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Academic Handbook Faculty of Science UTM

Published by fsains, 2022-10-27 07:16:46

Description: Academic Handbook Faculty of Science UTM


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SSCC Advanced Physical 3 5413 Chemistry 3 SSCC Forensic Analytical 3 5813 Instrumentation 16 Total credit hours SSCC 5823 Forensic Chemistry Total credit hours 12 18. Mapping of Programme Learning Outcomes to Courses LEARNING OUTCOMES Le Et Kn ad hi o ers cs wl hi En a e IC p, tr n COURSES OFFERED d C Pr nt o Di N Au Pe e d g o a er m git u to rs pr Pr e gn cti p m al m no o e of an itiv c er un Ski er m n n es d e al so ic lls a y al e sio Un Ski Ski n ati cy an Ski uri n d lls lls al on Ski d lls al ali er Ski Ski lls Re Sk s st ll lls sp ills m an on Ski di sib lls ng ilit y Code Course PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL Name O OOOO OO O OOO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Core Courses SSCC Organic √ √ √ 1633 Chemistry I SSCC Organic √ √ √ √ 1821 Chemistry √ Practical I SSCC Main √ √ √ 1713 Group Elements SSCC Inorganic √ √ √ √ 1851 Chemistry Practical I SSCC Occupati √ √ 1313 onal Safety, 50

Health and Environme nt SSCM Mathemat √ √ 1023 ical Methods 1 SSCC Basic √ √ √ √ 1881 Laborator √ y Skills SSCC Analytical √ √ √ 1203 Chemistry SSCC Analytical √ √ √ √ 1861 Chemistry Practical I SSCC Organic √ √ √ 1643 Chemistry II SSCC Organic √ √ √ √ 1891 Chemistry Practical II Spectrom SSCC etric √ √ √ 2223 Methods of Analysis SSCC Analytical √ √ √ 2871 Chemistry Practical II SSCC Chemical √ √ √ 2413 Thermody namics SSCC Physical √ √ √ √ 2831 Chemistry Practical I SSCC Computer √ √ √ 3553 -Aided Chemistry SSCC Polymer √ √ √ 2663 Processing SSCC Coordinati √ √ √ 2713 on Chemistry SSCC Inorganic √ √ √ √ 2851 Chemistry Practical II Chemical SSCC Kinetics √ √ √ 2453 and Electroch emistry 51

SSCC Physical √ √ √ √ 2841 Chemistry Practical II Industrial SSCC Environme √ √ √ 2233 ntal √ Chemistry √ √ SSCC Molecular √ √ √ √ 2473 Spectrosc opy Principles SBSD of √ √ √√ 1033 Managem ent SBSD Organizati √ √ √√ 1043 onal Behaviour Research Methodol SSCU ogy and √ √ √√ 2622 Informatio n Retrieval (HW) SSCU Undergra √ √ √ √ 3902 duate Project I SSCU Undergra √ √ √ √√√ √ 4904 duate Project II SSCU Industrial √√ √ √ √ 4918 Training (Practical) SSCU Industrial √ √ √√ 4914 Training (Report) TOTAL 29 29 11 3 10 8 5 2 8 0 8 Electives Courses SSCC Industrial √ √ √ 3673 Organic √ √ √ Chemistry √ √ √ SSCC 3203 Extraction and SSCC Chromato 3423 graphic Technique s Industrial Chemical Process 52

SSCC Quality √ √ √ 3373 Managem √ √ √ ent System √ √ √ SSCC Petro √ √ √ 3333 chemistry Radio √ SSCC analytical √ 3293 Chemistry √ Liquid √ SSCC Crystals √ 3133 TOTAL (Choose 4) SSCC Food √√ √ 3253 Analysis SSCC Interfacial √ √ √ 3143 Chemistry Industrial SSCC Instrument √√√ 3573 ation Compete ncy SSCC Forensic √√ √ 3273 Science SSCC Natural √ √ √ 3663 Products Chemistry Organic SSCC Chemistry- √ √ √ 3013 Biomolecu les SSCC Catalytic √ √ √ 3753 Chemistry SSCC Consumer √ √ √ 3353 Chemistry TOTAL (Choose 3) SSCC Bioinorgan √ √ 4783 ic Chemistry √ √ SSCC Spectrosc √ √ 4023 opic √ √ Methods √ √ SSCC in Organic 4303 Chemistry Oleochem SSCC istry 4383 Special SSCC Topics in 4483 Industrial Chemistry Corrosion Chemistry 53

SSCC Biotechnol √ √ √ √ 4683 ogy √ √ √ SSCC Materials √ √ √ 4743 Chemistry √ √ SSCC Chemical √ 4343 Sensors √ √ √ Advance √ √ √ SSCC d 5713 Inorganic √ √ √ Chemistry √ SSCC Advance √ √ 5413 d Physical √ √ Chemistry SSCC Advance 5613 d Organic Chemistry SSCC Advance 5203 d Analytical SSCC Chemistry 5813 Forensic Analytical SSCC Instrument 5823 ation Forensic Chemistry TOTAL (Choose 4) TOTAL 11 11 0 3 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 Core University Courses ULRS Appreciatio √ √ √√ 1182 n of Ethics √ √ and √√ UHLM Civilisations √√ 1012 √√ Malay ULRS Language 1012 for ULRS Communic 1022 ation 2 ULRF Value and 2**2 Identity Philosophy and Current Issues Service Learning & Community Engageme nt Courses 54

UHLB Professional √ √ 2122 Communic ation Skills 1 √ ULRS √ 3032 Entrepreneu rship & UHLB Innovation 3132 Professional UHLX Communic 1112 ation Skills 2 Communic ation in Foreign Language Elective TOTAL 2 0014 00 0 414 19. Programme Uniqueness ● The program is specially tailored to suit the current industrial needs. ● This program allows students to do their industrial placement at local or foreign companies. ● This program is recognized by professional body; Malaysian Institute of Chemistry. ● Established links with local and international industries. ● The program allows students to transfer credit of certain equivalence courses offered by other universities locally and overseas. ● Our laboratories are equipped with state of the art facilities and instruments. 20. Career Prospects and Career Path Graduates of this programme can work as ● Chemists or scientists in government research institutions such as MARDI, Malaysia Palm Oil Board (MPOB), RRI, PRSS, AMREC, SIRIM, Jabatan Kimia Malaysia and Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia). ● Chemists or process engineers in private sectors such as in petrochemicals, rubber, palm oil, pharmaceuticals, textiles and dyes, cosmeceuticals, electronics, water treatment and food processing companies. ● Academics or researchers in higher learning institutions, following pursuance of their degree qualifications to Masters or PhD levels. ● Quality control or quality assurance and marketing officers in agencies or industries in which sound knowledge of chemistry skills are required. 55

21. Cross Campus Program Students are given the opportunity to enroll certain courses at participating institutions either locally or abroad. The grades and credits of up to 1/3 of the total credits of the curriculum are transferable. 22. UTM Professional Skills Certificate UTM has designed its own UTM Professional Skills Certificate programme to enhance the knowledge and skills of its students. It provides students with value-added courses so that they will have a competitive-edge when they enter the employment market. Students are given the opportunity to enroll in this programme offered by UTM SPACE, UTMXCITE, UTM Career Centre, Akademi Bahasa, UTM iLeaGue and UTMCAEL. (More information can be obtained from certificate-utm-psc/) 23. Facilities Available List of Facilities: 1. Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory 1 & 2 2. Physical Chemistry Laboratory 1 & 2 3. Organic Chemistry Laboratory 1 & 2 4. Analytical Laboratory 1, 2, & 3 5. Instrument Rooms (10) 6. Research Laboratories (10) 7. Glass Blowing Workshop 8. Biotechnology Laboratory 9. Macromolecule Laboratory 10. Chemical Store 11. Department of Chemistry Resource Center 12. Students Activity Room 13. Students Computer Room 14. Computer Laboratories 15. Smart Classrooms 16. Resource Centre 17. Lecture Halls List of Instruments 1. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer 2. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer 3. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer System 56

4. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometers 5. Gel Permeation Chromatography 6. UV-Visible Spectrometers 7. Diffuse-Reflectance UV-Visible Spectrophotometer 8. High Performance Liquid Chromatography 9. Gas Chromatograph 10. Atomic Absorption Spectrometer 11. Scanning Electron Microscope 12. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope 13. Transmission Electron Microscope 14. Ion Chromatograph 15. Capillary Electrophoresis Unit 16. Single Point BET Surface Area Analyzer 17. Multipoint Surface Analyzer 18. Differential Scanning Calorimeter 19. Thermogravimetric Analyzer 20. voltammetry System 21. Fluorescence Spectrometer 22. Surface Adsorption/Desorption System 23. Total Organic Carbon Analyzer 24. Flame Photometer 25. Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer 26. X-Ray Diffraction Spectrometer 27. Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) 28. Glove Box 24. Support for Students and Their Learning ● One week induction programme for orientation and introductory study skills ● Student Handbook (online) ● Extensive library and other learning resources and facilities. ● Online resources: e-learning, UTMACAD, e-portfolio ● Students are assigned to academic advisors to assist them in education planning. 25. Methods for Evaluating and Improving the Quality and Standards of Teaching and Learning Mechanisms for Review and Evaluation of Teaching, Learning, Assessment, the Curriculum and Outcome Standards . Students performance in terms of: ● Kedudukan Bersyarat (KS)/ Kedudukan Baik (KB) 57

● Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) ● Grade Point Average (GPA) ● Graduate on time (GOT) ● Completion rate a. Employability ● Alumni survey ● Market survey b. Lecturer’s performance ● Teaching evaluation by students (e-PPP) ● Annual staff appraisal (e-LPPT) c. Curriculum review ● Faculty academic committee ● Industrial training survey ● Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) report ● External examiner reports ● Survey of Course Outcome (SCO) by students ● Graduate employability report ● Exit Survey d. Delivery system ● Academic Quality Assurance Committee . Audit report i. MQA standard 26. Regulation of Assessment Summary of marks, grades and their evaluation points Marks Grade Evaluation Point 90-100 A+ 4.00 80-89 A 4.00 75-79 A- 3.67 70-74 B+ 3.33 65-69 B 3.00 58

60-64 B- 2.67 55-59 C+ 2.33 50-54 C 2.00 45-49 C- 1.67 40-44 D+ 1.33 35-39 D 1.00 30-34 D- 0.67 00-29 E 0.00 Role of Board of Study (BOS) which the members consist of the External Examiners, Industrial Advisory Panels and Alumni. They are appointed by the Faculty Academic Committee to ● review and evaluate program curriculum, ● review and evaluate assessment procedure and methods, ● make necessary recommendations to the Academic Committee. 27. Assessment Tools Measur Learning Outcomes ement Tools PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL Duratio Action O O O O O O O O O O1 O1 n by 1234567890 1 Entry ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Once Facult Survey a year y Course ✔ End of Lectur Exit ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ semest er Survey er Course Assess ✔ End of Lectur ment ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ semest er Report er (CAR) Annual Progra m ✔ Once Facult Assess ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ a year y ment Report (APAR) 59

Resear ch ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Once Facult Training a year y Survey End of Exit ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ final Facult Survey semest y er Alumni ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Once Facult Survey a year y 60

1.11.3 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (MATHEMATICS) WITH HONOURS (SSCEH) 1. Awarding Institution Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2. Teaching Institution Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 3. Programme Name 4. Final Award Bachelor of Science 5. Programme Code (Mathematics) with Honours Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) with Honours UT6461001 (SSCEH) 6. Professional or Statutory Body of Accreditation Ministry of Higher Education 7. Language(s) of Instruction Bahasa Malaysia and English Conventional 8. Mode of Study (Conventional, Distance Learning, Self-governing etc) 9. Mode of Operation (Franchise, Self-governing, etc) 10. Study Scheme (Full Time/Part Time) Full Time 11. Study Duration Minimum: 4 years Maximum: 6 years Type of Semester No. of Semesters No. of Weeks per Semester Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time Normal 8 10 18 18 Short 45 8 8 12. Entry Requirement Fulfill all university requirements and the following program requirements: STPM/Matriculation/Foundation Holders: ● Obtained at least CGPA 2.80 at STPM, Matriculation or Foundation level; and ● Obtained at least Grade B (CGPA 3.00) in Pure Mathematics at the STPM, Matriculation or Foundation level; and ● Obtained at least Grade B- (CGPA 2.67) in any ONE (1) of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Biology; and ● Passed with a credit in Mathematics (Grade C) at the Malaysian Certificate of Examination (SPM) level or equivalent; and ● Obtained at least a Band 2 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) 61

Diploma Holders: ● Obtained a Diploma from UTM or any other institutions approved by the Government of Malaysia and related to the applied course with CGPA of at least 3.00; or ● Other equivalent holders approved by the Government of Malaysia and the University Senate and related to the applied course with a CGPA of less than at least 3.00; or ● Candidates who obtained a CGPA less than 3.00 but have at least TWO (2) years working experience in related field are eligible to apply; and ● Passed with a credit in Mathematics (Grade C) at the Malaysian Certificate of Examination (SPM) level; or ● Obtained at least Grade C in any of Mathematics subjects at Diploma level; and ● Obtained at least a Band 2 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET). The detailed entry requirements can be obtained from the UTM Prospectus or website ( 13. Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) The objectives of the BSc (Mathematics) with Honours program are to provide the knowledge, skills and attributes that should be achieved by the graduates for a successful career. It is therefore anticipated that, graduates of the program will 1. become competent professionals in mathematics working in related industries. 2. progress professionally with proficient soft skills. 3. have high standard of ethical conduct, positive outlook, and societal responsibilities. PLO1 PLO2 PLO3 PLO4 PLO5 PLO6 PLO7 PLO8 PLO9 PLO10 PLO11 PEO1 / / / / PEO2 // // / PEO3 / / 14. Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) Code Intended Learning Learning and Assessment Outcomes Teaching Methods (a) Technical Knowledge and Competencies 62

PLO1 Demonstrate advanced Lectures, tutorials, Examinations, Knowledge and and comprehensive directed reading, quizzes, tests, Understanding theoretical and active learning. assignments. (KW) technical knowledge, and relevant skills in Lectures, tutorials, Examinations, PLO2 mathematical and projects quizzes, tests, Cognitive Skills statistical disciplines. group/individual), computing output, (CG) directed reading, presentations, and Demonstrate intellectual computer-based reports. PLO3 independence, to exercises, active Practical Skills manage and resolve learning. Project (PS) complex problems with presentations, creative and innovative FYUP, research project reports, PLO7 solutions, to a range of training, service research training Numeracy Skills approaches in the field learning. reports. (NS) of mathematics and statistics. Active learning Oral presentations, PLO4 projects. project reports and Interpersonal Attest skills and peer evaluation. Skills knowledge to a range of approaches in the Oral presentations, field of mathematics project reports, and the ability to review, make adjustments and supervise related practices and processes concerning fields of specialization. Devise procedures on numerical and graphical information to make the right conclusions and decisions to manage and solve problems related to the field of mathematics. b) Generic Skills Collaborate locally and Active learning, globally with numerous projects (Final year people in diverse undergraduate 63

(IPS) learning and working project (FYUP), research training communities as well as group/individual), reports. PLO5 other organizations. research training. Communication Active learning, Written assignments, Skills Deliver ideas to a variety projects (FYUP, oral presentations, (CS) of audiences in either group/individual), project reports, written or oral formats, research training. learning portfolio. PLO6 using relevant and Digital Skills diverse modes of Active learning, Written assignments, (DS) expression, effectively, projects (FYUP, oral presentations, correctly, and group/individual), project reports and PLO8 coherently in the professional learning portfolio. Leadership, required context. development Autonomy and Use a wide variety of courses, research Oral presentations, Responsibility digital information, training. project reports, (LAR) media, and technology Active learning, service learning and to complete related group projects, research training tasks. service learning and reports. research training. Present leadership, autonomy, and expertise in coordinating and decision-making roles across large operational boundaries. PLO9 Effectively involved in FYUP, co-curricular FYUP reports, Personal Skills self-directed lifelong activities, group learning portfolio (PRS) learning and career work, research and research paths. training. training report. PLO10 Demonstrate an Written assignments, Entrepreneurial understanding of the Lectures, oral presentations Skills entrepreneurship skill of assignments, case and group reports. (ENT) chosen venture(s). studies, seminar, workshop, co- Research proposal, PLO11 Demonstrate curricular activities, FYUP reports and Ethics and compliance and group work. research training Professionalism competency in FYUP, research report. Skills identifying ethical training, lectures, (ETS) immersive experiential learning. 64

problems, making ethical choices and conduct professionally on science, technology, and environmental concerns. 15. Classification of Courses Credit Hours Percentage (%) 18.6 No. Classification 24 41.1 i. Faculty Core 25.6 ii. Programme Core 53 iii. Programme Electives 14.7 iv. University General Courses 33 . General Courses Cluster 100 a. Languages 8 b. Entrepreneurship 6 c. Free Elective 2 3 Total 129 No Classification Credit Hours Percentage (%) Mathematics Courses 95 73.6 a. Lectures 12 9.3 b. Research Training 6 4.7 A c. Final Year Undergraduate 113 87.6 projects 12 9.3 Total credit hours for Part A 2 1.55 2 1.55 University General Courses 16 12.4 . General Courses Cluster 129 100 B a. Languages 129 credit hours b. Entrepreneurship Total credit hours for Part B Total credit hours for Part A and B 16. Total Credit Hours to Graduate 65

17. Programme Structures and Features, Curriculum and Award Requirements The course is offered on full-time mode and is based on a two semester academic session with several courses being delivered and assessed in each semester. Assessment is based on final examination and coursework conducted throughout the semester. Award requirements: To graduate, students should: ● Attain a total of not less than 129 credit hours with minimum CPA of 2.0. ● Pass research training. ● Complete and pass the final year undergraduate project. YEAR 1 SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 Course Course name Credit Course Course name Credit code hours code hours Mathematical Mathematical SSCM Methods I 3 SSCM Methods II 3 1023 Mechanics 3 1033 Computer SSCP SSCM Programming 3 1143 / 3 1313 Principles of Chemistry 3 / 3 SSCM Differential 3 SSCC Statistics 2 1703 Equations I 3 1003 2 SSCM Logic and Set 2 SSCM Computer Literacy 1533 Theory 3 1103 ULRS Value and Identity SSCM Linear Algebra 1012 1303 SXXX Free Elective SSCM Appreciation of Ethics ***3 1523 and Civilization * UHMS Malay Language for 1182 Communication 2 * (International UHLM Students) 1012 * International students choose one Total credit hours 17 Total credit hours 17 * International students choose ONE only (ULRS 1182 or UHIS 1022) ** Only for students with MUET below band 4 (Pre-requisite for UHLB 1122) 66

YEAR TWO SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Course Course name Credit Course Course name Credit code hours code hours Numerical Methods I Mathematical SSCM 3 SSCM Statistics 3 2423 Differential Equations II 2103 Advanced Calculus SSCM 3 SSCM 3 2773 Vector Calculus 2613 Mathematical SSCM 3 SSCM Modelling (WBL) 3 2793 Linear Programming 2863 Partial Differential SSCM (WBL) 3 SSCM Equations 3 2833 Philosophy and Current 2713 Modern Algebra UHIS Issues* 2 SSCM 3 1022 Professional 2523 Service Learning & UHLB Communication Skills 1 2 UKQF Community 2 2122 2XX2 Engagement Courses Total credit hours 16 Total credit hours 17 YEAR THREE SEMESTER 5 SEMESTER 6 Course Course name Credit Course Course name Credit code hours code hours SSCM Complex Variables Undergraduate 3503 3 SSCU Project I 2 SSCU Research 2 3902 Professional 3622 Methodology and UHLB Communication 2 Information Retrieval 2 3132 Skills 2 ULRS (HW) 3032 Entrepreneurship & UHLX Foreign Language 2 Innovation 1XX2 for Communication Electives (Choose 9 Credits) Electives (Choose 12 Credits) SSCM Discrete Mathematics 3 SSCM3 Calculus of 3 3653 793 Variations 67

SSCM35 Rings and Fields Theory 3 SSCM3 Number Theory 3 63 Inferential Statistics 3 543 3 SSCM31 Dynamical Systems 3 SSCM3 Functional Analysis 3 53 Optimization Methods 3 673 3 SSCM37 SSCM3 Fluid Mechanics 33 753 3 SSCM38 SSCM3 Numerical Methods 43 423 II 18 SSCM3 Scientific 363 Computing using Structured Programming Total credit hours 16 Total credit hours YEAR FOUR SEMESTER 7 SEMESTER 8 Course Course name Credit Course Course name Credit code Undergraduate Project hours code hours II Research Training SSCU 4 SSCU Report 4 4904 4924 Research Training SSCU (HW) 8 4928 12 Total credit hours SSCM Elective (Choose 12 credits) 3 4623 Introduction to 3 SSCM Stochastic Models 3 4633 3 SSCM Fuzzy Set Theory 3 4653 3 SSCM Applied Abstract 3 4683 Algebra SSCM 4623 Topology SSCM 4813 Non-Euclidean SSCM Geometry 4763 Optimal Control Computational Fluid Dynamics Elective – PRISM (MSCM) 68

SSCM Advanced 3 5053 / Mathematical Method 3 MSCM I 3 1023 Computational 3 SSCM Mathematics 3 5373 / 3 MSCM Mathematical Analysis 16 1053 Elective – PRISM (MSCJ) SSCM 5693 / MSCM 1233 SSCM Methods of 5713 / Engineering MSCJ Mathematics 1523 Numerical Methods in SSCM Engineering 5423 / MSCJ Advanced Partial 1533 Differential Equation SSCM Total credit hours 5703 / MSCJ 1543 18. Mapping of Programme Learning Outcomes to Courses LEARNING OUTCOMES Kn Le Et o a hi wl C d cs e o d I m er En a g m Di COURSES OFFERED e C Pr nt un git N shi Pe tr n a o a er ic al u p, rs e d n g cti p ati Ski m A o pr Pr d nit c er o lls er ut n en of U iv al so n a on al eu es n e Ski n Ski cy o Ski ria sio d Ski lls al lls Ski m lls l n er lls Ski lls y Ski ali ll a lls s nm st d Ski a Re lls 69

n sp di on n si g bil ity Code Course PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL Name OOOOOOOOOOO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SSCM Mathemat / / 1023 ical Methods I SSCP Mechanic / / 1103 s SSCC Principles / / / 1003 of Chemistry SSCM Statistics / / 1103 SSCM Computer / / / 1303 Literacy SSCM Mathemat / / 1033 ical Methods II SSCM Computer / / / / 1313 Programm ing SSCM Linear 1523 Algebra SSCM Differential / / / 1703 Equations I SSCM Mathemat / / 2103 ical Statistics SSCM Numerical / / / 2423 Methods I SSCM Differential / / / 2773 Equations / / II / / SSCM Vector 2793 Calculus SSCM Logic and 1533 Set Theory SSCM Advanced / 2613 Calculus SSCM Mathemat / / / 2863 ical Modelling 70

SSCM Modern // / 2523 Algebra SSCM Complex / / / 3503 Variables SSCM Linear / / / 2833 Programm ing SSCM Partial / / / 2713 Differential Equations Research Methodol SSCU ogy & / / // / 3622 Informatio n Retrieval (HW) SSCU Undergrad / / / // 3902 uate Project I SSCU Undergrad / / / /// / / 4904 uate Project II SSCU Research / / // 4924 Training Report SSCU Research //// // 4928 Training (HW) TOTAL 23 19 5 3 8 6 5 0 4 0 4 Electives Courses SSCM Discrete / / / 3653 Mathemat / / / ics / / / SSCM / / / 3563 Rings and / / / Fields SSCM Theory / / / 3153 SSCM Inferential 4733 Statistics SSCM Dynamical 3843 Systems SSCM Optimizati 3363 on Methods Scientific Computin g using Structured Programm ing 71

SSCM Calculus / / / // 3793 of / / / // SSCM Variations / / / // 3543 Number / / / // SSCM Theory / / / // 3673 Functional / / // SSCM Analysis / / / // 3753 Fluid / / / SSCM Mechanic / / / 3423 s / / / SSCM Numerical / / / / 4263 Methods II / / // Introductio 72 SSCM n to / / 4633 Stochastic SSCM Models / / 4653 Fuzzy Set SSCM Theory / / 4683 Applied SSCM Abstract / / 4813 Algebra SSCM / / 4623 Topology SSCM Optimal 4763 Control Non- SSCM Euclidean 5053 Geometry Computati SSCM onal Fluid 5373 Dynamics Advanced SSCM Mathemat 5693 ical Methods I SSCM Computati 5713 onal Mathemat SSCM ics 5423 Mathemat ical Analysis Methods of Engineerin g Mathemat ics Numerical Methods in

SSCM Engineerin / / / 5703 g Advanced XXXX Partial ***3 Differential Equation Free Elective TOTAL 24 24 0 7 9 2 0 9 7 0 0 Core University Courses UHLM Malay / / / 1012 Language / / for UHMS Communic / // / 1182 ation 2 / (Internation ULRS al Students) / 1032 ULRS Appreciati 1012 on of Ethics and UHIS Civilizations 1022 Entreprene UHLB urship & 2122 Innovation UHLX Value and 1112 Identity UKQF Philosophy 2XX2 and Current Issues Professional Communic ation Skills 1 Communica tion in Foreign Language Elective Service Learning & Community Engageme nt Courses TOTAL 10003201112 73

19. Programme Uniqueness ● This special programme is designed to produce excellent young and talented mathematicians researchers. ● Established links with international centres for mathematics for possible overseas research training. ● The only B.Sc in Mathematics with Honours programme in the country, which offers research training either locally or overseas. ● This programme allows the transfer of credits of equivalent courses offered by participating local or overseas institutions. ● Prepares students to be able to apply their mathematical knowledge and skills in the planning, decision-making, analysis and supervision of work related to public or private sectors. 20. Career Prospects and Career Path Graduates of this programme can work as ● Academicians and researchers in academic and research institutions. ● Data analytic executive, data scientist, programmer. ● Quality assurance manager, production control engineer, meteorologist and planning officer in industries such as manufacturing, telecommunications and oil & gas. ● Statisticians, operations research analysts, sales and marketing executives in service industries. ● Economist, Financial executives in financial institutions. ● Administrative and Executive officers in public and private sectors. 21. Cross Campus Program Students are given the opportunity to enrol certain courses at participating universities either locally or abroad. The grades and credits of up to 1/3 of the total credits of the curriculum are transferable. 22. UTM Professional Skills Certificate UTM has designed its own UTM Professional Skills Certificate programme to enhance the knowledge and skills of its students. It provides students with value-added courses so that they will have a competitive-edge when they enter the employment market. Students are given the opportunity to enrol in this programme offered by UTM SPACE, UTMXCITE, UTM Career Centre, Akademi Bahasa, UTM iLeaGue dan UTMCAEL. (More information can be obtained from 74

23. Facilities Available List of rooms with IT facilities 1. Computer Laboratories 2. Smart Classrooms 3. Resource Centre 4. Lecture Halls 24. Support for Students and Their Learning ● One week induction programme for orientation and introductory study skills. ● Student Handbook (online). ● Extensive library and other learning resources and facilities. ● Online resources: e-learning, UTMACAD, e-portfolio. ● Students are assigned to academic advisors to assist them in education planning. 25. Methods for Evaluating and Improving the Quality and Standards of Teaching and Learning Mechanisms for Review and Evaluation of Teaching, Learning, Assessment, the Curriculum and Outcome Standards . Students performance in terms of: ● Kedudukan Bersyarat (KS)/ Kedudukan Baik (KB) ● Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) ● Grade Point Average (GPA) ● Graduate on time (GOT) ● Completion rate a. Employability ● Alumni survey ● Market survey b. Lecturer’s performance ● Teaching evaluation by students (e-PPP) ● Annual staff appraisal (e-LPPT) c. Curriculum review ● Faculty academic committee ● Research training survey ● Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) report ● External examiner reports ● Survey of Course Outcome (SCO) by students 75

● Graduate employability report ● Exit Survey d. Delivery system ● Academic Quality Assurance Committee . Audit report i. MQA standard 26. Regulation of Assessment . Summary of marks, grades and their evaluation points Marks Grade Evaluation Point 90-100 A+ 4.00 80-89 A 4.00 75-79 A- 3.67 70-74 B+ 3.33 65-69 B 3.00 60-64 B- 2.67 55-59 C+ 2.33 50-54 C 2.00 45-49 C- 1.67 40-44 D+ 1.33 35-39 D 1.00 30-34 D- 0.67 00-29 E 0.00 b. Role of Board of Study (BOS) which the members consist of the External Examiners, Industrial Advisory Panels and Alumni. They are appointed by the Faculty Academic Committee to ● review and evaluate program curriculum, ● review and evaluate assessment procedure and methods, ● make necessary recommendations to the Academic Committee. 76

27. Assessment Tools Measur Learning Outcomes ement Tools PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL Duratio Actio O O O O O O O O O O1 O1 n n by 1234567890 1 Course End of Lectu semest rer Exit ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ er Survey Course Assess End of Lectu semest rer ment ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ er Report (CAR) Annual Progra mme ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ ✔ ✔ End of Facult Assess semest y ment er Report (APAR) First Entry ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ semest Facult Survey er first y year End of Exit ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ final Facult Survey semest y Resear er ch ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ End of Facult Training trainin y Survey Alumni ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ g Survey ✔ Once Facult a year y 77

1.11.4 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (INDUSTRIAL MATHEMATICS) WITH HONOURS (SSCMH) 1. Awarding Institution Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2. Teaching Institution Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 3. Programme Name 4. Final Award Bachelor of Science (Industrial 5. Programme Code Mathematics) with Honours Bachelor of Science (Industrial Mathematics) with Honours UT6440002 (SSCMH) 6. Professional or Statutory Body of Accreditation Ministry of Higher Education 7. Language(s) of Instruction Bahasa Malaysia and English Conventional 8. Mode of Study (Conventional, Distance Learning, etc) Self-governing 9. Mode of Operation (Franchise, Self-governing, etc) Full Time 10. Study Scheme (Full Time/Part Time) Minimum: 4 years Maximum: 6 years 11. Study Duration No. of Weeks per Semester Type of Semester No. of Semesters Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time Long 8 10 18 18 Short 45 8 8 12. Entry Requirement Fulfill all university requirements and the following program requirements: STPM/Matriculation/Foundation Holders: ● Obtained at least CGPA 2.80 at STPM, Matriculation or Foundation level; and ● Obtained at least Grade B (CGPA 3.00) in Pure Mathematics at the STPM, Matriculation or Foundation level; and ● Obtained at least Grade B- (CGPA 2.67) in any ONE (1) of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Biology; and ● Passed with a credit in Mathematics (Grade C) at the Malaysian Certificate of Examination (SPM) level or equivalent; and ● Obtained at least a Band 2 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) 78

Diploma Holders: ● Obtained a Diploma from UTM or any other institutions approved by the Government of Malaysia and related to the applied course with CGPA of at least 3.00; or ● Other equivalent holders approved by the Government of Malaysia and the University Senate and related to the applied course with a CGPA of less than at least 3.00; or ● Candidates who obtained a CGPA less than 3.00 but have at least TWO (2) years working experience in related field are eligible to apply; and ● Passes with a credit in Mathematics (Grade C) at the Malaysian Certificate of Examination (SPM) level; or ● Obtained at least Grade C in any of Mathematics subjects at Diploma level; and ● Obtained at least a Band 2 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) The detailed entry requirements can be obtained from the UTM Prospectus or website ( 13. Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) The objectives of the BSc (Industrial Mathematics) with Honours program are to provide the knowledge, skills and attributes that should be achieved by the graduates for a successful career. It is therefore anticipated that, graduates of the program will 1. become competent professionals in mathematics working in related industries. 2. progress professionally with proficient soft skills. 3. have a high standard of ethical conduct, positive outlook, and societal responsibilities. PLO1 PLO1 PLO2 PLO3 PLO4 PLO5 PLO6 PLO7 PLO8 PLO9 PLO10 1 PEO1 ✔ ✔✔ ✔ PEO2 ✔✔ ✔✔ ✔ PEO3 ✔ ✔ 14. Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) Code Intended Learning Learning and Assessment Outcomes Teaching Methods (a) Technical Knowledge and Competencies 79

PLO1 Integrate theoretical Lectures, tutorials, Examinations, quizzes, Knowledge and and technical directed reading, tests, assignments. Understanding knowledge in active learning (KW) industrial and applied Examinations, quizzes, mathematics. Lectures, tutorials, tests, computing PLO2 Construct solutions to projects output, presentations, Cognitive Skills issues in industrial group/individual), and reports. (CG) problems using directed reading, mathematical and computer-based Project presentations, PLO3 statistical knowledge. exercises, active project reports, Practical Skills learning industrial training (PS) Apply mathematical FYUP, industrial reports. and statistical training, service PLO7 approaches to learning Oral presentations, Numeracy Skills developed industrial project reports and (NS) processes. Active learning, peer evaluation. Develop numerical projects PLO4 and graphical Oral presentations, Interpersonal procedures in project reports, Skills mathematics and industrial training (IPS) statistics to make the reports. right decisions in PLO5 managing industrial Written assignments, Communication problems. oral presentations, Skills project reports, (CS) b) Generic Skills learning portfolio. PLO6 Work effectively with Active learning, Written assignments, Digital Skills a wide variety of projects (Final year oral presentations, (DS) people during the undergraduate process of problem project (FYUP), solving. group/individual), industrial training Present ideas Active learning, professionally in an projects (FYUP, appropriate context group/individual), to a diversity of industrial training audiences. Use a wide range of Active learning, information, media, projects (FYUP, and technology group/individual), 80

PLO8 applications to professional project reports and Leadership, support the learning development courses, learning portfolio. Autonomy and process. industrial training Responsibility Show leadership, Active learning, group Oral presentations, (LAR) autonomy, and projects, service project reports, responsibility by learning and industrial service learning and PLO9 undertaking training industrial training Personal Skills significant levels of reports. (PRS) work in learning FYUP, co-curricular communities. activities, group work, FYUP reports, learning PLO10 industrial training portfolio and Entrepreneurial Engage effectively in industrial training Skills developing your own report. (ENT) skills for career pathways. PLO11 Ethics and Display Lectures, assignments, Written assignments, Professionalism entrepreneurial skills case studies, seminar, oral presentations Skills in appropriate workshop, co- and group reports. (ETS) project(s). curricular activities, group work Make decisions FYUP, industrial Research proposal, ethically and training, lectures, FYUP reports and professionally in a immersive experiential industrial training varied work and learning report. social environment. 15. Classification of Courses Credit Percentage (%) Hours 18.6 No. Classification 41.1 24 25.6 i. Faculty Core 53 14.7 ii. Programme Core 33 100 iii. Programme Electives iv. University General Courses 8 6 . General Courses Cluster 2 a. Languages 3 b. Entrepreneurship 129 c. Free Elective Total 81

No Classification Credit Percentage (%) Hours Mathematics Courses . Lectures 95 73.6 a. Industrial Training 12 9.3 6 4.7 A b. Final Year Undergraduate Projects 113 87.6 Total credit hours for Part A 12 9.3 2 1.55 University General Courses 2 1.55 . General Courses Cluster 16 12.4 B a. Languages b. Entrepreneurship 129 100 Total credit hours for Part B 129 credit hours Total credit hours for Part A and B 16. Total Credit Hours to Graduate 17. Programme Structures and Features, Curriculum and Award Requirements The course is offered on full-time mode and is based on a two semester academic session with several courses being delivered and assessed in each semester. Assessment is based on final examination and coursework conducted throughout the semester. Award requirements: To graduate, students should: ● Attain a total of not less than 132 credit hours with minimum CPA of 2.0. ● Pass industrial training. ● Complete and pass the final year undergraduate project. YEAR 1 SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 Course Course name Credit Course Course name Credit code hours code hours Linear Algebra Mathematical SSCM Mathematical Methods 3 SSCM Methods II 3 1523 I 1033 Computer SSCM Statistics 3 SSCM Programming 3 1023 1313 Logic and Set SSCM 3 SSCM Theory 3 1103 1533 82

SSCM Computer Literacy 3 SSCM Differential 3 1303 3 1703 Equations I 2 SSCP Mechanics 2 3 1143 / / ULRS Value and Identity SSCC 1012 17 1003 Principles of Chemistry UHMS XXXX Free Elective 1182 Appreciation of Ethics ***3 and Civilization* UHLM Malay Language for 1012 Communication 2 (International Students) Total credit hours 17 Total credit hours * International students choose ONE only (ULRS 1182 or UHIS 1022) ** Only for students with MUET below band 4 (Pre-requisite for UHLB 2122) YEAR TWO SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Course Course name Credit Course Course name Credit code Linear Programming hours code hours (WBL) SSCM Partial Differential SSCM Numerical Methods I 3 2713 Equations 3 2833 3 SSCM Advanced 3 SSCM Differential Equations II 3 2613 Calculus 2423 3 SSCM Mathematical 3 SSCM Vector Calculus 2863 Modelling (WBL) 2773 2 Inventory Control 3 SSCM SSCM and Queuing 2793 2 2853 Theory (WBL) 3 Mathematical UHIS Philosophy and Current SSCM Statistics 2 1022 Issues* 2103 Service Learning & Community 17 UHLB Professional UKQF Engagement 2122 Communication Skills 1 2XX2 Courses Total credit hours 16 Total credit hours YEAR THREE Course SEMESTER 5 Credit Course SEMESTER 6 Credit code Course name hours code Course name hours 83

SSCM Multivariate Analysis 3 SSCU Undergraduate 2 3123 (WBL) 2 3902 Project I 2 Research Methodology 2 Professional 2 SSCU and Information UHLB Communication 3622 Retrieval 3 3132 Skills 2 3 Entrepreneurship & Foreign Language ULRS Innovation 3 UHLX for Communication 3 3032 3 1XX2 3 3 3 Electives (Choose 9 Credits) 3 Electives (Choose 12 Credits) 3 3 3 SSCM Complex Variables SSCM Scientific 3 3503 3363 Computing using 18 Multi-Objective Decision Structured SSCM Making SSCM Programming 3883 Statistical Quality 3753 SSCM Control SSCM Fluid Mechanics 3133 Inferential Statistics 3423 SSCM SSCM Numerical Methods 3153 Optimization Methods 3103 II SSCM SSCM Design of 3843 Organizational Behavior 3823 Experiments SBSD SSCM 1043 3113 Scheduling SBSF 1013 Time Series Principles of Marketing Total credit hours 16 Total credit hours YEAR FOUR SEMESTER 7 SEMESTER 8 Course Course name Credit Course Course name Credit code Undergraduate Project hours code hours II Industrial Training SSCU 4 SSCU Report 4 4904 4914 Industrial Training SSCU (HW) 8 4918 SSCM Elective (Choose 12 credits) 3 4763 3 SSCM Computational Fluid 3 4263 Dynamics 84 SSCM Introduction to 4863 Stochastic Models Financial Mathematics

SSCM Optimal Control 3 4813 3 SSCM Sampling Techniques 3 4243 3 SSCM Introduction to 3 4253 Regression Modelling 3 SBSD Principles of 3 1033 Management 3 Elective − PRISM (MSCM) 3 3 SSCM Advanced 5053 / Mathematical Method I 16 MSCM 1023 Computational Mathematics SSCM 5373 / Mathematical Analysis MSCM 1053 SSCM 5693 / MSCM 1233 Elective − PRISM (MSCJ) SSCM Methods of Engineering 5713 / Mathematics MSCJ 1523 Numerical Methods in Engineering SSCM54 23 / Advanced Partial MSCJ Differential Equation 1533 SSCM 5703 / MSCJ 1543 Total credit hours Total credit hours 12 85

18. Mapping of Programme Learning Outcomes to Courses LEARNING OUTCOMES K Le Et n a hi o d cs wl er a e shi n COURSES OFFERED d C Pr I C Di N p, Pe En d g o a nt o git u A rs tr Pr e g cti er m al m ut o e of a nit c p m Ski er on n pr es n iv al er un lls a o al en sio d e Ski so ic cy m Ski eu n U Ski lls n ati Ski y lls ria ali n lls al o lls a l s d Ski n n Ski m er ll Ski d lls Ski st lls Re lls a sp n on di si n bil g ity Code Course PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL Name OO O OO O OOO O O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Core Courses SSCM Mathemati ✔ ✔ 1023 cal Methods I SSCP Mechanics ✔ ✔ 1103 SSCC Principles ✔✔ ✔ 1003 of Chemistry SSCM Statistics ✔ ✔ 1103 ✔ SSCM Computer ✔ ✔ 1303 Literacy SSCM Linear ✔✔ 1523 Algebra SSCM Mathemati ✔ ✔ 1033 cal Methods II SSCM Computer ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 1313 Programmi ✔ ng SSCM Differential ✔ ✔ 1703 Equations I 86

SSCM Logic and ✔ ✔ ✔ 1533 Set Theory SSCM Mathemati ✔ ✔ 2103 cal Statistics SSCM Numerical ✔ ✔ ✔ 2423 Methods I SSCM Vector ✔✔ 2793 Calculus SSCM Differential ✔ ✔ 2773 Equations II SSCM Linear ✔ ✔ ✔ 2833 Programmi ng SSCM Partial ✔ 2713 Differential Equations ✔ ✔ SSCM Advanced ✔ 2613 Calculus SSCM Mathemati ✔ ✔ ✔ 2863 cal Modelling Inventory SSCM Control ✔✔ ✔ 2853 and Queuing Theory SSCM Multivariat ✔ ✔ ✔ 3123 e Analysis Research Methodolo SSCU gy and ✔ ✔ ✔✔ ✔ 3622 Information ✔✔ ✔✔ Retrieval (HW) SSCU Undergrad ✔ ✔ ✔ 3902 uate Project I SSCU Undergrad ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔✔ 4904 uate Project II SSCU Industrial ✔✔ ✔✔ 4914 Training Report SSCU Industrial ✔✔✔✔ ✔ ✔ 4918 Training 41 4 (HW) TOTAL 24 20 5 2 8 6 5 0 Electives Courses 87

SSCM Complex ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 3503 Variables ✔ ✔ ✔ Multi- ✔ ✔✔ SSCM Objective ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔ 3883 Decision ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔ Making ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔ SSCM Statistical ✔ ✔✔ 3133 Quality ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔ SSCM Control ✔ 3153 Inferential ✔ ✔ ✔ SSCM Statistics ✔ ✔ ✔ 3843 Optimizatio ✔ ✔ n Methods ✔ ✔ ✔ SSCM Scientific ✔ ✔ 88 3363 Computing ✔ ✔ using SSCM Structured ✔ ✔ 3753 Programmi SSCM ng ✔ ✔ 3423 Fluid ✔ ✔ SSCM Mechanics ✔ ✔ 3103 Numerical ✔ ✔ SSCM Methods II 3823 Design of ✔ ✔ SSCM Experiment 3113 s SSCM 4763 Scheduling SSCM Time Series 4263 Computati SSCM onal Fluid 4863 Dynamics SSCM Introductio 4813 n to SSCM Stochastic 4243 Models Financial SSCM Mathemati 4253 cs Optimal SSCM Control 5053 Sampling Techniques Introductio n to Regression Modelling Advanced Mathemati cal Methods I

SSCM Computati ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 5373 onal ✔ ✔ ✔ Mathemati ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ SSCM cs ✔✔ 8600 5693 ✔ ✔ ✔ Mathemati ✔ ✔ 7921 ✔✔ SSCM cal Analysis 23 23 ✔✔ 5713 ✔ Methods of ✔✔ SSCM Engineerin ✔ ✔ 5423 g ✔ Mathemati ✔ SSCM cs 89 5703 Numerical Methods in Engineerin g Advanced Partial Differential Equation TOTAL 0 Core University Courses ULRS Philosophy ✔ 1022 and Current ✔ Issues ULRS Value and 1012 Identity UHLM Malay 1012 Language for Communica tion 2 (Internation al Students) ULRS Appreciatio 1182 n of Ethics and Civilizations ULRS 10 Entrepreneu 32 rship and Innovation UHLB 2 Professional 122 Communica tion Skills 1 UHLB Professional 3132 Communica tion Skills 2 UHLX Foreign 1XX2 Language for

Communica tion ULRF Service ✔ ✔✔ 2XX2 Learning & Community Engagemen t Courses XXXX Free 20 0 1 4 0 0 0 4 1 4 XXX3 Elective TOTAL 19. Programme Uniqueness ● This special program is designed to produce excellent young and talented industrial mathematicians. ● Established links with the international centre for industrial mathematics for possible overseas industrial training. ● The only Bachelor Science in Industrial Mathematics program in the country which offers a six-month industrial training either locally or overseas. ● This program allows the transfer of credits of equivalent courses offered by participating local or overseas institutions. ● Prepares students to be able to apply their mathematical knowledge and skills in the planning, decision-making, analysis and supervision of work related to industries and public or private sectors. 20. Career Prospects and Career Path Graduates of this programme can work as ● Data analyst, data scientist, programmer ● Quality assurance manager, production control engineer and planning officer in industries such as manufacturing, telecommunications and oil & gas. ● Statisticians, operations research analysts, sales and marketing executives in service industries. ● Financial executives in financial institutions. ● Administrative officers in public and private sectors. ● Academicians and researchers in academic and research institutions. 90

21. Cross Campus Program Students are given the opportunity to enrol certain courses at participating institutions either locally or abroad. The grades and credits of up to 1/3 of the total credits of the curriculum are transferable. 22. UTM Professional Skills Certificate UTM has designed its own UTM Professional Skills Certificate programme to enhance the knowledge and skills of its students. It provides students with value-added courses so that they will have a competitive-edge when they enter the employment market. Students are given the opportunity to enrol in this programme offered by UTMSPACE, UTMXCITE, UTM Career Centre, Akademi Bahasa, UTM iLeaGue dan UTMCAEL. (More information can be obtained from 23. Facilities Available List of rooms with IT facilities 1. Computer Laboratories 2. Smart Classrooms 3. Resource Centre 4. Lecture Halls 24. Support for Students and Their Learning ● One week induction programme for orientation and introductory study skills ● Student Handbook (online) ● Extensive library and other learning resources and facilities. ● Online resources: e-learning, UTMACAD, e-portfolio ● Students are assigned to academic advisors to assist them in education planning. 25. Methods for Evaluating and Improving the Quality and Standards of Teaching and Learning Mechanisms for Review and Evaluation of Teaching, Learning, Assessment, the Curriculum and Outcome Standards . Students performance in terms of: ● Kedudukan Bersyarat (KS)/ Kedudukan Baik (KB) ● Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) ● Grade Point Average (GPA) ● Graduate on time (GOT) ● Completion rate 91

a. Employability ● Alumni survey ● Market survey b. Lecturer’s performance ● Teaching evaluation by students (e-PPP) ● Annual staff appraisal (e-LPPT) c. Curriculum review ● Faculty academic committee ● Industrial training survey ● Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) report ● External examiner reports ● Survey of Course Outcome (SCO) by students ● Graduate employability report ● Exit Survey d. Delivery system ● Academic Quality Assurance Committee . Audit report i. MQA standard 26. Regulation of Assessment . Summary of marks, grades and their evaluation points Marks Grade Evaluation Point 90-100 A+ 4.00 80-89 A 4.00 75-79 A- 3.67 70-74 B+ 3.33 65-69 B 3.00 60-64 B- 2.67 55-59 C+ 2.33 50-54 C 2.00 92

45-49 C- 1.67 40-44 D+ 1.33 35-39 D 1.00 30-34 D- 0.67 00-29 E 0.00 Role of Board of Study (BOS) which the members consist of the External Examiners, Industrial Advisory Panels and Alumni. They are appointed by the Faculty Academic Committee to ● review and evaluate program curriculum, ● review and evaluate assessment procedure and methods, ● make necessary recommendations to the Academic Committee. 27. Assessment Tools Measur Learning Outcomes ement Tools PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL Durati Action O O O O O O O O O O1 O1 on by 1234567890 1 Course ✔ End of Lectur Exit ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ semes er Survey ter Course assessm ✔ End of Lectur ent ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ semes er report ter (CAR) Annual Progra m End of Assess ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ semes Faculty ment ter Report (APAR) First Entry ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ semes Faculty Survey ter first year Exit ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ End of Faculty Survey final 93

semes ter Industri End of al ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ trainin Faculty Training g Survey Alumni ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Once Faculty Survey a year 94

1.11.5 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (PHYSICS) WITH HONOURS (SSCZH) 1. Awarding Institution Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2. Teaching Institution Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 3. Programme Name 4. Final Award Bachelor of Science (Physics) with 5. Programme Code Honours Bachelor of Science (Physics) with Honours UT6441001(SSCZH) 6. Professional or Statutory Body of Accreditation Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi 7. Language(s) of Instruction Bahasa Malaysia and English Conventional 8. Mode of Study (Conventional, Distance Learning, Self-governing etc) 9. Mode of Operation (Franchise, Self-governing, etc) 10. Study Scheme (Full Time/Part Time) Full Time 11. Study Duration Minimum: 4 years Maximum: 6 years Type of Semester No. of Semesters No. of Weeks per Semester Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time Normal 8 10 18 18 Short 45 8 8 12. Entry Minimum Entry Requirements for STPM/ Matriculation/ Foundation/ Requirement Diploma & Equivalent Holders: University General Entry Requirements: ● Passed the Malaysian Certificate of Examination (SPM) or equivalent with a credit in Bahasa Melayu / Bahasa Malaysia ; and ● Passed the Malaysian Higher School Certificate (STPM) with at least C Grade (CGPA 2.00) in General Paper and C Grade (CGPA 2.00) in any two of the taken subject in the STPM ; or Passed in Malaysian Matriculation Certificate / Foundation with minimum CGPA of at least 2.00 ; or Passed in STAM Qualification for at least Jayyid level ; or ● Obtained an UA/ILKA/US or other equivalent Diploma approved by the Government of Malaysia and the University 95

Senate (special programme entry requirements according to the types of programmes offered); and ● Attained a minimum Band 2 in Malaysia University English Test (MUET). The validity period for MUET is FIVE (5) years from the date of the MUET result; or Band 5.5 in IELTS / Score of 500 in TOEFL PBT/ Score of 59 in TOEFL IBT. Program Entry Requirements: STPM/Matriculation/Foundation Holders First Year Admission ● Obtained at least CGPA 2.80 at STPM/ Matriculation/ Foundation level; and ● Obtained at least Grade B (CGPA 3.00) in Physics at STPM/Matriculation/Foundation level; and ● Obtained at least Grade B- (CGPA 2.67) in any ONE (1) of the following subjects: Additional Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology; and ● Passed with credit in Mathematics (Grade C) at the Malaysian Certificate of Examination (SPM) level or equivalent; and ● Obtained at least a Band 2 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) or at least Band score of 6.0 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Diploma Holders ● Obtained a Diploma from UTM or any other institutions approved by the Government of Malaysia and related to the applied course with CGPA of at least 3.00; or ● Other equivalent qualifications approved by the Government of Malaysia and the University Senate and related to the applied course with CGPA of at least 3.00; or ● Candidates who obtained a CGPA less than 3.00 but have at least TWO (2) years working experience in related field are eligible to apply; and ● Passed with credit in Mathematics (Grade C) at the Malaysian Certificate of Examination (SPM) level; or ● Obtained at least Grade C in any of Mathematics subjects at the Diploma level; and 96

● Obtained at least a Band 2 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET). 13. Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) The objectives of the Bachelor of Science (Industrial Physics) program are to provide knowledge, skills, and attributes needed for a successful career. A competent, innovative, productive, and talented physicist for industrial and research needs. PEO 2 A professional with appropriate soft-skills. PEO 3 Positive attitude, integrity, and high responsibility to the community and global citizens. PLO1 PLO2 PLO3 PLO4 PLO5 PLO6 PLO7 PLO8 PLO9 PLO10 PLO11 PEO1 ✔✔ ✔ ✔ PEO2 PEO3 ✔✔✔ ✔✔ ✔ ✔ 14. Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) Code Intended Learning Learning and Assessment Outcomes Teaching Methods (a) Technical Knowledge and Competencies PLO1 Describe advanced Lectures, tutorials, Examinations, Knowledge and and comprehensive, directed reading, quizzes, tests, Understanding theoretical and active learning assignments. (KW) technical knowledge and demonstrate Lectures, tutorials, Examinations, PLO2 relevant skills in physics projects quizzes, tests, Cognitive Skills group/individual), computing output, (CG) Demonstrate directed reading, presentations, and intellectual computer-based reports. independence in the exercises, active application of learning knowledge within physics by applying critical, analytical and evaluation skills. PLO3 Attest skills and FYUP, industrial Project Practical Skills knowledge on a range training, service presentations, (PS) of approaches in the learning project reports, 97

PLO7 field of physics and the Active learning, industrial training Numeracy Skills ability to review, make projects reports. (NS) adjustments and supervise related Oral presentations, PLO4 practices and processes project reports and Interpersonal concerning fields of peer evaluation. Skills specialization and (IPS) industry. Oral presentations, project reports, PLO5 Devise procedures on industrial training Communication numerical and reports. Skills graphical information to (CS) make the right Written assignments, conclusions and oral presentations, PLO6 decisions. project reports, Digital Skills learning portfolio. (DS) b) Generic Skills Written assignments, Work together with Active learning, oral presentations, different people in projects (Final year project reports and diverse learning and undergraduate learning portfolio. working communities as project (FYUP), well as other groups group/individual), locally and industrial training internationally. Convey ideas both in Active learning, written or oral forms projects (FYUP, using appropriate and group/individual), different forms of industrial training presentation, confidently accurately and coherently in the appropriate context in a well-structured manner to a diversity of audiences. Use a broad range of Active learning, information, media and projects (FYUP, technology applications group/individual), to support study and/or professional work. development courses, industrial training. 98

PLO8 Exhibit independence Active learning, Oral presentations, Leadership, and professionalism in group projects, project reports, Autonomy and managing service learning and service learning and Responsibility responsibilities within industrial training industrial training (LAR) broad organizational reports. needs. FYUP, co-curricular PLO9 Engage effectively in activities, group FYUP reports, Personal Skills self-directed lifelong work, industrial learning portfolio (PRS) learning and training and industrial professional pathways. Lectures, training report. PLO10 Relate entrepreneurial assignments, case Written assignments, Entrepreneurial competency within studies, seminar, oral presentations Skills (ENT) given tasks and job workshop, co- and group reports. scopes. curricular activities, PLO11 group work Research proposal, Ethics and Adhere to ethical codes FYUP, industrial FYUP reports and Professionalism and act professionally training, lectures, industrial training Skills (ETS) within the working immersive report. environments. experiential learning 15. Classification of Courses Credit Hours Percentage (%) 15 11.7 No. Classification 61 47.7 33 25.8 i. Faculty Core 8 ii. Programme Core 6 14.8 2 iii. Programme Electives 3 iv Compulsory University Courses 128 100 . General Courses a. Languages b. Entrepreneurship c. Free Elective Total No Classification Credit Hours Percentage (%) Physics Courses 95 74.2 . Lectures 6 4.7 5 3.9 A a. Laboratory/Workshop 6 4.7 b. Research Training c. Undergraduate projects 99

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