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Home Explore Phrasal Verbs' List Rules Practice

Phrasal Verbs' List Rules Practice

Published by zouinehilal87, 2017-04-17 07:38:00

Description: Phrasal Verbs' List Rules Practice


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Ibrahim Mously High School - P H R A S A L V E R B S : L I S T , R U L E S & P R A C T I C E - MR. Abdelkarim Foulfoula A phrasal verbs is a two-word or a three-word verb ( a verb that is composed of two or three words).We place particles (a preposition or an adverb, or a combination of both ) after certain verbs to get a variety of meanings. put: place sth in a location  put on: wear (clothes)  put off : postpone (a meeting)  put up with : tolerate, endure Phrasal Verb = verb + particle [ verb : put, particle : on / off / up with ]  the added particles changed meanings Two-word verb : - He put on his jacket and left the building. - Can we put off this meeting ? Three-word verb : - I can’t put up with talkative people. - I can put up with a messy room, but not a dirty one.P. VERB MEANING P. VERB MEANING P. VERB MEANINGask out ask someone out on a date get off leave a vehicle ( car, bus …) put back return to original place / statebreak down put off postponebreak into stop working or functioning get on enter a vehicle (car , bus..) put on wear clothes , dressbreak up with put out extinguish (a cigarette, fire ..)bring about enter ( a building ) by force get out of leave a place put up raise ( your hand )bring up put up with tolerate, endurecall back end a relationship / a romance get over recover from ( a situation) run across find by chancecall off run away from escapecall on cause , lead to get through with finish run into meet by chancecall up run out of finish a supply of somethingcalm down raise children , mention a topic get up arise from bed, a chair etc. show up appear suddenly , come tocarry on donate ( clothes, books …) stand for to mean somethingcatch up with return a phone call give away stand up for defendcheck in switch off stop a device , the lightcheck into cancel give back return something to someone switch on start a device, the lightcheck out take off remove clothes , start to flycheer up ask a student in class give up surrender / stop a habit take out take sb on a date , removeclean up take over take controlcome across call on the the phone ( uregently) go after follow take up begin a new activity or habitcome back talk back to reply impolitelycome in stop feeling angry go back return team up with work togethercome up with tear down demolish, destroy completelycount on continue ( doing something ) go down decrease tear up tear into many little piecescross out tell off speak angrily to someonecut down on reach the same level as someone go off start to ring loudly think back on recall , rememberdo over think over consider , think about sthdress up register (at a hotel ) go over review or check throw away discard; get rid ofdrop by throw out put in garbage, get rid ofdrop in (on) investigate go up increase throw up vomitdrop off try on put on clothing to see if it fitsdrop out (of) investigate , borrow a book grow up become an adult turn down decrease volume , refuseeat out turn in submit ( school work, project)face up to feel happier , make sb feel happy hand in submit ( an assignment ) turn off stop an equipment, the lightfigure out turn up increase volume or intensityfill in make clean and orderly hang up stop a telephone conversation take after resemble, look like (someone)fill out walk out on end a relationshipfind out find by chance keep away from not to go near wash up wash one’s face, the dishes…get along with walk into enter ( a building )get away with return keep on continue try out test something or someoneget back show off intend to attract admirationget back at enter keep out of not enter / to remain outside put aside forget about (our differences)get into think of (an idea, plan …) keep up with stay at the same level stand out be the best ( in a group ) depend on someone kick out (of) force (someone) to leave draw a line through leave out ommit , eliminate reduce ( an amount of sth ) look after take care of someone repeat , do again look at observe wear formal clothes look down on scorn , underestimate visit informally look for search visit informally look forward to be excited about leave sth / someone somewhere look into investigate quit, stop going to school look out for be careful about sth eat outside ( at a restaurant) look over review or check confront look up look for information in a book find the answer by logic look up to respect, admire add information to a form make up invent (a story) , decide give a baby someone’s name complete a form with information name after discover information about sth pass away die be in a good relationship pass out lose consciousness , distribute go unpunished pick out select , choose return from somewhere pick up lift , take take revenge point out call someone's attention to sth Enter , start ( a fight) put away take to an appropriate place

MATCH THE FOLLOWING PHRASAL VERBS WITH THEIR CORRESPONDING MEANINGS: A. FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE APPROPRIATE PHRASAL VERBS FROM THE LISTS.PRACTICE ONE come back ran into turned on put on put back turn down look after run out of come up with looking for got up call back go back breaks down get out of take off call off broke into gone up takes afterPRACTICE TWO B. FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE APPROPRIATE PHRASAL VERBS FROM THE LISTS. go off - wake up - get up - turn off - go back - give up - show up - put up with Nick has never been able to ________early. When he was in elementary school, his mother would set the alarm clock for 6:00 AM. Yet it would not wake him up. When he was in high school, his alarm clock would _______ , but he’d simply ________it ___and _________ to sleep. Every morning his father would shout, “Come on, Nick! You’re going to be late.” The shouting did not help, however. On a few days, Nick would _______ one hour late for his morning classes ! Nick knew that his school would not _________ this situation much longer. His parents were frustrated, but they didn’t_________ . come up with - came across - going over - made up - checking out - called up - found out - counting on - called back One day Nick’s mom _______ a blog on the Internet where people were sharing their stories about oversleeping and the different ideas they had ________ solve their problems. After _______a few of these stories and realizing there could be a health issue, Nick’s mother made up her mind that the best advice was to ________ a sleep specialist on the Internet. After _______ several websites, Nick’s mom ______ about a specialist for her son’s condition. She _______him ___ and left a message. The next day, the doctor _________her ___to talk about Nick’s situation. Now the family is _______ him to help solve Nick’s problem.

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