Stress is not WHAT happens to someone but How you react to situations Non specific response of the body to any demand made upon it. Demand can be a threat, a challenge or any change which requires the body to adapt. Can be good or bad.
Hypothalamus Pituitary gland ACTH & Prolactin Adrenal glands Glucocorticoid Sympathetic nervous sys.Adrenaline & Nonadrenaline Pancreas Glucagon Brain & pituitary Subst. decrease pain perception
↑Heart Rate ↑Blood Pressure ↑Respiratory rate ↑Blood Sugar, fats ↑Brain alertness ↓Immunity ↓Digestion ↓Sex drive/libido Improved memory with eventual inhibition of memory Decreased perception of Pain
Sarah’s mother was driving a big farm machine in their field. She didn't see the youngster playing in the tall wheat stocks. Accidentally, she ran over her young daughter with this big farm machine. Noticing the unusual sensation as she struck her daughter, she stopped the loud engine and hurried off to see what she had run over. Realizing it was her daughter, she panicked not knowing what to do. There was no one around to help. In a moment of extreme alarm, she lifted the very heavy machine off her daughter and pulled her out with one mighty motion. Once she pulled her child out from underneath the machine, she picked her up, and ran all the way back to the farmhouse to call for help. Afterwards, the mother collapsed from exhaustion, unable to generate any energy. In those few moments of her daughter's peril, she had become SUPERWOMAN.
Repeated Prolonged
Mr Ade was busy replying to late emails when suddenly his wife called and asked him to buy her something with his ATM card because her card was not working. Suddenly Ade’s boss comes in and asked him to finish an important assignment before noon. He starts shouting at everyone and when his wife called for the second time he hung up without saying a word.
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