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Home Explore PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation

Published by rajeshsreyas, 2020-11-06 13:08:43

Description: PowerPoint Presentation


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NATIONAL EYE DONATION FORT NIGHT Aug 25 --Sept 08 2020NSS (VHSE), GVHSS CHERUVANNUR ,KOZHIKODE“Let Us Open our Eyes”Sri SANJEEV KUMAR PPrincipal GVHSS CheruvannurDr KV RAJUHead of the DepartmentOphthalmologyMalabar Medical CollegeDr BIMISHA Dept of Ophthalmology Govt General Hospital CalicutSri U KALANATHANSocial Worker MalappuramSri AJITHKUMAR T(Saastra Sahitya Parishat)H M,GVHSS CheruvannurPRESENTATION BY VOLUNTEERSTHANK YOU ALLNSS PO, GVHSS CheruvannurSmt DHANYA P K

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