A Blast From the Past It’s that time of the year, Spring is approaching, we hope! Our thoughts are for the next ride. Daytona Bike Week comes to mind. It’s only 2 weeks away. Sure doesn’t seem like a year has passed since the last trip to Florida. Anyway, getting the bike serviced for the trip. A new rear tire was necessary. Got over 14 thousand miles on this one, not bad! Changed all the fluids, and I should be ready. Got 2 weeks before departure. Not enough time to do this trip and get this article in before the deadline. So, we shall go way back in time to my first trip to Sturgis, South Dakota. The year was 1983. I call this article A BLAST FROM THE PAST! In 1983 I lived in the Rio Grand Valley, deep in south Texas. A stone’s throw from Mexico. I had purchased a 1981 Wide Glide Harley 2 years earlier. Time to put some miles on this baby! I had read stories about Sturgis in Easyrider Magazine. Looks like a good party plus some good riding. I had a buddy that was a “Winter Texan”, Which means you spend the summer in the north country and the winters in the warm south Texas climate. He resided in Minnesota. Not that far of a ride to Sturgis. We made arrangements to meet on Main Street in Sturgis. The day arrived, Tent and sleeping bag were packed. Small bag of clothes. These items were all bunged on behind me. Couldn’t get anybody to ride with me! a solo trip. I was young, full of piss and vinegar!
Rolled out at 6 am. Followed hwy 83. This hwy runs all the way to Oklahoma. My plan was to meet my friend Bob in Sturgis on Monday at around 1 pm, I had a lot of miles to cover. The weather was clear and hot. You know it’s August in Texas! Hit some isolated thundershowers in the panhandle of Texas. Kinda nice, cool down for at least a little bit. My first stop was Liberal, Kansas. No particle reason, just a lot of bikes parked in front of a bar. Had a few cool ones, yes they were all headed to Sturgis. Going to be a great party! This hwy 83 was something, only 2 lanes, nothing but grain trucks hauling maize. Felt like rocks pounding you every time one passed you, All well I am tough! I forge ahead and grab a bite to eat in Garden City, Kansas. Hwy 83 is getting very boring, maybe should have gone up through Colorado. Well, it is what it is, make the best of it. Nebraska is a helmet-law state, which may be a good thing, because of grain and dust flying. In those days I never wore a helmet. Personal choice! It’s been a long day and night, no plans to stop and rest. Just as get to the Nebraska line I get very sleepy, My head is bobbing off of the tank! Slap me a few times. Doesn’t do much good. Next thing I know I’m across the center line headed for a semi-truck. God, I woke up just in time. Avoid a head-on! That would not have been good! Just getting daylight, I pull into North Platte, Nebraska. Time for a break. Get some coffee and breakfast and try to wake up. It does the trick. Much better, I can do this now! Anyone who thinks that you can’t go to sleep riding a bike, think again! Must be the sound of the engine. I continue north on hwy 83, running through Valentine. Boy, this a lonely stretch of road. If I had to redo it, I would have ridden up I-25 through Colorado and Wyoming. I make it to South Dakota and connect with I-90 and head west. My plan is to meet up with my friend Bob on Main Street in Sturgis around 1 pm. These are the days before cell phones. In those days not that many people in Sturgis. Arrive on Main, believe it or not, parking is not a problem. Check into Gunners on Main. Feels great to finally make it to Sturgis. Had my first brew and looked for Bob. After about an hour finally connect on the sidewalk. He had met some guys from Minnesota on the road. City Park in years past was a free place to camp. Well in 1982 some of the campers got rowdy. They set fire to the porta potties, Well you know the rest of the story! They banned all camping during Bike Week. That sucks! Finally located camping about 20 miles south of Lead. Bob and his friends were staying in Deadwood. We partied and saw the sites till 2 in the morning! Must have got my second wind! Finally got to bed around 3 am., finally some rest. Next day time to see the sites, do breakfast and head to see Mount Rushmore.
Rushmore is south of Rapid City about 20 miles. what a beautiful ride. From Rushmore loop around to Crazy Horse. At this time in the early stages of carving out the head of a crazy horse. Continuing on the west we reach Hill City. Much fewer bikes in this area. Much easier to get a drink. This road runs by a lake and comes back to Lead and Deadwood. We loop back to Sturgis and finish the evening hitting Gunners, Nite Owl, and others downtown. That ride back to the tent site is a long one at 2 in the morning, Probably about 40 miles. Back in 83 the “Buffalo Chip” was not much more than a big wide open field. A stage and porta potties. 10 bucks to get in for the show and camping for the night. Bands like “Marshall Tucker” and the “Allman Rothers” played in those days. At midnight everyone would fire up their bikes, and make as much noise as possible! It wasn’t a place to sleep or get rest! I did attend the flat track races at the edge of town. All the old timers seem to collect at these races. Talk about the old times and the hill climbs they used to have. Deadwood was pretty quiet back then. This was before the casinos come to town. Parking was a designated lot by the jail. How convenient! No parking along the streets! Sturgis Bike Week lasted for 1 week only, started on a Sunday, and ran to the next. Always wait until the last day to buy your shirts and other souvenirs. Get your best deal before everyone leaves town. Back in those days, I could handle a week of steady partying! Today not so much. 2 days in Sturgis now, is more than enough!
Sunday finally rolls around, Man it’s a mad exodus out of town! Everybody going their own way. Back to their jobs and daily routine! I had heard rumors of a Sturgis party in Colorado. Why not! I head my Wide Glide in that direction. I ride down through Cheyenne, Wyoming. I keep my ear to the ground to where it might be. Run to Ft Collins, maybe it’s at Estes Park? I run further down to Colorado Springs, maybe not the official party but it worked. It seemed that there was a carryover of partiers from Sturgis in every town. Back in those years, I tented or slept on picnic tables at night. Today you would be laying your life on the line. I continued south down through Trinidad, Colorado into Raton Pass, New Mexico. This is where you head southeast toward Amarillo, Texas. Back to flat land and armadillos. It’s been a long ride
since I left South Texas about 10 days back. I calculated 16 hundred-plus miles from Harlingen, Texas to Sturgis, South Dakota. Quite the trip for my first Sturgis run. Met a lot of people and saw a bunch of first-time sights. Forever be etched in my memory. Every rider should do this trip at least once in their lifetime. I’ve been lucky enough to do it approximately 20 times. My next trip is taking shape. Hope to depart for Daytona Beach Florida around the 6th of March. The next issue should reveal how it went! Like I always say “Live life to the hilt never know when it’s your last trip” RIDE FREE AND RIDE OFTEN DAD
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