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Home Explore daily report

daily report

Published by papputangkar, 2014-12-16 13:22:39

Description: daily report


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AMERICAN PROTECTION SECURITY SERVICES INC. Ph (818) 754-1007 FX (818) 392-8002 Daily Activity ReportClient:__________________Location:___________________Date:___________ Day Shift Swing Shift Graveyard Shift_________To_________ _________To_________ _________To_________Were There Any Yes No Were There Any Yes No Were There Any Yes NO Rounds or detex Safety Hazards Smoking violate points missingDoors, Windows or Detex Keys Missing Vault open Infractions of rules Fire doors blocked orThefts or Suspicions inoperative Fires Waste of light, power, air or waterInjuries Fire extinguishers Keys returned usedVisitors(Unless listed Sprinkler valves shut Other - List Below separate)Time Shift Report Who, What, When, Where, Why & How

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