• Global Alumni Conclave was conducted on 28th August 2021 which was based on the topic 'The Power of Ideas'. It was a virtual informal conversation between Alumni Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar, Principal Director, Symbiosis, Pro Chancellor, SIU • SCAE reached out to Alumni across the globe through various communication channels and social media platform and informed them about the Global Conclave individually and asked them to register. • SCAE has connected with all Alumni that were at reach but the most priority was given to Platinum Alumni, Entrepreneurs, and those Alumni who were keen on sharing their thoughts and wanted to have a word Dr. Vidya Madam.
We have reached to alumni through various communication channels Media Numbers of messages E- Mail Campaign 400000+ WhatsApp 7000+ Telegram 150 + LinkedIn 8000+
ZOOM YOUTUBE 258 Alumni joined Zoom meeting out of 1050 57 Alumni were watching live on YouTube registrations.
Thank you Great to SCAE, for emeet you this initiative all It's a pleasure to Beautiful be a part of idea Vidya the session mam.
You have done Vertical wise great work in chapter is good brining alumni community idea -Kartik together.. Swaminathan -Tanu Gupta Hello great Good to see the initiative from focus on SCAE. Proud to be associated with Healthcare, using Symbiosis family. a multi -Aniruddha Harne disciplinary approach -Vijay Vedantam
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