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Published by jonewell, 2017-07-09 20:51:05

Description: Rolando_july2017_final


Read the Text Version | Vol. 10 No. 6 - July 2017 I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM, WE ALL WHAT’S INSIDE? SCREAM– FOR RCC ICE CREAM SOCIAL! RCC MOVIE NIGHT BY AIMEE LEE CHEEK, ROLANDO NEWS STAFF IN CLAY PARK Page 2 REPORT FROM CACC PRESIDENT ON REDE- VELOPMENT PLANS FOR THE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE COLLEGE-ROLANDO LIBRARY Page 11C ome and get it! Uncle Sam F. PROTECTING Crone, Aisha Salleh and Jackie ROLANDO: VEHICLE Flohr prepare to scoop out the SECURITY goodness for neighbors at theRCC Ice Cream Social on June 21. Page 12 The evening turned warm and air GERANIUMS GARLANDconditioning at the United DomesticWorkers Hall conked out just that day. SPRUCED-UPOpen doors cooled things down, weelected new officers for next year and, ROLANDO VILLAGEwith three flavors, plenty of toppings,tasteful decorations and good fellow- SIGN Page 14ship, fun was had by all. Get the Best Service Sapphire Realty on Your Home Sale, 3110 Camino Del Rio South, Ste. 311 | San Diego, CA 92108 Mortgage or Refi (619) 261-5895 | [email protected] | CA BRE # 01411191 from your Trusted Neighbor

2 | JULY 2017 RCC MOVIE NIGHT IN CLAY PARK E verybody ready for MOANA? When dusk falls on Saturday, August 12, Rolando Community Council and the City Park and Recreation Depart- ment roll out this Walt Disney film for our SUMMER MOVIE IN THE PARK. Bring your snacks, warm wrap and comfy camp chair and prepare to fall in love with the spirited teenager Moana as she battles sea monsters and sails the South Pacific in search of a fabled isle. It's free and fun. See you there.

3JULY 2017 | NOTICE TO OUR READERSThe Rolando News Staff is taking a summer break. Our publisher has kindly offered to produce a paper for Rolando in August with content that his group will gener-ate. We’ll be back, full force, in September. If you wish to contact us in the interim, email Jan at [email protected] . Have a wonderful summer! – The RolandoNews Staff A s in past summers, the San Diego Public Library is encouraging kids from pre-readers to teens to enroll in the library’s summer reading program. It runs June 15 to August 15 and it’s free and open to any- one. Kids simply enroll at the library and books are logged. There are prizes for completing the program (10 books read or 10 hours of reading by teens). Audiobooks and reading to the participant also count. The program is based on national research that finds that students who participate in summer reading programs score higher on reading achieve- ment tests at the beginning of the next school year than those who did not participate. This year’s theme, Reading by Design, focuses on inspiring readers to ex- plore their own creativity and design new worlds for themselves and for all of us. Special programs will be offered at libraries to support the theme. • Custom Stained Glass 6521 University Avenue • Art Glass Design San Diego, CA, 92115 • Custom Fused Glass • Classes 619-280-6123 • Studio Time Rental • Art Glass Supplies Sales • GiftwareCommunity Council ESVUEMNMETRSNo monthly Community RCC MOVIE NIGHT INMeetings until September! CLAY PARK Saturday, August 12, 2017 Featuring the Disney film Moana Begins at dusk

10 | JULY 2017 POOR RDOAWNLAEY WANT CASH? CONDITION WANT BARGAINS? OF ALAMO MARKETING PROFESSIONAL EVERY SAT. & SUN. DRIVE 858.354.6270 Rediscover the BY BOB SCOTT, RCC COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS TEAM [email protected] Swap MeeT he RCC Community Improvements Team has reported on the poor condition of the 4200 block of Alamo Drive and wondered why it $5 OFF 1 SELLER was not slurry-sealed along with the rest of our streets over a year SPACE ago. The City has received numerous requests to address the street condition 2 FOR 1 SHOPPER through its “Get It Done App”, and offers this explanation. A project to im- ADMISSION prove stormwater quality along University Avenue between 68th Street and Alamo Drive is being implemented. Valid for regular admission after 6:30am. This Low Impact Development Retrofit improves water quality by slowing COUPONS EXPIRE AUGUST 30, 2017 down flows and capturing sediment and pollutants through filtration. 10990 N. Woodside Ave. The project will include work on Alamo Drive and will be completed in at the Santee Drive-In the spring of next year. We hope that the street will be resurfaced at that time. (619) 449-SWAP (7927) More information regarding the project can be found at the following link or by contacting Bob Scott at [email protected]. SERVING THENEIGHBORHOOD FOR 9 YEARS MACKENZIE WE’VE GOT IT RAW Manager BARKINDALE’S IS EXCITED4834 Rolando Boulevard • San Diego, CA 92115 TO ANNOUNCE OUR NEW LINE OF RAW PRODUCTS. PRIMAL RAW BONES * BEEF MARROW * LAMB FEMUR *BUFFALO CENTER CUTS GOAT’S MILK * 16 OUNCE * 32 OUNCE Tired of watching while everyone plays in the pool?Jazzercise College Area 3 Classes for $20 It is never to late to learn to swim6360 El Cajon Blvd San Diego and join the fun.619.335.8510 Call Edie: 619-322-4403 SAN DIEGO ADULT LEARN TO SWIM SDALTS.COM

11JULY 2017 |REPORT FROM CACC PRESIDENT ON REDEVELOPMENT PLANS FORTHE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE COLLEGE-ROLANDO LIBRARY BY RHEA KUHLMAN, COLLEGE AREA COMMUNITY COUNCIL PRESIDENTDevelopers proposing to build a Holiday Inn Express on the site of Church property adjacent to College-Rolando Library slated for redevelop-the now-closed Lutheran Church at 6650 Montezuma Road presented ment. Accommodation for library access and parking is under discussionpreliminary drawings at the College Area Community Planning Board’s with the potential developer.June 7 Project Review meeting. The hotel would be four or five storiesand would contain about 100 rooms, plus parking. In order for theproject to proceed, it will be necessary for the City to approve a CollegeArea Community Plan amendment and to rezone the property. It iscurrently zoned RM 1-1 for low to medium density multifamily hous-ing, which allows 1 dwelling unit per 3000 square feet of lot area. Thatmeans the developer is currently entitled to build about 29 units onthe 1.7 acre site. If he chooses to build 4-bedroom student apartments,which is the most popular model in the College Area, that would equateto 116 beds. Community reaction to the Holiday Inn Express proposal was gener-ally favorable, with reservations. The site is adjacent to the College-Ro-lando Library, and access to the library from Montezuma Road has beenblocked since the Lutheran Church terminated its parking agreementwith the City, back in December. In addition, the library has lost muchof its parking, which residents learned only later was actually owned bythe Lutheran Church. Community members want to ensure that accessto the library from Montezuma Road is restored, along with some ofthe parking spaces lost when the church closed. The developer has of-fered 41 shared parking spaces, but none of these would be reserved forlibrary patrons, and would only be available when the hotel is not full.Residents would like at least 15 guaranteed spaces – those immediatelyadjacent to the south side of the library. Additionally, there are concerns about the rezoning. At a minimum,it will be necessary to rezone the library to a density at least twice asintense as the current zoning. If the hotel deal falls through and theproperty has been rezoned, the community is left with a much higherdensity property that could house at least twice as many tenants. Also at issue are the environmental impacts of the proposal, includingincreased traffic and substantially increased height for a building back-ing directly onto the single-family homes on Mohawk Street. Develop-ers promised a tall retaining wall at the back of the property to bufferthe single-family residences, and attractive landscaping to enhance theappearance of the property. They pointed out the economic benefits ofa hotel to house relatives of SDSU students and visiting academics, andthe generally positive impact it could have on development on El CajonBoulevard. Next steps are for the developer to initiate the requested plan amend-ment. The project will come back to the College Area CommunityPlanning Board for review once plans are submitted and reviewed bythe City, probably in about six months. Family Owned and Operated for Over 50 YearsOur years of service have given us a great respect for people and meeting their needs whether it is for local burial, cremation, pre-needs or transfers to a faraway place. If you have questions concerning your family needs, please call us. We will do everything we can to help you. COLLEGE CENTER CHAPEL 6322 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego, CA 92115 (619) 583-9511 License# FD1083

12 | JULY 2017 COLLEGE PROTECTING AREA ROLANDO: VEHICLE “VISION OF SECURITY THE FUTURE BY COMMUNITY RELATIONS OFFICER TERRY HOSKINS TOUR” H ello Rolando Community Members. This month, we will review BY JIM SCHNEIDER, COLLEGE AREA BUSINESS DISTRICT vehicle security in an attempt to minimize your potential of be- ing a victim of a vehicle break-in.O n Friday, April 28, 2017 the College Area Business District and No community has the monopoly on vehicle break-ins and unfortu- Civic San Diego co-hosted the College Area Business District Vi- nately, this property crime is one that is executed the most. We all know sion of the Future Tour. This event was designed to invite inves- a professional thief can defeat most security measures, but most vehicletors, real estate professionals and businesses to the College Area Commer- break-ins are committed by amateur thieves. These thieves take advantagecial corridor and introduce them to the potential this area has as for being of opportunities, such asa more viable business district. They toured recently-completed develop- people leaving vehicles un-ment projects, projects under construction, planned developments and locked and having valuablespotential new developments. in sight. The tour was successful as 45 people consisting of a mix of the targeted Following are a few tipsaudience attended. The tour began at Oggi’s Pizza Express at SDSU’s Stu- when parking your ve-dent Union with welcome messages from Jim Schneider, Executive Direc- hicle. Always park in open,tor for the College Area Business District, District 9 City Councilmember well-lighted, and populatedGeorgette Gomez and SDSU Business and Finance Director, Tom Mc- areas near your destina-Carron. Their common messages focused on the potential for attracting tion. Avoid parking nearCo-Working spaces offering jobs for SDSU’s graduating students in the anyone loitering or sittingfields of Engineering, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Their messages in vehicles. Remove allalso rang true to the vision of attracting a business mix that directly serves valuables, leaving nothingthe needs of the surrounding neighborhoods. in plain sight. Park in lots or garages, where you can The tour began with SDSU’s newly completed South Campus Plaza. The keep your keys. If you musttenants of that development include Trader Joe’s, Eureka, Wings & Things, leave your key, leave onlyPoke 1 ½ and Broken Yolk. The attendees then boarded a bus and toured your key and nothing else.8 other locations with each broker, developer or property owner givingsome background the properties. Do not leave garage door openers in the vehicle and After the tour, survey responses were requested from each of the attend- do not keep any paperworkees. Their feedback will be the basis for a follow-up roundtable meeting in your vehicle containingto determine next steps. This meeting will include not only those who your address. Hide your vehicle registration and proof of insurance, orattended the tour, but also the property owners and brokers of commercial alternately, take a picture of each on your smart phone so you have proofspaces that are currently for sale or lease. should they be stolen. Ensure windows are rolled up, doors are locked, and your keys go with you. If your vehicle has a Remote Keyless Entry The College Area Business District’s desired outcome is to attract new (fob), ensure all the doors to your vehicle are locked. Do not hide sparebusinesses and property owners that share the vision of a more viable keys. If you have anti-theft devices, use district. That vison includes more businesses that directly addressthe needs of the neighborhoods and offers the jobs of the future for those A tip to discourage anyone from removing and reusing your licensewho live, learn, work and play in the College Area Business District. plate registration sticker is to slice through it after you place it on your vehicle. An excellent source for additional crime prevention tips is www.Councilmember Georgette Gomez and her staff supported the College Area Business District event. Left to right: Keryna Johnson, Matt Yagyagan, Torres, Georgette Gomez, and Lara Gates.. Far right: Jim Schneider Executive Director of the College Area Business District. Lastly, report all vehicle break-ins and thefts of property from vehicles, even if the loss is small. The two SDPD non-emergency numbers are (619) 531-2000 or (858) 484-3154. If the break-in is in progress, call 911; give the dispatcher your location, a description of the suspect, and a descrip- tion of the vehicle. If you have police-related questions or concerns pertaining to Rolando, I can be reached at 760-807-9957 or [email protected].

13JULY 2017 | COLLEGE ROLANDO Happy hour LIBRARY OFFERINGS 1/2 offMon-Fri 3-6pm Library entrance on Montezuma Road is closed until further notice. 37 different wing flavorsDirections to back entrance: from Montezuma, pass Ralphs. Turn left on 67th and left on the next street, Mohawk for limited parking behind the library. 1/2Wednesday 6-close prICED ALERT: THE LIBRARY WILL BE CLOSED FROM PIZZA JULY 3 TO 15 TO INSTALL A RADIO Drink specials daily FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (RFID) TO STREAMLINE CHECKING OUT BOOKS. YOUR All sports headquarters Summer Reading Program runs June 15–August 15 Dirty Birds • college area • 6499 El Cajon Blvd SD CA 92115 • www.dirtybirdsbarandgrill.comRead 10 books or read 10 hours and earn prizes! Prizes are given whilesupplies last and the library reserves the right to substitute prizes asneeded. Reading to your kids and listening to audiobooks count, too!This year’s program is entitled “Reading by Design” and introduces bigideas and invites creative responses. Ready, set, go. . . READ! Summer Reading Program Performances at 10:30 a.m. College-Rolando Library 7/21: Living Coast Discovery Center Program 7/28: Dance to Evolve 8/4: Craig Newton 8/11: Michael Raynor Regular Calendar Events:Signing Storytime: Mondays 12 p.m.Yoga Storytime: 1st & 3rd Fridays 11:00 a.m.Storytime: Fridays 10:30 a.m.Lego Play Lab: Tuesdays 3:30 p.m.Arts and Crafts: Saturdays 12 noonDo Your Homework @ the Library: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays & ThursdaysMiddle School Monday: Mondays at 4 p.m.Movie @ Your Library: Fridays 3:30 p.m. Snacks provided.Adult Yoga: 2nd and 4th Saturdays, 9:30 a.mBook Club: Second Saturday 9:30 a.m. Discussing “Born to Run” by Chris-topher McDougall in July and “The Sound of Gravel” by Ruth Wariner at9:30 a.m. on Saturday, August 12. Hours: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 9:30 a.m.– 6 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, 11:30 a.m.– 8: p.m. Sunday, closed Phone: 619-533-3902Visit for more information on pro-grams and volunteer opportunities. Support your local branch libraryby joining the Friends of College-Rolando library. Our next meetingis Tuesday, June 6, at 4:30 p.m.Volunteers are need to organize and stock our book sale shelves 1 hourper week. Contact [email protected].

14 | JULY 2017 BY BOB SCOTT, COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT TEAMNGeraniums Garland Spruced-up Rolando Village Sign ow that the Rolando Village sign is freshly painted and looking likenew, the CIT recently plantedsome red geraniums aroundits base to give the trianglea little color. The plants aresmall right now, but once theyget established they should fillout with blooms and a showof color. Geraniums are prettyforgiving, so there should belittle care other than snappingoff the dead flowers. Thanksto the volunteers who gaveme a hand planting them. Bob Scott’s geranium-planting crew (left to right) Jeff Wilson, Pascha Gerlinger and David Clarke.Crape Myrtle trees enhance Rolando properties.. Want Trees?he trees that have been planted during earlier tree planting pro- T grams in the neighborhood are really starting to fill out and the blooms on the crape myrtles have been quite spectacular this June. Crape myrtles have long been popular in California and elsewhere in the West for their lavish summer flowers and brightly colored autumn foliage. As we move from June gloom to the heat of summer, the street trees are getting to the point where they do provide some relief from the sun by shading our sidewalks.  I have space for two trees in my own park- way and I recently contacted the City through the Get It Done app on my cell phone. It was easy—all you need to do is: Select “New Report” and enter your request under the “Other” category.  Alternately, you can call 619-527-7500 and ask that a tree be planted.  If you don’t have a parkway strip next to the curb, the City will determine if planting a tree on your property near the street is feasible. I would suggest that you provide a picture of the location so that the City has the GPS coordinates and can include it in your contact information.  It is as simple as that! The City suggests patience, since the staffing available to plant the trees is limited. And once this year’s allotment of trees is expended, you may need to wait until the stock is replenished. The City also offers to plant the species that they have on hand.

15JULY 2017 |BY BOB SCOTT, COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT TEAMLastly, we need you to stand up for Response Assistance City Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Citizen SurveyRolando! Please take 10 minutes to fillout an on-line survey supporting City Questio Clay Park Improvements Lorca-Cartagena Stairwellfunding to accomplish needed improve- n Replacementments in our community. 1 Eastern Area Eastern AreaThe City is developing its list for future project fundingnow. Community members must voice their needs by July 2 Council District 9 Council District 915. Many voices are needed to make the Capital Improve-ment Plan list. We request that you complete the City Sur- 3 Rolando Village Rolando Villagevey to support two neighborhood projects: 4 C l a y P a r k E n h a n c e m e n t s / Lorca-Cartagena Stairwell Replacement1. Improvements to Clay Park Improvements2. Replacement of the stairwell/stairs in the catwalk from 5 4579 Seminole Drive 6191 Lorca DriveCartagena to Lorca Drive (Paseo las Palmas) 6 Seminole/Solita/Art Street Lorca and Laco DrivesClay Park. While improvements are slated for Clay Parkusing the settlement from the BLVD63 lawsuit, the funds 7 Blank Blankare not adequate to complete the upgrades and updatesneeded by a park that is used by so many in the greater Col- 8 S. of El Cajon Blvd, East of College, W. Between Cartagena and Lorca Driveslege Area. of 70thCatwalk Replacement. The dilapidated wooden stairwell 9 Replace or Improve Replace or improveconnecting Cartagena to Lorca (Paseo las Palmas) needsadditional repairs. This year, the City temporarily closed 10 Unknown Unknownthe catwalk for minor repairs, and the walkway was re- 11 Skip Skipopened soon thereafter. However, the stairs remain ricketyand permanent closure is still a threat. Closing this catwalk 12 Parks Other: Walkway stairwellis unacceptable. Our catwalks are part of the fabric that 13 Skip Skipmakes Rolando a unique San Diego neighborhood. 14 Street Lighting SidewalksHow to Complete the Survey. 15 Skip SkipTo access the survey, use this URL: 16 No 17 Unknown UnknownYou will need to make a separate 18 Blank Blankentry for each project. Follow-ing are suggested responses for 19 I m p r o v e m e n t s t o a d d r e s s p a r k This is one of eight Rolando catwalks.each project. Now is the time to deficiency in Eastern Area and the Deferred maintenance and poordo it. Responses needed by July additional use by the new 332-unit condition limits walking accessibility to15. Thank you for standing up for student housing complex. An existing the neighborhood. It makes it difficultRolando! $ 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 s e t t l e m e n t w i t h t h e for those who do not drive (seniors) to developer is not sufficient to fulfill reach shopping and for children to get basic improvements. to school. 20 Improvements include but are not Improvements would include in-kind limited to entry arbor and seating area, replacement of wooden stairwell or exercise equipment, acorn lights for replacement of concrete stairs that are insufficient security on Solita, upgrade located beneath it. precast furnishings, renovate plantings, additional shade trees, shade structure for tot lot and walking path around park perimeter. 21 Ranking: 1 is highest priority Ranking 1 is highest priority 22 Current park is overutilized. Children The stairwell provides the only exposed to sun due to lack of shade. convenient access for those that Lack of lighting attracts crime. depend on walking to stores, school or Additional exercise equipment needed other services. Its poor condition to encourage healthy lifestyles. discourages full utilization and ease of access through the community 23 Enter your information Enter your information 24 Date you completed survey Date you completed the survey

22 | JULY 2017 NEIGHBORS AT WORKany neighbors have small business operations based in Rolando and they Chicago Style Pizza, Pasta, Subs, & provide a variety of services. The skilled neighbors below offer services Salads Daily SpecialsM you might need. Consider them when you are looking for expert help. Open Late RCC members are welcome to submit their information free of charge by Dining Room,emailing copy to [email protected]. Carry Out, orAdam Loatman aka DJ MADA San Diego Event DJ, weddings, clubs, corporate andbusiness parties., [email protected],  858-610-5011.  Delivery AvailableAleah Cohen – Teen Babysitter. Energetic, responsible and fun. CPR and First Aidcertified. Is available to babysit for your children. (619) 246-7993. 6784 El Cajon Blvd., Suite JAron Oakes – Acorn Garage Doors. Installation, repair and service of garage doors San Diego | 619-668-0779and garage door openers. License #897261. Neighborhood references. (619) 218-1581. www.gerlandospizzeria.netBrenda King-Kapella – RN, RYT, CPI, Fitness Nurse: Corporate and CommunityYoga instruction, Personal Training, B12 shots, get fit! www.IntegrativeFitnessNursing. EXPOSE YOUR BUSINESScom for schedules (619) 200-1911. TO THOUSANDS OF LOCALS! ADVERTISE INChantal Davis L.Ac. Chinese Medicine Practitioner specializing in women’s health: Make your businessfertility, pregnancy and postpartum care as well as general disorders for both men, thrive with targeted andwomen and children., freeflowhealth@gmail. effective exposure in yourcom, 619-793-7030 community’s newspaper...David Clarke, APLD – David Clarke Design. Custom residential landscape and gar-den design (specializing in drought-tolerant and native CA plants). Certified Profes- Contact True Flores today to talksional Member of Association of Professional Landscape Designers. david@david- about the best way to (619) 787-0686. www.davidclarkedesign.comDenise Gibson – Bookkeeper. With more than 14 years of experience working with your sales at 619-454-0115all types of clients, we are ready to put our skills and experience to work for you. (510) [email protected] [email protected] or Wilson – Wilson Woodscape. We are a full-service landscape construction COMINGS & GOINGShe 2018-19 Rolando Community Council Board was officiallycompany specializing in decks, fences and patio covers. “We believe in building yourdreams” License #945974. (619) 838-1398, [email protected]. Check us out seated at the June RCC meeting. Adam McClane, Todd Rehfuss, andon Google+.Russ Allen – Ad-Spec Development Services. Marketing, branding and promotional T Jackie Flohr have joined Doug Lister, Jay Sener, Kirstin Broome, andproduct source for pens, cups, calendars, golf shirts, etc. References available. adsr4u@ Aisha Salleh. Congratulations and thank you! We know you’ve (858) 571-7877. great plans for next year.Serena Galicia – Usborne Books & More! Credentialed teacher with Master’s Degree College-Rolando Library will be closed July 3 – July 15 to install a new bookin Reading and Literacy providing engaging, exciting, educational books for babies check-out system.though young adult!  [email protected] Facebook: @SerenasBooks (714)623- The College Avenue Center welcomes all area seniors. The Center, a Jewish2370 Family Services Aging & Wellness Program, is an active adult social and well-Tim Heasman – Interior/Exterior Painting. 23 years in Rolando. Lic #718508 Many ness center conveniently located near Interstate 8 in Del Cerro. The Cen-references (619) 886-9369. [email protected] or www.createcolornow. ter has an eclectic mix of activities, exercise classes and cultural programs,com. including a delicious lunch complete with customer choice and salad bar. The College Avenue Center is a great meeting place for active adults. Every- one is welcome, so bring your friends and come exercise your body, mind and spirit. Stop by to check out what is going on. It is located at the Temple Emanu-El 6299 Capri Drive. Find more information by searching “College Avenue Center” or call (858) 637-3270. Grocery Outlet opened a store in May on 54th at University Ave. You can learn more about this bargain store on their website Pedal Pushing Bicycle Shop, 6969 El Cajon Blvd. (619-460-0760), handles anything from flat tires to tune-ups, overhauls and custom bike building from the frame-up, as well as offering a variety of bikes for sale. The business claims a highly experienced and friendly staff, reasonable pricing and quick turnaround on repairs. See [email protected].

23JULY 2017 |Buying or Selling Your Home? Stay LOCAL! The Best Service Comes From YourI Set the Price Right! Trusted Neighbor I am your local agent, familiar with the neighborhood and I combine that knowledge with up-to-date data to determine a home’s potential value - and ultimately what a buyer will likely pay. You want a Realtor who is very familiar with your area and not just what can be pulled from the internet.I Find the Right Buyers! My knowledge of Rolando allows me to share the ‘secrets’ of our community: The amazing principal at our Elementary school, the competitive soccer leagues and the ‘go-to’ date-night restaurant. I keep in touch with every potential buyer I meet, so I may have THE buyer for your home right now!Choose the REALTOR® Who KNOWS Rolando Not Just What Can Be Pulled Up Online.I’m right here in our neighborhood - sharing my knowledge of the area, and providing personalized service! Doug Lister :: (619) 261-5895 [email protected] CalBRE #01411191 NMLS #336074No One Represents ROLANDO As Passionately As I Do!4636 Mataro, 92115 4789 Rolando, 921154 Bedrooms 2 Baths 1,686 Sq. Ft 2 Bedrooms 2 Baths 1,071 Sq. FtOffered at $650,000 Sold for $485,000ZEN LIKE GARDEN, UPGRADES GALORE R0LANDO VILLAGE MASTERPIECE4860 Rolando Ct 36, 92115 6242 Malcolm, 921151 Bedrooms 1 Baths 587 Sq. Ft 2 Bedrooms 1 Baths 930 Sq. FtOffered at $174,900* Sold for $465,000LOTS OF NATURAL LIGHT ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE4025 Apore, 91941 6800 Harvala, 921154 Bedrooms 3 Baths 2,016 Sq. Ft 3 Bedrooms 2 Baths 1,531 Sq. FtSold for $584,000 Sold for $495,000*MID-CENTURY MODERN WONDERFUL ROLANDO PARK2589 Escala Circle, 92108 4739 Soria, 921152 Bedrooms 2.5 Baths 1,453 Sq. Ft 3 Bedrooms 2 Baths 1,425 Sq. FtSold for $490,000* Sold for $556,000MISSION VALLEY GATED COMMUNITY EL CERRITO CHARMERInformation provided by SANDICOR, Inc and is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. *Represented buyer

24 | JULY 2017UPGRADE YOUR HOME BUYING EXPERIENCE!Why Pacific Home Mortgage Funding, Inc. THE PROCESS WAS SEAMLESS, QUICK, AND EFFICIENT. • We’re local “It has now been just about a year since I closed on my current • We’re reputable property using Mark Feder. The process was seamless, • We’re experienced quick, and efficient. I was very impressed with Mark Feder, • We’re educate and empower and how he handles everything with professionalism and in an expeditious fashion. Since then I have referred him to my • We’re care Father who used him to refinance his home, and my sister who used him to close on her condo. Mark Feder provides a level of service that seems to have become a lost art.” - Genna

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