what’s THEinside... THE IN-HOUSE MAGAZINE FOR MRS GROUPFEATURED STORIES01 15 06 13 COVER STORY RELATIONSHIP BRAND DIGEST SAFETY Its Naira or Never A tale of two Hearts Why Good Designs Matters How to Prevent fire to the Business in the workplacealso in this issue///01 It’s Naira or Never 13 Why Good matters to the 19 Babies’ Corner Business04 12 Good manners for 14 20 Brain Teaser05 the office 15 Why we need to know 21 Album Review06 Style tips for Dressing 16 ISPS Code 22 Throwback12 for success 17 How to Prevent Fire in the workplace A tale of two hearts: An MRS Love Story Your 5-A-Day Department Fact file What kind of Headache is it?
Editorial team Ify Ofodile Tolu Yusuf Tosin Ajao Contributing writers Editorial support Arthur Igboanugo Abdulaziz Dangote Godwin Obuene Jumoke Olatunji Oshoname FilaniOluseun Aderibigbe (MBBS) Timipiri Odu
COVER STORY 3 of theWorst Millennial Money HabitsWhen Christine Lagarde, the qua Managing Director of the rter, International Monetary Fund with(IMF), visited Nigeria recently, she called for demand rising tomore exibility on the exchange rate, $61bn, while supply toencouraging those who believe the naira banks and other licensedcould be devalued again very soon. operators stood at $6bn, ultimately fuelling the parallelAbout 90% of Nigeria's foreign exchange “black” market.income is tied to oil revenues, and the drop inprices to below $35 a barrel has resulted in The disparity between the ofcial exchangeforex earnings from this commodity tumbling rate and black market rates has risen tofrom $20bn in the third quarter of 2014 to more than 35%, but the Central Bank is still$11.6bn in the third quarter last year. insisting it will not ofcially devalue the currency. Its determination to maintain thisThe Central Bank Governor, Godwin Emeele, tough grip on the exchange rate is alreadyhas so far imposed controls, drawing up a list affecting gross domestic product, withof items that cannot be imported with growth down to 2.84% in the third quarter ofofcially sourced foreign currency. Banks are last year compared with 6.23% a year longer taking forex at the counter, andNigerians are allowed to withdraw no more The wider picture is that investor appetitethan $300 a day at channels located abroad remains weak compared with levels seenwith their naira-denominated cards. There are before Buhari's election in March. Foreignalso limits on how much foreign currency they investors are worried about the risk ofcan spend online. devaluation but also affected by the wider withdrawal of funds from emerging marketsThese measures have enraged Nigerians, with because of the US Federal Reserve'ssome nding themselves stranded on holiday decision to raise interest rates.or in cyberspace, unable to pay for hotels orshopping. Businesses have to wait weeks to The Central Bank has tried to use monetaryliquidate foreign exchange orders, hurting easing to spark credit growth inside mobility. TO BE CONTINUED IN THE NEXT PAGEAnd still the demand outstrips supply. TheCentral Bank was able to meet only a 10th of 02orders for foreign exchange in the third THE STALLION// THE IN-HOUSE MAGAZINE FOR MRS GROUP
COVER STORY// CONTINUED THE PREVIOUS PAGE It's Naira or never:Nigeria needs decisive action on its currencyIt has reduced the benchmark interest rate to 11%, and cut lending controls on deposits to20%, specically targeting lending to manufacturing and infrastructure.But Nigerian market leaders are worried, despite the easier access to credit: if it takes weeksfor them to get forex through ofcial sources, it hurts their ability to operate and could lead tosignicant job losses. Banks trying to hedge their risks have shown greater interest ingovernment debt, which is projected to reach $4.7bn this year.For now, Nigeria has three choices. The central bank could continue its selective supply ofdollars – a policy that is hurting growth, slowing forex supply from non-oil sources andcomplicating importers' ability to access foreign exchange. Already, airlines are nding ithard to repatriate revenue from tickets sold abroad.The problem is that with little forex coming in, and with reserves already standing at just $29bn,the central bank could soon nd itself hitting the reserve adequacy prescription, under whichit must hold forex reserves to cover six months of imports, or $27bn.The second option could be to adjust the “price” of the naira. This devaluation is keenlyanticipated by many foreign investors, but some analysts have warned it could lead to morespeculative trade, and have questioned how the naira's “fair value” will be determined. Untilnow, the government has rejected this course of action, but it may be forced to reconsider.Buhari's nal option is to oat the currency, allowing markets to determine the exchange rate.The current managed oat system, which pegs the ofcial rate at N197 to $1, has createdopportunities for people to prot from the margin between the ofcial rate and black marketrates.But allowing the naira to oat could also result in a sharp jump in the cost of household items orenergy, and boost ination. That seems unthinkable, because sudden price increases coulderode the credibility of Nigeria's political leaders.We are still waiting to see what the monetary authorities will do, but the current approach isnot working, and the Central Bank's independence appears in danger. We see central bankleaders seemingly bowing to political pressures. This will hurt the economy and eventuallyforce the inevitable: the naira will have to be adjusted, either through a sequenced oat orfree oat.Maybe the government is waiting for a miracle, such as a sudden jump in oil prices. Lagardehas emphasised the need for scal discipline, but Nigeria's political elite tend to turn a deafear to such pleas: witness parliament's plans to spend $20m on cars, or the executive'sintention to spend another $18m on BMWs.Nigeria's leaders will need to show uncharacteristic, ruthless efciency if the country is to getthrough this difcult period.Culled from The GuardianTHE STALLION// THE IN-HOUSE MAGAZINE FOR MRS GROUP 03
OFFICE ETIQUETTE // Good Manners for the Office by Ify Ofodile1. Turn off the SpeakerphoneDo you really want the whole ofce to hear your every conversation? A Bluetooth headset or regular earphones are preferable.Speakerphones are for conference calls involving multiple people in a room with a closed door. Don't use speakerphones forpersonal calls in the open ofce.2. Use Your Inside VoiceKeep your volume down when you are on the phone and talking to one another. The person at the other end of the line can hearyou clearly if you speak in a normal tone of voice and those in the ofce around you will thank you for your courtesy. If you think thelistener will have trouble hearing you, step into the hallway – not the bathroom because trust me we can still hear you.3. Respect Your Co-Worker's PrivacySome of us have ofces – even though it is completely transparent. However it is still a private space. The polite thing to do is toknock softly or announce yourself at the doorway instead of barging in. You would most likely get a response, either verbally ornod of head.4. No Sticky FingersYou may be able to walk freely in and out of your co-workers' station, that doesn't give you the authority to take items from theirspaces. Never 'borrow' supplies from someone else's station just because there's no door. There is no worse feeling to knowsomeone has been in your space, and to have items missing or disrupted. So don't do it to someone else.5. Don't Spy On Your Co-WorkerNever read what's on someone's computer screen. Don't peer over beside your seat to see what they are doing. Basically, don'tbe a creeper, mind your business and respect your colleagues' privacy.6. Scents and Sensibility: Keep Smells in CheckI wrote about this before and couldn't help include it here again. Keep in mind what odors may be wafting through your station forothers to smell. Not only that, keep in mind that your co-workers might be allergic to your perfume or other things that you might betaking the liberty to spray.7. Find another Meeting PlaceKeep the meetings in your work station to a minimum. The conversation will disturb your ofce mates. Instead, grab an emptyconference room for your meeting. Plus, an alternative meeting space will keep your conversation condential.8. Sound BarrierIt really isn't a good idea to listen to music in the ofce unless you are wearing headphones. It is still advisable to keep the volume tominimum as sound can still lter out. Also, try to pick up the phone after one or two rings or turn it off the ringer if you choose not topick up.9. Messy EyesoreYour workspace is in view of not only everyone in the ofce–including your boss–but also to visitors. A messy cubicle not only gives abad impression of you but also of the entire ofce. If you lack storage, ask the admin manager for le folders, drawers and othertools that will help you get neat and organized.10. Don't Overdo the DecorationsIt's okay to add a few personal touches to your workspace. In fact, studies have shown people are more productive when theyhave personalized their cubicles. But don't overdo it. This is still a place of business.11. Visitor's HoursIt's okay to stop by to visit your colleague in her workspace, but don't linger. You might be interrupting their work. If you have a lot ofpersonal things to discuss, invite her to lunch instead.12. This Isn't Your HomeEven though your workspace is your little personal place, don't manage your personal hygiene there. Go to the restroom to oss.Do your nails at home–your co-workers won't nd the aroma of nail polish very pleasing. Keep your shoes on–it just isn't professionalto pop your feet out of your shoes – they might be stinky. Anything that you would hesitate to do in your boss' ofce shouldn't bedone in your workspace either.THE STALLION// THE IN-HOUSE MAGAZINE FOR MRS GROUP 04
FASHION & STYLE//Style Tips For DressingFor Success By Jumoke OlatunjiFirst off, this article is dedicated to the Women of MRS- happy Women's day ladies!!! , sorry guys, maybe next time.At a time when women are making strides in the workplace, rst impressions count for everything and knowing how to “look thepart” is so important. Obviously dress rules can't be set in stone because what is considered appropriate varies by workplace, eldand what is happening on a given day but here are a few important rules to keep in mind:1. Show the arms, cover the legs! For example, if you are wearing anice, crisp, white, sleeveless top to work, opt for trousers on thebottom, rather than a skirt. (If you are wearing a skirt to work,choose a shirt with sleeves that day.)2. Your feet should look prepared for work. High heels may be 05fashionable, but not for actually working. Makes no sense if youcan't do any work because you're struggling to walk. Perhaps optfor a safe 3-inch or some cute ats.3. Going sleeveless? It should absolutely be a sleeveless dress shirt.Think button-down, pressed, cotton shirt with a collar, minus thesleeves.4. Fit goes a long way. Everyone knows that you should avoidclothes that are too tight or too skimpy but baggy clothing that'stwo sizes too big can be just as bad too. If your clothing isshapeless, you'll end up looking sloppy.5. But most importantly, KNOW YOUR OFFICE. If you're not sure ofanything check out our company handbook to ensure you're notthe reason HR sending out warnings. THE STALLION// THE IN-HOUSE MAGAZINE FOR MRS GROUP
RELATIONSHIP// Her storyHOW IT STARTED...He started work in MRS about a month after me... We aren't in the same department and we don't work in the same building so there was never really any interaction between us. In fact, I don't think I noticed his existence. Although, much later, I would recall one morning on the boat on our way to work, I was reading without my glasses and someone tapped me and told me to use my glasses and stop punishing myself... Stubborn me, I think I just smiled and didn't pay any heed to him... I later remembered it was him. Apparently, he had noticed me at the time. I also remember him telling me about my outt for the company's end of year party in 2014. Me? I didn't recall seeing him at the party. In January 2015, I was passing by the reception at work and I saw the receptionist standing with a guy and lling a form... Aproko me, I decided to stop and ask what form they were lling and if I was supposed to ll it too. It was a tax form. I lled mine immediately but didn't have any passport photo with me to attach to the form. He said I could bring it the next day and he will come to my ofce to get it, which he did. After that, I don't remember having any interaction with him for a while. But, one evening on the boat again, on our way from work, a few of us were 'gisting' about marriage, relationship and stuff; and then Kayode (by then I'd learnt his name) started talking about the kind of girl he would like to marry and he practically described me... Mehn, was I shocked! However, I shrugged it off as a possible coincidence. Some days later, my very close friend in the ofce, Lydia George, informed me that a colleague named Kayode has been calling her desk phone regularly just to ask about me. He eventually told her that he liked me and would like to date me. I vividly remember laughing it off and making fun of him that he was just wasting his time as I was already in a relationship. Although, truth be told, at the time, I was already thinking of ending the relationship as it seemed to be heading nowhere. On February 8, 2015, I eventually ended the relationship but I didn't tell Lydia. Two days later, Kayode, on his way from the kitchen where he had lunch with his friend, stopped to have a chat with Lydia whose work station was beside mine; so, naturally, I joined in the chat. After the chat, he asked if he could have my mobile number and I gave him without asking for his.It was a Tuesday and the last day of RCCG fast so I went to church from work. By the time I closed from church, I saw about twenty-something missed calls on my phone from an unknown number. I wondered who it was and had to call the number back... and it was him. He sounded genuinely worried that I wasn't picking my calls and I told him I was in church. I remember him saying I should have told him I was going to church. And I'm like, “how was I supposed to know you would call....” He eventually told me to hang up so he could call me back. He did and we talked for over an hour that night. This became a regular practice... He would call every night and talk for at least an hour. We became so comfortable talking with each other on the phone so much so that I would have regular conversations with my at mates whilst on the phone with him. It was during one of such he heard me asking my at mate about getting a jersey for a program in church. He remembered my birthday, March 3, from the tax form I lled, also because I share the same birthday with his mum, so, he made me a customized ManU (his team) jersey for my birthday gift. Eventually, sometime in March, he told me he really liked me and would like to marry me. He was very straight and direct to the point, no mincing of words. I told him I was just out of a relationship and was being careful about rushing into another one. But, truth is, his direct approach and condence already got to me especially because I had been in a relationship for three years with someone who wasn't sure of what he wanted out of it. However, I still kept him hanging as 'a friend' while the nightly calls continued. He eventually asked if he could pay me a visit which I consented to and we agreed on a Saturday. The plan was for him to come to my house, stay for a little while and then take me out to lunch. But unfortunately, he had to go to work that day and wasn't able to make it to my house until about 3pm. By then, I didn't feel like going out again, so we just sat in the living room and gisted. Sometime during the gist, he told me he wanted a reply to his request. I didn't exactly like him as a potential boyfriend because he was 180° different from the kind of guy I would normally date... he's too outgoing, has too many friends, parties, etc. But, I asked myself why I couldn't let down my hair (guratively speaking) for once and just go with the ow... And that was exactly what I did! The date was March 21, 2015... :) Within a very short time into the relationship, he had asked to travel to Warri, Delta State to visit my mum. And that was when I truly believed the guy was for real and really meant business.THE STALLION// THE IN-HOUSE MAGAZINE FOR MRS GROUP 08
RELATIONSHIP// Her storyTHE PROPOSAL...Well, I really wasn't expecting a formal proposal. I mean, he had told me he wanted marriage from the very beginning so, what more could a girl ask for right?! Besides, I've never really been one for too much noise and paparazzi. What was most important to me was his sincere and genuine intentions. However, knowing this, he still did his best to make it a memorable experience... :) It was a Saturday and we had made plans to go to Ikeja mall. However, on our way going, he suddenly had a change of mind and said to go to Ozone, Yaba instead. I'd never been there before, so, I was ne by it. At the mall we were passing by a shop that sells rings and it was actually my idea to go in for window shopping; also, because I didn't know my ring size, so it was an opportunity to nd out. After we left the mall, he decided to visit a friend who stays close by. I wasn't too pleased with the idea but agreed nonetheless. I'd thought we would visit for a short while and then leave as it was already getting late. But, apparently, he had a different idea. By then, I was already getting pissed and I just shunned him entirely, even while he was trying to get my attention. Eventually, I turned to give him a piece of my mind... and there it was... an open box with a ring... I was totally dumbfounded!THE STALLION// THE IN-HOUSE MAGAZINE FOR MRS GROUP 09
RELATIONSHIP// His storyHOW IT STARTED...I was still considerably new in the organization and being in Accounts department, didn't know most of the people in Operations. However, on two occasions, I had heard a couple of guys talking about a particular lady called Moji and how she was very hardworking and the right \"take-home-to-mama\" material. At the time, I really wasn't looking for a relationship as I had just come out of an unpleasant one. But, naturally, my interest was piqued and I was curious to know who she was. When I nally discovered who she was, I was at rst discouraged because she was always looking so stern and unapproachable and I kinda imagined she would be older than me. I told myself that I wasn't ready for that kind of \"wahala\" in my life. Then, she had to ll her tax form and I discovered that she was actually younger than me and had a bit of a playful side. Now, to decide on a game plan... I was fortunate enough to discover who her closest friend in the organization was and she happened to be a very jovial and approachable person; so, it was easy for me to get acquainted with her. I asked Lydia for Moji's number but she refused, telling me to man-up and approach her myself. However, she encouraged me when she told me Moji was in a relationship she wasn't too happy about and was considering coming out of. Eventually, I asked her for her number which she gave me and the rest is history...THE PROPOSAL... I wanted to make it a memorable one but, I also knew she wouldn't like anything out of the ordinary. So, that was my rst dilemma. Meanwhile, I'd contacted Delphi Metals about their rings but I didn't know her ring size... Second dilemma! Actually, she had also complained to me once about not knowing her ring size. So, I decided to take her to Ozone and steered her towards the shop. I know she likes to window-shop and try out things without necessary buying them and was hoping she would do the same this time. and Bingo! One problem solved... I got her ring size! Luck still being on my side, she received a call while still in the shop and she excused herself to answer the call. I quickly seized the opportunity, selected a ring she had particularly admired and paid via POS. It was easy for the box to t into my pocket without her noticing. I drove to my friend, Bayo's house and told him I had got a ring and was going to propose and I wanted him to be ready with his phone camera for pictures. I wanted the whole 'one-knee-on-the-oor-with-an-audience-clapping-and-taking-pictures' thing. But, eventually, when it happened, it was just the two of us... our special moment, no words were needed... all that mattered were the two hearts beating in sync with each other and the expression of love I could see reected in her eyes as I sipped the ring on her nger. The silence around us eventually drew the attention of others in the room to us and that was when they realized what had happened...THE STALLION// THE IN-HOUSE MAGAZINE FOR MRS GROUP 11
DEPARTMENTAL FACT FILESales & Marketing Team Name: Priscilla Thorpe - Monclus Position: GM, Sales & Marketing Phone No:08035004000 Email: [email protected] Hobbies: Sports & reading Ask me about: LeadershipName: Stephanie Dominic Eboh Name: Efuntoye MayowaPosition: Sr. Manager, Sales & Marketing Position: Sales Officer, Sales & MarketingPhone No:08077098338 Phone No:08058563994Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Cooking & Travelling Hobbies: Football, TennisAsk me about: Sales & Marketing Ask me about: Sales AnalysisName: Oladapo Alabi Name: Victor UmuoloPosition: Sales Officer, Sales & Marketing Position: Sales Officer, Sales & MarketingPhone No:08066345135 Phone No:08037932762Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Music and Football Hobbies: Travelling and watching football.Ask me about: Product price Ask me about: Marketing OverviewName: Chinyere Okonkwo Name: Zakari YunusPosition: Marketing Officer Position: Marketing OfficerPhone No:08027660695 Phone No:07053900133Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Hobbies: Sports and TravellingHobbies: meeting people, watching movies and Ask me about: Sales and Marketing travellingAsk me about: MarketingTHE STALLION// THE IN-HOUSE MAGAZINE FOR MRS GROUP 12
BRAND DIGEST// by Tolulope YusufThe word design literally means a plan. We all know how important planning is for business. But in general terms, design is the element that portrays the business in the way you want. It has to be infused into every aspect of the business. Nothing can be done randomly. Everything must be performed according to adesign. You may be wondering why design is so important. The following reasons will tell you why good designmatters.Establish your brandA company has to make itself known to its clients. It should be able to establish itself with condence and trust.Only a consistent and impressive design will help you do that. Design is the way a business makes itselfidentied. Starting from logo design to website design, design is what makes the brand known. But making abad design will soon damage the little credibility you already have.Make a lasting impressionEveryone wants to make it big. But no one can make it big if they are forgotten easily. A good design leaves amemorable impression about your business. When people see your logo, they are reminded of the greatservice design. When they see the product design, they understand the quality. Good design makes you lookgood. It brings you customers who keep wanting to do business with the company.Distinguish from competitorsThe world is so big. You are not the only one with the business idea that seems the most innovative to you. But acreative design can make you look different. Design tells a lot about the business. It makes company standout from the crowd. Even the business card requires a good design. A normal generic card will not make oneof all other people doing the same business as you. But make a good design, you will nd people recognizingyou better than your competitors. The same goes for your website design too. Even the service model designgreatly distinguishes you from your competitors.Effective marketingGood design is capable of communicating your ideas well. It boosts your positive traits. It can diminish ormake people forget your mistakes.A design serves as the best way to maximize your marketing efforts. Better design always brings in betterprospects. A simple ad banner is not enough to attract people. A creative and intuitive design does a bettermarketing. Similarly, a little tweak in the website design could bring more trafc. Spending a little time inmaking better design is very helpful for your business.Better performanceWhen your marketing is enhanced, you get better revenue. When customers nd it easy to do business withyou, your prots are increased. When people prefer you over your competitor, you get better deals. Gooddesign, thus apparently increases business performance. It helps your employees work better. It increasesproductivity and overall performance.Good design has the potential to transform your business. It can make your business multiply and grow. Makeit a rule not to settle down with just any design. Make sure you invest time and resources to make betterdesigns. Because it is worth it!THE STALLION// THE IN-HOUSE MAGAZINE FOR MRS GROUP 13
SECURITY//International ship and port facility security code is By Godwin Obuene designed to prevent weapon, dangerous substance and devices intended for use against person, Ships or basic standard. We also have procedures for respondingport/terminal and the carriage of which is not to any security instruction. Contacting the Governmentauthorized from being taken on board the ship or may give at different security level from security level 1-3.terminal. Identication of the restricted areas andmeasures for the prevention of unauthorized access to Security procedures include the following;them and also the ship. Procedures for responding to Evacuation in case of security threat or breaches ofsecurity threat or breaches of security, including security, duties of shipboard personnel on securityprovisions for maintaining critical operations of the ship responsibilities and other shipboard personnel on securityor port/terminal interface. aspect. Auditing the security activities, training, drills and exerciseAccess Control associated with the plan are also included. InterfacingAccess control which allow controlled access to (MRS) with port facility security activities and periodic review ofand exit from the facility by authorized personnel, plan and updating also have procedure.vehicles and vessels by maintaining a real-time record Reporting security incidents.of all legitimate movement into or out of the facility Identication of ship security ofcers, identication ofeither electronically or by means of a book keeping company security ofcers including 24-hour contactsystem. Those to be controlled includes employees, details. Procedures to ensure the inspection, testing,contractors, vendors, visitors, ships' crew. This is calibration and maintenance of any security equipmentnecessary because visitors are transient and arrive provided on board. Instructions and guidance on the usewithout prior arrangement. Employees only require of the ship security alert system including testing,permanent control procedure while visitors require activation, deactivation and resetting and to limit falsetemporary control procedure. alerts. Areas of implementation include access to theWithout strict identication control procedures, access Port facility/terminal, restricted areas, handling of cargo,control becomes unworkable but good access control delivery of ship's store, handling unaccompaniedprocedures allows business continuity and is the most baggage and monitoring the security level of the porteffective defense against any form of attack facility.Security levels Security level two (2) which appropriates additionalSecurity level which is the qualication of the degree of protective security measures are maintained for a periodrisk that a security incident will be attempted or will of time as a result of heightened risk of a security incidentoccur and the appropriate action to be taken at each while security level three (3) being the highest level whichlevel. Our terminal operates under security level one (1) further specic protective security measures shall bewhich means minimum appropriate protective security maintained for a longer period of time, when a securitymeasures shall be maintained at all times with minimum incident is probable or imminent, although the specic target may not be identied. THE STALLION// THE IN-HOUSE MAGAZINE FOR MRS GROUP Finally the purpose of the security levels set by the code is to ensure that adequate protection is put in place to protect a port facility, a ship and its crew members from possible attack. 14
SAFETY// How to Prevent Fire in theWORKPLACE by Arthur IgboanugoThe threat of re can be frightening. In many cases, res cause major property damage, or even worse, death. The use of re retardant construction materials, sprinklers and smoke alarms can greatly reduce the risk of re. In addition, informed employees who know what causes res and how to prevent them can further prevent thethreat of reFire prevention through the following:“Good Housekeeping”Keep combustibles—wood, paper, trash and oily rags—away from machineryand other heat sources.Store all ammable liquids in ame-proof containers.Practice preventative maintenance on all electrical equipment.Keep all areas clean and free of debris.Continuous TrainingContinuous training and re-training of MRS staff on prevention and control measures on re hazard in the workplace.Prevention of Electrical Fires 15Don't force three-prong plugs into two-prong outlets.Don't overload extensions and electrical outlets reportelectrical fault to the electrical department.Don't use household-grade extension cords in the workplace.Heavy-duty extension cords with circuit breakers should beused.Don't use frayed extension cords. Check them frequently.Remain calm. People are looking for your guidance andreassurance.In the Event of a Fire…R-A-C-E to Safety!R-Rescue—Remove any employees or visitors from immediate danger.A-Alarm—Pull the nearest Fire Alarm and call the proper emergency phone number.C-Contain—Contain all smoke and toxic fumes by closing all doors and windows.E-Extinguish and Evacuate—follow all posted and verbal procedures. THE STALLION// THE IN-HOUSE MAGAZINE FOR MRS GROUP
NUTRITION// by Ify OfodileWe have heard over and over again from different sources that eating ve portions of fruits andveggies a day is a great way to live healthy. That is because fruits are natural superfoods withimmense benets that help in weight loss – they are high in ber, contain natural sugars and help keephunger pangs at bay. One portion of fruit is dened as 80g of fruit, so one medium-sized apple wouldconstitute one portion. Below are a fruits that are affordable and easy to source either for your diets.1) WatermelonThe watermelon is your go-to fruit for weight loss. It's high in water content (90%) and a 100g servingjust contains 30 calories. They're also a rich source of amino acids called arginine which helps burn fat.The best thing about watermelon, however, is the fact that not only does it keep you hydrated, it willalso keep you satiated for a long time which will lead to less unhealthy snacking2)2) AppleWhat if we told you that there was a fruit that could reduce your cancer risk, keep your heart healthy,make your teeth whiter, boost your immune system and even beat diarrhea and constipation? Wellthe apple's the one. If you're on a weight loss diet, then you certainly need the apple in your dietaryrepertoire. One medium-sized apple contains around 50 calories and doesn't have any fat or sodium.In fact, a Brazilian study found that women who ate apples before their meals lost 33% more fruits thanthose who didn't eat them!3) BananaPacking 105 calories, per piece, the average banana is an excellent source of instant energy and theperfect post-workout food. They're also healthier than packaged post-workout snacks like energy barswhich are just chocolate bars masquerading as 'healthy' options. It also helps beat muscle cramps,keeps your BP in check, prevents acidity and even beats constipation.4) OrangesNot only is the orange great to taste, 100g of this fruit only contains 47 calories which is great forsomeone looking for a snack while trying to follow a strict diet. It's also sweet which will help take careof the cravings every dieter has for something sweet!5) TomatoesYeah, tomatoes are fruits not vegetables and they're a Godsend for your weight loss battle. They'redelicious, full of antioxidants and reduce water retention. They also reverse leptin resistance, for thosenot in the known, leptin's a type of protein which prevents our body from losing weight, thus tomatoesare the perfect ally. Just keep in mind that ketchup – which is loaded with synthetic stuff and sugars –don't count as tomatoes.THE STALLION// THE IN-HOUSE MAGAZINE FOR MRS GROUP 16
HEALTH// by Aderibigbe Oluseun (MBBS) with a migraine might. The cause of cluster headaches is unknown, but there may be a genetic component. There is MRS IN-HOUSE CLINIC (TINCAN) no cure, but medication can cut the frequency and duration.It's important to gure out what type of headache is causing your pain. If you know your headache type, you C)Migraine headaches can treat it correctly. Migraines can run in families ,It is affects females more than males,usually between the age of 15-60 years.Headaches are the commonest neurological disease inNigeria. It is dened as discomfort in the head and Features of migraine includesurrounding structures. Throbbing pain,which is recurrent and usually affecting one side of the head,which may be moderate to severeThere are two(2) broad classications of headaches. and pain interferes with, worsened or prohibits routine activity.1)Primary headache (Idiopathic): e.g Tension, Cluster, Nauseas and vomiting (may be present)Migraine etc Dislike for light and noise Dizziness etc.2)Secondary headache: (These are usually due tounderlying conditions) e.g Alcohol(Hangover), Drug A migraine may be foreshadowed by aura, such as visualinduced, Sleep deprivation, Due to convulsion, Brain distortions or hand numbness. (About 15% to 20% of peopletumours, Inamation and infection etc. with migraines experience these).Here are some tips that will put a name to your pain. Migraine headaches may be triggered/aggravated by hormonal changes e.g (menstruation, pregnancy,1)PRIMARY HEADACHES menopause), coffee (caffeine), alcohol, stress and bright lights.A)Tension headachesTension headaches, the most common type, symptoms Treatment of migraine can be classied into Abortive andinclude Heaviness in the head, peppery or crawling Preventive therapies. Drugs used include common OTCssensation, Disturbed concentration etc. Not as severe as like Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Prescription medicines likemigraines, they don't usually cause nausea or vomiting, and triptans, ergots etc.they rarely halt daily activities. 2)SECONDARY HEADACHESOver-the-counter treatments, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or This class of headaches are actually due underlyingacetaminophen (Paracetamol), are usually sufcient to pathology e.g Inammation/Infection (Meningitis,treat them. Encephalitis, sinusitis)Tumours, Trauma, Alcohol/drug induced, Hypertension, Refractive errors of the eyes, etc.B)Cluster headachesCluster headaches, which affect more men than women, The treatment of secondary headaches are usually basedare recurring headaches that occur in groups or cycles. They on identifying the underlying cause and treating it.appear suddenly and are characterized by severe,debilitating pain on one side of the head, and are often Prevention of headache includeaccompanied by a watery eye and nasal congestion or a Reduced stress levelrunny nose on the same side of the face. Avoidance of triggers/precipitating cause. Early detection and treatment of underlying pathology.During an attack, people often feel restless and unable to Adequate hydration and eating balanced diet.get comfortable; they are unlikely to lie down, as someone Regular exercise Adequate quality and quantity of sleep. THE STALLION// THE IN-HOUSE MAGAZINE FOR MRS GROUP Maintenance of good hygiene. 17
BABY’S CORNER//Amanda Moyinoluwa Lydia- HSE femi - sapAdelani Adegoke James OluwasogoBala Ibrahim John BabatundeBlessing Ani Karo OlogeBoma Nnaji Lydia George NwaruCharles Ebere Steve Uloko AlechenuFemi Sanwo Usman KolapoIbrahim DaudaTHE STALLION// THE IN-HOUSE MAGAZINE FOR MRS GROUP 19
BRAIN TEASERS// -Tolulope Yusuf 1 What ends everything always? 2 What do the letter 't' and an island have in common? ANSWERS 1. g 2. WaTerTHE STALLION// THE IN-HOUSE MAGAZINE FOR MRS GROUP 20
ALBUM REVIEW (NIGERIA)// Album - Mama Africa Artiste - Yemi Alade Producers- Selebobo, Masterkraft, Mr Chidoo, DJ Coublon, GospelOnDeBeatz, Rotimi Keys, BeatsByEmzo, Philkeyz Record Label - Effyzzie Music Group (2016) Duration - 54 minutes“Mama Africa,” a name which was chosen because her incessant continental travels, is anotherstatement. While “King of Queens” claimed a position no one knew existed in Nigeria, “MamaAfrica” seeks to consolidate on the gains of her current position on the continent. Last year the MTVAfrica Music Awards (MAMA) named her the Best Female Act In Africa. Has that changed? No.Working with Selebobo, DJ Coublon, Masterkraft, GospelondeBeatz, and a number skilled popmusic makers, points in the direction the album went.Over the album’s 15 tracks, Yemi doesn’t coast once nor pander to our calls for ‘conscious Africanexportable music’ – in fact, a lot of the time she sounds like she just wants to dance and performthese songs on stage. ‘Do as I do’ and ‘Tumbum’ say it with energetic club sounds, while ‘Africa’ isthe closest she comes to balladry, singing “This my African hands dem go love you, my African lipsthem go kiss you” over polished and guitar-blended dancehall. The standout ‘Ferrari’ evenfeatures the distinctive Highlife dance infectious guitars of DJ Coublon, backing up hernonchalant materialistic swagger. Flavour also gets in on the Highlife theme, coming through onhis best verse, on the ighty ‘Kom kom’ collaboration.Yemi also throws in some experimentation aided by the trusted musical alchemy of Selebobo.‘Marry Me’ blends pidgin, Igbo and salsa into one ear candy that sits comfortably as any greatLatino-inspired work.Some tracks can feel overladen with production – take the escalating bleeps that crowd ‘Ego’, onwhich she grapples with her need for happiness and the good life. And also, ‘Dorcas’ sounds likeone female cat ght that she could do without.‘Kof Annan’ freestyle is a disservice to this LP.Psquare also fail to come alive on the House-inuenced ‘Tonight’. Although, with so much verveand oomph on this album, the condent and reassuring ‘Nakupenda’ with its inspired backupvocals and drumbeat suggests that Yemi has this African dance thing under control.This album shows one truth: Yemi Alade isn’t a far cry from the masterful-eyed woman who made“King of Queens”, but she provokes intriguing music from her inuences, upping her gamesignicantly from the last solo album with mundane love expressions and stories seemingly turnedup a notch. This album isn’t what many hoped to expect from the Effyzzie Music Group woman-king, but that’s just how Africa will like it.THE STALLION// THE IN-HOUSE MAGAZINE FOR MRS GROUP 21
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