327Appendix: Military AcronymsCPO: Civilian Personnel Office; Chief Petty OfficerCQ: Change of QuartersCRISTA: Counter Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance, and TargetAcquisitionCSAR: Combat Search and RescueCSS: Commander’s Support StaffCSSAMO: Combat Service Support Automations Maintenance OfficeCT: CounterterrorismCTA: Common Table of AllowancesCVBG: Aircraft Carrier Battle GroupCWO: Chief Warrant Officer; Communications Watch OfficerD:NIF: Duties: Not Including FlyingDA: Department of the Army; Data Adapter; Aerospace Drift; DataAdministrator; Direct Action; Directorate for Administration; Decision Agent;Developing Agency; Design Agent; Development Activity; Disbursing AdvisoryNotice; Drift AngleDASO: Demonstration and Shakedown OperationDCM: Distinguished Conduct Medal; Data Channel Multiplexer; Duty Chief ofMission; Data Communication ModuleDD: Destroyer (Navy ship); Defense DepartmentDDP: Delta Dental PlanDDS: Direct Deposit SystemDECA: Defense Commissary AgencyDEERS: Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting SystemDEMOB: Short for demobilizationDEROS: Date Estimated Return from OverseasDFAC: Dining Facilities Administration CenterDFAS: Defense Finance and Accounting System
328 A Family’s Guide to the Military For Dummies DIME: Diplomatic, Informational, Military, and Economic (forms of national power) DITY: Do-It-Yourself move DJMS: Defense Joint Military Pay System DLA: Defense Logistics Agency; Dislocation Allowance DO: Duty Officer DOB: Date of Birth DOD: Department of Defense DON: Department of the Navy DOR: Date of Rank DOS: Date of Separation DPP: Deferred Payment Plan DS: Dependent Spouse DSN: Defense Switched Network (worldwide telephone system) DTG: Date Time Group DZ: Drop Zone DZSO: Drop Zone Safety Officer DZST: Drop Zone Support Team DZSTL: Drop Zone Support Team Officer EAB: Emergency Air Breathing system EAF: Expeditionary Aerospace Force EAOS: Expiration of Active Obligated Service EFMP: Exceptional Family Member Program EFT: Electronic Funds Transfer EOC: Emergency Operations Center EOD: Explosive Ordinance Disposal
329Appendix: Military AcronymsEOM: End of MonthEOOW: Engineering Officer of the WatchEOY: End of YearEPR: Enlisted Performance ReportEQUAL: Enlisted Quarterly Assignment ListingESC: Enlisted Spouses’ ClubETS: Expiration of Term of ServiceEUCOM: Untied States European Command (Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany)EWC: Enlisted Wives Club (title being phased out in favor of ESC)EXSUM: Executive SummaryEZ: Extraction ZoneFARP: Forward Arming and Refueling Point/Forward-ArmingReplenishment PackageFBM: Fleet Ballistic Missile submarineFEBA: Forward Edge of Battle AreaFERS: Federal Employees’ Retirement SystemFICA: Federal Insurance Contribution ActFID: Foreign Internal DefenseFIT: Federal Income TaxFITW: Federal Income Tax WithholdingFLT: FlightFM: Family MemberFPO: Fleet Post OfficeFRG: Family Readiness GroupFSA: Family Separation AllowanceFSC: Family Support Center; Family Service Center
330 A Family’s Guide to the Military For Dummies FTX: Field Training Exercise FY: Fiscal Year FYI: For Your Information FYTD: Fiscal Year to Date GCM: Good Conduct Medal; General Court-Material; Guidance Section GFOQ: General/Field Officers’ Quarters GMC: General Military Course GMT: General Military Training GOV: Government Owned Vehicle GS: General Schedule (Civil Service worker) GSU: Geographically Separated Unit HA: Humanitarian Assistance HAHO: High-Altitude High-Opening parachute technique (type of parachute jump, self-explanatory); also referred to as a stand-off infiltration technique HALO: High-Altitude Low-Opening parachute technique (type of parachute jump, self-explanatory); High Altitude Learjet Observatory HBCT: Heavy Brigade Combat Team HDIP: Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay HDR: Humanitarian Daily Ration HHG: Household Goods HOLA: Housing Overseas Living Allowance HOR: Home of Record HQ: Headquarters HVT: High-Value Target IAW: In Accordance With IBCT: Infantry Brigade Combat Team IDP: Imminent Danger Pay
331Appendix: Military AcronymsIED: Improvised Explosive DeviceIG: Inspector GeneralIO: Information OperationsIOBC: Infantry Officer Basic CourseIOTV: Improved Tactical Outer VestIPB: Intelligence Preparation of the BattlefieldIPI: Indigenous Populations and InstitutionsIRR: Individual Ready ReserveITT: Information, Tours and TravelJAAT: Joint Air Attack TeamJAG: Judge Advocate General (legal office)JCMOTF: Joint Civil-Military Operations Task ForceJCS: Joint Chiefs of StaffJETDS: Joint Electronics Type DesignationJFTR: Joint Federal Travel RegulationJM: JumpmasterJMPI: Jumpmaster Personnel InspectionJTF: Joint Task ForceKIA: Killed in ActionKISS: Keep it Simple, SergeantLES: Leave and Earning StatementLPO: Leading Petty OfficerLRS: Long-Range SurveillanceLZ: Landing ZoneMASCAL: Mass Casualty (any large number of casualties produced in a shortperiod of time that exceed support capabilities)
332 A Family’s Guide to the Military For Dummies MBT: Main Battle Tank MCCS: Marine Corps Community Services MCFTB: Marine Corps Family Team Building MCPON: Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy MCX: Marine Corps Exchange MDMP: Military Decision Making Process MEDCOM: Army Medical Command MEDEVAC: Medical Evacuation (to an aid station or field hospital, usually by air ambulance) MEPS: Military Entrance Processing Station MIA: Missing in Action; missing in a battle situation, not known if alive or dead MILSTD: Military Standard MOAB: Officially, Massive Ordnance Air Blast (slang: Mother Of All) MOB: Short for mobilization MOS: Military Occupational Specialty; formal job classification, usually expressed as a number or number/letter combination (e.g., 11B Infantryman) MP: Military Police MPF: Military Personnel Flight MRE: Meals, Ready to Eat MSS: Mission Support Squadron MTF: Military Treatment Facility, or base clinic/hospital MWR: Morale, Welfare, and Recreation NAF: Non-Appropriated Funds NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization NAVSEA: Naval Sea Systems Command NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigations Service
333Appendix: Military AcronymsNCO: Non-Commissioned Officer (an enlisted person with commandresponsibility; Corporal to Command Sergeant Major)NCOIC: Non-Commissioned Officer in ChargeNEO: Non-combatant Evacuation OperationsNEX: Navy ExchangeNJP: Naval Judicial PunishmentsNLT: Not Later ThanNMCRS: Navy-Marine Corps Relief SocietyNPD: No Pay DueNSSF: Naval Submarine Support FacilityO/A: On or AboutO/I: Operations and IntelligenceO/O: Order of Operations, on ordersOBA: Oxygen Breathing ApparatusOCONU.S.: Outside the Continental United States (overseas tour, includesAlaska & Hawaii)OCR: Office (Officer) of Co-ResponsibilityOCS: Officer Candidate SchoolODA: Special Forces Operational Detachment: AlphaOER: Officer Evaluation ReportOGA: Other Government AgencyOHA: Overseas Housing AllowanceOIC: Officer in ChargeOJT: On the Job TrainingOLC: Oak-Leaf Cluster (signifying subsequent awards)OOD: Officer Of the DeckOP: Observation Post
334 A Family’s Guide to the Military For Dummies OPNAV: Office of the Chief of Naval Operations OPR: Office of Primary Responsibility; Officer Performance Report OPSEC: Operational Security OPTARTD: Operating Target OPTEMPO: Operational Tempo ORE: Operational Readiness Exercise ORI: Operational Readiness Inspection ORSE: Operational Reactor Safeguards Exam OSC: Officers’ Spouse Club OSD: Office of the Secretary of Defense OSI: Office of Special Investigations OSUT: One-Station Unit Training OTS: Officer Training School OWC: Officers’ Wives Club (title being phased out in favor of OSC) PACAF: Pacific Air Forces PAT: Process Action Team PCA: Permanent Change of Assignment PCC: Pre-combat checks; Done by team leaders prior to PCI’s PCI: Pre-combat inspection; an inspection of equipment before a mission PCM: Primary Care Manager PCS: Permanent Change of Station (reassignment to a different duty station) PEBD: Pay Entry Base Data PERSCOM: Personnel Command, short for United States Army Personnel Command; now known as HRC, or the Human Resources Command PERSTEMPO: Personnel Tempo (refers to the unit workload level and number of developed days per year) PFDR: Pathfinder
335Appendix: Military AcronymsPFE: Promotion Fitness ExamPFMP: Personal Financial Management ProgramPI: Point of ImpactPIR: Parachute Infantry RegimentPLDC: Primary Leadership Development CoursePME: Professional Military EducationPMI: Preventive Maintenance InspectionPOA: Power of AttorneyPOC: Point of ContactPOG: Psychological Operations GroupPOMPOC: Parachute Operations Mishap Prevention Orientation CoursePOO: Point of OriginPOV: Privately-Owned VehiclePOW: Prisoner of War; Privately-Owned WeaponPRD: Projected Rotation DatePRP: Personal Reliability ProgramPSYOP: Psychological OperationsPT: Physical Training; plural (PTs) refers to the PT uniformPX: Post Exchange; a multi-purpose store which usually includes a barbershop and a convenience storeQA: Quality AssuranceQTRS: Quarters (living area)R&D: Research and DevelopmentR&R: Rest and RelaxationRADC: Regional Air Defense CommanderRAP: Relocation Assistance Program; also known as Relo
336 A Family’s Guide to the Military For Dummies REG: Regulation RGB: Ranger Battalion RIF: Reduction in Force RIO: Radar Intercept Officer, or “Rio”; an observer on a U.S. Naval Aviation two-seater fighter ROE: Rules of Engagement ROTC: Reserve Officer Training Corps RPG: Rocket-Propelled Grenade RRC: Ranger Reconnaissance Company RSVP: Respond if you Please (expect yes or no) RTB: Ranger Training Brigade RTB: Return to Base RTO: Radio Telephone Operator SAM: Surface to Air Missile SATCOM: Satellite Communications SATO: Scheduled Airlines Ticket Office SBCT: Stryker Brigade Combat Team SBF: Support by Fire SBP: Survivor Benefit Plan SCA: Support to Civil Administration SDO: Staff Duty Officer SEA: Senior Enlisted Advisor, now known as the Command Chief Master Sergeant, CCMSGT SEAL: Sea-Air-Land SECDEF: Secretary of Defense SF: Special Forces SFODA: Special Forces Operation Detachment (Alpha)
337Appendix: Military AcronymsSFQC: Special Forces Qualification Course, also known as simply the“Q course”SGLI: Serviceman’s Group Life InsuranceSITREP: Situational ReportSITW: State Income Tax WithholdingSKT: Skills and Knowledge TestSLBM: Submarine Launched Ballistic MissileSME: Subject Matter ExpertSO: Special Operations; Stability OperationsSOAC: U.S. Navy Submarine Officers Advanced CourseSOAR: Special Operations Aviation RegimentSOBC: U.S. Navy Submarine Officers Basic CourseSOCOM: Special Operations CommandSOF: Special Operations ForcesSOMSUBLANT: Commander, Submarine Force AtlanticSONAR: Sound Navigation and RangingSOP: Standard Operation ProcedureSORTIE: A flight or single flying missionSOS: Squadron Officer’s SchoolSOSCOM: Special Operations Support CommandSOSR: Suppress, Obscure, Secure, ReduceSOY: Sailor of the YearSpace-A: Space-available (flights)SRB: Selective Reenlistment BonusSSN, SSAN: Social Security NumberSTAP: Spouse Tuition Aid Program
338 A Family’s Guide to the Military For Dummies STEP: Stripes for Exceptional Performers STRAC: Strategic Army Corps STX: Situational Training Exercise SUBGRU: Submarine Group SUBORC: Submarine Rocket SUBRON: Submarine Squadron TA: Tuition Assistance (program for active duty members) TAD: Temporary Additional Duty TAFMSD: Total Active Federal Military Service Date; the date the servicemember came on active duty TAP: Transition Assistance Program TC: Tank Commander/Truck Commander TDP: (Helicopter) Touch Down Point; used in HLZ Ops; TriCare Dental Plan TDU: Trash Disposal Unit TDY: Temporary Duty TF: Task Force THT: Tactical HUMINT Team TIG: Time in Grade TLA: Temporary Living Allowance TLE: Temporary Lodging Expenses TLF: Temporary Living Facility TMO: Traffic Management Office TO: Technical Order TOA: Transfer of Authority TOC: Tactical Operations Center TOT: Time on Target
339Appendix: Military AcronymsTPT: Tactical PSYOP TeamTRADOC: U.S. Army Training and Doctrine CommandTSP: Thrift Savings PlanTTAD: Temporary Tour Active DutyTYCOM: Type CommanderUA: Unit of Action; Unauthorized AbsenceUCI: Unit Compliance InspectionUCMJ: Uniform Code of Military JusticeUIC: Unit Identification CodeU.S.ACAPOC: United States Army Civil Affairs and PsychologicalOperations CommandU.S.AF: Untied States Air ForceU.S.AFE: United States Air Force- EuropeU.S.AFR: United States Air Force ReservesU.S.AJFKSWCS: United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Centerand SchoolU.S.AREUR: United States Army Europe (HQ: Heidelberg)U.S.ASFC: United States Army Special Forces CommandU.S.ASOC: United States Army Special Operations CommandU.S.O: United Service OrganizationUTA: Unit Training AssemblyUW: Unconventional WarfareUXO: Unexploded OrdinanceV/R: Very Respectfully. The standard closure line on official mail/e-mailV/STOL: Vertical/Short Takeoff and LandingVA: Veteran’s AdministrationVAQ: Visiting Airman’s Quarters
340 A Family’s Guide to the Military For Dummies VBIED: Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device VHA: Variable Housing Allowance VIP: Very Important Person VOQ: Visiting Officers Quarters W2: Wage and Tax Statement WAPS: Weighted Airman Promotion System WG: Wag Grade (Civil Service worker) WIC: Women, Infants, and Children’s Program WO: Warning Order WSO: Weapon Systems Officer, or “Wizzo”; observer, navigator, or individual in control of weapon systems in a two-seater fighter XILCO: Will Comply XO: Executive Officer YTD: Year to Date ZULU/GMT: Greenwich Mean Time
Index• Numerics • Air Force, U.S. discontinuance of rank decals for cars, 2426-1880, VA Form, 143 ranks in, 22, 23140, Air Mobility Command Form (Space-A Air Force Academy (Colorado Springs), 24 sign-up), 89 Air Force Aid Society (AFAS), 213214, DD Form (certificate of release/ Air Mobility Command fact sheet (Web discharge), 274–275 site), 15397, DD Form (Death Gratuity Air Mobility Command Form 140 (Space-A Payment), 212 sign-up), 89401(k) retirement plan, 302–303 aircrews, extra pay for, 62403(b) retirement plan, 302 Airman Battle Uniform (ABU), 161172, DD Form (DEERS enrollment) (Web Airmen and Family Support Center, 43. See site), 32 also FSC (Family Support Center)2558, DD Form (allotments from pay), allotments from pay, 68, 70, 99–100, 123 allowances, financial 70, 992642, DD Form (TRICARE claim form), 76 Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH), 39,2648, DD Form (pre-separation counseling 65–66, 68, 131–133 checklist), 274, 295 Basic Allowance for Sustenance (BAS),3286, SGLI Election and Certificate Form, 92 64–658283, SGLV Form, 212 clothing, 65•A• Cost of Living Allowance (COLA),AAFES (Army and Air Force Exchange 64, 95, 287 Service), 37 dislocation allowance (DLA), 66 exemption from tax, 132ABCTE (American Board for Certification Family Separation Allowance, 66, 226 of Teacher Excellence), 163 per diem, 65 personal allowances to high-rankingabsentee landlord, becoming, 141–142ABU (Airman Battle Uniform), 16 officers, 71ACE (automated certificate of eligibility) temporary lodging overseas, 66 America Supports You (Web site), system, 143acronyms and abbreviations, 321–340 198–199, 258additional pays, 62–64 American Board for Certification ofadjustable compared to fixed-rate Teacher Excellence (ABCTE), 163 mortgages, 117, 118, 144 American Telecommuting Associationadministrative separations from service, (Web site), 158 278–279 An Analysis of Military Disabilityadvocacy organizations, 200–203AER (Army Emergency Relief), 213 Compensation (Buddin), 210AFAS (Air Force Aid Society), 213 anxietyAFSC (Armed Forces Services Corporation) children’s moving, 171 (Web site), 213 managing during deployment, 252–253, 268–269 post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 206, 209–210, 235
342 A Family’s Guide to the Military For DummiesArmed Forces Services Corporation (AFSC) compensation. See compensation (Web site), 213 deployment-related, 225–227, 240 education. See educationArmed Forces Vacation Club, 259 employment of spouses, 156–157, 308Army, U.S., ranks in, 22, 23 Guard and Reserve, guide for, 192–193Army and Air Force Exchange Service healthcare. See healthcare benefits housing. See housing (AAFES), 37 legal assistance, 90–92, 188, 207–208,Army Community Services, 43. See also 277–278, 314 FSC (Family Support Center) post-death of spouse, continuation of, 213Army Emergency Relief (AER), 213 retirement. See retirementarts and crafts center, 41–42 Social Security, 212, 290–291asset transfer strategies, estate travel, 10, 14, 307–308, 313. See also space planning, 128 available (Space-A) travelauthorized healthcare providers, defined, unemployment compensation for 74, 75 spouses, 163, 194auto hobby shop, 44–45 bill paying, automatic methods for, 99, 100automated certificate of eligibility (ACE) billeting/lodging facilities, 35, 66, 90 blogging during deployment, 264 system, 143 bonuses, special pay, 63, 64, 71automatic debits from checking brain injuries, 206 Bucci, Stephen R. (author) account, 100automobile insurance (Web site), 106–107 Credit Repair Kit For Dummies, 318aviation officer specialty pay, 63 Buddin, Richard J. (author)•B• An Analysis of Military Disability Compensation, 210bad-conduct discharge, 279BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing), 65–66, budgeting, 224 business lease termination right, 91 68, 131–133 buying a house, 137–144banking, 45, 101 BX (base exchange), 37–39, 308BankRate.com (Web site), 116, 117Barber, Allison (Deputy Asst. Sec. of •C• Defense), 198 CAC (Common Access Card), 81barracks and dorms overview, 35 car insurance, 106–107base (facility). See installation care packages, 265–266base exchange (BX), 37–39, 308 career assessment for transition to civilianbase pay, 62, 71, 94–95, 284–285Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH), 65–66, employment, 294–295 Career Status Bonus (CSB/REDUX), 95, 68, 131–133Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS), 39, 284–285 CareerOneStop (Web site), 296 64–65 casualty assistance officer, 211–213beneficiary designations, estate planning, CDC (child development center), 43–44, 128–129 169–170Beneficiary Web Enrollment (Web site), 33 ceremoniesbenefits. See also veteran’s benefits change of command, 27, 56 civilian employer compared to military, Dining In/Out, 54–55 297–304 community services. See community network
Index 343 etiquette overview, 25–28 guardians in will planning, 125 promotion, 55 introduction, 167 retirement, 27, 56 life insurance for, 103 retreat and reveille, 27 military ID rules for, 34certificate of eligibility for VA loan, 143 moving challenges, handling, 171, 174–177certification requirements and relocating national anthem etiquette, 26 sharing information with deployed employment, 163CGMA (Coast Guard Mutual Aid), 213 servicemember, 267–268CGX (Coast Guard Exchange), 37 space available (Space-A) travel, 307–308change of command ceremony, 27, 56 Youth and Teen Center, 44, 176, 251chapel, 46, 48, 57, 241 chow hall facilities, 39chaplain, 46, 187, 241 churchesCHCBP (Continued Health Care Benefit childcare at, 169 on-base chapel, 46, 48, 57, 241 Program), 188, 276 civilian careers, post-transitionchild development center (CDC), 43–44, employer benefits evaluation, 297–304 transition resources, 292–297 169–170 Class 6 store, 39childcare classified ads, 162 clothing allowance, 65 center as anchor for child during clubs deployment, 255–256 food/entertainment, 40 overview, 47–48, 57 flexible spending plan, 303 spouse clubs, 16, 47–48, 242–243 options for, 43–44, 168–171 vacation, 259 reimbursement for volunteers, 158 Coast Guard, U.S., ranks in, 22, 23children Coast Guard Academy (New London), 24 challenges to marital relationship, 184 Coast Guard Exchange (CGX), 37 childcare options, 43–44, 158, 168–171, Coast Guard Mutual Aid (CGMA), 213 COLA (Cost of Living Allowance), 255–256, 303 college cost planning, 119–121 64, 95, 287 communicating with, 249–251 College Board (Web site), 120 deployments college education behavior expectations, 254 in-state tuition benefit, 194 caregiver and teacher roles, 255–256 investing tax-free money in, 72 emotional issues, 231, 234, 247–248, planning for children’s, 119–121, 252–253 173–174, 214 expectations about contact with parent, servicemember benefits, 10, 150–154, 155, 254–255 163, 275, 313 informing deployed parent about family spouse’s benefits, 154–155, 308 Combat Dining Out, 55 situation, 253–254 combat zone pay, exclusion from taxes, 72 maintaining routines during, 248–249 Comfort Zone Camps (Web site), 215 parental absence issue, 167 commissary, 16, 36–37, 308 sharing responsibilities during, 256–257 commission, officer’s, for warrant divorce, relationship to, 188–189 education of, 43, 119–121, 171–174, 214 officers, 21 extra-curricular programs for, 192 fitness center restrictions, 41 grassroots movements to support military, 197 grief support for survivor, 213, 214–215
344 A Family’s Guide to the Military For Dummiescommissioned officers contract housing availability, 134 ranks among, 21, 22 CONUS (continental United States) sources of commission, 24 gas stations on base, 38commodities, risks of investing in, 320 healthcare benefits, 74, 83, 85, 298Common Access Card (CAC), 81 housing allowance in, 132communication Military OneSource counseling, 244 conventional home loan, 117, 118, 144 importance for military families, 179–185, COOL (Credentialing Opportunities 263–265 On-Line) (Web site), 296 security issue, 148, 199, 263–264 co-ops, childcare, 168community network Cost of Living Allowance (COLA), accessing for employment assistance, 158 64, 95, 287 as children’s school options cost of working outside the home, resource, 171 calculating (Web site), 157 establishing post-move, 146–147 court-martial and punitive discharge, Fisher House Foundation, 196 grassroots efforts to support troops, 279–280 Coverdell Education Savings Account, 72 196–199 Credentialing Opportunities On-Line for Guard and Reserve, 192–193 introduction, 191–192 (COOL) (Web site), 296 keeping in touch with friends/family, 177 credit history development, 101–102, 318 maintaining through multiple moves, 147 Credit Repair Kit For Dummies (Bucci), 318 off-base deployment support, 245 credit report, free annual (Web site), 102 post-retirement connections, 289 credit score, 101 spousal friendships, 310 CSB/REDUX (Career Status Bonus), 95, state-level, 193–195 support overview, 10–11 284–285 TMC, 200–203 custodian designation, will planning, 125 USO, 195 customs and courtesies. See also Web-based, 147–148, 199–200company grade officer, defined, 25 ceremoniescompensation. See also allowances introduction, 19 base pay, 62, 71, 94–95, 284–285 myths compared to realities, 19–20 incentive pay, 71 protocol (party), 29–30 introduction, 61 rank and hierarchy, 20–25 overtime pay in civilian employment, 304 saluting, 25, 26 pay statement, 67–70 spousal responsibilities and freedoms, pay taken in lieu of leave, 71 retirement pay, 283–286 24, 25, 28–29 sources of pay overview, 61–67 specialty pays, 62, 63, 64, 71 •D• taxes, 68, 70–72compound interest and investment DD Form 214 (certificate of release/ discharge), 274–275 appreciation, 108–109, 110concessionaires in exchange malls, 38 DD Form 1172 (DEERS enrollment) (WebConnect and Join (Web site), 253 site), 32contact information, keeping current, DD Form 2558 (allotments from pay), 70, 99 50–51 DD Form 2642 (TRICARE claim form), 76Continued Health Care Benefit Program DD Form 2648 (pre-separation counseling (CHCBP), 188, 276 checklist), 274, 295 DDESS (Domestic Dependent Elementary and Secondary Schools), 173 death certificate, 212
Index 345Death Gratuity Payment (DD Form sharing responsibilities during, 248, 397), 212 256–257death or disability of family member. stress management, 236–237, 250, See also estate planning 252–253, 268–269 disability, dealing with, 205–210 support of living on base during, 18 introduction, 205 traditional family support options, surviving servicemember’s death, 239–245 210–216 DFAS (Defense Finance and AccountingDEERS (Defense Enrollment Eligibility Service) (Web site), 70, 188, 226 Reporting System), 31–33 DH (Darling Husband), defined, 16Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA), 36 DIC (Dependence and IndemnityDefense Finance and Accounting Service Compensation), 212 (DFAS) (Web site), 70, 188, 226 dining hall facilities, 39Defense Manpower Center contact Dining In, 54–55 Dining Out, 28, 54–55 information, 33 direct deposit of paycheck, setting up,dental insurance, 84–85, 299dental officers, bonus pay, 63 225–226Department of Defense Dependents disability, dealing with, 205–210 disability insurance for spouse, 104, 300 Schools (DoDDS), 173 DisabilityInfo.gov (Web site), 209Department of Defense Education Activity discharge from military. See transitioning (DoDEA), 172–173 out of militaryDependence and Indemnity Compensation discounts for servicemembers and (DIC), 212 families, 309deployments discretionary allotments from pay, 70, 99 dishonorable discharge, 279 benefits related to, 225–227, 240 dislocation allowance (DLA), 66 children diving duty specialty pay, 63 divorce, 187–189 behavior expectations, 254 do it to yourself (DITY) moving, defined, 16 caregiver and teacher roles, 255–256 document storage online, 223 emotional issues, 231, 234, 247–248, DoDDS (Department of Defense 252–253 Dependents Schools), 172–173 expectations about contact with parent, DoDEA (Department of Defense Education 254–255, 257 Activity), 172–173 informing deployed parent about family Domestic Dependent Elementary and situation, 253–254 Secondary Schools (DDESS), 173 maintaining routines during, 248–249 dorms and barracks overview, 35 parental absence issue, 167 double taxation elimination between homeownership maintenance states, 91 responsibilities, 137 down payment on home purchase, 117, long-distance relationships, handling, 118–119 180–182, 263–269 Drake, Thelma (congressional overview, 4 preparation representative), 203 dress code emotional issues, 227–235 financial planning, 222–225, 240 in clubs, 40 introduction, 219 communicating for social events, 29, 30 myths compared to realities, 219–220 fitness center, 41 powers of attorney, 220–222 special benefits from, 225–227 psychological phases of, 227–235
346 A Family’s Guide to the Military For Dummiesdriver’s license renewal requirements, Enlisted Spouses’ Club, 47 waiving for military, 193 entry level separation (ELS), 279 EOB (Explanation of Benefits), TRICARE, 85drop-in childcare, 168 ESGR (Employer Support of the Guard anddurable power of attorney for healthcare, Reserve) (Web site), 193 126–127, 221 estate planningDW (darling wife), 50 death of spouse, actions after, 212•E• durable power of attorney for healthcare,EAP (Employee Assistance Program), 187 126–127, 221early career separation, 280–281 financial power of attorney, 127, 221eating facilities overview, 39–40 introduction, 123–124education. See also college education living trust, 126 living will, 127, 221 children’s pre-college, 43, 171–174 will, 125 civilian employer compared to military events Dining In/Out, 28, 54–55 benefits, 304 going-away parties for moving, 175 counseling during separation Hail and Farewell, 52 holiday parties, 53 planning, 275 introduction, 28 extra-curricular programs for military balls, 28 eviction protection, 91 children, 192 exchanges, base/post (BX/PX), 37–39, 308 need for flexibility in pursuing, 13 Executor’s Resource (Web site), 222 officer and enlisted levels of, 20 expectations, managing in changing for portable careers, 158–159 professional military, 150 situations, 182–183, 254–255, 257 summary of benefits, 309, 313 expenses, monthly, assessment of, 97–99eligibility certificate for VA loan, 143 Explanation of Benefits (EOB), TRICARE, 85ELS (entry level separation), 279 extended family communication duringe-mail for friendship network maintenance, deployment, 268 147emergency reserve fund, 100–101, 225 •F•emotional issues in military life stresses. Family Advocacy Program (FAP), 48, 57, See family dynamics 187Employee Assistance Program (EAP), 187Employer Support of the Guard and family childcare (FCC) program, 170 family dynamics Reserve (ESGR) (Web site), 193employment among military families, 11 children. See children civilian compared to military benefits, death or disability of family member, 297–304 205–216 protecting Guard and Reserve members’ deployments. See deployments civilian, 91, 193, 227 expectations, managing in changing spouse’s civilian, 13, 155–163, situations, 182–183, 254–255, 257 184–185, 308 marriage and relationship. See marriage transitioning to civilian, 275, 294–295 and relationship unemployment benefits for spouses, 163, 194Enlisted Club, 40enlisted personnel, ranks among, 21, 23
Index 347 moving challenges, 171, 174–177, 213, 310 fitness-for-duty status, 207 overview, 4 fixed-rate compared to adjustable post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), mortgages, 117, 118, 144 206–207 flag, U.S., respect for, 26–27 stress management. See stress flag officer, defined, 25 Flat Daddies/Flat Mommies (Web site), 254 management flexibility, importance of, 12–15, 182Family Readiness Assistant, 242 flexible spending plan/flex-account,Family Readiness Group (FRG), 241–242Family Separation Allowance, 66, 226 303–304Family Servicemembers’ Group Life flipping (rehabilitating) a property, Insurance (FSGLI) (Web site), 94, 103 140–141Family Support Center (FSC). See FSC Flipping Houses For Dummies, 141 food allowance (BAS), 39, 64–65 (Family Support Center) foreclosure protection forfamily support facilities overview, 42–44fatigue uniform (ABU), 16 servicemembers, 91FCC (family childcare) program, 170 foreign countries, assignments in.FHA (Federal Housing Administration) See overseas assignments home loan, 117, 143 foreign language proficiency specialtyfield grade officer, defined, 25financial aid for college expenses, 120, 153 pay, 63financial calculator for down payment 401(k) retirement plan, 302–303 403(b) retirement plan, 302 planning (Web site), 119 frame hobby shop, 42financial issues and benefits. See also Freedom Walks, 199 FRG (Family Readiness Group), 241–242 compensation FSC (Family Support Center) allotments from pay, 68, 70, 99–100, 123 avoiding scams related to, 319 deployment support resource, 239–240 big expense saving guidelines, 113–114 dual active-duty spouses assignment challenges to marital relationship, 184 college costs, 119–121, 153 planning, 161 credit history development, 101–102 employment assistance, 158 for deployments, 222–225, 240 identification by service, 43 emergency reserve fund, 100–101, 225 moving support, 87–88, 147 estate planning, 123–129 as on-base service, 57 home purchase, 115–119 summary of benefit, 309, 315 insurance types, 102–107 Web site, 88 introduction, 97 FSGLI (Family Servicemembers’ Group Life investing guidance, 107–111 monthly expenses assessment, 97–99 Insurance) (Web site), 94, 103 overview, 3 full-time childcare options, 169 retirement, 94–95, 108–109, 110, 121–123, fundraiser events, 52 283–287 •G•financial power of attorney, 127, 221Fisher, Elizabeth (Fisher House gaining unit, defined, 50 gas stations, on-base, 38 founder), 196 general discharge, 278Fisher, Zachary (Fisher House general officer, defined, 25 get-rich-quick schemes, avoiding, 318 founder), 196 golf ball theory of life, 234Fisher House Foundation (Web site), 196 Good Grief Camp for Young Survivors, 214fitness and sports center, 41, 169
348 A Family’s Guide to the Military For Dummiesgrassroots efforts to support troops, homeschooling (Web site), 172 196–199 honorable discharge status, 278 Hostile Fire and Imminent Danger Pay, 62grief process, 214 housingGrog bowl, 54Guard and Reserve adjusting to changing, 13 allowance for, 65–66, 68, 131–133 childcare options for, 170–171 introduction, 131 employment rights of, 91, 193, 227 off-base options guidance for benefits (Web site), 192–193 healthcare program, 74, 82–84 buying, 72, 115–119, 137–144, 192, 314 MGIB educational benefit, 151, 153 introduction, 135–136 VA loan eligibility, 118 leasing/renting, 133, 136–137, 139–140guardians for children, will planning, 125 rehabilitating property (flipping),gym (fitness center), 41, 169 140–141•H• renting your property to others, 141–142 on-base options, 35, 134–135Hail and Farewell event, 52 overview of types, 35haircare facilities, 38 relocating/moving tips, 145–148Hardship Duty Pay, 62 summary of benefit, 313Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay, 62 Housing and Urban Development, U.S.Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay for Flying, 62health insurance reinstatement right, 91 Department of (Web site), 116, 117health savings account, 303 Hug a Hero (Web site), 254healthcare benefits. See also MTF (military •I• treatment facility); TRICARE after death of spouse, 213 ID card, obtaining, 34 CHCBP, 188, 276 identity theft through e-mail scams, 318 civilian compared to military, 78, 297–298 incentive pay, 71 durable power of attorney for healthcare, income taxes. See taxes ING Direct (Web site), 101, 109, 119 126–127, 221 ING Orange Savings Account, 101, 109, 119 flexible spending plan, 303–304 injured servicemembers, scam about, 317 in retirement, 287–288 installation summary of family, 308, 312 transitioning out of service, 276 as American island in overseasHero Salute program, Anheuser Busch assignments, 14 parks, 259 auto hobby shop, 44–45Heroes Mile program, 196 banking, 45High 36 Retirement System, 284, 285 benefits overview, 18high school academic requirements, state child development center (CDC), 43–44, differences, 171 169–170HMO (Health Maintenance Organization), clubs and groups overview, 47–48 DEERS enrollment, 31–33 TRICARE Prime as, 74 eating facilities, 39–40holiday parties, 53 family support optionsHome Buying For Dummies, 139home foreclosure protection, 91 chapel, 46, 48, 57, 241home-based working moms (Web site), 158 family advocacy program, 48, 57, 187homeowner’s insurance, 104–105, 116 Family Readiness Group (FRG), 241–242 Family Support Center. See FSC
Index 349 online support for deployments, •J• 243–244 JAG (judge advocate general) bonus, 63 overview, 42–44 job fairs, 162 spouse clubs, 16, 47–48, 242–243 Joint Operational Support Airlift Center housing options, 35, 134–135 ID card, obtaining, 34 (OSA) (Web site), 88 introduction, 17–18, 31 Joint Spouses’ Luncheon, 47 Military Treatment Facility. See MTF junior grade officer, defined, 25 (Military Treatment Facility) •K• MWR facilities, 41–42 overview of types, 16 Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth (author) responsibilities of, 18 On Death and Dying, 214 schools, 172–173 shopping facilities, 16, 36–39, 308 •L• Spouses’ Club, 48in-state tuition option for servicemembers, landlord responsibilities, 141–142 language, introduction to military jargon, 163insurance 16–17 late career separation, 281–282 automobile, 106–107 lawyers, military (JAG), bonus, 63 disability, 104, 300 leasing a house, 133, 136–137, 139–140 health. See healthcare benefits leave (paid vacation), 66–67, 68 homeowner’s, 104–105, 116 leave and earnings statement (LES), 61, life. See life insurance long-term care, 300–301 67–70 Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI), Legal Assistance Center (Web site), 92 legal issues and resources 118, 143 property, 104–106, 116 appealing medical review board decision, renter’s, 105 207–208inter-service rivalry, 27interest rate reduction benefit on loans, 90 for divorce, 188interest rates and mortgage choices, legal problems as reason to join military, 117, 144 myth of, 20Internet. See Web-based resources rights and protections forinvesting guidance servicemembers, 90–92 college education, 72 summary of benefits, 314 compound interest and investment upon separation, 277–278 LES (leave and earnings statement), 61, appreciation, 108–109, 110 purpose and method choice, 107–108, 67–70 life events, updating DEERS for, 32–33 109, 111 life insurance rental real estate, 141–142 retirement, 72, 108, 109, 111, 277, for children, 103 civilian compared to military, 301–302 291–292, 302 Family Servicemembers’ Group Life scams to avoid, 319–320Investing in an Uncertain Economy For Insurance (FSGLI), 94, 103 Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Dummies, 320IRA (Individual Retirement Account), 108 (SGLI), 92–93, 102–103, 301, 314
350 A Family’s Guide to the Military For Dummieslife insurance (continued) medical transcription as portable Traumatic Injury Protection coverage, employment option (Web site), 159 93–94 Veteran’s Group Life Insurance (VGLI), Medicare and TRICARE, 288 93, 277, 301 mental health, PTSD (post-traumatic stress Web sites for outside agencies, 93 disorder), 206, 209–210, 235. See alsoline compared to nonline officers, 21 family dynamicsliquor store, on-base, 39 Merchant Marine Academy (Kingsliving trust, 126 Point), 24living will, 127, 221 mess hall facilities, 39local bank account, 45 MGIB (Montgomery GI Bill)lodging/billeting facilities, 35, 66, 90 introduction, 10long-distance relationships, handling, provisions of, 150–152 summary of benefit, 313 180–182, 263–269. See also VA as administrator of, 275 deployments Web site, 155long-term care insurance, 300–301 mid-grade officer, defined, 25long-term disability insurance, 300 military balls, 28 military benefits. See benefits•M• military clause in housing lease agreement, 133mail call, 266 The Military Coalition (TMC), 200–203mail-order exchange shopping, 37 military family life/cultureMarine Corps Community Services, 43. See benefits of. See benefits civilian life, compared to, 9 also FSC (Family Support Center) deployments. See deploymentsMarine Corps Exchange (MCX), 37 diversity of people in, 20Marines, U.S., ranks in, 22, 23 effects on family. See family dynamicsmarriage and relationship equalizing nature of, 17 flexibility, importance of, 12–15, 182 children as challenge to, 184 installation, residing on. See installation communication, 179–185 introduction, 1–5 deployment, connectivity during, language/jargon, introduction to, 16–17 marking milestones, 55–57 180–182, 263–269 overview, 9–11 divorce, 187–189 support resources on base, 57 financial challenges to, 184 unit, connecting to, 49–55 introduction, 179 Military Hire (Web site), 296 setting aside couple time, 186 Military HOMEFRONT (Web site), 145–146 spousal employment effects on, 184–185 military ID card, obtaining, 34, 214 support and counseling, 187 Military Job Zone (Web site), 296MCX (Marine Corps Exchange), 37 military married to military, specialMeals Ready to Eat (MREs), 16 benefits for, 133, 160–161medical benefits. See healthcare benefits Military Officers Association of Americamedical clinic, on-base. See MTF (military (MOAA) (Web site), 203, 210, 296 Military OneSource service, 88, 145, 187, treatment facility) 209, 244Medical Evaluation Board (MEB), 207 Military Spouse and Family Legacymedical officers, bonus pay, 63 Association (Web site), 203medical retirement, 208, 210medical review board, 207medical separation from service, 207, 210
Index 351Military Spouse Career Advancement Mr. Vice (at Dining In/Out), 54 Account, 159 MREs (Meals Ready to Eat), 16 MSP (military spouse preference) program,military spouse preference (MSP) program, 160–161 160–161 MTF (military treatment facility)military treatment facility (MTF). See MTF (military treatment facility) civilian healthcare, compared to, 298 function of, 45–46Military.com Transition Center (Web TRICARE, relationship to, 75, 77, 78 site), 296 Web site, 77 Mutual Funds For Dummies, 111, 292MilSpouse.org (Web site), 209 MWR (Morale, Welfare and Recreation)MOAA (Military Officers Association of programs, 37, 41–42, 259 America) (Web site), 203, 210, 296money market account for savings, 101, •N• 107, 119 names, courtesies about, 24Monster.com (Web site), 296 national anthem, 26, 27, 42Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB). See MGIB National Association of Child Care (Montgomery GI Bill) Resources and Referral AgenciesMonth of the Military Child, 177 (NACCRRA) (Web site), 170monthly expenses assessment, 97–99 National Association of Education of YoungMorale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) Children (NAEYC), 43 National Association of Home Based programs, 37, 41–42, 259 Businesses (Web site), 158mortgage National Guard servicemembers. See Guard and Reserve assessing types of, 117, 118, 142–144 National Hire Veterans committee debt compared to gross income, 115, 116 (Web site), 296 Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI), National Military Family Association (NMFA) (Web site), 203 118, 143 Naval Academy (Annapolis), 24 total payment compared to gross income, Navy, U.S., ranks in, 22, 23 Navy Exchange Service Command 115, 116 (NEX), 37move-in housing allowance, overseas, Navy Fleet and Family Support Center, 43. See also FSC (Family Support Center) 66, 133 Navy Marine Corps Relief Societymovie theater, on-base, 42 (NMCRS), 213moving net pay on LES, 68 network, community. See community advantages of starting anew, 310 network after death of spouse, 213 network healthcare providers, defined, 74 children’s challenges, 171, 174–177 networking for job search, 162, 297 in conjunction with deployment, 235 newsletter, unit, 51 dislocation allowance, 66 NEX (Navy Exchange Service do it to yourself (DITY) version, 16 Command), 37 family challenges, 171, 174–177, 213, 310 NMCRS (Navy Marine Corps Relief Family Support Center, 87–88, 147 Society), 213 going-away parties, 175 housing tips, 145–148 move-in allowance for overseas assignments, 66, 133 pet transfer challenge, 176 at separation from service, 275 sponsors for, 50 spouse employment and education challenges, 158–159, 163 TLF housing, 35
352 A Family’s Guide to the Military For DummiesNMFA (National Military Family online resources. See Web-based resources Association) (Web site), 203 Operation ReMax, 159 Operation Transition Bulletin Board, DoDNon-Commissioned Officers’ Club, 40Non-Commissioned Officers Association (Web site), 296 operational security (OpSec), 264 (Web site), 296 OSC (Officers Spouses Club), 16, 47nondiscretionary allotments from pay, OTH (under other than honorable) 70, 99 conditions discharge, 279nonline compared to line officers, 21 OTS (Officer Training School), 24non-network healthcare providers, Our Military Kids (OMK), 170–171 overseas assignments defined, 74non-participating providers, TRICARE, 75 banking, 45nuclear power training duty bonus for Department of Defense Dependents Naval officers, 63 Schools (DoDDS), 173Nurse Licensure Compact, 163 familiarity of shoppettes, 39 gasoline discounts on base, 38•O• healthcare benefits, 79, 85 housing allowance for off-base housing,occasional childcare, 168occasional/drop-in childcare, 168 66, 133Occupational Outlook Handbook (Dept. of Military OneSource counseling, 244 overview, 14 Labor) (Web site), 156 sponsors for, 50OCONUS (outside CONUS). See overseas Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA), assignments 66, 133OCS (Officers Candidate School), 24 overtime pay in civilian employment, 304off-base services and facilities. See also ownership classifications for estate community network transfer, 127–128 childcare options, 170 deployment support network, 245 •P• housing options package store, on-base, 39 buying, 72, 115–119, 137–144, 192, 314 parenting. See children introduction, 135–136 parking privileges based on rank, 24 leasing/renting, 133, 136–137, 139–140 participating providers, TRICARE, 75 rehabilitating a property (flipping), part-time childcare, 168–169 Pass and ID office, 34 140–141 Patriot Express Pilot Loan Initiative, 192 renting your property to others, 141–142 pay, military. See compensationOfficer Training School (OTS), 24 pay taken in lieu of leave, 71officers, commissioned payday loans, avoiding, 100, 320 ranks among, 21, 22 PCM (primary care manager), 77 sources of commission, 24 PCS (permanent change of station). SeeOfficers Candidate School (OCS), 24Officers’ Club, 40 also movingOfficers’ Spouses’ Club (OSC), 16, 47 in conjunction with deployment, 235OHA (Overseas Housing Allowance), defined, 16 relocating tips, 145 66, 133 sponsors for, 50OMK (Our Military Kids), 170–171 TLF housing for moving families, 35on-base services and facilities. See installationOn Death and Dying (Kübler-Ross), 214
Index 353PEB (Physical Evaluation Board), 207 professional associations for jobpensions in civilian employment, 303 search, 162Pentagon Federal Credit Union (Web site), 101per diem allowance (Web site), 65 professional development programs, 309permanent compared to temporary professional military education, 150 promotion ceremony, 55 disability retirement, 208 promotion opportunities, 150personal allowances to high-ranking property insurance, 104–106, 116 property management company, 142 officers, 71 protocol (party/social), 29–30personal development programs, 309 psychological issues. See family dynamicsPersonal Finance Workbook For Dummies, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), 206, 103, 114, 222, 300, 318 209–210, 235personal property, estimating value of, public school systems, checking on 105–106 Internet, 172pet moving challenge, 176 punitive discharge, 278, 279–280Petroleum, Oil & Lube (POL) coupons, 38 purchase of home, 72, 115–119, 137–144,pharmacies, options for filling 192 prescriptions, 80 PX (post exchange), 37–39, 308philanthropy, spouses clubs as sources •Q• of, 243phishing schemes, e-mail, 318 quarantine, pet, 176phone communication during deployment, •R• 264–265Physical Evaluation Board (PEB), 207 radio programs in support of militaryphysical exam, pre-separation, 276 families, online, 200pilots, extra pay for, 62, 63PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance), 118, 143 rank and hierarchy, 20–25, 62Point of Service option for TRICARE Prime, RAP (Relocation Assistance Program), 275 Rapids Site Locator (Web site), 33 78, 79 rations, field (MREs), 16POL (Petroleum, Oil & Lube) coupons, 38 real estate field as portable employmentportability of careers for spouses, 159post. See installation option, 159Post 9/11 GI Bill, 152–153 real estate taxes, 116post exchange (PX), 37–39, 308 records, military, preparation forpost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 206, separation, 274–275 209–210, 235 recreational activities and children’spower of attorney transitions, 175 for deployments, 220–222 RecruitMilitary.com (Web site), 296 financial, 127, 221 Red Cross, scam impersonating, 317 for healthcare, 126–127, 221 reenlistment bonus, 63 for military beneficiary, 33 rehabilitating (flipping) a property,PPO (preferred provider option), TRICARE 140–141 Extra as, 76 relocating. See movingprescription drug benefit, 80, 84, 299 Relocation Assistance Program (RAP), 275pre-separation counseling, 295 rental real estate, managing, 141–142primary care manager (PCM), 77 renter’s insurance, 105Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI), 118, 143 renting a house, 133, 136–137, 139–140probate court process for estate distribution, 126
354 A Family’s Guide to the Military For DummiesReserve, servicemembers in. See Guard ING Orange Savings Account, 101, and Reserve 109, 119residency, changing state, 194 money market, 101, 107, 119resource and referral (R&R) programs for Savings Deposit Program (SDP), 226 SBA (Small Business Administration) (Web childcare, 170respect and marriage relationship, 183–184 site), 192retirement SBP (Survivor Benefit Plan), 189, 212, calculation of benefit, 94–95, 283–286 286–287, 312, 319 ceremony for, 27, 56 scams against servicemembers, 317–320 civilian compared to military benefits, scholarships, educational, 153, 155, 302–303 173–174, 309 civilian world, returning to, 289 school-age care (SAC) program, 43, 169 compound interest and appreciation, schools. See also education 108–109, 110 as anchors for child during deployment, continued relationship with military in, 56 255–256 financial benefits of, 280–287, 311–312 introduction, 283 community network resource, 171 investment vehicles for, 72, 108, 109, 111, high school academic requirements, 192, 277, 291–292, 302 state differences, 171 medically required, 208, 210 homeschooling, 172 saving for ultimate, 121–123, 290–292 officer training, 24 sources for, 109 on-base, 172–173 Thrift Saving Plan (TSP), 72, 108, 109–111, SCRA (Servicemember’s Civil Relief 277, 302 Act), 90 transferring TSP funds to civilian SDP (Savings Deposit Program), 226 sea duty specialty pay, 63 plan, 277 Section 125 plan, 303–304 Web site, 95 secure document storage, 222retreat ceremony, defined, 27 secured credit card, 102reveille ceremony, defined, 27 security, communication, 148, 199, 263–264RoboForm software (Web site), 223 Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)roster, unit, 50–51ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps), 24 (Web site), 319Roth IRA, 108, 111, 292 self-employment, spousal, 158, 160R&R (resource and referral) programs for separation from active duty. See childcare, 170 transitioning out of militaryRSVP responsibilities for social events, 29 servicemembers. See also deploymentsRules of the Mess for Dining In/Out, 54 college education benefits, 10, 150–154,•S• 155, 163, 275, 313SAC (school-age care) program, 43, 169 death or disability of, 210–216saluting, 25, 26 DEERS update responsibility, 32–33savings accounts foreclosure protection for, 91 grassroots support for wounded, 197 big expense saving, 113–114 importance of unit identity for, 49 Coverdell Education Savings Account, 72 priority at commissary checkouts for health savings account, 303 uniformed, 36 rights and protections for, 90–92 scams targeted against, 317–320
Index 355Servicemember’s Civil Relief Act spouse clubs, 16, 47–48, 242–243 (SCRA), 90 spouse events, 53 Spouse Tuition Assistance ProgramServicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI), 92–93, 102–103, 301, 314 (STAP), 155 spousesSesame Street Workshop videos (Web site), 251 asset ownership issues for estate planning, 128SGLI Election and Certificate Form 3286, 92SGLV Form 8283, 212 customs and courtesies, 24, 25, 28–29Shades of Green resort at Disney World disability insurance for, 104, 300 educational opportunities, 154–155, 308 (Web site), 259 employment of, 13, 155–163, 184–185, 308shoppettes, on-base, 38–39 flexibility expectation for, 182shopping facilities, on-base, 16, 36–39, 308 lack of rank status for civilian, 20, 24short-term disability insurance, 300 life insurance for, 103single-parenting during deployments, 167, military spouse preference (MSP) 230, 249 program, 160–161skills conversion for military-to-civilian overview of involvement opportunities, employment, 294–295 28skills development center, 41–42 role modeling responsibility of, 24Skype Internet phone service, 265 single-parenting during deployments, 167,Small Business Administration (SBA) 230, 249 (Web site), 192 as survivor of servicemember’s death,Snowball Express (Web site), 197, 215social life 210–216 unemployment compensation, 163, 194 advantage of military friendships, 29 USFSPA, 188 clubs and groups. See clubs Web site for support resources, 159 during deployments, 242–243 Spouses’ Club, 48 ease of identifying people, 17 Spouse-to-Teachers program (Web site), events. See events fundraisers, 52 163 protocol, 28–30 staffing companies, 162Social Security Administration, 212, STAP (Spouse Tuition Assistance 290–291 Program), 155space available (Space-A) travel stars and stripes, respect for, 26–27 State Liaison Office (Web site), 163, benefits of, 307 categories of, 14, 89 194–195 defined, 14 state-level community support resources, rules of, 88–89 summary of benefit, 307, 313 193–195 unreliability of schedules and spaces, 15 statement of service to qualify forspecial occasions, sharing during VA loan, 143 deployment, 266–267 statute of limitations adjustment forspecial warfare officers, bonus pay, 64specialty pay, 63, 71 servicemembers, 90sponsor for integration into new unit, stay of proceedings right, 90 stress management 33, 50 during deployments, 236–237, 250, 252–253, 268–269
356 A Family’s Guide to the Military For Dummies post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traditions and ceremonies. See customs 206, 209–210, 235 and courtesiesstudent loan repayments, 71 Tragedy Assistance Program for SurvivorsSurvivor Benefit Plan (SBP), 189, 212, (TAPS) (Web site), 214 286–287, 312, 319 Transition Assistance Online (Web site), 296•T• Transition Assistance Program (TAP), 274,T. Rowe Price (Web site), 111 295–296TA (Tuition Assistance) program, 153Talk, Listen and Connect (video series), 251 Transitional Assistance ManagementTAMP (Transitional Assistance Program (TAMP), 276 Management Program), 276 transitional survivorship status, 213TAP (Transition Assistance Program), 274, transitioning out of military. See also 295–296 retirementTAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for career assessment, 294–295 early career separation, 280–281 Survivors) (Web site), 214 introduction, 273taxes late career separation, 281–282 medical reasons, 207, 210 allowances as exempt from tax, 71, 132 overview, 4 combat deployment exemption, 226 planning for, 273–278 homeownership benefits, 137–138 pre-separation counseling, 295 leave, relationship to, 67 voluntary compared to involuntary on LES, 68 overview, 70–72 separation, 278–279 property, 116 transitory nature of military life, 10–15, state differences in handling, 193TDP (TRICARE Dental Plan), 84–85, 299 182. See also deployments; movingteacher certification, 163 traumatic brain injuries, 206teachers as anchors for child during Traumatic Injury Protection coverage, deployment, 255–256 93–94temporary compared to permanent travel, benefit of, 10, 14, 307–308, 313. See disability retirement, 208 also space available (Space-A) traveltemporary duty (TDY/TAD) assignments, TRICARE 10, 16 basic elements, 74–75temporary lodging facilities (TLFs), eligibility, 73, 75, 76, 77, 84 enrollment information, 81–82 35, 66, 90 Guard and Reserve members, 74, 82–84Thrift Saving Plan (TSP), 72, 108, 109–111, introduction, 32, 73 prescription drug coverage, 80 277, 302 statements, 85thrift shop, 47 summary, 80–81time in service, pay grade, relationship for survivors of servicemember’s to, 62 death, 213tipping of grocery sackers at Web site, 75 TRICARE Dental Plan (TDP), 84–85, 299 commissary, 36 TRICARE Extra, 74, 76–77titling of assets, 128 TRICARE for Life, 288TMC (The Military Coalition), 200–203 TRICARE Prime, 74, 77–79, 298toasts at Dining In/Out, 54 TRICARE Prime Overseas, 79tour of duty, defined, 54 TRICARE Prime Remote, 79
Index 357TRICARE Reserve Select, 83–84 vacation trips during deployment period,TRICARE Standard, 74, 75–76 258–260TSP (Thrift Saving Plan), 72, 108, 109–111, Veteran’s Affairs, U.S. Department of 277, 302 DIC benefit, 212Tuition Assistance (TA) program, 153 disability benefits, 208, 209 as MGIB administrator, 275•U• PTSD support (Web site), 207 Web site, 209under other than honorable (OTH) conditions discharge, 279 veteran’s benefits MGIB educational benefit, 10, 150–152,Understanding Credit For Dummies, 102 155, 275, 313unemployment benefits for military Post 9/11 GI Bill, 152–153 VA loans, 118, 142–143, 314 spouses, 163, 194Uniformed Services Employment and Veteran’s Benefits For Dummies, 209, 277, 288, 301 Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), 91, 193, 227 Veteran’s Group Life Insurance (VGLI), 93,Uniformed Services Former Spouse 277, 301 Protection Act (USFSPA), 188uniforms and ease of identification, 17 veterinary officers, bonus pay, 64unit, connecting to, 49–55 VetJobs.com (Web site), 297United Concordia Companies Vets4Hire (Web site), 297 (Web site), 84 Virtual Family Readiness Group (VFRG)United States Military Academy (West Point), 24 (Web site), 264U.S. Air Force Academy (Colorado vision care benefit, 79, 299 Springs), 24 voluntary compared to involuntaryU.S. Coast Guard Academy (New London), 24 separation, 278–279U.S. government jobs site (Web site), 297 volunteering, 157–158, 169, 241–242U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (Kings Point), 24 •W•U.S. Naval Academy (Annapolis), 24USERRA (Uniformed Services Employment warrant officers, ranks among, 21, 23 and Reemployment Rights Act), 91, Web-based resources 193, 227USFSPA (Uniformed Services Former children’s school options, 172 Spouse Protection Act), 188 deployment, 243–244, 253, 264USO (United Service Organization) (Web job hunting resources, 161 site), 195 online communities, 147–148,utilities, on-base housing, 134 199–200, 264•V• online exchange shopping, 37 scholarships, educational, 309VA Form 26-1880, 143 will, 125VA home loan, 118, 142–143, 314 wood hobby shop, 41vacation and holiday benefits, 66–67, wounded servicemembers, grassroots 68, 304 support organizations for, 197 •Y• yard maintenance for on-base housing, 134 Youth and Teen Center, 44, 176, 251
358 A Family’s Guide to the Military For Dummies
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