March 2017 The Official Publication of the Country Club of Louisiana Property Owners Association Meet Katrina, the POA’s Traffic Hawk marks one Pruning azaleas for Spring. newest staff member. year since installation. By Clay Pinson Page 2 Page 3 Page 4Reconnecting the CommunityThe POA introduces The POA Post, a monthly newsletter.Long time neighborhood residentsand members of the Country Club ofLouisiana Property Owners Associa-tion (POA) may remember our firstpublication, Neighborhood News.After 15 years of a successful run,we decided to discontinue the publi-cation, choosing to enter into a con-tract with N2 Publishing, a nation-wide publisher that provides newscontent for exclusive communities.While N2 provided a professionalpublication, it did not cater the con-tent specifically for the Country Clubof Louisiana Property Owner’s Asso-ciation. A good community is one where res- The POA Post, along with other idents have solid and trustworthy re- communication mediums, will en-To provide news relevant to the lationships with each other and the deavor to provide quality effectivecommunity, the POA would submit association, and one that encour- news to property owners so that eve-articles to N2 Publishing. While the ages networking among property ryone has the opportunity to under-POA’s relationship with N2 Publish- owners. The best way, we believe, to stand what is happening within theing was supportive and stable, it was do so is to furnish the community community, and so that everyonedifficult to coordinate the release of with a medium that opens dialogue can be involved. In order to achievearticles to be published in a timely about who and what the POA offers, this, we have outlined a plan of whatfashion. and to provide a safe community to each issue of the publication will at- the residents. tempt to accomplish.In an effort to provide timely, promi-nent news for the community, The We want to create unity within the First, we understand that it is quite difficult to follow rules and standardsPOA Post will replace N2 Publish- Country Club of Louisiana by grant- if you are unaware of them. Some- times we need reminders of what ising’s magazine, placing emphasis ing members access to a resource expected.and focus on publishing the plans that promotes community buildingand news directly effecting members with one another and the associa-and residents of the association. tion. Continue on page 2 1
While each property owner has their ter, as well as information that is opinion valuable. Because of thatown copy of the Declarations and timely, and must be disseminated in simple fact, we will always be inARC’s design guidelines, The news- a quicker fashion than the newsletter need of your input and contributionsletter will serve as that reminder, may present. to this paper.highlighting particular rules that of-ten go unnoticed throughout the If you are subscribed to the POA’s Become involved today. The Boardcommunity. email blast, you may have received has approved a two month trial run “Weekly News” on Fridays. These for The POA Post. If you would likeSecond, committee meetings are weekly email newsletters will pre- to see this publication continue be-held regularly and minutes from sent time sensitive materials for a yond two months, please supplyeach meeting are shared with prop- more immediate reception. They will your opinion by taking The POAerty owners on the POA’s website. also contain simple reminders that Post survey at, being transparent requires we believe community members puVSPlTWVAsbEaYC2.more than simply posting meeting would appreciate.minutes. Members need to be up- We will also need submissions fromdated thoroughly and consistently so One important goal of this paper is community members for the nextthat they can contribute to the deci- to express the opinions and con- edition. To submit an article, and tosion-making process. cerns of the members of the associ- have your name appear in the by- ation. Because this is a community line for articles you contribute, emailWe also plan to present news to newspaper, the members and resi- Leanne Phillips atcommunity members who prefer to dents will drive the content to all [email protected], or Katrinause web and mobile devices. The communication outlets managed by Thomas at [email protected] will be an online archive of the POA. You will know what is im-news printed in the monthly newslet- portant to you, which makes your Book Club News Meet Katrina Thomas The CCL Book Club would like Get to know the POA’s newest staff member. to invite you to attend our book review on Thursday, March Award in Multi-Platform Journalism. 10th. We are honored to have Genevieve Trimble talk about Working for local businesses her book \"Afton Villa: The Res- throughout Southeast Louisiana, toration of a Magnificent St. Katrina has gained more than five Francisiville Plantation Garden\". years of experience in content man- She and her husband pur- agement and editing. She enjoys en- chased the estate in 1972 and gaging in community discussion us- have since been restoring its ing all social media tools. beautiful gardens for the past forty years. Make reservations Katrina is a graduate student at Originally from New Orleans, Katrina for lunch with Beth Cenac at Southeastern Louisiana University, has been a resident of the Baton [email protected] or majoring in English Publishing Stud- Rouge area since 2008. She hopes just come for the review at 1:00 ies. She has a Bachelor of Arts in to build a solid career in content PM. Communications and a Bachelor of management, and a strong home in Arts in English. Baton Rouge. While at Southeastern, she won nu- Reminder merous awards for her writing and research in Journalism, including the Trash cans, air-conditioning units 2014 D. Vickers Award for Creative and generators are to be screened Writing and the 2014 Top Paper by fencing or landscaping.2
February marked one year Alarm Monitoringsince installation of TrafficHawkTraffic security camera monitors motorists’ drivingspeeds within the community. Because there are multiple gate ac- The POA can monitor your home cesses some drivers rarely, if ever alarm system at the front gate. drive certain routes within the com- Owners can have their alarm sys- munity. To enforce traffic laws, and tem installer program or direct the because there is only one Traffic calls to our monitoring equipment. Hawk, the location of the Hawk peri- After a signal is received, an of- odically moves, monitoring traffic ficer will immediately respond, as throughout the development. the gate officer is contacting the owner. We will contact the proper The Board of Directors and The authorities when appropriate. The service is helpful because we are Safety, Traffic & Controlled Access your eyes and ears when you are not home, and can respond in just Committee are currently reviewing a few moments. In addition, ourSince February of 2016, the Traffic the traffic policy. All updates regard- fee is less than most other ser-Hawk security camera has helped ing citations and fines will be posted vices, and it usually provides a dis-decrease speeding violations and to all publication outlets when final- count on your homeowners insur-regulate traffic within the community. ized. ance. The annual fee is $150. For more information or to sign up,The Traffic Hawk is a speed radar Drivers can appeal any violation with contact the POA office at 985-751-that captures high resolution videos the Safety, Traffic & Controlled Ac- 4110.and images of vehicles exceeding cess Committee, which meets onthe speed limit set by the Property the fourth Thursday of every monthOwners Association (POA) and the at 7:30 PM.Safety, Traffic & Controlled AccessCommittee. March Calendar of Meetings and EventsMarch 2 — POA Board meeting at 7:30 AM in the POA March 14 — Park Committee meeting at 9:30 AM inOffice the POA officeMarch 6 — Garden Club meeting at 9:30 AM at the March 23 — Safety, Traffic, and Controlled Accesshome of Scarlet Hebert meeting at 7:30 PM in the POA OfficeMarch 9 — ARC meeting at 8:30 AM in the POA Office March 24 — Family Campout at 7:00 PM in the Com- munity ParkMarch 10 — Book Club Review of Genevieve Timble’s“Afton Villa: The Restoration of a Magnificent St.Francisville Plantation Garden” at 1:00 PM 3
Azaleas require special attention duringSpring seasonBy Clay Pinson cess. Never “box” them, or create flat tops or vertical sides. Angled sides and rounded tops should be the goal when pruning to encourage full growth to the ground. Once you have them pruned back to desired shape and scale, go back over the plant and cut down larger woody branches to irregular lengths. Within a few weeks, these branches will flush out and create a thick and full shrub. While doing this, keep an eye out for any crossing, touching or tangled branches, which can lead to insect infestation and disease, and can al-Nothing says Spring like The Mas- Don’t feel rushed, however. We feel so restrict the air flow within the inte-ters and blooming azaleas. Azaleas as though you have approximately rior of the shrub. This is sometimesmuch like crape myrtles have a three months after the first bloom to referred to as “cloud” pruning.“right way” and a “wrong way” to be prune without major damage to nextpruned. Many regional norms are season’s bloom set. Following these few useful tips willcompletely wrong! result in fuller, more natural, and Many of the newer hybrids, such as healthy shrubs with more blooms.When pruning evergreen azaleas, the Encore brand azaleas bloomsuch as Formosa, George Tabor, or multiple times a year, so pruning Clay Pinson is a Partner and ManagerGG Gerbing timing is important. The quickly is very important to insure of Business Development atbest time to prune is shortly after the multiple blooming cycles.bloom has been spent. This gives Messingales Grounds Management.the best opportunity for next sea- We recommend using hand pruners Rules for the Roadson’s blooms to set. or loppers to start the pruning pro- Garden Club News Golf Cart drivers must have a valid driver’s license to operate a cart or Dr. Jane Olson, board certified surgeon, any vehicle on our private streets; will attend the Garden Club meeting, however, underage golf cart driver March 6 at 9:30 AM, to give an informa- can get a license, issued by the tional talk on lifestyle and cosmetic sur- POA, to operate golf carts within the gery. The meeting will be held at the development. Persons 13 and older home of Scarlet Hebert (19228 Troon must pass a written and driving test Ct.). Garden Club meetings are open to all to qualify for a license to operate a residents. cart.4
February Board of Directors’ Meeting Highlights On Feb. 3, the POA’s Board of Directors held the monthly committee meeting. The Board continues to discuss and The following actions were made: monitor the actions, concerns and considerations regarding Bayou The Board authorized approval of the Manchac, Alligator Bayou Road and final contract with the developer of Bayou Fountain. Parcel 21. Parcel 21 is the addition of six homesites on Bent Tree Court. Approval was granted by the BoardARC Guideline Reminder to allow the Club to survey non-All exterior changes to your The Board reviewed a Communica- member residents if they decide tohome or yard, includingthe rear yard, must be ap- tions proposal, made by POA Admin- do so.proved by the ArchitecturalReview Committee (ARC). istrator, Leanne Phillips, and ap-The committee meets thesecond Thursday of the proved a 60-day trial newspaper for The Traffic Violation Policy was re-month at 8:30 AM. Youcan, however, submit your the POA, along with weekly email up- viewed by the Board, consideringplans at any time and wewill have the committee dates, a new website and mass, several recommendations made byaddress them within atimely manner. group text in certain events. the Safety, Traffic and Controlled Ac- cess Committee. A revised policy Consideration of future uses for the will be presented when finalized. parcel of land owned by the POA, on Memorial Drive was discussed by the The Board approved two variances. Board. No action taken. - An encroachment on the rear building line of five feet for a Leanne Phillips reported on actions property on Augusta Pointe Ct. taken on information and petition for - An encroachment of the right a sound wall along I-10. Although property line of four feet for a the state is claiming the expansion of property on N. Muirfield Circle. the interstate will have any impact on the noise, she is requesting their re- The Board meets the first Thursday of ports, filing reports with the Federal each month at 7:30 AM in the POA office. Highway Administration, and petition- All meetings are open. ing our State Representative Rick Edmond for his support. Become Familiar With Your Board Members Jerry Dodson President Chad David David Shiroda Monique Appeaning Vice President Treasurer Member Richard Picou Kent Moreaux Peter Grant Secretary Member Member 5
Know what actions to take after anatural disasterLouisiana is notorious for naturaldisasters. Even though they occur Enter with caution. Damaged Notify utility companies. If proper-more frequently here than in most homes or buildings could be struc- ty damage includes disruption to wa-states, we are often unprepared and turally unsafe; use extreme caution ter, gas or electric utilities, contactcannot get our bearings afterwards. when navigating those areas, and the companies right away to shut off don’t enter unless absolutely neces- service. Failing to do so could poseFebruary’s tornadoes across South- sary. Debris and other hazards are a safety risk to you or emergencyeast Louisiana left many homeown- unsafe. responders in and around the disas-ers in distress. ter area. Secure the property. In cases ofIf your property has been damaged significant structural damage or se- Take photos of the damage. Be-in a natural disaster—hurricane, tor- curity concerns, determine whether ginning with the property’s exterior,nado, flood, earthquake or fire— the damaged area needs to be se- take photographs of the damage. Ifthere are some important steps you cured with temporary fencing or an- it’s safe to enter the structure, takecan take in the immediate aftermath other type of barrier to keep out un- photographs of interior damage asto ensure your safety and minimize wanted guests. well. These will come in handy forfinancial loss. Consider the following insurance purposes.actions: Notify your insurer. Call your insur- Got a Guy? ance company to inform them Take inventory of your damaged there’s been a disaster and to file an belongings. Make a list of yourWe all need people. Have an out- official claim. Take down the claim damaged personal items and ensurestanding contractor or landscap- number and any relevant contact you have photographs. Include theer? Recommend them to your information for whomever will handle price of large appliances or valuableneighbors. your claim. If your vehicle sustained items with your list and, if possible, damage, contact your automobile surviving receipts. insurer. Appreciate the tulips’ bloom before Spring heat hits Tulips bloom behind park swing. Tulips in full bloom at property gate entrance.6
Do you know the responsibilities of the Board?Our community is more than just a ahead of schedule in the event Be sure to communicate with theneighborhood. In many ways, it’s a there’s an unexpected breakdown. board regularly, observe boardlot like a business. Collectively, our meetings, and attend annual meet- ings to elect responsible boardregular annual assessments amount The board also sends out requests members and to participate in the conversations about significantto tens of thousands of dollars that for bids and contracts with vendors community issues.need to be budgeted carefully and to do the work necessary to main- Classifiedsspent wisely. And our neighbors tain our shared amenities. Board Have a car you would like to sell? Need a specialist for a job? The POAwho have volunteered and been members decide who will do the Post is accepting listings to place in the Classifieds section. To place aelected to serve on the association’s best job of replacing the roof at the listing in Classifieds, email Leanne or Katrina in the POA Office.board are responsible for making best price or who will be the mostcritical decisions—on our behalf— reliable company to hire to mow theabout managing the community and grass and remove dead tree limbs.our money. The board’s decisions can have aOur board also develops long-range significant impact on the communi-plans about the parts of the commu- ty’s appearance and, consequently,nity that are shared property. The on our property values. Regardlessboard must set aside funds so that of our professional manager, thethese kinds of projects can be ac- board ultimately is responsible forcomplished on schedule or even overseeing association operations.Family Campout is the March event you do not want tomiss 7
Blast from the Past Do you recognize anyone? Share your old photos. They might appear in The POA Post. The Official Publication of Contact Information Property Owners Associaton 855 Highlandia Drive Baton Rouge, LA 225-751-4110 Staff: Leanne Phillips, PCAM and Administrator—[email protected] Tammy Cullen, Accounts Manager—[email protected] Richard, Maintenance & Compliance Manager—[email protected] Tim Tircuit, Director of Controlled Access—[email protected] Katrina Thomas, Administrative Assistant—[email protected] 8
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