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The goal of this project was to re-design Southern IllinoisUniversity Carbondale’s Saluki Stadium. The main requestsmade by the client included gameday lockerooms, moreseating space, and an increase in the number of boxes for useby the press, coaches, and fans, all of which were taken intoaccount with this design. A restuarant that can be utilized allyear round, a gameday gift shop, and an outdoor courtyard andpavilion are all included in the proposed development as well.SALUKI STADIUMProject: Redesigned SIU Football StadiumLocation: Carbondale, IllinoisDate: March 12, 201501 Project 01/2
Trueblood HallSite Analysis SIUC Student CenterThe current Saluki Stadium is locatedon the South end of campus, inbetween the SIU Arena and Route 51.While analyzing the site, the pedestriantraffic was studied, guiding partsof the design, such as the outdoorcourtyard and pavilion located tothe West of the proposed Stadium.Taking into account where the majorityof parking is located also aided indetermining where best to placethe proposed year-round restuarant. Saluki Stadium SIU Arena Carbondale, ILProject 01/3
Current Pedestrian Traffic Proposed Site PlanDevelopment Pedestrian Traffic Project 01/4
First Level ConcourseProject 01/5 North Facing Section
Second Level Concourse Third Level Boxes Project 01/6
Luxury Box Lower DeckProject 01/7
CourtyardMain Entrance Project 01/8
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