Ministry of Economic, Growth and Job Creation Featured Articles: JUST THE FACTS From the Desk of the Librarian Overview of the VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 NOVEMBER, 2020 DIAS Branch Read, Learn, Discover Rights to Know Week From the Desk of the Librarian Library and Infor- Teisha Palmer– Librarian Welcome to the first issue of the MEGJC Library Newsletter. It mation Week gives me great pleasure to bring out a quarterly newsletter for our Documentation and In- formation Access Services Library by the name “JUST THE FACTS”. This newsletter will Book Club serve as a mirror of mixture depicting different activities, programs, events, celebrations, exhibitions and so on which are being undertaken by the Branch. I am sure this newsletter Highlights will serve as a medium communication and striving efforts towards overall excellence. I wish you all the best! Upcoming Activities Black History Overview of the DIAS Branch Month: The primary role of this unit is to ensure that all official activities/transaction of the February, 2021 ministry are properly documented, organized, maintained and safe guarded for immedi- World Water Day: ate and future use. It is the role of this unit to also ensure that information is physically, March, 2021 and intellectual organized for ease of access and retrieval. The primary role of the li- Records Inventory, brary is to support ministry staff in satisfying their information needs, by assisting them 2020 with relevant research and reference services. Did You Know?... A variety of fun and educational activities were prepared to celebrate “Library and In- formation Week” as well as “The Rights to Know Week”. The activities for Library Drinking eight glass- and Information Week included a display, showcased from October 26-31 2020, featur- es of water daily can ing topics such as: Plagiarism and Cybercrime, there were also a “Did you know ses- decrease the risk of sion followed by a quiz challenge. colon cancer by 45%, The library display was assembled by the Librarian and the Librarian 1 with the assis- bladder cancer by tance of other members of the DIAS Branch. 50% and it can poten- tially even reduce the LIBRARY HOURS risk of breast cancer MONDAY - THURSDAY—8:30AM – 5:00PM FRIDAY—8:30AM – 4:00PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY (closed) Teisha Palmer, Librarian Email: [email protected]
PAGE 2 Operational Units The Documentation Information Access Services Unit comprises four main areas of operation: - Records and Information Management - Library and Reference Services - Access to Information - Mail Management Rights to know week BRAWTA The Documentation, wide. Since then the day has been cele- brated annually on the 28th of Septem- What do you call a pig Information and Access Services ber. that does karate? Branch on September 28,2020- October 2, 2020 celebrated the The theme this year is \"Access to Infor- Ans: A pork chop 'Right to know week'. mation-Saving lives, building trust, bringing hope!\" Quote from the “Great For the past 18 years Jamaica has thinkers” of our time… join the world in this celebra- tion. The celebration of the 'Day' “If you don’t stand for began in Sofia, Bulgaria and has something you will fall for been dedicated to the promotion anything.. of access to information world- …..Malcolm X Library and information week Library & Information Week is an opportunity for libraries and library users to cele- brate the invaluable contribution that libraries make to society. The event is orga- nized each year by the Library and Information Association of Jamaica (LIAJA). For 2020 the theme is: \"Use Responsibly Information Ethics and You\" which showcase all the ways information can be used ethically and responsi- bly. MEGJC library BOOK CLUB “Anyone who thinks The Book Club has over 800 books in its collection. It’s easy, fast and free to staff this world is without members of the ministry. Stop by the Doc Center or download the application form major, hasn’t been to from the ministry’s website, complete the form and submit to the Library. a library”. Start your book reading adventures today. The book club also accepts your used book donations for other club members to enjoy. MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC, GROWTH AND JOB CREATION
VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 PAGE 3 HIGHLIGHTS FROM MEGJC LIBRARY AND INFORMATION WEEK AND RIGHTS TO KNOW WEEK Winner-Kathrina Welch “Rights to know week The MEGJC Library Display Left– Winner “Right to know week” (Mrs. Trudi-ann Vernon Chisholm) Right– Mrs. Shuelain Burton (Librarian 1 present- ing the prize)
EYE ON DIAS UNIT Interview with Ms. Teisha Palmer 1. What is your official job title? Librarian 2. What are your qualifications? I have obtained a Bachelors Degree in Library and Information Studies with a minor in Information Technology at the Mico Univer- sity College. I also have a Certificate in Customer Supervision Level 3 and Early Childhood Education Levels 1-2. 3. How long have you been employed to the Ministry and why did you choose to work here?. Teisha Palmer (Librarian) I’ve been employed to the Ministry of Economic, Growth and Job Creation recently, November, 2020 makes two months since I have been here. I’ve always been drawn to opportunities that allow me to serve other people which is my reason for working here. 4. What are your core functions as a Librarian? My core functions as a Librarian includes: selecting, developing, cataloguing and classifying library resources. I am responsible for management of staff, including training and/or supervisory duties, answering readers’ enquiries and using library systems and specialist computer applications to name a few. 5. What are your long-term career goals and how does MEGJC fit into them or not? I already hold a supervisory role, and I want to move into management in the next five years. My current role has given me a lot of leadership experience, and I am working on taking leadership management courses and attend seminars to learn how to be a better manager, In 10 years, I would like to apply my management experience. 6. Do you think the work of the DIAS (Documentation Information Access Services) Branch is important and why? I believe the work of the Documentation Branch is important because it is responsible for the phys- ical and intellectual organization of information resources of the Ministry to accommodate easy ac- cess to and speedy retrieval of information. 7. Describe a typical workday in the life of a Librarian. A typical day for me includes: keep up- to-date records of circulation and materials, maintain inventory and, correct cataloguing errors.
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