What is the Growth Please Take a Moment P romoting to fill out the survey the Growth Mindset? Mindset in below: In a growth mindset, the people believe that their https://goo.gl/forms/zrUW Classroommost basic abilities can be ZyqgdgCAouCo1developed through hard work and effort. This creates a want to learn and a flexibility that is necessary foraccomplishment. Teaching the growth mindset creates motivation and productivity. What is the Fixed Done by: Megan Perusek, Lauren Hahn, Alexis Mindset? Falzone, Alicia LoPresti The fixed mindset is the opposite. In a fixed mindset people believethat their basic abilities,intelligence and talentsare just fixed traits. Theyalso believe that talent alone creates success, and effort is never needed.
Classrooms Improving the Growth Carol Dweck’s without the Mindset in the Advice on How to Growth Mindset Classroom Apply the Growth● Enrichment groups: Such ● Blended learning: teaches Mindset in the groups pull successful students how to learn using students out of the technology and different Classroom classroom, leaving ways of learning struggling students without peer help behind. ● Test retakes: encourages students to grow and be● PSAT, SAT, ACT: The same able to fix their mistakes test is given to every student, so everyone is ● Praising effort instead of compared to one intelligence: some students another. can put in a lot of effort and still get a bad grade● Academic Award Ceremony during class ● Electives: encourages time: Such ceremonies students to get involved in pulls students out of the more things they enjoy to classroom and leaves the give them more confidence ones with GPAs isolated, making them feel ● College, Honors, and AP inadequate. classes: allows students to push themselves and grow● Individual projects: Such to learn more things projects do not allow students to get new ideas ● Group work and projects: and let their confidence students can work with and imagination grow peers that can give them new from working with and bright ideas others.
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