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Home Explore Seaside Courier ENCINITAS August 2017

Seaside Courier ENCINITAS August 2017

Published by jonewell, 2017-08-17 13:39:50

Description: Seaside Courier ENCINITAS August 2017 San Diego

Keywords: san diego


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LOCAL DOCTOR BRINGS ‘SMILES’ WHAT’S INSIDE?TO CHILDREN WITH FACIAL DEFORMITIESEditor’s Note: The Smiles International Foundation is a national and international organization that organizes and provides chari- NORTH COUNTYtable surgical care for underprivileged children internationally and in the United States who are afflicted with cleft and craniofacial BEACHES CONTINUEdeformities through a team approach for longitudinal care. The clinic was founded by Dr. Jeff Moses of Carlsbad, and relies heavily TO SHRINKon volunteers from both Carlsbad Rotary Clubs. Medical teams and their Carlsbad volunteers headed to Tecate twice so far thisyear, in March and again in July, with a third trip scheduled for November. This is their story. SEE PAGE 5.By Kirk Sanderson As a result, this dedicated group JOHN MAYALL, WILL of volunteers has set the children BE PLAYING THE BELLY It was an early morning for the Cutline add (Seaside Courier staff photo) Smiles International Foundation’s on their path for normalization UP TAVERN IN SOLANAvolunteers, surgeons, nurses and numerous surgeons, pediatric with their ability to eat, speak, hear BEACH ON AUGUST 24.anesthesiologists as they unpacked correction of the tiny malformed Anesthesiologists, nurses, speech and smile properly in order toand assembled the surgical rooms. lip, with surgeons putting together and language therapists, and dental allow full integration into society SEE PAGE 6. the lip’s muscle and skin and specialists to provide children in order to contribute effectively. Their task was to ready the correcting the nose. located in the northern region NORTH COUNTYrooms, and themselves, for of Baja California, Mexico, with In just the previous year (2016) SCHOOLS SNAG TWOthe flood of patients who were From March 9 through 12, needed surgical corrections for at their Tecate-Smiles and Cabo- OF FOUR TOP PRIZES INsimultaneously being screened 2017, Rotarians from the Rotary their facial-cleft deformities. Smiles mission locations, Dr. CALIFORNIA STUDENTand triaged, with the lucky ones Club of Carlsbad, the High Moses and his Rotary District MEDIA FESTIVALbeing selected to have their Noon Club, and other Rotary 5340-Smiles Internationalsurgery done on the first and clubs worked together with the Foundation partnership provided SEE PAGE 8.second day of the Rotary-Smiles over $1,686,700 worth of cleftInternational Foundation’s facial reconstructive surgeries,partnership Facial-Cleft mission treating over 195 children at ain Tecate, Mexico. minimal expense of only $39,000 (mostly for sterile supplies) due to For the mother of one little the donated professional, hospital,child, the trip to the clinic meant and travel expenses.a shared Rotary van ride for overseven hours from the mainland Additionally, they haveSonora Desert, leaving before provided hundreds of childrenmidnight to arrive in the dark more with dental care, ear tubes,hours of the first day hoping to audiology and speech therapy, ashave her child selected for care, well as psychological self-esteemwhich is unavailable in her home treatments. The team workstown. together with professors and experienced academic specialists But not to worry – her child traveling from all around thewas one of the first to be selectedearly the next morning for surgical CONTINUES ON PAGE 12Home prices in coastal North County are sizzling. Are therebargains in the boom? It depends on what you consider a bargain. By Thomas K. Arnold Meanwhile, inventory levels CARDIFF DOG DAYS OF Home prices in San Diego are at an all-time low and there’s SUMMER 2017County hit an all-time high talk up and down the state ofin April, and in coastal North Sacramento taking drastic mea- SEE PAGE 21.County, homes are selling at sures to intervene in the Goldenprices even higher than during State’s worsening housing short- EDITORIAL/LETTERSthe housing bubble of the mid- age, which is driving up both [email protected]. In Carlsbad and Encini- sales prices and rents. ADVERTISINGtas, fixers are getting upwards of30 offers and selling for signifi- Are there still bargains to be Home prices in Carlsbad have gone through the proverbial roof over the past year, Alice Jacobson [email protected] above the asking price. found? particularly in Olde Carlsbad north of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. (Courtesy photo.) CONTINUES ON PAGE 14


LOCAL NEWS 3SEASIDECOURIER.COM | AUGUST 2017 |legal cannabis volunteers clean beach in encinitasBy Amanda Banion More than 150 professionals is the larg- “What an awesome way to kick rapidly. The site now receives In addition to their work withfrom the legal cannabis communi- est online medical marijuana off Memorial Day weekend!” said 7million monthly page views the local environment, BudTrader.ty recently dedicated their morn- marketplace, and is headquar- BudTrader Babe Solmayra (@ and has 850,000 registered users, com has focused on advocatingings to cleaning Encinitas beaches tered in Encinitas. McLaughlin solmayra88), a model and fitness who can post and reply to ads for for safe access to medical mari-and waterways at an event spon- says he wants to use the growing expert who was among the cannabis products, services, real juana across the country. In April,sored by online medical marijua- influence of BudTrader to help volunteers at today’s BudTrader. estate, investment and job oppor- the site sponsored a survey of 150na marketplace, the environment. “I care a lot com Beach Cleanup. “It feels great tunities, and more. BudTrader. current and former NFL playersaccording to a news release. about the environment,” he said. knowing we made the beaches of com’s rising profile in the online which showed that 87% wanted “Our campus is located right by our San Diego just a little more cannabis industry has led to their the league to remove its restric- During the four-hour event, the beach, and a lot of us surf clean and beautiful today.”  recent acquisition of mmjbuy. tion on medical marijuana. Thesevolunteers cleaned up approx- and spend time on the beach. At com, and the company is also findings sparked controversy andimately 400 to 500 pounds of BudTrader, we are all about ‘go- is now the currently filming a reality TV conversation in the sports world,garbage and other pollutants ing green,’ and now we are going largest online medical marijua- show centered around the day- and received coverage in publica-from the beaches and waterways to take that to the next level” na marketplace, and is growing to-day operations of the brand. tions like High Times Magazine.of Encinitas, including the scenicMoonlight Beach area. “The representative from1-800-GOT-JUNK estimatedthat the trash we collected wasbetween 400 and 500 pounds,” CEO Brad Mc-Laughlin said. “Now, I’m not amathematician, so I’m going toestimate on the low end and saythat the BeachCleanup removed approximately420 pounds of trash.”  The family-friendly eventbrought together volunteers fromthe community and beyond,with individuals coming downfrom Los Angeles and OrangeCountry to lend a hand. Also inattendance were McLaughlin andhis team, along with the site’s pro-mo models, the BudTrader Babes.  Volunteers at the BudTrader Beach Clean Up. Courtesy photo. ENCINITAS FIRM WINS NATIONAL GRANTBy Amanda Banion CycloPure, Inc. announced study through its Center for challenges of our time across all ing material,” said Frank Cassou, al formulations, CD-MP and CD-today that the National Science Chemical Innovation Program areas of science and technology.” CycloPure CEO. “We have now PFAS, for the removal of harmfulFoundation has awarded the and the Center for Sustainable shown effectiveness in removal contaminants from water, includ-company a Small Business Inno- Polymers, which we first reported Micropollutants are named for for a diverse group of micropol- ing the perfluorinated compoundsvation Research (SBIR) Phase I in Nature in January 2016.”1 their presence in concentrations lutants. This funding will accel- PFOA and PFOS.grant in the amount of $225,000. of one microgram and less per erate our scale-up efforts, so weThe company will use these funds This first-of-a-kind adsorption liter of water. Dichtel noted that can get our CD-MP polymer to Contamination of water re-to continue the development material was profiled in a recent “The removal of micropollutants the market for use in domestic, sources by micropollutants is aand scale-up of its high affinity study, published by Environmen- is an exacting process, requiring commercial and municipal water global health and environmentalpolymer, CD-MP, for use against tal Science & Technology, report- the targeting of trace organic mol- treatment systems.” problem.  Advanced analyticsmicropollutants in water treat- ing on the polymer’s superior per- ecules among complex mixtures have shown that trace organicment applications. formance against activated carbon of compounds found in water Once a small business is award- compounds, including industrial in the removal of micropollut- resources. With our technology, ed a Phase I SBIR/STTR grant (up chemicals, residuals of pharma- Micropollutants, made up of ants.2  In this study of the binding we are able to engineer affinity to $225,000), it becomes eligible ceuticals, and pesticides, are per-industrial chemicals, pesticides, of 83 micropollutants, CD-MP into high surface area materials to sistent in water and retain toxicand pharmaceutical compounds, significantly outperformed produce a new class of adsorbents to apply for a Phase II grant (up effects at extremely low concen-are pervasive in water resources, activated carbon in contaminant that rapidly bind to and remove to $750,000). Small businesses trations. The company’s advancedpresenting health risks even in uptake and removal, and demon- micropollutants from contami- with Phase II grants are eligi- adsorption materials can be in-low concentration. Certain con- strated resistance to fouling by nated water. We are very excited ble to receive up to $500,000 in corporated into a variety of watertaminants are known endocrine natural organic matter – a major about the implications for water additional matching funds with treatment and filtration productsdisruptors, and others have been deficiency impacting the perfor- treatment.” qualifying third-party investment for domestic, industrial, hospitalassociated with developmental mance of activated carbon. or sales. and municipal applications.disorders and certain cancers. “The timing of the NSF funding “The National Science Foun- coincides perfectly with recent About the Company: The company is also applying “We are pleased to receive this dation supports small businesses developments, and our shift to Using proprietary technologies, its technology to functionalizeaward from the National Science with the most innovative, cut- commercialization of this excit- CycloPure has developed and is fabrics to remove VOCs and un-Foundation,” commented Will ting-edge ideas that have the commercializing two lead materi- wanted compounds, enabling theDichtel, CycloPure co-founder potential to become great com- development of innovative textilesand Chief Science Officer. “It mercial successes and make huge and fiber materials, such as odorattests to our polymer’s potential societal impacts,” said Barry John- controlling fabrics, respirators andfor important health benefits in son, Director of the NSF’s Divi- other protective materials.water treatment. NSF’s support of sion of Industrial Innovation andthis technology has been valued Partnerships. “We hope that thisthroughout development, start- seed funding will spark solutionsing with its funding of the initial to some of the most important

Oceanside named California Cultural District4|AUGUST2017|SEASIDECOURIER.COM By Bart Grundig to the west. uals and organizations work hard Oceanside has been selected According to the city, “The to create, promote and sustainas the site of one of California’s cultural assets, quality of life, andpremier state-designated cultur- Oceanside Cultural District economic development,” saysal districts, the California Arts is home to an emerging art Principal Librarian CJ Di Mento.Council announced in July. scene. As the cultural heart of  “State-level designation of Cul- Oceanside, the Oceanside Pub- tural Districts, with California’s Oceanside joins 13 other dis- lic Library-a department of the diverse geography and regionaltricts that will launch the innova- City-empowers the community by variety, allowed for an entirelytive new program, highlighting promoting literacy, information new and comprehensive look atthriving cultural diversity and access, civic engagement, and our deeply valued cultural assets,”unique artistic identities within cultural inclusiveness. said Donn K. Harris, CaliforniaCalifornia, home to the country’s Arts Council Chair. “Oceansideleading creative economy, accord- “The Oceanside Museum of Cultural District’s personal anding to a city of Oceanside press Art is a cultural jewel located in generational commitment to theserelease. California Cultural Dis- downtown Oceanside, with a view assets speaks of a state deeplytrict, as outlined by the program, of the Pacific Ocean and the his- invested in the places and peopleis a well-defined geographic area toric Oceanside Pier.  MainStreet that celebrate local traditions andwith a high concentration of Oceanside is a non-profit down- creativity. Our goal with the pilotcultural resources and activities. town business association that launch of this new program wasThe 14 districts that comprise the facilitates a Farmers Market, as to support a group of districtsprogram’s first cohort were select- well as a Sunset Market abundant that met high but broad standardsed with variety in mind, intended with artists and musicians. of coherence, vision, and pur-to help tailor the program to meet pose-ones that could set an exam-the complex needs of a state kalei- “Artists Alley serves as home ple for districts that will follow asdoscopic in nature. to many striving artists, and the the program develops and grows.” California Surf Museum connects “These Cultural Districts show- The city of Oceanside is repre- with non-traditional arts audi- case California’s cultural diversitysented by its Oceanside Public ences while honoring the local and vibrant experiences,” saidLibrary and Oceanside Arts surf culture. The historic theaters Caroline Beteta, president andCommission (an advisory body to promote opportunities for all CEO of Visit California. “The and sustain authentic grassroots cultural centers. The pilot cohortthe City Council), the Oceanside ages and introduce theatrical districts are one more way to arts and cultural opportunities, program will run until 2019, afterMuseum of Art, and MainStreet expression to thousands of school highlight the one-of-a-kind places increasing the visibility of local which additional new districtsOceanside. “Together they bring children each year. Tattoo artists throughout our state that inspire artists and community participa- will be eligible to apply for a statea focus on inclusivity, creativity, honor the area’s military heritage residents and visitors alike.” tion in local arts and culture, and designation through the finalizedtalent, and economic devel- with much of their work. Originating with the adoption promoting socioeconomic and certification process.opment to the forefront in the of Assembly Bill 189 in 2015, au- ethnic diversity.district,” the press release says. “The annual cultural events in thored by Assemblyman Richard Districts will also play a con- Selection for the CaliforniaThe district is a walkable area the district are varied, colorful Bloom, the California Cultural scious role in tackling issues of Cultural districts was conduct-located in Oceanside’s downtown and celebratory as well as edu- Districts program aims to lever- artist displacement. Oceanside ed through a multistep process,center. The proposed boundaries cational; featuring dance, mu- age the state’s artistic and cultural Cultural District will receive the including an open call for initialspan approximately 3/4 of a mile sic, and food. Restaurants and assets. Aligning with the mission designation for a period of five letters of intent, a peer panel re-in each direction and includes breweries in the District display and values of the California Arts years, per state legislation. Des- view, site visits for semi-finalists,The Star Theater at its northern- local art and often feature local Council, the districts will cele- ignation, under this pilot launch and an invited finalist applica-most point (Sportfisher Drive), musicians. The Oceanside Transit brate the diversity of California of the program, includes benefits tion. The program was highlythe Oceanside Museum of Art Center is bustling, and makes while unifying under an umbrella such as technical assistance, peer- competitive and received interestto the east (Nevada Street), Hill Oceanside an easy, accessible of shared values-helping to grow to-peer exchanges, and brand- and submissions from dozens ofStreet Country Club Gallery at locale to visit.” ing materials and promotional communities across the state. Vis-LinkSoul to the south (Minnesota it toAvenue), and the Oceanside Pier “Oceanside is an original, active learn more about the California and eclectic area abundant with Cultural Districts program. cultural resources. Local individ- For more information about the Oceanside Cultural District, strategy. please contact CJ Di Mento, Prin- The California Arts Council has cipal Librarian, Oceanside Public partnered with Visit California Library, at or and Caltrans for strategic state- or 760- wide marketing and resource 435-5614. support. Oceanside Cultural District and 13 other pilot districts will offer feedback to the California Arts Council to ensure the subse- quent launch of the full program will be supportive, accessible and appropriate for all types ofThe bustling Sunset Market, held each Thursday evening in downtown Oceanside, is one of the reasons theCalifornia Arts Council selected Oceanside as one of California’s first state-designated Cultural Districts.

5SEASIDECOURIER.COM | AUGUST 2017 |North County beaches continue to shrink By Kirk Sander-It’s no secret that North Coun-ty beaches are in trouble. Risingsea levels and erosion continue toeat away at our famed beaches, andone of the most glaring examplesis the beach off Oceanside, wherejoggers used to have a wide, san-dy patch from Carlsbad clear up tothe pier.No longer. Even at low tide,you’ll get no further than Oceans-ide Boulevard – after that, it’s rockspretty much all the way.This summer, the southernhalf of The Strand – the mile-longstretch of pavement from Wis-consin Avenue, site of the originalOceanside pier, north to Breakwa-ter Way – has even been underwa-ter several times at extremely hightide. Walk by on any summer dayand you’ll see sandbags along thefronts of many of the oceanfronthouses, condos and apartments.The Los Angeles Times in 2016quoted Bob Guza, a researcher atthe University of California at SanDiego’s Scripps Center for CoastalStudies, as saying, “If we do noth-ing, absolutely nothing, I’d say in50 years we’re going to have veryfew beaches left.” physical Research maintains thatAnd that could have a disas- more than half off all beaches in Signs like this one, warning of high tides sending rocks and debris over The Strand, have become increasingly common. Seaside Courier staff photo.trous effect on the local economy. Southern California could disap- onda Lagoon – and dump it along“I’ll tell you what happens if pear by the end of the century due the shoreline. But the study saysbeaches are not sandy,” he told to sea-level rise. even these efforts won’t be able toThe Times. “Tourists do not come. The report, from the U.S. Geo- keep up with rising tides and moreThe Germans will not pay to sit on logical Survey, says that because of powerful” sea-level rise up to 67% of beach-Two things are at play, Guza told es from San Diego north to Santa Guza told The Times that notThe Times. Barbara could be completely erod- only are sand replenishment pro-Rampant construction along ed back to sea cliffs or infrastruc- grams expensive, the grains ofthe coast has cut off sediment flow. ture – roads and buildings – by sand have to match for the sandShopping centers built in flood 2100. to stay put. Sometimes they do,plains are one culprit. Homes built Sean Vitousek, the lead au- sometimes they don’t, and moreatop cliffs that have historically thor and post-doctoral fellow at research is required to find out ex-eroded, replenishing the sand on the USGS when he conducted the actly why.the beach down below, are anoth- study, said in a press statementer. Homeowner have built so many that “beachesare perhaps the most “There are management strat-seawalls, Guza told The Times, that iconic feature of California, and egies,” Guza told The Times, “butabout 40% of San Diego County the potential for losing this iden- we have to learn as we go” andcliffs are “armored.” That prevents tity is real.” make tough decisions on the costnatural erosion – and beach sand Many cities, including Carls- of protecting roads, rail lines andreplenishment. bad, have embarked on sand buildings versus the cost of wait-Then there’s the matter of rising replenishment programs that ing to see what happens. The beach west of The Strand, in North Oceanside, was once wide and sandy. Today, this is about as good as it gets.sea levels. Last May, a new study dredge up sand from the ocean – Seaside Courier staff photo. “Doing nothing is making apublished in the Journal of Geo- or, in Carlsbad’s case, Agua Hedi- decision - the decision that we don’t need sandy beaches in Cal- ifornia.”

6 | AUGUST 2017 | SEASIDECOURIER.COM CALENDARAUGUST The Carlsbad Village Association hosts Flicks at the Fountain 2017, a series AUGUST 22 The 2017 Invitational opens at the William D. Cannon Art Gallery at of weekly family-fun films that show behind the Village’s prominent fountain 1775 Dove Lane in Carlsbad. Five San Diego artists selected by curator Kar-on the corner of State Street and Grand Avenue. Each summer, the free movies make their big en McGuire make up the 2017 Juried Biennial Exhibition. Artists Robert Barry, Don Fike, Kaori Fukuyama, Elena Lomakin andAllan Morrow all show excellent examples of contemporary art be-screen debut on the Thursday following the Fourth of July and continue each Thursday evening at ing produced in the region. The William D. Cannon Art Gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is free. For more informationdusk until the fourth Thursday in August. Adults and kids alike can bring their low-backed chairsand blankets, snag a cozy spot and enjoy some free family entertainment under the stars. For thoselooking to have their dinner al fresco, choose from a variety of options, including bringing a picnicspread or purchasing to-go meals from one of the many eateries nearby. Consider having a pizzadelivered to your seat! So cozy-up, unwind and enjoy the best of Carlsbad Village this summer.Films begin at dusk, or around 8 p.m. Seating begins at 6 p.m. In August as the sun sets earlier,movies will start closer to 7:45 p.m. AUGUST An art exhibition featuring the art of Micah Hogan, a native Californian, is fea-tured all month at the E101 Office Gallery at 818 South Coast Highway 101. Hocah creates art thatspeaks to the importance of never forgetting the simple things in life. Inspired from places suchas Big Sur, Monterey, and San Francisco, Hogan uses the wild and rugged coastline, dotted withdifferent types of pine and cypress trees, rocky points, and crashing waves to create his art. Free. John Mayall, playing the Belly Up Tavern in Solana Beach on August 24. Wikicommons photo. AUGUST 24 The Belly Up Tavern on August 10 hosts John Mayall. Mayall is a leg- endary English blues singer, guitarist, organist and songwriter, whose musical career spans over 50 years. In the 1960s, he was the founder of John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers, a band which has counted among its members some of the most famous blues and blues rock mu- sicians. They include Eric Clapton, Peter Green, Jack Bruce, John McVie, Mick Fleetwood, Mick Taylor, Don “Sugarcane” Harris, Harvey Mandel, Larry Taylor, Aynsley Dunbar, Hughie Flint, Jon AUGUST 26 The city of Carlsbad hosts Float ‘n’ Flick at the Alga Norte Aquatics Cen- ter. Bring a swim suit and enjoy a movie under the stars while floating in a warm water pool! Enjoy dinner at the Dive in Grill open during the event. Menu includes made-to- order grilled burgers, chicken sandwiches, pizza, shaved ice, ice cream and other tasty treats. SaveSteve Earle, playing the Belly Up Tavern in Solana Beach on August 10. Wikicommons photo. time and avoid lines by picking up event wristbands in advance. As a courtesy, wristbands will beAUGUST 10 available for pick up startingAugust 14 and endingAugust 26 atAlga NorteAquatics Center during The Belly Up Tavern on August 10 hosts Steve Earle and the Dukes. Ear- regular business hours. All sales are final; absolutely no refunds. Wristbands that are picked up in le is an American rock, country and folk singer-songwriter, record producer, advance that are lost or not brought to the event will not be replaced. No exceptions. The fun startsauthor and actor. He began his career as a songwriter in Nashville; his breakthrough album was at 7 p.m.toya and Buddy Whittington.The show starts at 8 p.m. and is only open to those 21 and up.the 1986 album Guitar Town. Since then Earle has released 15 other studio albums and receivedthree Grammy awards. His songs have been recorded by Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, TravisTritt, Vince Gill, Patty Loveless, Shawn Colvin, Ian Stuart Donaldson and Emmylou Harris. Hehas appeared in film and television, and has written a novel, a play, and a book of short stories. TheAUGUST 11 The Mighty Untouchables perform a free afternoon concert at Alga Norte Community Park at 6565 Alicante Road. Shuttle service operates from 4:30to 9 p.m. at Ocean Collection at 2510 Gateway Road. This is the next-to-last performance in Carls-bad’s popular annual summer concert series, TGIF Concerts in the Parks. This multi-cultural mixof musicians and singers entertain with an extensive and diverse collection of material. Their rep-ertoire includes songs from Bruno Mars, CeeLo Green, Earth, Wind & Fire, Four Tops, MarvinAUGUST 13 Cardiff Dog Days of Summer is a free event with over 200 dog- related vendors and rescue groups with pet adoptions, live music, beer garden oasis, LeucadiART Walk returns for the 13th season to the streets of Leucadia on August 27, with free shuttle service and a return of the Magic Bus. Courtesy contests, local makers market, food trucks and more! New this year, the event will be held atthe Encinitas Community Park at 425 Santa Fe Drive in Cardiff, next to the Maggie Houlihan DogPark, and will feature a Maker’s Market row where visitors can find quality handmade goods and AUGUST 27connect with local artisans. The event will also feature a Rescue Row presented by Rancho Coastal The 13th annual LeucadiART Walk returns to Leucadia from 10 a.m. toHumane Society and Pet Health Expo presented by the city of Encinitas. In addition, organizers 5 p.m. Local juried artists will be displaying original art in specified areas along Coast High-this year have expanded their dog contest categories. Does your dog like to strut its stuff? Enter one way 101 in Leucadia. The event will take place in private parking lots along a one mile stretch ofof six categories: Cutest Puppy, Best Looking Big Dog, Best Looking Small Dog, Best Trick, Best North Coast Highway 101 from North Court to Phoebe Street. Music will fill the air at six differentDressed and Dog/Owner Look-A-Like. Compete to take home a ribbon for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place music stages. Children can get creative at the Scripps Health Children’s Art Pavilion. Adults overand a goodie bag of cool prizes. Registration is the day of the event from 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. 21 can enjoy a refreshing Lost Abbey Beer at the California Coast Credit Union Beer Garden. And through a grant from the city of Encinitas and Mizel Family Foundation, organizers this year have AUGUST 17 Classic Car Night kicks off in downtown Encinitas, with hundreds of hot added three live dance performances, six live art demos, and a mural painting demo.Do not missrods, Woodies and other classic and vintage vehicles. The Classic Car Nights series will take place Ballet Folklorico with two performances.Their first performance will be at 1 p.m. at the Leucadiaon the third Thursday of every summer month through September from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Visitors will find a variety of classic cars and trucks between D Street and K Street, along the iconic Post Office art location and their second performance will be at 2 p.m. at the Leucadia Plant andSouth Coast Highway 101, in downtown Encinitas.  Enjoy the family friendly atmosphere with livemusic at several venues and an Awards Ceremony beginning at 7:15 p.m. The event is open and Floral Art Location. Be sure to pick up a free, collectible retro “road” map of Leucadia showcasingfree to the public. Every car in attendance is eligible for awards and there is no cost for displaying sponsors, event locations and participating businesses locations. More than 5,000 people turn out for this event. The FREE Magic Bus will be running from 9:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Two Trolleys will be running 9:45 am-5:30 pm making a loop beginning at Encinitas City Hall at 505 S. Vulcan Ave AUGUST 30 The Carlsbad Film Series presents “Spare Parts,” a true story about fourAUGUST 18 Hispanic high school students who form a robotics club, at the Ruby G. In the last performance of this year’s TGIF Concerts in the Parks summer Schulman Auditorium, 1775 Dove Lane, in Carlsbad. With no experience, $800, used car parts and concert series, JazzKatz Orchestra with Whitney Shay will perform Big Band a dream, this underdog team goes up against M.I.T. - the country’s reigning robotics champion. Notand Swing music at Alga Norte Community Park at 6565 Alicante Road. Shuttle service operates only do they learn how to build a robot, they build a bond to last a lifetime. Movie special featuresfrom 4:30 to 9 p.m. at Ocean Collection at 2510 Gateway Road. Directed by Chaz Cabrera and begin at 5:30 p.m. The film will begin at 6 p.m. A post-film discussion will take place after theWhitney Shay, the JazzKatz members are some of the finest and most experienced jazz musicians screening. This free screening is made possible in part by the Carlsbad Library and Arts Founda-in the San Diego area. The JazzKatz play modern to classic jazz and emulate the swing sounds of tion’s Robert H. Gartner Cultural Endowment Fund. For more information contact Keith Gemmell

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8 | AUGUST 2017 | SEASIDECOURIER.COMNorth County schools snag two of four topprizes in California Student Media Festival By Amanda Banion SJtlsbcgCFFtiyohtauoyoviiaEpnuetleacrritlnereeoigsehcaans”tieeanaegcrlarotmn,itnASefleifaSiedgotssorLpnusconmtvPtwiraddsrie,ioen,vieienaaTerejMagr,efncsseel“uaoce,scdaoinatrseEnhtsafmugihmq:cnnmneabeulBigid,cuomnmcaeilcHrdalitngHeeisiialentitohp.AtsetdiEginTea/ttac:reodLudl,hlstdtruaa,sehiyn,l-n/,/- aiOtFCFCeipSnnhsnceeraaNvttcaohssdellelnttsjiioouriieffrtivvawooound$ctcaarrltdt1ehstllsnnie4ei.en.trihviin5hsIaaapeati,tectt0saSShshstmw0sttitaae5uuvti0wseol1edd2nldrtsaes0eeaomk,itxrnnatdwypyiCouttofeeeaefleaMMnadtanbsmlir’rsitsmdmees,fiioo,oevddtteoehrtdrlaiiddhe,aanrle.tie-eioaa tChLtntspbMasattbiaateaeneiihhauhtdnnnvcyrooeommaTTanteaceaecoardddmsselcCshhtnotdrcsinweessgtshefAhyaCteeeimddiueatoreb6caeasacfitlniiadUyfCrarpats,lrhiwpktaae0FteonfoegefcessenailosEu0baeapie.hnmeiinttwlPnrsaors.r0slmheliiretgnhe.fdvt.tBwPosotcrawoisossTweaiesmlvsjrSBncatalraedldhhakeuae’ehenn—ksSscfeendileadevdoswodistatdxstSdingareouserfotsitirhoaednociungcsaopSleSGnPnmseaotsCetaedttwrotsganBnadmdtutrioaiecaanuihnevatSidtcnoopdltbdomcatdreahrawennthuJaiSdeeatrloesslucnuerm.tteceooiiseeetrnnttlrrenCrs-l-hsdunedgekt-eal---lertcwfebRwpsHeta“taPCvrwMoPSooeheacoTsrnndacrlrrBiuoiiTTTTOaeduchp veeoighlTmianndnfVgSicnr2zehhhweadorohadkgonhonnufrhhei4ism/eeirniooSetvuhoGiioMseeusaee2taet5scnwtouledtfoteclrrltuLr1!ssryauofNehsFds”siCeserstoiiCtta0lwee,desfltwnthneue.ndEhtonuar(pta aa9aaxUidatsse anedihterorlmsnrrrwlhdrE9ibvtltrelrs,cntts’tneeiiniuescd8EieaynmuGhftzvteaiePrneGRdiaopsds7lifeliSrdcasdntls,CnrtrteeeCveroasd1wesritlt,ceeaiipgwsmrnne.n:gmhoanna1czashoo/gnintsordnit,nilea/eta)cittomufoeetcatipdeavovs.aalhsdofsascnrwenowndrtraoi’nlSGeaseofPyaNhFmlyootltaliPsrei,thdndnasaytrelnjnrtuicnafMberwhhoeeriintdiiaohtnYigfcdawzoier5yco-etnzeahrhpaioedoener1t.e’wsndsitsarronu’stcse5b-siciitltrhzt-5.syth-.- MywOVStdScv(ahaoicepiiTd-attihcsnnsuedtkhetocopdngandosehnoso,ei/lta:odtflerwr2h/nwiso/ayie0eShnvdrlodw4cfsiidyo-m4Pc/VheoiscrhC3ersoatcaeeA2rh“louhwlorL4ieMVlBroipfo9rosroioeIr.nni7ioOrLrocll)n-dklI.uSi.idvcnTiekhlBaoeiaaYseHr-tmernthvar”-rimlie/iglsc-hat/nSave Some Green!$20.00 O F F Our Already Low, Low Prices! GREEN CARPET CLEANING Not valid with any other offer. Limit one coupon per customer per cleaning. Some restrictions may apply. Expires August 31, 2017 800-617-9219 Locally Owned!

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10 | AUGUST 2017 | SEASIDECOURIER.COM One office. Two top docs. ◊ Dr. Julia Kurlan. Dermatologist. ◊ Tues. & Fridays by appointment. ◊ Rashes, moles, skin checks. ◊ Botox, fillers, & sclerotherapy. ◊ Major insurances accepted. ◊ All ages. For Derm appt. 760-230-2878◊ Dr. Matt Kurlan. For urgent care◊ Urgent Care specialist. 760-230-ASAP◊ Walk in. No appt. needed.◊ Quick service. Open wk/ends.◊ Infections, injuries, physicals.◊ Affordable fees. Cash only.KURLAN MEDICAL519 Encinitas Blvd. #106, Encinitas ( Located 1/4 mi. E. of I-5 )

LOCAL NEWS 11SEASIDECOURIER.COM | AUGUST 2017 |Carlsbad City Council nixes proposal to build distillery in barrioBy Kirk SandersonA controversial proposalto build a craft distillery eating establishment is farand restaurant in Carlsbad’s better than the car repairbarrio died in late July 2017 and tow yards that currentlydue to a split vote by the occupy the neighborhood,Carlsbad City Council. on the northwest side of theCouncilmembers Cori mostly residential barrio.Schumacher and Mark Pack- But opponents said theyard voted against the plan. feared rowdy behavior fromSchumacher sided with res- bringing another bar intoidents who felt the location the area. They also said proj-– across the street from the ects should not be approvedCarlsbad Boys & Girls Club until the Village and Barrio– was not suitable. Packard Master Plan is in place. Twoagreed, and as a member of draft master plans werethe Church of Jesus Christ of scrapped due to public pro-Latter-Day Saints he noted, tests over increased density“Everybody knows I don’t and the mandate to “becomesupport alcohol use.” a town” proposed by theMayor Matt Hall recused Florida consultancy thathimself because he owns the prepared A third draft, prepared byThe proposal to build the local city staff and citizens,distillery and restaurant had was supposed to be issuedbeen put forth by Encinitas The site of the proposed distillery on Tyler Street is currently occupied by a Crossfit gym. The property is owned by this summer or fall, but nowresident Nicholas Ham- Carlsbad Mayor Matt Hall. (Seaside Courier staff photo.) has reportedly been post-mond and was hailed by poned until early next year,locals who want to rid the open a Pacific Coast Spirits area, in the hopes to more vote. At that meeting, ac- city hall sources say.area of auto body shops and and Farmhouse Kitchen on seamlessly bridge the mostly cording to city documents, Opponents of the distillerytow yards. Sources say with Tyler Street, on one of sev- residential barrio with the the Planning Commission project also blasted city staffthe death of the distillery eral parcels owned by Mayor flourishing Village north of heard public testimony from for recommending approval,plan, the building, currently Hall. Carlsbad Village Drive. 32 public speakers. Eleven accusing them of attempt-home to a Crossfit gym, will After effectively killing The Carlsbad Planning speakers spoke in support ing to curry favor with themost likely be rented out to the distillery proposal with Commission in June had of the amendment, and 21 mayor.another auto-repair facility. their split vote, the Council voted to grant the distillery speakers spoke in oppositionHammond had asked the then voted unanimously, project a Village Master to the amendment.Council to make a zone 4-0,  to ask staff to prepare Plan amendment and sent Supporters said the areachange, already recom- a zoning amendment that it to the Council, recom- is badly in need of revital-mended by city staff, that would allow restaurants, but mending approval by a 3-2 ization and a drinking andwould have allowed him to no bars or distilleries, in theTwo suspects arrested in attempted kidnapping in EncinitasBy Amanda BanionTwo people were taken into sketch and was arrested. Detec-custody in connection with an at- tives developed further leadstempted kidnapping in Encinitas that led them to Owens. Owensof a 15-year-old girl, the San Di- was taken into custody, withoutego County Sheriff ’s Department incident, by the Regional Fugitiveannounced late last month. Task Force at his home in Escon-Christopher White and Jeremi- dido at about 6:40 p.m.ah Owens, roommates who share The attempted kidnappingan Escondido home, were booked happened on Wednesday, Julyin Vista Jail. They are facing 26 around 5:30 p.m. in the 1600charges of kidnapping with the in- block of Neptune Avenue intent to commit rape, false impris- Encinitas. A 15-year-old girlonment, assault with the intent to told deputies she was waxing hercommit rape, and conspiracy. surfboard in her home’s drivewayAccording to a news release when a man came up from behindfrom the Sheriff ’s Department, her and pinned her to the ground.a member of the public reported The man tried to drag her intoseeing a pickup truck matching an older blue model pickup truckthe description of one seen in the parked along Grandview Street,area of the incident on Friday, July but she was able to fight back and28, just before 11 a.m. run inside her home.The truck was located by depu- Sheriff Bill Gore praised theties in the 1400 block of Summit collaborative effort in the case:Avenue in Encinitas. Deputies “The response from the Northresponded and pulled the truck Coastal Sheriff ’s Station, as well asover. They detained a man fitting help from the media in getting thethe description of a suspect in a information out and the publicsketch that was released to the calling in tips, led to a quick arrest Christopher White. (Facebook photo) Jeremiah Owens. (Facebook photo)public. White was later positively in this case.”identified as the suspect from the

12 | AUGUST 2017 | SEASIDECOURIER.COM Rotary – Smiles International Foundation CONTINUED FROM PG. 1 would one day culminate in via a Naval Dental Scholarship, and transformed his surgical that Pedro Colio was discovered these children with facial- a special talent to provide graduating from the University of center here in coastal North and found to be missing onecleft and syndromic differences underprivileged children with the Pacific Dental School in 1977, County into an international of his articulation jaw jointsmature and begin to reach complex CranioMaxillofacial again with cum laude honors. educational and charitable (TMJ), which would lead to ayoung adulthood, their facial Surgery to reconstruct their While carrying out his military surgical center accredited by the severe growth and functionalbones and jaws require advanced birth abnormalities. He studied duties on Camp Pendleton, Accreditation Association for abnormality unless treated. Dr.surgical facial reconstruction. Biomedical Engineering and Moses already had an eye set Ambulatory Health Care and the Moses operated the first facial-Unfortunately, they currently Social Psychology at UCSD, on the end goal of applying his UCLA Dental School academic growth transplantation rib-have little opportunity to obtain graduating cum laude. His biomedical training to advance department. He operated for cartilage pediatric surgery to bethis service at many locations in studies provided him with his the field of reconstruction of the free on weekends for children performed in North San DiegoBaja, Mexico. first exposure to the wonders face. He attended full residency unable to afford care otherwise County, donating his services to Dr. Moses and four Rotary of bone dynamics, exposure training in Maxillofacial Surgery and brought many international young Pedro, who was broughtClubs - the two Carlsbad clubs, that grew while spending time at the University of Texas at specialists under his guidance into this country through thethe San Marcos Rotary Club at the San Diego Veterans Parkland Memorial Hospital to teach them techniques not help of his foundation and Tri-and the United San Diego Administration hospital after first finishing and becoming available at their home countries. City Hospital, which at the timeGlobal Rotary Club - have volunteering with patients being board-certified in Dental General was just changing over to becomesuccessfully created a Rotary treated through the oral surgery Anesthesiology to obtain further Through the creation of a full Medical Center.District Matching Grant department with traumatic medical training and experience. the Pacific Clinical Researchwhich has leveraged donations injuries and reconstruction. He rationalized this with the fact Foundation (PCRF) as a non- Through the publicitywith matching equipment When he inquired as to how that this afforded his patients profit educational and charitable generated by the Pedro Coliocontributions by KLS Martin to obtain training to be able to a better comfort while being surgical service organization surger, Dr. Moses was asked toCorp. to obtain $48,000 worth address the facial bones , he was treated as well as affording him providing certified continuing speak at the San Diego Rotaryof specialty CranioMaxillofacial told that rather than working with precise communication education for professionals, District 5340 conference and atSurgical instrumentation, which his way up the body from the as to how his patients would be he was able to use the various the conclusion of his presentationnow will provide the older bottom, the quicker way to the anesthetized during their long, honoraria received and tuition was asked which Rotary Clubpatients with the surgeon’s ability face was through the field of complex procedures in years to fees from the numerous he belonged to. When he toldto treat their final stages of facial dentistry. come. courses his foundation gave at them early morning and noonreconstruction and jaw surgery the national press conferences meetings were impossibleas Dr. Moses and the Smiles A naturalized citizen – he was Years of service and as seed money to perform for him to attend due to hisInternational Foundation project born in Japan during the Korean accumulation of numerous traveling surgical charitable profession, the Rotary Clubsites have done in the past. Conflict with a father in what was academic appointments, missions worldwide and give of Carlsbad’s members easily Now 64, Dr. Moses for then the Army Air Corps (the professional accolades, and U.S. scholarships to those lured him into membershipover 30 years wandered predecessor to the Air Force – honors, American specialty international professionals who in 1985 with their friendlyinstitutional education halls, Moses as a boy was familiar with board appointments and would later come to volunteer on Thursday evening meetings andobtaining knowledge that the military service. He figured fellowship certifications ensued. missions in their own countries. community service philosophy. out how to fund his education But Dr. Moses was restless It was on one of these missions Once a Rotarian, Dr.

13SEASIDECOURIER.COM | AUGUST 2017 |CONTINUED FROM PG. 12 Dr. Jeff Moses Brings ‘Smiles’ to ChildrenMoses was introduced to the was inspired one early morning and Costa Rica. He focuses only for disposable sterile supplies the local doctors in the mission at 3 a.m. with a “message” that on maxillofacial syndromes and and stitches. He emphasizes project nature of the instead of him individually facial cleft deformity patients. His that, while purchased at a large This equipment is specializedRotarian service and immediately performing five surgeries per enthusiasm has garnered regular discounted rate, these supplies for the purpose of treating thegrasped the concept. He day in the field, he could train volunteer services from over six are new, with current expiration children who have now maturedcofounded the Rotary Thousand or lead five surgeons, each doing major academic medical centers dates, and are transported with their final stages of surgery,Smiles Foundation cleft surgical the same workload and yielding with volunteers in Pediatric through customs to the various which involves separating, movingand dental projects in Ensenada, a magnified overall outcome for Anesthesia, Craniomaxillofacial sites, as he believes all care should and joining back together theMexico, serving as president children’s care. Surgery, Dentistry, Nursing, be provided with the same young person’s structural-facialand then as a board director for Dr. Moses expanded his Speech/Language pathology, quality as we have in the United bones into the correct esthetic and20 years before transitioning Rotary roles and began writing Otolaryngology, Audiology, and States. functioning position which is into the Smiles International matching grants with seed Self Esteem Social Therapists, The most recently completed keeping with the purpose of theFoundation,which would come moneys donated to open the who each spend their own District 5340 matching grant was foundation’s mission statement:to start many other international door of “Rotary alchemy,” as he resources for hotels, meals, flights a labor of love for Dr. Moses, as “Providing Excellence inmission clinic sites. calls it, equipping and leading and ground transportations in it joined four separate Rotary Education and Charitable SurgicalIt was on one of these clinics averaging 10 missions addition to the free donation of Clubs with one purpose to Care.” ■surgical missions that Dr. per year located in countries their professional services. provide the special equipmentMoses transitioned to full-time as distant as the Ukraine and He has been able to repair cleft for the surgeons on the team tophilanthropy through a chance India, and as close as Mexico lip surgical cases for around $250 use when working together withaccident. While in CostaRica performing facial cleftreconstructions at the Hospitalde Ninos Nacionale, at the endof the surgical sessions the groupwent on a weekend expeditionto visit one of the local volcanos.The van lost its brakes andcareened down the curves of thesteep mountain road, crashinginto a farm tractor which, whilestopping the van and keeping itfrom a descent over the cliff, ledto Dr. Moses being rushed to thelocal hospital for emergency care.Following his recuperation andre-evaluations back in the UnitedStates, it was determined that Dr.Moses would have to have anearly retirement or risk furthercontinuing injury. He finallyretired in 2003 and says he has“not taken a dollar away from anysurgery since.” As a passionatesurgeon struggling with his lifework’s cessation, he searched formeaning in this turn of fate. Hetells of discovering a renewedpassion for the mission field that Editor’s Note: Interested parties may contact Dr. Jeff Moses through www.SmilesInternational- (Seaside Courier photo) , or through the Rotary Club of Carlsbad, which meets every Thursday evening atthe Carlsbad Hilton Garden Inn Hotel, or the Carlsbad High Noon Rotary Club, which meets alsoweekly on Monday at noon at the Sheraton Carlsbad Resort and Spa.

14 | AUGUST 2017 | SEASIDECOURIER.COM LOCAL NEWS Home prices in coastalNorth County are sizzling.CONTINUED FROM PG. 1 “North County is a bit mixed The area west of Interstate 5 in Oceanside, south of Mission and north of Oceanside Boulevard, is one of the hottest real estate areas in coastal North County, where bargains are unlikely to besince the bubble; some areas have found. (Seaside Courier staff photo.)surged while others still lag behindtheir peaks,” says realtor Brian likely work as an incentive for you are in it for the long haul. of Carlsbad and Encinitas and are the lowest at $280/ squareFlock. “Prices in Carlsbad … are these people to stay in their homes Kathy Tetalman of Progressive consider looking further east – or foot,” he said.  “Northeast (92010)substantially higher, especially to hold onto that low mortgage Realty agrees. “Prices [in coastal north, in parts of Oceanside. and southeast Carlsbad (92009)Olde Carlsbad, where home prices payment. So with only a two- North County] are higher than the follow at an average of $340/are up by as much as 20% from month supply of inventory in most peak 2005-2006 bubble, but real Jeffrey A. Pashby, a senior square foot, with developmentsbubble levels. A lot of this can areas the demand is high, causing estate is a long-term investment, associate with The Lund Team, like Tanglewood (92010) off ofbe attributed to 20% population the prices rise. Sellers have been and this investment is something says, Vista. I like the section of Carlsbad Village Drive being agrowth in both cities over a decade receiving multiple offers, many that is occupied and enjoyed by Oceanside in ZIP code 92056 good active redevelopment in over the asking price. Some buyers the owners for many years,” she that borders Calavera Hills inCarlsbad’s Village-Barrio. are aggressive and shortening said. “Real estate remains a good Carlsbad. Why? Oceanside As for areas where buyers the contingency periods and investment. An owner has many address + Oceanside price = are unlikely to find bargains, “Meanwhile, the number of even waiving the appraisal. The long-term benefits, including CARLSBAD SCHOOLS. One realtor Mike Fraijo of Fraijohomes for sale is about 75% below percentage of list price to sale price control over the property; neighborhood in particular is Real Estate & Mortgage pointsthe peak. Only prices in ZIP code is currently up 3.3%. I think this enjoyment; choice of residence in Bay Shores South. You’ve got to the 92008 (Olde Carlsbad)92011 (southwest Carlsbad) are will lead to a permanent shortage terms of neighborhood, location, 30- to 40-year-old townhomes and 92054 (Oceanside, betweeneffectively flat from peak levels. of starter or affordable homes for and floor plan; and the ability to with carports or garages, two and Mission Boulevard and OceansideThis ZIP code was last to peak sale.” modify and change the property three bedrooms, no Mello Roos, Boulevard, west of Interstate 5) ZIPat the beginning of the recession She notes that homebuyer to suit the occupant’s needs - not low HOA dues (currently $160/ codes. “Listings aren’t lasting longand the population has not grown demand is stronger now than it to mention tax benefits and pride month), community pools, and unless they are just really over-much during that time.” was at the same time last year.   The of ownership. There are wonderful CARLSBAD SCHOOLS. Price priced,” he says. “Shadow Ridge [in median sales price in all four ZIP communities in Oceanside that range: $275,000 to $350,000. A Vista] is also going strong because Conversely, Flock said, codes in Carlsbad from this time are a bargain in terms of being in bargain in today’s market!” it’s close to jobs in and around“Oceanside and Vista home prices last year has increased 12.25%, coastal Southern California – they Faraday or Palomar Airport Road,are still 6% to 7% below their according to data taking from are undervalued for their location In addition to the Foothills/ and also offers quick access topre-recession peaks. Even though Market Watch report for North and features of the property.” Alta Vista area of Vista, Flock has Interstate 5.”housing inventory in these two San Diego Association of Realtors. Buyers looking for bargains, pinpointed several other areascities has dropped by a whopping Still, McLaughlin says, “I believe realtors say, had best look where potential home buyers may Flock says “the priciest areas80% from the peak, the population real estate is a great investment if beyond the coastal communities find happy hunting.  in Carlsbad are Olde Carlsbadof these two cities has only grown and Aviara, at an average ofby 6% to 7% in a decade. This puts “For square foot value, San $390/ square foot. Talking aboutless upward pressure on prices in Marcos, Oceanside, and Vistacomparison to Carlsbad and San CONTINUES ON PG. 15Marcos.” Flock says one notable “pricesweet spot” in North County is theFoothills/Alta Vista area of Vista,“where you can get the most homeand land for the money.” “If you look really hard, youcan always find a bargain,” addslocal realtor Kelly Lauro.  “If theseller’s motivation is desperation,you can get a deal.  There are notany foreclosure deals to be foundlike back in the day.  Banks arenow selling foreclosure propertiesthat they have in their inventoryto either asset managers in bigchunks (many homes at a time) orholding them and selling them atmarket value.  Bargains aren’t reallyfound in specific areas, just hereand there.  Obviously the furtherfrom the coast, the better the pricepoint.” Veteran realtor KellyMcLaughlin, of AARE, agrees. “Itwill be tough for the coastal ZIPcodes because affordable housinghas declined in the past two yearsand will continue to fall this year,”she says. “Many homeownerswho have lived in their homes forseveral years could be thinking ofmoving but won’t list their homesfor sale because they are amongthe millions of homeownerslocked into a mortgage rate below4%. Rising mortgage rates will

LOCAL NEWS 15SEASIDECOURIER.COM | AUGUST 2017 | Are there bargains in the boom? Itdepends on what you consider a bargain. CONTINUED FROM PG. 14 That competition takes a lot of a home in turnkey condition. affordability in these areas is stamina for new home buyers “A word of caution here - takingmostly a comparison with our and minimizes sweat equity on a project without an end resultsouthern coastal neighbors. For opportunity. In that situation, that is satisfying is an expensiveexample, a one-bedroom shack buyers have to be willing to live lesson and one that can be veryin the Barrio can cost $800,000 in the home ‘as is’ or substantially difficult for the owners.  We havewhich clearly reflects the land limit their upgrades to help sold homes in which the ownervalue alone.” preserve their equity.” took out a kitchen and did not Tetalman agrees. “Yes, the have the resources to put it back Is the adage, find the worst worst home in a more expensive in, running out of money, thenhouse in the best neighborhood, neighborhood is a great value, having to sell a home that was notstill accurate? but only if you have the funds occupied, and not loanable, under to bring it up to similar care and value because the only buyer could   standards of that neighborhood,” be a cash buyer.  This was difficult  “In Oceanside and Vista, , the she said. “There are experts in for that family financially and put aanswer is yes,” Flock says. “There home remodeling that can assist huge strain on their marriage.” ■is less competition and home a new homeowner in makingbuyers have more opportunity to improvements and modificationsfind ‘sweat equity’ opportunities. to real estate to correct anyInvestors are also able to turn a deficiencies in the property.decent profit on a rehab.  “If you don’t have those skills “In Carlsbad and San Marcos, you can find a reputable craftsmanit depends. For example, we to make those repairs.  It takesrecently listed a very dated time and effort and money, andhome in Carlsbad that attracted some people can do it with greatboth investors with cash and outcomes, but others should findregular buyers that requiredloans. The result was 27 offers!The owner of this four-bedroom home in the 92010 ZIP code in northeast Carlsbad paid $505,000 in December 2008. When he tried to refinance it in October 2012, he was told the appraised value had gone down to $500,000. A year later he triedagain, and this time the appraisal came in at $600,000. According to Zillow, the estimated value of the home as of July 2017 was $780,000. (Seaside Courier staff photo.)

7DLM14503 OPENING DAY PRINT__Run: 6_07_17__Local Umbrella Media__TRIM: 10.5x14.12516 | AUGUST 2017 | SEASIDECOURIER.COMHERE’STO THESUMMERSEASON OPENING DAY 6/1/17 12:51 PM WEDNESDAY, JULY 19 First post 2 pm • Visit HOME OF THE 2017 BREEDERS’ CUP7DLM14503_OpeningDayPrint_LocalUmbrellaMedia_10.5x14.125.indd 1

17SEASIDECOURIER.COM | AUGUST 2017 | Mix Up Something Eclectic On-trend design ideas for your kitchen renovationFor most homes, there’s one is the fastest growing color trend For example, a shallow drawer enhanced function. One of- ern design may be the first lookroom that serves as the hub of all in cabinetry, according to data is an ideal location for kitchen ten-overlooked solution is using you envision with gray, you canactivity. From preparing mouth- from RICKI Research. The Nature knives so you can free up counter drawers for pots and pans. The also create warm, cozy spaces bywatering meals to entertaining a Collection from Wellborn Cabinet space from a bulky butcher block. ability to store each pot with its using materials like wood andhouse full of guests to grabbing a is one way to achieve this look. A slotted wood knife drawer is the corresponding lid eliminates the rich tones such as red, yellow andfew minutes to relax with a mug The line of gray paints and stains perfect solution to securely hold jumbled stacks and hard-to-reach orange.of steaming coffee, the kitchen is available in one stain option each of your knives and help pre- pieces common in many the place where it all happens. and two paint options, allowing vent dull blades and cut fingers. Extra-deep drawers, paired with 2. Avoid overdoing bold accentThat’s why such careful planning for nearly endless possibilities, drawer storage options provide colors, which can overpoweris necessary when you set out especially when you consider inte- If you’re stuck with an awkward sectioned, adjustable options the gray and make a room seemto redesign this essential living grating a standout color to make space, look for creative ways to depending upon size of pots and busy. Rely on lighting and whitespace. a feature like an island countertop make it work for you. For exam- pans. Another option: an ad- accents, such as countertops really pop. ple, a narrow gap could be closed justable wood board peg system and backsplashes, to add someLayout with a unique pull-out cabinet, that lets you customize the peg brightness to the room.Arguably the most important Function such as Wellborn Cabinet’s Base locations to fit your pots and pansdecision is the overall layout While the exterior of the Canister Organizer Pullout just right. 3. If the idea of going all grayof the kitchen, defining which cabinets is what you (and your Cabinet, which holds three small, is overwhelming, opt insteadappliances will go where and what guests) will appreciate when they one medium and three large Going Gray to do a statement piece in gray,architectural details - such as first enter the room, it’s what lies containers. The quart containers such as an island or other featurewindows and doors - need to be hidden behind doors that makes are included with this canister or- Gray may be neutral, but element you want to showcase.integrated into the plans. Deter- a good kitchen truly great. After ganizer when ordered direct from today’s designers know that themining how many and what kind spending so much time creating the company. subtle hue is anything but dull. Find more inspiration andof cabinets you need can be even the perfect look, your kitchen Follow these tips to help make the planning tools to create themore complex, and contemporary demands the right tools and en- Storage most of this versatile shade. contemporary kitchen of yourdesign can help open up plenty of hancements to make it functional. dreams at The trick is to look for unexpected Keeping what’s inside your 1. Although a sleek and mod- cabinets organized only addsIn the past, cabinetry was fairly ways to add practical performanc to a newly redesigned kitchen’sstraightforward. Lower cabinetswere topped with a counter, thena backsplash and a matching set ofcabinets above. These days, designis far less predictable, and intro-ducing variety through the cabi-netry is a savvy designer’s trick tograb attention. The comprehen-sive product lines from WellbornCabinet, Inc. make it easy to mixdiverse finishes, door styles andwood species to blend differentdesign techniques while achievingan eclectic but cohesive feel. For example, you could paircomplementary styles and colorsfor the upper and lower cabinets,or create some contrast betweenthe perimeter and island tocapture an on-trend, eye-catchinglook that is anything but boring.You can also rely on varyingheights and sizes to create morevisual variety. Color A more eclectic kitchen stylebrings plenty of character on itsown, so a color palette that letsthe architectural and structur-al details really shine is moreappropriate than bold splashesof vibrant color. That said, there’sstill plenty of room to create visu-al interest and integrate multiplehues to give the room extra depthand charm. Subtle shades of gray may bejust the ticket. Gray cabinetryhas grown in popularity in recentyears. In fact, more than two-thirds of designers believe gray

18 | AUGUST 2017 | SEASIDECOURIER.COM How to Build Better, Stronger Bones in KidsIt’s been ingrained in our heads since we were little: building strong bones is important. The problem is that these reduce the risk of osteoporo-days many children aren’t sis and other diseases later ingetting the daily recommend- life.ed diet and exercise neededto do so. And, with technol- “Building your child’s boneogy use at an all-time high, bank is like a college savingschildren are spending less plan: the earlier you starttime playing outdoors, which investing, the better,” saysincreases the risk of obesity. AAOS spokesperson Dr. Jennifer Weiss, a pediatric Today, approximately 32 orthopaedic surgeon at Kaiserpercent of American children Permanente in Los Angeles.and adolescents ages 2 to 19are considered overweight or “Parents should ensure thatobese. The American Acade- kids are getting adequatemy of Orthopaedic Surgeons calcium to keep their bones(AAOS) wants to help em- strong as well as appropriatepower families to get up, get levels of vitamins D and C toout and get moving to ensure allow the body to absorb theoptimal bone growth and calcium.” So what’s a parent to do? The following tips from the AAOS will help get your kids(and you) moving while building better, stronger bones: * Move it. Make physical activity a part of a child’s schedule for at least 30 to 60 minutes per day. Make it fun. With fall weather coming in, walking around the block to see the colors, throwing a football in the yard, or riding a bike is a perfect way to engage with your kids and still get in some exercise. Bonus? Being outside gets you and the kids some much-needed vitamin D, which also helps build strong bones. * Watch what you eat. Life is busy. Which makes on-the-run snacks and meals an easy fix for harried par- ents. Unfortunately, most of this kind of food does not have the nutrients to ensure good bone health. Ado- lescents should consume a healthy diet with calcium to maintain strong bones and lower the risk of exces- sive weight gain. * Lift things up, and put them down. Studies show that strength training is key to healthy bones. During resistance training, muscles have to work harder and, over time, become stronger. Although resistance exer- cises focus on increasing muscle mass, they also put stress on bones and have bone-building capacity. * Set limits. It’s understandable that kids’ whims change with the seasons, as do the number of teams they want to play on. However, try to limit the number of teams a child plays on in one season to avoid over- use injuries. In addition, if your child tells you that something hurts, discourage him or her from playing through the pain. For more information, visit

19SEASIDECOURIER.COM | AUGUST 2017 |A Day on the Strand, ReduxAs coastal North County’s answer to the Venice Beach (or Mission Beach) boardwalk, The Strand in Oceanside is groundzero for summer fun. So we’ve decided to offer you a second photo montage of a summer day on The Strand, a historic stripof asphalt just over a mile in length that borders the beach. It stretches, in the south, from the foot of Wisconsin Street (thesite of Oceanside’s original pier, built entirely of wood in 1888 and destroyed by a storm two years later), to Breakwater Way.Seaside Courier staff photos.

20 | AUGUST 2017 | SEASIDECOURIER.COMBreeders’ Cup will bring food festival to Del Mar By Amanda Banion mental Mexican flavors, Puesto’s cialized in producing superior Tower 13: A popular beach and The Breeders’ Cup administers fresh take on tacos utilizes only Mexican cuisine for its many loyal sports bar serving an extensive the Breeders’ Cup World Cham- Breeders’ Cup, one of Thor- the most authentic ingredients, customers. menu including award winning pionships, Thoroughbred racing’soughbred horseracing’s most including handmade maiz azul Aqui es Texcoco: Inspired by tacos, Unique cocktails, wine and year-end championships. Theprestigious international events, stone-ground tortillas, sustainable the region of Mexico considered local beers. Breeders’ Cup also administershas announced Taste of Breeders’ meats and seafoods, slow-cooked to be the birthplace of Lamb the Breeders’ Cup ChallengeCup: San Diego, a unique culinary guisados, and innovative salsas. Barbecue, known as Barbacoa, During the two-day festival, qualifying series, which providesexperience that will take place Corazon de Torta Guisados and Aqui es Texcoco has spent years guests will enjoy picnic style automatic starting positions intoin the Del Mar racetrack infield Grills: One of San Diego’s most developing and perfecting the seating throughout the Infield, al- the Championships races.during the 2017 Breeders’ Cup sought-after food trucks, Corazon restaurant’s signature technique. lowing for a variety of views of theWorld Championships. de Torta offers a range of burritos, iSALUD: A hip, casual Mex- setting that has long been dubbed The 2017 Breeders’ Cup World tacos, and its signature tortas, all of ican eatery offers a menu of the place “where the turf meets Championships, consisting of 13 The food festival will take place which resonate Mexican Abuelita award-winning tacos, uniquely the surf.” Additionally, there will Grade I races with purses andon Friday, November 3 and Satur- Style cooking. crafted cocktails, and a salsa bar. be a large bar with covered seating awards totaling more than $28day, November 4 and will feature Poseidon Restaurant: A local TakobarSD: Offering some featuring a selection of signature million, will be held Novembera variety of locally-inspired bites favorite and coastal landmark, Po- of the freshest tacos in the city, cocktails, craft beers, and premi- 3-4 at the Del Mar Thorough-from more than twenty different seidon is renowned for the restau- TakobarSD is one of San Di- um wine offerings. bred Club in Del Mar and will bechefs and food vendors. rant’s creative recipes centered ego’s most popular food trucks televised live by the NBC Sports on seafood, meats, produce, and amongst locals and visitors alike. Video boards for viewing the Group. “Over the past few years, Breed- pastas. Big Front Door: A neigh- races and betting windows willers’ Cup has established itself as Gringas Tacos and Catering: borhood deli offering in-house ensure that fans do not miss out The Breeders’ Cup culminatesan all-encompassing entertain- From grilled marinated chicken to comfort-foods including roasted on any of the event’s world-class with the $6 million Breeders’ment experience that features the carne asada, this highly-revered and smoked meats, sandwiches, horseracing. Cup Classic, which was rated horse racing in the world,” catering company has long spe- salads, soups, cookies, and more. 1 in the world in the final 2016said Craig Fravel, President and For more information on Taste Longines World’s Best HorseCEO of the Breeders’ Cup. “With of Breeders’ Cup: San Diego vis- Race rankings.2017 marking the first year that it event will take place at DelMar, we are especially focused on This year’s Breeder’s Cup World Championship will host a food festival. Courtesy photo.highlighting all of the culture andcharacter that this special host sitehas to offer. We look forward todelivering on that commitment byproviding our infield guests accessto the best of local San Diegocuisine.” Infield General Admissiontickets are available for purchaseat andare $35 for Friday and $50 forSaturday. All Breeders’ Cup ticketholders will have access to theinfield to experience Taste ofBreeders’ Cup: San Diego. From Tex-Mex and seafood togourmet salads and sandwiches,Taste of Breeders’ Cup: San Diegowill feature a variety of culinarystyles that speak to the vibrantSouthern California food culture.Each booth will feature its ownindividual menu with a la cartepricing, details of which will bereleased closer to the event. Theline-up of vendors includes: Puesto: A celebration of funda-Shopoff Realty Investment sells plot of land in El Corazon By Amanda Banion represents an excellent opportu- ecutive vice president of Shopoff that is unlike anything else in the commercial income-producing nity for new housing along the Realty Investments Land Division. city.” properties and the entitlement Shopoff Realty Investments has supply-constrained Southern of land assets. The 25-year his-announced the sale of 4.8 acres of California coast.” “It’s always exciting to be a Shopoff Realty Investments tory includes operating as Assetland in Oceanside that the com- part of a transformation in the is an Irvine, California-based Recovery Fund, Eastbridgepany had previously earmarked The site is situated within the local community. The El Corazon real estate firm with a 25-year Partners and Shopoff Realtyfor the ground-up development of El Corazon master-planned master-planned community will history. The company primarily Investments (formerly known70 townhomes and 3,000 square community in Oceanside, just provide area residents a blend of focuses on generating apprecia- as The Shopoff Group).feet of neighborhood-style retail a few miles from the Pacific retail, housing, and open space tion through the repositioning ofspace. Ocean. The community will feature a vast array of parks, The townhomes will range from tournament sports fields, hiking1,708 square feet to 2,215 square trails, commercial, retail andfeet, and will feature roof-top housing.patios. “As real estate investors, we “It is very rewarding to see this were pleased to execute on ourinvestment go full-cycle and have business strategy while workingour plans for the development be hand and hand with city officialsembraced by city officials and the to create a comprehensive de-local community,” said Shopoff velopment plan that will provideRealty Investments CEO Wil- much-needed housing for arealiam Shopoff. “This development residents,” said John Santry, ex-

21SEASIDECOURIER.COM | AUGUST 2017 |Cardiff Dog Days of Summer 2017 Photos by Morgan Mallory

22 | AUGUST 2017 | SEASIDECOURIER.COM Carlsbad firm releases first-ever digital gaming app By Bart Grundig complete his evil plan to defeat In addition to having a the world an exciting insight of and longest running game con- Upper Deck, a Carls- the entire group of players for chance to win exclusive in- things to come.” vention in the world. Playersbad-based leader in trading the ultimate victory. game rewards through tour- “This is truly a defining mo- can download the new gamecards, games and collectibles, naments and weekly leagues in ment for our studio and we starting on  Aug. 17th  via theannounced in a press release The “Legendary DXP” digital The Gauntlet, Legendary DXP couldn’t have found a better App Store.that it is launching a new dig- game allows users to custom- will also offer players a wide company to work with than Upper Deck is a worldwideital gaming platform that will ize their gaming experience variety of cosmetic enhance- Upper Deck,” said  Brad Cray- sports and entertainment com-bring the company’s top-sell- like never before, Upper Deck ments via microtransactions. ton, chief operating officer at pany with an award-winninging games to mobile devices. maintains. Players will now be SkyReacher.  “’Legendary’ is portfolio of gaming, sports, en- able to select any one of five “Expanding Upper Deck’s such an iconic table top game tertainment products and col- The company has teamed completely different match award-winning table top and we are proud to have been lectibles. with SkyReacher Entertain- types: Solo play (play vs A.I.), games to the digital world selected as the development Founded in 2010, SkyReacherment to create “Legendary VS Friends (play against your opens the door to incredible studio that is bringing the com- is a leading game developmentDXP,” the first-ever free to play friends), Quick Match (ran- new features and replayability pany’s first game to the digital studio creating content acrossApp for Upper Deck’s iconic domly puts players together), that were never before pos- world.” mobile, desktop and web plat-“Legendary” game, in response Custom Match (allows users sible,” said  Jason Masherah, Legendary DXP will officially forms. ■to high demand from fans to configure matches) and The president of Upper Deck. “The release on Aug. 17 in conjunc-around the world. Gauntlet (allows for ongoing first digital launch of ‘Legend- tion with Gen Con, the original five-player tournaments). ary DXP’ gives our fans around “Legendary DXP” is a fan-tasy deck building game thatbrings the same style of playthat fans have enjoyed for yearsin a format that allows users toplay wherever, whenever, andwith whoever they want. The game is set in the fantas-tical world of Alamyth, whereplayers recruit legendary he-roes and fight terrifying forcesof evil. Players journey throughthe Firelands and other myth-ical worlds to fight the likes ofLeprechaun Henchmen anddangerous evil villains.  Whileplayers fight to the end collect-ing victory points for the win,the Mastermind Terriskai: Ter-ror of The Skies is scheming to ‘Legendary DXP,’ which Upper Deck says is the first-ever free to play App for the company’s iconic ‘Legendary’ game. Courtesy photo.Carlsbad’s Ionis Pharmaceuticals wins $10 millionpayment from Biogen as those patients with severe and rare diseases. Using its proprietary By Amanda Banion antisense technology, Ionis hasIonis Pharmaceuticals Inc. of “To date, our collaboration with created a large pipeline of first-in-Carlsbad announced that it has Biogen has generated a combined class or best-in-class drugs, withearned a $10 million milestone total of nearly $650 million. over three dozen drugs in develop-payment from Biogen associated “As we continue to advance our ment. SPINRAZA® (nusinersen) iswith the validation of an undis- neurological disease pipeline, we a drug that has been approved inclosed neurological disease target, look forward to bringing additional the U.S., Europe, Japan and Can-according to a press release. important medicines to patients ada for the treatment of spinalIonis and Biogen have a broad suffering from neurodegenerative muscular atrophy (SMA). Biogenstrategic collaboration to devel- diseases.” is responsible for commercializ-op drugs to treat patients with Ionis and Biogen have a broad ing SPINRAZA. Drugs that haveneurological disorders. Ionis will strategic collaboration combining successfully completed Phase 3continue to evaluate this newest Biogen’s expertise in neurology with studies include volanesorsen, a drugtarget with the goal of advancing Ionis’ leadership in antisense tech- Ionis is developing and plans tothis program into development. nology to develop novel therapies to commercialize through its subsid-“We continue to make substan- treat neurological disorders. iary, Akcea Therapeutics, to treattial progress in validating new Ionis is primarily responsible for Ionis Pharmaceuticals world headquarters in Carlsbad. Courtesy photo. patients with either familial chylo-targets and developing new drugs drug discovery and early develop- micronemia syndrome or familialfor neurological diseases using our ment of antisense therapies. nal muscular atrophy (SMA). addition to these six drugs, Ionis partial lipodystrophy; and inotersenantisense technology,” said B. Lynne Biogen has the option to license Also under this collaboration, and Biogen have numerous oppor- (IONIS-TTRRx), a drug Ionis is de-Parshall, chief operating officer at each antisense program at a particu- Ionis and Biogen are develop- tunities to evaluate additional tar- veloping with GSK to treat patientsIonis. lar stage in development. ing IONIS-SOD1Rx to treat gets for the development of drugs to with TTR amyloidosis. Both drugs“SPINRAZA, the first drug to Under this collaboration, Ionis amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, treat neurological disorders. are progressing toward regulatorycome out of our neurology collabo- developed and licensed SPINRAZA IONIS-MAPTRx to treat Alzhei- Ionis is the leading company in filings in the second half of 2017.ration with Biogen, exemplifies the to Biogen. mer’s Disease, and IONIS-BII- RNA-targeted drug discovery and Ionis’ patents provide strong andpotential of our antisense tech- SPINRAZA is approved in the B5Rx, IONIS-BIIB6Rx and IO- ■development focused on developing extensive protection for its drugsnology in the neurological disease U.S., EU, Japan and Canada for the NIS-BIIB7Rx to treat undisclosed drugs for patients who have the and treatment of patients with spi- neurodegenerative diseases. In highest unmet medical needs, such

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