2. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer 3. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer System 4. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometers 5. Gel Permeation Chromatography 6. UV-Visible Spectrometers 7. Diffuse-Reflectance UV-Visible Spectrophotometer 8. High Performance Liquid Chromatography 9. Gas Chromatograph 10. Atomic Absorption Spectrometer 11. Scanning Electron Microscope 12. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope 13. Transmission Electron Microscope 14. Ion Chromatograph 15. Capillary Electrophoresis Unit 16. Single Point BET Surface Area Analyzer 17. Multipoint Surface Analyzer 18. Differential Scanning Calorimeter 19. Thermogravimetry Analyzer 20. Voltammetric System 21. Fluorescence Spectrometer 22. Surface Adsorption/Desorption System 23. Total Organic Carbon Analyzer 24. Flame Photometer 25. Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer 26. X-Ray Diffraction Spectrometer 27. Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) 28. Glove Box 24. Support for Students and Their Learning ● One week induction programme for orientation and introductory study skills ● Student Handbook (online) ● Extensive library and other learning resources and facilities. ● Online resources: e-learning, UTMACAD, e-portfolio ● Students are assigned to academic advisors to assist them in education planning. 25. Methods for Evaluating and Improving the Quality and Standards of Teaching and Learning Mechanisms for Review and Evaluation of Teaching, Learning, Assessment, the Curriculum and Outcome Standards a) Students performance in terms of: ● Probation Status (KS)/Good Standing Status (KB) ● Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) 50
● Grade Point Average (GPA) ● Graduate on time (GOT) ● Completion rate b) Employability ● Alumni survey ● Market survey c) Lecturer’s performance ● Teaching evaluation by students (e-PPP) ● Annual staff appraisal (e-LPPT) d) Curriculum review ● Faculty academic committee ● Industrial training survey ● Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) report ● External examiner reports ● Survey of Course Outcome (SCO) by students ● Graduate employability report ● Exit Survey e) Delivery system ● Academic Quality Assurance Committee i. Audit report ii. MQA standard 26. Regulation of Assessment a) Summary of marks, grades and their evaluation points Marks Grade Evaluation 90-100 A+ Point 80-89 A 4.00 75-79 A- 4.00 70-74 B+ 3.67 65-69 B 60-64 B- 3.33 55-59 C+ 3.00 50-54 C 2.67 45-49 C- 2.33 40-44 D+ 2.00 35-39 D 1.67 30-34 D- 1.33 00-29 E 1.00 0.67 0.00 b) Role of Board of Study (BOS) which the members consist of the External Examiners, Industrial Advisory Panels and Alumni. They are appointed by the Faculty Academic Committee to 51
● review and evaluate programme curriculum, ● review and evaluate assessment procedure and methods, ● make necessary recommendations to the Academic Committee. 27. Assessment Tools Learning Outcomes M e as ure ment PLO1 Duration Action Tools PLO2 by PLO3 PLO4 PLO5 PLO6 PLO7 PLO8 PLO9 PLO10 PLO11 Entry Survey ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ Once a Faculty ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ year Lecture Course Exit ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ End of Survey r Course ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ semester Lecture ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ Assessment ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ End of r Report (CAR) ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ semester Faculty Annual Once a Programme year Faculty Assessment Report (APAR) Once a Faculty Research year Training Survey End of Faculty final Exit Survey semester Alumni Survey Once a year 52
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (MATHEMATICS) WITH HONOURS 1. Awarding Institution Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2. Teaching Institution Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 3. Programme Name Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) with Honours 4. Final Award Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) with Honours 5. Programme Code UT6461001 (SSCEH) 6. Professional or Statutory Body of Ministry of Higher Education Accre ditation 7. Language(s) of Instruction Bahasa Malaysia and English 8. Mode of Study (Conventional, Distance Conventional Learning, etc) 9. Mode of Operation (Franchise, Self- Self-Governing governing, etc) Full Time 10. Study Scheme (Full Time/Part Time) 11. Study Duration Minimum: 4 years Maximum: 6 years Type of Semester No. of Semesters No. of Weeks per Semester Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time Normal 8 10 18 18 Short 45 8 8 12. Entry Fulfill all University requirements and the following Re quire me nts programme requirements: STPM/Matriculation/Foundation Holders: ● Obtained at least CGPA 2.80 at STPM, Matriculation or Foundation level; and ● Obtained at least Grade B (CGPA 3.00) in Pure Mathematics at the STPM, Matriculation or Foundation level; and ● Obtained at least Grade B- (CGPA 2.67) in any ONE (1) of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Biology; and ● Passed with a credit in Mathematics (Grade C) at the Malaysian Certificate of Examination (SPM) level or equivalent; and ● Obtained at least a Band 2 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET). Diploma Holders: ● Obtained a Diploma from UTM or any other institutions approved by the Government of Malaysia and related to the applied course with CGPA of at least 3.00; or 53
● Other equivalent holders approved by the Government of Malaysia and the University Senate and related to the applied course with a CGPA of less than at least 3.00; or ● Candidates who obtained a CGPA less than 3.00 but have at least TWO (2) years working experience in related field are eligible to apply; and ● Passed with a credit in Mathematics (Grade C) at the Malaysian Certificate of Examination (SPM) level; or ● Obtained at least Grade C in any of Mathematics subjects at Diploma level; and ● Obtained at least a Band 2 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET). International Candidates: Please check the entry requirements through the following website https://admiss ion.ut m.my/entr y-require ments-ug- internat iona l/ The detailed entry requirements can be obtained from the UTM Prospectus or website (http://admission.utm.my). 13. Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) The objectives of the BSc (Mathematics) with Honours programme are to provide the knowledge, skills and attributes that should be achieved by the graduates for a successful career. It is therefore anticipated that, graduates of the programme will 1. become competent professionals in mathematics working in related industries. 2. progress professionally with proficient soft skills. 3. have high standard of ethical conduct, positive outlook, and societal responsibilities. PLO1 PLO2 PLO3 PLO4 PLO5 PLO6 PLO7 PLO8 PLO9 PLO10 PLO11 ✔ PEO1 ✔✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔ ✔ PEO2 PEO3 ✔ ✔✔ 54
14. Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) Code Intended Learning Learning and As s essment Outcome s Teaching Methods (a) Technical Knowledge and Competencies PLO1 Demonstrate Lectures, tutorials, Examinations, Knowledge and advanced and directed reading, quizzes, tests, Unde rs tanding active learning. assignments. (KW) comprehensive theoretical and technical knowledge, and relevant skills in mathematical and statistical disciplines. PLO2 Demonstrate Lectures, tutorials, Examinations, Cognitive Skills projects (CG) intellectual group/individua l) , quizzes, tests, independence, to directed reading, computing output, computer-based presentations, and manage and resolve exercises, active reports. complex problems learning. with creative and innovative solutions, to a range of approaches in the field of mathematics and statistics. PLO3 Attest skills and FYUP, research Project presentations, Practical Skills knowledge to a range training, service project reports, (PS) learning. research training of approaches in the reports. field of mathematics and the ability to review, make adjustments and supervise related practices and processes concerning fields of specialization. PLO7 Devise procedures on Active learning, Oral presentations, Numeracy Skills projects. project reports and (NS) numerical and peer evaluation. graphical information to make the right conclusions and decisions to manage and solve problems related to the field of Mathematics. 55
b) Generic Skills PLO4 Collaborate locally Active learning, Oral presentations, Inte rpe rs onal project reports, Skills and globally with projects (Final year research training (IPS) reports. numerous people in undergraduate PLO5 Written assignments, Communication diverse learning and project (FYUP), oral presentations, Skills project reports, (CS) working communities group/individual), learning portfolio. PLO6 as well as other research training. Written assignments, Digital Skills oral presentations, (DS) organizations. project reports and learning portfolio. PLO8 Deliver ideas to a Active learning, Le ade rs hip, projects (FYUP, Oral presentations, Autonomy and variety of audiences group/individua l) , project reports, Re s ponsibility in both written or oral research training. service learning and (LAR) formats, using research training relevant and diverse reports. PLO9 Personal Skills modes of expression, FYUP reports, (PRS) effectively, correctly, learning portfolio and and coherently in the research training PLO10 required context. report. Entre pre ne urial Written assignments, Skills Use a wide variety of Active learning, oral presentations and (ENT) digital information, projects (FYUP, group report. media, and group/individua l) , PLO11 technology to professional Research proposal, complete related development FYUP reports and tasks. courses, research training. Present leadership, Active learning, autonomy, and group projects, expertise in service learning and coordinating and research training. decision making roles across large FYUP, co-curricular operational activities, group boundaries. work, research training. Effectively involve in self-directed lifelong learning and career paths. Demonstrate an Lectures, understanding of the assignments, case entrepreneurship skill studies, seminar, of chosen venture(s). workshop, co- curricular activities, Demonstrate group work. compliance and FYUP, research competency in training, lectures, immersive 56
Ethics and identifying ethical experiential research training Profe s s ionalis m problems, making learning. report. Skills ethical choices and (ETS) conduct professionally on science, technology, and environmental concerns. 15. Classification of Courses Credit Hours Percentage (%) No Classification 20.9 . 27 35.7 i. Faculty Core 46 25.6 ii. Programme Core 33 iii. Programme Electives 17.8 13 iv. University General 8 100 Courses 2 Percentage (%) a) General Courses Cluster 129 73.6 b) Languages 3.9 c) Entrepreneurship 4.7 Total 82.2 No Classification Credit Hours 10.1 6.2 Mathematics Courses 1.5 17.8 a) Lectures 95 100 129 credit hours b) Research Training 5 A c) Final Year 6 Undergraduate projects Total credit hours for Part 106 A University General Courses a) General Courses 13 B Cluster 8 b) Languages 2 c) Entrepreneurship Total credit hours for Part 23 B Total credit hours for 129 Part A and B 16. Total Credit Hours to Graduate 57
17. Programme Structures and Features, Curriculum and Award Requirements The course is offered on full-time mode and is based on a two semester academic sessions with several courses being delivered and assessed in each semester. Assessment is based on final examination and coursework conducted throughout the semester. Award requirements: To graduate, students should: ● Attain a total of not less than 129 credit hours with minimum CPA of 2.0. ● Pass research training. ● Complete and pass the final year undergraduate project. YEAR 1 Course code SEMESTER 1 Credit Course code SEMESTER 2 Credit SSCM1012 hours SSCM1033 hours Course name Course name SSCM1023 2 3 SSCM1103 Introduction to Mathematical SSCM1303 Mathematics 3 Methods II 3 Programme 3 Mathematical Methods 3 SSCM1313 Computer 3 I 3 SSCM1523 Programming 2 Statis tics SSCM1703 Linear Algebra Computer Literacy UHLB1112 2 UHMS1182 Differential SSCP1143/ Mechanics/Principles 3 Equations I SSCC1003 of Chemistry 2 UHMS1182 En g lis h Communication UHIS1022 Philosophy and Current UHIS1022 Skills Issues * Appreciation of Ethics and UHLM1012 Malay Languagefor 2 Civilizations * Communication 2 ** Appreciation of (International Students) Ethics and * International students Civilizations ** choose one Or Philosophy and Current Issues ** UBSS1032 Introduction to 2 Entrepreneurship 18 Total credit hours 16 Total credit hours * Local Student ** Foreign Student YEAR TWO SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Course code Course name Credit Course code Course name Credit hours hours 58
SSCM2103 Mathematical Statistics 3 SSCM2043 Mathematical 3 SSCM2613 Methods III 3 SSCM2423 Numerical Methods I 3 Advanced Calculus 3 SSCM2773 Differential Equations 3 3 SSCM2793 II 3 SSCM2803 Mathematical 2 SSCM3533 Vector Calculus 3 Modeling I 2 Set Theory and Logic SSCM2833 Linear 16 UHLB2122 Programming UHIT2302 Science and 2 Academic 17 UHMT1012 Communication Skills Technology Thinking Graduate Success Attributes Total credit hours Total credit hours YEAR THREE SEMESTER 5 SEMESTER 6 Course code Course name Credit Course code Course name Credit hours SSCM3423 hours SSCM3703 Partial Differential SSCU3623 Numerical Methods UHLB3132 Equations 3 II 3 Pro fes s io nal UHLX1112 Res earch 3 Communication 2 Methodology & Skills Information 2 Retrieval UXXX2XX2 Generic Skills/ 2 Foreign Language UKQF2082 Knowledge 2 Elective Enhancement UKQT3001 Extra-Curricular 1 Elective Experiential Learning 3 Community and 3 Science Electives (Choose 6 Credits) 3 3 Electives (Choose 6 Credits) 3 15 SSCM2673 Discrete Mathematics 3 SSCM3353 C++ Programming 3 SSCM3503 Complex Variables 3 SSCM3543 Number Theory SSCM3523 Modern Algebra SSCM3553 Fields & Ring SSCM3673 Theory SSCM3793 Calculus of 3 Functional Analysis Variations Total credit hours 15 SSCM3753 Fluid Mechanics Total credit hours SEMESTER 3 Credit hours SHORT SEMESTER 5 SSCU3915 Research Training (HW) 5 Total credit hours 59
YEAR FOUR SEMESTER 7 SEMESTER 8 Course code Course name Credit Course code Course name Credit hours hours SSCU4902 Undergraduate SSCU4904 Undergraduate Project I 2 Project II 4 Elective (Choose 12 credits) 3 Elective (Choose 9 credits) 3 SSCM4163 Stochastic Process 3 3 3 SSCM3153 Inferential Statistics 3 3 SSCM4633 Fuzzy Set Theory SSCM4623 Non-Euclidean 3 SSCM4733 Geometry SSCM4653 Applied Abstract Dynamical Systems SSCM4683 Algebra 14 Topology SSCM4783 Quantum 3 SSCM4813 Mechanics 3 SSCM4763 Computational Fluid Optimal Control Dynamics Total credit hours Total credit hours 13 18. Mapping of Programme Learning Outcomes to Courses LEARNING OUTCOMES COURSES OFFERED PLO1 Knowledge and Understanding Practical Skills Leadership, Autonomy and PLO10 Entrepreneurial Skills Interpersonal Skill Responsibility PLO11 Ethics and Professionalism Skills PLO2 Cognitive Skills PLO7 Numeracy Skills Personal Skills Communication Skills Digital Skills Code Course Name PLO3 PLO8 PLO4 PLO9 PLO5 PLO6 Core Courses Introduction to SSCM 1012 Mathematics ✔ ✔ Programme ✔✔ SSCM 1023 Mathematical Methods I 60
SSCP 1143 Mechanics ✔ ✔ SSCC 1003 ✔ ✔ SSCM 1103 Principles of Chemistry ✔ ✔✔ ✔✔ Statistics ✔ SSCM 1303 Computer Literacy ✔ ✔✔ SSCM 1033 ✔ ✔ SSCM 1313 Mathematical ✔ ✔✔ SSCM 1523 Methods II ✔ SSCM 1703 Computer ✔ ✔✔ SSCM 2103 Programming ✔ SSCM 2423 ✔ ✔ SSCM 2773 Linear Algebra ✔ SSCM 2793 ✔ ✔ SSCM 3533 Differential ✔ SSCM 2043 Equations I ✔ ✔ SSCM 2613 Mathematical ✔ ✔ SSCM 2803 Statistics ✔ SSCM 2833 Numerical Methods ✔ ✔ SSCM 3703 I ✔ SSCM 3423 Differential ✔ ✔ ✔ Equations II ✔✔ SSCU 3623 21 Vector Calculus ✔✔ ✔ SSCU 3915 SSCU 4902 Set Theory and ✔ ✔✔ SSCU 4904 Logic Mathematical ✔ Methods III ✔✔ Advanced Calculus ✔✔ ✔ Mathematical 1 Modelling I ✔ ✔✔✔ ✔ Linear Programming ✔ ✔✔✔ ✔ Partial Differential 20 3 3 4 4 5 3 4 0 Equations Numerical Methods II Research Methodology & Information Retrieval Research Training (HW) Undergraduate Project I Undergraduate Project II TOTAL Electives Courses SSCM 2673 Discrete ✔ ✔ ✔✔ Mathematics 61
SSCM 3793 Calculus of ✔✔ ✔✔ SSCM 3523 Variations ✔✔ ✔✔ Modern Algebra SSCM 3503 Complex Variables ✔ ✔ ✔✔ SSCM 3353 C++ Programming ✔ ✔ ✔ SSCM 3543 Number Theory ✔ ✔ SSCM 3553 Fields & Ring ✔ ✔ SSCM 3673 Theory ✔ ✔ Functional Analysis SSCM 3753 Fluid Mechanics ✔✔ ✔ SSCM 4163 Stochastic Process ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ SSCM 4633 Fuzzy Set Theory ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ SSCM 4653 Applied Abstract ✔ ✔ SSCM 4683 Algebra SSCM 4763 ✔ ✔ SSCM 3153 Topology ✔ ✔ Computational Fluid Dynamics ✔ ✔ Inferential Statistics SSCM 4623 Non-Euclidean ✔ ✔ ✔ SSCM 4733 Geometry ✔ ✔ Dynamical Systems SSCM 4783 Quantum Mechanics ✔ ✔ ✔ SSCM 4813 Optimal Control ✔✔ ✔ TOTAL 19 19 0 2 4 4 2 2 3 0 0 Core University Courses UHIS 1022 Philosophy and ✔ ✔ ✔ UHLM 1012 Current Issues ✔ ✔ UHMS 1182 Malay Language for ✔ Communication 2 ✔ ✔ UHLB 1112 Appreciation of ✔ ✔ UBSS 1032 Ethics and ✔ UHIT 2302 Civilizations ✔ ✔✔ UHMT 1012 English ✔ Communication Skills Introduction to Entrepreneurship Science and Technology Thinking Graduate Success Attributes 62
Generic ✔ UXXX 2XX2 Skills/Knowledge ✔ Enhancement Elective Academic ✔ UHLB 2122 Communication UHLB 3132 Skills ✔ Professional ✔ Communication Skills UKQF 2082 Community and ✔ ✔✔ Science Extra-Curricular ✔ ✔✔✔ UKQT 3001 Experiential ✔ Learning UHLX 1112 Foreign Language ✔ ✔ Elective TOTAL 4 0 016 5 0 3 4 4 3 19. Programme Uniqueness ● This special programme is designed to produce excellent young and talented mathematicians. ● Established links with local and international faculties/schools of mathematics for possible overseas research training. ● A B.Sc in Mathematics with Honours programme which offers a research training at research laboratories either locally or overseas. ● This programme allows the transfer of credits of equivalent courses offered by participating local or overseas institutions. ● Prepares students to be able to develop and apply their mathematical knowledge and skills ethically in other areas of mathematics or other disciplines. 20. Career Prospects and Career Path Graduates of this programme can work as ● Data analyst, data scientist, programmer ● Quality assurance manager, production control engineer and planning officer in industries such as manufacturing, telecommunications and oil & gas. ● Statisticians, operations researchanalysts, sales and marketing executives in service industries. ● Financial executives in financial institutions. ● Administrative officers in public and private sectors. ● Academicians and researchers in academic and research institutions. 63
21. Cross Campus Programme Students are given the opportunity to enrol certain courses at participating universities either locally or abroad. The grades and credits of up to 1/3 of the total credits of the curriculum are transferable. 22. UTM Professional Skills Certificate UTM has designed its own UTM Professional Skills Certificate programme to enhance the knowledge and skills of its students. It provides students with value-added courses so that they will have a competitive-edge when they enter the employment market. Students are given the opportunity to enrol in this programme offered by UTM SPACE, UTMXCITE, UTM Career Centre, Akademi Bahasa, UTM iLeaGue dan UTMCAEL. (More information can be obtained from https://ileague.utm.my/utm-professional-skills- certificate-utm-psc/). 23. Facilities Available List of rooms with IT facilities 1. Computer Laboratories 2. Smart Classrooms 3. Resource Centre 4. Lecture Halls 24. Support for Students and Their Learning ● One week induction programme for orientation and introductory study skills. ● Student Handbook (online). ● Extensive library and other learning resources and facilities. ● Online resources: e-learning, UTMACAD, e-portfolio. ● Students are assigned to academic advisors to assist them in education planning. 25. Methods for Evaluating and Improving the Quality and Standards of Teaching and Learning Mechanisms for Review and Evaluation of Teaching, Learning, Assessment, the Curriculum and Outcome Standards a) Students performance in terms of: ● Probation Status (KS)/Good Standing Status (KB) ● Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) ● Grade Point Average (GPA) ● Graduate on time (GOT) ● Completion rate 64
b) Employability ● Alumni survey ● Market survey c) Lecturer’s performance ● Teaching evaluation by students (e-PPP) ● Annual staff appraisal (e-LPPT) d) Curriculum review ● Faculty academic committee ● Research training survey ● Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) report ● External examiner reports ● Survey of Course Outcome (SCO) by students ● Graduate employability report ● Exit Survey e) Delivery system ● Academic Quality Assurance Committee i. Audit report ii. MQA standard 26. Regulation of Assessment a) Summary of marks, grades and their evaluation points Marks Grade Evaluation 90-100 A+ Point 80-89 A 4.00 75-79 A- 4.00 70-74 B+ 65-69 B 3.67 60-64 B- 3.33 55-59 C+ 3.00 50-54 C 2.67 45-49 C- 2.33 40-44 D+ 2.00 35-39 D 1.67 30-34 D- 1.33 00-29 E 1.00 0.67 0.00 b) Role of Board of Study (BOS) which the members consist of the External Examiners, Industrial Advisory Panels and Alumni. They are appointed by the Faculty Academic Committee to ● review and evaluate programme curriculum, ● review and evaluate assessment procedure and methods, ● make necessary recommendations to the Academic Committee. 65
27. Assessment Tools Learning Outcomes M e as ure ment PLO1 Duration Action Tools PLO2 by PLO3 PLO4 PLO5 PLO6 PLO7 PLO8 PLO9 PLO10 PLO11 Course Exit ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ End of Lecturer Survey semester Lecturer Course ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ End of Faculty Assessment semester Report (CAR) Faculty Faculty Annual ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ Faculty Faculty Programme End of Assessment semester Report (APAR) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ First Entry Survey semester first year Exit Survey ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ End of final semester Research ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ End of Training Survey training Alumni Survey ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Once a year 66
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (INDUSTRIAL MATHEMATICS) WITH HONOURS 1. Awarding Institution Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2. Teaching Institution Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 3. Programme Name Bachelor of Science (Industrial Mathematics) with Honours 4. Final Award Bachelor of Science (Industrial Mathematics) with Honours 5. Programme Code UT6440002 (SSCMH) 6. Professional or Statutory Body of Ministry of Higher Education Accre ditation 7. Language(s) of Instruction Bahasa Malaysia and English 8. Mode of Study (Conventional, Distance Conventional Learning, etc) 9. Mode of Operation (Franchise, Self- Self-Governing Governing, etc) 10. Study Scheme (Full Time/Part Time) Full Time 11. Study Duration Minimum: 4 years Maximum: 6 years Type of Semester No. of Semesters No. of Weeks per Semester Full Time Part Time Long Full Time Part Time Short 8 10 45 18 18 88 12. Entry Fulfill all University requirements and the following Re quire me nts programme requirements: STPM/Matriculation/Foundation Holders: ● Obtained at least CGPA 2.80 at STPM, Matriculation or Foundation level; and ● Obtained at least Grade B (CGPA 3.00) in Pure Mathematics at the STPM, Matriculation or Foundation level; and ● Obtained at least Grade B- (CGPA 2.67) in any ONE (1) of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Biology; and ● Passed with a credit in Mathematics (Grade C) at the Malaysian Certificate of Examination (SPM) level or equivalent; and ● Obtained at least a Band 2 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) Diploma Holders: ● Obtained a Diploma from UTM or any other institutions approved by the Government of Malaysia and related to the applied course with CGPA of at least 3.00; or 67
● Other equivalent holders approved by the Government of Malaysia and the University Senate and related to the applied course with a CGPA of less than at least 3.00; or ● Candidates who obtained a CGPA less than 3.00 but have at least TWO (2) years working experience in related field are eligible to apply; and ● Passes with a credit in Mathematics (Grade C) at the Malaysian Certificate of Examination (SPM) level; or ● Obtained at least Grade C in any of Mathematics subjects at Diploma level; and ● Obtained at least a Band 2 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) International Candidates: Please check the entry requirements through the following website https://admiss ion.ut m.my/entr y-require ments-ug- internat iona l/ The detailed entry requirements can be obtained from the UTM Prospectus or website (http://admission.utm.my). 13. Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) The objectives of the BSc (Industrial Mathematics) with Honours programme are to provide the knowledge, skills and attributes that should be achieved by the graduates for a successful career. It is therefore anticipated that, graduates of the programme will 4. become competent professionals in mathematics working in related industries. 5. progress professionally with proficient soft skills. 6. have high standard of ethical conduct, positive outlook, and societal responsibilities. PEO1 PLO1 PLO2 PLO3 PLO4 PLO5 PLO6 PLO7 PLO8 PLO9 PLO10 PLO11 PEO2 PEO3 ✔✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔ ✔ 68
14. Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) Code Intended Learning Learning and As s essment Outcome s Teaching Methods (a) Technical Knowledge and Competencies PLO1 Integrate theoretical Lectures, tutorials, Examinations, Knowledge and and technical directed reading, quizzes, tests, Unde rs tanding active learning assignments. (KW) knowledge in industrial and applied mathematics. PLO2 Construct solutions to Lectures, tutorials, Examinations, Cognitive Skills issues in industrial projects quizzes, tests, (CG) problems using group/individua l) , computing output, mathematical and directed reading, presentations, and statistical knowledge. computer-based reports. exercises, active learning PLO3 Apply mathematical FYUP, industrial Project presentations, Practical Skills and statistical training, service project reports, (PS) learning industrial training approaches to reports. developed industrial processes. PLO7 Develop numerical Active learning, Oral presentations, Numeracy Skills project reports and (NS) and graphical projects peer evaluation. PLO4 procedures Oral presentations, Inte rpe rs onal project reports, Skills in mathematics and industrial training (IPS) reports. statistics to make the PLO5 Written assignments, Communication right decisions in oral presentations, Skills project reports, (CS) managing industrial learning portfolio. problems. b) Generic Skills Work effectively with Active learning, a wide variety of projects (Final year people during the undergraduate process of problem project (FYUP), solving. group/individua l) , industrial training Present ideas Active learning, projects (FYUP, professionally in an group/individua l) , appropriate context to industrial training a diversity of audiences. 69
PLO6 Use a wide range of Active learning, Written assignments, Digital Skills information, media, projects (FYUP, oral presentations, (DS) and technology group/individua l) , project reports and application to support professional learning portfolio. PLO8 learning process. development Le ade rs hip, courses, industrial Oral presentations, Autonomy and Show leadership, training project reports, Re s ponsibility autonomy, and Active learning, service learning and (LAR) responsibility by group projects, industrial training undertaking service learning and reports. PLO9 significant levels of industrial training Personal Skills work in learning FYUP reports, (PRS) communities. FYUP, co-curricular learning portfolio and Engage effectively in activities, group industrial training PLO10 developing own skills work, industrial report. Entre pre ne urial for career pathways. training Written assignments, Skills Lectures, oral presentations and (ENT) Display assignments, case group report. entrepreneurial skills studies, seminar, PLO11 in appropriate workshop, co- Research proposal, Ethics and project(s). curricular activities, FYUP reports and Profe s s ionalis m group work industrial training Skills Make decision FYUP, industrial report. (ETS) ethically and training, lectures, professionally in immersive varied work and experiential learning social environment. 15. Classification of Courses Credit Hours Percentage (%) No Classification . 76 57.6 i. Programme Core 33 25.0 ii. Programme Electives iii. University General Courses 13 9.9 8 6.0 a) General Courses 2 1.5 Cluster 132 100 b) Languages c) Entrepreneurship Credit Hours Percentage (%) Total 74.2 98 3.8 No Classification Mathematics Courses A a) Lectures 70
b) Industrial Training 5 4.6 6 c) Final Year 82.6 109 9.9 Undergraduate 6.0 13 1.5 Projects 8 17.4 2 100 Total credit hours for Part A 23 132 credit hours 132 University General Courses a) General Courses B Cluster b) Languages c) Entrepreneurship Total credit hours for Part B Total credit hours for Part A and B 16. Total Credit Hours to Graduate 17. Programme Structures and Features, Curriculum and Award Requirements The course is offered on full-time mode and is based on a two semester academic sessions with several courses being delivered and assessed in each semester. Assessment is based on final examination and coursework conducted throughout the semester. Award requirements: To graduate, students should: ● Attain a total of not less than 132 credit hours with minimum CPA of 2.0. ● Pass industrial training. ● Complete and pass the final year undergraduate project. YEAR 1 Course code SEMESTER 1 Credit SEMESTER 2 Credit hours Course code Course name hours SSCM1002 Course name Introduction to 2 SSCM1033 Mathematical 3 SSCM1023 Industrial Methods II SSCM1103 Mathematics 3 SSCM1313 3 SSCM1313 Programme 3 SSCM1523 Computer 3 Mathematical 3 SSCM1703 Programming 3 Methods I UHLB1112 Linear Algebra 2 Statistics Differential UHMS1182 Equations I 2 Computer Literacy English Communication SSCP1143/ Mechanics/Principl 3 Skills SSCC1003 es of Chemistry Appreciation of Ethics and UHIS1022 Philosophy and 2 Civilizations * Current Issues * 71
UHLM1012 Malay Language for 2 UHMS1182 Appreciation of Communication 2 ** UHIS1022 Ethics and (International Civilizations ** Students) * International or Philosophy and students choose one Current Issues ** UBSS1032 Introduction to 2 Entrepreneurship 18 Total credit hours 16 Total credit hours * Local Student ** Foreign Student YEAR TWO Course code SEMESTER 3 Credit Course code SEMESTER 4 Credit SSCM2103 Course name hours SSCM2043 Course name hours SSCM2423 SSCM2773 Mathematical 3 SSCM2613 Mathematical 3 SSCM2793 Statistics 3 Methods III Numerical Methods 3 Advanced Calculus 3 I 3 Differential 3 SSCM2803 Mathematical 3 Equations II SSCM2833 Modeling I 3 Vector Calculus 2 UHLB2122 Linear 2 Programming SSCM3533 Set Theory and 17 UHMT1012 Academic 2 Logic Communication Skills UHIT2302 Science and Graduate Success Technology Attributes Thinking Total credit hours Total credit hours 16 YEAR THREE Course code SEMESTER 5 Credit Course code SEMESTER 6 Credit SSCM3133 hours SSCM3103 Course name hours SSCM3803 Course name SSCM3423 UHLB3132 3 UHLX 1112 Design of 3 Statistical Quality Experiments 3 UXXX 2XX2 Control 3 Numerical 2 Mathematical Methods II Modelling II 2 Foreign Language 2 Professional Elective Communication Skills 2 Community and Generic Skills/ Science Knowledge UKQF2082 Enhancement Elective 72
Electives (Choose 6 Credits) UKQT 3001 Extra-Curricular 1 Experiential Learning 3 3 Electives (Choose 6 Credits) 3 3 SSCM3143 Decision Theory 3 SSCM 3123 Multivariate 3 3 Analysis 3 Discrete 3 17 SSCM2673 Mathematics 3 SSCM 3353 C++ Programming 3 SSCM3703 Partial Differential 3 SSCM 3753 Fluid Mechanics Equations SSCM3793 Calculus of 16 SSCM 3843 Optimization Variations Methods SSCM3883 Multi-Objective Decision Making SSCM 3153 Inferential SHAD1043 Organizational Statistics Behavior SHAF 1013 Principles of Total credit hours Marketing Total credit hours SHORT SEMESTER Credit hours SSCU3905 Industrial Training (HW) 5 5 Total credit hours YEAR FOUR SEMESTER 7 SEMESTER 8 Course code Course name Credit Course code Course name Credit hours hours Final Year Final Year SSCU4902 Undergraduate 2 SSCU4904 Undergraduate 4 Project I Project II 3 3 Elective (Choose 12 credits) Elective (Choose 9 credits) 3 3 SSCM3523 Modern Algebra SSCM4863 Financial 3 Mathematics 3 SSCM3503 Complex Variables 3 SSCM4213 Generalized Linear Model 13 SSCM4763 Computational Fluid 3 SSCM4813 Optimal Control SSCM4163 Dynamics 3 Stochastic Process SSCM4833 Discrete Event SSCM4243 Simulation SSCM4113 Time Series 3 Sampling Techniques SSCM4823 Scheduling 3 3 SHAD1033 Principles of Management 14 Total credit hours Total credit hours 73
18. Mapping of Programme Learning Outcomes to Courses LEARNING OUTCOMES COURSES OFFERED PLO1 Knowledge and Understanding Cognitive Skills PLO10 Entrepreneurial Skills Practical Skills PLO9 Personal Skills PLO11 Ethics and Professionalism Skills Interpersonal Skill Communication Skills Digital Skills Numeracy Skills Leadership, Autonomy and Responsibility Code Course Name PLO2 PLO3 PLO4 PLO5 PLO6 PLO7 PLO8 Core Courses SSCM 1002 Introduction to ✔ ✔ SSCM 1023 Industrial Mathematics ✔✔ Programme ✔✔ Mathematical ✔✔ Methods I ✔✔ ✔✔ SSCP 1143 Mechanics ✔✔ ✔✔ SSCC 1003 Principles of ✔✔ ✔ SSCM 1103 Chemistry ✔✔ ✔✔ ✔ Statistics ✔✔ ✔ ✔ SSCM 1303 Computer Literacy ✔ SSCM 1033 SSCM 1313 Mathematical SSCM 1523 Methods II Computer Programming Linear Algebra SSCM 1703 Differential SSCM 2103 Equations I SSCM 2423 Mathematical Statistics Numerical Methods I 74
SSCM 2773 Differential ✔✔ Equations II SSCM 2793 Vector Calculus ✔✔ SSCM 3533 Set Theory and ✔✔ SSCM 2043 Logic ✔✔ Mathematical Methods III SSCM 2613 Advanced Calculus ✔ ✔ SSCM 2803 Mathematical ✔✔ ✔ ✔ Modelling I ✔ ✔ SSCM 2833 Linear Programming ✔ ✔ SSCM 3133 Statistical Quality ✔✔ ✔ SSCM 3803 Control Mathematical ✔✔ ✔✔ Modelling II SSCM 3103 Design of ✔✔ Experiments SSCM 3423 Numerical Methods ✔✔ II SSCU 3905 Industrial Training ✔✔ ✔ SSCU 4902 (HW) 1 SSCU 4904 Undergraduate ✔ ✔✔✔ ✔ Project I Undergraduate ✔ ✔✔✔ ✔ Project II 23 22 3 3 3 4 6 3 3 TOTAL 0 Electives Courses SSCM 3143 Decision Theory ✔✔ ✔✔ SSCM 2673 Discrete ✔✔ ✔✔ SSCM 3703 Mathematics ✔✔ ✔✔ SSCM 3793 Partial Differential ✔✔ ✔✔ SSCM 3883 Equations ✔✔ ✔✔ SSCM 3123 Calculus of ✔✔ SSCM 3353 Variations ✔✔ ✔ SSCM 3843 Multi-Objective ✔✔ ✔ SSCM 3153 Decision Making ✔✔ ✔ Multivariate Analysis C++ Programming Optimization Methods Inferential Statistics SSCM 3753 Fluid Mechanics ✔✔ ✔ SSCM 3523 Modern Algebra ✔✔ ✔✔ 75
SSCM 3503 Complex Variables ✔ ✔ ✔✔ SSCM 4113 Time Series ✔✔ ✔ ✔ SSCM 4163 Stochastic Process ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ SSCM 4763 Computational Fluid ✔✔ ✔ ✔ SSCM 4823 Dynamics ✔✔ Scheduling SSCM 4863 Financial ✔✔ ✔ SSCM 4213 Mathematics ✔✔ Generalized Linear Model SSCM 4813 Optimal Control ✔✔ ✔ SSCM 4833 Discrete Event ✔✔ ✔ SSCM 4243 Simulation ✔✔ SHAF 1013 ✔ SHAD 1043 Sampling ✔ SHAD 1033 Techniques ✔ Principles of Marketing Organizational Behaviour Principles of Management TOTAL 24 21 0 3 7 7 4 3 3 0 0 Core University Courses UHIS 1022 Philosophy and ✔ ✔ ✔ Current Issues ✔ ✔ ✔ UHLM 1012 Malay Language for ✔ ✔ Communication 2 ✔ UHMS 1182 Appreciation of ✔ Ethics and ✔ Civilizations ✔ UHLB 1112 English ✔ ✔ Communication ✔ ✔ UBSS 1032 Skills UHIT 2302 UHMT 1012 Introduction to Entrepreneurship Science and Technology Thinking Graduate Success Attributes Generic Skills/ ✔✔ UXXX 2XX2 Knowledge Enhancement Elective Academic UHLB 2122 Communication Skills 76
UHLB 3132 Professional ✔✔ UKQF 2082 Communication ✔ ✔✔ Skills ✔ ✔✔ ✔ ✔ Community and ✔✔ Science 4 0 01 6 5 0 3 4 4 3 UKQT 3001 Extra-Curricular UHLX 1112 Experiential Learning Foreign Language Elective TOTAL 19. Programme Uniqueness ● This special programme is designed to produce excellent young and talented industrial mathematicians. ● Established links with international centre for industrial mathematics for possible overseas industrial training. ● The only Bachelor Science in Industrial Mathematics programme in the country which offers a six-month industrial training either locally or overseas. ● This programme allows the transfer of credits of equivalent courses offered by participating local or overseas institutions. ● Prepares students to be able to apply their mathematical knowledge and skills in the planning, decision-making, analysis and supervision of work related to industries and public or private sectors. 20. Career Prospects and Career Path Graduates of this programme can work as ● Data analyst, data scientist, programmer ● Quality assurance manager, production control engineer and planning officer in industries such as manufacturing, telecommunications and oil & gas. ● Statisticians, operations researchanalysts, sales and marketing executives in service industries. ● Financial executives in financial institutions. ● Administrative officers in public and private sectors. ● Academicians and researchers in academic and research institutions. 21. Cross Campus Programme Students are given the opportunity to enrol certain courses at participating institutions either locally or abroad. The grades and credits of up to 1/3 of the total credits of the curriculum are transferable. 77
22. UTM Professional Skills Certificate UTM has designed its own UTM Professional Skills Certificate programme to enhance the knowledge and skills of its students. It provides students with value-added courses so that they will have a competitive-edge when they enter the employment market. Students are given the opportunity to enrol in this programme offered by SPACE UTM, UTMXCITE, UTM Career Centre, Akademi Bahasa, UTM iLeaGue dan UTMCAEL. (More information can be obtained from https://ileague.utm.my/utm-professional-skil ls- certificate-utm-psc/). 23. Facilities Available List of rooms with IT facilities 1. Computer Laboratories 2. Smart Classrooms 3. Resource Centre 4. Lecture Halls 24. Support for Students and Their Learning ● One week induction programme for orientation and introductory study skills ● Student Handbook (online) ● Extensive library and other learning resources and facilities. ● Online resources: e-learning, UTMACAD, e-portfolio ● Students are assigned to academic advisors to assist them in education planning. 25. Methods for Evaluating and Improving the Quality and Standards of Teaching and Learning Mechanisms for Review and Evaluation of Teaching, Learning, Assessment, the Curriculum and Outcome Standards a) Students performance in terms of: ● Probation Status (KS)/Good Standing Status (KB) ● Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) ● Grade Point Average (GPA) ● Graduate on time (GOT) ● Completion rate b) Employability ● Alumni survey ● Market survey c) Lecturer’s performance ● Teaching evaluation by students (e-PPP) ● Annual staff appraisal (e-LPPT) 78
d) Curriculum review ● Faculty academic committee ● Industrial training survey ● Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) report ● External examiner reports ● Survey of Course Outcome (SCO) by students ● Graduate employability report ● Exit Survey e) Delivery system ● Academic Quality Assurance Committee i. Audit report ii. MQA standard 26. Regulation of Assessment a) Summary of marks, grades and their evaluation points Marks Grade Evaluation 90-100 A+ Point 80-89 A 4.00 75-79 A- 4.00 70-74 B+ 3.67 65-69 B 3.33 60-64 B- 3.00 55-59 C+ 2.67 50-54 C 2.33 45-49 C- 2.00 40-44 D+ 1.67 35-39 D 1.33 30-34 D- 1.00 00-29 E 0.67 0.00 b) Role of Board of Study (BOS) which the members consist of the External Examiners, Industrial Advisory Panels and Alumni. They are appointed by the Faculty Academic Committee to ● review and evaluate programme curriculum, ● review and evaluate assessment procedure and methods, ● make necessary recommendations to the Academic Committee. 79
27. Assessment Tools Learning Outcomes M e as ure ment PLO1 Duration Action by Tools PLO2 PLO3 PLO4 PLO5 PLO6 PLO7 PLO8 PLO9 PLO10 PLO11 Course Exit ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ End of Lecturer Survey semester Lecturer Course ✔ ✔✔✔✔ ✔✔ ✔✔✔ ✔ End of Faculty assessment semester report (CAR) Faculty Faculty Annual Faculty Faculty Programme ✔ ✔✔✔✔ ✔✔ ✔✔✔ ✔ End of Assessment semester Report (APAR) First Entry Survey ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ semester first year End of Exit Survey ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ final semester Industrial ✔ ✔✔✔✔ ✔✔ ✔✔ ✔ End of Training Survey training Alumni Survey ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Once a year 80
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (PHYSICS) WITH HONOURS 1. Awarding Institution Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2. Teaching Institution Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 3. Programme Name Bachelor of Science (Physics) with Honours 4. Final Award Bachelor of Science (Physics) with Honours 5. Programme Code UT6441001 (SSCZH) 6. Professional or Statutory Body of Accreditation Ministry of Higher Education 7. Language(s) of Instruction Bahasa Malaysia and English 8. Mode of Study (Conventional, Distance Learning, Conventional e tc) 9. Mode of Operation (Franchise, Self-Governing, etc) Self-Governing 10. Study Scheme (Full Time/Part Time) Full Time 11. Study Duration Minimum: 4 years Maximum: 6 years Type of Semester No. of Semesters No. of Weeks per Semester Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time Normal 8 10 14 14 Short 4 58 8 12. Entry Fulfill all University requirements and the following programme Re quire me nts requirements: STPM/Matriculation/Foundation Holders ● Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.80 at STPM/Matriculation/ Foundation level; and Obtained at least Grade B (CGPA 3.00) in Physics at STPM/ Matriculation/Foundation level; and ● Obtained at least Grade B- (CGPA 2.67) in any ONE (1) of the following subjects: Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology; and ● Passed with a credit in Mathematics (Grade C) at the Malaysian Certificate of Examination (SPM) level or equivalent; and ● Obtained at least a Band 2 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) or at least Band score of 6.0 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Diploma Holders ● Obtained a Diploma from UTM or any other institutions approved by the Government of Malaysia and related to the applied course with CGPA of at least 3.00; or ● Other equivalent qualifications approved by the Government of Malaysia and the University Senate and related to the applied course with CGPA of at least 3.00; or 81
● Candidates who obtained a CGPA of less than 3.00 but have at least TWO (2) years working experience in related field are eligible to apply; and ● Passed with credit in Mathematics (Grade C) at the Malaysian Certificate of Examination (SPM) level; or ● Obtained at least Grade C in any of Mathematics subjects at the Diploma level; and ● Obtained at least a Band 2 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET). International Candidates: Please check the entry requirements through the following website https://admiss ion.ut m.my/entr y-require ments-ug- internat iona l/ The detailed entry requirements can be obtained from the UTM Prospectus or website (http://admission.utm.my). 13. Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) The objectives of Bachelor of Science (Industrial Physics) programme are to provide knowledge, skills, and attributes needed for a successful career. PEO 1 A competent, innovative, productive, and talented physicist for industrial and research needs. PEO 2 A professional with appropriate soft-skills. PEO 3 Positive attitude, integrity, and high responsibility to the community and global citizen. PEO1 PLO1 PLO2 PLO3 PLO4 PLO5 PLO6 PLO7 PLO8 PLO9 PLO10 PLO11 PEO2 PEO3 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔✔✔ 82
14. Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) Code Intended Learning Learning and As s essment Outcome s Teaching Methods (a) Technical Knowledge and Competencies PLO1 Describe advanced Lectures, tutorials, Examinations, Knowledge and and comprehensive, directed reading, quizzes, tests, Unde rs tanding theoretical and active learning assignments. (KW) technical knowledge and demonstrate relevant skills in physics PLO2 Demonstrate Lectures, tutorials, Examinations, Cognitive Skills projects quizzes, tests, (CG) intellectual group/individua l) , computing output, independence in the directed reading, presentations, and application of computer-based reports. exercises, active knowledge within learning physics by applying critical, analytical and evaluation skills. PLO3 Attest skills and FYUP, industrial Project presentations, Practical Skills training, service project reports, (PS) knowledge on a range learning industrial training of approaches in the reports. field of physics and the ability to review, make adjustments and supervise related practices and processes concerning fields of specialization and industry. PLO7 Devise procedures on Active learning, Oral presentations, Numeracy Skills projects project reports and (NS) numerical and peer evaluation. graphical information to make the right conclusions and decisions. b) Generic Skills PLO4 Work together with Active learning, Oral presentations, Inte rpe rs onal project reports, Skills different people in projects (Final year industrial training (IPS) reports. diverse learning and undergraduate working communities project (FYUP), as well as other group/individua l) , industrial training 83
groups locally and internationally. PLO5 Convey ideas both in Active learning, Written assignments, Communication written or oral forms projects (FYUP, oral presentations, Skills using appropriate and group/individua l) , project reports, (CS) different forms of industrial training learning portfolio. presentation, PLO6 confidently Active learning, Written assignments, Digital Skills accurately and projects (FYUP, oral presentations, (DS) coherently in the group/individua l) , project reports and appropriate context in professional learning portfolio. a well-structured development manner to a diversity courses, industrial of audiences. training. Use a broad range of information, media and technology application to support study and/or work. PLO8 Exhibit independence Active learning, Oral presentations, Le ade rs hip, and professionalism group projects, project reports, Autonomy and in managing service learning and service learning and Re s ponsibility responsibilities within industrial training industrial training (LAR) broad organizational reports. needs. PLO9 Engage effectively in FYUP, co-curricular FYUP reports, Personal Skills self-directed lifelong activities, group learning portfolio and (PRS) learning and work, industrial industrial training professional training report. pathways. PLO10 Relate entrepreneurial Lectures, Written assignments, Entre pre ne urial competency within assignments, case oral presentations and Skills given tasks and job studies, seminar, group report. (ENT) scopes. workshop, co- curricular activities, Research proposal, PLO11 Adhere to ethical group work FYUP reports and codes and act FYUP, industrial professionally within training, lectures, 84
Ethics and the working immersive industrial training Profe s s ionalis m environments. Skills experiential learning report. (ETS) 15. Classification of Courses Credit Hours Percentage (%) No Classification 57.6 . 76 25.0 i. Programme Core 33 ii. Programme Electives 17.4 iii Compulsory University 13 8 100 Courses 2 a) General Courses 132 b) Languages c) Entrepreneurship Total No Classification Credit Hours Percentage (%) Physics Courses 70 53.0 6 4.5 a) Lectures 12 9.1 6 4.5 b) Laboratory/Workshop 94 71.2 A c) Research Training d) Undergraduate 15 11.4 13 9.8 projects 8 6.1 2 1.5 Total credit hours for Part A Related Courses a) Mathematics b) General Courses B c) Languages d) Entrepreneurship Total credit hours for Part 38 28.8 B 132 100 132 credit hours Total credit hours for Part A and B 16. Total Credit Hours to Graduate 17. Programme Structures and Features, Curriculum and Award Requirements The course is offered on full-time mode and is based on a two semester academic sessions with several courses being delivered and assessed in each semester. Assessment is based on final examination and coursework conducted throughout the semester. 85
Award requirements: To graduate, students should: ● Attain a total of not less than 132 credit hours with minimum CPA of 2.0. ● Pass industrial training. ● Complete and pass the final year undergraduate project. YEAR 1 SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 Course code Course name Credit Course code Course name Credit SSCP1102 hours hours SSCM1023 Introduction to SSCP1163 Sound, Wave and SSCP1143 Physics Programme 2 SSCP1223 Optics 3 SSCP1153 Mathematical 3 Modern Physics SSCP1811 Methods I 3 3 UHIS1022 Mechanics 3 SSCM1523 Linear Algebra 3 Electricity and 1 SSCM1033 3 UHLM1012 Magnetism 2 SSCP1821 Mathematical 1 Practical Physics I UHLB1112 Methods II 2 2 Philosophy and Practical Physics II Current Issues * English Communication Malay Language for Skills Communication 2 ** (International UHMS1182 Appreciation of Students) Ethics and Civilizations * (Local student) UHIS1022 Philosophy and 2 current issue** 17 UHMS1182 Appreciation of Ethics and Civilizations ** (Local student) Total credit hours 14 * International students choose one Total credit hours * Local Student ** Foreign Student 86
YEAR TWO Course code SEMESTER 3 Credit Course code SEMESTER 4 Credit SSCP2313 hours SSCP2113 hours SSCP2333 Course name SSCP2413 Course name 3 SSCP2613 3 SSCP2811 Basic Electronics 3 SSCP2821 Thermodynamics 3 Computer 1 UHLB2122 3 Programming 3 Solid State Physics 1 Practical Physics III UHMT1012 Mathematical 2 3 Physics SSCP2213 Nuclear Physics 2 Practical Physics 2 IV SSCM1703 Differential 2 Academic Equations 17 Communication Skills UHIT2302 Science and Graduate Success Technology Attributes Thinking Introduction to Community and UBSS1032 Entrepreneurship UKQF2082 Science 2 16 Total credit hours Total credit hours YEAR THREE Course code SEMESTER 5 Credit Course code SEMESTER 6 Credit Course name hours Course name hours SSCP3821 SSCM 3503 Complex Variables 3 SSCP3643 Practical Physics 1 1 UHLX 1112 VI SSCP3811 Practical Physics V 3 UKQT3001 Quantum 3 3 Mechanics I 2 SSCP3113 Electromagnetism 2 Foreign Language Elective 1 SSCP3133 Thermal and 2 Extra-Curricular UHLB3132 Statistical Physics Experiential UXXX 2XX2 3 Learning Professional SSCP3123 Communication Skills Generic Skills/ Knowledge Enhancement Elective Classical Mechanics Electives (Choose 9 Credits) SSCP3143 Relativity 3 SSCP3153 Elementary 3 Particle 87
SSCP3163 Energy and 3 SSCP3333 Environmental Physics 3 Computational 3 Physics 16 SSCP3523 Modern Optics Total credit hours 17 Total credit hours SEMESTER 3 Credit hours SHORT SEMESTER 5 SSCU3915 Research Training (HW) 5 Total credit hours YEAR FOUR SEMESTER 7 SEMESTER 8 Course Course name Credit Course Course name Credit code hours code hours SSCU4902 Undergraduate 2 SSCU4904 Undergraduate 4 Project I Project II Elective (Choose 12 credits) Elective (Choose 12 credits) SSCP4163 Astrophysics 3 SSCP 4173 Quantum Mechanics 3 II SSCP4323 Electronics and 3 SSCP 4213 Advanced Nuclear 3 SSCP4333 Instrumentation Physics Digital Signal SSCP4413 Processing 3 SSCP 4433 Magnetism 3 Semiconductor SSCP4423 Physics Low Temperature Condensed Matter Physics Physics 3 SSCP 4453 and 3 Superconductivity 3 SSCP 4513 Laser Physics 3 Total credit hours 14 Total credit hours 16 88
18. Mapping of Programme Learning Outcomes to Courses LEARNING OUTCOMES COURSES OFFERED PLO1 Knowledge and Understanding Code Course Name PLO2 Cognitive Skills PLO3 Practical Skills PLO4 Interpersonal Skill PLO5 Communication Skills PLO6 Digital Skills PLO7 Numeracy Skills PLO8 Leadership, Autonomy and Responsibility PLO9 Personal Skills PLO10 Entrepreneurial Skills PLO11 Ethics and Professionalism Skills Core Courses SSCP 1102 Introduction To ✔ ✔ ✔ Physics Programme ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ SSCP 1143 Mechanics ✔ ✔ ✔ SSCP 1153 Electricity and ✔ ✔ SSCP 1163 Magnetism ✔ ✔ Sound, Wave and ✔ Optics ✔ ✔ SSCP 1223 Modern Physics ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔ ✔ SSCP 1811 Practical Physics I ✔ ✔✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔ SSCP 1821 Practical Physics II ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ SSCP 2113 Thermodynamics ✔✔ SSCP 2213 Nuclear Physics ✔✔ SSCP 2313 Basics Electronic SSCP 2333 Computer ✔ ✔ SSCP 2413 Programming ✔✔ ✔ SSCP 2613 Solid State Physics ✔✔ SSCP 2811 Mathematical Physics Practical Physics III SSCP 2821 Practical Physics IV 89
SSCP 3113 Electromagnetism ✔ ✔✔ SSCP 3133 ✔ SSCP 3811 Thermal And ✔ ✔✔ Statistical Physics ✔ ✔ ✔✔ ✔ Practical Physics V ✔ ✔✔ ✔✔ ✔ ✔ SSCP 3821 Practical Physics VI ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ SSCM 3503 Complex Variables ✔ ✔ SSCP 3123 Classical Mechanics ✔ ✔✔ SSCP 3643 ✔ SSCM 1023 Quantum Mechanics ✔ ✔ SSCM 1523 I 29 ✔ SSCM 1033 Mathematical ✔ SSCM 1703 Methods I ✔ SSCU 4902 ✔ ✔✔ SSCU 4904 Linear Algebra SSCU 3915 ✔ ✔ ✔✔ ✔ Mathematical Methods II ✔ ✔✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Differential ✔ ✔ Equations I ✔ ✔✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔ 3 Undergraduate ✔ Project I ✔ Undergraduate ✔ Project II ✔ ✔ Research Training TOTAL 28 10 6 6 3 4 4 5 0 Electives Courses SSCP3143 Relativity ✔✔ ✔ SSCP3153 Elementary Particle ✔ SSCP3163 ✔ Energy and ✔ SSCP3333 Environmental SSCP3523 Physics ✔✔ ✔ Computational Physics ✔✔ ✔✔ Modern Optics SSCP4163 Astrophysics ✔ SSCP4323 SSCP4333 Electronics and ✔✔ ✔ SSCP4413 Instrumentation SSCP4423 Digital Signal ✔✔ ✔ SSCP 4173 Processing Semiconductor ✔✔ Physics Condensed Matter ✔✔ Physics Quantum Mechanics ✔✔ II 90
SSCP 4213 Advanced Nuclear ✔✔ ✔ Physics ✔ SSCP 4433 Magnetism ✔✔ ✔ SSCP 4453 Low Temperature ✔✔ ✔ Physics and Superconductivity SSCP 4513 Laser Physics ✔✔ TOTAL 15 15 4 4 1 3 4 21 00 Core University Courses UHIS 1022 Philosophy and ✔ ✔ ✔ UHLM 1012 Current Issues ✔ ✔ UHMS 1182 Malay Language for ✔ Communication 2 ✔ ✔ UHLB 1112 ✔✔ UBSS 1032 Appreciation of ✔ UHIT 2302 Ethics and ✔✔ ✔ UHMT 1012 Civilizations ✔ UXXX 2XX2 ✔ ✔✔ ✔ English ✔ Communication Skills Introduction to Entrepreneurship Science and Technology Thinking Graduate Success Attributes Generic Skills Elective Academic ✔ UHLB 2122 Communication ✔ Skills ✔ UHLB 3132 Professional Communication Skills UXXX 2XX2 Knowledge ✔✔ Enhancement Elective ✔✔ ✔✔ UKQF 2082 Community and ✔ UKQT 3001 Science 34 45 9 10 4 8 Extra-Curricular Experiential Learning UHLX 1112 Foreign Language ✔ Elective TOTAL 3 0005 70 GRAND TOTAL 47 43 14 10 12 13 8 91
19. Programme Uniqueness ● The programme is specially tailored to suit the current industrial needs. ● This programme allows student to do their industrial placement at local or foreign companies. ● Established links with local and international industries. ● The programme allows student to do transfer credit of certain equivalence courses offered by other university locally and overseas. ● Our laboratories are equipped with state of the art facilities and instruments. 20. Career Prospects and Career Path This programme prepares graduate to pursue carriers in various industries such as industrial supervisor, human resource manager, instrumentation services manager, quality control and production engineer, professional engineers and Occupational Health Officers. In public sectors, the graduate may pursue carrier as Science Officer, Research Scientist, Meteorologist and etc. . 21. Cross Campus Programme Students are given the opportunity to enrol certain courses at participating institutions either locally or abroad. The grades and credits of up to 1/3 of the total credits of the curriculum are transferable. 22. UTM Professional Skills Certificate UTM has designed its own UTM Professional Skills Certificate programme to enhance the knowledge and skills of its students. It provides students with value-added courses so that they will have a competitive-edge when they enter the employment market. Students are given the opportunity to enrol in this programme offered by SPACE UTM, UTMXCITE, UTM Career Centre, Akademi Bahasa, UTM iLeaGue dan UTMCAEL. (More information can be obtained from https://ileague.utm.my/utm-professional-skil ls- certificate-utm-psc/). 23. Facilities Available A: Laboratories: 1. Material Characterization laboratory 2. Material Preparations laboratory 3. Crystal Growth laboratory 4. Teaching Laboratory: Optics 1 92
5. Teaching Laboratory: Optics 2 6. Teaching Laboratory: Optics 3 7. PCB Laboratory 8. Teaching Laboratory: Instrumentation 1 9. Teaching Laboratory: Instrumentation 2 10. Teaching Laboratory: Instrumentation 3 11. Teaching Laboratory: Instrumentation 4 12. Applied Optics Laboratory 1 13. Applied Optics Laboratory 2 14. Applied Optics Laboratory 3 15. Sputtering Laboratory 16. Thin Film Laboratory 17. Atomic Force Scanning Microscope (AFM) Laboratory 18. Teaching Laboratory: Material Physics 1 19. Teaching Laboratory: Material Physics 2 20. Teaching Laboratory: Nuclear Physics 21. Astrophysics Laboratory 22. Electronic Workshop 23. General Workshop 24. Tensile Testing Room 25. Non-destructive Testing Laboratory 26. Material Analysis Laboratory 27. Furnaces Room B: List of instruments 1. Single crystal growth apparatus 2. UV-VIS Spectrophotometer 3. CNC machine 4. Photoluminescence Spectometer 5. Ellipsometer 6. High Temperature Furnace 7. Differential Thermal Analyzer(DTA) 8. Vickers Hardness Equipment 9. General mechanical testing machine 10. Hyper pure Germanium Detector 11. Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) 12. Rapid Thermal Process (RTP) 13. Tensile Machine 14. Corrosion Machine 93
24. Support for Students and Their Learning ● One week induction programme for orientation and introductory study skills ● Student Handbook (online) ● Extensive library and other learning resources and facilities. ● Online resources: e-learning, UTMACAD, e-portfolio ● Students are assigned to academic advisors to assist them in education planning. 25. Methods for Evaluating and Improving the Quality and Standards of Teaching and Learning Mechanisms for Review and Evaluation of Teaching, Learning, Assessment, the Curriculum and Outcome Standards a) Students performance in terms of: ● Probation Status (KS)/Good Standing Status (KB) ● Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) ● Grade Point Average (GPA) ● Graduate on time (GOT) ● Completion rate b) Employability ● Alumni survey ● Market survey c) Lecturer’s performance ● Teaching evaluation by students (e-PPP) ● Annual staff appraisal (e-LPPT) d) Curriculum review ● Faculty academic committee ● Industrial training survey ● Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) report ● External examiner reports ● Survey of Course Outcome (SCO) by students ● Graduate employability report ● Exit Survey e) Delivery system ● Academic Quality Assurance Committee i. Audit report ii. MQA standard 94
26. Regulation of Assessment a) Summary of marks, grades and their evaluation points Marks Grade Evaluation 90-100 A+ Point 80-89 A 4.00 75-79 A- 4.00 70-74 B+ 3.67 65-69 B 60-64 B- 3.33 55-59 C+ 3.00 50-54 C 2.67 45-49 C- 2.33 40-44 D+ 2.00 35-39 D 1.67 30-34 D- 00-29 E 1.33 1.00 0.67 0.00 b) Role of External Examiners (Visiting Examiners) Visiting Examiners are appointed by the Faculty Academic Committee to ● review and evaluate programme curriculum, ● review and evaluate assessment procedure and methods, ● make necessary recommendations to the Academic Committee. 27. Assessment Tools Learning Outcomes PPPPPPPPPPP M e as ure ment L L L L L L L L L L L Duration Action Tools O O O O O O O O O O O by 12345678911 Lecture r 01 Lecture Survey of ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ End of r course outcome semester Faculty (SCO) Faculty Course ✔ ✔✔✔✔ ✔✔ ✔✔✔ ✔ End of Faculty assessment semester report (CAR) End of Exit survey ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ final semester Industrial ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ ✔ ✔ End of training survey training Employer ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ ✔ ✔ Once a Survey year 95
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (INDUSTRIAL PHYSICS) WITH HONOURS 1. Awarding Institution Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2. Teaching Institution Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 3. Programme Name Bachelor of Science (Industrial Physics) with Honours 4. Final Award Bachelor of Science (Industrial Physics) with Honours 5. Programme Code UT6440001 (SSCFH) 6. Professional or Statutory Body of Ministry of Higher Education Accre ditation 7. Language(s) of Instruction Bahasa Malaysia and English 8. Mode of Study (Conventional, Distance Conventional Learning, etc) 9. Mode of Operation (Franchise, Self- Self-Governing Governing, etc) 10. Study Scheme (Full Time/Part Time) Full Time 11. Study Duration Minimum: 4 years Maximum: 6 years Type of Semester No. of Semesters No. of Weeks per Semester Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time Normal 8 10 18 18 Short 45 8 8 12. Entry Fulfill all University requirements and the following programme Re quire me nts requirements: STPM/Matriculation/Foundation Holders: ● Obtained at least CGPA 2.80 at STPM/ Matriculation/ Foundation level; and ● Obtained at least Grade B (CGPA 3.00) in Physics at STPM/Matriculation/Foundation level; and ● Obtained at least Grade B- (CGPA 2.67) in any ONE (1) of the following subjects: Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology; and ● Passed with credit in Mathematics (Grade C) at the Malaysian Certificate of Examination (SPM) level or equivalent; and ● Obtained at least a Band 2 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) or at least Band score of 6.0 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). 96
Diploma Holders: ● Obtained a Diploma from UTM or any other institutions approved by the Government of Malaysia and related to the applied course with CGPA of at least 3.00; or ● Other equivalent qualifications approved by the Government of Malaysia and the University Senate and related to the applied course with CGPA of at least 3.00; or ● Candidates who obtained a CGPA less than 3.00 but have at least TWO (2) years working experience in related field are eligible to apply; and ● Passed with credit in Mathematics (Grade C) at the Malaysian Certificate of Examination (SPM) level; or ● Obtained at least Grade C in any of Mathematics subjects at the Diploma level; and ● Obtained at least a Band 2 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET). International Candidates: Please check the entry requirements through the following website https://admiss ion.ut m.my/entr y-require ments-ug- internat iona l/ The detailed entry requirements can be obtained from the UTM Prospectus or website (http://admission.utm.my). 13. Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) The objectives of Bachelor of Science (Industrial Physics) programme are to provide knowledge, skills, and attributes needed for a successful career. It is therefore anticipated that, graduates of the programme will 1. become competent, innovative, productive, and talented physicist for industrial and research needs. 2. become a professional with appropriate soft-skills. 3. have positive attitude, integrity, and high responsibility to the community and global citizen. PEO1 PLO1 PLO2 PLO3 PLO4 PLO5 PLO6 PLO7 PLO8 PLO9 PLO10 PLO11 PEO2 PEO3 ✔✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔ 97
14. Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) Code Intended Learning Learning and As s essment Outcome s Teaching Methods (a) Technical Knowledge and Competencies PLO1 Relate comprehensive Lectures, tutorials, Examinations, Knowledge and fundamental concept directed reading, quizzes, tests, Unde rs tanding and theoretical active learning assignments. (KW) knowledge in multi- disciplinary field of applied physics. PLO2 Apply fundamental Lectures, tutorials, Examinations, Cognitive Skills laws and principles of projects quizzes, tests, (CG) group/individua l) , computing output, physics using various directed reading, presentations, and methods to solve computer-based reports. related problems in exercises, active applied physics. learning PLO3 Demonstrate FYUP, industrial Project presentations, Practical Skills technical and training, service project reports, (PS) experimental skills learning industrial training using advance and reports. specific equipment in the field of applied physics. PLO7 Construct procedures Active learning, Oral presentations, Numeracy Skills based on numerical projects project reports and (NS) and graphical peer evaluation. information to make the right decisions in the scopes of physics applications. b) Generic Skills PLO4 Work together in Active learning, Oral presentations, Inte rpe rs onal project reports, Skills various local and projects (Final year industrial training (IPS) reports. international working undergraduate PLO5 Written assignments, communities. project (FYUP), oral presentations, group/individua l) , industrial training. Convey ideas through Active learning, verbal and non-verbal projects (FYUP, 98
Communication forms in accurate, group/individua l) , project reports, Skills appropriate, and industrial training learning portfolio. (CS) confident manner to diverse audiences, especially within the working communities. PLO6 Use a broad range of Active learning, Written assignments, Digital Skills information, media projects (FYUP, oral presentations, (DS) and technology group/individua l) , project reports and applications in professional learning portfolio. PLO8 various tasks. development Le ade rs hip, courses, industrial Autonomy and training. Re s ponsibility (LAR) Exhibit independence Active learning, Oral presentations, and professionalism group projects, project reports, PLO9 in managing service learning and service learning and Personal Skills industrial training industrial training (PRS) responsibilities within reports. broad organizational needs. Engage effectively in FYUP, co-curricular FYUP reports, self-directed lifelong activities, group learning portfolio and learning and work, industrial industrial training professional training report. pathways. PLO10 Relate entrepreneurial Lectures, Written assignments, Entre pre ne urial competency within assignments, case oral presentations and Skills given tasks and job studies, seminar, group report. (ENT) scopes. workshop, co- curricular activities, Research proposal, PLO11 Adhere to ethical group work FYUP reports and Ethics and codes and act FYUP, industrial industrial training Profe s s ionalis m professionally within training, lectures, report. Skills the working immersive (ETS) environments. experiential learning 99
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