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Published by emily.baker, 2022-06-16 14:01:05



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1. Completing training 1 To see your training record, hover over My Learning Hub, and click My Training Record. LMS 1 Completing Training

2 Training Record – Here’s the training you will need to complete. All training that is mandatory will automatically appear in your training record. . 3 By clicking on the arrow next to Active, a dropdown box will appear showing the following: Active = Training that is currently to be completed Completed = Training that you have completed Archived = Training you have archived. Training here will show in your reports LMS 2 Completing Training

4 You can filter your training using these two dropdowns. 5 Hover over the Learning Icon and it will tell you what type of training it is. LMS 3 Completing Training

6 The colour bar next to the icon indicates when the training is due. Red = Due today or past due Amber = Due within the next 7 days, not including today Green = Due after 7 days 7 Choose the training that you wish to compete and click on Launch. LMS 4 Completing Training

8 A new window will appear and the online course will start. When you launch training material such as The Bourne Leisure Mission or Coaching cards this will open as a PDF file in a new browser window. 9 Once you have completed the course, it will take you to the following page where you can rate it. To do this click on Rate this training. If the training you were doing was a material eg. PDF, you will have to mark this as complete before you can rate. LMS You are only able to rate certain courses. Completing Training 5

10 The following screen will appear. Assign a star rating. You can also provide a review if you wish. The review will have your name on it, so make sure you are happy with what you write! Click on Submit. Remember that online courses complete automatically but you need to manually mark material courses as complete when you have finished. Some material courses may require sign off from your manager. Once you have clicked on submit, your star rating will appear. If you would like to edit what you have written or delete the review just select the arrow and click on Edit or Delete. 11 If you would like to view your training record as a PDF or run an Excel report, make sure you are in Your Training record section and click on the from the drop-down menu. Select which action you would like to take. LMS 6 Completing Training

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