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Home Explore Happenings Newsletter Volume 1 Issue 3

Happenings Newsletter Volume 1 Issue 3

Published by petra.plato, 2017-02-17 13:10:08

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H appeningsQUARTERLY NEWSLETTER Volume 1, Issue 3 Dec 2016INSIDE 1 2 3THIS Are you Employee Work Smart HSSE Spotlight not HardISSUE Positive?


GreetingsHappenings We are back with the third issue of the Happenings Newsletter. A Produced by quarterly publication where all team Marketing Department members are informed about all Massy Stores SVG LTD things related to Massy Stores (SVG) Ltd. In this newsletter, you will find out about the innumerable activities held in the in various departments at Massy Stores as well as upcoming events. I hope that you enjoy reading each issue of the Happenings Newsletter. This publication is for you. If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please address them to the Marketing department at: [email protected] or write: Marketing Massy Stores Head Office Upper Bay Street KingstownHappenings Page 1

the WORD for TODAY DON’T LET COMPLAINING CREEP IN. John Gordon says: “My wife friend Rachel would not stop complaining about her job… the company, the economy, her lack of sales… I finally stopped her and said, it’s simple. You have a choice. You can accept your company’s new polices or you can find a new job. So whatever you do, stop complaining because it is not doing any good. Change yourjob or change your attitude… the conversation was over, and so was our friendship, I thought.Rachel would not speak to for me a few months, then I saw her at a party and she told me shedecided to take my advice. She stayed in her job, stopped complaining and started sellingmore. Three months after changing here attitude her sales were up 30 percent, a year later theywere up 70 percent. The other day, three years after our initial conversation, I caught up withRachel again and asked her how she was doing. She told me during the last two years her salescontinued to grow. She was promoted twice and is now in her dream job. It is the job shealways wanted and she is more excited and passionate than ever. Is complaining sabotagingyou and/or your team? … I was in a similar situation ten years ago. But I learned when youstop whining and take positive action, you start winning. The Bible places whiners andcomplainers in the same class as sinners. Who have spoken against God grumblers andcomplainers .. Living only to satisfy their desires. To get what they want. Instead, you shouldbe full of faith thanking god for his blessings and trusting him for the future.Happenings Page 2

Be A St By: Joanne RichardsonMassy Stores Recognition Programme Winners April –June 2016 Human Resource Assistant Congratulations to all our “Be A Star” rMassy Stores winners. These Massy Team Members went above and beyond the call of duty. Let us all continue to encourage them. Thank you for being such a dedicated and valuable team member.Calbert Browne Kayola Ragguette Massy Stores Massy Stores Warehouse Administrative Raphael Bardoo Cornelous Martin Nigel Small Massy Stores Massy Stores Massy Stores Kingstown Bakery Arnos ValeC-Jay DaSouza Massy Stores Page 3 Stoney GroundHappenings

wSnoMothrAkaRrTd1 Assess everything that needs to be done. Before you plunge into something headfirst, remember that enthusiasm needs to be tempered with wisdom. Look over every aspect of the job, and allow yourself ample \"pondering time\" so that you can be sure that every detail is accomplished on time and accurately2 Make an outline. Whether it's in your head or on paper, you should have a3 checklist in mind and follow it in order. You don't want to repeat steps, duplicate the efforts of others, make mistakes or forget anything. Learn to say no. Avoid over-scheduling yourself and be realistic about what you can accomplish in a single day. Sometimes you just have to cut yourself off because in most professions, there is almost always something that could be done.4 Limit your goals. Try to avoid multi-tasking because you often get less done since your brain is switching back and forth between tasks. Pick one thing to work on and put your best effort into that until it is accomplished. Set a time limit for when you stop working on the task at hand and take a rest.,-Not-HardHappenings Page 4

HSSE &YOU Think Safe, Act Safe and Be Safe - we value you health Are you HSSE Positive? I am In the upcoming months Massy Stores St. Vincent will undergo an audit to see HSSE where we as a company stands with our Health, Safety, Security and POSITIVE Environmental practices. As such, we are committed to create a positive safety culture, where all team members tested will be positive. So what is a safetyARE YOU? culture. It is a broad, organization-wide approach to safety management. It is the end result of combined individual and group efforts toward values, attitudes, goals and know-how of an organization’s health and safety program. For this safety culture to be achieved, changes need to occur at all levels of the organization. The responsibility for encouraging the safety culture must start with management, but it trickles down to each individual in the company.So what does it means to be HSSE Positive?1 2Know the policies and procedures Adhere to the policies and proceduresWe must also note that a safety culture is a continuous process and the responsibility does not lie solely with theorganization. Every team member has a role to play by enforcing and upholding the safety practices. Where this iscompleted we will achieve our goal of having a positive safety culture and pass the next HSSE audit.Soooooo... ARE YOU HSSE POISTIVE?Happenings Page 3

HSSE &YOU Think Safe, Act Safe and Be Safe - we value you healthDon’t Let Safety Prevent slips, trips and falls at workTake steps to prevent• Wear proper footwear with good treads• Fix loose or curled carpets, mats and floor tiles.• Make sure lighting is bright enough to see properly• Mark walkway slopes and changes in levels• Secure trailing cables Keep it clean and clear Watch out • Keep floors clean and dry • Wipe up spills quickly• Watch for holes, cracks or uneven • Keep aisles and walkways rough areas on walkways. clear of clutter and obstacles• Take extra care on steps or painted wood or concrete surfaces that could be slipperyHappenings Page 5

RecipesPESTO PASTA WITH SUN DRIED TOMATOES AND ROASTED ASPARAGUSINGREDIENTS8 ounces medium shell pasta1 pound asparagus, trimmed2 tablespoons olive oilKosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste1/2 cup basil pesto1/3 cup julienned sun dried tomatoes in olive oil, drained1/3 cup diced mozzarella cubesFried egg, for servingINSTRUCTIONS Calling all cooks, bakers and1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Lightly oil a baking sheet or coat withnonstick spray. mixologists. Team members we want2. In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook pasta according to package YOUR recipes to beinstructions; drain well. featured in the3. Place asparagus in a single layer onto the prepared baking sheet. Drizzle next happeningswith olive oil, salt and pepper, to taste; gently toss to combine. Place into oven newsletter submitand roast for 8-12 minutes, or until tender but crisp. Let cool before cuttinginto 1-inch pieces. your recipes to [email protected] a large bowl, combine pasta, asparagus, pesto, sun dried tomatoes and or dropmozzarella. it off at the5.Serve immediately with a fried egg, if desired. marketing office.Happenings Page 6

B S oirthday hout ut JANUARYNeikesha Theobalds - 1st Dillano Pype – 17thShakeen Wilson - 1st Leyahna Campbell – 18thShameika James-Marshall - 2nd Kemisha Joslyn – 19thDaniella Compton - 3rd Novella Watson – 19thYannick Bacchus - 8th Jonathan Stephens – 20thGarvet Garfield Sam - 9th Elrico Hunte – 20thRomansia Ollivierre - 11th Otis Matthews – 25thJoena Laborde - 12th Emmerson Quashie – 27thNagee Farrell – 12thArlette Francis - 13th Cecelia Baynes - 28thGrace-Ann Young – 17th Cornelius Martin - 29thOn this special day, we wish you all the very best, all the joy you can everhave and may you be blessed abundantly today, tomorrow and the days to come! May you have a fantastic birthday and many more to come... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! We at Massy Stores (SVG) Ltd are delighted to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAYHappenings Page 7

TheHelping Vincentian Culture . People . EnvironmentHelping Hands Massy Stores Help North Leeward Families and The Helping Hands Centre is a non-profit individuals educational facility managed by the Care packages included Association for People with Disabilities. essentials such as The main focus at Helping Hands is the cleaning products, toiletries, and non care and rehabilitation of and for perishable food items, children who have been diagnosed with among other things. The severe disabilities. Massy Stores along packages will be with Sun made a contribution of toys, distributed by NEMO to 7 families and 21 books and coloring materials. individuals that were affected by the weather conditions.Happenings Kingstown Pediatric Ward Toys, Toys and More Toys, that is what the patients at the pediatric ward at the Milton Cato Memorial hospital received this Christmas compliments Massy Stores and Sun. Page 8

NEWDEPARTMENT Karthina Providence The New Category Manger Effective January 3rd Karthina Providence is the now the new Category Manager at Massy Stores. We asked Karthina a few questions about her new position. Hear what she had to say: What is your Job Description? I am the Category Manager for the Category and Merchandising Management Department.What is Category Management and what is your role at Massy Stores?It is the process of managing categories as strategic business units. In doing so, enhanced business results areproduced by focusing on delivering Consumer Value. My role at Massy is to keep up with consumer demandswith mind boggling array of new products and categories, while remaining competitive and anticipatingconsumer needs.What are you looking forward to in your new role as Category Manager? I amI am looking forward to working with the suppliers more and being able HSSE POSITIVEto focus on a particular category at a time to ensure consumers are happywith the range of goods we have available at our locations. ARE YOU?Happenings Page9

Team Massy ScoresHappenings The colours of orange and white filled the Richomnd Vale Playing Field as team Massy took part in the 2016 Breakaway-Digicel-Aeropost-S.V.G. Brewery Inter Firms Football Tournament. Even though our team did not win, we made it all the way to the quarter finals and we walked away with a few titles such as: Best Dressed Team 2016 Most Supported Team 2016 Most Outstanding Goalkeeper - Nigel Small 2016 Team Massy we are proud of you and your accomplishments. Page 10

Howdy. Greetings. Hello. Welcome. Hi Glad You’re here We heard that our company just hired you to be a part of our growing team. We believe that your abilities will help our company to grow more and become bigger. We would like to give you a warm welcome and congratulations. Welcome to the Massy Family!!! Elroy Foster Dillan Matthews Elrico Hunte Shammah Jack Finton GarrawayLoss Prevention Officer Warehouse Assistant Warehouse Assistant Warehouse Assistant Receiving Assistant Massy Stores Kingstown Massy Stores ARV Massy Stores Massy Stores Massy StoresMewanah Hadaway Samantha Cambridge Candice Allen-Thomas Roxine Ragguette Janette Toney Joanna Reece Deli Associate Front End Supervisor Massy Stores Store Accountant Assistant Accountant Loss Prevention OfficerFinance Associate Massy Stores KTG Massy Stores STG Massy Stores Massy Stores Massy StoresHappenings Page 11

How to combatEmployee StressLEAVE REJECT LET GO GET SOMEYOUR DESK NEGATIVITY OF CONTROL “ME TIME”If possible, avoid eating Negative thinking can Some things are Work-life balance islunch at your desk. Take beyond our control, and key to reducing stressa relaxing break to eat sap energy and key to reducing stress and maintaining aand enjoy a relaxing is accepting that. healthy lifestyle, so itsmealtime can relieve the motivations; instead try Instead focus on the important to make timesymptoms of stress and things you can change for your self outside ofhelp avoid indigestion. to think positively, take and influence, such as work and try to leave your reaction to work at the door. pride in problems. accomplishments and don’t take on negative attitudes that team members may express.FORGET BE WARY GET BEATPERFECTIONISM OF CAFFEINE ENOUGH SLEEP THE RUSHDitch perfectionism and Caffeine can cause While stress and sleep Leaving for work 5-10stop being too self- individuals to feel can form a vicious minutes earlier thancritical. Instead set “wound up so limiting circle, getting enough usual can save a greatrealistic goals and intake of products like sleep is vital to fight deal of stress andexpectations, and if they coffee, tea and fizzy stress. If you’re well make mornings morearen’t met avoid seeing it drinks can help to equipped to deal with relaxed. Rushing, onas a failure, rather as a reduce stress. That’s issues at work within the other hand, can putlearning curve. not to say you have to more clarity . you in bad stead for avoid it all together. the next day.Happenings Page 12

How to combatEmployee StressDEEP ONE AT TAKE RECOGNISEBREATHING A TIME IT HIGHER YOUR MOODSWhen things get Focus on If your workload or Realize when you’restressful taking some expectations of your stressed and what yourdeep breaths can help accomplishing on thing are causing you stress response to thatrestore balance. Inhale or added pressure, talk feeling. Once youfor 5 seconds. Hold at a time, like 20 to your employer or recognize this it’ll beand exhale in equal manager and discuss clearer to determinecounts through the minutes answering ways to improve the how to change thenose. Repeat a few situation,. Getting the situation and alleviatetimes and you should emails, before getting issues out in the open the tension you'refeel calmer. could help lessen the feeling. on with a project. This load. will enable you to focus on your workload and see the progress you are making.GET AVIOD AVIOD IT”S GOODA HOBBY INTERRUPTIONS CONFLICT TO TALKDeveloping interest Interruptions are a part Where possible steer Talking over yourand hobbies outside of of life but can be clear of conflict, this worries or concernswork can open up your stressful, especially if only serves to increase with someone you trustsocial network and they happen in the stress. Deal with allows you to get theprovide some relief middle of a task. When issues professionally issues off your chest infrom stressful work that happens write a and take time to reflect a safe environmentsituations. Hobbies like quick memo to remind on them before and can reduce stress.knitting, or a sport can yourself where you left entering a situation They also might havealso help alleviate off before dealing with with the potential to valuable advice or helpstress. the new issue. become heated to give you.Happenings Page 13

Department Feature WarehouseThe Massy Stores warehouse team members plays a 2. What do you want to bring to the company.critical role in the success at Massy Stores as they are “Organizational skills”responsible for receiving, storing and distributiongoods to be sold at all stores. Each team member role 3. What do you hope to achieve in your new role?is as important as the heart is to the body. Though, “Organization and efficiency in the warehouse. Also athe work may be challenging at times, the team isready and willing to get the job done. passion for the job.”In addition, with the upcoming implementation of 4. Any message to your team members?Zap - the computerized warehousing program which T - Togetheris used for processing transactions- the company is E - Everyonesure to see improvements in the accuracy of A – Achievesdeliveries to the stores, better management of order M - Moreand picks, reduction in time taken to receivecontainers, reduction in shrink, better purchasing Rozell Walker (Warehouse Supervisor) also stateddecisions and more. that “being a part of the warehouse family brings me great satisfaction in knowing that not only do I playHear what the Kelly-Ann Deshong, the newly an essential role the execution of our mission butappointed Warehouse Manager at Massy Stores. Hear also meeting the expectations of our customers. I amwhat she had to say: also contributing to Massy's bottom line and helping us to achieve our vision of being the premier 1. You are the newly appointed Caribbean basin retailer. Additionally, it's a great Warehouse Manager how do learning experience that also spills over in my you feel? everyday life, as I am being exposed to a wide range of knowledge in OSH, coupled with “I feel excited for this new many training and developmental opportunities” opportunity to grow in the company”Happenings Page 14

EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT Randy Scanterbury Kendal Walters Receiver Pershiables Massy Stores Arnos Vale Massy Stores SG How long at Massy Stores Childhood Ambition “ 5 years+” “to be a professional football player”Favourite thing about St. Favourite thing about yourVincent and the Grenadines Job“free to live” “everything”Childhood Ambition Favourite food“to be anything that will make my mother proud” “Pelau” WHY Massy Stores WHY Massy Stores “we offer good value” “ the working environment and I get along with my coworkers”.Happenings Page 15

EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT Devon Walker Jennifer Bacchus Grocery Merchandiser Accountant Massy Stores KTG Massy StoresHow long at Massy Stores Childhood Ambition“ 5 years” “to be a dancer” What do you love to do Favourite thing about St. Vincent and the Grenadines “ movies, music and football” “the landscape”Favourite food Favourite food“ground provision, pie and mutton” “chicken”WHY Massy Stores“ I want to serve other family with the WHY Massy Storesfamily we have” “ the ambience”.Happenings Page 16

Happenings A NEW TRAINING DEPARTMENT A new and improved training facility is up and running for all at Massy Stores. The duo Alicia Telesford -Trainee Employee Development Officer and Molicia Layne – Training Assistant will handle all the training from orientation to refresher courses to all team members. Hear what Alicia Telesford had to say: “I am very elated to have this new training and development facility. Training and development are key elements to the operation of any business entity; the level of the aforementioned elements provided may determine whether or not a business is a success or a failure. Also, because employees will always have gaps in their professional knowledge and would require training to eliminate these gaps; having an on sight facility dedicated to - as one of our core values state - Growth and continuous improvement favours success rather than failure and makes it considerably easier to get all employees to an advanced level of professionalism and academia. My goal for this new facility is to make it a place where our team members can learn together in a comfortable environment; a place where team members can privately discuss their educational limitations and make a plan to rectify those limitations; a place where those who do have regular access to a computer or the internet can come and complete their IGA courses, thus eliminating that excuse. This new location ensures that our vision of being The Premier Caribbean basin retailer, continuously extending our reach, is achieved.” Page 17

HEALTH & WELLNESSThe top 5 cancercausing foods are: A little about Cancer Cancer: An abnormal growth of cells which tend to proliferate in an uncontrolled1. Hot Dogs way and, in some cases, to metastasize (spread). There are over 200 known types of2. Donuts cancer that all behave in different ways, grow at different rates, and respond to different types of treatment.3. French Fries How Nutrition Fits In4. Chips, crackers What we eat and how we treat our bodies on a daily basis have a very powerful effect on our health and quality of life. Fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes alland cookies have important nutrients and other cancer-fighting substances like phytochemicals5. Processed meats and pectin that strengthen immune function and destroy cancer-causing substancesand Bacon before they cause harm. A cancer prevention diet is one that is high in fiber, low in fat (especially animal fat), and includes generous portions of fruits and vegetables. It also minimizes or excludes alcohol. The best diets are pure vegetarian diets. Remember, along with a healthy diet, a physically active lifestyle is important for cancer prevention as well.Cancer prevention tips:1. · Choose foods high in dietary fiber daily (fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain breads and cereals).2. · Choose foods low in dietary fat.3. · If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so only in moderation.4. · Avoid unnecessary X-rays.5. · Health and safety rules of your workplace should be known and followed.6. · Avoid too much sunlight; wear protective clothing; use effective sunscreens.7. · Take estrogens only as long as necessary.8. · Do not smoke.Happenings Page 18

HEALTH & WELLNESS Grapes – and red Green Tea – The wine contain the flavonoids in green Tomatoes – The Dark Leafy Greens – tea have been shown compound lycopene, chemical are rich sources of resveratrol, to slow or prevent (which is most easily which is a potent antioxidants called antioxidant that the development of absorbed from cookedGarlic – contains a carotenoids. These can prevent cell several types of tomatoes) has been damage before it number of scavenge dangerous beginscompounds that can free radicals from the cancer including shown to preventprotect against body before they can colon, liver, breast, prostate cancer, as promote cancercancer, especially growth and prostate. well as cancer of thethat of the skin, breast, lung, andcolon, and lungs. FOODS TO stomach. FIGHT CANCERBlueberries – Whole Grains – contain a variety Of all the Flaxseeds – Flax Mushrooms – Cruciferous berries, contains lignans, Many mushrooms Vegetables – e.g. of anti-cancerblueberries are which have an broccoli, cauliflower, compounds the richest in contain and cabbage, contain compounds that strong antioxidants includingcancer fighting antioxidant effect can help the body fight cancer and that may helpcompounds and block/suppress build the immune decrease cancer risk. system as well. cancerous changes. The omega-3 fatty acids can also help protect against colon cancer.Happenings Page 19

F U NZone First to answer all correctly to win a prize MASSY STORES STANDARDS OF SUCCESS What is as light as a feather, but even theHappenings world’s strongest man couldn’t hold it for more than a minute? Page 20

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