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Published by lindyslower, 2014-07-01 23:40:04

Description: To all our contributors, writers,
advisers, readers who have
contributed to AWCNN MAGAZINE
Thank you very much! All around the world we all have a story to tell whether
its pain, struggle , love, victory and praise. At AWCNN
MAGAZINE you will find stories and inspirational
articles that will inspire, motivate, educate, captivate
and transform your life to live an abundant fulfilling life.
Whether you are mother, sister, brother, husband,
friend, business man or woman, CEO of your company
this magazine is for you.


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A true thank you To all our contributors, writers, advisers, readers who have contributed to AWCNN MAGAZINE Thank you very much! 2


All around the world we all have a story to tell whether its pain, struggle, love, victory and praise. At AWCNN MAGAZINE you will find stories and inspirational articles that will inspire, motivate, educate, captivate and transform your life to live an abundant fulfilling life. Whether you are mother, sister, brother, husband, friend, business man or woman, CEO of your company this magazine is for you. You can be part of Awcnn magazine!  By emailing us @  Subscribe to our magazine @  ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESSES, MINISTRIES, BOOKS, MUSIC, EVENTS WITH AWCNN MAGAZINE 4

YOLANDA ADAMS Beautyline 5



Contents 57Love God’s way 19 Cover story Inspiration 16 Faith in God 50 Hospitality and crafted celebrations 14 How to avoid strife before ever even starts 65 New year Declarations FEATURED 32 Don’t blend in, stand out 53 8 Tips You NEED to Know to Keep Your Kids Healthy During Cold and Flu Season 8

Contents 40 Fall / winter must haves Lifestyle 44 Fashion must haves for women 35 Beauty tips 41 Fashion must haves for men 27 Gift ideas for your loved once Healthy living 62 Egg plant pizza recipe 63 Kale Caesar Salad 9



LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Yes we coming towards the end of 2013 with this fall issue my prayer is that as your ending this year into the new year 2014 you will enter it with God, excitement, hope, faith, laughter, peace, love, wisdom,open heart to receive every blessing God has for you, you will dream big and enjoy who God has created you to be. You will love more and give more and always remember to put God first. In this issue you will find inspiring real life stories and inspirational articles that will lift your spirits, fall fashion must haves, beauty, healthy recipes for the season, gift ideas for your loved ones. As you read this issue you will be inspired, motivated and transformed. To those that have gone through trials and challenges in 2013.. I Declare 2014 will be the best year for you. You will not lack but will be blessed beyond your wildest expectations, you will leap for joy, your bills will be paid, your debts will be cleared, your children shall recover from any sickness or addictions, you will finish school, you will have favor and get the job or career of your dreams, your marriage will be restored, you will love and value your life again, you will be confident and achieve any goal or dream you put your mind to because with God you can achieve and be anything. Happy Blessed and prosperous new year!! Editor in Chief Antoinette Kingsley 12


How to avoid strife before it ever even starts! By Jerry Latimer I guess I should consider myself extremely lucky to have a man like Steve Griffin as my neighbor. Not only is he a minister who goes to many of the state prisons to help with the services to the men that are incarcerated there,and he does it for free to boot! 14

ut also no matter the circumstances If I ever need his help ,like for example let's say I was broke down in \"Tim buk tu\" I know for certain that he would drive anywhere in the state of Texas at any hour of the night to lend me a hand. I'm serious now that's a real friend! Yes Steve has been like a father to me. I was dumbfounded..Huh? How do you One time though after a our family had figure I exclaimed. Then he proceeded to one our weekly knock down drag out patiently explain to me how I was the one severe arguments we seem so fond of being bullheaded and stubborn by having, couldn't tell you what it was all demanding that things be done my way about to save my life. It had been a good all the time. That maybe I should \"Yield\" while back now. Steve made a rather odd to the other party's wishes more often. remark to me that just seemed foreign to And that by doing so it wouldn't disturb my way of thinking. What he said the peace. That's basically as the old was...Jerry, wouldn't it be better for you to saying goes \"If you don't start any, there just\" Keep the peace then be in the right?\" won't be any\". Come to find out that this little secret in are not worth the argument! Just think of life had been instrumental to him having a how much more peaceful our lives would happy marriage even. To stop strife be if we could avoid these petty before it ever gets out of the gate. By arguments. Now certainly I don't think simple\" yielding\" to other person's this is the best approach in all scenarios wishes. Let me give you an example, let's like say if your spouse desperately needs say you and your spouse wants to paint medical attention and they stubbornly your living room. You want to paint it this refuse to go. That would be a situation soft lavender blue and they want to go where you might want to go ahead and with this funky florescent green color that call the ambulance and have the you just can not stand. Well to avoid the paramedics drag your beloved spouse out argument that would surely ensue you kicking and screaming but it was for their simple \"bite the bullet\" and say softly but own good!But no, most arguments are firmly yes dear. Whatever you say dear. usually quite petty and whether the living Florescent green the room shall be. By room,car,house, or the lawn is painted yielding you are avoiding creating strife. I lavender blue or florescent green it just know it's hard to let the other person doesn't matter. Always choose to have have their way and it seems kind of peace in God than arguments and you will cowardly to do this. But most things just have no strive. 15

Faith In God By Susie Shepherd An enormous amount of people are faced have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 with extraordinary circumstances today NKJV). Our faith is strengthened when we and many are coming under fire because choose to commit our ways to the Lord they have chosen to walk the Christian and when we rely upon Him to take us path. It is difficult to know just how many through our struggles and hardships. people are faced with difficulty as a result When we choose to follow Him regardless of choosing the right way, but we do of what is going on, this builds an inner know that in the world we will have conviction within us that cannot be tribulation, and so we must be prepared broken. When we stand firm and do not to use our faith to overcome all of the let our enemies frighten or scare us into trouble that is hurled our way. “These submission, this creates a firm foundation things I have spoken to you, that in Me where we can build our resolve and you may have peace. In the world you will receive the strength necessary to carry us have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I through any trial or suffering that we may 16

be faced with. “5 Commit everything you radiate like the dawn, and the justice of do to the Lord. Trust him, and He will help your cause will shine like the noonday you. 6 He will make your innocence sun.” (Psalm 37:5-6 NLT). esus will give you whatever you need to stay afloat. He will take you wherever it is that you need to go in order that you may prosper and succeed accordingly. He has ways to bring you out of the fire of torment and set you back down again onto safer shores. “2 He lets me rest in green meadows; He leads me beside peaceful streams.3 He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to His name.” (Psalm 23:2-3 NLT). If only you knew just how much He has for you, and how many wonderfully creative solutions He has got waiting for you with your name on them, you would be so totally relaxed and carefree, that nothing would ever again shake your confidence. (Ephesians 3:20). o you realize that you are the apple of His eye? You are more precious to Him than gold or silver or any other precious metal, stone or gem. You are fearfully and wonderfully made and created in His image and likeness (Genesis 1:27) and He has plans for you that you cannot even begin to imagine! (Jeremiah 29:11). He has known you before you were formed in your mother’s womb and He is waiting to give you the life you deserve. (Jeremiah 1:5). You are His masterpiece. A work in creation that is constantly being developed and strengthened in order to take you to new levels. (Ephesians 2:10). If you let Him, He will show you a great many things that will lead you to new heights and experiences that will absolutely amaze you. When you reach these heights, the view from there will be breathtaking and you will begin to receive new levels of awareness and revelations about your life and what you will be able to achieve. Oh the beauty and grandeur of a life living in harmony with the Lord’s will! What a wondrous journey it is to have the pleasure to be able to know such a wonderful teacher and master! What an honor it is to know that He has chosen you. Yes YOU! Let us give thanks to our Lord. Truly He is awesome! Amen. “17 ‘Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You.” (Jeremiah 32:17 NKJV). All glory for these words goes to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Let’s take a brief moment to experience His goodness: Psalm 139 (NLT) 17


Susie Jennings 19

the spirit of fear, but of power and of t was Tuesday, March 9, 1993, a love and of a sound mind.\" (2 Timothy 1:7) It helped me to know that the Lord bright and beautiful spring-like day. would take away my fears, anxieties, Although an array of flowers were and uncertainties. The first four days I blooming and the trees were leafing out, was alone, I felt immensely concerned my heart was heavy with concern. There yet still hopeful. I went to work and was a sense of loneliness and deepening every time I went home, I would pray apprehension. My beloved husband of that David’s white car would be parked nine years, David, had not returned home. On that day, he became a in the garage and that he would be missing person nationwide. I remember waiting for me. Yet there was no David, only an empty house. I praise the Lord how difficult those days were for me, and they have left an indelible imprint in for bringing my mother to California my heart. David had been suffering from the Philippines just a few days before David disappeared. The Lord from a chemical imbalance called knew I would need her; however, it was “Serotonin Deficiency,” causing him to good that I was at home by myself be severely depressed. It worsened when initially because I was completely he lost a close family member, his job, dependent on the Lord. On Saturday, and when his psychiatrist moved to March 13, my mom arrived in Dallas. It another state. On the night of his was a bittersweet reunion. I was so disappearance, I paced the floor and grateful to see her but saddened that looked out the front window and the window at the back garage again and David was not with me to welcome her. That day, the Lord gave me this verse to again. I went to bed, but sleep evaded me. I sang hymns and read a story claim, \"For His anger is but for a about a woman who had lost her moment. His favor is for life; weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes daughter. I found comfort only in the in the morning.\" (Psalm 30:5) This gave Lord and in His promises, but most of me hope, because it made me think that all in prayer. That night the Lord gave David was alive and probably trying to me this verse, \"For God has not given us 20

find a job somewhere; there could once asked the Lord to give me a joyful and again be joy in our home. Every night reassuring hymn. I randomly opened the my mother and I knelt down and prayed hymnal, and the Lord gave me the together, hoping. The second week, the hymn, \"It is Well with My Soul.\" It says, Lord gave me another verse, \"I will \"When sorrow like sea billows roll….\" I preserve his life, I will keep him alive did not think that it was the right song and he will be blessed upon the earth, either, so I turned to another page. and he will not be given to the will of Then He gave me this song, \"He Hideth his enemies.\" (Psalm 41:2) The Lord My Soul.\" When I came to the last continued to give me hope that David stanza I sang, \"When clothed in His was alive. I was virtually clinging to the brightness transported I rise to meet part of the verse that said, \"I will keep Him in clouds of the sky….\" I thought him alive.\" God is so kind. He gave me to myself, this is not a coincidence any hope to keep me functioning. The third longer. It was talking about death. The week, the Lord gave me another verse, next day, I opened my Bible hoping I \"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the would come upon a verse that would death of His saints.\" (Psalm 116:15) assure me that David was still alive. When I read this verse, I thought it was Within moments my eyes fell on these just a coincidence, because I had been words, \"Precious in the sight of the Lord reading the Psalms chapter by chapter is the death of His saints.\" I prayed since David's disappearance. At first, I earnestly and without ceasing. I had did not like the verse, so I closed my never felt so near to the Lord as during Bible and reached for my hymnal. I those agonizing days. “In my heart, I knew that God was telling me that David was gone, but another part of me did not want to believe it. As the week unfolded, my mom started praying that someone would lead us to David' body. At first I was upset, but the Lord was actually using my mother to prepare me for the truth”. 21

On Wednesday, April 7, an unexpected answered my prayers in His own way. visitor knocked on my front door. It was His ways are higher than our ways. the detective assigned to David's case. While we searched, a single gunshot He told me that David’s car was found rang out from a deputy’s gun as a in Atoka, Oklahoma on March 13. signal. The deputy came to us and said, However, I was not informed because \"I found a body, and I think it is him.\" the report sent to the local police was David had killed himself with a gun. misplaced. I remembered the angry The sheriff found his body intact but feelings I had toward the local police decomposing. The Lord had graciously department. I wanted to sue them, but kept me from discovering him first immediately the Holy Spirit reminded because part of his neck was already me that God was still in control. Peace badly decomposed. Thirty days under enveloped my heart. I desired to place the elements, sunshine and rain, but everything into God’s hands. Thursday, because of the cooler spring weather, April 8, I got out of bed with a sense of the rest of David's body was much dread and heaviness in my heart. preserved during that time. I Together with my three pastors, my remembered Psalm 41:2. At this point, I father-in-law, and our detective, we did not ask the Lord why this had drove to Atoka, Oklahoma to look for happened because I knew He was in David. A part of me was still hoping control. However, I was filled with and the other part knew something was anger towards David. My legs went terribly wrong. Along the way, I kept limp. I lost all my strength. I knelt down looking for David’s car, still hoping to facing a very tall tree, asking, \"Why? see him alive. There was no David until David, why?\" We promised to grow old we reached the place where the car was together. Now he had left me all alone. found. The sheriff and four deputies After my pastor assisted me to my feet, went with us to a secluded part of my body was in shock. After walking Atoka. I asked the Lord for two things: into an open field, I cried at the top of that we would find David that day and my lungs, wanting God to hear me. I that I would find him first. The Lord screamed, \"God, give me strength. God, 22

give me strength!\" I immediately felt a asked the Lord, \"Why?\" He answered bolt, like electricity, coming from my left me by giving me a vision through a and right big toes, traveling up my legs, dream. In my dream, I was knocking at and going out of my mouth. I felt an people’s doors, sharing the gospel. Out immediate peace as my heavy burden of of my sorrow and pain, I organized sorrow was lifted. I walked on the “The Lord's Bride Fellowship,” a gravel feeling as if my feet were not ministry for widows and single mothers touching the ground. I had been given was born. After that, I asked God what an indescribable peace. Now, the Lord I could do for Him and the community. has become my husband as Isaiah 54:5 One Sunday in October 1993, as I drove says, \"The Lord, your Maker will be home after teaching a preschool class in your husband.\" He has faithfully Sunday school, the Lord began talking provided me a wonderful mother, to me. I was driving in downtown parents-in-law, grandparents-in-law, and Dallas passing a bridge when I heard a friends who love and have prayed for voice so loud I could hear Him me. David was buried the day before speaking. God directed me to look to Easter Sunday. He was scheduled to my left side. I saw more than 100 sing the song \"Heaven\" in our church homeless men and women living under on Easter. He was actually already in the Canton Street bridge with cardboard heaven singing his song before the Lord! boxes as their homes and trash bags as Three months after we buried David, I their windows. I had driven in that area had a car accident, which injured my for 10 years but had not noticed this. right foot and kept me from working for Then I heard a voice saying, \"You go two months. Two months later, my next under that bridge in person!\" I was door neighbor killed himself near my shocked and my initial response was, fence. I was actually baking a cake in \"No, not me. Those people are violent my kitchen when he was just a few feet and crazy. They are bums and they away. The Lord was so gracious in might hurt me.\" Then I heard God's shielding me from neither seeing him reply, \"It was you who asked what can nor hearing the gunshot. This time I you do for Me.\" Immediately the Holy 23

Spirit convicted me. I asked God to We distributed 100 blankets and did forgive me. I asked what I could give to one-on-one evangelism together. Many these needy people. God replied in one homeless people found hope in Jesus. word, \"Blankets!\" The conversation The next month we returned, the started from the beginning and ended at Sunday before Christmas. We brought the end of that bridge. The Lord an evangelist who preached on top of a changed my hardened heart towards the pickup truck. More people accepted homeless. The next day, I went to work Jesus as Lord. We named the project in the hospital and collected money for \"Operation Care. blankets from doctors and nurses. We went under that bridge in November, the Sunday before Thanksgiving. \" Romans 8:28 was the verse I claimed, \"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.\" Although Satan meant David’s death for evil, the Lord used it for good. David's death brought life to many. Charles Spurgeon said, “Tried Without exception, each step has been a Christians, afterwards…grows rich by growing experience that strengthens me his losses, he rises by his falls, he lives and teaches me the powerful role of by dying, and becomes full by being prayer in my daily walk with my emptied.” Would I trade my experience beloved Savior. God feels our pains, with anyone? Never, because this is a shares our sorrows and places our tears uniquely packaged experience that the in His bottle. (Psalm 56:8) Lord placed in this journey called “life”. 24

Through it all God opened Susie’s eyes to a greater purpose , call and mission to helping those in need. Susie continues to be a blessing in the city of Dallas Texas and making a difference in peoples lives. Every year on Susie puts together one international ministry offers our of the largest Christmas parties for the homeless and impoverished neighbors homeless in the United States – that hope. “Thousands of men, women and provide hot meals, coats, shoes, sleeping children in the Dallas/Fort Worth area bags, personal hygiene products, spend their nights in shelters, on medical care, counseling, foot-washing sidewalks or under bridges. Many are and other services to more than 14,000+ single mothers. Many are military people. Children are given toys and veterans. It’s our privilege to make a homeless veterans will be recognized. difference in their lives during the Free phone calls and bus tickets are Christmas season…”says Susie offered to those who want to reunite God opened her heart to giving and her with family members. More than 3,000 joy is seeing thousands of people blessed volunteers from more than 300 churches through operation care international all serve those who need assistance. Susie for the glory of God. the founder of operation care So get involved by visiting their website@ 972-681-3567 For More Information: 25


Smartphone Photo Cube Printer The Smartphone Photo Cube Printer lets you print borderless color photos in 4\"x6\" or panorama sizes, without a computer. Simply download the free app, choose your JPEG photo, connect your device, and watch photos print before your eyes in razor-sharp 300dpi x 300dpi resolution. Compatible with all iPhone, iPad, Galaxy and other Android devices via 30-pin dock or USB port (simply use the USB cable that came with your device). PictBridge compatible. Includes sample cartridge that prints 10 4\" x 6\" photos Aromatherapy Diffuser Using advanced ultrasonic technology our stylish Aromatherapy Diffuser subtly diffuses the scent of your favorite essential oils, without dangerous flames. It looks like a stylish black bowl. Simply place water and a small amount of your favorite scented oil into the Aromatherapy Diffuser. Ultrasonic action 27

blends the water and oil and creates an extra fine mist that subtly scents its surroundings for up to 24 hours. Interval function scents air on and off throughout the day. Oils not included. Plugs into any AC outlet. Available in black, white and blue. Neck Massager With Wireless Remote Control Don’t let neck pain and strain keep you tied to a bulky heating pad. The rechargeable Neck Massager with Wireless Remote Control adjusts to fit most anyone. It features four automatic massage modes and six manual options that combine vibrating massage, Far Infrared Ray (FIR) heat and low-frequency electrical impulses to soothe tight muscles. It’s so comfortable and lightweight, you’ll want to sneak a neck massage while you’re working, walking or just watching TV. Bonzart Lit Digital Camera A camera for the kid in all of us, the toy-like Bonzart Lit is a digital point-and-shoot that fits in the palm of the hand. The $40 price point doesn't break the bank and the camera's minimal interface keeps even the clumsiest photographer from getting confused. In pink, black, white, blue and red, from 28

Motorola Moto X T he Moto X, the first smartphone that Motorola fully developed since Google bought the company, hasn't sold well, but we still love it. The 4.7-inch display is larger than an iPhone's, and smaller than the 5-inch Samsung Galaxy S4, but that's a good thing -- the phone is just the right size and fits well in an average or even small-sized hand. It's also packed with sensors -- a simple twist of the phone activates the camera, and you can speak to it to set an alarm, call your contacts, send text messages, and more, without pressing any buttons. Customize the colors of the phone using Moto Maker. Starts between $0 $99 with a two-year contract, depending on wireless carrier. Fitbit Force FitBit Force, a bracelet that tracks steps, burned calories, distance traveled, stairs climbed and sleep, blurs the line between smartwatch and activity tracker. A small display shows you your progress throughout the day, and believe it or not, even tells the time. If you have an iPhone 4S or later or a compatible Android device, Force syncs to the accompanying app in real time with your handset. If not, you can sync the data to your computer. A forthcoming update will allow people with newer iPhones running iOS 7 to pair the bracelet with their phone to see call notifications. $129.95 from 29

Fashion Tote Bag  10\"(H)x12\"(W)x5\"(D)  Zipper Top Closure  One Zipper Pocket With Two Pouch Pockets Inside  Middle Zipper Compartment Inside  Back Zipper Pocket  Gold Toned Hardware  Solid Tan Android 4.0 Quad-core 1.2Ghz 16GB Dual-Camera 10.1\" Tablet PC - Black or Red Tablets are terrific, wouldn't you agree? They keep us connected, entertained and productive anytime and anywhere and there isn't one of us who doesn't appreciate handheld computing convenience these days. This Android tablet PC is a capable performer that's ready to bring you up to speed with everything tablets have to offer. Running Android 4.0 with a 1.2GHz CPU and 16GB of memory, it's got plenty of pep and usability for emailing, video chatting, browsing the web with a Wi-Fi connection, watching video. 30

Flowerbomb is a floral explosion, a profusion of flowers that has the power to make everything seem more positive. Magically evocative notes will immediately awaken your deepest senses, giving you the impression of living life in your own secret garden away from reality. Jewelry Diamond Jewelry At Jonathan’s Fine Jewelers we specialize in custom diamond jewelry, but we also carry a wide array of fine jewelry set in platinum, 18 kt. white and yellow gold and sterling silver. If you are looking for earrings, necklaces, bracelets, brooches, high end watches or rings that are estate or even brand new, we have an ever changing inventory of pieces that are sure to please your palate 31

why God didn’t tell us when that day is coming. He doesn’t just want us to get ready for Jesus to come back. He wants us to live ready! The apostle Paul wrote to his young apprentice Timothy and described to him what the “last days” would look like. If you read through the list of characteristics found in 2 Timothy 3:1-5, it sounds like a description of the world we live in: greed, arrogance, slander, and no self-control. The list is pretty accurate. It’s hard to turn on the TV, listen to the But in the next chapter, Paul gives Timothy radio, open a newspaper or look on the Internet without coming face to face with specific instructions on how he is to handle the evil of this world. I don’t know if we’re these difficult times. He tells Timothy to “correct, rebuke and encourage” those living in the very “last days” before Jesus returns or not, but I’m certain that we’re a around him (2 Timothy 4:1-5). lot closer today than we were yesterday. Now the encouraging part isn’t that A lot of Christians are interested in when difficult. I do a lot of that in my teaching and people accept it pretty well. But when I Jesus is going to return, and I look forward to that day as well…but there’s a reason get into the “correct and rebuke” mode…that starts stepping on some toes. 32

God’s calling on my life, as a teacher of His We as Christians know that we are safe and Word, is to help people grow up spiritually secure in God’s arms and that He will so they can have the abundant life Jesus always take care of us, even in the hardest died for them to have. That means I can’t of times. Our lives should reflect our faith in just tell them what they want to hear. that Truth. That kind of living is what makes When I stand before God to give an account you “holy” or “set apart” from the world. of what I’ve taught, I’ll be responsible for The very fact that you can go out and live telling folks what they need to hear, not just unafraid is a witness and a testimony to the what makes them feel good. world. “Now Joyce,” some of you are saying, “I’m not a preacher like you or Timothy. What Safety doesn’t always equal comfort, does all this have to with me?” though. Living in the world means we’re You are a preacher! Maybe not with your always going to see things and hear things mouth all the time like me, but as a believer that make us a little uncomfortable. And in Christ, your life is a living sermon. At that’s OK. Sometimes God places us in work, at the grocery store, at school…your situations where we’re uncomfortable just life should encourage others by showing so we turn the light up a little bit brighter. them the love of God working in your life. To do this, we don’t have to get all And you don’t even have to open your “religious.” There’s no need for you to walk mouth to do it! around with your six-pack of Bibles and covered head to toe with bumper stickers. So what kind of life makes a good sermon? All you need to do is let your light shine. It’s the kind of life that reflects the fact that Loving, calm, happy, gracious behavior will you are a child of God. That alone will stand stand out. That will be a light in a dark out in this world. place. In these tough times, we need God For example, I John 4 says we can live more than ever. And as we are the Body of without fear because of what God has done Christ, God needs us to be acting on His for us. God promises that He will take care behalf. He needs us to go out and shine His of us, whatever our circumstances or what’s light into the darkness of the world. Believe going on in the world around us. People today that in Christ, you have what it takes today are scared. They’re scared of wars, to not be afraid and to be a person that God the economy, the government…it seems can use to change people’s lives. the news is a constant fear-fest these days. 33


FALL-WINTER BEAUTY TIPS By Leslie Tong “The winter season is here and that means it’s time to update your makeup and skin care products to make you look your best despite the sometimes harsh elements at work during this time of year ”, 1. FOR DRY SKIN: “Just because the cold weather makes the day look gray, dry, and dull, it doesn’t mean your skin has to”, says Leslie. She suggests using a moisturizer to keep your skin well hydrated throughout the winter months, in addition to drinking plenty of water. If your skin is oily, you don’t have to goop up your face at night, but applying a good moisturizer will prevent skin from getting oilier as a 35

result of trying to compensate for the dry dark and light colors to enhance certain weather. Keep in mind that you should still features like cheekbones, the nose and the use a daytime moisturizer containing SPF, jaw line. Follow the step-by-step since the sun’s harmful UV rays can still instructions on the next page on how to reach the skin even on cloudy days. highlight and contour your face. 2. FOR DULL SKIN: “If you’re like 4. FOR MORE COLOR: Although me”, says Leslie, “then your skin can look summer has faded away, you can still use ‘blah’ in winter.” To add radiance to your colorful makeup. For daytime, stick with face, Leslie likes to use a foundation mixed the brown shades of eye shadow with a with a light shimmer such as MAC pop of color on the lips. Keeping daytime Cosmetics Strobe Cream makeup simpler will make it easier to ( for a soft, dewy transition it to a sultry evening look by glow. You can mix two parts foundation to adding darker eye shadow shades and one part shimmer. Just stay away from deeper hued lipsticks. As always, the shimmers that look too glittery, or you’ll general rule of thumb for evening makeup end up looking like a disco ball! is if you wear a dark, smoky eye, then keep the lips more nude in color. The reverse is 3. FOR PALE SKIN: One of the true: if you wear darker lipstick, then keep easiest and most cost-effective ways to the eye shadow colors more natural. And avoid looking like a character from a don’t be afraid to really do it up for the vampire movie in the winter is to use a holidays by experimenting with glitter on bronzer that’s just a couple of shades the eyelids to liven up that little black darker than your skin tone. Applying it on dress! Keep the glitter where you want it areas like the forehead, just under the by using “Glitter Glue” by Too Faced cheekbone, and along the jawbone with a cosmetics (, which will large powder brush will bring color to pale last long into the night without letting and “flat-looking” skin. Another bronzing glitter end up on your cheeks. technique that requires a little bit more skill (and time) involves contouring and highlighting the face. This technique uses 36

How To Highlight and Contour Your Face STEP 1: For this technique, you’ll need three shades of foundation: One that’s the shade of your natural skin tone, one that’s 2-3 shades lighter than your skin tone, and one that’s 2-3 shades darker than your skin tone. First apply the foundation that matches your skin tone. To create areas on the face that look like they recede, apply the darker foundation with a concealer brush along the hairline of your forehead, down the sides of the nose, and along the cheekbone and jaw line. To create areas on the face that you want to stand out, apply the lighter foundation/concealer onto the center of your forehead, underneath your eyes, along the bridge of your nose, just above your upper lip, on our chin, and under the cheekbone. STEP 2: For the best results, blend into the skin without the foundations well. Leslie prefers streaks left using a beauty sponge like the HD behind by GlamourGrip™ by Graftobian brushes.” ( in a stippling or dabbing motion over the face.“Beauty sponges are great because not only are they super soft and pleasant on the face”, says Leslie, “but they’re easy to use and do a fantastic job at blending the foundation STEP 3: Check your face for symmetry or balance. If one cheek is darker than the other, then the darker cheek will look like it recedes more than the other. The same goes for the highlighted areas: If one cheekbone is lighter than the other, then the lighter cheekbone will stand out more. 37

STEP 4: Finish up by applying the rest of your makeup. Leslie Tong, owner and lead makeup artist for Shirrell Beauty in Silicon Valley, California, recommends the following beauty tips for winter: Shirrell Beauty is a professional makeup service based in Northern California. Leslie Tong, founder and lead makeup artist for Shirrell Beauty, began the business out of her love for makeup, beauty and her passion for inspiring women of all ages to feel good about themselves. View Shirrell Beauty tutorials: 38

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FALL MUST HAVES FOR MEN 1. Get A Proper Overcoat... That coat you wore in September is probably not cut out for winter weather, so invest in a proper overcoat that is dressy enough to go over a suit but can work double-duty on the weekends. Look for a warm wool, camel hair, or cashmere option and have it hit just above the knee to keep things modern. 1. Gloves Instead of treating gloves as a wardrobe afterthought, buy a quality pair. They'll not only keep you warm, but they'll look good with the rest of your clothes, too. And make sure they fit you. \"Winter gloves should fit snugly but not tightly – they need to 41

have room for air, which insulates,\" says Bryan Freedman. 2. Hats Not only do hats add to your overall comfort in cold temps, and protect your face and ears in freezing conditions, they can also impart a great deal of handsome style to your appearance when you’re out and about in this winter season. 3. Scarfs In places that was cold it served a practical purpose but for many men scarves were a stylistic addition. Scarves add a touch of panache and elegance to a man's wardrobe and underline their ruggedness and masculinity in a way you would have never thought possible. Of course wearing the right kind of scarf is of prime importance. 42

4. Boots As you begin considering your seasonal footwear investment, your thoughts should immediately turn toward the principal materials of the season. This autumn/winter, there are two clear frontrunners: leather and suede. Fairly unsurprising, these two fabrics hold true to the purpose of boots.Boots will keep you warm through the winter season By Jeff Peters 43

8 Winter Wardrobe Essentials for Women How are you keeping warm this winter season? Is that puffy jacket fashion forward or fashion suicide? Well, it depends on how you wear it and what you pair with it. Keeping warm doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice fashion for function. Try adding these eight fashion pieces to your closet. 44

1. Chunky knit cardigan Nothing says warm like a big, comfy sweater. Whether you’re going out to shop or headed for the office, throw on a chunky cardigan over your jeans or leggings to complete your look. Want more shape to your look? Then, belt it! 2. Boots From knee-high to bootie, a good pair of boots should always be part of your cold season outfit. To make sure that you get the most out of your fabulous footwear, consider buying a pair in black or brown for versatility and at a comfortable heel height. 3. Gloves You can dress-up your hands with rings and bracelets, but gloves are vital to accessorizing (and protecting) your hands this season. Leather gloves are always a winter wardrobe staple, but spice up your style with some color like purple or 45

red. For a more casual and fun look, try fingerless gloves. They keep your hands warm while keeping your fingers free. 4. Bright colored coat You can’t go wrong with a classic. A good coat will keep you cozy from the winter wind. Instead of going with the usual neutral colors, opt for colors that pop. Pink, teal, orange or red; bright colors make a statement and can really dress up a t-shirt and jeans look. 5. Beanies It may not be the most chic accessory to wear, but your head and ears will thank you for choosing this hat. Oddly enough, the beanie is a pretty hot trend this season. It’s a hat that anyone can wear and they do come in many different styles, colors and themes (thank goodness)! 46

6. Sweater dress Comfort and warmth can still be part of your main ensemble piece with the sweater dress. They are simple enough to wear with just leggings or opaque tights. Wearing it with skinny jeans doesn’t hurt either. Accessorizing is easy with any belt. Complete your look with a pair of knee-high boots. 7. Leggings Leggings are great for almost any season, especially for winter. They are comfy, warm and stylishly versatile. Leggings don’t have to be black; you can try different colors or even prints when paired with a neutral top. You can also try different textures, like faux leather leggings. 47

8. Scarves This the season to celebrate the scarf. This accessory should be on every woman’s must- have list. Why? Not only does it keep you warm, but it can really make a statement to your outfit. Unlike other accessories, this one can eliminate the need for extra accessories. Though a scarf is simple enough in just one color, take your style to the next level by going with floral or animal print. By Sarah Matson 48


picture these holiday seasons like he holiday season brings out the adoring a beautiful table. Setting out my finest China polishing up all the joy and celebration of the season as a silverware laying napkins out just so family of 9 we absolutely enjoy and there's a name tags for each celebrating Biblical celebration. I 50