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Home Explore Profile


Published by punit agarwal, 2020-01-29 02:49:31

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Welcome to the World of Comprehensive Quality Education Rahul Education EDUCATION FOR ALL

The Founder Chairman Shri L. R.Tiwari The Visionary who remains committed to his Dreams Interactive, 24/7 Access to Gather Intelligence with MarketView MDR Data Education MarketView is a sales acceleration tool that The NEW MDR ConnectED Cloud platform is designed to provides a detailed look at U.S. K-12 districts, schools, and deliver enhanced features, products, and services that colleges. Gain insight into an institution’s contact details, benefit your business with efficiency and speed. You get student enrollment, funding, personnel, and more. Use fast and easy access to MDR’s tools and solutions that MarketView to: scale to your needs and allow all users on one account to share features, lists, and credits. Plus, it is device-friendly • Build and manage targeted sales territories with with desktop, tablet, and mobile access. detailed selection criteria Get Data with ListBuilder • Prospect for new customers with institution and contact- specific intelligence at your fingertips You have immediate access to the MDR education database with our 24/7, self-service ListBuilder. Define • Stay up-to-date in your market when you create custom your criteria, see real-time counts, adjust as needed, and alerts on changes, as they happen download your list. ListBuilder offers: • Robust list selection criteria • Access on mobile devices for intelligence where and • Live counts on list or segment when you need it • Free data refreshes twice monthly • Alerts to newly available records • Self-manage license assignments across your users • Free search and access to MarketView Essential Integrate Data with MDR CloudSync institution profiles Power your business with the speed of MDR CloudSync. Easily integrate MDR data directly into your end-platform for a seamless workflow with data that refreshes twice a month throughout the year. Easy to use because MDR CloudSync: • Is a cloud-based solution, so there is nothing to install • Integrates with 40+ preferred end-platforms • Keeps your data current with syncs as frequently as twice a month “EDUCATION FOR ALL”

Secretary Shri Rahul L.Tiwari Education is the Magical Candle that’s lights up the world within Interactive, 24/7 Access to Gather Intelligence with MarketView MDR Data Education MarketView is a sales acceleration tool that The NEW MDR ConnectED Cloud platform is designed to provides a detailed look at U.S. K-12 districts, schools, and deliver enhanced features, products, and services that colleges. Gain insight into an institution’s contact details, benefit your business with efficiency and speed. You get student enrollment, funding, personnel, and more. Use fast and easy access to MDR’s tools and solutions that MarketView to: scale to your needs and allow all users on one account to share features, lists, and credits. Plus, it is device-friendly • Build and manage targeted sales territories with with desktop, tablet, and mobile access. detailed selection criteria Get Data with ListBuilder • Prospect for new customers with institution and contact- specific intelligence at your fingertips You have immediate access to the MDR education database with our 24/7, self-service ListBuilder. Define • Stay up-to-date in your market when you create custom your criteria, see real-time counts, adjust as needed, and alerts on changes, as they happen download your list. ListBuilder offers: • Robust list selection criteria • Access on mobile devices for intelligence where and • Live counts on list or segment when you need it • Free data refreshes twice monthly • Alerts to newly available records • Self-manage license assignments across your users • Free search and access to MarketView Essential Integrate Data with MDR CloudSync institution profiles Power your business with the speed of MDR CloudSync. Easily integrate MDR data directly into your end-platform for a seamless workflow with data that refreshes twice a month throughout the year. Easy to use because MDR CloudSync: • Is a cloud-based solution, so there is nothing to install • Integrates with 40+ preferred end-platforms • Keeps your data current with syncs as frequently as twice a month “WE CREATE GLOBAL CITIZENS”

Joint Secretary Smt. Krishna R.Tiwari GOOD TEACHERS ACT AS BRIDGES OVER WHICH THEIR STUDENTS CROSS THE WORLD OF HAPPINESS Interactive, 24/7 Access to Gather Intelligence with MarketView MDR Data Education MarketView is a sales acceleration tool that The NEW MDR ConnectED Cloud platform is designed to provides a detailed look at U.S. K-12 districts, schools, and deliver enhanced features, products, and services that colleges. Gain insight into an institution’s contact details, benefit your business with efficiency and speed. You get student enrollment, funding, personnel, and more. Use fast and easy access to MDR’s tools and solutions that MarketView to: scale to your needs and allow all users on one account to share features, lists, and credits. Plus, it is device-friendly • Build and manage targeted sales territories with with desktop, tablet, and mobile access. detailed selection criteria Get Data with ListBuilder • Prospect for new customers with institution and contact- specific intelligence at your fingertips You have immediate access to the MDR education database with our 24/7, self-service ListBuilder. Define • Stay up-to-date in your market when you create custom your criteria, see real-time counts, adjust as needed, and alerts on changes, as they happen download your list. ListBuilder offers: • Robust list selection criteria • Access on mobile devices for intelligence where and • Live counts on list or segment when you need it • Free data refreshes twice monthly • Alerts to newly available records • Self-manage license assignments across your users • Free search and access to MarketView Essential Integrate Data with MDR CloudSync institution profiles Power your business with the speed of MDR CloudSync. Easily integrate MDR data directly into your end-platform for a seamless workflow with data that refreshes twice a month throughout the year. Easy to use because MDR CloudSync: • Is a cloud-based solution, so there is nothing to install • Integrates with 40+ preferred end-platforms • Keeps your data current with syncs as frequently as twice a month “A GOOD SCHOOL IS WHICH INCULATES VALUE OF LIFE”

Early Childhood Early Learning a Priority Early childhood education initiatives remain a priority in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Reach this important audience with our Day Care, Children's Librarians, and Elementary School Teachers information. Quick look Day Care Chains 103,291 Day care centers Centers Directors Pre-K/K 99,817 Day care directors Teachers 39,370 Day care centers with over 80 children All Day Care Chains 6,928 9,594 4,546 13,093 Day care centers with $400-$799 American Child Care Centers 67 79 39 Bright Horizon 290 average tuition Children’s Discovery Centers 569 701 10 11,828 Head Start centers Children’s World 52 60 9 265,563 Pre-K to Grade 3 teachers Childtime Learning Center 48 55 86 Goddard 248 336 319 Day Care Centers and Personnel Kiddie Academy 62 Kids R Us 499 532 37 KinderCare 210 271 La Petite Academy 199 240 1,650 New Horizon 1,415 2,654 209 Other Chains 455 653 21 Primrose 143 210 Rainbow Child 1,683 2,123 1,027 Sunshine House 377 631 582 Tutor Time 188 295 38 137 184 40 Day Care Center Buyers 172 219 62 Day Care Types Buyers Centers Directors Pre-K/K All Day Care Centers................................................................................................................... 1,735 Teachers All Day Care Chains ............................................................................................................................63 103,291 99,817 All Day Care Centers 10,185 12,388 47,141 Expand Your Marketing Reach Church/Synagogue Centers 755 13,096 College/University Based 280 948 1,401 When selling to the early childhood market, be sure to Employer (Corporate) Sponsored 377 consider these other selections: Family Day Residences 2,274 181 • Children’s Librarians, page 18 (With 10+ Children) 228 2,467 • Canadian Elementary Schools, page 23 Federal Based 271 551 • Elementary School Teachers, pages 28-31 Head Start Centers 11,828 126 Hospital Centers 273 7,093 1,754 Military Based 137 332 134 Montessori Centers 171 25 Salvation Army 2,995 2,772 YMCA/YWCA Centers 112 3,069 11 Independent Centers 111 319 Unclassified 2,934 14,218 20,508 2,807 7,936 43,509 25,172 34,666 20 MDR • 800-333-8802

A sales and marketing partnership with MDR gives you access to: • The Best. Data quality that can’t be beat. See third-party audit results on page 2. • The Most. Complete coverage of the entire U.S. Education Market PK-20, including libraries and day care centers. • The Fastest. Data collection speed and delivery ensure the freshest contacts are available directly in your tools. INSIDE THIS CATALOG Name-Level Selections ................................................................................... 25-27 MDR’s Universe of Teacher Names....................................................... 28-31 MDR Data Quality ......................................................................................................... 2 MDR’s Quick Guide to State Counts ................................................... 32-35 New @MDR....................................................................................................................... 3 MDR Capabilities ................................................................................................ 36-44 U.S. Education Market Snapshot....................................................................... 4 Technology.......................................................................................................................... 5 Data & Analytics ............................................................................................. 37-38 Response .............................................................................................................................. 6 Sales Enablement........................................................................................... 39-40 Districts .................................................................................................................................. 7 Multi-Channel Activation ..........................................................................41-42 District Personnel.......................................................................................................8-9 Custom Services and Media ..................................................................43-44 Federal Funding .................................................................................................. 10-11 .................................................................................................. 45 Schools ................................................................................................................................ 12 Choice Schools ............................................................................................................. 13 Flexible Data Purchase Options Building-Level Selections.............................................................................. 14-17 We know everyone consumes data differently. That’s why we are Libraries ...................................................................................................................... 18-19 flexible and will accommodate your needs. You can purchase the Early Childhood ................................................................................................... 20-21 entire database, list-by-list as needed, or anything in between. Colleges ............................................................................................................................. 22 Call us today to discuss our data purchase options or go to the Canadian Schools ....................................................................................................... 23 MDR ConnectED Cloud to start building now. School Personnel ........................................................................................................ 24 MDR • 800-333-8802 1

MDR Data Quality Fuel your integrated marketing campaigns with quality data, and you’ll drive more leads, more precise targeting, and more ROI. Data you can trust. The education market is in constant You can trust MDR to: motion with personnel shifts, institution changes, new funding, technology advances, and program changes. To • Conduct third-party audits on their data. keep pace, MDR makes significant investments in data collection and market research, and we measure our 93% 99% 98% 95% accuracy through an independent audit, with consistently high results. Contact School School Grade We’ve thoughtfully built systems and processes over time Names Names Address Span which allow us to offer unmatched accuracy, quantity, and quality in our education data—achieving 90%+ accuracy — 2017-2018 Results — for three years running in third-party audits—and we never rest in fine-tuning our data hygiene procedures and • Have a broad, deep database to ensure expanding the universe of data elements we can offer. precision targeting. Our recent innovation efforts focus on giving you more • Build on quality data to give you highly targeted, and faster ways to access to accurate data. We’re bringing cutting-edge campaigns. speed to data so you have it fast, fresh, and frictionless: • Fast –Campaign ROI depends on the freshness and • Keep up with change. In the last school year MDR has... accuracy of the data. So, we’ve increased our data Added Recorded Added collection and processing time by 50%! 1.4 million 1.2 million 1.3 million names and job changes emails and • Fresh –Our database is built out, validated, and kept removed removed updated on a constant, rolling basis. An industry with as 1.24 million August 2018-July 2019 much turnover as education demands it. 486,000 • Frictionless –Our multiple access tools let you access data as needed or create a direct pipeline from our database to your CRM systems. MDR Accelerated Data: In the first two months of the 2019-2020 school year, we added 185,000 NEW educator names! 2 MDR • 800-333-8802

NEW @ MDR! Find the needle in the haystack with EXCLUSIVE indexes Our unique indicators help you proactively identify The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) prospects and key markets to get even more precise in your targeting. Cherry pick K-12 prospects by their MDR’s School and Student Performance Data helps you reach an audience based innovation ranking, enrollment growth, spending trends on school and student performance and connectivity—as well as their affluence levels and metrics. You can now select districts and schools that market power. have been identified for two ESSA designations: Progressive Schools Index • Comprehensive Support and Identify the most trail-blazing public schools based on a set of Improvement (CSI) more than a dozen academic and technology indicators, breaking • Targeted Support and Improvement them into three levels of innovation. (TSI) Total Schools See page 10 for more details. Most Progressive.........................................................................................................................18,968 Very Progressive..........................................................................................................................18,968 The All NEW Progressive.....................................................................................................................................18,967 MarketView! Enrollment Trends Index MDR’s Education MarketView has been given a complete make-over: Which districts and public schools are on a growth trajectory? • Clean user-friendly interface Target public schools based on how their enrollment is tracking. • Teacher names now included Select from four growth trend categories. • Direct link to MDR’s ConnectED Continuous Growth Districts Schools Cloud ListBuilder for immediate list High Growth downloads—including email lists Moderate Growth 1,675 14,140 • Mobile friendly Low Growth 523 3,885 343 3,173 See page 40 for more. 9,088 1,716 Spending Trends Index Single out districts and public schools based on their spending history. Choose from four spending trend categories. Continuous Increase Districts Schools High Increase Moderate Increase 713 4,651 Low Increase 1,818 12,772 No Increase 1,782 12,183 1,868 10,791 3,372 556 Connectivity Index The myriad applications schools use to support learning require optimal connectivity. MDR’s proprietary index rating of WIFI speeds as compared to FCC standards will help narrow down which schools will successfully support multiple applications. Above Standards Districts Schools Meeting Standards Below Standards 3 9,072 13 4,827 87 13,896 MDR • 800-333-8802 3

Technology Technology in Today’s Schools Every industry uses technology, and in education, technology is a tool used for teaching, learning, and to organize vast quantities of learning metrics and student data. Choose districts and schools based on their implementation of SIS, LMS, and device use. Quick look... SIS –Student Information Systems 31,319 Top SIS brand in schools: PowerSchool By Brand Districts Total Elem Middle/ Senior 47,496 Top LMS brand in schools: Google Classroom Schools Jr High High 15,239 Schools with BYOD Aeries 411 3,713 34,880 Schools with 1:1 programs Chalkable 299 6,228 1,837 898 1,278 Edupoint 389 3,284 3,541 518 612 Learn more about Illuminate Education 322 5,678 4,054 911 936 tech in schools Infinite Campus 1,605 6,574 9,046 958 PowerSchool 3,539 15,303 18,298 2,368 1,179 Teachers Talk Technology Skyward 1,357 31,319 6,560 4,823 2,826 Tyler 394 11,089 2,220 1,831 5,906 MDR Insights: State of the K-12 Market 2018 Other 3,401 3,800 15,693 589 2,066 27,161 4,225 Our report, Teachers Talk 699 Technology, explores tech use from 5,281 the teachers’perspective. LMS –Learning Management Systems Get this insightful report today: By Brand Districts Total Elem Middle/ Senior Schools Jr High High Blackboard Learn 1,458 16,415 Canvas 783 26,835 8,341 4,088 4,649 Connect 440 13,766 6,137 2,247 2,382 Edmodo 705 9,913 9,583 1,490 1,642 Google Classroom 15,700 28,738 2,451 2,688 Moodle 3,203 47,496 7,670 7,432 8,400 Odysseyware 713 12,676 2,925 1,980 2,183 Pearson SuccessNet 417 5,068 7,646 Schoolology 544 12,251 6,656 768 937 Skyward 651 10,907 5,588 1,773 2,057 Other 9,471 9,383 1,698 1,897 1,093 16,258 1,589 1,750 1,798 2,531 3,097 BYOD –Bring Your Own Device Programs Districts Total Elem Middle/ Senior Schools Jr High High With BYOD 3,259 15,239 7,222 2,807 4,060 1:1 Programs Total Elem Middle/ Senior Schools Jr High High With 1:1 Districts 17,830 34,880 6,315 7,986 8,249 MDR • 800-333-8802 5

Respons e MDR Exclusive Response Indexes Target those who are more likely to respond using MDR’s powerful selections. Direct Response Index (DRI) combines purchasing information with a rich set of demographic indicators to identify districts and schools by their propensity to buy. Email Response Index (ERI) is a proprietary statistical module that “scores”email addresses to predict the email response probability of an individual. Quick look Direct Response Index™ (DRI) 1,049,915 High ERI teachers High Medium- Medium Medium- Low DRI High DRI DRI Low DRI DRI 845,678 High DRI teachers Institutions by DRI 3,001 3,001 3,001 3,002 3,002 108,362 Special ed teachers in high DRI for special 22,885 22,886 22,886 22,886 22,887 ed schools Districts Schools 19,900 34,054 Email Response Index (ERI) – Personnel by DRI 35,400 45,692 37,229 26,437 400,353 Reach the Most Likely Responders 40,517 45,691 46,247 44,605 8,803 District Administrators 845,678 976,825 954,322 851,482 Principals 26,776 29,372 27,827 23,806 Teachers School Librarians DRI for Special Education Marketers face continuing pressure to deliver results and ROI. District Administrators by Name Personnel in High DRI for Special Education Districts1 Make the connection with likely responders using the powerful knowledge gained from millions of emails deployed annually with D58-D60 Special Ed Supervisors ........................................................................................... 4,306 the richest institutional data available. Use ERI to: D54-D56 Remedial Reading Supervisors...............................................................................440 • Narrow down a large prospecting universe D12 Title I Coordinators............................................................................................................. 1,654 • Get the best possible response for a pilot campaign D13 Title V Coordinators ............................................................................................................... 351 • Drive high response rates for your most critical campaigns D81 Gifted/Talented Student Supervisors............................................................................727 Teachers by Name Personnel in High DRI for Special Education Schools2 High Medium- Medium Medium- Low Special Ed Dept Chairs .............................................................................................................. 3,144 ERI High ERI ERI Low ERI ERI Special Ed.................................................................................................................................... 108,362 AIDS Awareness Instructors ......................................................................................................... 175 Institutions by ERI 2,741 2,742 2,742 2,742 2,745 Dropout Prevention Coordinators............................................................................................ 608 20,943 20,937 20,956 20,951 20,908 Early Childhood Special Needs ............................................................................................. 5,698 Districts Emotionally Challenged ............................................................................................................ 5,798 Schools Gifted Student ..............................................................................................................................22,188 Guidance Counselors................................................................................................................51,465 Personnel by ERI 38,009 32,602 31,748 29,960 28,318 Hearing Specialists....................................................................................................................... 1,538 21,347 21,379 21,658 21,475 21,288 Learning Differences ................................................................................................................... 6,845 District Administrators 28,537 20,215 20,446 13,754 8,640 Mentally Challenged................................................................................................................... 3,483 Principals Occupational Therapists............................................................................................................ 8,111 Assistant Principals 17,744 15,837 16,759 14,134 11,720 Physical Therapists........................................................................................................................ 4,154 Librarians/Media Principals ......................................................................................................................................... 68,975 73,062 56,055 60,398 43,530 31,228 Remedial Math ............................................................................................................................... 7,738 Specialists 1,049,915 828,745 885,739 683,065 473,241 Remedial Reading.......................................................................................................................12,524 Guidance/Student 361,930 355,655 314,225 220,936 School Psychologists.................................................................................................................17,776 Services 410,760 Speech/Language Pathologists ...........................................................................................31,074 Teachers Title I.................................................................................................................................................... 9,169 Grade Level Teachers ERI is available for all job titles. 6 1 Personnel in districts with High and Medium-High DRI for Special Education scores. 2 Personnel in schools with High and Medium-High DRI for Special Education scores. MDR • 800-333-8802

Schools Reach the Right Audience With Building-Level Campaigns Teachers and administrators have a surprising amount of purchasing influence and power. Choose the people most likely to be interested in your products and services when you target by school type, grade ranges, and program types. Quick look School Types 114,430 Total schools Elementary Schools Total Public Private Catholic 64,562 Elementary schools Grade Span 2,028 1,703 205 120 4,046 3,691 303 52 14,606 Middle/junior high schools PK, K 1,448 1,440 6 K-3 31,862 30,920 2 20,335 Senior high schools 4-6 10,220 9,073 712 230 K-4, 5 14,958 6,882 769 378 18,042 Career & technical education schools K-6 64,562 53,709 4,096 3,980 and programs K-8 6,087 4,766 Total Elementary 39,609 Schools in districts spending over Catholic $10,200 per student Middle/Junior High Schools 81 Grade Span Total Public Private 11 92 5, 6-8 12,268 12,040 147 18 Catholic 7-9 “210412,6,0303-6820111”42,3,3440998.6 165 Total Middle/Junior “2012-2013” 48.5 121 Private 71—2 Senior High Schools “2014-2015” 48.6 833 Grade Span “2016-20173T,0o4ta7l Public 269 Public School Enrollment Trend 816 public schools holding steady 7-12 ”2,65748.8 17 48.8 9-12 49 “20116,93826-802019”14,98134128.8 1,102 10-12 Total Senior High 20,335 18,400 48.8 48.6 48.6 Other Schools Total Public Private Catholic 48.5 Grade Span 10,589 5,400 5,003 186 2,674 1,372 1,275 27 K-12 1,251 1,247 — Special Ed 413 399 4 — Career & Technical Ed 14 Adult Ed Total Other Schools 14,927 8,418 6,296 213 Total Schools Grade Span Total Public Private Catholic Total All Schools 48 114,430 94,876 13,650 5,904 2010- 1% growth over past 10 years 20112012-20132014-20152016-2017201 2010-2011 enrollment in millions 2018-2019 2012-2013 2014-2015 2016-2017 12 MDR • 800-333-8802

Choice Schools More Public School Choices In order to serve students where traditional public schools are not meeting their needs, there are school choices. They include Charter, Magnet, and Virtual schools which offer specialized learning environments for students. Quick look Number of States With CMO-Managed Schools 314 Charter Management Organizations Total 731 CMO administrators 1 State..................................................................................................................................................... 233 2-5 States..................................................................................................................................................35 7,767 Charter schools 6+ States...................................................................................................................................................46 185,961 Charter school teachers CMO by Type 466 STEM schools Total 12,681 STEM school teachers Profit ...........................................................................................................................................................60 Non-Profit ............................................................................................................................................. 249 Charter Management Organizations (CMOs) CMO Personnel A private organization or firm that manages charter schools, they Total can have non-profit or for-profit status. A CMO is given executive authority to run one or more schools in return for a commitment to CEOs/Presidents............................................................................................................................... 318 produce measurable outcomes within a given time frame. Business/Finance/Purchasing...................................................................................................... 181 K-12 Curriculum/Instruction......................................................................................................... 142 Total Instructional Technology ..................................................................................................................78 Assistant Superintendents................................................................................................................. 1 CMO ....................................................................................................................................................... 314 Charter Schools.............................................................................................................................. 7,767 Choice Schools Charter Schools Managed by CMO..................................................................................... 2,338 Total1 Elementary Middle/ Senior CMO by Enrollment Jr High High Total Charter 7,767 3,886 759 1,701 Magnet 2,037 1,220 310 399 1-600 Students.......................................................................................................................................52 Virtual 601-1,700 Students........................................................................................................................... 102 STEM 681 48 12 217 1,701+ Students.................................................................................................................................160 466 233 115 96 CMO Size • Charter schools have been given certain freedoms from state and local requirements, regulations, and policies, allowing for Total more administrative independence. Small –Manages less than 4 schools....................................................................................... 109 • Magnet schools offer enriched curricula to attract students Medium –Manages 4-9 schools................................................................................................ 113 from a broad cross section of the community. Large –Manages 10 or more schools .......................................................................................92 • Virtual schools offer courses primarily through online Includes K-12, Adult Ed, Special Ed, and Career & Technical Ed Schools. methods, with instruction designed to take advantage of the online medium, usually with options for synchronous or 1 asynchronous scheduling. MDR • 800-333-8802 • STEM schools focus on teaching a curriculum that supports critical thinking, complex problem solving, and driving advancements in science and technology with a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math courses. See page 16 for Alternative, BIA, Blue Ribbon, and Green Ribbon schools. 13

Building-Level Selections Zero In On Your Best Audience Precisely define your ideal audience using a strategic mix of institutional and personnel variables. Create highly targeted campaigns with our 300 building-level selects, 400+ job functions, and detailed demographic selects. Quick look Number of Teachers 70,549 Schools opening before September 1 Schools With Districts Total Elem Middle/ Senior 2,096 Year-round schools Schools1 Jr High High 1-20 Teachers 1,884 12,863 30,147 Schools with 70%+ college-bound 21-30 Teachers 1,006 21,922 16,216 2,266 4,094 students 31-50 Teachers 1,820 21,651 16,987 2,469 2,257 51+ Teachers 8,592 3,568 5,078 2,809 43,014 Schools with ELL programs 25,557 3,647 6,538 14,185 65,002 Schools with 11-20 students per teacher 43,358 Schools with special education enrollment Student-to-Teacher Ratio of 1,000+ Schools With Students Per Teacher Tota1l Elementary Middle/Jr High Senior High 1-10 8,225 2,995 950 2,140 11,492 11-20 65,002 40,374 10,871 2,582 21+ 12,302 7,497 1,776 School Calendar New Schools Time your campaigns to begin on opening day, take advantage of unspent money at year-end, or switch up your messaging for Total engagment during school breaks. Plan, segment, and deploy your marketing campaigns according to district or school opening, Districts With New Schools ......................................................................................................... 191 closing, or mid-winter and spring break schedules. Select or District Administrators in Districts With New Schools ............................................... 3,866 suppress public institutions based on these dates. New Public Schools .........................................................................................................................283 Districts Schools1 Opening Dates Size Selects Early (Before August 16) 3,900 33,062 Middle (August 16 to August 31) 6,655 37,487 Late (After August 31) 3,100 19,063 Number of Schools Closing Dates Districts With Total Early (Before June 1) 7,917 48,910 Middle (June 1 to June 15) 4,122 30,134 1 School ............................................................................................................................................ 2,966 Late (After June 15) 1,616 10,568 2-4 Schools ...................................................................................................................................... 5,664 Districts With Year-Round Schools 5-9 Schools ...................................................................................................................................... 2,878 Schools Open Year-Round 663 — 10+ Schools .................................................................................................................................... 2,147 — 2,096 Number of Classrooms School Break Dates 3,494 23,053 11,493 82,510 Schools With Total1 Elementary Middle/Jr High Senior High Mid-Winter Spring Break 1-14 Classrooms 12,455 1,825 15-29 Classrooms 29,607 8,169 757 2,403 Reach Educators All Year Long 30+ Classrooms 30,488 23,067 2,471 7,992 13,273 7,790 T he tr adi ti onal wi s dom i n educ ati on mar keti ng has been to c atc h educ ator s ’attenti on i n the rst two months of the s c hool year. At M D R , we s ee educ ator eng ag ement thr oug hout the year. Our c us tomer s Get our Reach Educators All Year Long i nter ac t and eng ag e educ ator s all year l ong — i nc l udi ng weekends , infographic: s ummer br eak, and hol i days — thr oTuopg 6hMMonDthRsfaonr Wd WebseitAe rPeagTeeVaiewcsher s W ebsitec hannel s ! C hec k out the top months in 2018 for r eac hi ng educ ator s ac r os s c hannel s. 40.7M SEPT EM B ER AU GU ST total pages views 5. 8N O V E M B E R M 4.2M 3.4M aver ag e pag e 3.7page views page views vi ews per month page vMiews October July December 3.5M 3.5M 3.4M Top 6Months for SocialEngagement Social 23Mtotal engagements D EC EM B ER AU GU ST SEPT EM B ER on WeAreTeachers and 3.1engagemMents 3.1Sc hool Leaders N ow engagements M engagements 2.6clEoiknmegsma,geenmtsMe,nstshar=esre, arcetpioliness,, October November June 2.2M 1.8M 1.7M retweets Top 6Monthsfor Open Rates* Email Teachers open F EB R U AR Y JAN U A R Y email at night M AR C H % % and on % weeken d s! 8.16 7.57 7.34 avg open rate avg open rate Mavagy%open rate April % June % We saw hig hest *6O.8p5en rates are6f.o4r6MDR custom6.e0r9 open and c l i c k- prospecting email campaigns. throug h rates 1 Includes K-12, Adult Ed, Special Ed, and Career & Technical Ed Schools. Our c hannel audi encfer ocmonti nues to g r ow year - over - year . WeAr eT eac her s s oc i al fol l ower s i nc r eas ed by9 2–1 %10 apnmd webs i te pag es vi ews i nc r eas ed by 3 3 % fr om 2017 14 tInot2e0r e1s8t.ed i n pl anni nagnad yoenar - r oun d c a m pa i g n to r eac h e duc ator s w i th M D R ? Emai l us at mdr i nfo@Sdant bu.rcdoamys. an d Suinn dF aoyl lsow M D R F•ol l ow @ M D R Bi z • 800- 333- 8802 • M D R educ ati on.c om MDR • 800-333-8802

Libraries Libraries Have Purchasing Power Libraries and librarians have budgets to spend. Reach key decision makers and your best prospects with detailed information on public, private, and college libraries. Quick look 78,163 K-12 library/media specialists 3,743 College libraries 17,557 Public libraries 43,836 Public librarians 18,219 College librarians Public Library Universe Library Buyers Librarians/ Media Specialists Main Public Libraries Libraries Librarians Library All Schools Buyers Library Systems by Name Buyers Public Libraries 116,584 System Cooperatives 9,069 43,836 32,657 State Libraries 352 29,615 6,419 8,271 Total Main Libraries 162 1,648 173 Branch Libraries 49 32 Public Library Selects Grand Total 524 31 9,632 629 Number of Branches Public Library Personnel 7,925 32,416 6,655 17,557 11,420 1,616 43,836 8,271 None 1 2-4 5-9 10+ Main Branch Librarians by Name Total Libraries Libraries Main Libraries 8,146 426 539 319 202 Branches — 426 1,473 2,073 3,953 Total Librarians 43,836 32,416 11,420 Library Directors 9,481 9,481 — Media Budget Total $1- $3,000- $15,000+ Assistant Directors 2,523 2,522 1 $2,999 $14,999 Branch Heads 7,456 — Main Libraries 8,598 3,066 Acquisitions Librarians 629 576 7,456 2,911 2,621 Adult Services Librarians 1,771 1,498 53 Book Budget $1- Audiovisual Librarians 217 204 273 $4,999 $5,000- $20,000- Over Book/Materials Selections 313 273 13 Total $19,999 $100,000 $100,000 Bookmobile Coordinators 804 718 40 Main Libraries 2,000 Chief Marketing Officers 245 226 86 Branch Libraries 1,963 3,264 4,380 7,609 Children’s Librarians 4,593 3,669 19 3,023 2,987 1,430 Circulation Librarians 3,376 2,841 924 37 241 1,393 6,179 Classification/Catalog Librarians 1,102 1,048 535 Genealogy Librarians 433 385 54 Affluence Indicator –Public Libraries Above High Interlibrary Loan Librarians 1,780 1,618 48 Average Literacy Coordinators 424 374 Below Periodical Librarians 278 255 162 Low Average Average Reference Librarians 2,371 1,968 50 Systems/Automation Librarians 980 895 23 Libraries 3,512 3,512 3,511 3,511 3,511 Technical Services Librarians 1,524 1,427 403 Technology Managers 925 862 85 Other Key Public Library Selects Young Adult Librarians 2,464 2,083 97 Unclassified 4,011 2,816 63 Audio Books Mains & Mains Only 381 Downloadable Media Branches DVD Collection 7,659 1,195 Hosts Webinars 11,665 4,785 7,772 8,318 Libraries With Purchasing Authority 13,622 1,473 983 Special Ed Services 477 1,797 7,207 10,744 18 MDR • 800-333-8802

District s Maximize Your Response Rates With District-Level Connections Key decision makers work at the district level, and they determine how school funds get distributed. Choose district-level personnel based on district size and influence, job title, grade level, and district control. Quick look Schools by District Size 13,655 Public school districts Allocate your resources proportionate to each district’s size and influence; consider the number of schools that report to each 164,658 District administrators district. Mail multiple pieces to large districts. 8,516 Districts with Title I Schoolwide Programs District Size by Enrollment Districts1 Total Schools1 Total Enrollment 1,203 Districts with enrollments over 10,000 Large—10,000+ Enrollment 1,203 40,423 27,207,407 26,212 District Influencers: Board Members Medium—2,500-9,999 Enrollment 2,932 24,954 13,777,366 13,047 District Influencers: Finance/Purchasing Small—600-2,499 Enrollment 5,053 17,579 6,610,686 Smallest—Under 600 Enrollment 4,309 6,656 1,199,065 Specialists 4,260 Districts with $500,000+ College- and Enrollment by District Size Career-Ready (Title I) allocation 1,199,065 27,207,407 3% 56% Grade-Level/District Control Selects 6,610,686 56% of 13% students are in Districts/ the 1,203 Admin Offices Administrators large public All 13,655 164,658 school districts School Districts by Grade Level 10,831 136,917 13,777,366 Unified (K-12) Districts 2,346 15,608 28% 478 4,934 Elementary Districts Secondary Districts Administrative Office Types 13,655 157,459 Large Districts Medium Districts Public School Districts 10,000+ Enrollment 2,500-9,999 Enrollment 12,595 101,507 Regular 46 1,272 Small Districts Smallest Districts Main 279 357 600-2,499 Enrollment Under 600 Enrollment 1,507 Subdistricts 158 Reach District Administrators With Purchasing Power! With Supervisory Unions 400 over 90 specific job titles to choose from, find the district 404 105 administrators best suited for your products and services. See Districts (LEAs) Reporting to Supervisory Unions 19 pages 8-9 for a complete list of job titles and counts. Special Education 740 141 7 Career & Technical Education 18 13 3,768 Military 892 1,088 Regional Centers 234 County Centers 176 727 Catholic Dioceses 50 1,616 State Departments of Education 1 Counts exclude unclassified districts and schools. MDR • 800-333-8802

Colleges Reach College Decision Makers by Subject The college market offers profitable opportunities for the total campus—from the bookstore to food service. Reach decision makers in this thriving market with selects that allow you to focus your efforts on your best prospects. College Universe Total Colleges Faculty Deans/Admin Dept Chairs Senior Colleges1 3,678 1,000,872 64,729 36,954 Junior/Community/Technical Colleges2 2,280 291,570 25,080 10,166 Teaching Hospitals 1,203 27,099 Total 7,161 1 52 1,319,541 89,810 47,172 Career and Trade Schools 1,081 — 2,571 — College Faculty Discipline Total Faculty Senior Faculty Junior Faculty Deans Dept Chairs Total Email Agriculture and Animal Science 28,630 22,619 6,011 106 875 16,754 19,317 526 2,520 36,281 Allied Health 61,820 42,503 26,220 1,017 3,729 73,207 20,552 186 1,740 42,192 Business 122,257 96,037 21,941 141 1,516 37,156 Communications 74,910 54,358 2,045 52 622 3,693 20,72 704 2,435 57,186 Computer Science 67,149 45,208 9,015 404 1,829 39,816 40,832 1,938 73,721 Dental Science 10,417 8,372 30,237 66 4,380 102,803 6,611 271 1,634 30,223 Education 107,075 86,353 18,300 1,197 28,976 18,419 28 2,132 43,058 Engineering 62,449 53,434 4,239 72 15,230 — 226 English Language and Literature 115,984 75,152 450 223 62 1,697 31,340 40 54,887 Fine and Applied Arts 144,736 114,499 537 2,054 81,332 — 174 4,432 Foreign Languages and Literature 40,902 34,291 65 — 2,354 35,546 537 388 104,459 General Studies 38,077 19,777 16,176 582 4,890 15,633 85 1,204 32,022 Inter3disciplinary Studies 124,940 106,521 53,791 329 1,239 35,286 48,984 101 8,417 168,184 Law 33,769 11,240 3,478 55,445 Subject Elementary Library Science 2,276 1,826 Physical Education 411 Mathema4tics 87,706 56,3665 Reading 358 Remedial Reading Medicine 162,966 137,052 Science 58 Social Studies 623 Military Science 3,745 3,680 451 Natural and Physical Sciences 151,015 115,469 Nursing 48,525 32,349 Physical Education 58,542 42,909 Social Sciences 259,446 205,655 Vocational Education 104,685 55,701 Faculty Teaching College-Level K-12 Education Courses Subject Elementary Middle/ Secondary General Middle/ Secondary General Jr High Jr High Art 490 117 912 160 579 English/Language Arts 335 22 338 1,422 19 153 2,053 Foreign Languages 29 103 78 Health/Sex Education 128 70 227 24 514 Mathematics 757 8 21 250 1 396 442 Music 265 — 340 803 60 255 428 129 474 80 154 17 1 Senior colleges represent four-year degree and graduate institutions. 2 Junior colleges contain one-, two-, and three-year degree institutions. 3 Includes 18,290 law school faculty. 4 Includes 25,914 hospital faculty. 5 Medical school faculty. 22 MDR • 800-333-8802

Canadian Schools Education Opportunities Up North The Canadian school system presents a real opportunity for U.S. companies. Reach and engage Canadian educators by focusing on the provinces, languages, and decision makers aligned to the products and services you offer. Quick look Canadian School Personnel 15,762 Schools Principal Group Totals Total English/ French 10,163 English-speaking schools Bilingual 25,323 Principals Principals 14,567 3,376 168 11,191 51 Canadian Schools Elementary 117 Middle/Junior High 6,032 1,310 Senior High 3,667 4,722 300 Combined (K-12) 3,367 Adult Ed, Special Ed, Career & 889 652 Technical Ed 25,323 237 5,689 Total 19,634 Total1 Elem Middle/ Senior Combined Canadian School Boards Jr High High (K-12) Total Schools by Province All Canadian School Boards/Districts ....................................................................................374 Alberta 2,045 878 1 359 803 Canadian Superintendents by Name .....................................................................................843 1,198 2 336 259 British Columbia 1,808 2 115 280 423 — 42 45 Manitoba 834 230 — 57 113 School Board Administrators 98 — 29 New Brunswick 318 4 6 83 Total 15 — 79 16 Newfoundland 268 242 53 8 347 Directors of Education ................................................................................................................... 231 18 — 1,011 14 Superintendents ............................................................................................................................... 843 Northwest Territories 50 4,224 23 18 215 Assistant Superintendents ........................................................................................................... 903 — 497 305 Curriculum/Instruction K-12 ........................................................................................................ 131 Nova Scotia 408 34 — 101 13 Data Processing/Computer Services ......................................................................................443 2,243 6 Education Technology .................................................................................................................. 110 Nunavut 42 40 2,192 Guidance/Student Services ...........................................................................................................31 360 20 1,596 231 Health/Safety/Community Services ...........................................................................................64 Ontario 5,745 12 25 549 99 Human Resources ............................................................................................................................ 568 490 Library Services ....................................................................................................................................15 Prince Edward Island 66 6,170 Physical Plant/Buildings and Grounds ...................................................................................444 2,474 Psychologists .........................................................................................................................................85 Quebec 3,377 1,331 Secretaries/Treasurers ................................................................................................................... 427 Speech/Language Pathologists ...................................................................................................29 Saskatchewan 770 Staff Development ............................................................................................................................... 6 Transportation ................................................................................................................................... 226 Yukon Territory 31 Schools by Language Spoken English 10,163 French 3,639 English and French 1,960 1 Includes Adult Ed, Special Ed, and Career & Technical Ed Schools. 23 MDR • 800-333-8802

School Personnel Target School Personnel With Precision The K-12 market includes a variety of specialized market niches from special education to adult education and athletics to tech prep. MDR covers it all so you can reach those who directly influence budgets and purchasing. Quick look Coaches 5,884,191 K-12 personnel District-Level Personnel 164,658 District administrators 209,456 Principals Total 1,288,148 Teachers new to their schools Athletic Directors ......................................................................................................................... 8,562 67,488 Teachers new to the profession Physical Ed/Health Supervisors ............................................................................................. 1,637 349,895 K-12 coaches School-Level Personnel Total Boy’s Team Girl’s Team Personnel in New Schools Athletic Directors 19,111 18,070 17,827 Athletic Directors –Jr High 12,899 — — Total1 Elementary Middle/Jr High Senior High Athletic Trainers 9,056 — — Badminton Coaches Principals in New Schools 453 281 75 81 Baseball Coaches 518 208 480 Teachers in New Schools 6,287 4,255 1,020 923 Basketball Coaches 21,339 — — Booster Club Presidents 60,487 Adult Education Personnel Bowling Coaches 31,725 30,546 Cheerleading Coaches 2,856 — — Total Crew Coaches 3,556 Cross-Country Coaches 21,225 2,728 2,638 Adult Ed District Supervisors .................................................................................................. 1,225 Dance/Pom Pom Coaches — — Teachers in Adult Ed Schools ................................................................................................ 5,329 Drill Team Coaches 272 — Fencing Coaches 23,740 272 Career & Technical Education Personnel Field Hockey Coaches 19,375 19,116 Football Coaches 4,117 — Sec Schools Career & Tech Golf Coaches 2,572 — — Gymnastics Coaches — — Total2 With Voc Ed3 Ed Schools Ice Hockey Coaches 192 — Lacrosse Coaches 2,468 192 — Principal Group 49,150 36,748 1,679 Rifle Coaches 27,103 — Career&Tech Ed Dept Chairs 1,151 1,013 105 Rugby Coaches 19,440 — 11,468 Business/Office Ed Dept Chairs 1,154 1,103 27 Skiing Coaches 1,394 1,327 Computer Personnel Soccer Coaches 2,222 15,041 Family/Consumer Sci Dept Chairs 33,017 24,165 1,575 Softball Coaches 6,647 128 589 Technology Ed/Trade Dept Chairs 682 618 14 Strength & Conditioning Coaches 3,215 Swimming Coaches 530 1,661 1,365 1,156 132 Tennis Coaches 202 3,496 — Track Coaches 793 See MDR’s Universe of Teacher Names for Volleyball Coaches 28,446 530 55 more personnel by grade, subject, or job title. Water Polo Coaches 20,889 166 497 Wrestling Coaches 5,907 717 15,201 pages 28-31 9,823 15,918 20,837 17,018 142 — 37,289 27,644 — 8,042 1,386 12,204 14,265 7,796 25,125 11,934 26,059 25,378 2,332 895 — 929 — 24 1 Includes K-12, Adult Ed, Special Ed, and Career & Technical Ed Schools. 2 Includes all school types. 3 Includes K-12, Junior High, and Senior High Schools. MDR • 800-333-8802

Name-Level Selections Make Strong Connections When You Know Your Audience When you combine an educator’s institution and professional profile with these powerful name-level selects, you get even more opportunities to increase relevant and highly personalized connectivity with educators. Quick look Meet George... 721,475 Teachers with master’s degree 4th Grade Teacher at Shelton Elementary School, Shelton, Connecticut 2,178,624 Teacher households with children • 8 Years teaching 1,312,211 Teachers with travel interest • Resides at 123 Main Street, Shelton, CT • Married with 2 children 3,165,578 Teacher homeowners • 33-Year-old, Greek male • Master’s degree Get to know teachers as individuals • • Owns home and has a household income Contact Information –Choose school or home address, range of $75,000-$99,000 email address, and home phone numbers. • Purchases online • Loves to travel with his family • Occupational –Refine your campaign segments by an educator’s professional profile—highest degree level, experience level, and number of years at a school. • Demographics –Define your ideal prospect by characteristics, such as: • age • ethnicity • marital status • children in the household • interests, such as travel, investing, and charitable contributions. • Financial –Use financial information, such as household income, home ownership, and LifestyleNE Indicator, to gauge buying potential. • Buying Behaviors –MDR’s tried-and-true buyer selects are ideal choices to boost response. MDR • 800-333-8802 25

CONNECT WITH OUR TEAM Team MDR includes top email marketing experts, social wizards, the brightest of data geeks, award- winning writers, and many former teachers. If you’re ready to get started building engagement with educators, schools, and families, contact us! • 800-333-8802 • [email protected]

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