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Bruce McLean - August 15 newsletter

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Caitlan Reid during the casting competitions

Club ContactsExecutive:President: Tony Entwistle 5444565 [email protected] President: Ray Day 5441245 [email protected]: Bruce McLean 5480066 [email protected]: Ray Day 5441245 [email protected] Editor and Webmaster: Graham Carter 07 8551833 [email protected] 021 02600437Committee Scott Ingram 5441605 [email protected] Peter Lawler 5489753 [email protected] Maree Peter 522 4166 [email protected] Mathew Williams 5445996 [email protected] James Jemson 7443123 [email protected] and Greet New Members Ray Day and Pete LawlerFishing trips James Macdonald [email protected] 03 5403520Fly Tying Convenor Tony EntwistleClub Librarian Lois Rutherfurd 022 6010642Trophy Master Lois Rutherfurd [email protected] Sponsorship & Newsletter Advertising Ray DayClub Speakers: Tony EntwistleClub Night Tea/Coffee: Maree PeterNewsletter Distribution: Brian Richards [email protected] 0274349165Life Members: 2007 John Willis 2012 Graham CarterPast Presidents: 06-08 Lester Higgins 08-09 Ross Walker04-06 Richard Boyden 11-13 Ray Day 13- Tony Entwistle09-11 Dennis Ealam THE NELSON TROUT FISHING CLUBMeets once a month at: Fish and Game Offices, 66 Champion Road, Richmond. Normally the 3rd Wednesday of the month 7.00pm. Please phone 5440066 if unsure. Any views or opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the committee, club or editor. 3

President’s Flyline PRESIDENT’S ANNUAL REPORT - 2015I am pleased to report that the Nelson Trout Fishing Club is in pretty good heart.Currently we have 71 paid up Full Members, 2 Overseas members and 2 LifeMembers. As you will see from Ray Day’s Treasurers Report, the Club is doingwell financially as well.Throughout this past year we have continued with a strong following at clubmeetings, due largely I’m sure to the quality of speakers we have been able tosecure. Members are to be commended for their support of club evenings, whichare the core activity for the club. Many other organized club activities have alsobeen well supported including a couple of on river casting sessions, a ‘rainy’Christmas BBQ and the annual casting competitions that were held separatelythis year at Isel Park, (which proved to be an excellent venue and one the clubwill undoubtedly use again).Running a successful club depends upon the collective efforts of your electedcommittee and once again I appreciate their support in helping carry out thevarious tasks needed so that members get value for their subscription.Your committee in turn is supported by other members who take on roles for thebenefit of the club and I would like to acknowledge their invaluable help; LoisRutherford (Trophy Master), Brian Richards (Newsletter distributor), RichardBreakspear (setting up the AV on Club nights), Cam Reid (Auction Coordinator),Don Clementson (AV for Fly Tying Nights), Gebhard Krewitt (‘unofficial’ clubphotographer) and James Macdonald (Club Trip Coordinator).Organizing Club Fishing Trips is never an easy task, but once again JamesMacdonald has done a wonderful job. Trying to coordinate trips away is invariablya struggle to balance interest in venues with viable angler numbers and to thisend, James bases the arrangement for club trips on the responses to hisquestionnaire seeking suggestions for places that members would like to fish.James’ efforts are greatly appreciated and have been recognized by yourcommittee who have nominated him for this years “Services to the Club” award.I would also like to make special mention of Gebhard Krewitt. Gebhard’sprofessional photographic skills and credentials speak for themselves and formany years now he has done a wonderful job documenting many of our clubevents. The committee would like to express their thanks to Gebhard for hisefforts and generosity which have provided the club with a wonderfulphotographic history.Our club newsletter continues as a strength, largely due to the combined effortsof our Editor, Graham Carter and Secretary Bruce McLean. Your committeeinstigated a monthly photo competition which, with some judicious proddingfrom Bruce, has been well supported by members. We have seen a great range of

photos reflecting members in varying angling endeavours, which greatly add tothe vitality and relevance of our monthly newsletter.Through the year the Club lost one of its most valued members, Dennis Ealam.Dennis was a Past President who took up the reins at a time when we werestruggling to find our next President … a not unfamiliar obstacle it seems.Everyone misses Dennis’ good humour, enthusiasm and dedication … to me herepresented everything that was good about our Club.Once again, congratulations to all our Club prize-winners this evening. It ispleasing to note that after pleading last year for entries we did elicit someentries in the Heaviest Fish caught on a Fly Categories this year, but sadly noentries in the Spin Fishing category. It is apparent from the photographsmembers submit that a lot of good trout get caught during the season … if moreof these were measured and submitted into the competition it would definitelyadd more to interest within the club. As I have mentioned before, ourcompetitions are not only an important way of recognizing the various‘endeavours’ of members throughout the year, but they also contribute avaluable part of our club history.My two years as President are done and dusted and the time has actually flownby. It has been an interesting journey, we’ve had some fun times and I havelearned a lot from interacting with various club members on a more regularbasis. At the time of writing this report, no-one has offered to take over the roleof Club President … and I am desperately hoping there is a ‘sleeper’ out therethis evening who will put their hand up. If I can do it … then anyone can.However the role of President is not the pivotal role in this club … our clubsimply would not have functioned but for the services of one man, who hasearned my greatest respect. To this point, he has indicated he wishes to stepdown and given the time and effort he has put into our club over several years Ican appreciate his desire for a break. I am speaking of course of our SecretaryBruce McLean. ‘Brucey’, as we affectionately know him, is at the very heart andsoul of the success of this club. His support made being President a lot of fun …his tireless efforts on your behalf are the reason we have such a strong club.Whatever the outcome is of tonight’s Election of Officers, Bruce’s role asSecretary of the Nelson Trout Fishing Club has been exceptional … Brucey, youare a legend and I can’t thank you enough on behalf of all the membership.And so … to our Club Elections … consider what you can contribute to ensure thatyour Club continues to move forward.Thank you all for your support.Tony EntwistlePresidentCover Photo: Still water paradise. By Brian Richards 5

Club Trophy winnersCaitlan Reid. Spin Casting AccuracyLois Rutherfurd. Spin Casting Distance 30mBest Conditioned Fish: Richard Breakspear, Condition Factor 73.1Best Newsletter Front Cover Photograph: Gebhard Krewitt, Issue 131 March 2015,a selfie photo.Best Newsletter Story: The Devil Made Me Do It, Issue 128 Dec 2014, BruceMcLeanFly Casting Accuracy Open Class: Ray Day Fly Casting Distance Ladies: Maree Peter 17.8 m Fly Tier of the Year: Richard Boyden for his contribution to the club fly tying group through the past year Gumboot of the Year: Michael Stevenson. Heaviest Trout Local District Richard Boyden: 5lb Brown Trout, Travis River Heaviest Trout out of District: Michael Stevenson 8.5lb Brown Trout, Karamea River Services to the Club: James Macdonald, as organizer for club trips Spin Casting Distance: Lester Higgins 37.1m Left: Lois Rutherfurd

THE GUMBOOT AWARD 2015 SELF CONFESSIONOne of our members embarked on a long trip to meet the members of afly fishing bulletin board he has been on for several years. At themeeting he had the chance to fish new waters and did well enough tonot embarrass himself or the Nelson Club.At the end of the first day of fishing he got into rising fish and landed his bestfish, a rainbow of 16\".On his next cast, he had another take and set the hook.It held just long enough to put tension on the line and then flick back into thetrees behind him. Since he was in knee-deep water, he had to stretch up toreach the branch. He got hold of the branch and then reached with the otherhand to clear his fly from the tree.Only then did he realize he had dropped his rod into the river to reach for thesecond handhold.Luckily the current wasn't too strong and he was able to find the rod a few feetdownstream, held down by the weight of the reel.Oh yeah, the club member was me (blush).Michael StevensonCaptions for Brag PageTop left: A perfect place to be, by Bruce McLean; top right:Casting with style, by Bruce McLean; 2nd left: Hooked up on a favourite river, byBrian Richards; mid right: Pool House and West Coast, by Chris Clenshaw;3rd left: Dinner for 6, by Richard Breakspear; bottom right: Secret location, by VickiThompson; bottom left: Something missing. Great camouflage, by Graham Carter.A man was telling his neighbour, 'I just bought a new hearing aid. It cost me fourthousand dollars, but it's state of the art.. It's perfect.''Really,' answered the neighbour . 'What kind is it?''Twelve thirty..' 7


TROPHY WINNERS BRAG PAGESTop left: Best Conditioned Fish, Richard Breakspear Condition Factor 73.1;top right: Best Newsletter Front Cover Photograph, Gebhard Krewitt, Issue131 March 2015, a selfie photo; mid left: Best Newsletter Story, The DevilMade Me Do It, Issue 128 Dec 2014, Bruce McLean; mid right: Fly CastingAccuracy Open Class, Ray Day; bottom left: Fly Casting Distance Ladies, MareePeter 17.8 m; bottom right: Fly Tyer of the Year, Richard Boyden for hiscontribution to the club fly tying group through the past year.

TROPHY WINNERS BRAG PAGESTop left: Gumboot of the Year, Michael Stevenson; top right: Heaviest TroutLocal District Richard Boyden. 5lb Brown Trout Travis River; mid left:Heaviest Trout out of District, Michael Stevenson 8.5lb Brown Trout KarameaRiver; mid right: Services to the Club, James Macdonald, as organizer for clubtrips; bottom left: Spin Casting Distance, Lester Higgins 37.1m; Bottom right:Tony don't drop the trophy. 10

Swinging for Trout – The Hang Down Drop-BackWhen swinging for trout or other aggressive species, the dirtiest trick I use whileswinging flies comes during the “hang down” portion of the presentation.In fact, at times I use it for most every species I swing flies for.First off, at the end of each swing I always assume a fish has followed the flyaround on its shore-ward swing. When the fly slows and hangs down, I do what Icall the hang down drop-back. I slowly strip in a couple feet of fly line, then dropthe slack. This slowly brings the fly away from a following fish. Then, I simplydrop the line and let it fall slack until it comes tight again. The fly opens up anddies backwards to the fish. When it comes tight again, it goes back to the samelook it had before. If it is weighted, it does a little dance. The moment it comestight again I hang on!With a spey rod, I use the rod hand to achieve the same action by finishing intothe hang down with the rod tip extended toward the fish. Then, I slowly pull therod tip up river past my hip and drop the whole rod back to the fish quickly.Note: I always fish my line to the reel, with the drag set appropriately to set thehook. I keep the rod pointed down the line, that way, I’m able to take the tip outof the equation.Deneki OutdoorsHospital regulations require a wheel chair for patients being discharged.However, while working as a student nurse, I found one elderly gentlemanalready dressed and sitting on the bed with a suitcase at his feet, who insisted hedidn't need my help to leave the hospital.After a chat about rules being rules, he reluctantly let me wheel him to theelevator.On the way down I asked him if his wife was meeting him.'I don't know,' he said. 'She's still upstairs in the bathroom changing out of herhospital gown.'Three old guys are out walking.First one says, 'Windy, isn't it?'Second one says, 'No, it's Thursday!'Third one says, 'So am I. Let's go get a beer..'Morris, an 82 year-old man, went to the doctor to get a physical.A few days later, the doctor saw Morris walking down the street with a gorgeousyoung woman on his arm.A couple of days later, the doctor spoke to Morris and said, 'You're really doinggreat, aren't you?'Morris replied, 'Just doing what you said, Doc: 'Get a hot mamma and becheerful.''The doctor said, 'I didn't say that.. I said, 'You've got a heart murmur; be careful.'

CLUB INFORMATIONFly Tying Nights: Club Subscriptions:Every first Tuesday of the month Family $40.00Members who are interested in flytying or learning to tie flies are Adult $40.00welcome to come along to the Fish andGame Clubrooms and get in some Junior (13-17) freepractice.Change of Address Out of region: $20.00Please let the secretary know any publishedchanges to your postal or email NB: Club year runs from 1 July toaddresses phone number, so you willcontinue to receive the newsletter. 30 June at 7.30 pmClub Library Magazine Articles and PhotosThere is a Club Library which isavailable on Club Meeting nights. All articles and photos will beIt holds a range of good books and and need to be to the editor by theVideos covering fly tying to flyfishingtechniques. To borrow from the library second Sunday of every month. Itemsis free to all members. can be emailed toIdeas for Club Nights or TripsIf you have any suggestions for speakers [email protected] other activities for Club Nightscontact a committee member. Advertising All advertising enquiries or suggestions should be forwarded to the Treasurer. Trophy Application Forms Application Forms are available from the Trophy Convener or on the Club Website. Club Merchandise For Sale Car Transfers $3.00 Club Badges $10.00 See the Treasurer at MeetingsUseful links about the river flows in the Upper South Island. 12

Couple in their nineties are both having problems remembering things.During a checkup, the doctor tells them that they're physically okay, but theymight want to start writing things down to help them remember…Later that night, while watching TV, the old man gets up from his chair. 'Wantanything while I'm in the kitchen?' he asks.'Will you get me a bowl of ice cream?''Sure..''Don't you think you should write it down so you can remember it?' she asks.'No, I can remember it.''Well, I'd like some strawberries on top, too. Maybe you should write it down, soas not to forget it?'He says, 'I can remember that. You want a bowl of ice cream with strawberries.''I'd also like whipped cream. I'm certain you'll forget that, write it down?' sheasks.Irritated, he says, 'I don't need to write it down, I can remember it! Ice creamwith strawberries and whipped cream - I got it, for goodness sake!'Then he toddles into the kitchen. After about 20 minutes, The old man returnsfrom the kitchen and hands his wife a plate of bacon and eggs.. She stares at theplate for a moment.'Where's my toast ?'A senior citizen said to his eighty-year old buddy:'So I hear you're getting married?''Yep!''Do I know her?''Nope!''This woman, is she good looking?''Not really.''Is she a good cook?''Naw, she can't cook too well.''Does she have lots of money?''Nope! Poor as a church mouse.''Well, then, is she good in bed?''I don't know.''Why in the world do you want to marry her then?''Because she can still drive!'A little old man shuffled slowly into an ice cream parlor and pulled himselfslowly, painfully, up onto a stool… After catching his breath, he ordered abanana split.The waitress asked kindly, 'Crushed nuts?''No,' he replied, 'Arthritis.'

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