Backcountry paradise beside the road - by Peter Baker
President’s Flyline LinkAnother full fishing season has come and gone. For some anglers it has proved to be a tough season,but on the other hand, it is encouraging to hear other members tell me that it was actually veryproductive for them.In comparing these seemingly contrary experiences, two things are apparent for those who reportedgood experiences … they had made a commitment to get out on the water frequently and had alsoput time and effort into up-skilling themselves over preceding seasons. It may have been tough attimes, but the rewards were still out there for keen anglers and therein lies the lesson. Trout fishingand in particular fly-fishing, is a sport that takes a lot of effort before participants can beconsistently successful. Effort is rewarded by a foundation of continuous improvement andrefinement of basic skills … skills such as researching new water, wading, fish spotting, fly selection,casting, good presentation and playing fish.Well done to those anglers. The truth is that trout fishing really isn’t too much different to any othersport if you really want to be successful … effort and improving skills are the key.Your committee has been approached on a couple of occasions lately to find ways to help membersimprove their skills. At a recent committee meeting it was decided therefore to run some morecasting refresher clinics for members, to provide some more instruction on basic skills like leaderconstruction, fly choice and trout behaviour and to arrange more river skills days closer to the nextfishing season. To this end the committee is seeking more help from experienced members to runthese types of tutorials as we look to establish a programme over the next few months. If you have anarea of expertise that you would like to offer help with, please contact either myself or SecretaryBruce McLean. Some members have already indicated their interest in helping which is appreciated.On a less pleasant note, in my December ‘Flyline’ I made the following comment … “The situation forthe lower Wangapeka and Motueka downstream may also be exacerbated by significant recentforestry clearance in the area, which doesn’t appear to have been undertaken with much regard toits impact on the river environment along its border. There is tonnes of granite sand currentlyexposed by the logging, which could have a potentially serious impact on the river in the advent ofanother significant rain event.”Regrettably, such a rain event occurred on the 19th April, causing huge slips which have releasedlarge quantities of logs, slash and granite sand in both the lower and upper Wangapeka valleys. Theseslips will most certainly impact on the river.Given the trend over recent years for increasingly frequent heavy rainfall events and the TasmanDistrict Council’s own predictions that we can expect many more of these events regularly in thefuture, you’d have to question the sanity of current logging practices alongside our waterways. Factis that some anglers have had reservations and made submissions to both TDC and forestry companiesfor many years now concerning these practices. It’s time for the TDC to take a serious look at allfuture logging operations alongside our waterways with a view to modernizing and improving resourceconsents for logging, to mitigate their impact. I’m in no way advocating against the forestry industryin the Nelson district, but the industry and its regulators need to have greater cognizance of theimpact their current poor practices are having on our rivers and their important trout fishingresource. More of the same is tantamount to neglect and environmental vandalism. A lead fromcentral government is too much to ask … it is simply time for our region to step up and set anexample of good progressive management for the future.Even though the main season is over there is still some good winter fishing opportunities over thenext few weeks, especially on rainbow trout in the lower Pelorus. There is a huge resource stillavailable on the Wairau River from the sea as far upstream as the Wash Bridge and the winter area onthe Motueka is still producing midday mayfly hatches and is always worth a look.TightlinesTony EntwistleCover Photo: 3.3kg brown, By Peter Baker, and Aprils winning photo for theClub’s photo competition. 3
Club ContactsExecutive:President: Tony Entwistle 5444565 [email protected] President: Ray Day 5441245 [email protected]: Bruce McLean 5480066 [email protected]: Ray Day 5441245 [email protected] Editor and Webmaster: Graham Carter 07 8551833 [email protected] 021 02600437Committee Scott Ingram 5441605 [email protected] Peter Lawler 5489753 [email protected] Maree Peter 522 4166 [email protected] Mathew Williams 5445996 [email protected] James Jemson 7443123 [email protected] Don Clementson 5448867 [email protected] and Greet New Members Ray Day and Pete LawlerFishing trips James Macdonald [email protected] 03 5403520Fly Tying Convenor Tony EntwistleClub Librarian Lois Rutherfurd 022 6010642Trophy Master Lois Rutherfurd [email protected] Sponsorship & Newsletter Advertising Ray DayClub Speakers: Tony EntwistleClub Night Tea/Coffee: Lester HigginsNewsletter Distribution: Dennis EalamLife Members: 2007 John Willis 2012 Graham CarterPast Presidents: 06-08 Lester Higgins 08-09 Ross Walker04-06 Richard Boyden 11-13 Ray Day 13- Tony Entwistle09-11 Dennis Ealam THE NELSON TROUT FISHING CLUBMeets once a month at: Fish and Game Offices, 66 Champion Road, Richmond. Normally the 3rd Wednesday of the month 7.00pm. Please phone 5440066 if unsure. Any views or opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the committee, club or editor. Website:
Trip to the Glenorchy area, April 10-11, 2014 Thompson Mountains, Lake Wakatipu “I’m going to Queenstown to attend a kiwi hui”, my wife, Sandy, informed me; she does volunteer work for the Friends of Flora, relocating Great Spotted Kiwi into Kahurangi park. A bunch of people involved in similar projects aroundthe country were planning ameeting to compare howthe various projects wereproceeding.WAC’s hut besideDiamond Creek“Hmmm”, I thought, “Ihaven’t fished in that areasince 2002”. Through thekind assistance of BrianRichards (who joined the NTFC a few months ago), I was able to stay in theWakatipu Anglers Club’s (WAC) hut, approximately 5km from Glenorchy, at thetop of the northwest arm of Lake Wakatipu.I dropped Sandy off at the hui and drove leisurely along Lake Wakatipu, stoppingfrequently to take photos of the spectacular Thomson and Humbold Mountains. Igot to the WAC hut in the late morning, unpacked my stuff and set my rod upwith a plan to walk a couple of kilometres along Diamond Creek to Reid Lake.Brian – a past president of WAC - had generously drawn me a map of the area,explaining where the best wading was in the lake, assuming low water levels(which there were).Brian also advised that I use a Black & Peacock fly, a wet fly that sinks slowly andmimics a snail. Rather than use an indicator, I decided to use the Black &Peacock as a dropper beneath a dry fly that was similar; I chose a Coch-y-Bonddu. I had some success in the stream, spotting fish feeding off the surface;they usually took the dry on the first cast. 5
Diamond Creek; note the weed beds There are a couple of differences when comparing these Otago waters with those in the Tasman district. Firstly, it is immediately obvious that there is much more weed in Otago, giving the fish more options for hiding andalso for trying to bust you off by wrapping your leader around the weed stalks.This contrasts with theboulder-strewn, freestonerivers/streams in Tasman.Secondly, I was impressedby how many small (6-12”)fish that were in DiamondCreek. I guess it is aspawning creek and this waswhere the next generationhang out until they feeltough enough to head outinto the big, wideworld (i.e. the lakes).Reid Lake Brownie, 3.5 lbs;took a Coch-y-BonnduWhen I arrived at Reid Lake, four young lads were spin-fishing - and making quitea racket; they seemed to enjoy the sound of their yells and screams echoing offMt. Alfred, due west of the lake.Happy with two “takers” they departed and left me in peace. I followed aroundthe east shore of the lake to where Brian’s map indicated that I could wade outto a weed bed. The distance to wade was about 10 metres and the bed wasparallel to shore and about 7-10 metres wide. Beyond this, the fish werereported to cruise and graze on the aforementioned snails.Indeed, before I even got into the water, I saw a couple of dorsal and tail finswaving along the edge of the weeds; there was even a fish cruising on the shore-
side of the weed bed, i.e. only about 3-5m from the shore. I cast and he rose totake the dry. I must have struck too early because the flies whistled by my leftear. The fish was nowhere to be seen. Diamond Lake I waded out and spent half an hour casting to the tailing browns; it was more like going after bones or permit in the Keys than trout fishing. Lots of fun. I think, however, that the trout detected my presence, as the frequency of “cruisers” dropped off significantly as soon as I entered the water. Afterabout 30 minutes, another difference between the waters of deep Otago andTasman occurred to me; it is much colder in Otago! I have become used to wet-wading in the Motueka, Wangapeka, Wairau, Pelorus, Buller etc. over the lastfew months and, let me tell you, I would have been significantly morecomfortable in a pair of goretex waders.So I retreated to the shore and decided to remove my boots to clean out the mudthat had got into them as I stood in the weed bed. I got one boot off and thensuddenly saw another tailing fish only 5m from shore, i.e. this side of the reedbed. Shall I struggle back into my boot or go after it?I decided to cast to it and it rose to take the dry immediately; it was on. After ajump and a run or two, it tried to tangle up in the weed and I had to use a bit of effort to break it free. Fortunately all the mono and fluoro leader stayed intact as I hobbled around in a sock on one foot & a boot on the other. Thank goodness no one was filming this. Finally a very handsome 3.5lb fish was in the net, photographed and returned. Flock of geese about to land on Diamond Lake
It was about 3:30 in the afternoon and suddenly all this noise began to emanatefrom the flanks of Mt Alfred. While initially wondering what all the cows wereworried about, I then realized I was hearing the “Roar” for the first time in mylife. There were between 4 and 6 animals sounding off at one another. Thiscontinued all night; very impressive.I then noticed two other people had started fishing at the south end of the lakeand made my way over to say “Hello”. They were a couple from Cairns who hadbeen fishing in the Motueka area when it started to rain. So they looked at theweather map, saw that it was clear in Otago, and drove the 600km in a day toget here. I wished them well and headed back to the hut. On the way back alongDiamond Creek, I ran into another couple flyfishing (well, he was fishing, she wascarrying a camping chair and landing net, plonking the chair down wherever hefished so she could watch); these two were from Kaiserslautern (WesternGermany, near the French border). I told him that the fish were bigger in theLake, but he told me that he preferred river fish.The next day, I drove to the south end of Diamond Lake and walked along thewestern shore to an attractive bach with a great view to the north; I saw no fish.But I did see an impressive flock of Canada Geese that I could hear for severalseconds before they flew into sight and landed on the lake. I retreated to thetruck and drove to the NE corner and fished the north shore. I saw the odd fishcruising, but not the number – nor the size – of those in Reid Lake. Apocalypse Now! ………………. If you are a goose Is this a function of accessibility? As I worked my way along the shore, a small single engine airplane swooped low over the lake and banked as it turned infront of Mt. Alfred, flew low to the south shore, banked again and flew to thenorth shore. It did this several times. “Hoon of the air”, I thought.But this was nothing. Twenty minutes later a Hughes 500 turned up and starteddoing a bunch of pretty radical moves over most of the lake typically at 10-20mabove the lake level. In the interim, I had spotted a cruiser at the northwestcorner of the lake. I cast the Black & Peacock/Coch-y-Bonddhu rig out; the fishimmediately went for the dry and then – again! – the flies were heading over myleft shoulder.But the fish didn’t seem to be spooked; it just kept coming towards me. So I castagain as the Hughes circled over me before moving off to the centre of the lakeand, whammo, the fish was on. Only 2.5 lbs, but a nice fish nonetheless.
Then all hell broke loose as a barrage of gun shots rang out; I began to hearWagner’s Ride of the Valkyries in my brain and the words of Robert Duvall aboutnapalm in the morning. This went on for over 40 minutes and left a lake littered with floating carcasses. The trout disappeared with all the noise, so I decided to head to another venue. The Routeburn has always been on my list, having heard about the track. Diamond Lake Brown; also took the Coch-y-Bonndhu I picked up a couple of hitchhikers (one from Texas, the other from Oregon) to drop them at the trailhead. Initially, I had thought Iwould walk on the track and fish along the way. But the presence of severaldozen people at the trailhead brought home how much I value the “wildernessexperience” when I fish; I don’t wish to be amongst a horde.So I decided to check out the stretch of the river from the confluence with theDart upstream but before you get to the trailhead. It was a pleasant walk,initially in beech forest, then open fields. The only negative is that cows havefree access to the river, which always offends me. The beautiful Routeburn River I saw only two fish as I walked back up stream. And I think they saw me as they disappeared pretty quickly. I guess this river gets a lot of pressure near the road. So, a great stay in a beautiful area. Many thanks to the WAC for letting me use their hut (only $5 a night; being of Scottish blood, this is my kind ofprice!).I also now have a much better feel for the angling opportunities in the area andam very keen to return next season and have a go on the Greenstone and Caplesrivers. I understand that you need to purchase a back-country license in additionto your usual license. 9
Break of Day - by Ray DayEvening in the wilderness ismy magic time - by LeoThomas Fishermans Hut - by Ray DayMarch Photo Competitionwinning photo: \"Hooked up ona Spring Creek in the Arther'sPass area.\" By David Haynes. 10
Promise of bigger thingsPromising Pool. By LeoThomas White Heron - by Ray Day
L.R.: Lee, Sue, Maree, Lois; missing from photo photographer Judy Price A light hearted look at the ladies' fishing tripFive fine fillies went fishing But nary a trout came nearHoping a big one to catchJudy and Lois, Lee and Maree They ignored our weighted nymphsand Sue (who is also called Batch) And rapalas, big and bold Was the water too warmWe knew there were good fishing Or maybe it was too cold?riversNear to the village of Murch They ignored whatever was offeredSo based at the home of our Judy Though placed with precision and flairWe set off upon our great search They certainly were most elusive Or were there just not any there?Late Friday we looked in the BullerIt seemed like a good place to be So back to Judy's homeBut all that we spotted were sandflies We knew what WOULD be a winnerAnd so we went home to cook tea A nice cool glass of wine And a slap-up home cooked dinner !Saturday's fog turned to sunshineAnd enthusiasm was high On Sunday we headed for homeSo into into the cars we all bundled After lots of fun and chatterFired up and ready to try Despite our wish we'd caught no fish But we wouldn't let that matter.The Matakitaki was brilliant from Lee DennisThe water was lovely and clearWe cast and we cast like that day wasour last 12
The Salmon R (finally) Running @ Lake MapourikaBy Fred FrahmFour or five years ago Lester Higgins suggested we head down the West Coast forthe salmon run at Lake Mapourika, and Dennis Ealam and I got geared up for anew fishing adventure which, for us, has turned into an annual event. So, at 0800on March 15th we left Richmond with Dennis towing our “yellow peril”, a 12’ un-tipable and un-sinkable hollow plastic boat, with a 4-stroke, 4-horse Merchanging from the stern. I was close behind towing our home-away-from-home, anot-so-new but refurbished 13.5’ 1972 Zephyr caravan.Our first pit-stop was at the top of the Hope saddle, the next was at Murchison,then another at Reefton, plus a cuppa. Then Greymouth to visit Jean Willis (onlywe passed right by his house because we didn’t know what it looked like) and onto Hokitika to drain off the Reefton cuppa, refuel our steeds, and have a pie.Then on to the Top 10 to set up the caravan. One problem: I’d forgot to pack thesupporting poles for the canvas roof to the annex. Bugger! But, a “GoodSamaritan” on the adjoining site loaned us his poles and rescued the situation.For the past two seasons Dennis and I stayed at the Top 10 camp, 15 minutesfrom the lake, and only 5 minutes from Franz Josef and the only Four Square formiles in either direction. In addition, Top 10 has all the desirable facilities thelakeside camps don’t provide: potable water, hot showers, warm toilets,spacious kitchen, and level concrete camper and caravan sites. And for $50 wegot a 3 year membership that meant every 3rd day at the camp was free. What adeal!We needed a few things from the market so, with our camp established, weheaded for the Four Square, then the Blue Ice, a small restaurant just a blockaway. We had dinners there a couple of times last year, and not only enjoyed thefood and presentation, we enjoyed the friendly hospitality of the Filipino familywho own and run the restaurant.The lake has 2 camp, both managed by DOC. The oldest, largest and scruffiest isdirectly adjacent to the highway and McDonald’s Creek, where, in May, thesalmon go to spawn and die. Of the two, aside from the recently created boatramp, this camp has the fewest amenities: 1 water tap, and 1 long-drop toilet.The new camp shares the same entry-way with the old, but is separated from itby a narrow patch of native bush. It was given a make-over last year, and the 3flush toilets adjacent to a covered stainless steel washing-up facility has made itmuch more inviting. It also has 2 stairways leading down to a narrow gravelbeach where you can tie up your boat, gut your fish, and feed some nasty andaggressive eels. I’ve seen the brave hearted, as well as some unaware and naivetourists go there to bathe in the nutty – which, given the eel population in thatvicinity, could be quite dangerous for men and boys.Salmon season at Mapourika is equally as much a social event as it is a fishingvenue. So, Sunday morning we went to the lake to see how many of our “regular”
mates were there, as well as to check out the water level and fishing conditions.Dennis had been receiving reports that NO rain had fallen or fish caught forweeks, which was confirmed by an amiable couple who, like others, reside thereuntil the end of season each year. They’d been “fishless” for 3 weeks and, unlessit rained a significant amount, didn’t have much hope for the future. The lakelevel was down close to a metre, and the outflow to the Okarito River wasvirtually non-existent. Low, or no flow in the river means 2 things: there’s nosmell of their childhood home reaching the sea to entice the salmon to begintheir life’s final journey; and if they do get a whiff, there are many places wherethere isn’t enough water to get over the obstacles between them and the lake.So we all did our rain dance, and prayed for its effectiveness, then danced andprayed for 2 more days.And lo-and-behold, it worked! The rain just pissed down from Sunday night ‘tilWednesday morning, then turned to drizzle all that day - and nobody venturedout on the lake for 3 days. Then we, like all the other fishos, were up before thesun Thursday morning, and trolled all day without a fish being caught. But, onFriday the salmon came alive – 12 caught that day, one of which landed in ourboat. It was the first of 8 we managed to catch and, as a bonus, Dennis and Ieach added a 5 pound brownie to our score.Chinook, more commonly known in New Zealand as Quinnat, King or springsalmon, were successfully introduced into Canterbury and Otago rivers nearly 100years ago. In fact, NZ and the Great Lakes of America are the only places in theworld where this specie has been introduced and become self-sustaining. Sincetheir initial introduction, salmon have found their way into other east coastrivers, as well as all the major rivers on the west coast south of the Grey. In aneffort to increase the smaller West Coast populations, a few years ago Fish &Game released thousands of juvenile fish in Lake Mapourika, and the Grey andHokitika rivers. In fact, Lester, Dennis and I each caught a few of the moreaggressive ones that year but, unfortunately, our hooks were a bit too big toensure their survival once released, and the shags and gulls were quick to cleanthem up.Fishing at Mapourika requires only 5 things: a license, boat, tackle, landing net,and lots of luck. A regular fishing license is all you need, but be sure to have it inyour pocket because the rangers are very active during salmon season, and havechecked us out every year.A boat is a must. There is only a short strip where it’s possible to fish from theshore with any expectation of success, and that’s between McDonald’s Creek andthe outflow to the Okarito River. Many Salmon are caught there, but not manyare caught from the shore.Tackle is quite standard among most fishers: stout rod and reel, lead core linewith nylon backing, 3-4m of 20 lb test leader with a 28gm silver or yellow ZedSpinner attached, and a big, long-handled net. Dennis and I have all the above,including a box full of Zeddies, but have elected to use a popular American lureinstead – a 3 or 4 inch Flatfish in a variety of colour patterns with single hooks. A
few years ago, at Lester’s suggestion, we replaced all treble hooks with long-shanked, number 5 Mustads. As a result, we haven’t lost a single fish since then,while practically everyone using short-shanked treble hooks tell sad tales aboutthe ones that got away.But why a Flatfish? Because, unlike the Zeddie, it transmits a distinctive“nodding” action to the tip of the rod that the Zeddie doesn’t - and if it isn’tnodding, it’s probably fouled with weed. In addition, they produce results – theycatch fish.Requiring a big net is a no-brainer, especially for novices. The fish are big, andseem even bigger when fighting for their life along-side the boat. Because we usebig hooks, the fish are securely attached to the lure, and we’ve learned toexhaust them before bringing them to the net – a reason we haven’t lost any dueto inept net handling.Luck… Nobody I’ve talked with has ever interviewed a salmon, so all we can do ismake observations and suppositions about their behaviour. It seems to me that,even when I’m doing everything “right” there’s still an element of randomnessabout my chances of catching one, simply because there are so many possiblevariables over which I have neither knowledge nor control. So the salmon has alot going for itself in that respect. However, it must be said that, without adoubt, there are those who catch more salmon than others, but I think it has asmuch to do with persistence as it does with experience. Interestingly, only twofish were caught on the 30th (one of which landed in our boat) and none werecaught on the 31st.Post script: We finally met with Jean Willis as we were recovering the boat at theramp on that final day – he had been on an assignment in the local area and justhappened to catch up with us before heading back to Greymouth. He sends a big“hello” to one and all.NOTE: Of the 5 species of salmon - Chinook, Coho, Sockeye, Pink, and Chum - theChinook or “King” is the largest and can weigh up to 54.5 kg/120 lbs, and reach alength of 1m/3ft+. However, it’s only along the northwest coast of North Americawhere the larger fish are found. By comparison, a 4 year old New ZealandChinook is more likely to average 7 kg or just under 16 lbs. (FYI, the record forrecreational fishers was caught on Alaska’s Kenai River in 1985, weighing44kg/97lbs. For images of some big fish Google: largest chinook on record.)I'll never forget how happy I was when I saw my missus walking down the aisletowards me..............My heart was beating fast and the excitement was unbearable. It seemed to takean age, but eventually there she was, standing beside me.I gave her a loving smile and said, \"Get that trolley over here love. They're doing3 cartons of Beer, for the price of 2.\"I have PMS and GPS which means I am a bitch and I will find you
The EditorThe Nelson Trout Fishing Club's Feb. 2014 newsletter had feedback from LewisHore regarding Blue ducks at Arthur's Pass and Kahurangi dying of starvation aftera 1080 drop.Lewis asked if anyone had any thoughts on this and potential implications fortrout.Birds found dead after a drop are often diagnosed as dying of starvation andhypothermia.However, studies by Hornshaw et al. 1986 reported: \"Subacute dietary exposureto 1080 caused dose-dependent decreases in body weights and feedconsumption.\" Though this study was done on mink and European ferrets, suchweight loss effects could apply equally to birds and perhaps even trout.For me, this is just plain common sense. If you've ever had a touch of foodpoisoning or gut ache, you lose your appetite. It's logical to think that afteringesting even a small amount of 1080, a bird could lose its appetite, stopfeeding, get weak, lose body heat and die. Also, a bird that might normallydefend itself from predators, would become highly vulnerable to predation if in a1080-weakened state. Studies often report deaths by predation following 1080.In regards to Lewis' other questions about loss of invertebrates following 1080,one study showed 17-27% mayfly larva decrease within a few days of a 1080 drop.Studies by Atzert 1971 showed that repeated sublethal doses of 1080accumulated to lethal levels in [some species including] mallard ducks. It islogical that this could also be true for blue ducks and that repeated doses of'tainted' larva could accumulate the poison to lethal doses. (See youtubeeyewitness video about blue duck losses following a 1080 drop at Pearse Valley: warns that \"sublethal concentrations of 1080 may adversely affectreproduction, growth, and behaviour.\" So even if the whio (or trout) survives thedrop, what of long term health of the species?Barry Eaton Three on a River - by Lois Rutherfurd
Ulu knives - By Pete Williams Some years back a friend who had sailed from Alaska came to NZ and stayed with us. As there was little room on the boat for gifts but, he had a box of Ulu knives. He said he used it for cutting up pizzas. I found a knife better for this purpose, and as I had no idea what else it could be used for, I put it away and forgot about it. Before I went to Alaska last year a friend told me to visit the Ulufactory in Anchorage, which I duly did.These Ulu knives were great he said for cutting off fish heads, e.g., trout orkahawai, prior to smoking. Well I did bring one back but gave it away as a gift.This left me with the one in the drawer.This summer I’ve been using it a lot, for it is far easier to whack off a fish headthan when using a knife. I hold the Ulu on the fishes side with one hand and withone belt from my other fist it cuts clean through. I only wish I had been using itfor this purpose for all those years it lay in the draw. A friend of mine has oneand they use it a lot in the kitchen for chopping herbs and other things.A brief look on Trade Me revealed only 2 in NZ, of widely different prices, butthey can be ordered from a range of American sites.
10 Ways to Justify Your Fishing TripHaving a hard time explaining to your significant other why you need to takeanother fishing trip?Refer to the list below, develop your strategy, and your reel will be screaming inno time!1. It’s good for business. My best client/potential client/business partnerand I will improve our relationship so much that the trip will easily pay for itself.2. Good for the family. This will be an incredible opportunity for me tospend quality time with my son/granddaughter/father-in-law. [This is probablythe most legitimate justification on the list.]3. I need a break. I’ve been working really hard in this difficult economy,and I’m at my wit’s end.4. I’ll be happier/more relaxed/more productive when I get back. After thistime off, I’ll be able so recharged that I’ll easily finish that house project/landthat big client/finish our tax return.5. You can take a trip too. While I’m gone/when I get back, you can takethat spa/shopping trip/holiday to Fiji you’ve been talking about.6. You can relax/get a lot done while I’m gone. Having me out of your hairwill make for a really nice week. Think of all the time to yourself!7. I need to use all my expensive gear. Going on this trip will increase thereturn on investment on all the nice gear I’ve bought. [And this is maybe theleast legitimate - use with caution.]8. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. These dates are never available,and I’ve always wanted to go. It may be the only time that my bestfriend/business partner/club members can make the trip.9. I’ll buy you some nice jewellery. Look, bribery works sometimes, OK?10. I really like to fish, and it’s important to me. Sometimes honesty workstoo.Below is a list of 5 ways to win an argument with a woman; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.CLUB MEETINGSMay... David Haynes of NZFFA receiving remits and will show DVDs Fishing in theHimalayas and NZ. 18
All mechanical Repairs All service by qualified Technicians New tyres W.O.F for cars, trailers, motorbikes, tractors, dumpers Restoration work undertaken - Courtesy car available Ellis Street Auto Repairs104A Ellis Street Brightwater 03 5424035
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