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Home Explore Yoga


Published by iuda, 2022-11-15 21:21:36

Description: Yoga


Read the Text Version YOGA IS GOOD BuFOsRiness Words: Kat Byles Kat Byles, founder Business is hurtling in the In these moments we are of True Business wrong direction. We know misaligned with our true nature and School, invites this. And it has to change. It is purpose. We are separate from Source: you to follow your increasingly clear that leading the universal energy that delights in heart’s wisdom with profit, ahead of everything creating the moon, stars, forests, and into a happier, else, separates us from our true oceans. When we are separate from healthier, wealthier selves and from nature; and it our higher consciousness, we make business and hurts. decisions led by ego-driven agendas world. that result in win-lose outcomes. It hurts when US 52 politicians put gun sales and The choice to push past safety NRA payouts before the lives of concerns to meet deadlines and children massacred in schools. budgets caused death, environmental It hurts when water companies disaster, and a $60 billion dollar pollute the UK’s rivers and seas bill – BP’s Deep Water Horizon Oil with sewage, killing wildlife, Spill. The decision and drive to meet and making people sick. It manufactured timelines burnt out a hurts when your soul slowly whole team so they can’t work for a dies when you are in a job that year – Toy Story 2, Pixar. you hate but you stay to pay the mortgage and feed your family. Cut off from Source, or universal energy, we struggle against our nature, working hard to chase ambition, financial targets, promotions, recognition and goals. We become sick; depression, stress, and anxiety set in.

Yoga offers us a way of being So how can you avoid burning one thing you want to say to them, that unites us with Source, with our out by bringing the principles of yoga from your heart to theirs? What is creative consciousness. Asanas are into your business? There are three your message? Where are you showing yoga postures that facilitate a union of key steps: connection, alignment, and up to meet them and provide value? our body, mind and spirit. By bringing skilful action. yoga off the mat and into our business, Step 3. Action we have a way of uniting with Source, Step 1. Connection universal energy, and a way of being in This gives you a clear pathway, which is harmony with both mother nature and Start by connecting with your heart’s unique and true to you. You are ready our own true nature. wisdom and learning to listen to what to take action that will take you forward it has to tell you. in the right direction enabling you to When you take consistent business fulfil your purpose and bring you joy. action inspired by your heart’s wisdom, You can do this through you build structures that nourish and meditation, or by being in nature— Any action taken without support you to thrive. Your business perhaps swimming in the ocean, attachment to outcome becomes skilful becomes a vehicle for the expression of or walking in the forest—or by action, also called Karma Yoga. This universal intelligence. You create win- journaling, painting, dancing, breath opens a flow of opportunities that are a win outcomes. work, movement, or playing with your match for you and your business. What children or pets. Find your preferred was previously challenging becomes Working with the biggest names in way. inevitable. sports as a global change-maker with a big mission and purpose, and working Step 2. Alignment Remember, it takes courage to a 100-hour week, I burned out. My trust the whisper of your heart – to health, relationships, and happiness Now listen to your heart’s wisdom to let go of attachments and control. You were driven into the ground. build a practical business structure may initially experience a panic, a that is completely aligned with who fear that if you do let go nothing will I listened to my heart’s wisdom you are and what you came here to do. happen, that the clients, the deal, and and followed it to Antigua. Here I the money won’t come in! You may floated in the turquoise Caribbean Sea, Listen to your heart’s wisdom to worry that your business will fail and walked barefoot on the white sand, receive your purpose, and to discover tell yourself that you must get busy and ate ripe, juicy mangoes from the tree, your audience – the people your you must push! But, on the other side of and fell into a rhythm with nature. purpose naturally serves. What is the surrender, you will experience release This immersion in nature restored my and relief. You’ll be able to create with wellness. Then it began feeding me presence in harmony with your natural with inspiration for True Business – a creative flow, creative consciousness way of being in business in harmony and grace, lighting your way. with our true, higher nature and creative consciousness. 53 Transformation Nine months later she became 5 Yoga Poses for from the heart the chef for the Black Eyed Peas on Business leading the way their music retreat, who thanked her for her creativity and love in the food To help you create connection, find As I began sharing True Business which had served their creativity. She alignment, and take action, here with other creative visionaries, produced a plant-based recipe book are five yoga poses I use myself and leaders, entrepreneurs, teachers, and was fully booked for a season of recommend for different aspects of the healers, artists, coaches and Ibiza retreats sharing compassionate business. consultants, they also experienced food for a compassionate world. this inspiration, liberation, and 1 Mountain Pose fulfilment. Simon Haas, yoga philosopher and author, was seeking book reviews or Tadasana Plant-based chef and founder of and articles, to sell more copies The Mindful Kitchen, Bex Shindler, of ‘The Book of Dharma, making Stillness. Stand tall like a mountain. was fearful of failing in business, enlightened choices and Yoga and Stand upright, feet parallel, facing leaving her stuck and unable to move the Dark night of the Soul, a sacred forward. Ankles, knees and hips are forwards. Finally, she listened to her journey to love’. stacked evenly above each other. Your heart’s wisdom and opened up to the tailbone is neutral. Shoulders are open joy of alignment with her purpose Simon is an introvert, a scholar, and down. Arms are loose and long and message. This gave her the and a writer so writing articles is an and your palms are slightly open. courage to consistently show up and obvious logical call. However, his heart’s teach plant-based cooking to others wisdom shared a vision and pathway to This brings you to a still, grounded, via Facebook. becoming an international speaker and presence. It’s a moment to check-in reaching his soul family with ancient with yourself, and notice your breath, This experience of alignment is wisdom for the modern world. your feelings, and your needs. A time to a very different one from the frozen turn from the outer world and ‘doing’, fear of failing. She said: “I feel so Honouring his heart’s wisdom to your inner world and ‘being’. This grateful for exactly where I am. For and dharma he said yes. Simon set is a movement away from giving and creating the path of my dreams, the off on a three-month, 12 location towards receiving. This pose will take life I want, for being in flow and UK speaking tour. Invitations to you into peace, calm, and strength. aligned with my heart’s true purpose. I speak in Holland, France, Lithuania can feel the life force running through followed. Two years later Simon was I choose this posture: Before I my veins. So connected with Source invited to speak at the United Nations start the business day, anytime I need and at peace. I have everything I need International Day of Yoga in New to check in with myself and to bring a in this moment.” York, followed by a yoga festival for grounded presence before a meeting or thousands in Mexico. Simon was presentation. 54 living his heart’s vision and dharma.

2 Goddess Pose or 4 Tree Pose or surrender to the universal flow. Your mind starts to settle and your nervous Utkata Konasana Vrksasana system recalibrates and resets. Energise. Power up the feminine Balance. Rooted, playful, flexibility I choose this posture: After energy that created the universe and freedom to fall. meetings where there’s a lot of Begin in Mountain pose. Spread your information to assimilate and Stand with your feet three feet toes, and press your left foot into integrate, anytime I experience sensory apart, turned out 45 degrees, exhale the mat. Find your focus, a steady overload, and to close the business day. and power squat. Drop your shoulders. gazing spot in front of you. Place your By bringing yoga off the mat and into Bring your arms up and bend as you hands on your hips and raise your your business, you will find that the do for a wall angel. Keep your chest right foot high onto your left thigh or business thrives without the need for open and chin parallel to the floor. shin. Stretch your arms overhead like long hours and constant activity. Your Breathe. branches reaching into the sun. Hold business becomes a true expression of and breathe. Repeat on the other side. who you are and what you are here for This is a power pose. It ignites your bringing you a wonderful combination energy, grounds you on the earth, This encourages you to feel of happiness, health, and wealth. and fires up your fierceness so you are rooted and reach tall. It challenges ready for anything. It leaves you feeling your balance. You may find yourself Kat Byles is the Founder of the confident, focused, and plugged into swaying, or falling. Replace the need True Business School, working your inner power and pleasure. to get it right or perfect, by inviting with creative, visionary, and playfulness, the freedom to fall, and purpose driven leaders, I choose this posture: For an flexibility. entrepreneurs, teachers, energy boost, when doubts and fears healers, artists, and coaches to rise, and when I need to take a stand I choose this posture: When I need unleash their heart’s wisdom for myself and my vision. to restore the balance of being and and creativity on a happier, doing, when I need to inject playful healthier, wealthier business 3 Warrior 2 Pose creativity into the day, and when and world. I need a reminder that falling isn’t Web: & or Virabhadrasana II failing. www.True-Business-School. com Focus. Open up concentration, 5 Corpse Pose or LinkedIn: https://www. discernment and stamina. Face the long side of your mat, arms Shavasana Instagram: https://www. stretched out, feet parallel in a wide stance. Turn your right foot towards Surrender. Total relaxation. Give the short end of the mat. Bend your yourself to the earth. right knee over your right ankle. Press Lie on the floor. Lengthen from your down the outer edge of your back foot. neck through your tailbone, open Reach strongly through both arms and across your chest, and move your turn your gaze to look past your right shoulder blades away from your fingertips. Repeat on the left. spine. Let your entire body sink into the floor. Let go. Relax. Give yourself This pose is named after completely to the earth. Virabhadra, a warrior representing the destruction of evil, ignorance This complete relaxation allows and delusion. It opens up your focus, you to release any tension, and to concentration, stamina and strength. It assimilate, integrate, restore, and brings a discernment to say yes to your purpose. Distractions fall away. I choose this posture: When focus and urgency is required to meet a deadline, when I feel scattered or overwhelmed, or when I need to go the last 100 metres to complete a project. 55 NUTRITION Could Going Vegan FOR A MONTH CHANGE YOUR LIFE? Words:TinaManahai-Mahai While some people are giving alcohol the whole world vegan. Veganuary a break with things like Dry January, is founded on four main pillars: others are choosing to explore the recruiting more people, reaching the benefits of a vegan diet for a month. corporate level, raising awareness, and Veganuary is a campaign that expanding the global movement. encourages people to say ‘no’ to meat and dairy products and ‘yes’ to plant- It’s clear that the campaign has based foods. been woven into the minds of not only vegan animal advocates but also into Whether you think of it as a cleanse the eco-consciousness of corporate after the indulgent festivities, want institutions. During the 2021 campaign to experience the health benefits of alone, more than 500,000 people a vegan diet, or are conscious about joined the movement. They received the environment, Veganuary is an lifestyle support from supermarkets opportunity to trial a vegan pledge for and restaurants as “more than 825 the month. new vegan products and menu options were launched” in Veganuary’s key PAY IT FORWARD campaign countries. The Veganuary campaign began in But what’s driving the global 2014 and has since recruited millions change to veganism, and how can you of people in its mission to turn benefit from going vegan for a month? 56

ANIMAL CONSERVATION: the world’s biodiversity is affected by the use of wild land for soy and maize crops, the main food source for livestock. This threatens many species with extinction. Some of these lands are also the main habitat for animals. WITH THE greenhouse gas emissions are a PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT IN result of meat and dairy production. RAINFOREST AND LANDS: MIND That’s more than all transportation emissions. In the UK alone, 91% of the Amazon rainforest is Veganism is not just a diet; it’s a greenhouse gas emissions from cleared to make way for animal way of life; a mindset. It’s a two-way agriculture in 2019 accounted for agriculture. It’s also the biggest process that not only grants you 10% of all emissions. contributor to deforestation immaculate health benefits but also carried out for use of land. helps you give back to the planet, its According to the Veganism biodiversity, and communities. Impact Report, our carbon STOPPING WORLD emissions would be reduced HUNGER: Being vegan has a host of benefits by up to 9.6 billion tons if the for the environment which have been whole world went vegan. Apart The production of livestock officially recognised by the United from reducing greenhouse gas feed monopolises the world’s Nations since 2010. The UN has emissions, here are some of the resources, leaving certain areas urged people to switch to a vegan other environmental benefits of deprived of such. If food is diet in an attempt to combat climate going vegan: grown exclusively for direct change, solve world hunger, and fight human consumption, more poverty. WATER CONSERVATION: people will be fed worldwide, thus combating world hunger. As the world population Agriculture amounts to 93% of approaches 8 billion, there is an water consumption worldwide. increasing need for agriculture to In comparison, household use sustain us. Nevertheless, agriculture accounts for only 3% of total is one of the main contributors water consumption to global warming. Recently, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations announced that 14.5% of all anthropogenic 57 NUTRITION 58

BOOST YOUR HEALTH GLOWING SKIN Veganuary is becoming more and WITH VEGANISM more popular around the whole Healthy skin needs to be well- world. More people are realising the While benefiting the planet’s flora hydrated. While cosmetics can help many benefits of veganism, including and fauna, going vegan for a month us improve our skin, nothing beats improved health, environmental can significantly improve the the glow a vegan diet can give conservation, and ethical practices. microflora in your body and generally us. Fruits and vegetables such as Why not give it a try this New Year? aid your health. Here is only a fraction oranges and cucumbers are rich in of the array of benefits that a vegan antioxidants, while healthy nuts and Tina Manahai-Mahai, is the Co- diet can have for you: avocados are rich in healthy fats and Owner and Managing Director at vitamin E. Healthy Supplies. IMPROVED GUT HEALTH BETTER MOOD A plethora of healthy bacteria, Simply having a clear conscience and viruses, and fungi, around 1,000 knowing that you’re doing your bit species, reside in your gut. for the environment can significantly Collectively, these species are improve your mood. called the gut microbiome. They’re responsible for keeping our immune SOURCES system in line as 70% - 80% of our immune system is located in the • gut. Unfortunately, 40% of the UK • population has an unhealthy gut • microbiome, and that’s due to the • quality of food and lifestyle we have. • Multiple studies have shown that the consumption of animal products can file/957687/2019_Final_emissions_statistics_one_page_summary.pdf worsen Crohn’s disease and Irritable • Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Plant-based • foods, on the other hand, contains • fibre that acts as a prebiotic and • probiotic – exactly what our guts • need. • • • 9853-d74da51189dd#130765541 • sausages REDUCED RISK OF DISEASES, SUCH AS CANCER Plant-based foods are packed full of phytochemicals – powerful antioxidants found in fruit and vegetables, according to a recent study. Antioxidants help reduce the risk of diseases including cancer. According to a study conducted by Cancer Research UK, if people in the UK gave up processed or red meat, there would be 8,800 fewer cases of cancer each year. 59

PHILOSOPHY SuYtorgaas Words: Yogi Maharaj Dr. Malik In the previous issues of YOGA sutras because in time, as you practice have over the decades been interpreted Magazine, I explored briefly and still the mind, it will become according to tradition, meaning, Chapter 1 (‘Types of Yoga’) calmer. philosophy, psychology, and other and Chapter 2 (‘The Practice methodologies. In the previous issue of of Yoga’), from an ancient If you are new to ‘Yoga Sutras’, YOGA Magazine, I explored Sutra 8 of book written by sage Patanjali, just know the book comprises short Chapter 3. namely the ‘Yoga Sutras’. After that, we poetic sentences. Each sutra is a moved on to Chapter 3 (‘The Powers sentence long, maybe even 2 or 3 brief This month I provide a brief snapshot of Yoga’). sentences. They are designed to be of Sutra 9, of Chapter 3. studied, contemplated upon and have This ancient book on yoga explains their meanings searched for. There Stopping the modifications of thoughts the meaning of yoga. The focus are many commentaries written about and their shadows/imprints results in of this book is on the mind. If the the Sutras, each with its own style and total control – (9) mind is peaceful – then it can attain approach. The Sutras are designed to the highest stages of enlightenment trigger the mind to think about the In the previous sutra, Patanjali (Samadhi). If the mind is not hidden meanings of yoga practice as mentioned the state of samadhi (as controlled then it will be afflicted with well as the overt meanings. part of the samyama mind awareness thoughts that are not peaceful, which state). This is only one distinct type of in turn will create problems in your The Yoga Sutras is not a static samadhi. There is also the super state day-to-day life. text, it is a practical guide to help of samadhi. you tame your mind and to control Even if your goal is not the ‘thoughts’ that rise in it – so that There are different ‘kinds’ or enlightenment or you believe you you can move towards the state of ‘types’ of this enlightened stage in the can’t achieve this state (Samadhi), enlightenment or super-consciousness. practitioner’s journey. The highest this should not put you off studying, There is no definitive answer to what form of samadhi, is a superpower state. reflecting, and meditating on the the meaning of the Sutras is, as they 60

STOPPING THE MODIFICATIONS OF THOUGHTS AND THEIR SHADOWS/ IMPRINTS RESULTS IN TOTAL CONTROL SUTRA 9, CHAPTER 3 Once attained, the practitioner is then states of the mind. The two co-exist toxic overload. This toxicity can reduce bestowed with extraordinary abilities. and become one. If your mind is your life considerably as well as bring Anything and everything seems constantly occupied by lethargic on premature ageing. Thousands of possible when this arises. The body feelings then your body may show years ago, Patanjali was already writing becomes formless so that the 'essence' signs in posture or aches and pains. A about the mind-body connection. is understood. depressed mind can be felt in the body. Obstacles that distract will keep Even the skin can show underlying your mind in perpetual anguish, and As seen in the previous issue, this mental states. The toxicity of any emotional turmoil – in a ‘war’ with appreciation of formlessness allows emotion can result in disease and even yourself. They will keep you blinded access almost like 'keys' to the secret death. Major organs of the body such from the ‘truth’ of your reality, of who chambers of the mind - to access a new as the heart, kidneys, and liver can all you really are, of your natural state of level of awareness. be affected by the way you think and being – your birth-right. feel. Such states are also mirrored in In sutra 9 Patanjali describes how the breath. If the mind is tired, it is out of the process of thoughts can create ‘steam’ like a train that zooms at high changes in the mind and its processes. Anxiety, depression, fear, and speed and soon slows when there When such thoughts are limited, held panic are easily transformed into and is little fuel. You may be ‘alive’ and back, destroyed, or restricted, the mind manifest in the way you breathe. If you participating in the world but your is adversely affected. are happy, at ease, and peaceful then mind is suffering fatigue. Therefore, it the breath reflects this. The inhalations cannot perform to its optimum best. Thoughts can significantly impact and exhalations are at a steady pace It does not have the fuel to keep it the mind and its processes. In earlier and not out of control and abnormal. working to its best. The small amount chapters of this ancient book Patanjali of fuel left is used merely to keep the is telling us clearly that 'obstacles' in A calm mind will reflect itself in mind engaging with the obstacles and the mind are created by our thoughts. the body and the mind. If you are keeping them ‘alive’. A distracted mind This leads to emotional disturbances. feeling anxious for any number of crammed to its brim with obstacles These states do not just live in the reasons there is nothing to be ashamed creates all sorts of ills and misfortune mind and cause confusion. They also of. Some stress is definitely good for on the person who harbours them. It seep into the body. Mind-body has a us. But if left unchecked and allowed has such a momentous impact that it symbiotic relationship. The influence to fester in the mind for a considerable will also directly affect the physical of the mind on the body is profound amount of time, or even if exposed to body. and lasting. The body mirrors the stressful situations, the result can be 61

PHILOSOPHY TOFTRROUME ICSOONLNAETCIOTNION Words: Steven Washington It happens gradually. Sometimes No matter how the pattern begins, using. In my days of drinking, I would imperceptibly. The world gets isolation and addiction go hand in commiserate with others at bars or smaller and smaller as we retreat into hand. The addicted person wants parties, but I couldn’t wait to get home the habits, feelings, thoughts, and nothing more than to be alone with and drink with impunity. I often hear places that feel “safe” — comfortable the thing that they are addicted to, others describe the same or similar in the old-shoe sort of way. Loss, the substance or behavior. It’s almost behavior when they are active in their trauma, and pain of all kinds can like having an itch that we can’t help addiction. initiate the gradual separation that but scratch. Through the process of erodes the connection between isolation, the world of the addicted Here are some recovery tools that ourselves and others. For those in person becomes smaller and smaller can be effective ways to avoid isolation addiction, the isolation can easily until they are separate and alone in and increase communion with others. move to extremes. the ways that allow them to continue Try them and see if they have a positive impact on your life. 64

\"Loss, trauma, Call It Out Set an Intention to and pain of all Connect kinds can initiate Naming what you are feeling is an the gradual effective way to reduce and regulate An intention guides our actions to separation the emotions that arise within. There is achieve a certain outcome. To move that erodes power in calling out difficult feelings. away from isolation, set an intention the connection Suppressing emotions never provides to connect more with other people. between positive results. The feelings get pushed That’s all. Every morning, without ourselves and down temporarily and eventually knowing exactly what you will do, set others\". express themselves in negative that intention, which has the power and unhelpful ways. Naming your to inspire and guide your actions. dominant emotions is empowering. It Perhaps you will make a phone call, allows you to take more control and attend a support group meeting, ownership over your circumstances arrange a coffee date with a friend or and moves you toward actions that loved one, or send a heartfelt email. can transform how you feel. Take a The specifics don’t really matter. By moment right now to check in with reinforcing our intention to connect, yourself; take inventory of your we help keep ourselves on track current emotional state. If you are to transform our life when we feel feeling isolated, lonely, or any other nervous, self-conscious, or afraid to heavy emotion, call it out. Make a move beyond our comfort zone. regular practice of acknowledging your feelings. If you want to have meaningful exchanges with others, deepen your relationships, and feel more connected to humanity, take a few deep breaths and set that intention now. From there you will naturally find ways to do so over time. 65

PHILOSOPHY Actively Seek Social I was getting sober were recovery some person said, “Well, I have four Connections meetings. They made it possible for me days.” I know that language now. I to interact and connect with people know exactly what that means — four Sometimes, when we feel lonely or who were on a similar journey. As I days. Oh my God. isolated, we expect or hope that other listened to their stories, I regained people will notice and reach out to strength and hope and gathered Take a moment now to decide how us. But it is important to take the information about what I could do you will reach out if you are feeling initiative and reach out first. Don’t wait next to further break out of the cycle isolated or lonely. Decide if you will for someone else to make contact. Be of isolation that I had lived with for so search for a recovery meeting, whether proactive and contact them. Taking long. in-person or online. Or decide which action, all by itself, can change how person you will call or write to. we feel. An old recovery slogan that Randee beautifully described to me Taking action and making contact will captures this dynamic is “You can’t what it was like when she first started certainly help you, and it may help think your way into right action, attending meetings: someone else. but you can act your way into right Well, it’s funny because I felt like I was thinking.” in a room where I didn’t know the Move Your Body language. I was trying to be hip, slick, Paradoxically, the friendship, and cool in the room. I was trying to Feelings of isolation and loneliness are fellowship, and connection that we say something that would make me intertwined with overall well-being. abandon when isolating is all we need stand out as somebody who is worthy When people become entrenched in to solve the problem. Each of these of attention and friendship, but I didn’t prolonged cycles of loneliness, they can be found and cultivated in various know the language. You know? And tend to create a very small world for ways. What worked best for me as that was the thing — when I finally got themselves without much physical into the program, I knew the language. activity. According to the Mayo Clinic, I was in a meeting the other day and lack of physical activity can lead to 66

depression and anxiety as well as a host of other health problems. On the other hand, consistent exercise combats all these things. It doesn’t just help improve high blood pressure, diabetes, and arthritis — it improves our mood, reduces stress, and minimizes loneliness and depression. In general, I encourage you to regularly incorporate physical activity of all kinds into your life. Take a moment now to create a list of two or three activities that you enjoy and can envision doing daily or at least several times per week. Then set realistic goals that incorporate more movement in a gradual way. Deciding to go to the gym seven days a week, when you don’t go at all now, isn’t a good way to start. For instance, after work, simply go for an extended walk to take your mind off your worries and increase the opportunity to have social interactions with other people. Don’t underestimate the power of a friendly smile, a wave, or a shared hello with someone in your neighborhood. This alone can momentarily lift you out of loneliness and isolation. 67

PHILOSOPHY Practice the Power of Touch Steven Washington is the author of Yet another way to break free from isolation 'Recovering You : Soul Care and Mindful is through bodywork. As a trained massage Movement' for Overcoming Addiction. As a therapist, I’ve witnessed the power of touch former professional dancer who performed and know its ability to dissolve emotional and on Broadway in Disney’s The Lion King, his energetic walls. When living an isolated life, love of movement inspired him to become people not only lose emotional contact with the highly acclaimed Qigong and Pilates others, but they lose the nurturing and caring teacher that he is today. He offers Qigong, physical contact others provide. The power of Pilates, Dance, Meditation, Laughter, and more touch can do so much to help us remember through his website. Visit him online at www. that we’re not alone. There is tenderness and support available to us right there on a massage table. Self-massage practices can be effective for this, too, but I also recommend finding a skilled bodyworker or massage therapist in your local area. Ask your friends and family for referrals, which are often a good and safe place to begin. Excerpted from the book from 'Recovering You : Soul Care and Mindful Movement' for Overcoming Addiction. Copyright ©2022 by Steven Washington. Printed with permission from New World Library — 68

OUR STORY SOiL Organic Aromatherapy was born from a passion to bring health, balancing and well-being benefits of 100% pure organic essential oils to homes and families across the globe and provide a holistic approach to your lifestyle. From the humble beginning of a small agricultural project, SOiL has been built from a dynamic husband and wife team into an internationally recognised brand, known for the integrity, purity and traceability of all our products. SOiL Organic Aromatherapy farm, distil and distribute the products directly from our family farm in Zululand, South Africa. We strive to provide the highest quality of products. 100% certified organic essential oil blends for your health and well-being. Available from health stores and online at

FEATURE MOOD BOOSTING EXERCISES FOR REDUCING STRESS T Words: Total Fitness imes are hard. Disruptions to daily life coupled with strict new rules and regulations mean many of us are, unsurprisingly, feeling a little under the weather. But there are plenty of steps that can be taken at home to help improve your mood, besides re-watching your favourite box sets and stocking up on sweet treats! Serotonin is a hormone produced in the body which signals to the brain when we're feeling happy and there are plenty of ways to stimulate the body's production of this important hormone. From getting more sunlight and listening to music, to spending time with friends and family and eating healthy foods. For those in the know, there's always a way to enjoy a natural pick-me-up. The five exercises below are you work-out. If you're fortunate particularly effective for stimulating enough to be living with someone One of the quickest and most the production and release of else during this time, you can get effective ways to help your body serotonin. For those extra serotonin them involved in your work-out too produce serotonin is to break a sweat boosts, try these exercises outside – exercise is always more enjoyable and many forms of exercise will even in the sunshine and pop some when you have a partner to chat to allow you to incorporate some of the headphones in so you can listen to and keep you motivated: other serotonin-boosters previously your favourite uplifting tunes while mentioned into your workout, too. 70

DANCING Dancing is a great form of aerobic exercise that gets the blood pumping and the heart rate up. Pair the physical challenges of this energetic activity with the mood- boosting benefits of music and you've already ticked two of the serotonin product boxes, meaning you're winning. What's more, dancing is something that people of all ages and abilities can enjoy, so regardless of whether you're a salsa-pro or you've got two left feet, simply having a go is enough to burn some serious calories and get the serotonin flowing. For a next- level dancing challenge, why not get on board with this season's latest social media craze and challenge yourself to learn a TikTok dance routine. RUNNING Running is one of those love-it-or- hate-it exercises that really divides people, but like many things in life, it can become enjoyable with a little practice. Running is one of the best ways to produce serotonin naturally and so if you can stick with it past those first few runs, you'll reap huge rewards. For those struggling to keep at it, there are resources available that can help you structure your running development, such as the NHS Couch to 5K which provides a guide to gently building up stamina and fitness in short achievable sessions over a series of weeks. FEATURE CYCLING For those that simply loathe the idea of pounding the pavements another option with similar mood-boosting benefits is cycling. You can make the most of your hours outside by getting on your bike and giving your legs a good workout. Whether you're living with a housemate or looking for ways to occupy the kids, cycling is something that can be hugely enjoyable as a group activity. Remember, the harder you work the more serotonin your body will produce, so if you're in need of a bigger boost, opt for a more challenging route with inclines or simply take the longer route. 72

YOGA Yoga is a fantastic way to reduce anxiety and stress levels thanks to its combination of calming breathing techniques and muscle-relaxing stretches that release physical tension. Total Fitness recently commissioned a study of 2,006 UK adults which identified that as many as 40% of millennials regularly practice yoga and of those, 1 in 3 feel less anxious and stressed afterward. The combination of deep targeted breathing and slow stretching helps to relieve physical tension in the body and slow down the heart rate, both of which aid relaxation and will have you feeling better in no time. A BRISK WALK Sometimes it's easy to forget that walking is exercise and, just like other activities that get you moving, walking also helps the body produce happy endorphins. Ideal for those who are new to exercise or are living with injuries, a brisk walk can help transform a bad day into a good day by stimulating the production of serotonin – and as an added bonus, 30 minutes of brisk walking will also burn between 100-300 calories. For additional pick-me- up benefits, why not plug into some music on your walk while you enjoy the sunshine and take in the beauty of nature, which in itself is a fantastic mood booster. Total Fitness is a leading mid-market health club brand in the North with 15 health clubs across the North of England and Wales. It provides a full-service fitness offering both in the club and online; guided by knowledgeable and supportive fitness teams, the brand works hard to meet the evolving needs of its members. 73

If you’re familiar with aura colours, yHoouwr atourdaisccoolvoeurr you’ll know that it can be less about personality traits and more of a If you’ve not recently seen someone • Rub your hands together, reflection of what type of energy is who can photograph or read your slowly open them around you at a certain time. aura, you might be wondering how towards you and see if to do a self-assessment. There are a you can spot any colours Your aura can be a combination few different methods you can do between your palms. of colours, some more dominant and the more you practise, the more than others, and it’s something in tune you will become. Some of the • There are also short that can change according to your easiest methods include: quizzes you can try emotional state or life stage. online. By dressing to match your aura • Find a mirror in a brightly lit room For now, we’ll interpret the colour, you can feel more balanced and look into it. Close your eyes main aura colours and offer and at ease in your day-to-day life. It for a few seconds, then open suggestions on what kinds of can also affect those around you, as them slowly and you may see outfits to pair them with. the energy you feel can be projected your aura colours flash around onto others. you. Here the lifestyle department at Cath Kidston will discuss how to interpret your aura and dress in alignment with it. RED Red energy is defined by sensuality. Those who have predominantly red auras are excellent at following their heart, creating goals for themselves, and manifesting their desires. Red can signify change, but it’s also about taking action. Red energies can be complemented with a powerful feminine style, so don’t be afraid to go bold with your wardrobe. Think block colours and hints of leather. It’s also good to remember that aura colours can be more nuanced than a single meaning. The appearance of red could point toward some turbulence in your life that is leaving you feeling imbalanced. In this case, you could try contrasting the red with calming colours such as greens and blues to help you feel more at peace. 75

FEATURE ORANGE An orange aura is heavily related to creative, outgoing energy. Orange energies are warm- hearted and expressive and often enjoy the company of others. Orange can also sometimes be a sign of an overactive mind, one that is seeking a creative outlet. Go bold and playful with patterns and metallics. Orange hues evoke feelings of new experiences, so try adding a bright shoulder bag to carry cameras, notepads, etc. with enough room to bring back whatever you discover on your travels. 76 YELLOW Yellow is the colour of charisma and, as you might expect, a sunny disposition. It is closely linked to feelings of identity and confidence, so its appearance is a good sign that you’re feeling empowered in yourself and your actions. Yellow exudes optimism, so incorporating yellow into your style will help you to project these feelings onto those around you as well. Try adding pieces that convey powerful femininity, such as blazers and heels. 77

FEATURE GREEN moment of transformation in your life for which you are using Green is a healing aura colour. self-love to balance out your It’s a sign that you have a emotions. peaceful, nurturing nature that wishes to care for yourself, Modest tailored pieces are those around you, as well as ideal for green auras – chic, the natural world. yet comfortable. Earthy tones will help to reflect the same When you have green in your grounded feelings towards aura, it may also signify a others. 78

BLUE The calmest of the colours – a blue aura tends to be associated with someone who is insightful and thoughtful. It’s also closely aligned with a free spirit; someone who is open and not afraid to be honest with their feelings. They may also tend to be up in the clouds. Try adding oversized pieces and soft fabrics to your everyday styles. Flowy, basic cuts that prioritise comfort, such as culottes, midi skirts, or jeans, will match the calm energy perfectly. If you’re struggling to focus, bringing some green to your wardrobe may help you to feel more grounded. 79 FEATURE PURPLE BLACK Like blue, purple is another Shades of black or shadow introspective aura colour. in your aura show an air of It’s closely associated with mystery. While you could take people who are sensitive and advantage of the enigmatic empathetic. Understanding glamour of dressing in black, it others comes easily for those could also be a sign that you’re with strong purple or violet feeling guarded and cautious shades in their aura. towards others. Like blue, they also tend to be dreamers with a strong sense To counteract the negative of creativity and spirituality. energy, you should try If you’re seeing shades of incorporating some or a violet or lavender, you might combination of the other be drawn to statement pieces colours into your wardrobe. with interesting shapes and You may not be ready for bold patterns that satisfy your outfits just yet, but healing artistic side and add an colours, such as blue, green, ethereal quality. and purple will put you more at ease. The energetic colours, on 80 the other hand, may help to put a spring back into your step. WHITE As an aura colour, white is more uncommon. If you do see a lot, it could be a sign of a busy or overwhelmed mind that is being held back by perfectionism – almost as if a fog has appeared around you to cloud your goals. On the other hand, white can also be connected to spirituality and be a sign that you’re tuned into a higher purpose. Crisp, chic outfits that play with layers and textures will help to outwardly reflect the angelic qualities of a white aura. 81

FEATURE tWhehraetitsoadboleifnd \"By dressing Having a blend of colours Dressing according to match your appear in your aura is to your aura colour is not aura colour, equally symbolic of busy a list of rules to follow, you can feel energy. You've got a lot but rather a way to help more balanced going on, and while these interpret your emotions and at ease in things can be good or as they align with your your day-to- bad, experiencing them all fashion choices. Some day life\". together is overwhelming. days you will feel like going all out with the The good news is that energetic tones, others you can try out a multitude you may want to lean into of colours in your wardrobe the more subdued shades according to what feeling – and that’s okay too. you want to focus on and project. Style should be a combination of self- Some people may expression and self-love. find that one or two aura So, the most important colours consistently show thing is that when you up around them, but it’s dress, you feel like you’re important to remember wearing clothes that help that they will shift and you feel comfortable and change according to where confident in yourself. you are at in life. Sources • • • • • • • • • you-wear • • Jessica Cooper is a Junior Copywriter. She has vast experience writing about numerous topics for a variety of industry sectors including business, fashion, education, and technology. 82

LEAP Mentoring Transform your Life & Wellness Business Clarity, Confidence, Clients! Caroline Shola Arewa Do work that Aligns with Coach, Speaker, Author your Heart, and still pay the mortgage! [email protected] IG - @sholasays FB - Wellness Revolutionaries

Ask YDorg.iMMaalhikaraj Yogi Maharaj Dr. Malik our Editor (since 2003) is a flow from 1 to 12). It is a complete recognised international expert and an authority on and beneficial way to keep yourself in the subject of Yoga. He started his training under the good health whether or not you suffer guidance of Yogis from the Himalayan region at the from diabetes. Other ways to manage age of six and also received instructions from Sufis, diabetes include following medical Lamas and Sadhus. He is an accredited Yoga teacher advice from your GP and managing specialising in Kundalini, Hatha and Laya Yoga. your diet and lifestyle. Founder and pioneer of Yogology, a spiritual technology which combines ancient traditions and principles of Q. My GP has diagnosed me with Laya, Hatha, Kundalini and meditative practices, Yogi COPD and I am very worried and Malik began teaching this over 20 years ago. He has stressed as it is ruining my life. He spent a lifetime dedicated to researching, teaching and has sent me for further tests. I am sharing his knowledge on yoga. He is also a practitioner anxious to get rid of it or to be able of related alternative therapies, including Shamanism. to manage it through yoga which is the reason I am writing to you. Please Q: Is it true that negative thoughts can definitely help manage such can you provide any help on what I make you ill? My daughter was saying conditions. should or should not do? she read about this in your magazine R. Timms – Halifax and I told her to behave herself Q: Any suggestions on what yoga because illness is caused by germs. I postures are good for dealing with Firstly, Chronic Obstructive wanted to check in with you first. diabetes? Pulmonary Disease is a very serious D. Irvine - Burnley R. Singh – Birmingham matter and I am sad to learn that you have been diagnosed with this A: The strength of negative thoughts Yes, there are a number of well-known condition. that occupies the mind, will impact ones that you can try depending on the body. The impact on the body your physical or emotional disposition. There are many underlying factors will be negative because the fear- I would recommend dhanurasana and that can cause it and you should based ‘thought’ acts almost like an bhujangasana as they are excellent at carefully see if you can eliminate any electric shock. The higher the negative massaging internal organs. such toxins that you are breathing frequency or voltage, the greater the in. Flare-ups of this condition can impact. The Surya Namaskaram (set of be debilitating and life-threatening. 12 exercises) is also particularly ideal I strongly advise you to follow your Your muscles and organs may for anyone suffering from diabetes. GP’s advice and anything that has been constrict, and you may find that This set is performed usually in the parts of your body become painful morning and in one go (i.e., postures as the negative emotional state sets in. Indeed, many people do not consciously realise when their body has or is experiencing negative consequences of the thoughts that they hold in their mind. The body also has its own innate intelligence. Thousands of years ago, yogis identified how the mind directly affects the physical body. In the modern world, it has only recently been accepted by researchers in scientific circles, that what you think does in fact impact your health and your social skills. There is an increasing body of research that supports this idea. On the same vein, there are hundreds of studies out there that corroborate that the practice of yoga helps with anxiety, depression, fear, and many other modes of thinking. Yoga practice 84

recommended. In terms of managing this condition, I would advise you to learn some yoga pranayama (breath) exercises. They are an excellent way to reduce and manage symptoms, and they make the breathing apparatus stronger and more resilient. If you are a smoker then you need to cut down as far as possible. I can’t tell you what to do, but what I can say is if you choose to carry on smoking then it will worsen your condition. COPD flare-ups can also be triggered by other causes such as air pollution, asthma and exposure to chemicals. So, have a look at your environment at home, work, or anywhere else that you spend a lot of time in and also any products that you are using which could be triggering a flare up. Viral and bacterial infections and changes in temperature are some triggers for a flare-up . COPD is a term that includes conditions such as chronic bronchitis, chronic asthma, and Emphysema (lung conditions) leading to painful symptoms such as breathlessness, cough, wheezing, coughing up sputum, inflammation of the lungs, anxiety, and in serious cases death. Yoga practice can help manage and reduce COPD symptoms and there are various techniques available. An extremely efficient way to help yourself is to invest quality time in the performance of pranayama (breathing) exercises. You will experience beneficial results as soon as you start. In the long term, you will hopefully see a significant improvement in your health. 85 TRAVEL A RELAXING RETREAT BY THE BEACH Words:YogiMaharaj Dr. Malik Robinson Cyprus 86

S o often in life, we find our- selves swamped by the constant demands of the day to day life. Long meetings that could have been an email, late nights at the office trying to meet deadlines, barbeque with the in-laws that you’ll never impress, weekends swamped with house chores – it all takes a toll on you. Sometimes your mind and your body just needs a break from the daily drudgery. I recently discovered the perfect place to take this much needed break. Tucked away on the eastern corner of Cyprus, right by the sea, the Robinson Cyprus is a nice little getaway destination. And for those focusing on their physical and mental health and wellbeing, it has all the ingredients to help you take care of your mind and your body. If you’re here, I suggest you start your day with a relaxing yoga session. 87 TRAVEL Take a morning yoga class to clear your mind, rest and rejuvenate. The yoga classes take place in an outdoor area directly by the beach so you can practice yoga while listening to the sounds of the waves at the sand and feeling the breeze in your hair. The yoga classes there offered up a variety of options with focus on mobility, dance and movement. The classes are very beginner-friendly, so anyone can join in. But if you are an advanced practitioners and want to stretch your bones a bit, there are several advanced classes you can take. After the yoga session, head on to their restaurant to enjoy a leisurely breakfast or you can book an exclusive breakfast at the Breeze Beach club overlooking the deep blue Mediterranean Sea. Once you’ve lingered over the breakfast long enough, unpack your swimwear and go for a dip in the ocean. The water there 88

is warm and clear, perfect for a bit of you with a tennis partner or volleyball some amazing Cypriot food. Enjoy sea swimming. Since the resort sits on team. the kebabs, fresh fish, cheeses and a stretch of nice, sandy beach, you can dishes made from locally sourced also lounge in the morning sun for a For a less sweat-breaking activity, ingredients. In the evening, you can bit along with other guests for a while. you can try archery with a bow also head back to the Breeze beach and arrow. You can go sightseeing club where they hold BBQ nights up If swimming is not your cup of around the area. A Greco-Roman to three times a week. tea, you can also try a variety of water amphitheatre still stands in the site sports in the sun including stand that has been restored and is still used After your long day of activity up paddle boarding, kite surfing, for performances. (and delicious food), enjoy a relaxing surfing, wind foiling and catamaran Ayurvedic aromatherapy or a deep sailing. I have to admit though, that If you like cycling and would like massage to work out all the tension paddle boarding is a lot harder than I to take a trip around the area, you can in your muscles. You can also take a imagined. rent a bicycle. The bike station at the late night swim at the resort’s pools resort has some top-quality mountain to wind down. Once you’re done with the water bikes and racing bikes that you can sports, there are a number of land use to go around and enjoy a stunning Our spirits need a break every based activities for you to also try. The view of the surrounding mountains. now and then. I enjoyed giving resort has a bunch of tennis courts, my spirit a break at the Robinson volleyball courts and football field. In between all of these activities, Cyprus. Pick your poison. If you’re alone, you don’t forget to sneak a few bites of can even sign up to an app that pairs the delicious food at the resort. The main restaurant at the resort offers Yogi Maharaj Dr. Malik in Robinson Cyprus 89

WHAT’S HOT ChSrpisetcmiaal s MOON YOGA: POSES, FLOWS AND RITUALS TO HELP YOU MOVE WITH THE MOON ‘Moon Yoga’ is your guide to to stimulate vitality, creativity, YOU ARE THE UNIVERSE harnessing the moon's energy productivity and relaxation. to lift and balance your life Whether you work through ‘You Are the Universe’ is an impactful through mindful movement. a whole flow, focus on one guidebook, chronicling the unconventional Yoga is both a physical pose, or just work through a journey and self-discovery of Ram Dass, practice and a spiritual one. breathing exercise, aligning one of the world’s most beloved spiritual Expert yoga instructor Lisa your body and your mind teachers. Sourced from five decades of Hood provides insightful in a moment of spiritual recordings, Ram Dass shares his life story guidance on how to shape connection with the moon and transformative teachings in his own a spiritual practice that can help you centre yourself, words with honesty and humor. He offers channels the moon's energy even if just for a few moments teens and adults of all ages life-altering inspiration for understanding universal in the middle of truths, navigating their unique paths with a busy day. With compassion and awareness, and living a uplifting mantras meaningful life. ‘You Are the Universe’ offers and rituals to an accessible perspective on our world provide grounding, through Ram Dass’s eyes, and explores strengthened timeless answers for today’s most urgent intuition and questions. mindfulness beyond your Price: $19.99 physical practice, Available at: 'Moon Yoga' gives you all the tools you need to move in sync with the moon. Price: $14.99 Available at: 90

RECOVERING YOU This book offers a lifeline not just to recovery but to the discovery of a new and better way of being. Steven openly and honestly shares his own recovery journey throughout the book while offering powerful self-care practices like journaling, breath work, meditation, self-massage, and, uniquely, a focus on Qigong, the ancient movement practice at the heart of Chinese medicine and Taoist philosophy. The wide variety of tools, practices, movement techniques, and personal examples Steven offers in Recovering You are designed to help readers more intimately connected to themselves and their lives. Chapter 1, \"Practicing Self-Care During Recovery,\" describes what a healthy self-care routine looks like and helps readers build a lasting practice at their own pace. The remaining chapters explore, examine, and work with topics that are essential for those in recovery to address — such as fear, shame, isolation, faith, gratitude, and more. Price: $19.95 Available at: SELF KINDNESS ‘Self Kindness’ is a beautiful handbook that will introduce you to a radical new approach to self-love. Through a combination of practical tips and actionable advice, 'Self-Kindness' will help you to deepen your self-love and grow your happiness. You will learn how to Find peace within yourself and nurture a more positive mindset. Look after your mind and body to develop greater self-confidence. Enrich your overall health and well-being with diet and exercise. Tap into the uplifting power of affirmations. Whether you're at the beginning of your journey to self-acceptance, or you're a seasoned self-love advocate, let this guide celebrate and support you as you continue on the path to self-kindness, joy and well-being. Price: £8.99 Available at: WHATS HOT RAINBOW WARRIOR YOGA CARD 'Rainbow Warrior Yoga Card' is an introduction to Yoga and who I am. It Awakens It has motivational words of wisdom to aid Drishti, (yoga, focus and meditation). There are 120 cards in the pack including 94 asana cards, 7 sequencing guides, 7 meditations and 7 breathing cards. It has 4 beautifully illustrated yoga asana cards with Sanskrit and common name. Also, the Chakra card to show the chakra centers, the names, and related colours. Price: £55.99 Available at: 92

THE GITA FOR CHILDREN 'The Gita For Children' is an accessible friend, philosopher and guide, designed to reassure, empower, and provide direction to young readers in an increasingly chaotic and morally topsy- turvy world. 'The Gita for Children' according to promotional material in media messaging, is especially aimed at young people of the 21st century. “The book not only stays faithful to the Gita story,” the descriptive copy goes on, but also brings in everyday examples that illustrate how the Gita’s luminous wisdoms may be applied to our daily lives (‘Lessons from the Gita’), and connects those wisdoms to similar ones from other countries and cultures (‘Echoes of the Gita’), universalising the ancient text and making it relevant to anyone.” The book is beautifully illustrated by muralist/ artist Sayan Mukherjee. Price: $18.00 Available at: SACRED NATURE ORACLE Holly Wilmeth combines her knowledge of traditional plant wisdom and her passion for nature photography in the 'Sacred Nature Oracle'. Complete with a guidebook, 62 sepia-toned photographs, and affirmations, Wilmeth captures the wondrous traits of the most commonly found plants and portrays the interconnection between them and our own human nature in this new card deck. Embrace the natural energies of the sunflower for radiance, the borage for courage, the artichoke for trust, the western red cedar for vitality, and so much more! Price: $24.99 Available at:, 93

WHATS HOT NEW NATURAL, ORGANIC & PLASTIC-FREE ‘BEAUTY ID’ RANGE- BENECOS Vegan, plastic-free and certified swapped, and updated to COSMOS Organic, benecos become as unique as you Beauty ID is crafted using are! Or, if you want a palette the best, natural and organic with global flavour – why to not pick from one of the give you beautiful make-up that 4 pre-designed palettes, literally doesn't cost the Earth, from Florence, New York, while you travel the Earth! Marrakesh or Stockholm There are infinite combinations (£17.95 - £21.95), for a truly to choose from to create your internationally inspired perfect bespoke palette - with look. 22 all-natural eye, lip and cheek infills - housed in a plastic-free Price: £21.95 palette, with a handy mirror. Available at: The make-up infills slot easily into place, and can be refilled, DRINK ME CHAI- SPICED CHAI LATTE The perfect winter warmer, the Spiced Chai Latte is expertly blended using natural and authentic spices. Gluten-free and naturally lower in caffeine than traditional tea and coffee, it is perfect for enjoying morning, afternoon and evening. It can be made hot or cold with a variety of milks including dairy, soya, oat, almond and coconut; so, it's never been easier to replicate your favourite drink from your local coffee shop! To enjoy hot, add three heaped teaspoons of powder into a cup and stir in 200ml of hot milk of your choice for the perfect warming wind-down. For a lighter but equally as aromatic experience at less than 70 calories, simply swap milk for hot water. To enjoy iced, add four heaped teaspoons of powder into a tall glass, pour in cold milk and whizz with a milk frother. Serve over ice for a refreshing, indulgent treat. Price: £16.80 Available at: 94

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READER’S STORY DECEMBER 2022 WORDS: YOGI MAHARAJ DR MALIK ARIES (MESA) TAURUS (VRSABA) MARCH 21– APRIL 20 APRIL 21 – MAY 20 Outdoor activities and pursuits keep you occupied, as do Financial commitments and related responsibilities keep contracts and paperwork. The month starts on a peaceful your mind occupied. Your attention needs to remain note. Adventure is highlighted, whether it’s local or here - this month - as it will help you and your loved ones international. Get involved in some outdoor activities that prepare effectively for the months that lie ahead. The lower are purely related to enjoyment. This will be good for your chakras may also be active. Your sixth sense will help you mind and body. You will also overcome any adversity that presents itself. There is also emphasis on your health area so direct and make the necessary changes. An abundance keep up with a dedicated health exercise regime whether and prosperity consciousness pervades your ‘house’. This its yoga or anything else. Work with pranayma and asanas to will be in perfect harmony for the tasks that you undertake pep your energy levels for this month. The month closes on and attracts better fortune and luck. The month closes on a wonderfully auspicious vibration. an auspicious note. GEMINI (MITHUNA) CANCER (KARKATA) MAY 21 – JUNE 21 JUNE 22 – JULY 22 A positive a joyful start to the month is promised. Your heart chakra You will make significant progress in projects that you have may be active. This is a month of merriment and playfulness so put special attention to. There will be a burst of good vibe energy that helps your complete tasks. Emphasis is also on get involved. Share and reciprocate your feelings and ideas. Spend personal image - whether it is trough the way you dress or time in the natural world as well. Walking and getting in touch with speak. This in turn will have a positive impact in areas of your life that directly concern work, social and home matters. the season is a way to keep you grounded and inspired. Artistic Be prepared for positive and lasting changes in these areas, and inspirational ideas require you’re your attention. There will also The festive mood will keep you feeling ‘alive’ and energised. Friends offer you much needed emotional support. There is be emphasis on resolving important domestic matters. You will abundance in many areas of your house. Take advantage of also be rewarded in a perfectly graceful way. The month ends on a this positive energy and utilise constructively. happy vibration. LEO (SIMHA) VIRGO (KANYA) JULY 22 – AUG 22 AUG 23 – SEP 21 The seasonal feel-good energy will also pervade your house. It This month there will also be genuine opportunities for career allows you to find new and exciting ways to improve your health development so pay attention to any leads or networking ideas and opportunities. You have many skills that you can and wealth. Seasonal eating and travel allow you to embrace new and challenging ideas. Allow your mind and body to contribute to many settings. This is a great time to do just that. Your positive attitude reflects and inspires others. The month immerse and connect with all the festive celebrations. Attention is also centered on the solar plexus, so work with yoga asana closes on a positively auspicious vibration. and pranayama to help keep you grounded. A wonderful end to the month allows you to conclude important contractual matters with ease. 96

LIBRA (TULA) SCORPIO (VRSCIKHA) SEP 22 – OCT 21 OCT 22 – NOV 21 The month starts on a happy vibration. This allows you to follow Friends and family may require a lot more attention from you up and immerse yourself in heart-based activities. There is time this month but you must learn to instil some boundaries as well. Also, a good month to energise the home environment. Water for work and there is also time for ‘play’. Enjoy the things that based themes and activities are highlighted to help release any you have neglected for some time. Revisit old acquaintances, write, phone, email, anything on social media to connect to negative emotions that have become stagnant. Good energy vibrations occupy your wealth area and there are some positive pleasurable activities. On the domestic front there may be changes in the love area too. The month closes on a peaceful some significant matters requiring urgent attention. The month note. closes on an auspicious vibration. SAGITTARIUS (DHANUSA) CAPRICORN (MAKARA) NOV 22 – DEC 21 DEC 22 – JAN 20 The month emphasises charity and working with those A stunning start to the month brings with it a happy vibration. less fortunate than you. Seek out projects where you Emphasis is on social occasions and family gatherings. Wealth can get involved – ‘hands-on’. This kind of work should creation and wealth generation are things you may want to be sufficiently adequate so that you do make a positive explore. The month progresses on a good vibration and you contribution. This is a great month also to enjoy relaxation will find new windows of opportunity to improve the quality and festivities. Companionship is also on the agenda. The of your life significantly. Also a perfect time to start up a new course of study or even teaching something that you are good month closes on a peaceful vibration. at. You will come with creative and innovative decisions, The month closes on an auspicious vibration . AQUARIUS (KUMBA) PISCES (MINA) JAN 21 – FEB 19 FEB 20 – MAR 20 Prosperity instils your thought vibrations, helping you to Work with your throat and heart chakras to communicate, share attract like-minded events and people. You will also improve and receive information, express your emotions. Be open with and make steady progress in life changing projects whether your heart’s desires especially with loved ones. Focus on being on the work or home front. The month closes on a good ‘you’ – which means being able to ask for the things that you vibration. You will be provided with opportunities to use want changed in your life or improved. Your intuitive psychic these without restriction. The month also highlights retreat, seclusion, meditation and rest. This will help your mind and abilities will be particularly useful to address any issues that body to refuel to meet any challenges that are presented. The challenge you or loved ones. There is also special focus on the solar plexus. Here you will find the courage, strength and month closes on a peaceful note. willpower to push ahead with your new ideas. 97

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