THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE DISTRICT SCHOOL NEWSPAPER CONFERENCE 2020 VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 A2 opinion SOAR HIGH SPJ CONDUCTS CULMINATING ACTIVITY 2020 by: Andreah David A3 feature To enhance student’s journalistic skills , MHPNHS Principal VI stated in her welcoming A4 sports Special Program in Journalism of Marce- remarks. lo H. Del Pilar National High School Acording to her, the choices we made (MHPNHS) conducted their annual Culminat- today will surely define us in the future and will ing Activity, Tuesday, March 3. help us to achieve our main goal which is excel- With the theme “Enhancing students’ lence. journalistic skills in selected media platforms” In addition to this, Assistant Principal, , the five sections of SPJ, 7-Nakpil, 8-Soliven, Marco Eusebio said that the most important 8-Benigno, 9-Ople, and 9-Roces, compete to thing that a journalist should make sure to up- showcase their knowledge they gathered for the hold is honesty, fairness, and Integrity. entire school year through writing, radio and However, it is expected that the annu- TV broadcasting, cartooning, and layouting. al event will be successful with the assistance “Take opportunities, enhance skills of SPJ teachers, panel of judges and Grade and learn from the gurus,” Ma. Victoria C. Vivo, 10-SPJ-Locsin. WHO, declared COVID-19 as International Emergency Outbreak by: Andreah David The Department of cases in the Philippines, raised it’s global risk as- Health (DOH) contin- one is reported dead due sessment of the virus to MHPNHS Comelec ue to place patients un- to severe pneumonia the maximum level and Annunces SSG der investigation for pos- while the other two declared the outbreak as Winners sible cases of COVID-19, On the other an international emer- a illness that originated hand, there are 24,536 gency. Supreme Stu- from Wuhan, China. confirmed cases in chi- Meanwhile, the dent Govern- As of Monday, na, 4,874 in South Korea, global death toll has ment (SSG) an- March 2, the DOH said two in United Arab Emir- reached 3,044, with nounces the result that it has probed 638 pa- ates, two in Hong Kong, 2,912 of the fatalities in of the new elected tients. 43 persons were two in Singapore, and 80 China. The number of officers from the admitted to hospitals, who were aboard a cruise cases worldwide has ris- Padayon partylist, while 592 was discharged quarantined in Japan. en to 89,006. The virus last February 23. from health facilities, The World Health has spread to more than and three are confirmed Organization (WHO) 60 countries.
opinion A2 VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 MARCH 3, 2020 Displeasure lead to Closure Election or Collection L by: Kiel Dela Cruz ast year, December, President dates happening around, without any Aby: Kiel Dela Cruz Rodrigo Duterte threatens to doubt of what they are deleviring news to fter passing and listing shut down the operation of us. down the candidates to the ABS CBN, because of some This act of the government may “Supreme Student Govern- issues long time ago and some saying have a huge effect specially with the me- ment”, (SSG), it have released that that can affect more the media compa- dia company’s employees, because of is- there is only one partylist, the “Pa- ny. sues, like the tax evasion and it also have dayon” running for the election this Closing the media compa- some illegal actions have been done by year. ny, will have a big impact specially to the company, but this proclamation and Having one partylist to the employees of the company, if the issues were not have been find true and run in an election is lack of choice company will be closed, thousands of not acceptable to shut the media compa- to the student who will vote for the right student to that position, but workers and employees, off and on ny by simple guess. out there, we know that there are cam will be affected by the closure of But later on, President Duterte others who also want too. One par- the company because of some displea- announces, that he won’t shut down the tylist means also one idea or plat- sure or simple mistakes that has been media company for the president of the forms that they made for the sake done. ABS CBN Carlo Katigbak apologize to of the student and for the school, And also, it will stop the op- him. This kind of behavior not seem to even though that some of it were eration of the media tl further bring us be right, because for the side of the media false and not applicable. And lastly relevant and reliable news and updates company, the administration, they want election should be the freedom of because the comapany were being bias. the media company to apologize because the press to vote, or to abstain and, This kind of action, was unjust and not of the some issues. specially of this kind an election acceptable to others If the congress want to talk to that was done and also some stu- Closing the company, may the media company about some prob- dents also were not able to vite even have a big effect of the people who lem, they may do it, not shutting down though they know who to vote. were been watching for a long period or closing the company just because of The SSG announce that for of time, it have been also almosy six some issues that were never been solved. the student the qouta they need to decades servicing the Filipinos. Also Having the congress close the media reach os either 15% of the popula- it might affect the 11,000 thouasands company and change their minds, some tion of the school for they are to be employees off and on cam that are people think that it is not right thing to elected and be part of the SSG. But working. And also, it will be the bar- do or not appropriate. But in this kind of this kind of percentage is a bit low icade for the Journalist of the media situation, the best thing to do is to talk and unjust system, having just the company to serve the Filipinos with a about their problems, not making a scene vote of 15% the school’s population reliable and trustworty news and up- or move that would affect lots of people. is not enough to prove or to say that you’ve been elected and be part of it. Editorial Board EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Kiel Dela Cruz ASSOCIATE EDITOR Pollyne Bartolome NEWS EDITOR Andreah David FEATURE EDITOR Sandy Santiago SPORTS EDITOR Shaina Faustino CARTOONIST Shaina Faustino PHOTOJOURNALIST Hazel San Juan LAYOUT ARTIST Ramoela Leonardo
feature VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 MARCH 3, 2020 A3 Tata Celo Call of Duty Who are by: Sandy Santiago You? “Not all dreamers are winners, but all winners by: Sandy Santiago are dreamers” In this fantasy world that all people is pecu- “History is who we are and how it defined us” liar,as they have their own magic,their own Decades have passed almost everything had been changed power, and that’s –talent. but some things still remain untold. A senior high school student from STEM As a human, it’s important for you to know where are you Marcelo H. Delpilar National High School, Allyana from, and how are you made. Same as the students, it’s decisive Jhena Marie D.J Santos bagged the first place with to know what is the history of your school. When it’s been es- her team in Collaborative and Desktop Publishing on tablished.How long it’s been established, and who is the person Regional Press Conference last Nov 26-28 that was behind it? held in Tarlac. In Marcelo H. Delpilar National High School (MH- Moreover, like the rose that started to bloom PNHS) located in Bagong Bayan Sta. Isabel City of Malolos Bu- as she started her career in editorial writing on her lacan. Do you have any idea what it’s named before? 7th grade. It was known as Bulacan High School on the town of “Wala talaga akong idea sa journalism , pero Baliuag,year 1995. Then transferred to Sta.Isabel year 1952. sinali ako ng tita ko sa workshop, third place sa news Furthermore,it is named after our national hero Marcelo H. and first place sa editorial” Santos said. Delpilar, known as Delpilar. The school was prominent by the She also added that the only key to success is Government in June 1995. hardwork, discipline and determination. Time flies so fast, MHPNHS became the largest secondary Everyday, she gave her best to every work school in Central Luzon.With an average of 8,000 students and she do as she reap the fruits of her labor. In the year 300 teachers. of 2018, she became the Editor in Chief (EIC) of The As this school continue to shine these past few years Republic. and offer good quality of education,it offers curriculum in Ba- As time passed by, with her burning passion sic Education Program,Special Program in Journalism,Special and determination in life, she also won on the first Program in Science,Technology, Engineering and Special Pro- place on the same category on blyline in Guigunto gram in Foreign Language,Special Program in Sports, and Spe- last year. cial Program in Arts. She reached the things far away more than Every Delpilarians has their own program to choose. she wanted, like the bird in the sky that’s starting to Where they can learn and grow based on their own skills,Where soar high as she became the pride of Region III not to find your weakness became your strength.Moreover, this only in Marcelo as she will proceed to compete with school is road to success and enhance the students to have their her team for the National Press Conference on March bright future ahead. 9-13 in tuguegarao City. Now, who is Tata Celo? Indeed, She starts from the scratch now “ You know who I am”. she’s the piece of art as her wonderful dream turned out to be the most magical reality. Nonetheless, the sweetness of success can only be achieved by pain as the call of duty in life will never end. Loving Woman to us, that we .Women is the most should be loved,value and be precious and important human the first priority. Women is the most pre- being in the world. She should be given cious and important human be- respect,equal rights, avoid ing in the world. March belongs to the abuse and treat them prop- As you hear the cry of erly, she are like gold,hard to the newborn baby girl after goes worldwide observance of the In- find and expensive. out in the womb of the moth- ternational Women’s Day. You are Her. er,its already time and sinked in The said theme for this year is we make change work for wom- en,they
sports A4 VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 MARCH 3, 2020 BIG DOG, OUT Nby: Shaina Faustino MAMBA OUT erve-racking,Breath-taking,Nostal- by: Shaina Faustino gic this man lifted Philippines with an unexpected magic. “If you’re afraid to fail then proba- ball player because of an heli- After thrilling 5 set match bly you’re going to fail.” copter crash last January 26 Philippines once again advanced in the finals One of the professional 2020. after 42 years in the expense of the 39th ranked American basketball player “Kobe “The Black Mamba” world team. Bean Bryant”also known as the died at the age of 41 in a heli- In the first set,Thailand shows their “black mamba”has been given love pride by scoring 7 straight points bombard- and respect from his family and copter crash with his daughter ing Philippines 17-15.Bagunas with the help of fans after the accident that lead to Marck Espejo lifted Philippines to blind side him and her daughter to death. and 5 other people. Thailand 5-20. He was known because The legacy that he Blow after blows,both team showcased of his famous quotations and his made will remain and will be their pride but that’s managed to slip past Phil- talent on sports specially on bas- remembered by his family and ippines 23-25. ketball.Kobe entered the NBA all the fans who showed sup- The Pinoy’s middle blocker,Kim Mala- “National Basketball Association port and love to him on his ups bunfa and Rex Intalla led the team a blockbust- directly from highschool. and downs in his life. He will er set and forces Thai’s in the thrilling 5fifth set He had received a lot of ne seen as an inspiration for 27-25. awards including being an 5 time all the people that he helped In the final minutes of the match,Intal NBA champion,2 time NBA finals during the time that they were and Bagunas gave Philippines final blow dev- MVP,2008 NBA MVP,12 time in need. astating and ending the Thai’s 4 consecutive NBA All-Star,3 time NBA all star “Mamba Out.” finals championships defense 17-25. game MVP,2 time scoring cham- Baguna’s scored 27 points (23 at- pion,12 time all-NBA selection,10 tacks,2 blocks,2 aces) helping Philippines sur- time defensive selection,and now pass Thailand.Espejo and Bagunas follow Ba- known as one of the top ten play- gunas big steps with a combined score of 34. ers of all time by the man,Michael “Although we won, we still need to Jordan. worked on a lot of things so we can get the But all of this award will job done”,Philippine head coach Dante Al- now remained as a memory of a insunurin said. man who gived his best in being a The Philippines is one step away from father and a professional Basket- bringing the gold,battling against another tough competitor,Indonesia,December 10,2019, tuesday.
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