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Home Explore IT Student Guide 15

IT Student Guide 15

Published by alexburg40, 2015-10-07 09:13:19

Description: IT Student Guide 15


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WELCOME FROM OUR SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT & CIO DR. JAN I. FOX All of the Marshall University campuses have technology embedded into all aspects of the planning and infrastructure. Technological innovation provides all of our patrons with collaborative, interactive and productivity tools enabling them to take a proactive role in their education, research and jobs. Marshall University has developed an IT strategy to aggressively address financial effcienciesin teaching and learning, advanced teaching and research tools, administrativesystems, student services, e-learning, intra-campus and intercampus networkinfrastructure, while improving quality and access. Our vision is to serve allcampuses in a unified cost effective manner. The transformation is a result ofa comprehensive approach built on careful analysis of internal and externalfactors, development of an appropriate administrative/funding model,building top-to-bottom buy in, expansion of instructional technology, a solidtechnology infrastructure, and effective promotion.Dr. Jan I. FoxDr. Jan I. FoxSenior Vice President for Information Technology & CIO


MUNETID MUNET ID is each student’s personal username that enables access to Marshall’s network and computing infrastructure. You use your MUNET ID as credential in order to access Marshall’s single sign-on portal (myMU/MUOnLine), campus-wide wireless network, and login to more than 500 lab computers on campus.Your MUNET ID is based on your last name and a sequence number, for example smith344.Create your MUNET ID password for first-time mymu.marshall.eduusers, reset your password if lost or change muonline.marshall.eduyour password for any reason is all one clickaway with single sign-on through myMU orMUOnLine.MarshallSingle Sign-on

myMUPORTAL MYMU.MARSHALL.EDUmyMU is a single sign-on portalthat allows students to access amultitude of information spanningfrom grades and unofficialtranscripts to financial aid, librarydatabases, Marshall message boards,alerts and email.EMAILACCESS TO MUONLINEGRADESTRANSCRIPTSFINANCIAL AIDMESSAGE BOARDSAND MORE...

MUONLINE muonline.marshall.eduMUOnLine is Marshall’s onlinecourse provider which allowsstudents to enroll in highlyinteractive 100% online classes,hybrid online and in-personclasses or access your traditionalclass course material throughBlackboard.Anytime.Anywhere.Anyplace. Blackboard provides a platform to connect you and your instructor outside of the classroom by: Sharing course content Viewing grades Submitting assignments Taking exams Instant Messaging

OFFICE365& Office 365 is currently available for free to all current Marshall students, which allows students to install the latest version of Office on up to 5 PCs or Macs and on other mobile devices including Android, iPad®, and Windows tablets.One place for everything in your lifeShare and save your photos and videosWork together using Office OnlineStore your work files in the cloudCreate, edit and share documents from any device and work togetherwith other people at the same time. OneDrive provides students with 1 TBof storage for you to manage work files, with the ability for IT to protectimportant data.

 MUWIFI internetMU WIFI MU WIFI is Marshall’s campus wide internet access point. Students have the ability to access this WiFiMU GUEST point anywhere it is available on Marshall’s using each individuals MUNET ID and password. Students have the ability to sponsor guests with wifiMU DEVICES accounts which can access Marshall’s MU_GUEST access point anywhere WiFi is available on Marshall’s campus.ETHERNET Students have the ability to connect their gaming console, Apple TV, Smart TV, Nintendo DS and other WiFi enabled devices through Marshall University’s MU DeviceNet access point. Marshall University Residence Hall Rooms are wired with high speed Ethernet connections, which enable high-speed data communications through network jacks found on wall plates in every room.PLEASE NOTE: PERSONAL ROUTERS ARE PROHIBITED ON CAMPUS BY MARSHALL UNIVERSITY FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO LEARN HOW TO CONNECT YOUR DEVICES PLEASE VISIT: MARSHALL.EDU/IT/HOWDOI

LIBRARIES  University Drinko Library offers students CIRCULATIONa multitude of services spanning from group study SERVICESrooms, dozens of individual computer for usage aswell as book, laptop & iPad checkouts and more! EZ-BORROWSearch and borrow books and music scores LIBRARYdirectly from 50 academic libraries in West Virginia, DATABASEPennsylvania, and New Jersey simultaneously. Yourrequested items will arrive usually within 3-5 business ROOMdays. RESERVATIONSSearch some of the most popular databases includingLexisNexis Academic and EBSCO Host which supply marshall.libcal.comthousands of academic and peer reviewed journalarticles right at your fingertips.Rooms equipped with computers and high enddigital monitors are perfect for individuals, small orlarge groups, and are available for students to reservethroughout Drinko Library. NEED HELP WITH WRITTING? THE WRITING CENTER IS STAFFED WITH GRADUATE AND UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS READY TO HELP YOU AT ANY STAGE OF THE WRITING PROCESS. NEED MORE HELP? ASK A LIBRARIAN BY EMAIL, CHAT ROOM, IN PERSON OR EVEN BY TEXT!

PRINTING on campus printing services Color laser printing and copying is available to students in various locations across Marshall’s campus including Drinko Library. WHERE CAN I PRINT OR COPY?Marshall University offers multiple printing stations across campus includingdorm rooms, class buildings and Drinko Library. At each of these locationscomputers are set up, and connected to printing stations. If you have a documentsaved on an external drive that needs to be printed you can utilize your freestudent OneDrive cloud storage account in order to access on any deviceincluding any university computer. IS THERE A COST TO PRINT OR COPY?Yes, however Marshall still provides printing services to students at an extremelyreasonable and affordable price point. Currently, the cost for black & white printsis $0.10 per page and color prints is $0.25 per page.  FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ALL PRINTING AND COPYING SERVECES PLEASE VISIT: MARSHALL.EDU/IT/PD

TECI&LABSgroup collaboration & multimedia presentationThe purpose of TECI and lab rooms is to enhance the learning experience forstudents by providing them and their instructors state of the art technologicaltools in both the class room settings and for individual use. WHAT ARE TECI ROOMS?TECI stands for Technology Enhanced Classroom Initiative and is designedto facilitate group collaboration and multimedia presentations in a classroomsetting. TECI rooms provide our faculty with the latest technologies, and helpingto improve student learning outcomes through the promotion and support ofnew, high-tech teaching pedagogies. WHAT ARE LABS?Labs provide a technology learning spaces throughout Marshall University’s MainCampus. These facilities provide an assortment of learning spaces that range fromgeneral individual use computer stations to computer lab classrooms.  FOR MORE INFORMATION ON TECI ROOMS PLEASE VISIT: MARSHALL.EDU/IT/TECI FOR MORE INFORMATION ON LABS PLEASE VISIT: MARSHALL.EDU/IT/UCF

 HARDWARE recommendedDesktop - iMac or Mac mini Notebook - MacBook Air and MacBook Pro• Apple OS X Mavericks • Mac OS X Mavericks• Intel Core i7 4th Generation (Haswell) Processor • Intel Core i5 or i7 4th Generation (Haswell) Processor Recommended Recommended• Intel Core i5 4th Generation (Haswell) Processor Minimum • 8GB RAM Recommended (4GB RAM Minimum)• 8GB RAM Recommended (4GB RAM Minimum) • 128GB Solid State Drive or higher• 1TB 7200RPM Hybrid Hard Drive or 256GB or higher Solid • Intel HD 4xxx or 5xxx Integrated Graphics State Hard Drive & other external or internal storage • Minimum two USB 3.0 ports, HDMI or Display Port or• HD 5xxx Iris Integrated Graphics (HD 5xxx Iris Pro preferred Thunderbolt Port supporting up to UltraHD Resolutions) • HDMI and/or VGA monitor adapter recommended• LCD/LED Monitor providing a minimum resolution of • Wireless WiFi 802.11ac dual band 3×3 (preferred), 802.11n 1,920×1,080 dual band minimum• Minimum 4 USB 3.0 Ports, 8x or higher DVD+/- Optical • Wired Gigabit Ethernet port or Wired Gigabit Ethernet USB Drive, 10/100/1000 Ethernet or Thunderbolt adapter optional• Three Year Manufacturer Warranty • External USB SuperDrive optional• $1,700 – $2,100 • Three Year AppleCare Warranty • $1,200 – $2,000Desktop - Windows Based Notebook - Windows Based• Windows 8.1 x 64-bit Home Premium, Professional, or • Window 8.1 x 64-bit Home Premium, Professional or Ultimate Ultimate• Intel Core i7 4th Generation (Haswell) Processor • Intel Core i5 or i7 4th Generation (Haswell) Processor Recommended Recommended• Intel Core i5 4th Generation (Haswell) Processor Minimum • 8GB RAM Recommended (4GB RAM Minimum)• 8GB RAM Recommended (4GB RAM Minimum) • 128GB Solid State Drive or higher• 1TB 7200 RPM Hard Drive or 256GB Solid State Hard Drive • Intel HD 4xxx or 5xxx Integrated Graphics & other external or internal storage • Touch Screen Monitor Preferred• HD 5xxx Iris Integrated Graphics (HD 5xxx Iris Pro • Minimum two USB 3.0 ports, HDMI or Display Port preferred supporting up to UltraHD Resolutions) • HDMI and/or VGA monitor adapter recommended• LCD/LED Monitor providing a minimum resolution of • Wireless WiFi 802.11ac dual band 3×3 (preferred), 1,920×1,080 (Touch Screen Optional) 802.11n dual band minimum• Minimum 4 USB 3.0 Ports, 8x or higher DVD+/- Optical • Wired Gigabit Ethernet port or Wired Gigabit Ethernet Drive (BluRay optional), 10/100/1000 Ethernet USB adapter optional• Three Year Manufacturer Warranty • Internal or External USB DVD or Blu-ray Optical Drive• $1,100 – $1,500 optional • Three Year Manufacturer Warranty • $1,200 – $2,000

LYNDACAMPUS& tech upYour Online Training Library provides easy to follow video lessonsfrom experts in each subject area. As a Marshall University student, faculty orstaff member, you have access to the full library using your MUNETusername and password as your login credentials. lynda.marshall.eduTECH UP“Tech Up” was created in response to a request by a current student. The pro-gram has one purpose—to help nontraditional students succeed at Marshallby being technologically up to speed by the time they take their first course.Marshall’s IT personnel will conduct the free “Tech Up” sessions each semesterin Drinko Library.  FOR MORE INFORMATION ON TECH UP PLEASE CONTACT: [email protected] OR (304) 696-6422

 MUALERT University cares about the safety of its students, faculty and staff. TheMU Alert Notification System is a multimodal communication system that willallow the University to send simultaneous alerts, warnings, or cautions anytime hazardous conditions arise on campus that could affect and/or threatenthe health and safety of members of the Marshall community.IMPORTANT NUMBERS RECIEVE ALERTS BY MUPD  Text Message(304) 696-4357 (6HELP) EMERGENCY  Phone Call  Email 911MU SWITCHBOARD(304) 696-3170SIGN UP, UPDATE OR REMOVE INFORMATION AT:

BEHERD  faculty and Staff of Marshall University strive to be the best. We are veryproud of our commitment to customer service and we want your voice to BeHerd! Please take the time to let us know how we’re doing and what we cando better. Each message sent through the Be Herd portal will be seen andanswered by the appropriate administrator. Don’t be shy, Be Herd!

MIANRFOSRHMAATLIOLNUTNECIHVNEORLOSGIYTY  @muitservicedesk  @marshallulib  /marshallulibraries  @marshallulibraries

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