Y o u r p r o f e ss i o n a l s t a r t a tFutureNetFutureNet SuccessfulAcademy Marketing p. 6 p. 14SFuutcucreeNsestSystemp. 16Learn how toearn morep. 34
Table of Contents Your start Marketing plan 8 You can register yourself and your partners for free at FutureNet. 36 In this starter folder, we just You can accomplish this via your personalised website: want to touch upon a few yourusername.futurenet.club. important highlights of our marketing plan. articles 26 FutureNet games 6 Online Starter Training / FutureNet Academy If you have a look at the big social media One of the most important aspects of your successful start and long-term platforms... business development is a perfect training. 27 Your FutureNet websites 14 Network Marketing Business Basics Upon your registration with FutureNet, a Network marketing is a SIMPLE business. Don’t make it more complicated as it number of websites are immediately activated. needs to be, as this just makes it slower. 28 FutureNet Shopping 16 The FutureNet Success System Get an access to thousands of products on the newest shopping platform FutureNet! The easiest and most brilliant way to present your business and to DUPLICATE 30 DAILY work for your success without limits! In the chapter on multiplication we have already discussed the SERIOUSNESS issue. 20 Multiplication of your workforce As employees or clerks, most people exchange their time against money. 32 Working online and offline 23 Invest your own money ONCE Network marketing is and will always Everybody needs to invest their own money only ONCE, be a business between people. but still has the chance to make long-term earnings! 34 The cycle of success 24 Media PointsMedia Points are the internal currency at FutureNet. If you have a look at network calculations, they 25 FutureNet products usually sound enormous... FutureNet offers splendid online products which every good online marketer needs. 38 SummaryThis is a good fundament for your successful business development.2
FutureNet We are the leadership team at FutureNet and would like to advice you on how to make your business a success right from the start. In this magazine, we will focus on the aspect of MAKING MONEY ONLINE and what to do to develop your own successful business. Hello Hello and welcome at FutureNet, your platform for positive news, social media, online advertisement, multimedia, online products, games and MAKING MONEY ONLINE. This information aims at facilitating your start with your FutureNet business. The content of this magazine and the accompanying video clips are designed for all FutureNet partners, who are seriously thinking about developing their business with FutureNet. Please pass a copy to all interested partners in order to make sure that we are all up-to-date. Your business partners will be only able to successfully develop their businesses, if they are well informed. 3
With your start at FutureNet, you have already taken the most important financial decision in your life! Have you ever thought about your start at “Better an unprofessional start than perfect FutureNet in these terms? With FutureNet you hesitation“!!! are offered the greatest financial and business opportunity in your entire life! All that you need to understand by now is that you may start IMMEDIATELY and that your new Now we are jointly facing the challenge to partners will also have to go through the online make you successful as quickly as possible. We starter training. Everything is perfectly ready will show you precisely which steps you need for your successful start. And the best news to take during your kick-off and in your later is: everybody, whom you acquire as a sales business. partner can do exactly the same! Please keep in mind that your start at As a next step, you participate in all live online FutureNet is the beginning of your independent trainings and attend all meetings in your business. If you invest full professionalism into region. The best “job training“ is “learning by your company start-up, you will obtain all goals doing“! You will find a variety of information and that you might have set yourself! Take your time hints in this publication. to study this magazine and the accompanying video clips of our online starter training. Please beware of the mistake to try to study And now have fun while studying this important and understand everything to 100%. There is a information! famous saying in marketing circles:4
PLACE ON YOURSADVERTISEMENT „If you want to use this space for your product placement, please send a message to office@futurenet.club.”
1. Online Starter Training / FutureNet Academy One of the most important aspects of How it usually works? You start with What is the next step? You sponsor your successful start and long-term your network business. Lucky you – your first sales partner. As a good business development is a perfect you are working with the best sponsor member, you also train him personally. training. ever who takes the time to provide But what are you precisely able to pass you with an in-depth training. Now on? Well, just the 50% you grasped With our Online Starter Training we you have the perfect fundament for during your own training phase. want to provide you with the most success. The problem is: according to important technical information. The statistics, our brains absorb only 50% ?? ? best option for you is to study all these of all heard or read information. points in a calm atmosphere and to discuss all steps with your sponsor. ?? Why is the Online Starter Training method so brilliant? Well, because everybody gets the same ORIGINAL INFORMATION with the starter magazine and the accompanying video clips!6
IMPORTANT: Be a good example and take your time to study all the provided information. Read this starter kit and follow the instructions. Watch all video clips and take advan- tage of all offered education features.Do you realize the problem? Already on the This is the perfect fundament for your business development. Simply bysecond level, information is getting lost. And observing, how a new partner handles the Online Starter Training, youlater? Even if everybody works very carefully, will see how seriously he or she treats our business.more and more information is lost withthe organization getting bigger. In the fifth This folder and the video clips contain much more information onlevel almost nothing is left from the original SERIOUSNESS. You will certainly be told from time to time: „People areinformation. And you can imagine yourself what not eager to read too much information.“will happen later. Of course there are trainings,meetings, webinars et cetera. However, Well, I can just respond: „Those PEOPLE will never be successful. Thosenew partners usually only grasp half of all PEOPLE always struggle with problems. Those PEOPLE are not interestedinformation provided during training sessions, in development. Those PEOPLE prefer to watch TV for hours than tobecause they are lacking the basics. engage in the development of their own business. Those PEOPLE may not be the right partners for you.”The perfect solution is our FutureNet OnlineStarter Training! In the starter magazine and Don’t mind what „THOSE PEOPLE“ are doing.the accompanying video clips you will find allinformation you need for a successful start. It is Mind what SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE are doing. Successful people don’tup to you, which of the important hints and info have a problem to study information that helps them to make theirof our successful leaders you turn into practice. business more successful.Will your frontline take over your strategy? Be smart and take advantage of all the information for YOUR SUCCESS!YES, your frontliners receive 100% of all Have fun and be successful!original information. No losses during theinformation transfer. And that is how it will goon. The partners in your second, third, fifthor tenth level can simply do the same. Thereare no limits – the process can be duplicatedendlessly.EVERBODY gets all important information atfirst hand.Every normal profession takes at least 3 yearsto learn. Thus, continuous development andstudy is essential also in online marketing. Thepositive news is that you immediately start toearn continuously growing incomes, if you justtake the right decisions. And now we reach themost important point. Now you need to makesure that each of your partners receives andstudies the information on the Online StarterTraining. 7
2. Your start You can register yourself and your partners for free at FutureNet. You can accomplish this via your personalised website: yourusername.futurenet.club.8
You are then offered 6 opportunities to start as a Premium Member.This investment will be required just once. There are 3 Do you want to develop your own business with FutureNet?Product Member positions: 10$ MEMBER, 25$ BASIC and OK, then start minimum as an EXCLUSIVE member with50$ GOLD. 185$. Even better would be a start as SAPPHIRE with 685$ and the best option is to choose the ROYAL position withImportant for you: if you want to start in the GOLD 1.685$.position, you need to already own the MEMBER and BASISmemberships. The start as a GOLD member therefore costs If you understand the whole potential of FutureNet and if85$ as a single payment (10+25+50$). you simply comprehend the earning potential, you will see immediately that the one-time investment of 185$ to 1685$By recommending our products and the FutureNet is the best decision ever.business, you can make good money already as a ProductMember! You can have your remuneration paid out or As an alternative, you can start in any position of yourcreate pay codes that you may sell to new members. choice and use your income for upgrades.Your new members may then pay their upgrade with these Please consider the direct link between your income andcodes. your turnover. Network marketing is a “do©” business. People that you are telling about FutureNet will certainlyYou may also use your income for upgrading to higher ask: “And in which position did you start?”positions. Example: you started as a MEMBER with 10$and later earned 25$. You may now upgrade to the BASIC The majority of them will start in the same position than youposition. This example applies to all positions. did!If you want to develop your own business with FutureNet, The calculation is easy: If you duplicate 10$, you certainlywe recommend to immediately start in one of the business earn money. If you duplicate 185$, you earn 18,5 times morepositions: 100$ EXCLUSIVE, 500$ SAPPHIRE or 1.000$ for the same amount of work!!!ROYAL. And if you duplicate as a ROYAL member withHere, the same rule applies. If you choose to start as Royal, 1.685, you earn 168 times more money for the sameyou are required to activate all other positions. The ROYAL amount of work that you do with 10$!!!membership therefore requires a one-time payment of1.685$ (10+25+50+100+500+1.000$). As an entrepreneur, your reaction should be clear. Minimum EXCLUSIVE with 185$, rather SAPPHIRE with 685$ or as anThe brilliant news is that you now own a sufficient amount optimum immediately ROYAL with 1.685$!of Media Points for the products. What is more, you earnmoney in all 6 marketing plans!!! As a reward for your turnover, you receive a Friends Tree in the global FutureNet structure for each position. And you get MEDIA POINTS for your turnover which you can use to purchase products or items from our multimedia offer. 9
10 US$ Friendstree / MEMBER: YOU 1,50 US$ Level 1 Total Friends Bonus: 43 922 US$ Level 2 Member 3 Level 3 If you have an EXCLUSIVE position (185 $), then you qualify Level 4 4,50 US$ for 50% Matching Bonus! Level 5 Level 6 Member 9 With 3 personal partners, who have their Friends Trees filled Level 7 Level 8 13,50 US$ = Total: Friends Bonus & Matching Level 9 Bonus 109 805 US$ Level 10 Member 27 40,50 US$ Member 81 120,50 US$ Member 241 361,50 US$ Member 723 1.084,50 US$ Member 2169 3.253,50 US$ Member 6507 9.760,50 US$ Member 19521 29.281,50 US$ Member 58563 YOU 5,25 US$ 10 + 25 US$ Friendstree / MEMBER + BASIC: Level 1 Level 2 Member 3 Total Friends Bonus: 153.727 US$ Level 3 Level 4 15,75 US$ If you have an EXCLUSIVE position (185 $), then you qualify Level 5 for 50% Matching Bonus! Level 6 Member 9 Level 7 With 3 personal partners, who have their Friends Trees filled Level 8 47,25 US$ Level 9 = Total: Friends Bonus & Matching Level 10 Member 27 Bonus 384.317 US$ 141,75 US$ Member 81 421,75 US$ Member 241 1.265,25 US$ Member 723 3.795,75 US$ Member 2169 11.387,25 US$ Member 6507 34.161,75 US$ Member 19521 102.485,25 US$ Member 58563 10 + 25 + 50 US$ Friendstree / MEMBER + YOU 12,75 US$ BASIC + GOLD: Level 1 Level 2 Member 3 Total Friends Bonus: 373.337 US$ Level 3 Level 4 38,25 US$ If you have an EXCLUSIVE position (185 $), then you qualify Level 5 for 50% Matching Bonus! Level 6 Member 9 Level 7 With 3 personal partners, who have their Friends Trees filled Level 8 114,75 US$ Level 9 = Total: Friends Bonus & Matching Level 10 Member 27 Bonus 933.342 US$ 344,25 US$ Member 81 1.024,25 US$ Member 241 3.072,75 US$ Member 723 9.218,25 US$ Member 2169 27.654,75 US$ Member 6507 82.964,25 US$ Member 19521 248.892,75 US$ Member 5856310
YOU 27,75 US$ 10 + 25 + 50 US$ / Level 1 MEMBER + BASIC + GOLD + EXCLUSIVE: Level 2 Member 3 Level 3 + 100 Friendstree Level 4 83,25 US$ Level 5 Total Friends Bonus: 812.557 US$ Level 6 Member 9 Level 7 If you have an EXCLUSIVE position (185 $), then you qualify Level 8 249,75 US$ for 50% Matching Bonus! Level 9 Level 10 Member 27 With 3 personal partners, who have their Friends Trees filled 749,25 US$ = Total: Friends Bonus & Matching Bonus 2.031.392 Member 81 2.229,25 US$ Member 241 6.687,75 US$ Member 723 20.063,25 US$ Member 2169 60.189,75 US$ Member 6507 180.569,25 US$ Member 19521 541.707,75 US$ Member 58563 10 + 25 + 50 US$ / YOU 102,75 US$ MEMBER + BASIC + GOLD + + 100 + 500 Level 1 Friendstree + EXCLUSIVE + SAPPHIRE: Level 2 Member 3 Level 3 Total Friends Bonus: 3.008.657 US$ Level 4 308,25 US$ Level 5 If you have an EXCLUSIVE position (185 $), then you qualify Level 6 Member 9 for 50% Matching Bonus! Level 7 Level 8 924,75 US$ With 3 personal partners, who have their Friends Trees filled Level 9 Level 10 Member 27 = Total: Friends Bonus & Matching Bonus 7.521.642 2.774,25 US$ Member 81 8.254,25 US$ Member 241 24.762,75 US$ Member 723 74.288,25 US$ Member 2169 222.864,75 US$ Member 6507 668.594,25 US$ Member 19521 2.005.782,75 US$ Member 58563 YOU 252,75 US$ 10 + 25 + 50 US$ / MEMBER + BASIC Level 1 + GOLD + + 100 + 500 + 1.000 Friendstree Level 2 Member 3 Level 3 + EXCLUSIVE + SAPPHIRE + Royal Level 4 758,25 US$ Level 5 Total Friends Bonus: 7.400.857 US$ Level 6 Member 9 Level 7 If you have an EXCLUSIVE position (185 $), then you qualify Level 8 2.274,75 US$ for 50% Matching Bonus! Level 9 Level 10 Member 27 With 3 personal partners, who have their Friends Trees filled 6.824,25 US$ = Total: Friends Bonus & Matching Bonus 18.502.214 US$ Member 81 20.304,25 US$ Member 241 60.912,75 US$ Member 723 182.738,25 US$ Member 2169 548.214,75 US$ Member 6507 1.644.644,25 US$ Member 19521 4.933.932,75 US$ Member 5856312
3. Network Marketing Business Basics Network marketing is a SIMPLE business. Don’t make it more What are network marketing and FutureNet exactly about? complicated as it needs to be, as this just makes it slower. Putting it another way: what are you paid for as a networker? The answer is easy: you earn money simply for your Above all, network marketing is the most brilliant business in TURNOVER! the world. Please enjoy the following 4 facts: Precisely spoken, for the turnover of your customers, team • You can employ as many people as you want in partners and their respective customers. your business! Big incomes are generated in organizations with several • You never need to pay them! hundreds of customers and partners. Gigantic incomes are generated in organisations with several thousands of • You don’t have to pay any social security customers and partners. contributions for them! Hundreds or thousands, that sounds enormous. Don’t worry, • Anyway you make money with these people until you will soon understand that the MULTIPLICATION of your the end of your life! workforce will set a brilliant lever in motion. Go and tell all this to a traditional entrepreneur. He will The next chapter contains a lot of information on this. Take certainly look at you with disbelief and think that he has ended your time to go through. This part of your business is the most up in the land of milk and honey. Any traditional entrepreneur exciting one! If you start to understand the brilliance of the can just dream of similar conditions! concept, you will be dying to tell it to others.14
OK, so it’s about attracting customers and partners. You are certainly curious whatexactly you have to do.If you have a look at the incomes of the big earners in the network marketingbusiness, you grasp immediately that these consists of 99% money from teambuilding activities and 1% from product sales.One of the top networkers worldwide once put it as following: „In the last 15 years, Now it is your job to pass thisI have earned about 3.000 € from product sales. At the same time, I made 50 information on to others. For this,million € from team building provisions.” you don’t need to be a born seller personality. Simply show your productsThis simple numbers makes clear what the point is. You need to spend 90% of your to attract customers and present yourtime with team building and attracting sales partners and just 10% with customer business to attract sales partners.acquisition. In the next chapter, you will learn how you anyway generate the biggest Of course your quota will be higher,turnover and the highest income with your end customers. if you present FutureNet with real ENTHUSIASM.As we already said – with this folder and video clips we want to support you indeveloping your business professionally from day one. So just concentrate on yoursales partners!The question should therefore be: „HOW“? Your success depends on quantity (HOW OFTEN you present your offer)Network marketing is basically about sharing information with others. You now have and on how much ENTHUSIASM youthe information how you can develop fantastic incomes with FutureNet – your own show while talking to potential partnersonline business with splendid perspectives. For the promotion of your offer, you are and customers.provided with highly professional websites, video clips, presentations, print materials,APPS, webinars and many more.Below you find a good comparison in terms of success:The success of real estate investmentsdepends on 3 things:1. Localization2. Localization3. LocalizationThe success in network marketing also dependson 3 things:1. Sales partner acquisition2. Sales partner acquisition3. Sales partner acquisition 15
4. The FutureNet Success System The easiest and most brilliant way to present your business and to DUPLICATE without limits! The success of your FutureNet business How does it work? What do you need to do? depends on the number of sponsored personal The Success System is a website with 3 video clips. You can access partners. Even MORE IMPORTANT is what your your personal website here: www.deinusername.futurenet.club/info personal partners later do. In other words: how Alternatively, just click on the left side of your FutureNet Board on the successful your frontliners are in sponsoring menu point: SUCCESS SYSTEM new partners and duplicating within the The video clips: organization. Video I: = 12 minutes business presentation Video II: = 8 minutes: FutureNet with company information With the FutureNet Success System we have Video III: = 8 minutes: WHAT TO DO? developed the EASIEST and most BRILLIANT sponsoring system in the entire industry. As you can see, it takes less than 30 minutes for a new potential partner to get all important information. A normal webinar usually takes 30-45 minutes. However, it is organized only once or twice per week. Webinars aren’t that bad and are offered by many leaders as an extra feature.16
The duplication in our Success System is much l He learns that the earning potential alreadymore brilliant. in the 10$ MEMBER position reaches over My suggestion: 40.000$. That the duplication in the EXCLUSIVEFirstly, it is available 24/7. Secondly, it will start position with a one-time investment of 185$with 4 languages and be completed with up to Keep it simple!!! Don’t make allows him to potentially earn over 800.000$.15 languages in the long term. it unnecessarily complicated. And he hears that the ROYAL position offers a SIMPLICITY means BRILLIANCE. potential income of more than 7 million $.And thirdly: especially due to VIDEO III„What to do?“, our system stands out from And all that WITHOUT the Matching Bonus andall other approaches. all other income opportunities.A new potential partner always comes up with Your new partner also learns that developingthe same question: „Sounds great. But what do a successful business requires him simplyI have to do to be successful?” to do the same: INVITING NEW POTENTIAL PARTNERS TO VISIT THE WEBSITE.In the most companies and teams, thisquestions remains unanswered or is answered Again: With this system, you can sponsorin a very unsatisfactory way. personal partners HORIZONTALLY without limits. And thanks to this system, EVERYBODYVideo III of the Success System informs the can 1:1 copy your measures. This means, thatpartner on what exactly he has to accomplish. you can duplicate VERTICALLY without any limits.Your partner learns about the brilliance ofSIMPLICIT Y. 17
What is going to happen? Certainly some people will decide Consider carefully in which position YOU want to start. Be a to start. good example and demonstrate YOUR seriousness! Now it is up to you to check how SERIOUS your new partner takes his or her business. In the next step, you provide your new partner with all important information for his or her perfect start. Present Based on YOUR OWN SERIOUSNESS you have a lot of the FutureNet Online Starter Training. Explain, why it is so influence on what your team partners do! important for him or her to study the starter folder and Be a good example in all spheres of your business! watch all the video clips. Only if your new partners are well trained and informed, Seriousness starts with the question, how much your new they will be able to successfully develop their business. And partner is eager to invest into his or her FutureNet business. this is exactly what you want! Do you realize it? Not later than now it is very important in At the same time you should make sure to keep your new which position YOU started. If you just started as a MEMBER partner informed on the planned webinars, live meetings, with 10$, you can barely expect your partner to start as a conferences, trainings and all other important news. ROYAL. And it wouldn’t be too smart either, because you generate Discuss his or her goals and expectations, develop a income only in marketing plans in which you are active personal relationship with your business partner. Personal yourself. relationships are very important. Even if business happens more and more online, it is still a thing between PEOPLE!!! If possible, keep in touch personally and by phone. This is a very important success factor.18
PLACE ON YOURS ADVERTISEMENT„If you want to use this space for your product placement, please send a message to office@futurenet.club.”After a few days, you will see if your business partner has This folder and the entire Online Starter Training arehandled his or her training issues. You will recognize if he designed for partners with an interest in their ownor she puts important points into practice, informs others FutureNet business. It won’t help you if we conceal theand shares FutureNet information. If YES, you have gained truth.a new SERIOUS partner. And this is what we need, SERIOUSpartners. People like YOU that are serious about developing Important for your business: concentrate on INCOME-their own businesses. GENERATING tasks. Income, as already explained, is generated from customerIf your new partner does not comply with the clear-set turnovers and sales development.requirements, you should ask why. Ask him or her again: Try dedicate 100% of your concentration to these two“WHY did you join FutureNet? Are you really and seriously points.interested in developing your business?” This starter folder contains a lot of important information on this.Go on with presenting the great opportunities to them.If they change and show more seriousness, good job. Ifthey don’t start to act despite of repeated requests andmotivation, you should not waste more engagement, timeand energy on them.Sounds tough? No, not at all. You simply mustn’t waste timewith people who are not seriously interested. You will be asuccessful business man only if you work with people whowant and ACT.However, make sure to keep your door open – everybodyhas the right to develop his or her business according toown expectations.Invest your time rather into the development of newpartners than in running after people that don’t really want! 19
5. Multiplication of your workforce As employees or clerks, most people exchange their time company, your upline and your sponsor) to join FutureNet against money. Nothing bad so far – that means security as a sales partner? and in the majority of countries a decent living standard. You should be able to imagine to sponsor at least 2 personal It is however important to understand that this system partners. If not, you have to bury your business plans in involves a certain level of dependence from others. You network marketing and with FutureNet on the spot. always work to achieve the goals of others and you will never be able to achieve real wealth. However, I have never heard anyone saying he couldn’t And the SECURITY of employees is nowadays not the same imagine that. I am therefore sure that it will be fine for you as it used to be in the past! as well. In the next step, you will support your two partners in doing Have a look at statistics, how the income of employees has the same. Not that complicated, is it? I am getting back to changed in the last 20 or 30 years. And how the income of the FutureNet SUCCESS SYSTEM over and over again. Please entrepreneurs has risen in the same period of time. remember that all of your partners can use it the same way already 3 minutes after their start!! In times of inflation, an employee is lucky if he gets the same amount of money all the time. Entrepreneurs have What happens after a 2x2 duplication? on average significantly higher incomes with a much bigger increase potential. 1. Level X Especially an own company in online business offers brilliant 2. Level chances. EVERYBODY should start do develop an own 3. Level 2 business at the same time. And FutureNet is certainly the 4. Level 4 best partner! 5. Level 8 As a networker, you have the chance to multiply your own 16 workforce. And precisely that is the perfect basis for the 32 income of an entrepreneur, because your income potential is unlimited. How does it exactly work with the multiplication? And what Let us just have a look at the first 5 levels where 62 sales does it mean that you are supposed to concentrate 90% of partners arise. Not too bad. WHAT precisely have YOU your time on sales partners, but you biggest incomes are done? You have simply sponsored 2 partners and then generated with customers? duplicated this step! Let’s have a look at these issues: OK, now a logical question arises: “Can you imagine that you sponsor just one single person more?!” Can you imagine that you will inspire just 2 people with the FutureNet Success System (and with the help of the And again, I have never heard anyone saying that he can’t20
imagine that. Let’s have a look what happens in case of a3x3 duplication. XYou personally sponsor 3 partners and support them indoing the same thing.1. Level 32. Level 93. Level 274. Level 815. Level 243In the first 5 levels, 363 partners arise. Unbelievable – 300 J. Paul Getty, one of the richest people in history,more than in case of the 2x2 calculation. What have YOU once said: “I prefer to get 1% profit of the work ofdone? You have simply sponsored 3 people! Just a singleperson more duplicating over 5 levels and you get 300 100 people than 100% of my own work.”partners more!And now you are the owner of a company and participate in In just 5 levels you gain 3.905 partners!!!the turnover of 363 partners! That is more than unbelievable. You have simply sponsored 2 more people and duplicated your result. The outcome isAccording to the calculation above you have already 363 3.500 partners more than in the 3x3 calculation.partners in the first 5 levels. Guess what happens if youreally start to work with your team? If EVERYBODY starts to With this result, you will become a big earner! Your businessuse the FutureNet SUCCESS SYSTEM? will be simply unstoppable and you will experience day afterIf you pass this starter magazine to all of them, if you day what it means to GENERATE PASSIVE INCOME!motivate every single person to watch all clips of the As you see, it is worthwhile to work with full speed in theOnline Starter Training and if all partners start take their beginning and run an extra mile. The result are incomes youbusinesses seriously? don’t even dare to think about today!Certainly something really gigantic will emerge. It is up toYOU!2x2 or 3x3, that’s not bad. But almost all successful Let us now discuss a few issues related to the calculations:networkers worldwide recommend a 5x5 duplication. Firstly, reality never develops exactly according toAgain the question: can you imagine to sponsor 2 more calculations, as we still are talking about interactionspersonal partners? Of course, because you already know between people. Furthermore some people will start andhow it works. You are already successful and you have then be gone in the twinkling of an eye. Some people willsomething to offer. Just keep on doing the same, share the do less than planned or even nothing. That is normal, don’tinformation on FutureNet with other people! Never stop to worry about it.do so! But there will be also people, who do more and other,What happens in case of a 5x5 duplication? who do much more. We are talking about SERIOUS sales partners. If you manage to gain 5 SERIOUS sales partners, X they won’t lean back before they’ll also have found 5 SERIOUS sales partners each. And that is how your system1. Level 5 continues to duplicate.2. Level 25 Please keep in mind that you need 5 SERIOUS partners for3. Level 125 the duplication.4. Level 6255. Level 3.125 Will your first 5 frontliners be already the SERIOUS ones? Well, let’s hope so. But you should be prepared that this will not be the case. 21
Please expect that you will have to sponsor at least 10, 20, PLACE 50 or even more frontliners. ON YOURS If you tell, show and demonstrate the same to all ADVERTISEMENT of them, you can be 100% sure that you will find 5 SERIOUS partners among them. „If you want to use this space After having found 5 serious frontliners, you should in no for your product placement, please send case stop to sponsor yourself. You will see that it is getting a message to office@futurenet.club.” easier and easier, because you are more reliable thanks to your past successes. In addition to the serious partners, you will surely have a great number of sporadically active partners. They will also generate incomes, sponsor new partners and attract customers. Some of those sporadically active people may later turn into SERIOUS partners. And now let’s talk about the CUSTOMERS. You will certainly hear quite frequently: “I’m not interested in your business, but I have been looking for a cool landing page system, a great video mail account or an easy-to-handle blog. I want to become your CUSTOMER.” YOU will hear that and each of your partners giving presentations will hear that as well. What is the result? Many, many customers. Just try to follow. In the 5x5 duplication system, you22
get 3.905 partners. Let’s assume that everybody has 5 Please watch Comingcustomers on average. That gives us a number of almost Soon20.000 customers!!! And if we assume only 10$ monthly the following video clipturnover per customer on average, then you’ll be owner of to learn more aboutcompany with an annual turnover of way more than TWO DUPLICATION:MILLION $!!!Will this be the end? Not at all, that was just the calculationfor 5 levels. Your business will grow more and more,because people on the market appreciate the FutureNetoffer as a great chance. This is true for high-class leadersand many people with network marketing experience.However, more and more partners join FutureNet, who havenever been in touch with network marketing before.Now you have a bunch of SERIOUS partners in your teamand each of them wants to develop their own successfulFutureNet business. Please keep our potential of billions ofcustomers and sales partners in mind. FutureNet is activeall over the world and certainly your business will alsodevelop internationally.Do you understand what it means to multiply yourworkforce? FutureNet is the perfect opportunity for an ownbusiness! Without risks or huge investments.6. Invest your own money ONCEIn case of most of the companies in the network industryyou are required to invest money at the start and later togenerate a certain turnover per month. Why do people joinnetworking business? Because they want to pay money?Surely not, they come because they want to earn money.We at FutureNet have developed a perfect solution.Everybody needs to invest their own money only ONCE, butstill has the chance to make long-term earnings!This fact should be in the centre of attention in each of yourpresentations. 23
7. Media Points Media Points are the internal currency at FutureNet. You get the first Media Points for your turnover related to You can pay for all FutureNet products with your Media your start. If you start as a MEMBER with 10$, you receive Points. If you want, you can also pay for multimedia offers 1.000 Media Points. With a start as EXCLUSIVE with 185$ from some outside providers. And you can buy physical you receive 18.500 Media Points etc. products in the FutureNet online shop with your Media Points (up to 25%). For every turnover, all upgrades or new positions you get new Media Points. If you want to publish advertisements on the FutureNet platform, you can pay for a part of your ads with Media 1$ = 100 Media Points. Points.24
8. FutureNet productsFutureNet offers splendid online products which every good customer sales page, where products can be sold to endonline marketer needs. customers.Our philosophy: FutureNet offers products with a perfect The remuneration system is simply brilliant: you receiveprice-performance ratio that can be used by anybody 30% for own sales and participate in 10 levels in thewithout prior knowledge. product turnovers of your team, without any qualification requirement.Our actual products:Online advertisement, the Momentum System, the Landing In level 1-5 you receive 5%, in level 6-10 accordingly 3%.Page System, video e-mails, a cloud solution, blog templates,website templates, graphic design service and professional The more customers you attract and the more customersvideo production. are attracted by your team, the more passive income you generate.Have an in-depth look at our products on your board anddiscuss them with your sponsor. Just calculate: you have developed a team with a few hundred customers and partners. Now FutureNetIn the upcoming years, FutureNet plans the extension of its introduces a new product, which is immediately usedproduct portfolio. Everything high-up in the internet that by many people. Your income will extremely rise in thefits with the ideals of FutureNet and makes sense, will be twinkling of an eye. And the best news – your customers areavailable as a product. already there, because you have gathered them throughout a certain period of time.Every partner can use the products himself. And everypartner, no matter if Free Member or ROYAL, has a personalBlog chmura Landing PageMomentum System Video Mail wideo produkcje 25
9. FutureNet games If you have a look at the big social media platforms, you will understand quickly which features are used most frequently – online GAMES. It is unbelievable, but free games generate billions in turnover!!! Games are certainly the most interesting field if it comes to online income opportunities. We at FutureNet have developed our own first online game – Future-Slot. And currently we are working on a second game. With Call of War, Supremacy 1914, New World Empires, Goodgame Empire, Goodgame Big Farm, Goodgame Poker and Goodgame Shadow Kings - The Dark Ages we will have a bunch of games in our partner program. We are planning to further develop the online game sector.26
10. Your FutureNet websites Upon your registration with FutureNet, a number of websites are immediately activated. You can use them to present and promote our business and the products. Your FutureNet business page Yourusername.futurenet.club Here you may register for free or right away as a Premium Member.Your FutureNet SUCCESS SYSTEM page:Yourusername.futurenet.club/infoYour customer sales pageYour-username.onlinetools.meOn this page, all FutureNet products are anonymously offered to end customers. You can use this page to sell the products.Anonymity is important for you to sell the products also to distributors of other network companies, who are looking forcool online products to boost the success of THEIR OWN COMPANY.That way they are not getting in conflict with FutureNet. You will see how many people will register as sales partner with youthanks to the product channel! 27
11.FutureNet Shopping28
12. DAILY work for your success In the chapter on multiplication we have already Unfortunately, in the network marketing branch discussed the SERIOUSNESS issue. In the following, many partners function like that. Guess what we want to explain to you in more details what it happens if you employ a strategy like this? With a means to have your own business. probability of 99% you will never make decent or even enormous money. Important to understand: in no other business worldwide is it possible to generate incomes like in But back to YOU. Why have you decided to start with network marketing and with FutureNet for a small FutureNet? What are you goals? What do you want to investment von 10 – 1.685$!!! achieve at and with FutureNet? The FutureNet marketing plan offers unlimited Most people starting in network marketing can be income opportunities. It is UP TO YOU how much assigned to one of the following 3 groups: you really earn. 1. The group of people who like to be a part of the The next issue you need to be aware of in order business and are interested in a small extra income to make decent money or generate enormous of 100-300 or 500$. incomes: your FutureNet business is a type of self- employment like any other. If this is your goal, you are at the right place at FutureNet – it is not difficult to earn several hundred What do you think would happen, if you opened a $ with us. restaurant, print shop, retails store or production plant and worked there only on days when you feel 2. The group of people who wants to develop a great like doing it? long-term income of 3.000-6.000$. No entrepreneur in the world would be able to be And the same is true here: if THIS is your aim, youare successful that way.30
at the right place and in the right moment now. scary? No worries, you have a sponsor, your uplineYou will quickly be able to earn 100-200$ per day. A and the company to help you. No other businesshuge number of people at FutureNet have already worldwide offers so much support to you as anachieved that. And with every day the number of entrepreneur, as FutureNet does.partners with such income dimensions is on the rise. Your sponsor, your upline and the company have a3. The group of people who want to exploit the huge interest in supporting you with your businessfull potential of FutureNet. These people have development.understood that entrepreneurs in the networkand online marketing business have the chance to Thanks to the cooperation you will learn a lot andgenerate monthly incomes of 10.000, 20.000, 50.000, then pass your knowledge on to your partners.100.000 or much more $. This is a development process, as nobody is born asThe FutureNet marketing plan is simply brilliant and a top entrepreneur. It is all achievable, because as weoffers unlimited income perspectives. If you are have said earlier, it is a SIMPLE business.interested in gigantic incomes as an entrepreneur atFutureNet, you are cordially welcome. No matter on what level your entrepreneurial skills are at the moment, you will learn how to think andWe at FutureNet are already working with a vast act as an entrepreneur in a step-by-step process.number of big earners. We cooperate with partners You can do it, it is easier than you think!who have generated average and high five-digitincomes already IN THE FIRST MONTH! And this is where the FutureNet SUCCESS SYSTEM comes in. It is so easy that literally EVERYBODYSums like that sound implausible for many people. can handle it. You can make use of it, develop yourFor top networkers who develop their network success and study all business aspects step-by-step.marketing business just like a traditional business,there are simply reality. Nobody is surprised if a At this point we want to wish you a maximum oftraditional entrepreneur earns 20.000, 50.000 or success! Please perceive your FutureNet business as100.000 € per month. your personal vehicle that drives you into the world of your dreams!!!How are these reflections linked to the chaptersubject „Daily work for your success“? FutureNet is not a JOB.Well, this is easy. People with the aims of the first It is YOUR COMPANY!!!group can and certainly will take it a bit easier. Therule is however clear: the more professionally youwork, the faster will you reach your goals. Andnobody will mind, if your aim is to start with 200$ permonth and later earn 700 or 1.000$.If your aims rather fit with the characteristics ofthe 2nd or 3rd group, you need to be aware ofthe following: everything is possible, but underthe condition of you thinking and acting like a realentrepreneur!With regard to your FutureNet business this meansthat you have to be active EVERY day. You have toengage in INCOME PRODUCING activities EVERYsingle DAY.New customers and partners PRODUCE INCOME.Your daily task is therefore to establish contacts andgive presentations. And to support your partnersin developing their own successful business withnew sales partners and customers.Does that sound 31
13. Working offlineandonline Network marketing is and will always be a business between people. However, network marketing is not only about FINALIZING The ideal strategy is a local start in your town and region. Here transactions, as it might be in case of product sales. It is rather you are looking for your first sales partners. These partners about finding partners to jointly develop a business. in turn do the same and you will quickly be the leader of a team in your town or region. You can meet in person with your The point is to share information with others and then filter partners, cooperate, make plans and discuss goals. out, who is really interested. And in the next step, your task is to find out who SERIOUSLY wants to be a part of the And at the same time it is preferable to work online from organization. You can accomplish all that with people from the beginning on a trans-regional basis, if possible also your town and region. You can choose to cooperate directly, in internationally and globally. You should however be aware of the offline mode. the much higher diffusion via internet. On the other hand, the internet offers an unlimited number of potential partners you And you can do it in your entire country, internationally or can present your products and the business. even globally – online, via internet and the other modern communication tools. Guess what would be the best option? How to perfectly work offline? The answer is simple: the optimum is a combination of both alternatives. It all starts with your personal “INVENTORY”. WHOM do you know in person? WHO uses social media? WHO is open for The reality in network marketing companies clearly new features? WHO is interested in earning more money? indicates: the more you work offline for your online WHO has great dreams? WHO is unhappy with his or her business, the more success you will have!!! present job situation? WHO is a born entrepreneur or works already as a self-employed person? WHO knows many Why is that? Well, as simply as that. As we have already people? WHO is a born doer? WHO is a person that attracts discussed, it is and remains a business between people! others‘ attention? WHO is already successful? Network marketing is an emotional business sphere. It is naturally much easier to convey emotions and enthusiasm in a personal encounter than by email. Thus, it should be clear that carrying out a good business training is much easier if you sit in the same room than if you train a person that sits 800 km away from here.32
And then: WHO is at least 18 years old and has a body temperature of 37 degrees?OK, that was a joke. We just want to emphasize that youshouldn’t exclude anyone. EVERBODY can invite others to visita website. EVERYBODY can show a video clip to others. It issimply about sharing information, so EVERYBODY can do it!!!Check all your contacts and inform people about the fantastic The Starter Magazine can only give you a few short hintsopportunities of FutureNet. Don’t be afraid of successful and demonstrate opportunities. Participate in the trainingpeople, as they usually are very open to good offers. THIS IS sessions, exchange opinions with other partners and be simplyWHY they are actually successful! And even if they don’t join, creative!!! ONE good idea can change your life! You are a self-you will rather encounter appreciation and support than employed entrepreneur. Everything that is acceptable from anrejection from successful people. The name list is the first ethical, moral and legal point of view, is possible!and best step to quickly launch your business – your personal“diamond mine”. How can work via the internet be maximally successful? The optimal solution is: PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE CONTACTS!!!But even the longest list runs short at a certain point. And thisis why you initially need further opportunities to continuously Please perceive the internet as a perfect CONTACT MACHINE.reach new contacts. The optimum would be daily newcontacts. After having established a contact, you simply have to phone or meet the person!Our principle is: EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE THAT MAKES YOUSUCCESSFUL! It works according to the same pattern as in the offline case. First, you need to establish as many CONTACTS as possible.You can use flyers and approach people, you can advertise And the next step is your invitation to visit your Successyour business wherever possible, you can publish good System website.old newspaper advertisements, and you can gatherrecommendations and so on. SKYPE is the perfect communication tool. Almost all people with internet connections have skype. Via skype, you can talkMake use of all channels you like and you feel good with. for free. You can establish free VIDEO conferences with up to 8 participants. It is easy to display the whole call on the screen.The rule is: You need to cast your “nets” wherever you can. AND you can use the demonstrably best sponsoring method ever: THREE-PARTY CONFERENCES!Almost EVERYBODY nowadays is active on social mediaplatforms. Hence, you can directly approach EVERYBODY and We will show you in a dedicated training program how thatask if he or she earns money in the social platform of his or her works and why three-party conferences are so effective.choice. You present the SOLUTION how to earn money withsocial media platforms.The first step is all about CONTACTS. The more, the better. Theimportant point is to check out if people are interested. If so,you give them a complete presentation.That is what our business is about. If you prefer, you are of course free to use any other messenger service. No matter if online or offline – your aim should be to sponsor at least one new partner per week. If you do so, you cannot only be successful, YOU SIMPLY MUST BE SUCCESSFUL!!! In a series of separate training programs, we will provide you with many more hints and information on your successful online and offline work. 33
14. The cycle of success If you have a look at network calculations, they usually Let’s get back to the 5x5 example: sound enormous and out of reach for many people. Why is that the case? Well, imagine you stood in front of Mount X Everest and were supposed to climb it without training within one day. No way. 1. Level 5 2. Level 25 Network business development happens step-by-step. You 3. Level 125 simply have to keep on doing one step after another and 4. Level 625 you will reach your goal. 5. Level 3 125 Our obvious aim is to continue: 6. Level 15 625 7. Level 78 125 This calculation provides incredible numbers. Is a development like that possible? Of course, there are uncounted huge network organisations with millions of sales partners. And they all once started with one launch and one first sponsored partner.34
The opportunities and potential of the internet are gigantic:Facebook has 1,6 billion members = 1.600 million = 1.600.000.000Remember the example, you don’t have to climb Mount Your frontline partners are the clue. A 5x5 duplication isEverest in a single day. Everything happens step-by-step. possible if you recruit 5 SERIOUS partners. Finding them isYou just have to start TODAY and then keep on taking your priority.the right decisions. How does the development of such The same mechanism functions on your second level. Yourorganisations work? 5 SERIOUS partners won’t stop to work before they have acquired at least 5 SERIOUS Partners each.The most important point is your own CONVICTION! YOUCAN DO IT!!! Work for your success, you just have to follow this cycle:If you deride or question these calculations right at the 1. Contactsstart, it can’t and won’t work – that is for sure. 2. Check the interest of your contacts via short information messagesIt certainly WON’T work for some people, for different 3. Invitation to an online or offline presentationreasons. But this is something YOU simply mustn’t care 4. Decisionabout. YOU have a strong belief in your business 5. Professional training / starter folder, online starterand YOU will develop a successful organisation. training, personal meetings, trainings, webinars etc. 6. Duplication – your partners launch their businesses andAnd you need to understand that network business follow the same cycle of successdevelopment is not like a short sprint, but rather like amarathon. Your cycle of success functions perfectly if you work with different interested people at the same time. You have justOf course it takes time develop such a gigantic organisation. made a new contact, after that you settled a presentationThe process is the same like with any traditional business!!! date with someone else. And a third person is just watching a video clip – check out, if he is principally interested.Your brilliant advantage is that you will have a lot of funduring that time, you will learn a lot and develop personally. Your aim should be to sponsor at least one personal partnerYou will find a bunch of new friends and generate a steadily per week.rising income.In order to develop a huge organisation, you need an offerthat is interesting for many people worldwide. Interestingly,appr. 3 billion people in the world are active on social mediaplatforms and the number of potential partners is unlimited.FutureNet functions on a market with potentially 2-3 billionsof interested people!!!Furthermore, you need an offer that is affordable toeveryone. With a minimum start fee of 10$ as a MEMBER,this problem is perfectly solved.And with the Success System you have a system at yourdisposal, which is 100% DUPLICABLE. EVERYBODY can starton the spot and develop his or her own successful business.Ok, all requirements are fulfilled. Now it is up to YOU to takethe right steps.We have already discussed this issue in the chapter onmultiplication, but we want to emphasize it once again. 35
15. The marketing plan In this starter folder, we just want to touch upon a few important highlights of our marketing plan. The most important arguments for your presentation are: • You invest your own money only ONCE, but you generate a permanent passive income • You earn money already as a Free Member, with the Social Media Bonus and the Sales Bonus – down to 10 levels within the organisation • Exciting non-cash prices including smartphones and a Porsche Panamera The FutureNet marketing plan is one of the most lucrative of • Up to 90% cash distribution its kind in the entire network marketing industry. Nowhere else • 50% Matching Bonus will you have the chance to develop your own business in such • Regular special promotions a simple way and with such a brilliant remuneration system.36
Please remember: your business certainly will fulminate – if you are able to show that you got a free car, many new partners will want to• You can employ as many people as you want in join you. Start to motivate and concentrate yourself on the your business! non-cash prizes already now. Take a test drive with the Audi of your dreams. Discuss a plan with your sponsor, how and• You never need to pay them! when you want to reach the different non-cash prizes.• You don’t have to pay any social security And then have a look at the qualification requirements for contributions for them! the Porsche Panamera. Go and visit a Porsche showroom,• Anyway you make money with these people touch YOUR Panamera and imagine how it will feel once it will stand in your garage! Tell all your friends that you will until the end of your life! own a Panamera in a certain period of time X. Tell them all, that you can help them to also get hold of fantastic non-And the more you SUPPORT these people, the more cash prizes, drive an Audi and finally get a new Porsche frommoney you will earn TOGETHER. our company.Additionally, FutureNet rewards you with attractive non- LIVE WITH ENTHUSIASM AND WINcash prices. These include smartphones and even aPorsche Panamera – our grand prize. We have calculatedthe qualifications in a way to ensure, that everybody whoimplements the hints and tips of this starter folder will getthe prices step-by-step.Would you enjoy to get a smartphone, a laptop or a luxury It is certainly a great attitude to live with ENTHUSIASM.trip as a reward from FutureNet? Of course you would! And And we are convinced that FutureNet offers thousands ofyou would be able to demonstrate to your partners and new reasons to be enthusiastic.potentials that it really works.The next step is an extended thank-you for your work. Youcan choose between an Audi A4, A4 or A6. And by now, 37
16. Summary38
In this starter folder, we have provided you with the basic information and a variety of emotional hints regarding your start.This is a good fundament for your successful business Why are we touching upon this issue? Well, surely you willdevelopment. frequently be in situations where people will question your success or decision. Be prepared! Draw strength from theNow it is up to you to turn these hints into practice. Start group. Participate in meetings, trainings, presentations orTODAY. Inform the first people about the FutureNet other encounters. Don’t just be present, ask how you canproducts and your business already TODAY. Invite the first actively participate. Ask, where your help is needed.people to visit your Success System page already TODAY. The success of the whole organisation depends on all itsDon’t hesitate, TODAY is the perfect day. What do you think, members. Be an active part. In line with the motto of John F.how enthusiastic you will feel if you sponsor your first or a Kennedy: “Don’t ask what your company can do for you, askcouple of frontline partners already TODAY? what you can do for your company!“We recommend you to study this starter magazine and the At this point we want to CORDIALLY WELCOME YOU ATaccompanying videos regularly. Upon reading it the third, FUTURENET once more!fourth or fifth time, you will understand the principles betterand better. All the best, have fun and be successful!Go and upgrade at least to the EXCLUSIVE position. Or, even Your FutureNet leadership teambetter, to SAPPHIRE or ROYAL. Be a good EXAMPLE!Call your sponsor now. Tell him that you have studied themagazine. Ask him all the questions you have and discussyour cooperation. Make a plan for reaching the non-cashprices!Get on the road to success!! Gather people around you, whoare really willing to boost your business. Avoid the companyof those who always know better and criticize you all over.Those people are certainly no good examples and usuallyhaven’t achieved anything significant. Why should you, asyou obviously know better, listen to what they say? 39
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