2020 North Florida Baseball SINGLE SEASON RECORDS (all-time) BATTING LEADERS Triples 3B 6. Drew Weeks, 2014 478 Appearances App FIELDING LEADERS Rk. Player, Season 8 7. Kevin Kay, 1999 .476 Rk. Player, Season 33 Fielding Pct. (min. 150 chances) Games Played 1. Donnie Dewees, 2015 7 8. Brian Rapp, 2000 .475 1. Josh Papelbon, 2005 32 Rk. Player, Season Fld% Rk. Player, Season GP 2. Tyler Marincov, 2013 6 9. Keith Skinner, 2016 .466 Mike Wood, 2001 30 1. Jonathan Hodach, 2005 1.000 1. Todd Bryant, 1989 71 3. Darryl Kennedy, 1991 6 10. Kyle Catrett, 2000 .466 3. Jerrod Payne, 2000 30 Tanner Clark, 2019 1.000 Jimmy Blakely, 1989 71 Bob Kappesser, 1989 5 Matthew Naylor, 2016 30 3. Darryl Kennedy, 1991 70 5. Jesse Collins, 2001 5 Hit By Pitches Eddie Miller, 2019 29 Tanner Murphy, 2019 1.000 Bob Kappesser, 1989 70 Mike McPhail, 1995 5 Rk. Player, Season 6. Matthew Naylor, 2017 29 2. Ryan Roberson, 2015 .998 5. A.J. Hernandez, 1991 69 Mark Devitt, 1991 5 1. James Belyea, 2006 HBP Josh Papelbon, 2006 29 3. Andy Warren, 2008 .998 Shane Campbell, 1991 69 Mike Skoglund, 1991 5 Shane Campbell, 1991 15 Phil Black, 1988 28 4. Keith Skinner, 2016 .998 Craig Bell, 1989 69 Todd Bryant, 1988 4 3. Jon Skorupski, 2005 15 9. Jared Incinelli, 2005 28 5. Mac Mackiewitz, 1998 .997 Eddie Bloom, 1989 69 10. Twelve (12) tied with John O’Neil, 1998 14 Mickey Mickley, 1991 28 6. Alex Merritt, 2014 .997 9. Mark Devitt, 1991 68 Home Runs HR 5. Joe Wielbruda, 2013 14 Matthew Naylor, 2015 7. Keith Skinner, 2015 .996 Tim Slater, 1991 68 Rk. Player, Season 20 Tysen Duva, 1999 13 8. Judd Loveland, 2004 .995 Gary Gouldthread, 1989 68 1. Kevin Jackson, 1999 19 Kenny Layfield, 1989 13 9. Ryan Roberson, 2013 .995 B.J. Guzzone, 1989 68 2. Matt Schneider, 1999 19 8. Andrew Karmeris, 2010 13 Games Started 10. Kyle Dahl, 2010 .995 Todd Dunn, 1993 18 9. Michael Smith, 2009 12 Rk. Player, Season GS Games Started GS 4. Marion Knowles, 2005 18 Michael Gropper, 2008 11 1. Phil Black, 1989 19 Chances Ch Rk. Player, Season 71 Donnie Dewees, 2015 17 Preston Hale, 2008 11 2. Ryan Amason, 2005 17 Rk. Player, Season 680 1. Todd Bryant, 1989 71 6. Justin Preckajlo, 2010 16 Keith Medosch, 1996 11 Jacob Dixon, 2005 17 1. A.J. Hernandez, 1991 643 Jimmy Blakely, 1989 70 7. Ricky Willis, 2002 16 Patrick Ervin, 2016 11 Tod Ewasko, 2001 17 2. Doug Rogalski, 1990 632 3. Darryl Kennedy, 1991 70 Jay Nunley, 1997 16 11 Matt Incinelli, 2001 17 3. Marion Knowles, 2005 622 Bob Kappesser, 1989 69 Eddie Bloom, 1988 15 Brian Rauch, 2001 17 4. Darryl Kennedy, 1991 609 5. Shane Campbell, 1991 69 10. Sadry Cafe, 2005 15 Sacrifice Flies SF Matt Incinelli, 2000 17 5. Joey Russell, 2004 593 A.J. Hernandez, 1991 69 Jon Skorupski, 2005 15 Rk. Player, Season 14 Sid Roberson, 1991 17 6. A.J. Hernandez, 1992 565 Craig Bell, 1989 69 Lee McCool, 2000 15 1. Todd Claus, 1990 14 9. Travis Stanton, 2004 16 7. Mac Mackiewitz, 1996 564 Eddie Bloom, 1989 68 Gary Gouldthread, 1989 RBI Darryl Kennedy, 1990 13 Matt Incinelli, 2002 16 8. Ryan Roberson, 2015 545 10. Tim Slater, 1991 68 Runs Batted In 83 3. Mark Devitt, 1990 9. Mac Mackiewitz, 1997 518 Andy Goldthread, 1989 68 Rk. Player, Season 74 4. Jon Dandridge, 2006 6 Complete Games CG 10. Brian Fleetwood, 2000 Mark Devitt, 1991 71 1. Kevin Kay, 2000 72 5. Preston Hale, 2010 5 Rk. Player, Season 12 B.J. Guzzone, 1989 2. Joey Russell, 2003 69 Chad Knight, 2008 5 1. Tod Ewasko, 2001 12 Putouts PO 3. Jay Nunley, 1997 69 Chad Knight, 2007 5 Sid Roberson, 1992 Rk. Player, Season 601 Batting Avg. (minimum 100 AB) Avg. 4. Lee McCool, 1999 68 Grant Rogers, 2006 5 3. Phil Black, 1989 9 1. A.J. Hernandez, 1991 598 Rk. Player, Season .430 A.J. Hernandez, 1991 67 Trent Higginbothem, 2014 5 4. Matt Incinelli, 2001 8 2. Marion Knowles, 2005 585 1. Drew Weeks, 2014 .422 6. Donnie Dewees, 2015 65 10. Nine (9) Tied 4 Kevin Ohme, 1993 8 3. Doug Rogalski, 1990 578 2. Donnie Dewees, 2015 .408 7. Todd Bryant, 1989 65 6. Tod Ewasko, 2002 7 4. Joey Russell, 2004 553 3. Jeff Millsaps, 2003 .391 8. Kevin Jackson, 1999 64 Sacrifice Hits SH Sid Roberson, 1991 7 5. Darryl Kennedy, 1991 550 4. Preston Hale, 2010 .383 Trent Higginbothem, 2015 TB Rk. Player, Season 14 Doug Anderson, 1989 7 6. A.J. Hernandez, 1992 540 5. Jay Nunley, 1997 .382 10. Ryan Roberson, 2015 188 1. T.J. Gaudy, 2008 12 Phil Black, 1988 7 7. Ryan Roberson, 2015 518 6. Keith Skinner, 2016 .382 Total Bases 160 2. Adam Brown, 2000 11 10. Travis Stanton, 2004 6 8. Mac Mackiewitz, 1992 514 7. Andrew Karmeris, 2010 .379 Rk. Player, Season 160 3. Corey Bass, 2013 11 Robert Burris, 2003 6 9. Joseph Russell, 2003 496 8. Danon Winter, 1993 .378 1. Donnie Dewees, 2015 159 Dakota Higdon, 2016 10 Danny Clark, 1989 6 10. Mac Mackiewitz, 1997 Ast 9. Darryl Kennedy, 1991 .374 2. Sadry Cafe, 2005 153 5. Mike Fryrear, 2003 10 225 10. Duke Baxter, 1997 Lee McCool, 2000 150 Craig Black, 1998 Saves Saves Assists 196 4. Jay Nunley, 1997 149 7. Kyle Brooks, 2016 9 Rk. Player, Season 16 Rk. Player, Season 196 At Bats AB 5. Preston Hale, 2010 147 Patrick Ervin, 2017 9 1. Mike Wood, 2001 14 1. Patrick Ervin, 2015 196 Rk. Player, Season 344 6. Kevin Jackson, 1999 145 9. Joe Wielbruda, 2013 8 2. Josh Papelbon, 2005 14 2. Kyle Brooks, 2014 195 1. Erik Brown, 1999 256 7. Lee McCool, 1999 143 Kyle Brooks, 2014 8 Jerrod Payne, 2000 10 Lee McCool, 2000 186 2. Lee McCool, 1999 253 8. Jon Skorupski, 2005 Pct. 10. Shane Kennedy, 2011 7 4. Tyler Stohr, 2008 10 Jimmy Blakely, 1989 184 3. Lee McCool, 2000 252 9. Matt Schneider, 1999 .765 Michael Smith, 2009 7 Justin Cerrato, 2003 9 5. Ryan Knight, 2004 179 4. Todd Bryant, 1989 251 10. AJ Hernandez, 1991 .749 Matt Oxendine, 2006 7 6. Matthew Naylor, 2017 9 6. Kyle Brooks, 2013 179 5. Sadry Cafe, 2005 251 Slugging Pct. (minimum 100 AB) .711 Mac Wilson, 2017 7 Corbin Olmstead, 2015 8 7. Kyle Brooks, 2016 177 Donnie Dewees, 2015 248 Rk. Player, Season .695 SB 8. Eddie Miller, 2019 8 8. Matt Oxendine, 2005 7. Mike Skoglund, 1991 246 1. Todd Dunn, 1993 .691 Stolen Bases 33 Josh Papelbon, 2006 8 Todd Claus, 1991 7. Kyle Catrett, 2000 246 2. Donnie Dewees, 2015 .685 Rk. Player, Season 29 Trent Rich, 1995 IP 10. Jeff Stockton, 2000 8. Darryl Kennedy, 1991 246 3. Kevin Jackson, 1999 .670 1. Kyle Catrett, 2000 25 Trent Higginbothem 4. Justin Preckajlo, 2010 .669 2. Kevin Kay, 2000 25 Innings Pitched 142.1 5. Matt Schneider, 1998 .663 3. Josh Howard, 2005 23 Rk. Player, Season 136.0 BOLD - Denotes Active Player 6. Eddie Bloom, 1988 .660 Joby Birr, 1995 23 1. Tod Ewasko, 2001 135.1 Runs Scored Runs 7. Bret Soverel, 1994 BB 5. Donnie Dewees, 2015 23 2. Doug Anderson, 1990 128.1 Rk. Player, Season 88 8. Ben Johanning, 2001 55 Brennan Grogan, 2005 23 3. Phil Black, 1988 125.0 1. Donnie Dewees, 2015 78 9. Jay Nunley, 1997 53 Willie T. Lee, 1995 23 4. Travis Stanton, 2004 125.0 2. Kyle Catrett, 2000 71 10. Brian Fleetwood, 1997 53 Jeremy Dunford, 1992 22 5. Sid Roberson, 1991 121.1 3. Lee McCool, 2000 65 Walks 51 Todd Bryant, 1988 22 Phil Black, 1989 120.1 5. Jimmy Blakely, 1989 64 Rk. Player, Season 51 10. Danny Skinner, 1990 7. Matt Incinelli, 2001 119.0 6. Tyler Marincov, 2013 63 1. Kenny Layfield, 1988 49 Willie T. Lee, 1994 8. Sid Roberson, 1992 111.0 7. Keith Medosch, 1997 63 2. Brian Strub, 1992 46 9. Doug Anderson, 1989 A.J. Hernandez, 1991 63 Darryl Kennedy, 1990 45 PITCHING LEADERS 10. Brian Rauch, 2001 Gary Gouldthread, 1989 62 4. A.J. Hernandez, 1991 44 9. Kevin Kay, 2000 62 Kenny Layfield, 1989 43 Earned Run Avg. (minimum 20 IP) ERA Strikeouts Lee McCool, 1999 6. Jimmy Blakely, 1989 IBB Rk. Player, Season Rk. Player, Season Hits 7. Danny Skinner, 1990 11 1. Corbin Olmstead, 2015 0.25 1. Sid Roberson, 1991 SO Hits 106 8. Chris Berry, 2019 2. Tito Lowinger, 1992 0.42 2. Doug Anderson, 1990 172 Rk. Player, Season 9. Andy Gouldthread, 1989 7 3. Alex Smith, 2016 1.11 3. Sid Roberson, 1992 134 1. Donnie Dewees, 2015 95 10. Brian Rapp, 2000 7 4. Sid Roberson, 1990 1.21 4. Travis Stanton, 2004 128 2. Drew Weeks, 2014 93 5 5. Eddie Miller, 2019 1.31 5. Greg Mullins, 1995 116 3. Preston Hale, 2010 93 Intentional Walks 4 6. Sean Marino, 1992 1.24 Phil Black, 1989 112 Sadry Cafe, 2005 93 Rk. Player, Season 4 7. Kevin Hill, 1988 1.42 7. Robert Burris, 2003 112 Darryl Kennedy, 1991 92 1. Andrew Karmeris, 2011 4 8. Josh Papelbon, 2005 1.49 8. Tod Ewasko, 2001 109 6. Jay Nunley, 1997 91 2. Drew Weeks, 2014 3 9. Sid Roberson, 1992 1.50 Frank German, 2018 108 Lee McCool, 1999 90 Joey Russell, 2004 Pct. Matt McCool, 1992 1.50 Brad Deppermann, 2019 108 9. Kyle Catrett, 2000 90 4. Donnie Dewees, 2015 .493 10. Frank German, 2018 1.58 108 Todd Bryant, 1989 89 Preston Hale, 2010 .490 10. Jeff Millsaps, 2003 89 Preston Hale, 2009 .485 Wins Opponent Batting Avg. (min. 20 IP) Jeff Hernandez, 1991 Ricky Willis, 2001 .483 Rk. Player, Season Rk. Player, Season B/Avg. 8. Seven (7) tied with .478 1. Sid Roberson, 1991 Wins 1. Eddie Miller, 2019 .151 On-Base Pct. (minimum 100 AB) 2. Tod Ewasko, 2001 15 2. Danny Clark, 1988 .155 Doubles Rk. Player, Season Brian Rauch, 2001 14 3. Tito Lowinger, 1992 .159 Rk. Player, Season 2B 1. Kenny Layfield, 1989 Phil Black, 1989 14 4. Corbin Olmstead, 2015 .171 1. Duke Baxter, 1997 31 2. Kenny Layfield, 1988 5. Kevin Ohme, 1993 14 5. Kevin Ohme, 1993 .172 2. Kyle Catrett, 2000 26 3. Todd Dunn, 1993 6. Travis Stanton, 2004 13 6. Dustin Osbourn, 1996 .177 3. A.J. Hernandez, 1992 22 4. Donnie Dewees, 2015 Matt Incinelli, 2001 12 7. Greg Mullins, 1995 .179 A.J. Hernandez, 1991 22 5. A.J. Hernandez, 1991 Matt Incinelli, 2000 12 8. Mike Windham, 1992 .181 5. Preston Hale, 2010 20 9. Sid Roberson, 1992 12 9. Justin Cerrato, 2003 .182 Kevin Kay, 2000 20 Matt Everett, 1997 11 10. T.J. Goelz, 1992 .183 Lee McCool, 2000 20 Doug Anderson, 1989 11 Sid Roberson, 1992 .183 Tim Slater, 1991 20 Matt Incinelli, 1999 11 9. Seven (7) tied with 19 Bobby Grant, 1988 11 11 @OspreyBSB 50 #SWOOPLife
2020 North Florida Baseball CAREER RECORDS (all-time) BATTING LEADERS Triples 9. Frank German, 2018 2.36 9. Ryan Amason, 2003-06 211 Games Played Rk. Player, Seasons 10. Travis Stanton, 2004 2.38 10. Kyle Westwood, 2010-13 209 Rk. Player, Seasons GP 1. Donnie Dewees, 2013-15 3B On-Base Pct. (minimum 200 AB) Wins 1. Matt Oxendine, 2003-06 218 2. Tyler Marincov, 2011-13 12 Rk. Player, Seasons Pct. Wins Opponent Batting Avg. (minimum 50 IP) 2. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 213 3. Josh Howard, 2002-05 11 1. Kenny Layfield, 1988-89 .492 Rk. Player, Seasons 45 Rk. Player, Seasons B/Avg. Brian Fleetwood, 1997-00 213 Lee McCool, 1998-00 10 2. A.J. Hernandez, 1991-92 .470 1. Matt Incinelli, 1999-02 36 1. Kevin Ohme, 1992-93 .190 4. Alex Bacon, 2011-15 212 Joby Birr, 1992-95 10 3. Kevin Kay, 1999-00 .464 2. Sid Roberson, 1990-92 34 2. Sid Roberson, 1990-92 .196 5. Preston Hale, 2007-10 209 6. Mike McPhail, 1994-95 10 4. Brian Strub, 1992-93 .461 3. Brian Rauch, 2000-03 30 3. Greg Mullins, 1994-95 .198 6. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 205 7. Jesse Collins, 2000-03 5. Darryl Kennedy, 1990-91 .453 4. Doug Anderson, 1988-91 29 4. Danny Clark, 1988-91 .200 7. Chris Berry, 2016-19 203 Mark Devitt, 1990-91 9 6. Donnie Dewees, 2013-15 .451 5. Danny Clark, 1988-91 27 5. Doug Anderson, 1988-91 .204 8. Patrick Ervin, 2013-17 201 Todd Bryant, 1988-89 8 7. Craig Bell, 1988-89 .449 6. Tod Ewasko, 1999-02 24 6. Tito Lowinger, 1991-93 .205 9. Joby Birr, 1992-95 200 Drew Weeks, 2012-14 8 7. Preston Hale, 2007-10 .445 7. Phil Black, 1988-89 23 7. Travis Stanton, 2004 .209 10. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 195 8 8. Jimmy Blakely, 1988-89 .441 8. Adam Horne, 1998-02 21 8. Mike Windham, 1991-93 .213 GS Home Runs 8 10. Josh Howard, 2002-05 .440 9. Ryan Amason, 2002-06 20 9. Eddie Miller, 2016- .214 Games Started 211 Rk. Player, Seasons HR 10. Kevin Ohme, 1992-93 10. Phil Black, 1988-89 .216 Rk. Player, Seasons 205 1. Brian Fleetwood, 1997-00 36 Hit By Pitch 1. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 200 2. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 35 Rk. Player, Seasons HBP Appearances App. FIELDING LEADERS 2. Matt Oxendine, 2003-06 194 3. Matt Schneider, 1997-99 34 1. James Belyea, 2004-07 27 Rk. Player, Seasons 87 Fielding Pct. (min. 100 chances) 3. Joby Birr, 1992-95 192 4. Lee McCool, 1998-00 32 2. Preston Hale, 2007-10 26 1. Matthew Naylor, 2015-17 86 Rk. Player, Seasons Fld% 4. Chris Berry, 2016-19 191 5. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 30 Michael Smith, 2008-11 26 2. Josh Papelbon, 2004-06 86 1. James Fitzpatrick, 2017-18 1.000 5. Patrick Ervin, 2013-17 190 Kevin Jackson, 1998-99 30 Alex Bacon, 2011-15 26 Danny Clark, 1988-91 81 Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 1.000 6. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 189 Todd Dunn, 1991-93 30 Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 26 4. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 76 Tanner Clark, 2019- 1.000 7. Preston Hale, 2007-10 187 8. Marion Knowles, 2002-05 29 6. Patrick Ervin, 2013-17 24 5. Brian Rauch, 2000-03 73 4. Keith Skinner, 2015-16 .997 8. Alex Bacon, 2011-15 186 Ricky Willis, 2001-02 29 Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 24 6. Antonio Franzese, 2006-09 72 5. Blake Voyles, 2014-18 .996 9. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 Avg. 10. Preston Hale, 2007-10 28 8. Nick Karmeris, 2012-16 21 7. Matt Incinelli, 1999-02 69 6. Chris Bristow, 1994-95 .995 10. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 .382 Eddie Bloom, 1988-89 28 9. Joe Wielbruda, 2012-13 20 8. Tyler DuPont, 2013-17 67 7. Tanner Murphy, 2017-19 .994 .375 Shane Campbell, 1990-91 20 9. Doug Anderson, 1988-91 64 8. Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 .993 Batting Avg. (minimum 200 AB) .371 Tysen Duva, 1996-99 20 10. Tod Ewasko, 1999-02 GS 7. Chris Thibideau, 2016-17 .991 Rk. Player, Seasons .363 Runs Batted In Bryant Melson, 1994-97 20 65 Brian Wilson, 2006-09 991 1. Donnie Dewees, 2013-15 .363 Rk. Player, Seasons RBI Jeff Stockton, 1999-00 20 Games Started 47 Willie T. Lee, 1994-95 .991 2. Jay Nunley, 1996-97 .358 1. Brian Fleetwood, 1997-00 163 SF Rk. Player, Seasons 47 3. Todd Wodraska, 1993 .358 2. Lee McCool, 1998-00 162 S acrifice Flies 23 1. Matt Incinelli, 1999-02 46 Chances 4. Preston Hale, 2007-10 .355 3. Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 159 Rk. Player, Seasons 21 2. Brian Rauch, 2000-03 43 Rk. Player, Seasons Ch 5. Jeff Millsaps, 2003-04 .355 4. Preston Hale, 2007-10 156 1. Mark Devitt, 1990-91 21 Danny Clark, 1988-91 42 1. Mac Mackiewitz, 1995-98 1,540 6. A.J. Hernandez, 1991-92 .352 5. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 153 2. Todd Claus, 1990-91 20 4. Doug Anderson, 1988-91 42 2. Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 1,287 7. Keith Skinner, 2015-16 6. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 141 Darryl Kennedy, 1990-91 18 5. Ryan Amason, 2003-06 38 3. A.J. Hernandez, 1991-92 1,273 8. Josh Howard, 2002-05 7. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 136 4. Joby Birr, 1992-95 18 6. John Atteo, 2007-10 38 4. Brian Fleetwood, 1997-00 1,247 9. Kevin Kay, 1999-00 8. Mac Mackiewitz, 1995-98 133 5. Chris Adams, 1989-92 17 Sid Roberson, 1990-92 37 5. Joey Russell, 2003-04 1,145 10. Darryl Kennedy, 1990-91 9. Kevin Kay, 1999-00 129 Mike Skoglund, 1988-91 17 8. Adam Horne, 1998-00,02 6. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 1,134 10. Matt Oxendine, 2003-06 126 7. Kevin Hill, 1988-89 16 Brad Deppermann, 2015-19 7. Jesse Collins, 2000-03 1,120 At Bats TB Bob Kappesser, 1988-89 16 10. Jacob Dixon, 2002-03, 05-06 8. Ryan McDonald, 1999-02 1,103 Rk. Player, Seasons AB Total Bases 431 9. Todd Bryant, 1998-89 16 9. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 1,092 1. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 841 Rk. Player, Seasons 409 Brian Strubb, 1992-93 Complete Games 10. Darryl Kennedy, 1990-91 1,049 2. Matt Oxendine, 2003-06 812 1. Preston Hale, 2007-10 396 B.J. Guzzone, 1988-89 Rk. Player, Seasons CG 3. Preston Hale, 2007-10 780 2. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 385 1. Sid Roberson, 1990-92 24 Putouts 4. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 768 3. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 367 2. Tod Ewasko, 1999-02 19 Rk. Player, Seasons PO 5. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 752 4. Lee McCool, 1998-00 341 Sacrifice Hits 3. Matt Incinelli, 1999-02 18 1. Mac Mackiewitz, 1995-98 1,407 6. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 730 5. Matt Oxendine, 2003-06 332 Rk. Player, Seasons SH 4. Phil Black, 1988-89 16 2. Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 1,287 7. Patrick Ervin, 2013-17 722 6. Brian Fleetwood, 1997-00 328 1. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 30 5. Doug Anderson, 1988-91 15 3. A.J. Hernandez, 1991-92 1,151 8. Alex Bacon, 2011-15 719 7. Mac Mackiewitz, 1995-98 323 2. Matt Oxendine, 2003-06 27 6. Kevin Ohme, 1992-93 13 4. Brian Fleetwood, 1997-00 1,123 9. Michael Smith, 2008-11 707 8. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 323 3. Mike Fryrear, 2002-05 25 7. Danny Clark, 1988-91 12 5. Joey Russell, 2003-04 1,092 10. Chris Berry, 2016-19 696 9. Ryan Roberson, 2015-15 4. Patrick Ervin, 2013-17 22 8. Adam Horne, 1998-00,02 6. Jesse Collins, 2000-03 1,013 Runs Donnie Dewees, 2013-15 Josh Howard, 2002-05 22 9. Jacob Dixon, 2002-06 9 7. Ryan McDonald, 1999-02 994 Runs Scored 171 6. Ryan Knight, 2001-04 20 Jeff Rood, 1988-89 8 8. Jimmy Glanville, 2006-07 933 Rk. Player, Seasons 167 Slugging Pct. (minimum 200 AB) 7. Michael Smith, 2008-11 19 Wyatt Brooks, 1995-96 8 9. Darryl Kennedy, 1990-91 913 1. Preston Hale, 2007-10 166 Rk. Player, Seasons Pct. 8. T.J. Gaudy, 2007-08 16 T.J. Goelz, 1990-93 8 10. Kevin Hill, 1988-89 893 2. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 166 1. Kevin Jackson, 1998-99 .639 Corey Bass, 2010-13 16 8 3. Lee McCool, 1998-00 155 2. Matt Schneider, 1997-99 .635 10. Brian Rapp, 1998-01 14 Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 154 3. Donnie Dewees, 2013-15 .632 SB Saves Assists 5. Joby Birr, 1992-95 149 4. Eddie Bloom, 1988-89 .627 Stolen Bases 57 Rk. Player, Seasons Saves Rk. Player, Seasons Ast 6. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 148 5. Justin Preckajlo, 2009-10 .622 Rk. Player, Seasons 53 1. Josh Papelbon, 2004-06 24 1. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 726 7. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 144 6. Todd Dunn, 1991-93 .607 1. Josh Howard, 2002-05 52 2. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 21 2. Patrick Ervin, 2013-17 591 8. Matt Oxendine, 2003-06 143 7. Jay Nunley, 1996-97 .607 2. Kyle Catrett, 1999-00 45 3. Jerrod Payne, 1999-00 19 3. Matt Oxendine, 2003-06 571 9. Josh Howard, 2002-05 Hits 8. Lee McCool, 1998-00 .605 3. Joby Birr, 1992-95 42 4. Mike Wood, 1999-01 18 4. Ryan Knight, 2001-04 486 10. Donnie Dewees, 2013-15 283 9. Jon Skorupski, 2005 .602 4. Willie T. Lee, 1994-95 39 5. Tyler Stohr, 2007-08 16 5. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 438 257 10. Ricky Willis, 2001-02 .590 5. Matt Oxendine, 2003-06 39 6. Danny Clark, 1988-91 13 6. Joby Birr, 1992-95 432 Hits 256 6. Kevin Kay, 1999-00 38 7. Matthew Naylor, 2015-17 12 7. Mike Fryrear, 2002-05 417 Rk. Player, Seasons 254 Walks BB Danny Skinner, 1989-90 36 8. Trent Rich, 1994-96 11 8. Sam Perry, 2008-11 394 1. Preston Hale, 2007-10 250 Rk. Player, Seasons 132 8. Todd Bryant, 1988-89 35 9. Justin Cerrato, 2003 10 9. Lee McCool, 1998-00 368 2. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 224 1. Chris Berry, 2016-19 113 9. Brennan Grogan, 2005-06 35 10. Mickey Mickley, 1990-91 9 10. Jimmy Blakely, 1988-89 367 3. Matt Oxendine, 2003-06 222 2. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 106 10. Jeff Millsaps, 2003-04 35 Trace Norkus, 2016-19 9 4. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 221 3. Kenny Layfield, 1988-89 104 Tyler Marincov, 2011-13 BOLD - Denotes Active Player 5. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 219 4. Mac Mackiewitz, 1995-98 Lee McCool, 1998-2000 Innings Pitched 6. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 216 5. Preston Hale, 2007-10 96 Rk. Player, Seasons IP 7. Mac Mackiewitz, 1995-98 2B 6. Brian Strub, 1992-93 95 1. Matt Incinelli, 1999-02 430.2 8. Lee McCool, 1998-00 7. Jesse Collins, 2000-03 93 Stolen Base Pct. (minimum 20 attempts) 2. Doug Anderson, 1988-91 354.2 9. Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 56 8. A.J. Hernandez, 1991-92 87 Rk. Player, Seasons Pct. 3. Danny Clark, 1988-91 351.1 10 Patrick Ervin, 2013-17 52 Darryl Kennedy, 1990-91 87 1. Tyler Marincov, 2011-13 .897 4. Brian Rauch, 2000-03 334.1 52 Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 87 2. Andy Gouldthread, 1988-89 .885 5. Sid Roberson, 1990-92 319.2 Doubles 48 IBB 3. Todd Dunn, 1991-93 .879 6. Tod Ewasko, 1999-02 318.0 Rk. Player, Seasons 47 Intentional Walks 14 Craig Bell, 1988-89 .879 7. Ryan Amason, 2003-06 265.2 1. Preston Hale, 2007-10 44 Rk. Player, Seasons 11 5. Donnie Dewees, 2013-15 .875 8. Phil Black, 1988-89 260.1 2. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 44 1. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 6. Danny Skinner, 1989-90 .867 9. Adam Horne, 1998-02 259.0 Matt Oxendine, 2003-06 43 2. Drew Weeks, 2012-14 9 Joby Birr, 1992-95 .867 10. Brad Deppermann, 2015-19 246.0 4. Lee McCool, 1998-00 40 3. Donnie Dewees, 2013-15 8 8. Mike Skoglund, 1988-91 .864 5. Alex Bacon, 2011-15 39 4. Preston Hale, 2007-10 8 Kenny Layfield, 1988-89 .864 Strikeouts 6. Mac Mackiewitz, 1995-98 39 Joey Russell, 2003-04 5 Tanner Murphy, 2017-19 .864 Rk. Player, Seasons SO A.J. Hernandez, 1991-92 39 6. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 4 1. Sid Roberson, 1990-92 360 8. Brian Fleetwood, 1997-00 39 7. Travis Martin, 2005-08 4 PITCHING LEADERS 2. Doug Anderson, 1988-91 333 9. Kyle Catrett, 1999-00 Jon Dandridge, 2006-07 4 Earned Run Avg. (minimum 50 IP) 3. Matt Incinelli, 1999-02 328 10. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 Tyler Marincov, 2011-13 4 Rk. Player, Seasons ERA 4. Danny Clark, 1988-91 299 Josh Howard, 2002-05 Tanner Murphy, 2017-19 4 1. Kevin Ohme, 1992-93 1.63 5. Tod Ewasko, 1999-02 250 Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 Matt Oxendine, 2003-06 4 2. Sid Roberson, 1990-92 1.69 6. Brian Rauch, 2000-03 246 Kevin Kay, 1999-00 Ricky Willis, 2001-02 3. Tito Lowinger, 1991-93 1.71 7. Brad Deppermann, 2015-19 240 4. Mickey Mickley, 1990-91 2.12 8. Adam Horne, 1998-00, 02 213 5. Matthew Naylor, 2015-17 2.13 6. Kyle Haines, 1989-90 2.17 7. Chandler Jagodzinski, 2011-12 2.21 8. Josh Papelbon, 2004-06 2.26 @OspreyBSB 51 #SWOOPLife
2020 North Florida Baseball SINGLE SEASON RECORDS (Division I Era - 2006-Present) BATTING LEADERS Games Played Doubles Strikeouts Rk. Player, Season Rk. Player, Season 2B Intentional Walks PITCHING LEADERS Rk. Player, Season SO 1. Donnie Dewees, 2015 GP 1. Preston Hale, 2010 20 Rk. Player, Season IBB Earned Run Avg. (minimum 25 IP) 1. Frank German, 2018 108 Trent Higginbothem, 2015 60 2. Donnie Dewees, 2013 19 1. Andrew Karmeris, 2011 11 Rk. Player, Season ERA Brad Deppermann, 2019 108 Patrick Ervin, 2015 60 Tyler Marincov, 2013 19 2. Drew Weeks, 2014 1. Corbin Olmstead, 2015 0.25 3. Tyler Moore, 2012 4. Tyler Marincov, 2013 60 Yahir Gurrola, 2017 19 3. Donnie Dewees, 2015 7 2. Eddie Miller, 2019 1.31 Jeremy Papelbon, 2006 88 5. Preston Hale, 2010 59 5. Alex Bacon, 2011 18 4. Preston Hale, 2010 5 3. Frank German, 2019 1.58 5. Robbie Collier, 2011 88 Drew Weeks, 2013 58 Jimmy Glanville, 2007 18 Preston Hale, 2009 4 4. Corbin Olmstead, 2016 1.65 6. Bryan Baker, 2016 81 Kyle Brooks, 2016 58 Michael Smith, 2010 18 6. Jon Dandridge, 2007 4 5. Matt Vaka, 2015 1.78 Brad Johnson, 2007 80 Dakota Higdon, 2016 58 Chris Thibideau, 2017 18 Andrew Karmeris, 2012 3 Matthew Naylor, 2015 1.78 8. Brad Johnson, 2006 80 Nick Karmeris, 2016 58 9. Preston Hale, 2009 17 Travis Martin, 2008 3 7. Michael Renner, 2013 1.81 Michael Kelly, 2010 79 10. T.J. Thompson, 2010 58 Alex Merritt, 2017 17 Corbin Olmstead, 2015 3 8. Chandler Jagodzinski, 2012 1.86 10. Frank German, 2017 79 Garrick Ferguson, 2015 57 3 9. Tyler Stohr, 2008 1.93 76 Keith Skinner, 2016 Keith Skinner, 2016 3 Corbin Olmstead, 2016 57 Triples Drew Weeks, 2013 3 Evan Incinelli, 2013 1.93 Opponent Batting Avg. (min. 25 IP) Alex Merritt, 2016 57 Rk. Player, Season 3B Tanner Murphy, 2019 3 Rk. Player, Season B/Avg. Alex Merritt, 2017 57 1. Donnie Dewees, 2015 8 Pct. Wins 1. Eddie Miller, 2019 .155 Yahir Gurrola, 2017 57 2. Tyler Marincov, 2013 7 On-Base Pct. (minimum 100 AB) .483 Rk. Player, Season Wins 2. Corbin Olmstead, 2015 .171 Jay Prather, 2019 57 3. Garrick Ferguson, 2015 4 Rk. Player, Season .478 1. Brad Johnson, 2006 9 3. Tyler Stohr, 2008 .185 Tanner Murphy, 2019 57 Michael Wesner, 2012 4 1. Donnie Dewees, 2015 .466 Michael Renner, 2013 9 4. Frank German, 2018 .190 Wes Weeks, 2019 57 Drew Weeks, 2014 4 2. Drew Weeks, 2014 .462 3. Matthew Naylor, 2015 8 5. Corbin Olmstead, 2016 .191 57 Yahir Gurrola, 2017 4 3. Keith Skinner, 2016 .453 Frank German, 2017 8 6. Hunter Bowling, 2019 .200 57 7. Eight (8) Tied 3 4. Preston Hale, 2010 .451 Frank German, 2018 8 7. Tyler Moore, 2012 .205 .449 Games Started Home Runs 5. Preston Hale, 2008 .448 6. John Frawley, 2009 7 8. Bryan Baker, 2016 .214 Rk. Player, Season Rk. Player, Season 6. Chris Berry, 2019 .444 George Lott, 2010 7 9. Brad Deppermann, 2019 .217 1. Donnie Dewees, 2015 GS 1. Donnie Dewees, 2015 HR 7. Travis Martin, 2008 .443 Tyler Moore, 2012 7 10. Anthony Delaney, 2017 .226 Trent Higginbothem. 2015 60 2. Justin Preckajlo, 2010 18 8. T.J. Thompson, 2009 HBP Nick Marchese, 2019 7 3. Tyler Marincov, 2013 60 3. Corbin Olmstead, 2015 17 9. Preston Hale, 2009 15 10. Thirteen (13) tied 6 FIELDING LEADERS Patrick Ervin, 2015 59 4. Preston Hale, 2010 13 10. Andrew Karmeris, 2010 13 Fielding Pct. (min. 150 chances) 5. Kyle Brooks, 2016 59 Corbin Olmstead, 2015 12 12 Appearances Rk. Player, Season Fld% Preston Hale, 2010 58 6. Andrew Karmeris, 2011 12 Hit By Pitches 11 Rk. Player, Season App 1. Tanner Clark, 2019 1.000 Nick Karmeris, 2016 58 T.J. Thompson, 2010 11 Rk. Player, Season 11 1. Matthew Naylor, 2016 30 Tanner Murphy, 2019 1.000 8. Alex Merritt, 2017 58 8. Preston Hale, 2009 11 1. James Belyea, 2006 11 Eddie Miller, 2019 30 3. Ryan Roberson, 2015 .998 Yahir Gurrola, 2017 57 Corbin Olmstead, 2014 10 2. Joe Wielbruda, 2013 11 3. Josh Papelbon, 2006 29 4. Andy Warren, 2008 .998 Corbin Olmstead, 2016 57 Andrew Karmeris, 2010 10 3. Andrew Karmeris, 2010 10 Matthew Naylor, 2017 29 5. Keith Skinner, 2016 .998 Keith Skinner, 2016 57 Nick Karmeris, 2016 10 4. Patrick Ervin, 2016 10 4. Matthew Naylor, 2016 28 6. Alex Merritt, 2014 .997 Drew Weeks, 2013 57 Kevin Martin, 2009 10 Michael Gropper, 2008 9 5. Casey Medlen, 2010 27 7. Keith Skinner, 2015 .996 Jay Prather, 2019 57 10 Preston Hale, 2008 9 6. Tyler DuPont, 2017 25 8. Ryan Roberson, 2013 .995 Tanner Murphy, 2019 57 Runs Batted In Michael Smith, 2009 SF Chandler Jagodzinski, 2012 25 9. Kyle Dahl, 2010 .995 Wes Weeks, 2019 57 Rk. Player, Season 8. Jimmy Glanville, 2007 8 Chandler Jagodzinski, 2011 25 10. Patrick Ervin, 2015 .994 57 1. Donnie Dewees, 2015 RBI Nick Karmeris, 2015 6 Spencer Jones, 2009 25 Alex Reynolds, 2018 .994 Batting Avg. (minimum 100 AB) Avg. 2. Trent Higginbothem, 2015 68 10. Andrew Karmeris, 2012 5 Antonio Franzese, 2007 25 Rk. Player, Season .430 3. Ryan Roberson, 2015 65 Ryan Lowe, 2008 5 GS Chances 1. Drew Weeks, 2014 .422 4. Preston Hale, 2010 64 5 Games Started 15 Rk. Player, Season Ch 2. Donnie Dewees, 2015 .391 5. Corbin Olmstead, 2016 63 Sacrifice Flies 5 Rk. Player, Season 15 1. Ryan Roberson, 2015 564 3. Preston Hale, 2010 .382 6. Tyler Marincov, 2013 59 Rk. Player, Season 5 1. Tommy Organ, 2013 15 2. Jimmy Glanville, 2007 514 4. Keith Skinner, 2016 .382 7. Nick Karmeris, 2016 54 1. Trent Higginbothem, 2015 5 Brad Deppermann, 2019 14 3. Andrew Karmeris, 2010 499 5. Andrew Karmeris, 2010 .371 Yahir Gurrola, 2017 51 2. Jon Dandridge, 2006 4 Brandon Reitz, 2019 14 4. Jimmy Glanville, 2006 480 6. Preston Hale, 20009 .367 9. Trent Higginbothem, 2014 51 3. Preston Hale, 2010 SH 4. Frank German, 2017 14 5. Alex Reynolds, 2019 433 7. Chad Knight, 2008 .364 T.J. Thompson, 2010 50 Chad Knight, 2008 14 Nick Albritton, 2013 14 6. Ryan Roberson, 2013 431 8. Jonathan Hodach, 2006 .359 Total Bases 50 Chad Knight, 2007 11 Ryan Amason, 2006 14 7. Andy Warren, 2008 418 9. Corbin Olmstead, 2016 .359 Rk. Player, Season Grant Rogers, 2006 11 John Atteo, 2007 14 8. Keith Skinner, 2016 416 10. Andrew Hannon, 2008 Trent Higginbothem, 2014 9 Bryan Baker, 2016 14 9. Corey Bass, 2013 395 TB Wes Weeks, 2019 9 Michael Kelly, 2010 14 10. Chris Berry, 2016 387 1. Donnie Dewees, 2015 188 8. Twelve (12) tied 8 Brad Johnson, 2007 14 At Bats 2. Preston Hale, 2010 153 Sacrifice Hits 8 Jeremy Papelbon, 2006 14 Putouts Rk. Player, Season AB 3. Tyler Marincov, 2013 138 Rk. Player, Season 7 David Trexler, 2014 Rk. Player, Season PO 1. Donnie Dewees, 2015 251 4. Justin Preckajlo, 2010 137 1. T.J. Gaudy, 2008 7 Frank German, 2018 1. Ryan Roberson, 2015 540 2. Trent Higginbothem, 2015 246 5. Drew Weeks, 2014 134 2. Corey Bass, 2013 7 2. Jimmy Glanville, 2007 481 3. Tyler Marincov, 2013 245 6. Yahir Gurrola, 2017 132 Dakota Higdon, 2016 7 Complete Games 3. Andrew Karmeris, 2010 460 4. Yahir Gurrola, 2017 244 7. Preston Hale, 2009 131 4. Kyle Brooks, 2016 7 Rk. Player, Season CG 4. Jimmy Glanville, 2006 452 5. Kyle Brooks, 2016 239 8. Corbin Olmstead, 2016 129 Patrick Ervin, 2017 7 1. John Frawley, 2009 5 5. Ryan Roberson, 2013 409 6. Preston Hale, 2010 238 9. Andrew Karmeris, 2011 125 6. Kyle Brooks, 2014 SB 2. Kyle Westwood, 2012 4 6. Alex Reynolds, 2019 399 Drew Weeks, 2013 238 10. Andrew Karmeris, 2010 123 Joe Wielbruda, 2013 23 3. Tyler Moore, 2012 3 7. Andy Warren, 2008 372 8. Joe Wielbruda, 2013 236 8. Kyle Brooks, 2015 21 Michael Kelly, 2010 3 8. Keith Skinner, 2016 366 9. Nick Karmeris, 2016 234 Slugging Pct. (minimum 100 AB) Shane Kennedy, 2011 19 George Lott, 2010 3 9. Chris Berry, 2016 358 10. Corbin Olmstead, 2016 231 Rk. Player, Season Pct. Matt Oxendine, 2006 17 6. Michael Renner, 2013 2 Christian Diaz, 2017 358 Runs 1. Donnie Dewees, 2015 .749 Keith Skinner 16 Frank German, 2018 2 Runs Scored 2. Justin Preckajlo, 2010 .695 Michael Smith, 2009 15 Brad Deppermann, 2019 2 Assists Rk. Player, Season 88 3. Preston Hale, 2010 .643 Mac Wilson, 2017 14 Nick Marchese, 2019 2 Rk. Player, Season Ast 1. Donnie Dewees, 2015 64 4. Kevin Martin, 2009 .630 Stolen Bases 13 10. Seventeen (17) tied with 1 1. Patrick Ervin, 2015 225 2. Tyler Marincov, 2013 59 5. Drew Weeks, 2014 .606 Rk. Player, Season 13 2. Kyle Brooks, 2014 196 3. Yahir Gurrola 59 6. Andrew Karmeris, 2011 .604 1. Donnie Dewees, 2015 12 Saves 3. Kyle Brooks, 2013 186 Preston Hale, 2010 59 Brandon Diaz, 2006 .604 2. Tyler Marincov, 2013 Rk. Player, Season Saves 4. Kyle Brooks, 2016 184 Justin Preckajlo, 2010 53 8. Corbin Olmstead, 2014 .601 3. Tanner Murphy, 2019 1. Tyler Stohr, 2008 10 5. Mycal Jones, 2007 171 6. Trent Higginbothem, 2015 52 9. Andrew Karmeris, 2010 .594 4. Wes Weeks, 2019 2. Matthew Naylor, 2017 9 6. Matt Oxendine, 2006 166 7. Andrew Karmeris, 2010 52 10. Preston Hale, 2009 .593 5. Drew Weeks, 2013 Corbin Olmstead, 2015 9 7. Kyle Brooks, 2015 160 Preston Hale, 2008 52 6. Tanner Murphy, 2018 4. Josh Papelbon, 2006 8 8. Sam Perry, 2010 152 Drew Weeks, 2014 51 Walks BB 7. Chris Thibideua, 2017 Eddie Miller, 2019 8 9. T.J. Thompson, 2008 151 10. Keith Skinner, 2016 Hits Rk. Player, Season 45 8. Garrick Ferguson, 2015 6. Corbin Olmstead, 2013 6 10. Chad Knight, 2008 148 106 1. Chris Berry, 2019 42 Brennan Grogan, 2006 Corbin Olmstead, 2016 6 Hits 95 2. T.J. Thompson, 2009 36 10. Chris Thibideau, 2016 Tyler Stohr, 2007 6 BOLD - Denotes Active Player Rk. Player, Season 93 3. Keith Skinner, 2016 34 Trace Norkus, 2019 6 1. Donnie Dewees, 2015 84 4. Tyler Marincov, 2013 32 10. Brad Deppermann, 2018 5 2. Drew Weeks, 2014 83 5. Travis Martin, 2008 31 IP 3. Preston Hale, 2010 82 6. Chris Berry, 2017 31 Innings Pitched 4. Chad Knight, 2008 81 Tanner Murphy, 2018 31 Rk. Player, Season 95.0 5. Corbin Olmstead, 206 81 8. Preston Hale, 2008 30 1. Brad Deppermann 94.2 6. Preston Hale, 2009 80 9. Donnie Dewees, 2015 30 2. Michael Renner, 2013 92.1 7. Tyler Marincov, 2013 79 Preston Hale, 2010 30 3. Nick Allbritton, 2013 91.1 Keith Skinner, 2016 79 Corbin Olmstead, 2016 30 4. Brad Johnson, 2007 91.1 9. Joe Wielbruda, 2013 Chris Berry, 2018 30 Frank German, 2018 91.0 10. Alex Merritt, 2017 Wes Weeks, 2019 6. Michael Kelly, 2010 89.0 Andrew Karmeris, 2010 7. Jeremy Papelbon, 2006 88.1 8. Brad Johnson, 2006 87.0 9. David Trexler, 2014 86.2 10. Nick Marchese, 2019 @OspreyBSB 52 #SWOOPLife
2020 North Florida Baseball CAREER RECORDS (Division I Era - 2006-Present) BATTING LEADERS On-Base Pct. (minimum 200 AB) Games Played Triples Rk. Player, Seasons Wins Rk. Player, Seasons GP Rk. Player, Seasons 3B 1. Donnie Dewees, 2013-15 Pct. Rk. Player, Seasons Wins 1. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 213 1. Donnie Dewees, 2013-15 12 2. Preston Hale, 2007-10 .451 1. Frank German, 2016-18 18 Opponent Batting Avg. (minimum 50 IP) 2. Alex Bacon, 2011-15 212 2. Tyler Marincov, 2011-13 11 3. Keith Skinner, 2013-16 .445 2. John Atteo, 2007-10 16 Rk. Player, Seasons B/Avg. 3. Preston Hale, 2007-10 209 3. Drew Weeks, 2012-14 8 4. David Eldredge, 2009-10 .437 Tyler Moore, 2011-15 16 1. Eddie Miller, 2016-19 .214 4. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 205 4. Garrick Ferguson, 2011-15 6 5. Travis Martin, 2006-08 .429 4. Matthew Naylor, 2015-17 15 2. Frank German, 2016-18 .221 5. Chris Berry, 2016-19 203 Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 6 6. Jimmy Glanville, 2006-07 .415 5. Bryan Baker, 2014-16 14 3. Jeremy Papelbon, 2006 .227 6. Patrick Ervin, 2013-17 201 6. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 6 7. Chris Berry, 2016-19 .409 Evan Incinelli, 2012-15 14 4. Tyler Moore, 2011-15 .228 7. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 195 Michael Smith, 2008-11 5 8. Justin Preckajlo, 2009-10 .408 Tommy Organ, 2010-13 14 5. Austin Drury, 2016-18 .237 8. Michael Smith, 2008-11 189 Michael Wesner, 2011-12 5 9. Drew Weeks, 2012-14 .406 8. Brad Johnson, 2006-07 13 6. Matthew Naylor, 2015-17 .239 9. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 187 Chris Berry, 2016-19 5 10. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 .406 Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 13 7. Anthony Delaney, 2016-17 .242 10. Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 183 10. Yahir Gurrola, 2017 4 .403 Kyle Westwood, 2010-13 13 Nick Marchese, 2018-19 .242 Jon Dandridge, 2006-07 4 Hit By Pitch HBP 8. Frank German, 2016-18 .244 Games Started Preston Hale, 2007-10 4 Rk. Player, Seasons A ppearances Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 .244 Rk. Player, Seasons GS T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 4 1. Alex Bacon, 2011-15 26 Rk. Player, Seasons App. 9. Bryan Baker, 2014-16 .248 1. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 211 Tanner Murphy, 2017-19 4 Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 26 1. Matthew Naylor, 2015-17 87 2. Chris Berry, 2016-19 194 Preston Hale, 2007-10 26 2. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 81 FIELDING LEADERS 3. Patrick Ervin, 2013-17 192 Home Runs Michael Smith, 2008-11 26 3. Antonio Franzese, 2006-09 73 Fielding Pct. (min. 100 chances) 4. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 191 Rk. Player, Seasons HR 5. Patrick Ervin, 2013-17 24 4. Tyler DuPont, 2013-17 69 Rk. Player, Seasons Fld% 5. Preston Hale, 2007-10 190 1. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 35 Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 24 5. Tommy Organ, 2010-13 60 1. James Fitzpatrick, 2017-18 1.000 6. Alex Bacon, 2011-15 189 2. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 30 7. James Belyea, 2006-07 21 6. Matt Vaka, 2015-18 55 Tanner Clark, 2019 1.000 7. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 187 3. Preston Hale, 2007-10 28 Nick Karmeris, 2012-16 21 7. Alex Smith, 2014-17 54 Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 1.000 8. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 186 4. Donnie Dewees, 2013-15 24 9. Joe Wielbruda, 2012-13 20 Kyle Westwood, 2010-13 54 4. Keith Skinner, 2015-16 .997 9. Michael Smith, 2008-11 168 Justin Preckajlo, 2009-10 24 10. Alex Merritt, 2014-17 19 10. John Atteo, 2007-10 53 5. Blake Voyles, 2014-18 .996 10. Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 165 6. Tyler Marincov, 2011-13 22 GS 6. Tanner Murphy, 2017-19 .994 7. Alex Bacon, 2011-15 21 Games Started 42 7. Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 .993 Batting Avg. (minimum 200 AB) Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 21 Sacrifice Flies Rk. Player, Seasons 35 8. Chris Thibideau, 2016-17 .991 Rk. Player, Seasons Rk. Player, Seasons SF 1. John Atteo, 2007-10 35 1. Donnie Dewees, 2013-15 Avg. 9. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 19 1. Trent Higginbothem, 2014-15 13 2. Kyle Westwood, 2010-13 35 Brian Wilson, 2006-07, 09 .991 2. Preston Hale, 2007-10 .382 10. Tanner Murphy, 2017-19 17 Tommy Organ, 2010-13 32 Brennan Grogan, 2006 .991 3. Keith Skinner, 2015-16 .363 2. Chad Knight, 2006-08 11 Frank German, 2016-18 31 4. Drew Weeks, 2012-14 .358 3. Jon Dandridge, 2006-07 10 5. Bryan Baker, 2014-16 26 5. Justin Preckajlo, 2009-10 .345 Runs Batted In 4. Alex Bacon, 2011-15 8 6. Tyler Moore, 2011-15 25 Chances 6. Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 .341 Rk. Player, Seasons RBI 7. Brad Johnson, 2006-07 24 Rk. Player, Seasons Ch 7. Joe Wielbruda, 2012-13 .338 1. Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 159 Preston Hale, 2007-10 8 8. Matt Vaka, 2015-18 24 1. Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 1,286 8. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 .336 Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 8 9. Austin Drury, 2016-18 24 9. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 .335 2. Preston Hale, 2007-10 156 Tyler Marincov, 2011-13 8 Evan Incinelli, 2012-15 CG 2. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 1,134 David Eldredge, 2009-10 .332 3. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 153 Michael Renner, 2012-13 5 3. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 1,092 .332 4. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 141 Sam Perry, 2008-11 8 5 4. Corey Bass, 2010-13 1,012 At Bats AB 9. Alex Merritt, 2014-17 7 Complete Games 4 Rk. Player, Seasons 841 5. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 136 Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 7 Rk. Player, Seasons 3 5. Jimmy Glanville, 2006-07 994 1. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 780 6. Donne Dewees, 2013-15 123 1. John Frawley, 2006-09 3 6. Chris Berry, 2016-19 934 2. Preston Hale, 2007-10 768 7. Tyler Marincov, 2011-13 119 Keith Skinner, 2015-16 7 Kyle Westwood, 2010-13 3 7. Patrick Ervin, 2013-17 898 3. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 752 T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 7 3. Tyler Moore, 2011-15 3 4. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 730 8. Chris Berry, 2016-19 118 Drew Weeks, 2012-14 7 4. John Atteo, 2007-10 2 8. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 750 5. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 722 9. Alex Merritt, 2014-17 117 Michael Kelly, 2009-10 2 9. Alex Reynolds, 2018-19 745 6. Patrick Ervin, 2013-17 719 10. Michael Smith, 2008-11 115 George Lott, 2007-11 1 10. Alex Merritt, 2014-17 699 7. Alex Bacon, 2011-15 696 Sacrifice Hits Michael Renner, 2012-13 8. Chris Berry, 2016-19 655 Trent Higginbothem, 2014-15 115 Rk. Player, Seasons SH 8. Brad Johnson, 2006-07 9. Alex Merritt, 2014-17 647 Frank German, 2016-18 Putouts 10. Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 Runs Total Bases 1. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 30 10. Eight (8) Tied Rk. Player, Seasons PO 171 2. Patrick Ervin, 2013-17 22 Runs Scored 167 Rk. Player, Seasons TB 3. Michael Smith, 2008-11 19 1. Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 1,201 Rk. Player, Seasons 166 1. Preston Hale, 2007-10 431 2. Jimmy Glanville, 2006-07 933 1. Preston Hale, 2007-10 154 2. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 409 4. Corey Bass, 2010-13 16 3. Corey Bass, 2010-12 886 2. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 149 T.J. Gaudy, 2007-08 16 3. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 143 3. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 396 6. Patrick Ervin, 2013-17 13 4. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 808 4. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 128 4. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 328 5. Alex Reynolds, 2018-19 692 5. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 125 5. Donnie Dewees, 2013-15 323 Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 13 6. Keith Skinner, 2015-16 603 6. Donnie Dewees, 2013-15 121 Keith Skinner, 2015-16 13 7. Tyler Marincov, 2011-13 119 Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 323 9. Joe Wielbruda, 2012-13 12 7. Chris Berry, 2016-19 583 8. Patrick Ervin, 2013-17 119 7. Alex Bacon, 2011-15 319 Saves 8. Alex Merritt, 2014-17 500 9. Alex Bacon, 2011-15 Hits 8. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 311 Chris Berry, 2016-19 12 Rk. Player, Seasons Saves 9. James Belyea, 2006-07 485 10. Chris Berry, 2016-19 283 10. Alex Bacon, 2011-15 11 Drew Weeks, 2012-14 257 9. Tyler Marincov, 2011-13 301 Garrick Ferguson, 2011-15 11 1. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 21 10. Rey Gonzalez, 2017-18 477 254 10. Drew Weeks, 2012-14 296 2. Tyler Stohr, 2007-08 16 Hits 250 Dakota Higdon, 2015-16 11 3. Matthew Naylor, 2015-17 12 Assists Rk. Player, Seasons 224 T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 11 1. Preston Hale, 2007-10 219 Slugging Pct. (minimum 200 AB) Andy Warren, 2006-08 11 4. Trace Norkus, 2016-19 9 Rk. Player, Seasons Ast 2. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 216 Rk. Player, Seasons Pct. 4. Josh Papelbon, 2006 8 1. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 726 3. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 211 1. Donnie Dewees, 2013-15 .632 Eddie Miller, 2016-pres. 8 2. Patrick Ervin, 2013-17 591 4. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 205 Stolen Bases 5. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 204 2. Justin Preckajlo, 2009-10 .622 Rk. Player, Seasons SB 6. Chandler Jagodzinski, 2011-12 7 3. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 438 6. Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 3. Preston Hale, 2007-10 .553 7. Brad Deppermann, 2015-19 6 4. Sam Perry, 2008-11 394 7. Patrick Ervin, 2013-17 2B 4. Yahir Gurrola, 2017 .541 1. Tanner Murphy, 2017-19 38 8. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 5 5. Chad Knight, 2006-08 337 8. Michael Smith, 2008-11 56 2. Tyler Marincov, 2011-13 35 9. Alex Bacon, 2011-15 52 5. Tyler Marincov, 2011-13 .535 3. Wes Weeks, 2017-19 32 Casey Medlen, 2010-11 5 6. Chris Berry, 2016-19 309 10. Alex Merritt, 2014-17 47 6. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 .533 10. Ty Pryor, 2008-09 4 7. T.J. Gavlik, 2009-12 295 39 7. Chris Thibideau, 2016-17 .532 4. Garrick Ferguson, 2011-15 31 Jared Incinelli, 2006 4 8. Joe Wielbruda, 2012 282 Doubles 39 5. Drew Weeks, 2012-14 30 Rk. Player, Seasons 38 8. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 .527 6. Donnie Dewees, 2013-15 28 9. Jay Prather, 2018-19 254 1. Preston Hale, 2007-10 35 9. Drew Weeks, 2012-14 .503 Innings Pitched 10. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 247 2. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 35 10. Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 .499 7. Chris Thibideau, 2016-17 26 Rk. Player, Seasons IP 3. Alex Bacon, 2011-15 35 8. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 22 4. Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 34 9. Tanner Murphy, 2017-19 19 1. Brad Deppermann, 2015-19 246.0 BOLD - Denotes Active Player T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 Walks 2. Kyle Westwood, 2010-13 234.0 6. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 Rk. Player, Seasons BB 10. Corey Bass, 2010-13 15 3. John Atteo, 2007-10 222.0 7. Alex Merritt, 2014-17 Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 15 Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 1. Chris Berry, 2016-19 132 Wes Weeks, 2017-19 15 4. Tyler Moore, 2011-15 216.1 Michael Smith, 2008-11 2. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 113 5. Tommy Organ, 2010-13 208.1 10. Andrew Hannon, 2007-11 3. Preston Hale, 2007-10 96 6. Frank German, 2016-18 205.1 PITCHING LEADERS 4. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 87 Earned Run Avg. (minimum 50 IP) 7. Bryan Baker, 2014-16 186.1 5. Patrick, Ervin, 2013-17 85 8. Evan Incinelli, 2012-15 180.1 6. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 70 Rk. Player, Seasons ERA 9. Brad Johnson, 2006-07 179.2 1. Matthew Naylor, 2015-17 2.13 7. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 67 2. Chandler Jagodzinski, 2011-12 2.21 10. Tyler DuPont, 2013-17 174.0 8. Tanner Murphy, 2017-19 64 9. Donnie Dewees, 2013-15 63 3. Frank German, 2016-18 2.36 Strikeouts 4. Jeremy Papelbon, 2006 2.43 Travis Martin, 2006-08 63 5. Alex Smith, 2013-17 2.65 Rk. Player, Seasons SO 1. Brad Deppermann, 2015-19 240 Intentional Walks 6. Michael Renner, 2012-13 2.97 Kyle Westwood, 2010-13 209 7. Tyler Moore, 2011-15 3.12 Rk. Player, Seasons IBB 8. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 3.18 3. Tyler Moore, 2011-15 207 1. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 14 4. Frank German, 2016-18 206 2. Drew Weeks, 2012-14 11 9. Eddie Miller, 2016- 3.26 5. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 166 Austin Howze, 2016-17 3.26 3. Donnie Dewees, 2013-15 9 6. Tommy Organ, 2010-13 165 Preston Hale, 2007-10 8 7. Brad Johnson, 2006-07 159 5. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 5 8. Robbie Collier, 2008-11 144 6. Jon Dandridge, 2006-07 4 Bryan Baker, 2014-16 144 Tyler Marincov, 2011-13 4 10. Matthew Naylor, 2015-17 130 Travis Martin, 2006-08 4 Tanner Murphy, 2017-19 4 10. Keith Skinner, 2015-16 3 Chris Berry, 2016-19 3 @OspreyBSB 53 #SWOOPLife
2020 North Florida Baseball FRESHMAN SINGLE SEASON RECORDS (All-Time) BATTING LEADERS Opponent Batting Avg. (min. 20 IP) Batting Avg. (minimum 100 AB) Walks PITCHING LEADERS Rk. Player, Season B/Avg. Rk. Player, Season AVG Rk. Player, Season BB Earned Run Average (minimum 20 IP) 1. Dustin Osbourn, 1996 .177 1. Bret Soverel, 1994 .370 1. Jay Hatfield, 1990 30 Rk. Player, Season ERA 2. Sid Roberson, 1990 .193 2. Alex Bacon, 2011 .352 2. Donnie Dewees, 2013 28 1. Sid Roberson, 1990 1.21 3. Mike Windham, 1991 .219 3. Donnie Dewees, 2013 .347 3. Alex Hernandez, 2011 26 2. Matt Vaka, 2015 1.78 4. Chris Water, 2004 .224 4. Lee McCool, 1998 .339 Chris Berry, 2016 26 3. Reenn Edmondson, 1991 2.14 5. Josh Papelbon, 2004 .226 5. Tanner Murphy, 2017 .337 5. Kyle Brooks, 2013 21 4. Billy Layman, 2003 2.28 6. Billy Layman, 2003 .229 6. Andrew Karmeris, 2009 .333 6. Alex Bacon, 2011 20 5. Cooper Bradford, 2017 2.79 7. Tyler Moore, 2011 .235 7. Patrick Ervin, 2014 .329 Mike Fryrear, 2002 20 6. Corbin Olmstead, 2013 2.81 8. Jason Anderson, 1994 .236 8. Jay Hatfield, 1990 .328 8. Shane Kennedy, 2011 18 7. Chris Water, 2004 2.90 9. Tod Ewasko, 1999 .239 9. T.J. Thompson, 2007 .326 9. Mycal Jones, 2007 17 8. Zach Chappell, 2019 2.91 10. Tyler DuPont, 2014 .244 Mike Fryrear, 2002 .326 Bret Soverel, 1994 17 9. Tod Ewasko, 1999 3.12 Austin Drury, 2016 .244 Hits SB 10. Dustin Osbourn, 1996 3.15 Reenn Edmondson, 1991 .244 Hits Stolen Bases 10 Rk. Player, Season 74 Rk. Player, Season Wins Complete Games 1. Donnie Dewees, 2013 70 1. Mycal Jones, 2007 6 Rk. Player, Season Wins Rk. Player, Season CG 2. Alex Bacon, 2011 60 2. Shane Kennedy, 2011 6 1. Matt Incinelli, 1999 11 1. Sid Roberson, 1990 5 3. Alex Hernandez, 2011 59 Kyle Brooks, 2013 6 2. Sid Roberson, 1990 10 2. Matt Incinelli, 1999 4 4. Mycal Jones, 2007 59 Lee McCool, 1998 6 3. John Atteo, 2007 6 3. Reenn Edmondson, 1991 3 Kyle Brooks, 2013 56 Scott Mairn, 1995 5 Austin Drury, 2016 6 4. Tyler Moore, 2011 1 6. Patrick Ervin, 2014 54 6. Tyler Marincov, 2011 5 Reenn Edmondson, 1991 6 Chris Water, 2004 1 7. Matt Oxendine, 2003 48 Tony Concepcion, 1990 4 6. Mike Windham, 1991 5 Mike Windham, 1991 1 8. Shane Kennedy, 2011 46 8. Tanner Murphy, 2017 4 7. Jon Turner, 2007 4 Ben Watkins, 1994 1 9. Corbin Olmstead, 2013 43 Drew Weeks, 2012 4 Brian Holden, 1997 4 Dustin Osbourn, 1996 1 10. T.J. Thompson, 2007 43 Garrick Ferguson, 2012 4 Tyler Moore, 2011 4 Lee McCool, 1998 Runs Preston Hale, 2007 4 Chris Water, 2004 4 47 Mike Fryrear, 2002 Brian Rauch, 2000 4 BOLD - Denotes Active Player Runs 46 Corbin Olmstead, 2013 4 Rk. Player, Season 37 1. Donnie Dewees, 2013 35 Saves 2. Alex Bacon, 2011 34 Rk. Player, Season SV 3. Shane Kennedy, 2011 34 1. Corbin Olmstead, 2013 6 4. Alex Hernandez, 2011 33 2. Tommy Organ, 2010 3 5. Kyle Brooks, 2013 31 3. Josh Papelbon, 2004 2 Mycal Jones, 2007 25 T.J. Goelz, 1990 2 7. Lee McCool, 1998 23 4. Several Players 1 8. Mike Fryrear, 2002 23 9. Andrew Karmeris, 2009 23 Appearances 10. Tyler Marincov, 2011 2B Rk. Player, Season APP Drew Weeks, 2012 19 1. Josh Papelbon, 2004 24 Chris Berry, 2016 18 2. Zach Chappell, 2019 21 11 Corbin Olmstead, 2013 21 Doubles 11 4. Cooper Bradford, 2017 19 Rk. Player, Season 10 Jon Turner, 2007 19 1. Donnie Dewees, 2013 10 Billy Layman, 2003 19 2. Alex Bacon, 2011 10 7. Logan Clayton, 2019 17 3. Mycal Jones, 2007 10 Clayton Schulz, 2010 17 Lee McCool, 1998 Brian Holden, 1997 17 5. T.J. Thompson, 2007 9 Brian Rauch, 2000 17 Shane Kennedy, 2011 9 Alex Hernandez, 2011 3B Games Started Drew Weeks, 2012 3 Rk. Player, Season GS 9. Andrew Karmeris, 2009 3 1. Matt Incinelli, 1999 15 Mac Mackiewitz, 1995 3 2. John Atteo, 2007 14 2 3. Matt Vaka, 2015 13 Triples 2 4. Austin Drury, 2016 12 Rk. Player, Season 2 5. Sid Roberson, 1990 10 1. Donnie Dewees, 2013 2 Ben Watkins, 1994 10 Corbin Olmstead, 2013 2 7. Cooper Bradford, 2017 9 Shane Kennedy, 2011 2 8. Bryan Baker, 2014 7 4. Lee McCool, 1998 2 Mike Windham, 1991 7 Jay Hatfield, 1990 2 Frank German, 2016 7 Kyle Brooks, 2013 HR Brian Rauch, 2000 7 Chris Berry, 2016 9 Reenn Edmondson, 1991 7 Scott Devitt, 1991 9 Tony Concepcion, 1990 8 Innings Pitched Raff Libunao, 2018 6 Rk. Player, Season IP Abraham Sequera, 2018 5 1. Matt Incinelli, 1999 90.0 5 2. John Atteo, 2007 82.2 Home Runs 4 3. Sid Roberson, 1990 74.1 Rk. Player, Season 3 4. Austin Drury, 2016 71.2 1. Alex Bacon, 2011 2 5. Ben Watkins, 1994 69.0 Brian Fleetwood, 1997 RBI 6. Tyler Moore, 2011 59.2 3. Bret Soverel, 1994 47 7. Reenn Edmondson, 1991 59.0 4. Lee McCool, 1998 42 8. Brian Holden, 1997 56.0 5. Tyler Marincov, 2011 33 9. Cooper Bradford, 2017 51.2 Donnie Dewees, 2013 33 10. Brian Rauch, 2000 51.1 Alex Hernandez, 2011 31 8. Mycal Jones, 2007 28 Strikeouts 9. Several Players 26 Rk. Player, Season SO 25 1. Matt Incinelli, 1999 74 Runs Batted In 25 2. Sid Roberson, 1990 60 Rk. Player, Season 24 3. Reenn Edmondson, 1991 56 1. Donnie Dewees, 2013 4. Cooper Bradford, 2017 53 2. Alex Bacon, 2011 Tyler Moore, 2011 53 3. Mycal Jones, 2007 6. Tod Ewasko, 1999 52 Alex Hernandez, 2011 7. John Atteo, 2007 49 5. Lee McCool, 1998 8. Austin Drury, 2016 48 6. Matt Oxendine, 2003 9. Ben Watkins, 1994 46 7. Brian Fleetwood, 1997 10. Brian Holden, 1997 43 8. Tyler Marincov, 2011 Bret Soverel, 1994 10. Shane Kennedy, 2011 @OspreyBSB 54 #SWOOPLife
2020 North Florida Baseball GOOD LUCK NORTH FLORIDA FROM YOUR FRIENDS IN BUSINESS Brian Waldrip and the staff of CRD Associates are proud to support the University of North Florida Baseball Program Cavarocchi Ruscio Dennis Associates, L.L.C. Joe Nelson, Ext. 24 600 Maryland Avenue, SW, Suite 835W Washington, DC 20024 202-484-1100 www.dc-crd.com RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL PROUDLY SUPPORTS UNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA SPORTS AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING MOLASKYCO.COM Phone 904-814-9677 WALLY’S HEATING & AC [email protected] Lic: CAC1818565 P.O. BOX 634 ORANGE PARK, FL 32073 Ann’s Cleaning / ASC Company 904-781-6811 Ann Simpson 1224 Richie Dr. St. Augustine, FL 32806 386-597-7365 fax 904-206-7298 cell 386-627-1355 cell [email protected] Rich Scott cell (904) 993-5473 Kyle Hutchings office (904) 260-9680 AgrowPro Inc. President 904-449-1299 fax (904) 260-9684 [email protected] email [email protected] web 9680ContractCarpet.com 2/7/20 9:13 AM 5570 Florida Mining Blvd., Suite #410 Jacksonville, FL 32257 U of North Florida Bsbl 20.indd 1 @OspreyBSB 55 #SWOOPLife
2020 North Florida Baseball TEAM RECORDS TEAM SINGLE-GAME RECORDS (All-Time) TEAM SINGLE-GAME RECORDS (D-I Era) UNF 200-Hit Club Hits BATTING BATTING Player, Seasons 283 AB: 66 vs. Indiana (3/13/07) – 16 innings AB: 66 vs. Indiana (3/13/07) – 16 innings 1. Preston Hale, 2007-10 257 R: 28 vs. Kennesaw St. (4/5/03); vs. Savannah St. R: 22 vs. James Madison (3/12/10); vs. Belmont 2. Corbin Olmstead, 2013-16 256 3. Matt Oxendine, 2003-06 254 (2/26/94) (3/26/11); at NJIT (5/20/16) 4. Kyle Brooks, 2013-16 250 R (Inning): 13 vs. Lipscomb (3/31/07) R (Inning): 13 vs. Lipscomb (3/31/07) 5. Andrew Karmeris, 2009-12 224 H: 28 vs. Kennesaw State (4/5/03) H: 26 at ETSU (4/3/10); at NJIT (5/20/16) 6. T.J. Thompson, 2007-10 222 2B: 10 vs. East Tennessee State (4/2/10) 2B: 10 vs. East Tennessee State (4/2/10) 7. Mac Mackiewitz, 1995-98 221 3B: 3 vs. Jacksonville (5/18/12); vs. Fairmont 3B: 3 vs. Jacksonville (5/18/12); 3 vs. ETSU (3/28/13) 8. Lee McCool, 1998-00 216 HR: 5 (Five Times) Last: vs. FGCU (3/27/15) 9. Patrick Ervin, 2013-17 219 (3/6/97); vs. Nova (1988); 3 vs. ETSU (3/28/13) RBI: 22 vs. Belmont (3/26/11) 10. Ryan Roberson, 2010-15 207 HR: 6 vs. Thomas (4/9/88); vs. Lynn (1997) TB: 41 at ETSU (4/3/10); vs. James Madison 11. Michael Smith, 2008-11 205 RBI: 26 vs. Kennesaw St. (4/5/03) 12. Alex Bacon, 2011-15 204 TB: 49 vs. Kennesaw St. (4/5/03) (3/12/10); vs. Belmont (3/26/11) 13. Alex Merritt, 2014-17 203 BB: 16 vs. Savannah St. (3/12/13) BB: 16 vs. Savannah St. (3/12/13) 14. Drew Weeks, 2012-14 202 K: 16 vs. Indiana (3/13/07) – 16 innings; vs. K: 16 vs. Indiana (3/13/07) – 16 innings; vs. 15. Chris Berry, 2016-19 Florida Tech (1998); 16 vs. Kennesaw St Kennesaw St. (5/14/09) MISCELLANEOUS (BATTING) (5/14/09) PITCHING Batting Average: PITCHING IP: 16 vs. Indiana (3/13/07) High: .326 in 1997 (56 games) IP: 16 vs. Indiana (3/13/07) R: 20 at Tulane (2/17/07) Low: .267 in 2018 (56 games) R: 24 vs. Alabama-Huntsville (2/3/00) BB: 14 vs. Tennessee (3/2/19) Hits Per Game: BB: 14 vs. Tennessee (3/2/19) K: 17 at Florida State (3/6/19) High: 11.8 in 2010 (58 games) K: 19 vs. Florida Memorial (4/21/91) FIELDING Low: 8.9 in 1996 (55 games) FIELDING DP: 5 at Florida (5/8/07) Runs Per Game: DP: 6 vs. St. Xavier (3/15/90) PO: 48 vs. Indiana (3/13/07) High: 8.6 in 1997 (56 games) PO: 51 (1990) A: 21 vs. Bethune-Cookman (4/13/10); at Low: 4.8 in 1996 (55 games) A: 28 vs. UNC Pembroke (2/12/05) Walks Per Game: E: 9 vs. Georgia College (2/16/96) Charleston Southern (2/28/15) High: 5.6 in 1989 (71 games) TEAM SINGLE-SEASON RECORDS (All-Time) E: 7 vs. James Madison (3/13/10) Low: 3.0 in 2005 (64 games) BATTING TEAM SINGLE-SEASON RECORDS (D-1 Era) Strikeouts Per Game: AB: 2,345 in 1991 (70 games) BATTING High: 7.9 in 1999 (60 games) R: 602 in 1989 (71 games) AB: 2,172 in 2013 (59 games) Low: 4.2 in 1988 (64 games) H: 729 in 1991 (70 games) R: 473 in 2015 (61 games) Slugging Percentage: 2B: 154 in 1999 (60 games) H: 686 in 2013 (59 games) High: .539 in 1997 (56 games), 1999 (60 3B: 31 in 1991 (70 games) 2B: 140 in 2010 (58 games) HR: 92 in 1999 (60 games) 3B: 21 in 2013 (59 games) games) RBI: 522 in 1989 (71 games) HR: 71 in 2010 (58 games) Low: .373 in 2018 (56 games) TB: 1,116 in 1999 (60 games) RBI: 427 in 2015 (61 games) Fewest Times Shutout, Season: 0 in 1988 (64 BB: 400 in 1990 (63 games) TB: 1,051 in 2010 (58 games) K: 471 in 1999 (60 games) BB: 262 in 2019 (57 games) games), 1989 (71 games), 1997 (56 games), PITCHING K: 408 in 2009 (54 games) 2002 (56 games), 2010 (58 games), 2016 (61 IP: 598.0 in 1991 (70 games) PITCHING games) H: 651 in 2010 (58 games) IP: 546.2 in 2015 (61 games) MISCELLANEOUS (PITCHING) H (Fewest): 377 in 1992 (64 games) H: 651 in 2010 (58 games) Earned Run Average: R: 435 in 2010 (58 games) H (Fewest): 481 in 2012 (55 games) High: 6.31 in 2010 (58 games) R (Fewest): 159 in 1992 (64 games) R: 435 in 2010 (58 games) Low: 1.68 in 1992 (64 games) ER: 354 in 2010 (58 games) R (Fewest):239 in 2012 (55 games) Hits Allowed Per Game: ER (Fewest): 97 in 1992 (64 games) ER: 354 in 2010 (58 games) High: 11.5 in 1998 (53 games) BB: 286 in 1993 (57 games) ER (Fewest): 187 in 2012 (55 games) Low: 6.0 in 1992 (63 games) BB (Fewest): 134 in 134 (59 games) BB: 286 in 1993 (57 games) Runs Allowed Per Game: K: 608 in 1991 (70 games) BB (Fewest): 134 in 2012 (59 games) High: 7.5 in 2010 (58 games) WP: 63 in 2018 (56 games) K: 431 in 2006 (55 games) Low: 2.5 in 1992 (63 games) SO: 13 vs. 1989 (71 games) WP: 63 in 2018 (56 games) Earned Runs Allowed Per Game: CG: 28 in 1989 (71 games) SO: 6 vs. 2006 (55 games) High: 6.1 in 2010 (58 games) S: 21 in 2005 (64 games) CG: 9 in 2012 (55 games) Low: 1.5 in 1992 (63 games) FIELDING S: 17 in 2019 (57 games) Walks Per Game: DP: 63 in 2015 (61 games) FIELDING High: 4.38 in 1995 (52 games) PO: 1,794 in 1991 (70 games) DP: 63 in 2015 (61 games) Low: 2.27 in 2013 (59 games) A: 855 in 1990 (63 games) PO: 1,640 in 2015 (61 games) Strikeouts Per Game: E: 128 in 1989 (71 games) A: 730 in 2015 (61 games) High: 9.15 in 1991 (70 games) E (Fewest): 40 in 2015 (61 games) E: 108 in 2009 (54 games) Low: 5.26 in 1988 (64 games) E (Fewest): 40 in 2015 (61 games) @OspreyBSB 56 #SWOOPLife
2020 North Florida Baseball INDIVIDUAL GAME RECORDS INDIVIDUAL SINGLE-GAME RECORDS (ALL-TIME) INDIVIDUAL SINGLE-GAME RECORDS (D1 Era) MISCELLANEOUS (All-Time) BATTING BATTING Games Played, Season: 71 in 1989 AB (9) Travis Martin vs. Indiana (3/13/07) AB (9) Travis Martin vs. Indiana (3/13/07) Games Won, Season: 57 in 1991 (57-13) Damon Olinto vs. Indiana (3/13/07) Damon Olinto vs. Indiana (3/13/07) Games Lost, Season: 32 in 2007 (24-32) R (5) Danny Skinner (1990) R (5) Donnie Dewees vs. Jacksonville (4/24/15) Highest Winning Pct., Season: .814 in 1991 (57-13) Scott Devitt (1991) H (5) Several Players Lowest Winning Pct., Season: .415 in 2014 (22-31) Duke Baxter (1997) Last: Nick Karmeris vs. NJIT (5/20/16) Home Games Won, Season: 36 in 1992 (36-5) Donnie Dewees vs. Jacksonville (4/24/15) 2B (4) David Eldrege vs. ETSU (4/2/10) Fewest Home Games Won, Season: 11 in 2009 (11- Joey Russell vs. Augusta St. (2/23/03) 3B (3) Donnie Dewees vs.ETSU (3/28/13) H (6) Kevin Kay (2000) HR(inning) (1) Several Players 15) 2B (4) David Eldrege vs. ETSU (4/2/10) HR(game) (3) Wes Weeks at North Alabama (4/18/19) Home Games Lost, Season: 20 in 1996 (17-20) 3B (3) Donnie Dewees vs.ETSU (3/28/13) RBI (9) Keith Skinner vs. Jacksonville (4/19/15) Fewest Home Games Lost, Season: 5 in 1988 (35- HR(inning) (2) Gil Morales (1997) TB: (13) Brandon Diaz at NM State (4/16/06) HR(game) (3) Jay Nunley (1997) Wes Weeks at North Alabama (4/18/19) 5), 1992 (36-5), 1993 (25-5) Ricky Willis vs. Detroit (3/9/02) BB: (5) Tanner Murphy at FAMU (5/7/19) Road Games Won, Season: 22 in 2001 (22-7) Ryan Soehlig vs. Valdosta St. (4/24/02) SB (4) Tanner Murphy at FAMU (5/7/19) Road Games Lost, Season: 22 in 2014 (5-22) Wes Weeks at North Alabama (4/18/19) HBP (2) Several Players Conference Games Won, Season: 26 in 2000 (26-4) RBI (9) Keith Skinner vs. Jacksonville (4/19/15) Last: Tanner Clark vs. Missouri (2/16/19) Longest Win Streak: 21 (March 26–April 17, 1988) TB: (15) Jay Nunley (1997) Longest Losing Streak: 8 (May 14, 2006–Feb. 18, BB: (5) Tanner Murphy at FAMU (5/7/19) Longest Hitting Streak: 31 games by Drew SB (4) Brian Strubb (1992), Joby Birr (1994) Weeks (2013-14), Donnie Dewees (2015) 2007) Tanner Murphy at FAMU (5/7/19) Most Consecutive Hits: 7 by Travis Martin Home Winning Streak: 21 (March 26, 1988–April HBP (2) Several Players (2008), Travis Martin (2007) Longest Hitting Streak: 31 games by Kyle 24, 1988) Caltrett (2000), Drew Weeks (2013-14), Donnie Home Losing Streak: 5 (March 5, 1996–March 13, Dewees (2015) Most Consecutive Hits: 7 by Travis Martin 1996) (2008), Travis Martin (2007), Mac Mackiewitz PITCHING Road Winning Streak: 14 (Feb. 6, 1991–April 3, (1996), Mike Tucker (1990) R (10) Ethan Michaelis vs. Fairfield (3/10/18) 1991) PITCHING ER (9) Kyle Westwood vs. Mercer (4/16/11) Road Losing Streak: 9 (Feb. 9, 2007–March 27, H (15) Michael Kelly vs. Campbell (3/27/10) R (10) Brian Rauch vs. Kennesaw St. (3/24/01) K (13) Jeremy Paplebon vs. FAU (3/24/06) 2007) Brian Rauch vs. Armstrong Atlantic (4/5/03) WP: (3) Several Players Conference Winning Streak: 19 (March 4, 2000– Ethan Michaelis vs. Fairfield (3/10/18) Last: Justin Tworek at FAU (3/13/18) ER (9) Kyle Westwood vs. Mercer (4/16/11) PO (2) Tyler Moore vs. Fairfield (3/7/15) April 21, 2000) H (15) Michael Kelly vs. Campbell (3/27/10) No-Hitters - n/a Conference Losing Streak: 6, Three Times (Mar. 1, K (19) Sid Roberson (1991) WP: (4) Robert Burris at Columbus St. (4/26/03) 2008–Mar. 21, 2008; Mar. 7, 2009–Mar. 20, 2009); PO (3) Doug Anderson (1991) FIELDING Mar. 30, 2014–Apr. 18, 2014) No-Hitters: Danny Clark vs. Embry-Riddle C 18 Several Players Most Games vs Opponent: 92, Kennesaw State (1990), Sid Roberson vs. Ohio Northern (1990 Last: Alex Merritt vs. USF (4/29/14) Most Wins vs Opponent: 45, USC Upstate – First Collegiate Start), Phil Black vs. Florida PO (17) Evan Stermer vs. FGCU (3/5/11) Most Losses vs Opponent: 48, Kennesaw State Memorial (1988) A (10) Kyle Brooks vs. Bethune-Cookman (4/2/13) Most Consecutive Wins, Opponent: 22, USC Kyle Brooks vs. USC Upstate (3/14/14) Upstate (March 19, 1989–April 17, 2005) E: (4) Bubba Olivera vs. Georgia So. (5/10/16) Most Consecutive Losses, Opponent: 9, Stetson FIELDING (May 27, 2016–May 16, 2019) PO (22) Doug Rogalski vs. Birmingham So. (1990) Largest Margin of Victory: 24 vs. Edward Waters A (13) Greg Labbe vs. Delta St. (5/31/01) (W, 24-0, April 16, 1991); vs. Edward Waters (W, E: (4) Bubba Olivera vs. Georgia So. (5/10/16) 27-3, April 22, 1991); vs. Savannah State (W, 28-4, Feb. 26, 1994) Largest Margin of Defeat: 17 vs. Embry-Riddle (L, 3-20, Feb. 6, 2002) Most Consecutive Wins to Open Season: 19, Feb. 6, 1991–March 10, 1991 Most Consecutive Games Without a Win to Open Season: 7, Feb. 9, 2007–Feb. 18, 2007 Consecutive Games Without Being Shutout: 151 (Feb. 13, 1988–March 3, 1990) Longest Game: 16 innings vs. Indiana (W, 10-9, March 13, 2007) @OspreyBSB 57 #SWOOPLife
2020 North Florida Baseball YEAR-BY-YEAR LEADERS Batting Leaders 2003 Jeff Millsaps 60 Triples 2002 Ricky Willis 58 2019 Chris Berry* 45 Batting Avg. 2004 Joseph Russell 52 2003 Joseph Russell 75 Slugging Pct. .685 1988 Kenny Layfield .352 2005 Jon Skorupski 57 1988 Todd Bryant 5 2004 Jeff Millsaps 54 1988 Eddie Bloom .592 1989 Todd Bryant .357 2006 Matt Oxendine 47 1989 Bob Kappesser 6 2005 Marion Knowles 57 1989 Jimmy Blakely .476 1990 Jay Hatfield .328 2007 Jon Dandridge 37 1990 Mark Devitt 3 2006 Grant Rogers 37 1990 Mark Devitt .586 1991 Darryl Kennedy .378 2008 Preston Hale 52 1991 Darryl Kennedy 6 2007 J. Glanville/J. Dandridge 39 1991 A.J. Hernandez .565 1992 Tom White .354 2009 Preston Hale 46 1992 J. Dunford/G. Hartless/ 2 008 Travis Martin 48 1992 A.J. Hernandez .765 1993 Danon Winter .379 2010 J. Preckajlo/P. Hale 59 A.J. Hernandez/M. Claus 3 2009 K. Martin/P. Hale 43 1993 Todd Dunn .670 1994 Bret Soverel .370 2011 Alex Bacon 46 1 993 Todd Dunn 4 2 010 Preston Hale 63 1994 Bret Soverel .581 1995 Mike McPhail .365 2012 Andrew Karmeris 47 1994 Mike McPhail 4 2011 Andrew Karmeris 43 1995 Chris Bristow .505 1996 Mac Mackiewitz .359 2013 Tyler Marincov 64 1995 Mike McPhail 5 2012 Tyler Marincov 40 1996 Mac Mackiewitz .663 1997 Jay Nunley .383 2014 Drew Weeks 52 1996 Marc Lassiat/ Duke Baster 2 2013 Tyler Marincov 54 1997 Jay Nunley .691 1998 Lee McCool .339 2015 Donnie Dewees 88 1997 Keith Medosch 2 2014 Trent Higginbothem 50 1998 Matt Schneider .711 1999 Kevin Kay .369 2016 Keith Skinner 51 1998 L. McCool/J. O’Neil B. Rogers 2 2015 Donnie Dewees* 68 1999 Kevin Jackson .632 2000 Kyle Catrett .366 2017 Yahir Gurrola 59 1999 Lee McCool 4 2016 Corbin Olmstead 59 2000 Lee McCool .669 2001 Ryan McDonald .347 2018 Tanner Murphy 47 2000 Lee McCool 4 2017 Yahir Gurrola 51 2001 Ben Johanning .621 2002 Edward Conrey .363 2019 Tanner Murphy 45 2001 Jesse Collins 5 2018 Tanner Murphy 40 2002 Ricky Willis .577 2003 Jeff Millsaps .401 2002 J. Collins/S. Bridges/R. Soehlig 2 2019 David Maberry 38 2003 Jeff Millsaps .543 2004 Joseph Russell .368 Hits 2003 Jeff Millsaps 3 2004 Joseph Russell .637 2005 Sandry Cafe .371 1988 Kevin Hill 75 2004 J. Russell/J. Howard 4 Total Bases 2005 Sandry Cafe .604 2006 Jon Hodach .364 1989 Todd Bryant 90 2 005 Brennan Grogan 4 1988 Eddie Bloom 115 2006 Brandon Diaz .526 2007 Jon Dandridge .348 1990 Danny Skinner 69 2006 Brennan Grogan 2 1989 Jimmy Blakely 142 2007 Jimmy Glanville .550 2008 Chad Knight .367 1991 Darryl Kennedy 93 2007 Jon Dandridge 3 1990 Mark Devitt 99 2008 Travis Martin .630 2009 Preston Hale .371 1992 A.J. Hernandez 75 2008 T.J. Gaudy 3 1991 A.J. Hernandez 143 2009 Kevin Martin .695 2010 Preston Hale .391 1993 Todd Wodraska 76 2009 Michael Smith 3 1992 A.J. Hernandez 121 2010 Justin Preckajlo .604 2011 Andrew Karmeris .357 1994 Mike McPhail 63 2010 J. Preckajlo/P. Hale 2 1993 Todd Dunn 137 2011 Andrew Karmeris .541 2012 Tyler Marincov .332 1995 Joby Birr 72 2011 Shane Kennedy 3 1994 Mike McPhail 115 2012 Tyler Marincov .563 2013 Donnie Dewees .347 1996 Mac Mackiewitz 74 2012 Michael Wesner 4 1995 Joby Birr 111 2013 Tyler Marincov .606 2014 Drew Weeks .430 1997 Jay Nunley 92 2013 Tyler Marincov 7 1996 Mac Mackiewitz 104 2014 Drew Weeks .749 2015 Donnie Dewees .422 1998 John O’Neil 58 2014 Drew Weeks 4 1997 Jay Nunley 159 2015 Donnie Dewees* .561 2016 Keith Skinner .382 1999 Lee McCool 91 2015 Donnie Dewees 8 1998 Matt Schneider 103 2016 Chris Thibideau .541 2017 Patrick Ervin .354 2000 Kyle Catrett 90 2016 C. Thibideau/D. Higdon/C. Berry 2 1999 Kevin Jackson 150 2017 Yahir Gurrola .543 2018 Tanner Murphy .326 2001 Ricky Willis 73 2017 Yahir Gurrola 4 2000 Lee McCool 160 2018 Tanner Murphy .458 2019 David Maberry .327 2002 Ryan Soehlig 76 2018 Murphy/Libunao/Sequera 2 2001 Ricky Willis 132 2019 Chris Berry .490 2003 Jeff Millsaps 91 2019 Berry/Murphy 2 2002 Ricky Willis 126 On-Base Pct. .493 At Bats 2004 Joseph Russell 82 2003 Jeff Millsaps 131 1988 Kenny Layfield .451 1988 Kevin Hill 217 2005 Sandry Cafe 93 Home Runs 2004 Joseph Russell 121 1989 Kenny Layfield .478 1989 Todd Bryant 252 2006 Matt Oxendine 71 1988 Eddie Bloom 16 2005 Sandry Cafe 160 1990 Jay Hatfield .460 1990 Doug Rogalski 213 2007 Jon Dandridge 71 1989 Andy Gouldthread 15 2006 Matt Oxendine 107 1991 A.J. Hernandez .485 1991 Mike Skoglund 248 2008 Chad Knight 84 1990 Mark Devitt 7 2007 J. Glanville/J. Dandridge 102 1992 A.J. Hernandez .462 1992 Marc Claus 216 2009 Preston Hale 82 1991 Shane Campbell 12 2008 Travis Martin 111 1993 Todd Dunn .422 1993 Todd Wodraska 205 2010 Preston Hale 93 1992 Todd Dunn 9 2009 Preston Hale 131 1994 Bret Soverel .453 1994 Danon Winter 194 2011 Andrew Karmeris 74 1993 Todd Dunn 19 2010 Preston Hale 153 1995 Mike McPhail .437 1995 Joby Birr 204 2012 Tyler Marincov 68 1994 Mike McPhail 9 2011 Andrew Karmeris 125 1996 Mac Mackiewitz .446 1996 Mac Mackiewitz 206 2013 Tyler Marincov 81 1995 Chris Bristow 10 2012 Tyler Marincov 111 1997 Mac Mackiewitz .476 1997 Jay Nunley 240 2014 Drew Weeks 95 1996 M. Lassiat/M. Mackiewitz 5 2013 Tyler Marincov 138 1998 Matt Schneider .475 1998 John O’Neil 187 2015 Donnie Dewees 106 1 997 Jay Nunley 16 2014 Drew Weeks 134 1999 Kevin Kay .436 1999 Lee McCool 256 2016 Corbin Olmstead 83 1998 Matt Schneider 13 2015 Donnie Dewees 188 2000 Brian Rapp .453 2000 Lee McCool 253 2017 Yahir Gurrola 78 1999 Kevin Jackson 20 2016 Corbin Olmstead 129 2001 Ben Johanning .454 2001 Ryan Soehlig 235 2018 Tanner Murphy 72 2000 Lee McCool 15 2017 Yahir Gurrola 132 2002 Edward Conrey .441 2002 Ryan Soehlig 217 2019 Jay Prather 70 2001 Ricky Willis 13 2018 Tanner Murphy 118 2003 Josh Howard .421 2003 Jeff Millsaps 227 2002 Ricky Willis 16 2019 Tanner Murphy 101 2004 Josh Howard .425 2004 Jeff Millsaps 226 Doubles 2003 Marion Knowles 8 2005 Jon Skorupski .405 2005 Sandry Cafe 251 1988 Jimmy Blakely 15 2004 Jeff Millsaps 9 Walks 2006 Travis Martin .453 2006 Matt Oxendine 222 1989 Todd Bryant 19 2005 Marion Knowles 18 1988 Kenny Layfield 55 2007 Jimmy Glanville .448 2007 Mycal Jones 216 1990 Darryl Kennedy 13 2006 Brandon Diaz 7 1989 Kenny Layfield 51 2008 Preston Hale .462 2008 Chad Knight 229 1991 A.J. Hernandez 22 2007 Jimmy Glanville 8 1990 Darryl Kennedy 53 2009 T.J. Thompson .429 2009 Brian Wilson 224 1992 A.J. Hernandez 22 2008 Travis Martin 8 1991 A.J. Hernandez 51 2010 Preston Hale .409 2010 Preston Hale 238 1993 Todd Wodraska 14 2009 K.Martin/P. Hale 10 1992 Brian Strub 53 2011 Andrew Karmeris .429 2011 Michael Smith 212 1994 Mike McPhail 17 2010 Justin Preckajlo 17 1993 T. Dunn/B. Strub 42 2012 Tyler Marincov .478 2012 Andrew Karmeris 215 1995 Joby Birr/Mike McPhail 12 2011 Andrew Karmeris 11 1994 Willie T. Lee 33 2013 Donnie Dewees .483 2013 Tyler Marincov 245 1996 Mac Mackiewitz 15 2012 Tyler Marincov 9 1995 Willie T. Lee 27 2014 Drew Weeks .466 2014 Drew Weeks 221 1997 Duke Baster 31 2013 D. Weeks/T. Marincov 8 1996 Mac Mackiewitz 33 2015 Donnie Dewees* .439 2015 Donnie Dewees* 251 1998 Matt Schneider 14 2014 Corbin Olmstead 10 1997 Mac Mackiewitz 31 2016 Keith Skinner .418 2016 Kyle Brooks 239 1999 Kevin Kay 19 2015 Donnie Dewees* 18 1998 Matt Schneider 32 2017 Patrick Ervin .451 2017 Yahir Gurrola 244 2000 Kyle Catrett 26 2016 Corbin Olmstead 12 1999 Matt Schneider 37 2018 Tanner Murphy 2018 Tanner Murphy 221 2001 Ricky Willis 16 2017 Yahir Gurrola 9 2000 G. Labbe/B. Rapp 43 2019 Chris Berry 23 2019 Jay Prather 228 2002 Ricky Willis 18 2018 Tanner Murphy 10 2001 Ryan Soehlig 34 17 2003 Jeff Millsaps 19 2019 Murphy/Weeks 6 2002 S. Bridges/R. Soehlig 28 Stolen Bases 22 Runs 2004 Joseph Russell 16 2003 Jesse Collins 34 1988 Todd Bryant 19 1988 Jimmy Blakely 55 2005 Sandry Cafe 18 Runs Batted In 2004 J. Russell/J. Howard 26 1989 D. Skinner/J. Blakely 23 1989 Jimmy Blakely 65 2006 J. Hodach/M. Oxendine 16 1988 Eddie Bloom 58 2005 Marion Knowles 31 1990 Danny Skinner 15 1990 Danny Skinner 55 2 007 Jimmy Glanville 18 1989 Todd Bryant 67 2006 Jimmy Glanville 25 1991 Hector Garcia 22 1991 A.J. Hernandez 68 2008 P. Hale / T. Martin 16 1990 Mark Devitt 53 2007 Jimmy Glanville 24 1992 Jeremy Dunford 25 1992 Jeremy Dunford 61 2009 Preston Hale 17 1991 A.J. Hernandez 69 2008 Travis Martin 32 1993 Joby Birr 14 1993 Todd Dunn 55 2010 Preston Hale* 20 1992 A.J. Hernandez 54 2009 T.J. Thompson 42 1994 Willie T. Lee 1994 Willie T. Lee 50 2011 Alex Bacon 18 1993 Todd Dunn 60 2010 Preston Hale 30 1995 Joby Birr 6 1995 Willie T. Lee 57 2012 Andrew Karmeris 13 1994 Mike McPhail 42 2011 Alex Hernandez 26 1996 Keith Medosch 13 1996 Keith Medosch 31 2013 D. Dewees / T. Marincov 19 1995 Mike McPhail 48 2012 Tyler Marincov 22 1997 Keith Medosch 20 1997 Keith Medosch 63 2014 T. Higginbothem/D. Weeks 13 1996 Mac Mackiewitz 35 2013 Tyler Marincov 34 1998 Craig Black 33 1998 C. Black/J. O’Neil 43 2015 Ryan Roberson 15 1997 Jay Nunley 72 2014 Kyle Brooks 21 1999 Kyle Catrett 18 1999 Lee McCool 62 2016 Keith Skinner 16 1998 Matt Schneider 44 2015 Donnie Dewees 30 2000 Kyle Catrett 2000 Kyle Catrett 78 2017 Yahir Gurrola 19 1999 Lee McCool 69 2016 Keith Skinner 36 2001 Nick Steppe 2001 Ryan Soehlig 60 2018 Murphy/Voyles 12 2000 Kevin Kay 83 2017 Patrick Ervin 25 2002 Ryan Soehlig 51 2019 Maberry/Murphy 14 2001 Ricky Willis 58 2018 Tanner Murphy 31 @OspreyBSB 58 #SWOOPLife
2020 North Florida Baseball YEAR-BY-YEAR LEADERS 2002 Ryan Soehlig 18 2018 Frank German 8 2000 Jerrod Payne 14 2017 Frank German 76 1998 Mac Mackiewitz 333 2003 Jeff Millsaps 19 2019 Nick Marchese 7 2001 Mike Wood 16 2018 Frank German* 108 1999 Brian Fleetwood 442 2004 Matt Oxendine 21 2019 Brad Deppermann* 108 2000 Brian Fleetwood 473 2005 Josh Howard 25 Appearances 2002 Justin Fuller 4 2001 Ryan McDonald 421 2006 Brennan Grogan 13 2003 Justin Cerrato 10 2002 Ryan McDonald 433 2007 Mycal Jones 10 1988 Phil Black 29 2004 Billy Layman 4 Fielding Leaders 2003 Joseph Russell 514 2008 T.J. Gaudy 1989 Danny Clark 24 Fielding Pct. (min. 100 chances) 2004 Joseph Russell 578 2009 Michael Smith 7 1990 D. Anderson/M. Mickley 25 2005 Josh Papelbon 14 2005 Marion Knowles 598 2010 J. Preckajlo/P. Hale 5 2006 Josh Papelbon 8 1988 Kevin Hill .986 2006 Jimmy Glanville 452 2 011 Corey Bass 6 1991 Mickey Mickley 28 2007 Tyler Stohr 6 1989 Kevin Hill .990 2007 Jimmy Glanville 481 2012 Tyler Marincov 9 1992 Sid Roberson 17 2008 Andy Warren 372 2013 Tyler Marincov 9 1993 Kevin Ohme 17 2008 Tyler Stohr* 10 1990 Darryl Kennedy .991 2009 David Eldredge 212 2014 Garrick Ferguson 21 2009 Tucker Pryor/Ty Pryor 3 1991 Hector Garcia .945 2010 Andrew Karmeris 460 2015 Donnie Dewees* 11 1994 T. Rich/B. Tollberg 19 2 010 Casey Medlen 4 1992 A.J. Hernandez/G. Hartless .990 2011 Andrew Karmeris 295 2016 Chris Thibideau 23 1995 Trent Rich 23 2012 Michael Wesner 306 2017 Chris Thibideau 12 1996 Trent Rich 17 2011 C. Jagodzinski/A. Karmeris 4 1993 T. Wodraska/C. Reynolds .990 2013 Ryan Roberson 409 2018 Tanner Murphy 14 2 012 C. Jagodzinski/T. Moore 3 1994 Joe Pound .993 2014 Alex Merritt 327 2019 Tanner Murphy 15 1997 Ben Watkins 18 2013 Corbin Olmstead 6 1995 Joe Pound .994 2015 Ryan Roberson* 540 19 1998 B. Holden/D. Roszel 20 2016 Keith Skinner 366 1 999 Jerrod Payne 24 2014 Dan Vansickle 3 1996 Mac Mackiewitz .991 2017 Christian Diaz 358 2015 Corbin Olmstead 9 1997 Bryant Melson .986 2018 Rey Gonzalez 302 2000 Jerrod Payne 30 2016 Corbin Olmstead 6 1998 Mac Mackiewitz .997 2019 Alex Reynolds 399 2001 Mike Wood 33 2002 B. Rauch/A. Horne 18 2017 Matthew Naylor 9 1999 Kevin Kay .981 2018 Brad Deppermann 5 2000 Kevin Kay .982 Pitching Leaders 2003 Justin Cerrato 25 2019 Eddie Miller 8 2001 Jesse Collins .988 Earned Run Avg. 2004 Billy Layman 26 2005 Josh Papelbon 33 Innings Pitched 2002 Jesse Collins .981 1988 Kevin Hill 1.42 1988 Phil Black 2003 Joseph Russell .989 1989 Phil Black 2.23 2006 Josh Papelbon 29 1989 Phil Black 135.1 2004 Judd Loveland .995 2007 Antonio Franzese 25 1990 Doug Anderson 125.0 2005 Jonathan Hodach 1.000 Assists 1990 Sid Roberson 1.21 2008 Tyler Stohr 22 1991 Sid Roberson 136.0 1988 Jimmy Blakely 1991 Mickey Mickley 1.78 1992 Sid Roberson 125.0 2006 Jimmy Glanville .990 1989 Jimmy Blakely 171 1992 Tito Lowinger 0.42 2009 Spencer Jones 25 1993 Kevin Ohme 120.1 2007 Jimmy Glanville .986 1990 Todd Claus 196 2010 Casey Medlen 27 1994 Brian Tollberg 100.1 1991 Todd Claus 121 1993 Kevin Ohme 1.61 2011 Chandler Jagodzinski 25 1995 Greg Mullins 101.1 2008 Andy Warren .998 1992 Marc Claus/Jon Geist 179 1994 Trent Rich 2.36 1996 Wyatt Brooks 109.1 2009 David Eldredge .978 1993 Jon Geist 150 1995 Jason Anderson 1.73 2012 Chandler Jagodzinski 25 1997 Matt Everett 2010 Kyle Dahl .995 1994 Joby Birr 170 2013 Corbin Olmstead 21 1998 Matt Everett 93.2 1995 Joby Birr 145 1996 Chris Snow 1.95 2014 Dan Vansickle 21 1999 Matt Incinelli 96.2 2011 Kyle Dahl .987 1996 Duke Baster 154 1997 Chris Snow 3.40 2000 Matt Incinelli 92.2 2012 Ryan Roberson .988 1997 Duke Baster 106 1998 Dan Roszel 4.24 2015 Matthew Naylor 28 2001 Tod Ewasko 90.0 2013 Ryan Roberson .995 1998 Craig Black 158 2016 Matthew Naylor* 30 2002 Matt Incinelli 109.1 1999 Lee McCool 141 1999 Jeremy Robinson 2.72 2017 Matthew Naylor 29 2003 Brian Rauch 142.1 2014 Alex Merritt .997 2000 Lee McCool 159 2000 Jerrod Payne 1.65 2004 Travis Stanton 110.0 2015 Ryan Roberson .998 2001 Greg Labbe 196 2001 Tod Ewasko 2.78 2018 Deppermann/Marchese 19 2005 Ryan Amason 108.2 2016 Keith Skinner .998 2002 Ryan Knight 149 Vaka 2006 Jeremy Pabelbon 128.1 2017 Wesley Weeks* 1.000 2003 Mike Fryrear 141 2002 Justin Fuller 2.66 2019 Eddie Miller* 30 2007 Brad Johnson 109.2 2018 B. Voyles/J. Fitzpatrick* 2004 Ryan Knight 119 2003 Justin Cerrato 1.64 2008 Ty Pryor 89.0 2005 Matt Oxendine 195 2004 Travis Stanton 2.38 2009 John Frawley 91.1 1.000 2006 Matt Oxendine 179 2005 Josh Papelbon 1.49 Games Started 2010 Michael Kelly 68.2 2019 Clark/Murphy* 1.000 2007 Mycal Jones 166 1988 Bobby Grant 15 2011 Robbie Collier 81.2 2008 T.J. Thompson 171 2006 Jeremy Pabelbon 2.43 1989 Phil Black 19 2012 Kyle Westwood 91.0 Chances 2009 T.J. Thompson 151 2007 Antonio Franzese 4.02 2013 Michael Renner 70.0 1988 Kevin Hill 2010 Sam Perry 145 2008 Tyler Stohr 1.93 1990 D. Anderson/D. Clark 14 2014 David Trexler 85.2 1989 Kevin Hill 505 2011 Alex Hernandez 152 1 991 Sid Roberson 17 2015 Evan Incinelli 94.2 1990 Doug Rogalski 490 2012 Joe Wielbruda 144 2009 John Frawley 3.20 1992 Sid Roberson 15 2016 Bryan Baker 87.0 1991 A.J. Hernandez 643 2013 Kyle Brooks 140 2010 Tommy Organ 4.56 2017 Frank German 66.1 1992 A.J. Hernandez 680 2014 Kyle Brooks 186 2011 Chandler Jagodzinski 2.64 1993 Kevin Ohme 13 2018 Frank German 83.1 1993 Todd Wodraska 593 2015 Patrick Ervin 196 1994 Brian Tollberg 14 2019 Brad Deppermann* 81.1 1994 Joe Pound 483 2016 Kyle Brooks 225 2012 Chandler Jagodzinski 1.86 1995 Greg Mullins 15 91.1 1995 Joe Pound 461 2017 Patrick Ervin 184 2013 Spencer Herrmann 1.74 95.0 1996 Mac Mackiewitz 332 2018 Jay Prather 130 2014 David Trexler 3.62 1996 Wyatt Brooks 14 1997 Mac Mackiewitz 565 2019 Jay Prather 123 2015 Corbin Olmstead 0.25 1997 Matt Everett 14 1998 Mac Mackiewitz 545 131 1998 Matt Everett 13 1999 Brian Fleetwood 365 2016 Alex Smith 1.11 1999 Matt Incinelli 15 2000 Brian Fleetwood 485 2017 Matthew Naylor 2.23 2001 Ryan McDonald 518 2018 Frank German 1.58 2000 Matt Incinelli 17 2002 Ryan McDonald 462 2001 B. Rauch/M. Incinelli/ T. Ewasko 17 2003 Joseph Russell 480 2019 Eddie Miller 1.31 2002 Matt Incinelli 16 2004 Joseph Russell 536 2005 Marion Knowles 609 Wins 2003 Brian Rauch 15 Strikeouts 2006 Jimmy Glanville 632 1988 Bobby Grant 2004 Travis Stanton 16 1988 Phil Black 2007 Jimmy Glanville 480 1989 Phil Black 11 2005 J. Dixon/R. Amason 17 1989 Phil Black 2008 Andy Warren 514 1990 S.Roberson/M. Mickley 14 2006 R. Amason/J. Pabelbon 14 1990 Doug Anderson 80 2009 Sam Perry 418 Bold - Denotes Program Record 1 991 Sid Roberson 10 2 007 J. Atteo/B.Johnson 14 1991 Sid Roberson 112 2010 Andrew Karmeris 240 *Italic - Denotes D-1 Era 1992 Sid Roberson 15 2 008 J. Atteo/ Ty Pryor 11 1992 Sid Roberson 134 2011 Andrew Karmeris 499 (2006-Present) Record 1993 Kevin Ohme 11 2 009 P. Rorabaugh/J. Frawley 12 1993 Kevin Ohme 172 2012 Michael Wesner 357 1994 Brian Tollberg 13 2 010 Michael Kelly 14 1994 Greg Mullins 128 2013 Ryan Roberson 329 1995 Greg Mullins 2011 Robbie Collier 11 1995 Greg Mullins 105 2014 Alex Merritt 431 1996 Wyatt Brooks 8 2012 K. Westwood/M. Renner 12 1996 Wyatt Brooks 2015 Ryan Roberson* 352 1997 Matt Everett 10 2 013 Tommy Organ* 15 1997 Matt Everett 83 2016 Keith Skinner 564 1998 Dan Roszel 2014 David Trexler 14 1998 Matt Everett 112 2017 Christian Diaz 416 1999 Matt Incinelli 5 2015 Matt Vaka 13 1999 Steve Stewart 2018 Rey Gonzalez 381 2000 Matt Incinelli 11 2016 Bryan Baker 14 2000 Matt Incinelli 72 2019 Alex Reynolds 346 2001 B. Rauch/T. Ewasko 2017 Frank German 14 2001 Tod Ewasko 69 434 2002 M. Incinelli/T. Ewasko 7 2018 Frank German 14 2002 Matt Incinelli 80 2003 Brian Rauch 11 2019 Deppermann/Reitz* 15 2003 Robert Burris 79 2004 Travis Stanton 12 2004 Travis Stanton 85 2005 Jacob Dixon 14 Saves 4 2005 Ryan Amason 108 Putouts 454 2006 Brad Johnson* 10 1988 Danny Clark 5 2006 Jeremy Pabelbon 79 1988 Kevin Hill 439 2007 John Atteo 10 1989 Danny Clark 4 2007 Brad Johnson 109 1989 K. Hill/ B. Kappesser 585 2008 Ty Pryor 12 1990 Doug Anderson 6 2008 Ty Pryor 116 1990 Doug Rogalski 601 2009 John Frawley 1991 Mickey Mickley 4 2009 John Frawley 97 1991 A.J. Hernandez 550 2010 George Lott 8 1992 Sean Marino 5 2010 Michael Kelly 88 1992 A.J. Hernandez 445 2011 Casey Medlen 9 1993 Reenn Edmondson 2 2011 Robbie Collier 80 1993 Todd Wodraska 421 2012 Tyler Moore 6 1994 Trent Rich/Chris Otten 8 2012 Tyler Moore 62 1994 Joe Pound 300 2013 Michael Renner* 6 1 995 Trent Rich 2 2013 Kyle Westwood 64 1995 Joe Pound 518 2014 David Trexler 7 1996 Reenn Edmondson 2 2014 David Trexler 79 1996 Mac Mackiewitz 496 2015 Matthew Naylor 7 1997 D. Osbourn/B. Mckee 3 2015 Corbin Olmstead 81 1997 Mac Mackiewitz 2016 A. Drury/B. Baker 5 1998 Dan Roszel 5 2016 Bryan Baker 88 2017 Frank German 7 1999 Jerrod Payne 71 9 59 6 48 8 80 6 8 @OspreyBSB 59 #SWOOPLife
2020 North Florida Baseball YEAR-BY-YEAR TEAM STATISTICS BATTING Year avg gp-gs ab r h 2b 3b hr rbi tb slg% bb hbp so ob% sb-att po a e fld% 1988 .312 64-64 2025 481 631 105 22 44 409 912 .450 293 43 266 .400 136-168 1386 623 113 .947 1989 .314 71-71 2273 602 714 142 23 50 522 1052 .463 400 62 321 .415 131-165 1749 828 128 .953 1990 .293 63-63 2006 404 587 85 17 17 349 757 .377 347 47 315 .391 92-112 1597 855 119 .954 1991 .311 70-70 2345 531 729 132 31 51 462 1076 .459 330 55 422 .398 103-123 1794 843 114 .959 1992 .304 63-63 2017 446 614 107 25 37 382 882 .437 292 46 330 .394 79-94 1524 573 84 .961 1993 .316 56-56 1888 454 597 102 16 52 401 887 .470 286 47 331 .409 79-98 1391 528 83 .959 1994 .314 52-52 1784 410 560 96 19 48 343 838 .470 196 39 328 .384 57-77 1343 598 89 .956 1995 .294 52-52 1781 321 524 98 12 30 278 736 .413 154 43 341 .354 77-93 1388 614 70 .966 1996 .271 55-55 1806 264 489 90 8 24 236 667 .369 172 54 346 .344 46-61 1451 614 116 .947 1997 .326 56-56 2004 480 653 148 8 88 430 1081 .539 219 50 344 .404 33-56 1445 660 96 .956 1998 .300 53-53 1775 391 533 106 8 58 350 829 .467 254 49 340 .423 45-61 1340 587 84 .958 1999 .318 60-60 2070 506 658 154 14 92 461 1116 .539 251 66 471 .405 72-91 1527 607 98 .956 2000 .312 63-63 2136 514 666 142 13 58 488 1008 .472 320 56 413 .415 112-147 1609 629 65 .972 2001 .299 64-64 2150 475 642 135 13 59 429 980 .456 287 44 372 .387 77-98 1652 644 101 .958 2002 .310 56-56 1909 410 592 113 12 47 372 870 .456 245 40 330 .395 74-95 1443 544 79 .962 2003 .294 57-57 1889 380 556 117 12 33 333 796 .421 207 52 304 .374 86-110 1456 554 95 .955 2004 .300 59-59 1984 387 596 122 19 37 346 867 .437 195 45 310 .370 99-127 1529 669 76 .967 2005 .314 64-64 2187 413 686 123 18 68 368 1049 .480 189 58 400 .378 101-136 1694 722 83 .967 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2006 .297 55-55 1938 348 575 110 8 43 314 830 .428 174 43 342 .362 44-64 1463 571 79 .963 2007 .276 56-56 1966 304 543 107 6 32 269 758 .386 191 50 380 .351 44-63 1497 597 90 .959 2008 .312 55-55 1948 367 608 114 10 25 322 817 .419 219 69 335 .397 23-40 1433 597 75 .964 2009 .295 54-54 1907 348 562 99 7 59 317 852 .447 225 37 408 .377 23-37 1406 575 108 .948 2010 .323 58-58 2117 449 684 140 7 71 413 1051 .496 220 45 374 .394 32-50 1514 666 104 .954 2011 .296 54-54 1916 359 567 103 12 55 329 859 .448 196 45 357 .370 45-64 1419 593 83 .960 2012 .276 55-55 1899 314 524 95 16 39 280 768 .404 171 61 348 .352 44-63 1453 620 73 .966 2013 .316 59-59 2172 403 686 112 21 41 358 963 .443 231 50 287 .391 71-97 1632 683 83 .965 2014 .304 53-53 1897 286 576 80 10 35 262 781 .412 138 34 255 .359 34-46 1386 619 63 .970 2015 .312 61-61 2155 473 672 100 18 58 427 982 .456 223 52 260 .385 62-78 1640 730 40 .983 2016 .317 58-58 2065 413 654 107 9 47 376 920 .446 227 50 278 .394 33-46 1561 627 67 .970 2017 .296 57-57 1988 341 589 105 8 36 315 818 .411 191 45 311 .368 55-73 1528 562 56 .974 2018 .267 56-56 1907 305 510 78 12 33 272 711 .373 208 37 353 .349 54-77 1467 537 70 .966 2019 .276 57-57 1912 317 528 96 6 27 297 717 .375 262 41 358 .370 57-79 1506 537 70 .967 PITCHING Year era w-l app gs cg sho sv ip h r er bb so 2b 3b hr bf bavg wp hbp 1988 2.98 47-17 64 64 18 6 13 516.2 466 251 171 227 328 58 8 34 2272 .229 30 9 1989 2.88 53-18 71 71 28 13 9 585.0 540 259 187 250 432 n/a n/a 25 2229 .242 23 23 1990 2.21 43-20 63 63 22 9 11 555.0 427 196 136 228 375 63 4 13 2202 .216 32 20 1991 2.45 57-13 70 70 16 13 15 598.0 476 224 163 262 608 77 6 22 2451 .218 27 29 1992 1.68 50-13 63 63 25 16 12 520.0 377 159 97 165 514 49 4 23 2050 .200 30 22 1993 2.86 44-12 56 56 19 7 10 469.1 420 202 149 158 411 5 4 26 1902 .239 31 20 1994 4.60 33-19 52 52 8 3 7 447.2 488 292 229 218 332 63 16 37 2037 .268 37 27 1995 3.35 36-16 52 52 11 3 1 462.2 443 218 172 202 348 68 11 16 2010 .223 23 32 1996 3.96 26-29 55 55 12 4 5 483.2 505 283 213 191 353 86 7 30 2154 .271 33 34 1997 4.48 39-17 56 56 12 2 7 481.2 553 301 240 151 363 100 13 38 2138 .278 30 31 1998 5.40 32-21 53 53 10 0 5 446.2 608 335 268 164 311 101 12 44 2098 .314 47 21 1999 4.16 43-17 60 60 11 3 8 509.0 540 307 235 220 450 91 12 40 2285 .262 50 26 2000 3.67 49-14 63 63 11 3 16 544.0 597 292 222 162 444 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 36 32 2001 3.99 47-17 64 64 22 7 19 550.2 593 305 244 160 434 74 11 45 2402 .274 42 27 2002 3.24 40-16 56 56 18 3 9 481.0 456 236 173 136 374 64 5 37 1846 .267 23 31 2003 3.63 39-18 57 57 11 5 11 485.1 453 255 196 168 389 76 3 37 2121 .244 49 42 2004 3.88 41-17 59 59 10 5 9 509.2 503 255 220 177 441 69 7 28 2222 .260 49 51 2005 3.43 48-16 64 64 8 5 21 564.2 558 264 215 177 474 77 10 33 2449 .258 48 51 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2006 4.15 34-21 55 55 2 6* 12 487.2 538 274 225 142 431 76 6 34 2163 .281 34 45 2007 5.27 24-32 56 56 1 0 13 499.0 572 360 292 185 341 86 9 39 2292 .292 46 63 2008 5.80 29-26 55 55 3 1 13 477.2 624 362 308 190 336 103 9 36 2238 .321 50 44 2009 5.78 23-31 54 54 6 4 9 468.2 565 373 301 183 381 91 13 50 2217 .296 32 63 2010 6.31 30-28 58 58 7 4 9 504.2 651 435 354 242 385 112 9 49 2449* .314 59 74 2011 4.62 27-27 54 54 1 4 11 473.0 500 301 243 188 429 92 10 47 2109 .272 47 28* 2012 3.47 31-24 55 55 9* 1 8 484.1 481* 239* 187* 159 396 94 14 26 2076 .263 31 32 2013 3.16* 40-19 59 59 3 3 11 544.0* 572 242 191 134 372 80 6 24* 2344 .273 26 38 2014 4.75 22-31 53 53 2 1 5 462.0 546 284 244 170 270 80 9 32 2098 .299 31 41 2015 3.65 45*-16* 61* 61* 1 4 11 546.2 555 253 222 187 386 77 12 27 2334 .271 32 34 2016 3.68 39-19 58 58 1 5 11 520.1 516 248 213 161 405 70 6 34 2220 .263 21 36 2017 3.60 33-24 57 57 0 2 12 509.1 522 245 204 181 438* 67* 6 29 1962 .266 44 36 2018 4.51 28-28 56 56 2 1/1 11 489.0 518 297 245 164 425 93 5* 42 1919 .270 63 46 2019 3.84 32-25 57 57 5 3 17* 502.0 501 256 214 192 417 81 7 37 1920 .261* 44 54 Bold - Denotes Program Record *Italic - Denotes D-1 Era (2005-Present) Record @OspreyBSB 60 #SWOOPLife
2020 North Florida Baseball HONORS & AWARDS Matthew Naylor (1st) ASUN Conference 2010 Matt Schneider (2nd) Patrick Ervin (2nd) All-Tournament Team Preston Hale 1997 NCAA Division I Chris Thibideau (2nd) 2019 NCAA Division II Matt Everett (1st) All-America 2016 Chris Berry Mac Mackiewitz (1st) 2018 All-America Bryan Baker (1st) 2018 2005 Jay Nunley (1st) Frank German Corbin Olmstead (RP & DH) (1st) Frank German Brian Holden (2nd) 2016 Blake Voyles Sadry Cafe (3rd) Keith Skinner (1st) 2004 1996 Corbin Olmstead Nick Karmeris (1st) 2016 Reenn Edmondson (2nd) 2015 Chris Thibideau (1st) Kyle Brooks Travis Stanton (2nd) Kyle Brooks (2nd) Austin Drury 2003 Mac Mackiewitz (2nd) Donnie Dewees Alex Merritt (2nd) 1995 Corbin Olmstead 2015 Justin Cerrato (1st) 2015 Evan Incinelli Jeff Millsaps (2nd) Joby Birr (1st) 2014 Donnie Dewees (1st) Kyle Brooks Mike McPhail (1st) Drew Weeks Trent Higginbothem (1st) Ryan Roberson 2001 Greg Mullins (1st) Freshman All-American Corbin Olmstead (RP & DH) (1st) Donnie Dewees Tod Ewasko (1st) Chris Bristow (2nd) Austin Drury (2016) Matt Incinelli (1st) Kyle Brooks (2013) 2014 2010 1994 Donnie Dewees (2013) Corbin Olmstead (1st) Preston Hale 2000 Mike McPhail (1st) Corbin Olmstead (2013) ASUN Conference Kyle Catrett (1st) Alex Bacon (2011) David Trexler (1st) Player of the Week Jerrod Payne (1st) Joby Birr (2nd) Shane Kennedy (2011) Drew Weeks (1st) Wes Weeks (April 22, 2019) Matt Incinelli (2nd) Willie T. Lee (2nd) Tyler Moore (2011) Jay Prather (March 4, 2019) Kevin Kay (3rd) Greg Mullins (2nd) T.J. Thompson (2007) 2013 Tanner Murphy (Feb. 25, 2019) Lee McCool (3rd) South Atlantic Regional Perfect Game/Rawlings All- Corey Bass (1st) Chris Berry (May 7, 2018) All-Tournament Team American Tyler Marincov (1st) Yahir Gurrola (May 27, 2017) 1997 Jacob Dixon (2005 – MVP) Joe Wielbruda (2nd) Alex Merritt (May 27, 2017) Jay Nunley (1st) Sadry Cafe (2005) 2018 Kyle Brooks (2nd) Chris Thibideau (May 2, 2016) Matt Everett (3rd) Mike Fryrear (2005) Frank German (3rd) Donnie Dewees (2nd) Donnie Dewees (May 4, 2015) Marion Knowles (2005) D1Baseball.com All-Americans Michael Renner (2nd) Donnie Dewees (March 16, 2015) 1995 Travis Martin (2005) Donnie Dewees (March 9, 2015) Joby Birr (2nd) Josh Howard (2004) 2018 2012 Trent Higginbothem (April 28, 2014) Matt Oxendine (2004) Frank German (2nd) Tyler Moore (2nd) Drew Weeks (March 24, 2014 All-Region Mike Fryrear (2002) ASUN Conference Drew Weeks (April 8, 2013) Pitcher of the Year Ryan McDonald (2001 – MVP) Player of the Year 2010 Donnie Dewees (April 1, 2013) Travis Stanton (2004) Jesse Collins (2001) Donnie Dewees (2015) Preston Hale (1st) Corey Bass (March 25, 2013) Matt Incinelli (2000) Matt Incinelli (2001) ASUN Conference Justin Preckajlo (2nd) Tyler Marincov (March 11, 2013) Tod Ewasko (2001) Mike Wood (2000 – MVP) Pitcher of the Year T.J. Gavlik (April 4, 2012) Matt Everett (1997) Kyle Catrett (2000) Brad Deppermann (2019) 2009 Tyler Marincov (March 12, 2012) Kevin Kay (2000) ASUN Conference John Frawley (2nd) Sam Perry (March 28, 2011) All-Region Lee McCool (2000) Defensive Player of the Year Preston Hale (2nd) Andrew Karmeris (May 17, 2010) Player of the Year Nick Steppe (2000) Kyle Brooks (2016) Michael Smith (Mar. 22, 2010) Jay Nunley (1997) Brian Fleetwood (1999) ASUN Conference 2008 Preston Hale (Mar. 8, 2010) Kevin Jackson (1999) Freshman of the Year Travis Martin (1st) Preston Hale (May 18, 2009) All-Region Jeremy Robinson (1999) Alex Bacon (2011) Chad Knight (2nd) T.J. Thompson (May 4, 2009) Coach of the Year All-Peach Belt Conference ASUN Conference Tyler Stohr (2nd) Kevin Martin (Apr. 6, 2009) Dusty Rhodes (2005) Coach of the Year Ryan Puskar (Feb. 23, 2009) Dusty Rhodes (2001) 2005 Smoke Laval (2015) 2007 Travis Martin (Feb. 25, 2008) Dusty Rhodes (2000) Sadry Cafe (1st) ABCA All-South Region T.J. Thompson (1st) Jimmy Glanville (May 14, 2007) Brennan Grogan (1st) Jon Dandridge (2nd) Matt Oxendine (March 6, 2006) All-Region Marion Knowles (1st) 2018 ASUN Conference 2005 Jon Skorupski (1st) Frank German (2nd) 2006 Pitcher of the Week Brad Johnson (1st) Brad Deppermann (May 13, 2019) Sadry Cafe (1st) 2004 2016 Matt Oxendine (1st) Brad Deppermann (April 15, 2019) Brennan Grogan (1st) Jeff Millsaps (1st) Corbin Olmstead (1st) Jeremy Papelbon (2nd) Nick Marchese (March 18, 2019) Marion Knowles (1st) Joey Russell (1st) ASUN Conference Max McKinley (Feb. 19, 2019) Travis Stanton (1st) 2015 All-Freshman Team Brad Deppermann (May 14, 2018) Jon Skorupski (1st) Donnie Dewees (1st) Frank German (April 9, 2018) Kyle Aylor (2nd) 2003 Corbin Olmstead (1st) 2017 Frank German (March 19, 2018) Robert Burris (1st) Cooper Bradford Frank German (Feb. 20, 2017) Josh Papelbon (2nd) Justin Cerrato (1st) 2014 Bryan Baker (Feb. 22, 2016) 2004 Jeff Millsaps (1st) Drew Weeks (1st ) 2016 Austin Drury (May 2, 2016) Austin Drury Corbin Olmstead (April 13, 2015) Jeff Millsaps (1st) 2002 2013 David Trexler (April 21, 2014) Joey Russell (1st) Matt Incinelli (1st) Tyler Marincov (2nd) 2015 Corbin Olmstead (April 8, 2013) Travis Stanton (1st) All-ASUN Conference Matt Vaka Kyle Westwood (April 16, 2012) 2001 Tyler Moore (March 5, 2012) 2003 Matt Incinelli (1st) 2019 2014 Casey Medlen (Feb. 28, 2011) Robert Burris (1st) Jerrod Payne (1st) Brad Deppermann (1st) Patrick Ervin Michael Kelly (May 17, 2010) Justin Cerrato (1st) Alex Merritt John Atteo (Apr. 12, 2010) Jeff Millsaps (1st) 2000 Tanner Murphy (1st) John Frawley (Apr. 13, 2009) Kyle Catrett (1st) Nick Marchese (2nd) 2013 John Frawley (Mar. 23, 2009) 2002 Adam Horne (1st) David Maberry (2nd) Donnie Dewees John Atteo (Feb. 23, 2009) Matt Incinelli (1st) Matt Incinelli (1st) Corbin Olmstead Jeremy Papelbon (May 15, 2006) Greg Labbe (1st) 2018 Jeremy Papelbon (May 8, 2006) 2001 Lee McCool (1st) Frank German (1st) Kyle Brooks Jeremy Papelbon (Feb. 20, 2006) Tod Ewasko (1st) Tanner Murphy (1st) 2011 North Florida Matt Incinelli (1st) 1999 Blake Voyles (1st) Athlete of the Year Kevin Kay (1st) Alex Bacon 2000 Lee McCool (1st) 2017 Alex Hernandez 2015 Kyle Catrett (1st) Matt Schneider (1st) Frank German (1st) Shane Kennedy Donnie Dewees Adam Horne (1st) Yahir Gurrola (1st) Matt Incinelli (1st) 1998 Alex Merritt (1st) Tyler Moore 2014 Kevin Kay (1st) Dan Roszel (2nd) 2007 Drew Weeks Lee McCool (1st) Matt Schneider (2nd) @OspreyBSB Jerrod Payne (1st) Peach Belt Conference John Atteo Greg Labbe (2nd) Pitcher of the Year Preston Hale Travis Stanton (2004) Mycal Jones 1999 T.J. Thompson Kevin Kay (1st) #SWOOPLife Lee McCool (1st) Matt Schneider (2nd) 1998 Dan Roszel (2nd) 61
2020 North Florida Baseball Peach Belt Conference All-District GTE Academic Raff Libunao HONORS & AWARDS Freshman of theYear 1993 All-America District III Nick Marchese 2014 Matt Incinelli (1999) Matt Incinelli (2000) Andrew Martinez Alex Bacon Peach Belt Conference Jon Geist Chris Matthias Bryan Baker Kevin Ohme Joby Birr (1995) Tanner Murphy Kyle Brooks Coach of the Year Brian Strub Jon Geist (1993) Trace Norkus Jamie Cardwell Dusty Rhodes (2005) Todd Wodraska Brian Tollberg (1993) Adam Polansky Donnie Dewees Dusty Rhodes (2004) Sid Roberson (1992) Alex Reynolds Tyler DuPont Dusty Rhodes (2001) 1992 UNF Male Scholar-Athlete Dalton Senger Patrick Ervin Dusty Rhodes (2000) Sid Roberson Abraham Sequera Garrick Ferguson Dusty Rhodes (1999) of the Year Trent Higginbothem All-Sunshine State Tom White Matt Incinelli (2002) Jay Stadius Nick Karmeris 1991 Tysen Duva (1999) Matt Vaka Ty Kelly Conference Tysen Duva (1998) Blake Voyles Alex McGathey 1997 Darryl Kennedy Wes Weeks Ryan McMahon Sid Roberson Joby Birr (1995) Alex Merritt Matt Everett (1st) Jon Geist (1993) 2017 Sean Moore Jay Nunley (1st) 1990 Sid Roberson (1992) Connor Andrews Bubba Olivera Brian Holden (2nd) Darryl Kennedy Jeffrey Dow Leadership Award Alex Smith Mac Mackiewitz (2nd) Sid Roberson Nick Marchese (2018) Chris Berry Jay Stadius Bryant Melson (2nd) Danny Skinner ASUN Conference Joe Boyle John Suskauer Duke Baxter (HM) Academic All-Conference Christian Diaz David Trexler Joe Pound (HM) 1989 Tyler DuPont Blake Voyles Doug Anderson 2019 Patrick Ervin Peyton Walsh 1996 Tanner Murphy James Fitzpatrick 2013 Reenn Edmondson (2nd) Phil Black Rye Gonzalez Garrick Ferguson Eddie Bloom 2018 Yahir Gurrola Francis Ferrano Mac Mackiewitz (2nd) Todd Bryant Tanner Murphy Chris Matthias Evan Incinelli 1995 Bob Kappesser Alex Merritt Mitchell Marincov Kenny Layfield 2017 Tanner Murphy Sean Moore Joby Birr (1st) Tyler DuPont Matthew Naylor Corbin Olmstead Mike McPhail (1st) 1988 Noah Satterwhite Marshal Rosenberger Greg Mullins (1st) Phil Black 2016 Salton Senger Alex Smith Chris Bristow (2nd) Kevin Hill Bryan Baker Alex Smith Alex Stettner Trent Rich (2nd) Kenny Layfield James Stadius David Trexler 1991 World Series 2015 Chris Thibideau Peyton Walsh 1994 All-Tournament Team Bryan Baker Matt Vaka Kyle Westwood Willie T. Lee (2nd) Darryl Kennedy Garrick Ferguson Klake Voyles Joe Wielbruda Mike McPhail (2nd) Sid Roberson Trent Higginbothem Wesley Weeks 2012 Greg Mullins (2nd) Tim Slater Mac Wilson Nick Allbritton NAIA Player of the Year 2014 Jamie Cardwell Joby Birr (HM) Sid Roberson (1991) Garrick Ferguson 2016 Andrew Del Colle Area V Player of the Year Conner Andrews Garrick Ferguson NAIA Sid Roberson (1991) David Trexler Trey Ferrano District 25 Player of the Year Peyton Walsh Bryan Baker Kyle Finch All-America Sid Roberson (1991) Chris Berry T.J. Gavlik 1993 District 7 Player of the Year 2013 Dalton Board Evan Incinelli Todd Dunn (1993) Evan Incinelli Kyle Brooks Chandler Jagodzinski Todd Dunn Area V Coach of the Year Michael Renner Brad Deppermann Paul Karmeris Kevin Ohme Dusty Rhodes (1992) ASUN Conference Zach Drury Michael Renner Dusty Rhodes (1991) Academic Honor Roll Tyler DuPont Evan Stermer 1992 Dusty Rhodes (1989) Patrick Ervin 2011 Sid Roberson District 25 Coach of the Year 2019 Frank German Kyle Dahl Dusty Rhodes (1992) Chris Berry Kyle Kalbaugh Dillon Ennis 1991 Dusty Rhodes (1990) Hunter Bowling Nick Karmeris Garrick Ferguson Darryl Kennedy Dusty Rhodes (1989) Zach Chappell Chris Matthias Trey Ferrano Sid Roberson Dusty Rhodes (1988) Tanner Clark Alex Merritt T.J. Gavlik Brad Deppermann Daniel Moritz Andrew Hannon 1989 Academic Honors Grant Grodi Corbin Olmstead Joe Iorio Eddie Bloom Alex Hendricks Adam Polansky Andrew Karmeris Bob Kappesser ASUN Conference Tucker Horsley Trace Norkus Kyle Kvies Todd Bryant Scholar-Athlete of the Year Austin Hurwitz Alex Smith Tyler Marincov Ryan Jean Jay Stadius Tommy Organ 1988 2019 Max Law Chris Thibideau Josh Patton Kenny Layfield (HM) Tanner Murphy Blake Marabell Matt Vaka Blake Prince ESPN The Magazine Nick Marchese Blake Voyles Ryan Roberson All-Area Academic All-America Chris Matthias Clayton Schulz 1993 Tanner May 2015 Evan Stermer 2010 Max McKinley James Abbatinozzi Michael Wesner Todd Dunn Preston Hale (1st) Ethan Michaelis 2010 Kevin Ohme ESPN The Magazine Eddie Miller Alex Bacon John Atteo Academic All-District Tanner Murphy Bryan Baker Matt Baran 1992 Will Ohme Kyle Brooks Corey Bass Sid Roberson 2010 Jake Pfundstein Jamie Cardwell Chris Cardullo John Atteo (1st) Brandon Reitz Tyler Dupont Robbie Collier 1991 Preston Hale (1st) Alex Reynolds Garrick Ferguson Kyle Dahl Darryl Kennedy NAIA Scholar-Athlete Matthew Tadlock Trent Higginbothem David Eldredge Sid Roberson Jon Geist (1993) Wes Weeks Evan Incinelli Trey Ferrano Brian Tollberg (1993) Nick Karmeris Kyle Finch 1989 Jon Geist (1992) 2018 Tyler Moore Preston Hale Eddie Bloom Sid Roberson (1992) Conner Andrews Daniel Moritz Todd Bryant National GTE Brad Deppermann Ryan Roberson #SWOOPLife Bob Kappesser Academic All-America William Freeman Alex Smith Tysen Duva (1999) James Stadius 1988 Joby Birr (1995) Rey Gonzalez John Suskauer Kenny Layfield Sid Roberson (1992) Alex Hendricks Dan VanSickle @OspreyBSB Max Law 62
2020 North Florida Baseball Michael Kelly Chris Caban Edward Conrey HONORS & AWARDS Kyle Kvies Andrew Chapman Channing Frazier #SWOOPLife Kristophor Linster Jon Dandridge Josh Howard George Lott Jacob Dixon Matt Incinelli Kevin Martin J.R. Dunaway Marion Knowles Jason Kracunas Ryan McMahon Antonio Franzese Greg Lineburg Josh Patton Mike Gottlieb Ryan McDonald Sean McIntyre Ryan Roberson Brennan Grogan Kazu Nagai Clayton Schulz Jonathan Hodach Justin Newbern T.J. Thompson Todd Piersol Jared Incinelli Ryan Soehlig 2009 Chad Knight John Atteo Jason Kracunas 2001 Kyle Dahl Kristophor Linster Kyle Aylor David Eldredge Kevin Martin Jesse Collins Antonio Franzese Travis Martin Matt Incinelli T.J. Gavlik Damon Olinto Barry Marquart Mike Gotlieb Matt Oxendine Ryan McDonald Michael Gropper Jeremy Papelbon Justin Newbern Preston Hale Josh Papelbon Stephen Palinkas Spencer Jones Ben Pincus Ryan Soehlig Michael Kelly Tucker Pryor Aaron Titkeimeir Greg Koehler John Raiford Alden Watson Kristophor Linster Grant Rogers Mike Wood Ryan Lowe Jonathan Turner Justin Preckajlo Brooks West 2000 Tucker Pryor Andy Warren Erik Brown Peach Belt Conference Victor Caban Ty Pryor Presidential Honor Roll Kyle Catrett Ryan Puskar Jesse Collins Alex Rodriguez 2005 Matt Incinelli T.J. Thompson Ryan Amason Greg Labbe Jonathan Turner Stephen Palinkas Brian Wilson Kyle Aylor Dan Roszel James Belyea Brent Suriano 2008 Chris Caban Mike Wood John Atteo Brandon Diaz Robbie Collier Jacob Dixon 1999 J.R. Dunaway Mike Fryrear Kyle Catrett Antonio Franzese Tysen Duva T.J. Gaudy Phil Gaby Matt Incinelli Michael Gropper Josh Howard Justin Newbern Preston Hale Jared Incinelli Jerrod Payne Spencer Jones Kevin Johnson Brian Rapp Andrew Karmeris Williams Kovatch Jeremy Robinson Michael Kelly Travis Martin Matt Schneider Chad Knight Damon Olinto Stephen Stewart Greg Koehler Matt Oxendine Mike Wood Kristophor Linster Josh Papelbon Kevin Martin Grant Rogers 1998 Travis Martin Joseph Russell Tim Cleveland Sam Perry Andy Warren Tucker Pryor Tysen Duva 2004 Mac Mackiewitz Ty Pryor Ryan Amason John Raiford Brett McKee Michael Smith Kyle Aylor Josh Norman Mike Smith James Belyea John O’Neil T.J. Thompson Chris Caban Brian Rapp Andy Warren Jacob Dixon Mike Southall Brian Wilson Mike Fryrear Sunshine State Conference Commissioner’s Honor Roll 2007 Phil Gaby John Atteo Josh Howard 1997 Derek Bell Jared Incinelli Tysen Duva Brandon Diaz Kevin Johnson Josh Norman J.R. Dunaway Williams Kovatch Matt Schneider John Frawley Travis Martin Chris Snow Mike Gottlieb Damon Olinto Michael Gropper Matt Oxendine 1996 Preston Hale Josh Papelbon Tysen Duva Greg Koehler Grant Rogers Jeff Mihailoff Kristophor Linster Joseph Russell Josh Norman George Lott Andy Warren Chris Snow Ryan Lowe Kevin Martin 2003 1995 Travis Martin Kyle Aylor Joby Birr Ryan McCoy Joseph Chamberlain Matt Fair Damon Olinto Brandon Diaz Jeff Mihailoff Tucker Pryor Jacob Dixon Mike Fryrear 1994 Ty Pryor Phil Gaby Joby Birr John Raiford Adam Highsmith Jeff Mihailoff Tyler Stohr Jason Kracunas Trent Rich Dicarlo Thompson Kazu Nagai Brian Tollberg T.J. Thompson Justin Newbern Andy Warren Damon Olinto 63 Jeremy Papelbon 2006 Grant Rogers Ryan Amason Arthur Sollee Derek Bell 2002 James Belyea Kyle Aylor Joseph Chamberlain @OspreyBSB
2020 North Florida Baseball F he PROUD PARTNER OF THE ATHLETICS UNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA OSPREYS PEPSI and the Pepsi Globe are registered trademarks of PepsiCo, Inc. @OspreyBSB 64 #SWOOPLife
2020 North Florida Baseball ALL-AMERICANS Kenny Layfield – 1988 Matt Incinelli – 2000, 2001 Third Base – Hit .352 (68-for-193) with a slugging percentage of .523, six home Pitcher – Earned the honor in back-to-back years after recording a 12-1 record in both runs, 11 doubles and 50 RBI while starting 64 games. He was 15-for-16 in stolen 2000 and 2001. In 2000, he posted a 4.12 earned run average in 19 appearances with base attempts and struck out just 19 times all season while walking 55 times. He two complete games. In 2001, he had a 3.19 earned run average in 21 appearances was the team’s only All-America honoree in UNF’s first season of competition. with eight complete games. UNF advanced to the College World Series both seasons. Eddie Bloom – 1989 Kyle Catrett – 2000 Outfield – Hit .329 (69-for-210) with 12 home runs, 57 RBI and 53 runs scored while Outfield – Batted .366 (90-for-246) with 26 doubles, four home runs and 44 RBI. He starting 69 games for the Ospreys. He was 11-for-14 in stolen bases and had nine stole 33 bases in 41 attempts that year as well and had 128 total bases in 62 games. outfield assists. Bloom also had a 2.70 earned run average in three games, helping Led UNF to the first NCAA Division II College World Series in school history. lead UNF to the NAIA College World Series in the program’s second season of competition. Jerrod Payne – 2000 Todd Bryant – 1989 Pitcher – Posted a 4-1 record with a 1.65 earned run average and 14 saves in 30 appearances. Pitched 54.2 innings during the year, all in relief, and tallied 54 Outfield – Hit .357 (90-for-252) with four home runs, 19 doubles, 67 RBI and 60 runs strikeouts with only 10 walks. Led UNF to the first NCAA Division II College World scored while starting 71 games, helping lead UNF to the NAIA College World Series Series in school history. in the program’s second season of competition. Bryant was also 15-for-21 in stolen base attempts. Kevin Kay – 2000 Bob Kappesser – 1989 Catcher – Batted .342 (76-for-222) with 20 doubles, five home runs and 83 RBI. Totaled 26 extra-bases hits and 113 total bases for the Ospreys, also stealing 29 Catcher – Batted .350 (76-for-217) with 59 RBI, two home runs, 14 doubles and six bases in 35 attempts. He earned All-Tournament honors at the NCAA Division II triples in 70 games. Kappesser struck out just 21 times all season and stole 12 bases College World Series, helping lead UNF to its first appearance at the event. in 15 attempts. He also had a .988 fielding percentage in helping lead UNF to the NAIA College World Series in the program’s second season of competition. Tod Ewasko – 2001 Darryl Kennedy – 1991 Pitcher – Posted a 14-3 record and 2.78 earned run average as a junior in leading UNF to its second consecutive appearance in the NCAA Division II College World Catcher – Batted .378 (93-for-246) with five home runs and 52 RBI in 70 games. He Series. He had two shutouts and 12 complete games while striking out a career- also collected 12 doubles and six triples while striking out just 19 times. He was high 108 batters in 142.1 innings. He also made five relief appearances and named to the NAIA College World Series All-Tournament team as the Ospreys made collected one save. their second trip in three years to the NAIA College World Series. Sid Roberson – 1991, 1992 Justin Cerrato – 2003 Pitcher – Recorded a 15-1 record with a 2.16 earned run average, including 172 Pitcher – Posted a 5-1 record with 10 saves and a team-leading 1.84 earned run strikeouts in 125 innings pitched for the Ospreys in 1991 when he was named to average in 25 appearances as the team’s closer. Pitched 44 innings, recording 32 the NAIA College World Series All-Tournament team and as the NAIA Player of the strikeouts while allowing just four extra-base hits. Opponents batted just .182 Year. In 1992, he was 11-4 with a 1.50 earned run average and 128 strikeouts in against him. 120.1 innings. Sid Roberson – 1991, 1992 Jeff Millsaps – 2003 Pitcher – Recorded a 15-1 record with a 2.16 earned run average, including 172 strikeouts in 125 innings pitched for the Ospreys in 1991 when he was named to Outfield – Batted .401 (91-for-227), becoming the first player in UNF history to the NAIA College World Series All-Tournament team and as the NAIA Player of the eclipse the .400 mark in a single season. Playing in 56 games with 19 doubles, three Year. In 1992, he was 11-4 with a 1.50 earned run average and 128 strikeouts in triples, five home runs and 47 RBI. He also led the team in slugging percentage 120.1 innings. (.577), stolen bases (19) and runs (60). Todd Dunn – 1993 Travis Stanton – 2004 Outfield – Batted .352 (63-for-179) with 19 home runs and 60 RBI in 56 games. He Pitcher – Posted a 12-2 record with a 2.38 earned run average in 20 appearances also tallied nine doubles and four triples and was 13-of-16 on stolen base attempts. (16 starts). He recorded 116 strikeouts in 128.1 innings and allowed just 24 walks Dunn’s 19 home runs and slugging percentage of .765 are still UNF single season with two shutouts and six complete games. He was also named Peach Belt records. He was also named District 7 Player of the Year. Conference Player of the Year and South Atlantic Region Player of the Year. Kevin Ohme – 1993 Sadry Cafe – 2005 Pitcher – Recorded a 13-1 record and 1.61 earned run average in 17 games for the Outfield – Batted .371 (93-for-251) with 15 home runs and 54 RBI in leading UNF to Ospreys. He struck out 105 batters in 100.1 innings pitched and allowed only 11 the NCAA Division II national championship game in the program’s final season as extra-base hits all season. His 13 wins led the nation that season. a Division II school. He also collected 18 doubles and two triples for a .637 slugging percentage in 64 games. He was the last All-American in the program’s Division II era. Joby Birr – 1995 TJ Thompson – 2007 Infield – Batted .353 (72-for-204) with seven home runs and 41 RBI. He also had 12 Infield/Outfield – Hit. .326 (43-for-142) with 10 doubles, 23 RBI and 20 runs scored doubles, three triples and collected 111 total bases while stealing 25 bases in 28 in being named to the Collegiate Baseball/Louisville Slugger Freshman All-American attempts. Birr played in 51 games his final season and in 200 games in his career. He Team. He was also named to the All-Atlantic Sun Conference First Team and the became the first NCAA Division II All-American for the Ospreys. A-Sun All-Freshman Team. He was the first UNF student-athlete to garner All- America honors in the Division I era. Jay Nunley – 1997 Alex Bacon – 2011 Outfield – Batted .383 (92-for-240) with 16 home runs and 72 RBI. With 17 doubles added in, he compiled a slugging percentage of .663 and had a .980 fielding Outfield – Named both Louisville Slugger and NCBWA Freshman All-American. He percentage. He had 159 total bases in 54 games. batted .352 (70-for-199) with 46 runs, 18 doubles, nine home runs and 42 RBI. He led the team in runs, doubles, hit by pitch, sacrifice flies and outfield assists; second in average, Matt Everett – 1997 slugging percentage, on base percentage, hits, RBI, homers and bases. He led team with 22 multi-hit games and 12 multiple RBI games. Pitcher – Recorded an 11-3 record with a 4.38 earned run average for the Ospreys in 96.2 innings pitched. Tallied 69 strikeouts in 16 games, 14 of which were starts. @OspreyBSB 65 #SWOOPLife
2020 North Florida Baseball Shane Kennedy – 2011 Corbin Olmstead – 2016 Second Base – Hit .324 (48-for-148) with 37 runs, 10 doubles, three triples, two UTL – Coupled with ABCA First Team All-Region honors, he was listed on the homers and 24 RBI in being named Louisville Slugger Freshman All-American. He led organization’s All-America Third Team. He capped his historic career with career- the team in triples and sacrifice bunts, ranking in the UNF top five on the season in highs in hits (83) runs and RBIs (59) in 2016. The two-way player played in all but average, slugging percentage, on base percentage, runs, hits, doubles, total bases, one game and batted a career-high .359. He ranked in the top three in the ASUN stolen bases, at bats, chances, assists and fielding double plays. in hits, home runs (12) and RBIs. He garnered ASUNConference honors at two positions (DH & RP) for the second-straight season, the only player in league Tyler Moore – 2011 history to do so. He was a semifinalist for the John Olerud Two-Way Player of the Year Award and also listed on the watch lists for both the Golden Spikes Award Pitcher – Had a 4-3 record with a 3.92 ERA en route to earning Louisville Slugger and the NCBWA Stopper of the Year. Freshman All-American honors. He made 16 appearances with a complete game shutout. He led the team in ERA and opposing batting average; second in win-loss Austin Drury – 2018 percentage and wins; third in innings and strikeouts; fourth in appearances, games started and games in relief; and fifth in strikeouts looking. LHP – Drury earned ASUN All-Freshman and Freshman All-American laurels with the Ospreys, concluding his time in Jacksonville tied for second in UNF Division I Kyle Brooks – 2013 history with 16 wins. The Land O’Lakes, Fla., native fanned 58 in 2018, going 4-4 as North Florida finished up its year as the ASUN Tournament runner-up. Shortstop – Named a Louisville Slugger Freshman All-American after appearing in 55 games as a true freshman. He batted .307 with seven doubles, two triples Frank German – 2018 and two home runs. In conference play he upped his average to .341 and recorded 13 multiple-hit games. He led the team with 186 assists, the fourth most RHP – North Florida junior standout Frank German was recognized by a trio of ever in a single season in program history. organizations for his performance on the mound in 2018, picking up a pair of All- American accolades from D1Baseball (2nd team) and Perfect Game/Rawlings (3rd Donnie Dewees – 2013 team) as well as being named an American Baseball Coaches Association (ABCA) All-South Region (2nd team) selection. Outfield – Was recognized as a Louisville Slugger and National Collegiate Selected last week by the New York Yankees in the fourth round (127th overall) of Baseball Writers of America Freshman All-American. He garnered Second Team the 2018 Major League Baseball First Year Player Draft, German adds the All- All-Atlantic Sun honors and was a unanimous selection to the A-SUN All- American and All-Region monikers to his name to go along with him being Freshman Team. He batted a team-best .347 and posted a .405 average in league named a semifinalist for the prestigious Golden Spikes Award. A native of Tampa, play. Hit safely in 45 of the 56 games played. German’s season highlights featured his selection as a first-team All-ASUN honoree and also included him earning ASUN All-Tournament recognition Corbin Olmstead – 2013 following his final start in the Osprey’s tournament opener that saw German strikeout 10 and surrender just one run in a complete game effort. He becomes Pitcher/Infield – Earned Freshman All-America honors from Louisville Slugger, the first Osprey to garner postseason All-American honors since Corbin Olmstead the National Collegiate Baseball Writers of America and Perfect Game. Was a two- in 2016. way player for the Ospreys and served as the team’s closer. He recorded a team- best six saves and posted a record of 4-1 on the season. At the plate he batted .307 with four doubles, three triples and 19 RBI’s. Drew Weeks – 2014 Outfield – The junior right-fielder garnered First Team All-America honors from the NCBWA and Second Team honors from Baseball America, Rawlings ABCA and Perfect Game. He played in all 53 games and led the country with a single season school record, .430 batting average. He was a semifinalist for the Golden Spikes Award and Gregg Olson Award. He set a new program mark with 95 hits and was a First Team All-Atlantic Sun Conference selection. Defensively he led the nation with 11 outfield assists and was ranked in the top 25 in slugging percentage (.478) and total bases (134). Donnie Dewees – 2015 Outfield – A unanimous All-American and First Team All-Region honoree as a redshirt sophomore. He was named the 2015 Atlantic Sun Conference Player of the Year and put together one of the best seasons in all of college baseball. He batted .422 and led the nation in hits (104), runs (88), slugging percentage (.749) and total bases (188). Finished fifth in the USA Baseball Golden Spikes Award voting and was a semifinalist for the Dick Howser Trophy. Was later drafted in the 2nd round by the Chicago Cubs in the second round. Corbin Olmstead – 2015 UTL – A unanimous All-American and a First Team ABCA All-Region selections. He became the first player in Atlantic Sun Conference history to garner First Team All-Conference honors at two different positions (RHP & DH). On the mound, tied for the league lead in saves and allowed only one earned run in 35.1 innings pitched. He didn’t surrender an earned run in his first 27.1 innings pitched. He belted 13 home runs, second most in the A-Sun to teammate Donnie Dewees. He batted .308 with 13 HRs and 42 RBIs at the plate @OspreyBSB 66 #SWOOPLife
2020 North Florida Baseball 1988 Professional Database Tony Diggs (OF) – Drafted by the Milwaukee Brewers (6th round) Phil Black (LHP) – Drafted by the Seattle Mariners (29th round) 2003 Bob Kappesser (C) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Milwaukee Brewers Justin Cerrato (P) – Drafted by the Philadelphia Phillies (29th round) Jesse Collins (C) – Drafted by the Minnesota Twins (39th round) 1991 Brian Rauch (P) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Milwaukee Brewers Doug Anderson (LHP) – Drafted by the Seattle Mariners (15th round) Robert Burris (P) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Oakland Athletics Darryl Kennedy (C) – Drafted by the Texas Rangers (37th round) Randy Hart (C) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Pittsburgh Pirates Manager of the Year in the Gulf Coast League in 1998, 1999 and 2000 Delvin Haskell (INF) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Frontier League (Independent) Manager in the Northwest League with the Texas Rangers Todd Claus (INF) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Los Angeles Angels 2004 Coach/scout with the Los Angeles Angels Billy Layman (P) – Drafted by the Los Angeles Angels (7th round) Chris Waters (P) – Drafted by the Los Angeles Angels (16th round) 1992 Joey Russell (1B) – Signed a free-agent contract with Yuma (Western League – Independent) Sid Roberson (LHP) – Drafted by the Milwaukee Brewers (29th round) T.J. Stanton (P) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Winnipeg Goldeyes (Northern League – Independent) Reached the Major Leagues in 1995 Billy Kovatch (OF) – Signed a free-agent contract with Yuma (Western League –Independent) Marc Claus (2B) – Drafted by the Minnesota Twins (31st round) A.J. Hernandez (1B) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Los Angeles Angels 2005 Josh Howard (OF) – Signed a free-agent contract with the San Diego Padres 1993 Marion Knowles (1B) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Minnesota Twins Todd Dunn (OF) – Drafted by the Milwaukee Brewers (1st round) Jon Skorupski (3B) – Signed a free-agent contract with the St. Louis Cardinals Reached the Major Leagues in 1996 Kevin Ohme (LHP) – Drafted by the Minnesota Twins (9th round) 2006 Played in Japan in 2000 season Matt Oxendine (SS) – Drafted by the Arizona Diamondbacks (15th round) Reached Major Leagues with the St. Louis Cardinals in 2003 Jeremy Papelbon (LHP) – Drafted by the Chicago Cubs (19th round) Mike Windham (RHP) – Drafted by the St. Louis Cardinals (9th round) Josh Papelbon (RHP) – Drafted by the Boston Red Sox (48th round) Chance Reynolds (C) – Drafted by the San Francisco Giants (54th round) Ryan Amason (RHP) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Philadelphia Phillies Jeremy Dunford (OF) – Signed a free-agent contract with Sioux Falls (Independent) Jacob Dixon (RHP) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Los Angeles Angels Jon Geist (SS) – Signed a free-agent contract with St. Paul Saints (Independent) Jonathan Hodach (C) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Los Angeles Angels Jared Incinelli (RHP) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Los Angeles Angels 1994 Ben Pincus (LHP) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Israeli Professional Baseball League (2007) Brian Tollberg (RHP) – Signed a free-agent contract with Chilicothe Paints (Independent) Reached the Major Leagues in 2000 2007 Jerry Carpenter (C) – Signed a free-agent contract with the California Angels Ty Pryor (RHP) – Drafted by the Los Angeles Angels (28th round) Returned to UNF Danon Winter (3B) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Chilicothe Paints (Independent) Derek Bell (RHP) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Traverse City (Mi.) Beach Bums (Frontier League – 1995 Independent) Greg “Boo” Mullins (LHP) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Milwaukee Brewers Jon Dandridge (OF) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Slippery Rock (Pa.) Sliders (Frontier League – Led Milwaukee Brewer’s Minor League organization with 32 saves (1997) Reached the Major Leagues in 1998 Independent) Joby Birr (SS) – Drafted by the St. Louis Cardinals (62nd round) Chris Bristow (1B) – Signed a free-agent congract with the Chilicothe Paints (Independent) 2008 Tyler Stohr (RHP) – Drafted by the Detroit Tigers (6th round) 1996 Wyatt Brooks (LHP) – Drafted by the Pittsburgh Pirates (30th round) 2009 Reenn Edmondson (RHP) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Chilicothe Paints (Independent) Mycal Jones (INF) – Drafted by the Atlanta Braves (4th round) Mike Comiskey (RHP) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Zanesville Grays (Independent) John Frawley (RHP) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Houston Astros Phil Rorabaugh (RHP) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Houston Astros 1997 Ty Pryor (RHP) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Windy City Thunderbolts (Frontier League – Travis Rapp (C) – Drafted by the Chicago White Sox (15th round) Keith Medosch (OF-INF) – Drafted by the Los Angeles Angels (17th round) Independent) Bryant Melson (C) – Drafted by the Minnesota Twins (38th round) Jay Nunley (OF) – Drafted by the Los Angeles Angels (41st round) 2010 Duke Baxter (2B) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Madison Black Wolf (Independent) Preston Hale (OF) – Drafted by the Baltimore Orioles (44th round) Joe Pound (1B-DH) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Chilicothe Paints (Independent) Michael Kelly (LHP) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Toronto Blue Jays 1998 2011 Mac Mackiewitz (1B) – Drafted by the Milwaukee Brewers (33rd round) Casey Medlen (RHP) – Drafted by the Milwaukee Brewers (37th round) Signed a free-agent contract with the Colorado Rockies (2000) Clayton Schulz (LHP) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Kansas City Royals Matt Everett (P) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Cleveland Indians Ryan Ward (OF) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers 2013 John O’Neil (C) – Signed a free-agent contract with the California Angels Tyler Marincov (OF) – Drafted by the Oakland Athletics (8th round) Brian Holden (P) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Atlanta Braves Kyle Westwood (RHP) – Drafted by the Houston Astros (13th round) Corey Bass (C) – Drafted by the Philadelphia Phillies (20th round) 1999 Matt Schneider (OF) – Drafted by the Pittsburgh Pirates (7th round) 2014 Signed a free-agent contract with the St. Louis Cardinals (2001) Drew Weeks (OF) – Drafted by the Colorado Rockies (7th round) Kevin Jackson (3B) – Drafted by the Detroit Tigers (13th round) David Trexler (RHP) – Drafted by the Chicago White Sox (17th Round) Stephen Stewart (LHP) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Milwaukee Brewers 2015 2000 Donnie Dewees (OF) – Drafted by the Chicago Cubs (2nd Round) Lee McCool (2B) – Drafted by the San Diego Padres (7th round) Jerrod Payne (P) – Drafted by the Toronto Blue Jays (10th round) 2016 Kevin Kay (C) – Drafted by the Los Angeles Angels (29th round) Keith Skinner (C) – Drafted by the New York Yankees (7th Round) Jeff Stockton (SS) – Drafted by the Los Angeles Angels (31st round) Bryan Baker (RHP) – Drafted by the Colorado Rockies (11th Round) Kyle Catrett (OF) – Signed a free-agent congract with Springfield, Ill. (Frontier League) Daniel Moritz (LHP) – Signed with the Toronto Blue Jays 2017 Yahir Gurrola (OF) – Drafted by the Philadelphia Phillies (27th round) 2001 2018 Mike Wood (P) – Drafted by the Oakland Athletics (10th round) Austin Drury (LHP) - Drafted by the Los Angeles Dodgers (34th round) Reached the Major Leagues in 2003 Frank German (RHP) - Drafted by the New York Yankees (4th round) 2002 2019 Matt Incinelli (P) – Drafted by the Arizona Diamondbacks (26th round) Brad Deppermann (RHP) - Drafted by the Chicago Cubs (7th round) Ryan Soehlig (3B) – Drafted by the Baltimore Orioles (24th round) Tanner Murphy (OF) - Drafted by the New York Mets (18th round) Tod Ewasko (P) – Signed a free-agent contract with the St. Louis Cardinals Nick Marchese (RHP) - Signed free-agent contract with the Arizona Diamondbacks Adam Horne (P) – Signed a free-agent contract with the Joliet Jackhammers (Northern League) Trace Norkus (RHP) - Signed a free-agent contract with the Evansville Otters (Frontier League) @OspreyBSB 67 #SWOOPLife
2020 North Florida Baseball MLB Draft History (50) Ospreys in the Majors Name Round (Overall) Team Year Tony Diggs (OF) 6th (157) Brewers 1988 Phil Black (LHP) 29th (715) Mariners 1988 Player Position MLB Debut Team Teams Doug Anderson (LHP) 15th (396) Mariners 1991 Darryl Kennedy (C) 37th (976) Rangers 1991 Sid Roberson (LHP) 29th (808) Brewers 1992 Marc Claus (2B) 31st (878) Twins 1992 Sid Roberson LHP May 20, 1995 Brewers Todd Dunn (OF) 1st (35) Brewers 1993 Kevin Ohme (LHP) 9th (261) Twins 1993 Mike Windham (RHP) 9th (256) Cardinals 1993 Chance Reynolds (C) 54th (1455) Giants 1993 Todd Dunn OF Sept. 8, 1996 Brewers Joby Birr (SS) 62nd (1547) Cardinals 1995 Wyatt Brooks (LHP) 30th (876) Pirates 1996 Travis Rapp (C) 15th (459) White Sox 1997 Keith Medosch (OF-INF) 17th (507) Angels 1997 Greg “Boo” Mullins LHP Sept. 18, 1998 Brewers Bryant Melson (C) 38th (1143) Twins 1997 Jay Nunley (OF) 41st (1254) Angels 1997 Mac Mackiewitz (1B) 33rd (986) Brewers 1998 Brian Tollberg RHP June 20, 2000 Padres Matt Schneider (OF) 7th (212) Pirates 1999 Kevin Jackson (3B) 13th (387) Tigers 1999 Lee McCool (2B) 7th (199) Padres 2000 Jerrod Payne (P) 10th (298) Blue Jays 2000 Kevin Ohme LHP April 14, 2003 Cardinals Kevin Kay (C) 29th (860) Angels 2000 Jeff Stockton (SS) 31st (920) Angels 2000 Mike Wood (P) 10th (311) Athletics 2001 Matt Incinelli (P) 26th (729) D-Backs 2002 Mike Wood RHP Aug. 21, 2003 Athletics Ryan Soehlig (3B) 24th (706) Orioles 2002 Justin Cerrato (P) 29th (865) Phillies 2003 Jesse Collins (C) 39th (1168) Twins 2003 Current Ospreys in the Pros Billy Layman (P) 7th (203) Angels 2004 Chris Waters (P) 16th (473) Angels 2004 Matt Oxendine (SS) 15th (447) D-Backs 2006 Jeremy Papelbon (LHP) 19th (569) Cubs 2006 Josh Papelbon (RHP) 48th (1443) Red Sox 2006 Player Position Organization Level Bryan Baker *Ty Pryor (RHP) 28th (868) Angels 2007 Brad Deppermann Tyler Stohr (RHP) 6th (193) Tigers 2008 Donnie Dewees Mycal Jones (INF) 4th (118) Braves 2009 Austin Drury RHP Blue Jays AAA Preston Hale (OF) 44th (1318) Orioles 2010 Frank German Casey Medlen (RHP) 37th (1121) Brewers 2011 Tyler Marincov (OF) 8th (251) Athletics 2013 Kyle Westwood (RHP) 13th (377) Astros 2013 RHP Cubs Short Season A Corey Bass (C) 13th (601) Phillies 2013 Drew Weeks (OF) 7th (203) Rockies 2014 David Trexler (RHP) 17th (498) White Sox 2014 OF Royals AAA Donnie Dewees (OF) 2nd (47) Cubs 2015 Keith Skinner (C) 7th (218) Yankees 2016 Bryan Baker (RHP) 11th (320) Rockies 2016 Yahir Gurrola (OF) 27th (803) Phillies 2017 LHP Dodgers A+ Austin Drury (LHP) 34th (1034) Dodgers 2018 Frank German (RHP) 4th (127) Yankees 2018 Brad Deppermann (RHP)7 th (222nd) Cubs 2019 RHP Yankees A+ Tanner Murphy (OF) 18th (538th) Mets 2019 *Returned to UNF Nick Marchese RHP Diamondbacks Rookie Advanced By Team: Tanner Murphy Trace Norkus OF Mets Rookie Advanced Los Angeles Angels: 7 Jay Prather Milwaukee Brewers: 5 Drew Weeks RHP Evansville Otters Indy. Ball Minnesota Twins: 4 IF Gary Southshore Railcats Indy Ball Philadelphia Phillies: 3 OF Rockies AAA Chicago Cubs: 3 Seattle Mariners: 2 *as of the end of 2019 season St. Louis Cardinals: 2 Pittsburgh Pirates: 2 Chicago White Sox: 2 Detroit Tigers: 2 Oakland Athletics: 2 Arizona Diamondbacks: 2 Baltimore Orioles: 2 New York Yankees: 2 Colorado Rockies: 2 Texas Rangers: 1 San Francisco Giants: 1 San Diego Padres: 1 Toronto Blue Jays: 1 Boston Red Sox: 1 Atlanta Braves: 1 Houston Astros: 1 Los Angeles Dodgers: 1 New York Mets: 1 @OspreyBSB 68 #SWOOPLife
2020 NORTH FLORIDA BASEBALL www.unfospreys.com | @OspreyBSB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ryan Jean Robbie Scott Tanner May Raff Libunao Tucker Horsley Zach West Ricky Presno LHP • L/L • 6-0 • 208 • So. IF • R/R • 5-10 • 147 • Jr. IF • R/R • 6-1 • 199 • Sr. OF • L/R • 5-6 • 189 • Jr. C • R/R • 5-11 • 192 • R-Fr. IF/OF • L/R • 5-10 • 183 • Jr. IF • L/R • 6-0 • 192 • Jr. GeneralSantosCity,Philippines Ocoee, Fla. Longwood, Fla. Orlando, Fla. Leesburg, Fla. Dunnellon, Fla. Pembroke Pines, Fla. 8 9 10 11 13 15 16 Brandon Reitz Zach Chappell Austin Bogart Blake Marabell Abraham Sequera Grant Grodi Jeslyn Whitehead RHP • R/R • 6-0 • 195 • Sr. LHP • L/L • 6-0 • 200 • So. OF/LHP • R/L • 5-9 • 195 • Gr. OF • R/R • 6-4 • 198 • Sr. IF • S/R • 5-8 • 188 • Jr. IF • L/R • 5-9 • 198 • So. IF/RHP • R/R • 6-2 • 196 • Fr. Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. Caracas, Venezuela Ocala, Fla. Inverness, Fla. St. Johns, Fla. Ocala, Fla. Ocoee, Fla. 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 Eddie Miller Tanner Clark Dominick Madonna Austin Hurwitz Jered Geis Hunter Bowling Jose Visaez LHP • R/L • 6-2 • 162 • R-Sr. C • L/R • 5-11 • 199 • Sr. RHP • R/R • 5-11 • 184 • Fr. C • L/R • 5-10 • 190 • Sr. OF • L/R • 5-9 • 178 • Fr. LHP • R/L • 6-7 • 243 • R-Sr. RHP • R/R • 6-0 • 200 • Jr. Ocala, Fla. Umatilla, Fla. Lady Lake, Fla. Boca Raton, Fla. Jacksonville, Fla. Lake Worth, Fla. Jacksonville, Fla. 25 26 28 29 31 32 34 Trey Spratling-Williams Rafael Santos Logan Clayton Justin Parrish Matthew Tadlock Tony Roca Chris Matthias IF • L/R • 6-4 • 231 • Jr. LHP • L/L • 6-3 • 211 • Jr. RHP • R/R • 6-3 • 182 • So. RHP • R/R • 6-0 • 196 • Fr. RHP • R/R • 5-11 • 154 • So. LHP • R/L • 6-3 • 221 • Fr. OF • R/R • 5-11 • 216 • R-Sr. Jacksonville, Fla. Deerfield Beach, Fla. Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. Edgewater, Fla. Starke, Fla. Bushnell, Fla. Merritt Island, Fla. 35 36 40 50 Will Ohme Cade Reich Max McKinley Darin Kilfoyl RHP • R/R • 6-2 • 197 • So. OF • R/R • 6-2 • 149 • Fr. RHP • R-R • 6-1 • 222 • R-Jr. RHP • R-R • 6-8 • 265 • Jr. Valrico, Fla. North Port, Fla. Tallahassee, Fla. Land O'Lakes, Fla. Tim Parenton Tommy Boss Andrew Hannon Kyle Brooks Cory Goff Head Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach Volunteer Assistant Coach Director of Operations 3rd Season 9th Season 3rd Season 2nd Season 1st Season