april 2020 - september 2020 二零二零年四月 - 二零二零年 九月 fgcvoice 全备之声 新山全备福音教会半年刊 22ISSUE 第期 a half yearly publication by full gospel church johor bahru
fgcvoice 全备之声
We all feel that this year has so far been a very editor’s unusual one for everyone of us; young and old; voice near and far; local and overseas; men and women. All around the world people just like us are feeling the impact of an unseen enemy called Covid-19. Such a pandemic that in the last 50-70 years no one has experienced before. No one knows how to tread as the word ‘new normal’ hits us. Many things have changed and many lives are now lived “online”. Our services are online, our FGC voice is also online; one of our couples got married and their ceremony was carried online. YES AND YET AT A TIME SUCH AS THIS, OUR GOD IS STRONG AND STILL AT WORK IN MANY LIVES. ONE THING STANDS UNCHANGING AND THAT IS OUR GOD AND HIS WORD. We bring you stories of lives who have been impacted by God and testifies that He is alive and He is work- ing. He is still the Waymaker, the Promise Keeper, the Light in the Darkness. Even when we don’t see or feel it He is still at work. Read on and be encouraged. Consequently if you have a story to share, please feel free to contact us as we would love to fea- ture your story. Call us at 07-3540548. Thanks to all who work behind the scenes; writing, editing, translating, designing to bring you this Edi- tion of FGC Voice. #stay safe and stay blessed 2
编辑 对大家来说今年是一个极其不平凡的一年。不管 之声 老与少,不论是在近处或远处,甚至国内或 国外的大家一定同有感触。全世界的人类就如我们 Sonny 邦畴 一样被这个肉眼无法看见的敌人--冠状病毒深深地 影响了。如此的瘟疫是近50至70年都未曾经历过的。 无人知晓要如何在这个新常态里生活。 许多事情改变了,大家的生活都环绕在“线上”。 教会的聚会开始在线上进行,《全备之声》也在 互联网上刊登;最近教会有一对准新人也在线上 直播了他们的婚姻圣礼。 的确,在我们现在所处的光景 当中,神依然是稳固的,仍旧 在我们生命里动工。不论环境 如何改变,神和神的话语 永不改变。 在这一期的《全备之声》里,我们要与你分享一些 生命的见证。从弟兄姐妹们的见证里,我们会看到神 是一位活着的神,祂一直不断地动工。神依旧是那位 开路者,祂信守承诺,同时也是那黑暗里的光。即便 我们无法看到或感受到祂,神依然在动工。 希望大家在阅读本期文章时能得到鼓励。 如果你有故事要与大家分享, 请致电07-3540548与我们联系。 我也要特别的感谢那些幕后工作人员。因为你在 撰稿、编辑、翻译或设计各方面的协助与参与, +这一期的《全备之声》才能如期推出。 #愿大家平安蒙福 3
f 我o contents 目录 家
FEATURES 牧 者 特辑 的 #pulse 心声 领 悟 From the pastor’s heart 6
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! 看哪 ,弟兄和睦同居是 何等地善,何等地美! An unusual phenomenon has been happen- 自从行动管制令生效开始,我发现 ing to me since the beginning of the MCO. 自己也出现了一些异常的现象。 Each meeting with someone whom I used to see 每当我与一些常都会在聚会里见面,但 regularly in the worship services but have not 自3月18日起就无法面对面接触的弟兄 seen since the 18th of March has stirred a 姐妹相遇时,我的内心就会蹦出一股 sudden burst joy in my heart. It is a deep and 喜乐的泉源。我发现这股泉源是来自心 yet overflowing sensation that brings warmth 里深处且不断满溢出来;同时它也让我 and excitement to my entire being. The first 感到无比的兴奋与温暖。第一次发现这 incident happened during the first two weeks 个现象是在行动管制令生效后的两周。 of the MCO. I was so happy when I met with a 犹记得在添购日常用品时,我与一对夫 couple while shopping for groceries. Without 妇不期而遇,当时的我好高兴哦。毫不 realising, we instinctively shook one another’s 知觉地我们就彼此握手,完全没发现 hands and unconsciously broke the SOP. The 大家已经违反了标准作业流程。最后 last took place just 5 days ago. 一次的异常现象则是5天前才发生的。 we are social creatures 人类为群体生物 As I reflected on these encounters, I realized 当我回想起这些异常现象的经历时,我 that I should not have been so surprised as God 发现自己一点也不感到意外。神本来就 has designed as social creatures; to connect 造人类为群体生物,我们天生就需要与 with each other, to relate with each other, to 其他人联接、互动及彼此陪伴。当初神 be together. When God created Adam, He did 造亚当时,祂也不要亚当独居(创世记 not want him to be alone (Gen 2:18). Connect- 2章18节)。和睦的联结是多么的美好 ing harmoniously is wonderful and beautiful 与美善(诗篇133章1节)。 (Psalms 133:1). 7
CONNECTING IN HIS FAMILY 在一个家里彼此联结 God connects us with each other by placing us in 当我们成为基督徒时,神就将我们放在 His family the moment we become Christians and 一个家里,并晓谕我们要彼此连接在一起 commands to connect with each other (Ephesians (以弗所书2章19节;约翰福音13章34 2:19; John 13:34). Paul developed this further 节)。使徒保罗也列出了32项能帮助我 by itemising some 32 ways in his “one-another” 们与他人“彼此”连接的秘诀。在圣经里 passages to make our connections successful. And 也提到:就算在逼迫中,信徒也不可停止 even in the midst of persecutions, believers were 聚在一起,同时也要继续彼此陪伴与纪 told not to neglect connecting with each other 念。(希伯来书10章23-25节,32-34 (Hebrews 10:24-25, 32-34; 13:3). 节,13章3节)。 IT IS THROUGH CONNECTING WITH 通过彼此联系,大家才能 EACH OTHER THAT WE CAN BOTH PRACTICE AND BE SUPPORTED 操练信心,也以信心彼此 IN OUR FAITH – TO LOVE AND BE LOVED, TO SHARE AND RECEIVE, TO 扶持- 爱人与被爱,分享的 COMFORT AND BE COMFORTED, TO ENCOURAGE AND BE ENCOURAGED, 同时也领受,安慰人以及 TO TEACH AND BE GUIDED– RESULT- ING IN HAPPIER AND STRONGER 被安慰,鼓励的同时也被 BELIEVERS! 鼓励,教导人的同时也被 指引- 如此我们就能成为 一群刚强及喜乐的信徒了! 8
Scientific studies have also attested to the strong correlation between healthy connections and physical health and psychological well-being. Hence when I saw one of these church members, I was truly happy because I saw in them a beloved family member; someone who has been a blessing, an encouragement, a strength and a comfort to me. 5 ways we can improve on our connections and yet stay safe Due to the current practice of physical distancing and the ensuing isolation, we need to make a conscious effort to reach out to connect with each other more than ever before. Let me quickly list 5 ways we can improve on our con- nections and yet stay safe. 科研报道也印证了良性连结,健康的身体 及心理健康是紧密挂钩的。这就是为什 么当我见到这位在教会里被自己视为亲爱 家人的弟兄时,心里充满了喜乐。对我来 说他是神赐给我的祝福、鼓励、力量以及 安慰。 五项能促进我们与他人联系, 同时又能确保个人安全的方法 因着行管令迫使我们保持安全距离,甚至 有时得被隔离,很多时候我们需要比以往 更积极去彼此联系。接下来我要与各位 分享五项能促进我们与他人联系,同时又 能确保个人安全的方法。 9
let’s ask god Let's Chat! 来谈心! to direct! Take time to chat with those closest to 求神指引! you through phone or video conferenc- ing. Go beyond just exchanging infor- Pray and ask God to mation with each other. Talk about your direct you to connect with 3 persons that feelings and concerns. might require your concern. 通过电话交谈或视频会议方式来抓紧机会 与至亲们谈心。不只是彼此交换资讯, 借着祷告求神向我们 显示三位需要我们 也要互诉心情与关怀。 关怀的人,并与他们 联系。 let’s show concern! 关怀! When you see someone you know, spend a few moments to talk and show concern for them. 每当你遇到认识的人时, 花一些时间来与他们交谈 及关怀他们。 let’s join a cg or let’s join physical fellowship! services! 参与小组或团契! 参加实体聚会! Take part in cell-group or fellowship meet- Join the physical (on-site) services if possi- ings. If there are no physical meetings or you ble. You will be able to see many like-minded don’t feel ready to join physically, connect people and be encouraged by their presence with those that has video conferencing. and devotion to God. 积极参与小组与团契聚会。即便没有实体聚会 抓紧任何机会来参加实体聚会。通过实体聚 或者自己还没准备好要参与实体聚会,也要 会,你将看到其他心意相通的家人,也能因着 尝试通过视频会议等方式彼此联系。 他们的同在和他们对神的委身得到鼓励。 James Tan is born and bred in Johor Bahru. Among his many interests, are eating and discover new eating places. 陈 聪 贤 是土生土长的新山人。众多嗜好中, 包括品尝美食与发现新的饮食地点。 10
FEATURES 特辑 #family 家庭 最 好 The 的 best 计 PLANNER 划 者 12
Our God, He is the one who is in control; He is the best planner of our life. 上帝是唯一掌控一切的, 也是我们生命中 最好的计划者。 I like to be in control of my life, and will do 我是一个很喜欢掌控事情的人,我会尽 my utmost best to plan and work towards 我所能去实现自己已计划好的人生 my dreams and goals. When things don’t work 目标。若事情没有照着我的计划进行时, out, I will look for other ways and means to try 我仍会尽量以最少的代价去实现它。 and achieve the goals. 胎儿发育迟缓 Intrauterine Growth Restriction 怀第一胎的30周前,一切都很顺利。妇科 When I was pregnant with my first child, it was 医生告诉我们宝宝看起来很小,头围, all smooth sailing until the 30th week. When 体重和身长都与胎龄不符,医生向我们推荐 my husband and I went for the routine checkup, 另一位政府医生,并安排另一次的检查。 the gynaecologist told us that the baby seemed 两周后,扫描的结果证实了宝宝的成长状态 rather small. The circumference of her head, 不是很好,我的体重虽达标,但宝宝的体重 her body weight and even body length did not 却只有1.5公斤,这种情况称为 “胎儿宫内 match the gestational age. He recommended 发育迟缓”,医生说我和宝宝的健康状况 that I seek a second opinion and arranged for 都正常,但找不到胎儿不成长的原因; 于是 an appointment with the government hospital 我被转介到柔佛新山中央医院, 作进一步的 in two weeks. 追踪诊断。 At the hospital, it was confirmed that my baby 恐惧突然渗入我的心,因为感到无法照顾好 has a condition called Intrauterine Growth 上帝赐予我的婴孩而羞愧,我整夜哭泣, Restriction (IUGR). Even though there were no 因为不知道该怎么办!我增加食量,花了 issues with my and the baby’s health, my baby 很长的时间休息,期望胎儿可以成长。进入 just was not growing as quickly as she should 孕期第36周,胎儿的成长速度依旧缓慢, be. When they referred us to HSA JB for further 只从1.6公斤增加到了1.8公斤。我放弃自己 checks, fear and guilt crept into my heart. I felt 做计划,我告诉上帝:无论我做什么,宝宝 terrible for not taking good care of this precious 都不会长大,只有我的体重在不断地增加。 gift from God. Following the doctor’s advice, 我向上帝祷告,并将一切都交在祂的手中。 I spent many hours resting and increasing my food intake in the hopes that it would promote 胎儿太小了,无法正常分娩 the baby’s growth. I also spent many nights in tears, feeling helpless and lost. 中央医院的医生对我和胎儿进一步详查,仍 找不到原因,因为宝宝依旧只有1.8公斤, 13
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. too small for normal delivery 太小了,无法正常分娩,被安排在孕期 第37周进行剖腹生产;同时医生告诉我, In my 36th week, we visited the doctor in 若婴儿出生时体重不足2公斤,必须住院 HSA, who did a detailed scan for me and the 直到体重足2公斤后才能出院。 baby, but he was still unable to find the reason for the condition. Furthermore, the baby 我将一切交在上帝手中 had gained only 200 grams in 4 weeks, and weighed 1.8kg. As she was too small for nor- 距离剖腹生产只有短短一周的时间,我将 mal delivery, I was scheduled for a caesarean 一切交在上帝手中,因我知道这一切都超出 delivery the following week. In addition, the 了我能控制的范围和能力。婴儿在出生前被 doctor informed us that the baby would have 估重为1.6公斤到2公斤之间,但我一直重复 to be hospitalised immediately after birth, 上帝的应许,为婴儿出生时是健康的,体重 and monitored closely until she reached 2kg. 超过2公斤而祷告。 I turned to God 一切恩典和荣耀都归给上帝,女儿—洪谦心 出生时,重量有2.2公斤,是一个健康的 I was truly at my wits’ end. I turned to God, 宝宝。这件事不仅增长我对上帝的信心, and submitted the situation into His hands, 同时我也知道只有上帝才能掌控,并为我 for there was nothing else I could do. I spent 和孩子制定最美好的计划。 that week in prayer, submitting the whole situation, my fear and guilt, my worries into 再次的经历, 更有信心 God’s hand because I knew that it was beyond my control. 最近我再次怀孕,当我以为第二胎会很 健康顺利的时候,同样的问题再次在孕期 On the day of caesarean delivery, the doctors 第30周时发生!就像第一胎一样,同样的 estimated that the baby would be between 1.6 “胎儿宫内发育迟缓 ”问题, 但这次我能 14
耶利米书29:11 “耶和华说: 我知道我向你们所怀的意念, 是赐平安的意念,不是降灾祸的 意念,要叫你们末后有指望。” to 2kg upon birth. I prayed and submitted BABY GABRIELLA ANG WEIGHED 2.2KG AT myself and the baby to God, that she would BIRTH AND WAS A HEALTHY BABY 洪 谦 心 宝 宝 be healthy and weigh more than 2kg upon 出 生 时 , 重 量 有 2.2公 斤 , 是 一 个 健 康 的 宝 宝 birth. By God’s Grace, all glory to our Lord and Saviour, our daughter Gabriella Ang weighed 15 2.2kg at birth and was a healthy baby. My faith in God was renewed and deepened, for truly only God is in control, and He has only the best plans for me and my child. a second time, a Faith filled heart I am currently in my second pregnancy. Again, it was all smooth sailing until the 30th week. The doctors said that our second baby had the same IUGR condition like our first born. However, I was able to stay calm this time and immediately handed this problem into God’s hands without any doubt. I thanked God for the first experience with our first born that had increased my faith and confidence in Him. At the 34th week, our second baby was still on the small side, weighing only 1.9kg even though she should be more than 2.2kg by then.
But I was not worried. I prayed to God, trust- BABY AUDELIA ANG WEIGHED ing fully that His will is the best plan for me. 2.6KG AT BIRTH 洪 恩 心 宝 宝 出 生 时 , He had worked a miracle with our first child, 重 量 有 2.6公 斤 and I had faith that He would take care of our second child too. MICHELLE AFTER GIVING BIRTH TO AUDELIA AT THE HOSPITAL 在 医 院 It’s a miracle! 刚生完恩心 At the 36th week, the doctor informed us that the baby’s weight had shot up to 2.5kg. Our baby was now on par with others at the same gestational age! It was indeed a miracle for the baby to gain so much weight in such a short period of time. Furthermore, the baby was now positioned head-down, which is the ideal position for delivery. All glory to God! Our god is a miracle working god Our God is indeed a miraculous and faithful God. He is truly the God who is in control of all things, and He has the best plan for us. If we are tired of controlling and planning the next step in life, when we are fearful of what the future might bring, know that God is the only God who guides our path, that He will not forsake us when we are in need of help. Let God be God and submit the plans of our life into his hands. He is the best planner of our life. 16
T H E S IBL IN GS A RE G ROWIN G HEA LTHILY 冷静, 并毫不犹疑的把问题交给上帝。感谢 AND JOYFULLY EACH DAY 姐 妹 俩 天 天 上帝, 怀第一胎的经历使我在上帝里面的信心 健康与喜乐地成长 增长。 Salem & Michelle 直到孕期第34周,胎儿还是成长不足,体重 只有1.9公斤。医生说到了这个阶段,正常 have known each other for 14 years 胎儿体重应该超过2.2公斤。我没有担心, when they were in FGC teenz and 我只告诉上帝:我知道祂的旨意对我来说会 have been married for 5 years. They 是最好的计划,因为我知道祂已在我第一个 are blessed by God with 2 girls, Gabri- 孩子身上行了神迹,同样的,祂也会对我们 ella (2yo) and Audelia (4 months). 第二个孩子一样,于是我交托在祂的手中。 在教会青少年团契认识了14年,现已 步入第5年婚姻。上帝赐给他们2个女 是一个奇迹! 儿,谦心(2岁)与恩心(4个月)。 在第36周,医生进行了另一次扫描,宝宝的 体重增加到了2.5公斤,在两周内竟然增加了 500克,头围和身长都突然与孕期吻合,这对 我来说是一个奇迹,因为第一个孩子从未有 过体重增长的经历。医生说宝宝的头朝下, 只要在孕期第39周前分娩,一切都正常。 一切荣耀都归给上帝! 上帝是一个行神迹的神 我们的上帝是一个行神迹的神,祂在我们 第一个孩子身上行了神迹,现在在第二个 孩子身上也一样。祂是掌控我们所无法操纵 的事物,或面临突发情况的神,祂有美好的 计划赐给我们。 如果我们厌倦了控制和规划 人生的下一步,担心未来, 我们要知道:上帝是唯一领 导我们前进,在我们需要时 必不会撇下我们。 让上帝成为上帝,将我们的人生计划交在祂 的手中。祂是我们生命中最好的计划者。 17
FEATURES 特辑 # g o s p e l 福音 My 我 复 活 的 R e s u r r e c te d Life. 生命 18
I am a single-parent mother with two chil- IRENE IS SINGLE-PARENT MOTHER dren. I have a very good job, with a car and WITH TWO CHILDREN: A SON AND a house. My relationship with my children gets better day by day. But this was not always so. A DAUGHTER. IRENE 是 位 单 亲 妈 妈 , coping with deaths of loved ones and 有两个孩子,一男一女。 a broken marriage 我是一位单亲妈妈,有两个孩子,有份 In2008, my eldest son passed away due to 很好的工作,有房有车,跟孩子的 brain cancer. My parents passed away 关系越来越好… soon after as well. I was in the midst of a broken marriage, chose to take drugs and became 面对亲人的死亡和错误的婚姻 addicted to ‘ice’. In the 7 years that I strug- gled with my addiction, I lost the trust of my 2008年, 大儿子因脑癌过世,父母亲也接连 family members. To finance my drug addiction, 过世, 我在经历一段错误的婚姻后, 选择吸 I borrowed from loan sharks, creating many 毒,染上了毒瘾(冰毒).。在7年的毒瘾生涯 problems for my family. My family finally gave 里,我失去了家人对我的信任: 因吸毒借高 up on me after I betrayed their trust in me time 利贷, 惹了很多麻烦事, 连累了家人, 我一次 after time. At one time during those years, my 又一次的背信,让家人最终放弃我。在这几 family sent me to a drug rehabilitation centre 年里, 家人曾送我进入Segamat女子中心, for females at Segamat. I entered the rehabili- 我两次进出中心,包括其中一次的偷跑! tation centre twice, and even tried to break out of it once! 成为一个毒贩 becoming a drug pusher 我没有因此而改变,但在中心里我知道有 位耶稣, 我从中心逃跑出来后,家人就彻底 I did not change, but from the rehabilitation 放弃我,不再理也不再帮助我! 我只好一个 centre I learnt that there was a Jesus. When I 人带着两个孩子(2和3岁)流浪在外, 住在 escaped from the rehabilitation centre, my fam- 所谓的 “ 朋友” 家,因为她是毒贩,我也 ily gave up on me entirely and refused to help 帮她跑腿, 换取住处。 因有风声说我们已被 me or do anything with me. All I could do was 警察盯上,我就赶快带着孩子离开; 虽然租 to bring my two children (at that time they were 了房子,但没车也没工作,很快的跟孩子 two and three years old) to wander the streets. 就要面临没钱吃饭的问题了。 For some time I stayed at the house of a ‘friend’. But she was a drug pusher, and I earned my 19 keep by becoming a ‘runner’ for her. But when I heard one day that the police were monitoring us, I quickly took my children and left. Al- though I had rented a house, I neither had a car nor a job, and so my children and I soon faced the problem of not having money for food. The possible last meal i could afford One day, I brought my children to a nearby cof- fee shop to eat (it was probably that last meal I could afford). It was so amazing that the lady
owner happened to be a Christian and started 可能吃了这餐就没有钱了 sharing with me about Jesus. Not only did she treat us to the meal, she offered me a job. 有一回我带着孩子到邻近的咖啡店吃东西 ( 可能吃了这餐就没有钱了 ),说也奇妙, THE END OF MEN’S PATH IS THE 老板娘是基督徒,她向我传讲耶稣,请我和 BEGINNING OF GOD’S WORK! 孩子吃东西,还提供我工作。我相信是神的 救恩和憐悯临到! transformation of my life 因为人的尽头,神的开始! I believe God’s grace and mercy had come to us. Later, I was honest with her about my life, and 后来我向她坦白我的经历,老板娘每次都为 she prayed for me each time and encouraged 我祷告,鼓励我一定要去教会,我就固定在 to go to church. So I began to attend church 休息日去教会。几年来,我就这样一直信靠 regularly on my days off from work. Over the 主耶稣,固定聚会,参与小组,生命改变, years, I have been trusting in Jesus, attending 越来越好,最重要是:神改变了我,给了我 cell group regularly. My life was changed for 新生命,赐我力量不再吸毒了! the better. Most importantly, God transformed me and gave me a new life, and granted me 和家人关系的修复 strength to stop taking drugs. 神修复了我和家人的关系,家人见证我信耶 restoration of my relationships 稣后完全的改变,变成一个新造的人,我們 的关系比以前更加好。神不止改变了我,还 God restored my relationships with my family. 祝福我拥有屋子车子,很好的工作,越来越 My family saw how I transformed so completely 好的亲子关系。感谢神! after believing in Jesus and now my relation- ship with them is much better than it was. Not “MAY JESUS BE GLORIFIED only did God change me, He blessed me with a THROUGH MY TESTIMONY house and a car, a very good job, and helped my OF HOW JESUS GAVE ME relationships with my loved ones to be deeper MY LIFE BACK. MAY YOU and deeper. Thanks be to God! ALSO COME TO RECEIVE THIS ‘RESURRECTED LIFE’ GOD TRANSFORMED IRENE AND THAT JESUS GIVES. “ GAVE HER A NEW LIFE 神 改 变 了 IRENE, 给 了 她 新 生 命 “愿神给我复活的生命 20 见证能荣耀主耶稣, 愿看见你也来领受耶稣 复活的生命。”
IRENE’S RELATIONSHIP WITH HER CH I LD RE N GE TS BE TTE R DAY BY DAY IRENE 每 天 和 孩 子 的 关 系 越 来 越 好 Irene currently has 2 wonderful jobs as a family helper (for 7 years) and is a cook for Firstlight Kindergarten. She likes to watch cooking shows and videos, and enjoy taking slow walk at the garden. 现有两份很好的工作: 家庭帮佣(7年)和晨曦幼儿园的厨师。平时喜欢看烹饪 节目和视频,在公园慢走。 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17 如果有人在基督里, 他就是新造的人, 旧事已经过去, 你看,都变成新的了! 哥林多后书 5:17 21
FEATURES 特辑 #career 事业 Step Up! 踏出去! 22
Iam a pharmacist working in the govern- 我是一名在政府部门工作的药剂师. ment sector. In 2017, the government im- 从2017年开始,政府就实行了合约 plemented some changes to our employment 制度,换句话说,政府会给我3年的工作 contracts. Basically, the government was 机会。3年后我可能必须离开政府部门, going to employ me for only three years, and 到私人界寻找工作。 after that, I would have to look for work in the private sector. 一直以来,我都在祷告寻求上帝的帮助, 寻问神接下来的路:是要继续留在政府 Since then, I had been praying for God’s help. 部门工作,还是到私人界工作呢? I asked God what I should do next: continue working for the government, or try to find 上帝透过职青营会对我 work in the private sector? 说话,告诉我不要追求舒适、 GOD SPOKE TO ME DURING A WORKING ADULTS 安定的生活, FELLOWSHIP (WAF) CAMP. 要勇敢地踏出去! HE TOLD ME NOT TO PURSUE A COMFORTABLE AND STABLE LIFE, 把工作机会,当作服侍的机会 BUT TO STEP OUT BOLDLY! 这句话瞬间点醒了我,原来我把焦点放错 了,我想要在政府部门工作,是因为 a work opportunity is also an “安定”,所谓的“铁饭碗”!从那之后, opportunity to serve 我的观念改变,我把上帝赐给我的工作 机会,当作服侍的机会,尽我全力去做! This was a revelation to me, and I realized that my focus had been wrong. I wanted to 23 work for the government because of the sta- bility of the job. In other words, I wanted an ‘iron rice bowl’! From that moment onwards, my perspective changed. I began to see the work that He had given me was His blessing; it was also an opportunity for me to serve Him, and I started to do so with all my might! the Coronavirus pandemic The three years of my employment contract passed. According to my contract, my last day of employment would be 16 April 2020. During this period of time, the Coronavirus pandemic had broken out and it was real- ly difficult to look for a job. I tried to seek employment online but to no avail. I started to worry and be afraid – what was I going to do next?
obey god’s word 新冠病毒疫情 At this time I remembered that, during my 3年就这样过去了,2020年4月16号,就是 recent daily devotion, God had been reminding 我合约到期的那一天,也是我失业的开始. me that I needed to turn to God when I came to 这时却爆发了新冠病毒疫情,找工作成了 the end of my road, for He will surely open up 问题! 我尝试上网搜寻工作机会,但都找 a new path for me. Because He is my provider, 不到;我开始担心害怕,接下来生活怎么办 I do not need to worry about tomorrow! And so 呢?没有收入怎么办呀! I decided to obey God’s word to me; I ‘surren- dered’ my career to God, and my heart was filled 顺服神的话语 with peace. 这时我想起最近在灵修祷告时,上帝一直 all because of the promise of god 提醒我说:“在绝路中,只要我们转向神, 他必开路,上帝是我们的供应者,我们不必 One day before the contract ended, a miracle 为了明天的事忧虑!” 想起神的提醒, happened! The government suddenly informed 我决定顺服,把工作交给上帝掌管,我心里 me that my contract had been extended! God’s 也有了平安。 timing is so amazing! At a point in time I was thinking that I may lose my job and income, but 靠着上帝的应许 suddenly I had a job again, all because of the promise of God. Though my contract has been 就在合约到期的前一天,神迹发生了!政府 extended only half a year, I am already content. 突然宣布延长我的工作合约!上帝的时间 I am so grateful that God gave me this opportu- 是多么的奇妙! 一度我以为将要失业没收 nity to serve Him. All glory to our Abba Father! 入, 但靠着上帝的应许,我又有工作了! 虽然只是延长短短的半年,不过我已经知足 了,很感谢上帝给我这个机会来服侍他。 一切荣耀归给我们的阿爸天父! Sharon likes to experience new things in life and grateful for all the opportunity of learning. 喜欢体验人生新事物, 并感恩所有学习的机会。 24
FEATURES 特辑 #parenting 育儿 修 复 MENDED RELATIONSHIP 的 关 系 25
Before knowing Christ, my daughter and I do Praise and thanksgiv- not really know how to resolve our relation- ing to Jesus our Lord! ships. After my divorce, my daughter and I lived Our God is a wonderful separately until I took her back at the age of God who reconciles eleven. During the 10 years that we were apart, relationships. Our we met less than 10 times. As I was absent when wonderful God does she was young, there were differences in daily wonderful things! habits, behavior, thinking and way of living. These differences resulted in conflict when we 感谢赞美主耶稣! lived together. 我们的神是美好的神, 是修复关系的神, Love and discipline 美好的神成就美好的事! Besides trying to adapt to each other, I struggled between love and discipline. She needed guid- ance for school, as she was doing badly with her Bahasa Malaysia and English languages. As I was feeling guilt-ridden and eager to correct, I shout- ed and expressed my anger towards her when she did something wrong. At times, I would be so furious that my body would tremble with anger. Our relationship did not change for the better; instead it became worse. At that time, I did not empathize with my daughter. I had taken her to live with me, and that meant a sudden change to her social environment. She had to leave her grandmother, school and childhood friends. Not only was there no love, care and empathy after being back with mom, there were anger and accusations. However, I thank God that our relationship was not completely broken, though there were cracks. Jesus mended the relationship After believing in Christ, Jesus miraculously mended the relationship between me and my daughter. The Lord never ceases to amaze me with his miraculous abundance and love, result- ing in me ever wanting to attend Sunday ser- vices, cell group gatherings, sister’s fellowships, Bible study classes, baptism workshops, ‘New Life’ courses, camps et cetera. Through learning, devotion, prayer, worship and drawing near to God, I began to view my daughter from God’s perspective. I began to believe that God has a unique and wonderful plan for her life. 26
未信主前,我和女儿都不太会处理我们之间的关系。 离婚后, 我和女儿是分开住的,直到她十一岁才接来 一起住。我们分开了约十年时间,一年见面不超过十次。 从小不住一起,再次一起生活时,生活习惯,性格,思考 和行为模式的差异所导致的磨擦, 冲击非常的大! 爱与管教 除了适应,我们还要在爱与管教的矛盾间挣扎; 她的课业 因缺乏监督,国语和英语都很差, 那时因为感觉亏欠和 急于纠正,看见她做得不对就常大发雷霆,对她大声吼 叫,自己也气得全身发抖。这样的亲子相处, 关系不但 没有改善,反而更糟! 那时的我不知晓体谅女儿,把她 接来同住, 突然转变了她成长的环境,让她离开了她的 婆婆,学校, 和从小到大的朋友; 回到妈妈身边不但没有 爱,关怀和体谅, 反而得到生气和指责。感谢神!幸好 我们的关系不至破裂,但也造成了伤痕。 主耶稣医治了我和女儿的关系 信主后,主耶稣奇妙医治了我和女儿的关系。主用祂那 奇妙丰盛的爱不断吸引我,使我积极地参与主日聚会, 家组,姐妹团契,圣经研读班,受洗班,新生命课程和 营会等等。通过学习,灵修,祷告,敬拜,与神亲近, 我学会了用神的眼光看我女儿,相信神在她身上有一个 独特且美好的计划! 27
We learnt... 我们学习。。。 Through frequent devotion and prayer with my 通过常和女儿一起灵修祷告,将生活上的 daughter, each and every matter, big or small, 大小事带到神的面前, 我们学习以爱与包容 were brought before the Lord. We learnt to love 对方,忍耐和不以自我为中心。我们彼此 and accommodate each other, to be patient, and 认罪,请求饶恕,再为对方祝福祷告。感谢 not be self-centered. We acknowledged our sins 神!我再也没有对女儿发脾气,女儿也在神 and asked for forgiveness from each other, and 的真理中渐渐成长,变得更能爱神、爱人, prayed for God to bless each other. Since then, 开朗和积极,更能表达情感,关心家人。 I stopped being so angry at my daughter and 我和家人都能感受到现在的她,有更大的 my daughter gradually grew in the truth of the 进步空间。我很爱我女儿,很感恩神使我把 Lord. Her love for God and people increased. She 女儿接回身边,更感恩神医治了我和女儿的 became happier, more motivated, more expres- 关系。感谢赞美主耶稣!将所有的荣耀归于 sive emotionally and more caring towards family 主耶稣基督!阿们! members. Both my family members and I can see how much potential she has. I love my daughter 在此特别鼓励弟兄姐妹,常常与主亲近, deeply and I give thanks to God for being able to 常常和孩子一起灵修祷告,让主耶稣在我们 bring her back to my side. I am even more grate- 的生活中掌权,让神的心意和祝福更大的 ful to God for mending our relationship. Praise 临到我们的家庭! and thanksgiving to Jesus! May all glory be given to the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen! Huai Teng is currently a full time I would like to take this opportunity to encour- staff of FGC. Her daughter- Ti Lee is a Form 6 age brothers and sisters to always draw near to the Lord, and have devotion and prayer with student, whom may look quiet but is an easy-go- your children. Let Jesus reign in our lives and let God’s heart and blessings come to our family ing person, passionate in learning new things more! through books. 慧 婷 是全备福音教会的全职同工。她的女儿蒂莉 是一名中六生,安静的外表其实很好相处,热衷于 通过书籍探索新事物。 28
FEATURES 特辑 #current 时事 We are in Him He is with us 我 Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, not many can say that they are able to travel back 们祂 to Malaysia and return to Singapore within 在与 a month. However, I experienced grace upon 祂我 grace despite the complications and hassle of 里们 crossing the borders. My story may not be as 面同 inspiring as the Covid-19 patients or frontline heroes, but it was my beautiful encounter with 在 God that I hold close to my heart, and I would like to testify of His faithfulness. This episode of my life was a silver lining in the turbulent year of 2020: filled with the warmth of my family, the joy of being around my dear friends in JB, the uncertainties of the future and the reluctance of separation. 能在一个月内回马来西亚又返回新加坡工作 的,我想应该为数不多;而这一切之中我 所经历的恩典却是多得数不清。在这沸沸扬扬的 疫情局势中,我的故事不如患者和前线人员那般 壮烈,但我仍要记载与分享这一点一滴的小美好, 见证上帝是多么地信实。这是2020汹涌的一年中 的一部小插曲。有家人的温馨,有朋友的欢乐; 有对未知的担忧,有对分离的不舍。 29
covid-19 & disappointment My brother’s wedding was to have been one of the most joyous occasions for my family, except that there were multiple hurdles faced due to the strict safety precautions and requirements to adhere to, because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Initially, I made a difficult decision to stay back in Singapore and miss the wed- ding due to the challenges of crossing the border. As my family was preparing for the wedding, I naturally felt disappointed knowing I would be missing this once in a lifetime event for my brother. a personally crafted surprise from god However, on 15th July, just two weeks before the wed- ding day, the government had announced Singapore and Malaysia to resume controlled cross-border travel on 10th of August. This piece of news came forth like a ray of hope, and I gave going back to Malaysia a second thought. In order to make it for the wedding day held on 1st of August, I had to return to Malaysia by 17th of July to complete my 14 days quarantine in time. This meant that I was only left with one day to get approval from my employer, pack my luggage, and go through the checkpoint clearance procedures. By God’s grace, I managed to clear every single challenge that came my way. I do not know how I managed to stay calm the whole time. IT SUDDENLY DAWNED ON ME THAT CONSID- ERING THE PRECISE TIMING AND ACCURACY OF THE WHOLE EXPERIENCE, IT WAS ONLY MADE POSSIBLE WITH GOD’S INTERVENTION. AT THAT MOMENT, I BEGAN TO UNDERSTAND THAT ALL MY PREVIOUS DISAPPOINTMENTS AND FRUSTRATIONS WERE NECESSARY FOR ME TO APPRECIATE THIS IMPOSSIBLE, YET PERSONALLY CRAFTED SURPRISE FROM GOD! 30
疫情,封国与心里的失落 为了回去参加弟弟的大喜之日,因疫情封国 和各种限制下,让我们一家陷入了纠结和 抉择的两难。在决定不回去之后,家人在 忙着筹备婚礼之际都藏不住心里那几分的 失落。 上帝预备给我们的惊喜 而就在接近婚礼的两星期前,新闻报导新马 正商谈8月10日开放关卡事宜,些许的希望 让我们打算再试一回。这回大家的决定都很 坚定,那时是7月15日的晚上,而为赶上 弟弟8月1日的婚礼,我最迟必须7月17日回 国居家隔离14天,意味着我只有1天的时间 处理、准备及通过所有的手续和打包行李。 没想到,所有程序就这样一关又一关过了, 我的从容应对也不知从何而来。 有一刻我突然明白,正是 “MY COLLEAGUES ARE SUPER SUPPORTIVE.. 因为时间如此地仓促而又 THEY EVEN WANT TO HELP ME WHEN THEY 准确刚好,我所经历的顺遂, HE ARD I NE E D TO PAY SGD $2, 000 FOR MY 就更不可能是人为的了。 QUARANTINE FEES! 我 的 同 事 都 非 常 支 持 我 。 那一刻我突然明白,之前的 甚至当得知我需要付新币2千元的隔离费时 失落和无奈是必须的,为让 要帮助我!” 这不可能的事成功化为上帝 预备给我们的惊喜。 31
embarking back to malaysia 回国之路 17th July was a day filled with surprises as I 7月17日回国之路,这一天亦是充满 embarked on my journey back to Malaysia. Many “惊喜”的一天。听很多回国的人说, who returned to Malaysia shared that the whole 从关卡到咽喉抹片检验(swab test) process from conducting swab tests to finally 到回家,都是天亮出门,天黑才能回到 arriving at their door steps would typically be a 家。而我却能下午4点就到家了。一路上 full day affair. However, I was able to arrive home 经历了各种恩宠;从完美的天气、关卡 at 4pm. Furthermore, I experienced God’s favor 人员的通融和借网线、医护人员细心 at every juncture, from granting me the beauti- 耐心指示、清洁工伸出拉行李的援手、 ful weather, meeting accommodating customs 路人大叔的一路相伴和聊天、不是最 officers, coming across a kind soul who lend 早到的一批,却是最快拿到检验报告的 me his mobile hotspot, encountering attentive 一批······ 他们个个都像是上帝派来的 and patient medical personnels, bumping into 天使,迎接我快快回家。那一天回到家 a cleaner who was so kind to help me with my 时,我心中的感恩与感动是满溢出来的。 luggage, and coming to know a friendly uncle who kept me company with his stories. These 耶稣成为这场婚礼的主角 people whom I have encountered felt like angels sent by God, to help make my trip home a swift 我弟婚礼当日,在场的人都知道那天 and easy one. Even though I was not among the 发生了夺人眼泪的感人事件。愿耶稣 earliest group to arrive at the customs, I was the 成为这场婚礼的主角,是我当天早上的 earliest group to receive the swab test result! 祷告。听着弟弟敞开自己的过去、种种 When I finally arrived home that day, I was so 的突破与成长,那一刻我知道,上帝 touched by God’s grace and was overwhelmed 借着他的生命得了荣耀。与其说是感 with gratitude. 言,我觉得更像是生命见证。他的改变 与成长,若非神的手,是不可能发生 Jesus is the star of the wedding 的。在众亲友的见证下,我看到了神在 过去的二十几年中,一步一步地造就了 The big day has arrived, all the attendees wit- 现在我们这一家。 nessed a very touching moment that day. On that morning, I prayed that Jesus would be the 主角,才是最值得我们 star of the wedding. As I listened to my brother opening up about his pasts, his various break- 献上感恩的耶稣。 throughs and the growth in Christ that he expe- rienced, I knew at that moment that God’s 32
glory was magnified through my brother’s life 返回新加坡 and testimonies. The transformations that I witnessed in his 22 years of life were only made 返回新加坡的各种考量和申请并不容易, possible with God! In the presence of our family 需要考虑费用、工作、请假、政府批准、 and friends, he testified of God’s faithfulness and 隔离住所等等。在整个过程中,在经历了 restoration in our family. 前面的种种恩典后,我学会了专注于耶稣, 不看环境和限制。我们一家都学会了。 JESUS WAS TRULY THE STAR 如我们所料,上帝的预备和时间总是完美 OF THE DAY, WORTHY OF OUR 的,就这样我得到回新加坡的批准了。 PRAISE AND GRATITUDE. 18日回到新加坡的这天,面对着7天的隔离 房间,我看到了与神独处的空间。这里没有 returning to singapore 五星级的环境和服务,但,有祂就够了。 Returning to Singapore was not an easy process as there were various considerations, such as the expenses, work, annual leave deductions, Singapore government entry approval, quaran- tine location and so on. However, having expe- rienced so much grace before, I learnt to fix my eyes on Jesus, and my entire family learnt to look beyond our circumstances and fix our attention on the One who is in control. As expected, God made all things fall into place, and I was able to arrive safely in Singapore on the 18th of August. During my 7 days quarantine, even though I did not get assigned to a 5-star hotel, I spent a lot of time with God and found great satisfaction in being in His presence. Indeed, Christ is enough for me! YA N JEN WO RKS A S A TRA N SLATO R AND ADMIN IN CHURCH OF SINGAPORE 燕 箴 是新加坡教会的一名翻译和行政人员 33
great things god is about to do 神要继续成就的事 As I look back at the past month, I am be- 回顾过去的一个月,与家人与朋友在相隔 yond grateful to be able to experience the 半年后共度的天伦和欢悦,此趟足矣。生平 indescribable joy of being united with my 第一次对离家感到不舍,也许因为下次见面 loved ones after being apart for six months. 的日期是个未知数。但我期待着,接下来神 For the first time in my life, I felt reluctant to 要继续成就的事。 leave home. Perhaps because I do not know when we can meet again. However, I look 美好与恩典总不离开我们, forward to witnessing the great things that 只要我们在祂里面, God is about to do. 祂在我们里面。 I trust that His goodness and grace will never leave us, as long as we are in Him and He is in us. YanJen 燕 箴 loves eating and traveling. She enjoys meeting people and new challenges. 喜爱美食及旅游。 她享受与人见面与面对新的挑战。 34
Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. 你们要住在我里面, 我也就住在你们里面。 枝子若不连在葡萄树上, 自己就不能结果子; 你们若不住在我里面, 也是这样。 John 15:4 约翰福音 15:4 35
When I was invited to join as an intern 收到媒体团队与媒体学苑的实习生 for media team and Media Academy, I 邀请函时,我踌躇了一下。当时 hesitated. During that time, I just finished my 的我刚刚完成了中学课程,也已经为 secondary school and had already planned 自己规划好接下来的路。收到邀请的 what my next step was going to be. When I was 当儿,我也不肯定是否要劳烦妈妈充当 invited, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to trouble my 司机来回接送我到教会上课。在想到 mother to send me back and forth from home to 自己能趁等着SPM成绩放榜前学习到 church. But knowing that I would be able to pick 一门新的技术,我毅然地接受了这个 up a new skill while waiting for my SPM results, 媒体学苑所开办的实习生课程。 I agreed to join both the internship programme and the Media Academy. 难得的机会 learning opportunities 因为需要全程专注学习,对我来说, 这个实习过程非常的劳累。但是一想到 Both the whole internship and Media Academy 这是个难得的机会,能让我接触到一些 programme were tiring for me as most of the 尖端的器材,我觉得一切都是值得的, time I would need to be really focused. But at 也非常享受整个过程。在实习的过程 the same time it was also an enjoyable experi- 当中也让我有机会与一些新认识的朋友 ence because not many people have the opportu- 交谈。对我这样比较内向的人来说, nity to interact with such expensive equipment. 与他们交谈无形中帮助我敞开了不少。 It was also rather fun to have conversations with 在三个月的实习过程中,我们每一个人 a few friends I met from the Media Academy. 都有机会分享自己的意见与想法,当中 This really helped me to open up as I am natu- 也不乏开怀大笑的时刻。 rally an introvert. Each of us got the chance to share our thoughts and we really had quite a few 发挥所学 moments of laughter during the 3 months in the Media Academy. 一直到今年三月,当我的实习生涯将告 一段落时,我不禁开始问神,自己能如何 37
skills prepared for new venture 使用这些新掌握的技术。几天之后,政府 突如其来的宣布我国将实施行动管制令, But in March, when my internship programme 每一个人都只能在特定原因之下才能离家 and the Media Academy was going to end, I 出外。在惊讶之余我也感到无比的兴奋, started to ask God, what am I going to do with all 自己终于可以学以致用,把这三个月所 these skills that I’ve learned? Surprisingly, after 学到的知识和技术发挥出来。 a few days, the government announced that the country will have to implement the Movement 看到神如何在我的生命里 Control Order and almost every person would not be allowed to exit their houses without a val- 动工,让我对神感到无比 id reason. Meanwhile the church had also decide to move their services online. I was shocked and 的感恩。我的生命完全在 excited at the same time because I could then use and practice the skills I had learned through- 神的计划里,我无需再为 out the 3 months of internship and Media Academy. 自己担忧了。 I REALLY WANT TO THANK GOD BECAUSE I CAN SEE HOW GOD IS WORKING IN MY LIFE. HE HAD ALREADY PLANNED MY LIFE AND I NEED NOT WORRY. Derrick 镇 荣 likes to eat rice and dislikes mee. Currently waiting for his Singapore National Service enlistment. 喜欢吃饭,不喜欢吃面。目前在等待 新加坡国民服役。 38
HOME 我 家讯 们 #wedding 家有喜事 Down 结 the 婚 咯 Aisle VAanaerso&sna Ong Koh 王 奕 笙 与 高 洁 美 40
AKderliley&n Ting Tan 陈 绪 铭 与 陈 洁 瑜 林 维 豪 与 陈 晓 漩 JAeasrsioc&na Lim Tan 41
HOME 家讯 #events活动回顾 fgc snap- shots! 影相全备 PHOTO GALORE OF EVENTS IN FULL GOSPEL CHURCH JB 新山全备福音教会活动回顾影集 42
02/5 & 2 0 /5 HSI & HSA BLOOD DONATION 捐血运动 (HSI 及 HSA) 43
15/6 - 1 7 /7 ” A DOLLA R A DAY” 3 0 DAYS PROJ EC T “一天一块钱”30天计划 44
1 6 /08 MEDIA ACADEMY GRADUATION 媒体学苑毕业典礼 45
1 5 /09 MA LAYS I A DAY PRAY ER 马来西亚日联合祷告会 46
1 9 WATER BAPTISM DAY /09 受洗日 47
your story his glory 你的故事,主得荣耀! write to us today and share about god’s goodness in your life! 欢迎投稿!与我们分享上帝 在你生命美好的故事! “DOES IT HAS TO BE A HEALING TESTIMONY OR A FANTASTIC STORY? “ ”一定是要医治的见证或很精彩的故事吗?” OF COURSE NOT! WE WELCOME ANY REFLECTIONS, TESTIMONIES AND ORIGINAL WRITINGS. 当然不是!我们欢迎任何回应, 见证和草稿。 “I’M AFRAID I DON’T WRITE WELL ENOUGH...“ ”我怕我的文笔不够好······” DO NOT BE AFRAID! JUST SEND IN YOUR WRITINGS AND WE WILL HAVE A TEAM OF EDITORS TO ENHANCE YOUR WRITING. 不要害怕!只要将你的文稿发给我们,我们有 一群编辑会替你润稿。 Call us at the church office and speak to Wendy. 欢迎致电教会办公室与文仪接洽。 48