Water Plant; Hydroelectric Power Stations; Automotive; Chemical Plants; Cosmetics; Construction and heavy assembling; Plastics and Polymers; Cement Industry and Factories; Sugar Refineries; Port Construction; Beer and Soft Drinks Industry Engineering and Maintenance; Fishery Canneries (Tuna, Sardine and Tomato) Alcohol Industry; Safety Management for Subcontractors Wood Industry; Airports; Insurance Companies;Safety … the best option !!
Goals Achieved Some examples at medium and short Term : Win 19 International Safety Awards for Managed Companies. Mining, Retail, Hydroelectric, Wood and Paper. Company Frequency Rate Reduction 96 %. More than 1.300.000 mhw without Lost Time Accidents. Achieved Zero Accident during a year Underground and two years Surface. Mining Achieved Zero Accident 1 MM mhw– Underground Mine and Surface. Mining Frequency Rate Reduction on more than 85%. Industry Improve the Industrial & Communities Relations - obtaining best results to develop the activities (Communities, Union and Investors) Mining Direct and Financial Cost Reduction: Reduction and eliminate looses trough Safety Management Programs. Access to financial aids and investments. Industry and Mining Increase the Visible Commitment - obtained best results on the company shares. Mining, Drilling and Industry Improvement of the Corporate Image - obtained best results on the company shares. Mining, Industry, Drilling and Retail Was Produced Safety Films, obtained two international recognitions and a full involvement of the workforce, reducing accidents and incidents. Mining Conceived and develop the installation of a Safety and Training Centre. Mining Research and developed new Safety Products and Equipment for the Mining Industry to help to save lives. Mining, Wood and Paper Safety … the best option !!
International Allied and CollaboratorsCompanies & InstitutionsWe invite you, to visit the website of our allied companies. John Bourke Engineering ltd. www.corporatewellness.ptMedia PartnerCollaborators Safety … a driver for Sustainability !!