Cookie jar GRADE A Study in Forensic Science 5th–8th MYSTERY MYSTERY E D I U G S ’ R TO C INSTRU
Table of Contents Preface .................................................................................................... iii Introduction .................................................................................................... ix Lesson 1: Heads Up Observation Skills ..................................................................... 1 Lesson 2: Beyond the Naked Eye Handwriting Analysis ...............................................................9 Lesson 3: !ink Ink Ink Chromatography ..............................................................19 Lesson 4: Evidence on the Move Locard’s Principle ....................................................................27 Lesson 5: !e White Stu' White Substances and Toxicology ........................................35 Lesson 6: Pull Some Strings Fiber Analysis ..........................................................................41 Lesson 7: Hair We Go Hair Samples ............................................................................49 Lesson 8: Follow the Grain Pollen Analysis ........................................................................57 Lesson 9: Make an Impression Bite Marks ................................................................................63 Lesson 10: Shoo-In Shoe Print Evidence ................................................................69 Lesson 11: Bloody Brilliant Blood Types .............................................................................77 Lesson 12: One of a Kind Fingerprint Evidence ..............................................................83 Lesson 13: Crack the Code DNA ..........................................................................................93 Lesson 14: Let’s Talk Questioning Our Suspects ...................................................101 Lesson 15: Who Dunnit? Examining & Analyzing All the Evidence ........................113 Glossary ..................................................................................................119 Appendix Standards Alignment .............................................................123 Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide i
Preface Welcome! Hands-on Enrichment in Science and Critical !inking !e Cookie Jar Mystery: A Study in Forensic Science is a 15-activity course for students in grades !ve #e call for hands-on activities that build critical through eight. It is designed to ignite curiosity and thinking skills, con!dence, competence, and science stimulate authentic learning by creating real-life literacy can be heard on the national, state, and local contexts ranging from lab analyses to !eld work to levels. To be sure, educators and o$cials in both criminal investigation. !e Cookie Jar Mystery has the public and private sectors point to the critical been used enthusiastically in more than 45 states, role ongoing, quality a'er-school programs play, stimulating young minds and engaging young hands especially programs with a focus on science, math, for many years. In fact, thematic integration—over and reading—the same skills now tightly linked to an extended period of hands-on engagement— the economic productivity of our society. forms the driving concept behind all Community Learning’s courses. !e Cookie Jar Mystery is aligned !e Cookie Jar Mystery exposes students to this to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and more. #e course sets up scenarios that invite disciplinary core ideas for grades 5-8. In addition, the students to solve problems creatively, think critically, activities included in this unit align to the Common work cooperatively in teams, and use evidence, Core Learning Standards, including the Grades models, tools, and scienti!c techniques e%ectively. 6-12 Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science & “Children don’t stop learning when the last bell Technical Subjects. For more information on the rings. !at’s why ongoing, quality a'er-school standards please see the Standards Matrix provided programs are so important, and why school leaders on page 127. need to consider how in-school and a'er-school Who Can Teach !e Cookie Jar Mystery and learning are connected.” Where? t Vincent Ferrandino, Executive Director of the National Association of Elementary School Instructors are supported by easy-to-manage Principals materials and step-by-step plans. No specialized Bringing the Mystery to Life knowledge is required to launch the course, making this entertaining forensic science mystery ideal A crime has occurred in Mrs. Randall’s classroom! for a'er-school programs, intersession programs, Her favorite cookie jar was broken and some of her museum groups, summer camps, youth groups, and homemade cookies were eaten. While breaking a clubs . . . anywhere young people are gathered. cookie jar and snitching a few cookies are hardly “!e Cookie Jar Mystery had my students fully serious crimes, they are nevertheless crimes that can engaged in a hands-on learning experience. Each be solved using a forensic science approach. Mrs. session my students came with more questions Randall turns this misfortune into opportunity and and an eagerness to dig into the exercises to piece calls in a “Chief Crime Scene Investigator” (your together the puzzle.” course instructor) to lead her “forensics team” (your students) in how to use the tools of forensic science in t Robert K., Middle School Science Teacher, analyzing clues le' at the crime scene. Each student University of Wisconsin Continuing Education member of this team is a “Crime Scene Investigator” Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide iii
Preface The Cookie Jar Mystery tasked with solving the mystery through scienti!c should be sure to know where emergency help and observation, sample examination, analysis, lab work, supplies are located. testing, interviews, and !eld work. Each lesson activity that the students accomplish To draw the students into the mystery, the instructor becomes part of their “crime scene portfolio” and sets the stage by recounting Mrs. Randall’s intriguing contributes, ultimately, to solving the mystery. tale. In advance, the instructor creates names for Because of this, instructors need to review the the four student suspects—names that students corresponding pages in the Student Activity Book in will !nd believable and relatable. #ese names order to guide students in completing their part of replace “Suspects 1 – 4” used throughout the course the activity. materials. #e suspects are three girls and one boy, and two of the girls are sisters. Having the instructor Course Kit Components choose the names allows the course to be taught again and again, as this approach prevents incoming Each course kit contains an Instructor Guide, 20 students from discovering prematurely who Student Activity Books, and all of the materials and committed the crime. tools necessary to teach the course to a class of 20 students. “!is amazing program has enabled my students to comprehend the process of forensic science as well Course Kit Contents as the sophisticated vocabulary encompassed in the Packed in easy-to-manage carryalls, every material program’s lessons.” or tool needed to solve the mystery is organized in t Erika T., Teacher, Freehold Public Schools, a way that makes the course easy to teach again and Freehold, NJ again. Among some of these materials are: Making the Most of Each Lesson t pocket microscopes t !ngerprint “ten cards” With all the necessary materials provided in a t hand lenses convenient, lightweight carryall, and the setups, processes, and procedures explained in detail, t shoeprint papers instructors will !nd !e Cookie Jar Mystery easy t simulated blood samples and fun to teach. Each lesson provides an activity t hair and !ber samples that teaches a new but related aspect of scienti!c reasoning and a particular scienti!c process. None Instructor’s Guide of the labs require special handling or complicated setups. Every step is taken to provide an easy-to-follow format and fun-to-read instructions for each lesson. A'er familiarizing themselves with the lesson, In addition to a brief listing of objectives, materials, vocabulary, and intended outcome of the activity, and setup procedures, useful icons point the instructors set up their classroom so that it is easy instructor to a number of key elements: for students to work in groups of two or four. Clear guidance is provided in each lesson on how to set Notes for the Instructor up the demonstration area with all the relevant Brief instructor notes introduce the subject matter materials at hand. and challenges presented in the particular lesson. Any necessary safety precautions speci!c to #ey o'en contain real-life, age-appropriate individual lessons are also provided. #e instructor examples from crime in history or popular culture. iv Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
The Cookie Jar Mystery Preface Notes for the Students over time. #e books serve as companions to the Instructor’s Guide and contain reports, charts, places #ese notes “set the stage” for each lesson by to attach samples, and areas to record observations, presenting brief material to read, listen to, and as well as a full glossary of terms used in the course. discuss. Companion Resources Vocabulary When you adopt !e Cookie Jar Mystery: A Study in New and relevant terms are de!ned here. Note, too, Forensic Science, your instructors will have access the comprehensive “Glossary” at the rear of the Instructor’s Guide and Student Activity Books. to a number of companion resources. A Teacher Resource CD o%ers tips, lesson extensions, and Activity Description other great ideas for the classroom. Word search and crossword puzzles help reinforce newly learned Here, step-by-step procedures are provided for both and used vocabulary. Links to forensic videos and the instructor’s demonstration and the students’ other multi-media resources provide authentic lesson immersion in the activity. extensions. Immediate support, including resupply Wrap-up materials and additional Student Activity Books, is always available from the experts at Community Discussion-provoking questions are designed to Learning. summarize learning and help students take their inquiry further. To extend the mystery and bring it to an authentic conclusion, order the follow-up course, !e Cookie Clean-up Jar Case: A Role-Play Mock Trial. Here, students follow the legal steps to charge a suspect formally Clear instruction on preserving and storing and bring him or her to justice. materials is provided to ensure kit longevity and cost e%ectiveness. “!e program is awesome! I’m doing it as part of an a'er-school enrichment time. Our kids really enjoy Other Directions, Discussions and the projects, and it’s wonderful to use as everything Destinations is provided.” To extend lessons and deepen understanding across t Kathy S., Middle School Teacher, Olympic disciplinary and cultural divides, relevant links to Middle School, WA multimedia, web resources, and books are provided here. About Community Learning Trial Evidence Our mission is to provide interactive course kits created around high interest, thematic topics that If the instructor plans to take the mystery to its engage students in expanded learning through conclusion and use the follow-up course, !e Cookie hands-on activities and projects. Developed by Jar Case: A Role-Play Mock Trial, instructions are subject experts with decades of teaching experience, provided here on how to save evidence for the trial. our courses provide full support for administrators Student Activity Books desiring an engaging, academically enriching program for their sta% and students. Designed for students to record their discoveries Tell us what you thought of your teaching class a'er class, the Student Activity Books acquire a experience! narrative quality that keeps the young “Crime Scene Investigators” engaged in scienti!c investigation Share your thoughts Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide v
Introduction Instructor’s note: please read this to students prior to beginning the course or, if this is not possible, at the !rst lesson. #is will help to build intrigue for !e Cookie Jar Mystery. !e Cookie Jar Mystery Mrs. Randall is a science teacher. She enjoys baking chocolate chip cookies and sharing them with her students. One morning when Mrs. Randall entered her classroom, she found her favorite cookie jar in pieces on the &oor. She had baked cookies the day before, but now only a few pieces of broken cookies were le' on the &oor, next to the pieces of the cookie jar. Mrs. Randall loves to teach, and she loves to use science to solve mysteries and answer questions. She decided to use “forensic science” to solve this mystery of the broken cookie jar, and she got her students to help her. Now she wants you to use forensic science to solve the mystery, too! So what is forensic science? Forensic science is later. She also made a map that showed the layout of science that relates to the law. #e word “forensic” the “crime scene.” means anything related to the handing out, or administration, of justice. You will look at the clues Here is what she found on the &oor: fragments of the le' in Mrs. Randall’s classroom and use forensic broken cookie jar, pieces of cookies, lots of crumbs, science to decide who broke the cookie jar and ate the and an old science test. A couple of pieces of broken missing cookies. cookie jar looked as if they had something on them. Mrs. Randall swept the &oor and looked at everything On the morning that Mrs. Randall discovered the in the dustpan carefully. She noticed some hair and broken cookie jar, she entered her classroom from the maybe some threads or tiny, tiny pieces of material. door at the back of the room. She set some books and She put it all in plastic bags to analyze later. papers on the work counter, then she checked on the plants her students were growing on the windowsills. When Mrs. Randall went to her desk with the box, she It was when Mrs. Randall got to the front of the found something else: a note and a half-eaten cookie! classroom that she saw her favorite cookie jar on the She put the note and the half-eaten cookie in the box, &oor in pieces. #e door to the storage cabinet where too. She wondered, who could have done this? Later, Mrs. Randall usually kept the cookie jar was open, and she decided it had to be one of four suspects, students pieces of cookies were scattered between the cabinet who had the opportunity to be in her classroom while and Mrs. Randall’s desk. It was a mess. she was out. #e suspects are: #1_____________________________(male); Mrs. Randall stopped by the front work table while she thought about what she should do. She knew it #2_____________________________(female); was important not to touch anything that could give clues about who had broken the cookie jar. But she #3_____________________________(female); and had to get ready for her class to arrive. She decided to #4_______________________(female, sister of #3). look at everything carefully and take notes about what she found. She took a digital photo of the crime scene. You will be a Crime Scene Investigator to help solve #en she put anything that looked unusual or out of this mystery. Your instructor will be your Chief. Are place into a box so she could look at it all carefully you ready to solve this mystery? Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide ix
Lesson 1 Heads Up! x Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Lesson 1 Heads Up: Observation Skills Objectives fear or anger can o'en interfere with their ability to Students will: make shrewd observations. t Test their observational skills and abilities to In the !rst activity in this lesson, students will have describe an event accurately the opportunity to witness a crime in the classroom. t Compare eyewitness accounts of the same event Because the appearance of the “criminal” will be t Demonstrate the importance and validity of unanticipated, students may not realize that they are eyewitness reporting expected to notice details about the visitor in the Materials classroom. #is is the same position witnesses may !nd themselves in when a crime takes place in front Instructor: of them. t 1 set of “practice pictures” per team t !e Cookie Jar Mystery crime scene photo #e subsequent activities will lead students to think Students (per group of four): about their observation skills. What strategies might t 4 Student Activity Books they employ to become more e%ective witnesses? t 4 red pens You will guide them through observations, t 4 pencils discussions, and an analysis of two di%erent photographs. Further, students will be introduced Preparation to !e Cookie Jar Mystery when they study a photo 1. Prearrange to have a non-class member, of the cookie jar crime scene. #ese activities are preferably an adult, visit your class (see details provided to stimulate your students’ abilities to under Activity 1). recall and accurately describe various situations. 2. Prepare student supplies for each team. #e students will begin to understand that there are 3. Have photo of !e Cookie Jar Mystery crime many di%erent sources of information in a crime scene ready to display where the group can see it. scene investigation. 4. Organize students in teams of four. 5. Place practice pictures #1 and #2 face down on #e activities in this lesson address Next Generation the table in front of each team of students. Science Standards practice of Planning and Carrying Out Investigations. In addition, they address Common Core Learning Standards CCRA.SL.1. See Notes for the Instructor the Standards Matrix provided on page 127 for more detailed information. As consumers of such popular television programs as Law and Order and the old Perry Mason Notes for the Students mysteries, adults are well acquainted with the notion that eyewitness accounts frequently di%er from We are o'en in a hurry. Many situations occur around person to person. How is this possible? us daily that we do not notice. Much of what we think about a person is based on appearance and gestures— As an introduction to !e Cookie Jar Mystery, Lesson how a person looks, walks, stands, positions his or her One is focused on observation skills. #is lesson head, and moves his or her hands. With just a quick lays the groundwork for understanding the role of glance at a stranger, how much do we notice? How eyewitness testimony and suspect statements in well do we really observe events? solving a mystery. Eyewitness testimony is very unreliable because people o'en have their attention One tool in crime investigation is the statement of focused elsewhere and miss events. Further, people’s an eyewitness. An eyewitness is someone who was Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 1
Lesson 1 Heads Up: Observation Skills at or near a crime and saw something happen that interrupted by the prearranged visitor. may have to do with the crime. Perhaps the witness saw someone running from a crime scene. Perhaps a 3. Once you have opened the door, the visitor witness got a license plate number. Perhaps a witness should engage you (the teacher) in conversation is a crime victim. Normally, investigators try to talk brie&y and follow you to the desk or lab to all kinds of witnesses to begin to understand what bench. When you are distracted by retrieving happened. something such as a stapler, the visitor should surreptitiously “steal” something from your People who think they can help the police solve a desk (perhaps an apple, a bag of cookies). #e crime o'en provide valuable details of what they entire encounter should last about 30 seconds, think they saw or heard. But many witnesses to and no longer. a crime can provide di%erent details: one person might remember a smell or sound, another might 4. A'er the visitor leaves, ask the students to turn remember the way someone said something. #ese to page 2 in their activity books. Under Activity reports don’t always match. In many crimes, witness 1: Eyewitness Reporting, they should record all reports con&ict—they don’t match. One person the details they noticed about this individual: might say, “#e man was six feet tall!” Another size, hair color, clothing, mannerisms, walk, person might say, “Oh, no. #e robber was very actions, etc. short!” 5. How closely were students paying attention? Let’s test our observational skills by looking at some #ey were not prepared to be paying attention, pictures. just as an eyewitness would not be prepared for a crime about to happen. Vocabulary 6. Students may add in red pen all the details that they personally missed but have learned from Eyewitness: a person who was at or near a their partners. crime scene when the crime took place and tells investigators what he or she saw. 7. Ask one student in each group to share Forensic evidence: any physical thing that may be something that most learners missed. Did the used in a criminal court to convict or clear a person. students notice that the visitor took something? Observation: the act of perceiving the environment 8. Be sure to !nish reading “Notes for the Students.” through one or more of your senses. Activity 2: Practice Pictures Suspect: one who authorities think may have 15 Minutes committed a crime. 1. Ask students to position themselves so that Activity 1: Eyewitness Reporting when photos are turned over for viewing, all 20 Minutes group members can see clearly. 1. Prearrange for a non-class member, preferably 2. Ask one student to turn over photo #1 for 20 an adult, to knock on the classroom door. Ask seconds. All students should examine the photo your visitor to alter his or her appearance slightly, carefully. A'er the period of study is complete, perhaps by rolling up a pant leg, putting a shirt ask students to turn photo #1 face down and on backwards, or wearing an unusual hat. #e answer questions on Activity 2: Practice Pictures visitor could also display a distinguishing found in their activity books on page 3. Allow characteristic, such as a tattoo or limp. time for students to answer questions before you 2. Begin reading “Notes for the Students” section move on to the next photo. Repeat for photo #2. to class. While you are doing so, you should be 2 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Heads Up: Observation Skills Lesson 1 3. Ask students to compare their responses for 2. Developing our powers of observation o'en photo #1. Allow some time for discussion of starts with improving our memories. Here’s an responses. Are the students more observant now old parlor game that’s still played today: that they have been asked to be? Memory Story 4. Using a red pen, students should place a line 1. Gather together 15 or 20 items from around the through any errors they made. Repeat for photo #2. house, the classroom, or the supply box. A pencil, key, comb, spoon or cup could be among these. 5. Display or pass around !e Cookie Jar Mystery #e 15 items should be random. Put these items crime scene photo so everyone can see it. Ask the together on a tray and cover them. #en gather in students to observe the photo for clues. A'er a small groups around the tray. Remove the cover for few minutes, take the photo back and ask 30 seconds and ask each member in the group to students what they saw that may be pertinent to try to commit to memory all of the items. A'er 30 solving the mystery. Read the introduction to the seconds, cover the items, and ask each person to mystery on page ix if you haven’t already done so. write down as many items as they can remember. 6. Conduct a discussion centered on the question, ' Some won’t remember every item, and some “How valid are eyewitness accounts of an event?” will. Ask the people with the best memories 7. Ask students to list the areas of criminal how they remembered the items—o'en investigation that were discussed today: you’ll discover that they’ve constructed a eyewitness reporting and forensic evidence. “memory story” to help them remember what Which of these methods is most reliable? they’ve seen. 8. Refer to the crime scene photo during future ' For example, Karen told the following story: lessons as needed. “I just put it together like this when I saw the items: I thought to myself, I need a key Clean-up (key) to open the door to the kitchen, where 10 Minutes I would go to the drawer and get a spoon 1. Make sure the room is back in order. (spoon) to stir my co%ee (cup); as I drink my co%ee, I o'en make a list of the things I need 2. Collect and store all materials. to do (pencil) which include combing my hair (comb), etc.” Other Directions, Discussions and Destinations 2. Have a group discussion of witness reporting 1. To make !e Cookie Jar Mystery more fun and based upon students’ personal experiences. For exciting, you can mock up a “crime scene” in your example, consider two students describing to the room. Locate a cookie jar, cookies and catsup principal their own account of what transpired in or red dye. Carefully break the cookie jar on the a cafeteria incident. &oor so that it looks like it was knocked over. 3. Inquire if any students or parents ever witnessed Drip a small amount of arti!cial blood on a piece a car accident. Did they provide a report for the of the jar. Now for the fun part: partially eat a few police? What was the result? cookies and drop them around the broken cookie jar to look like a thief did it. If you want to make And try these observational skills tests on the it even more realistic, you can add some hair and Internet: black fabric threads taken from the materials in the upcoming lessons. Let the class look at the t Here’s some fun: can you !nd nine people in “crime scene” for a few minutes and then see this picture? www.ordero' what they can recall later. Miscellaneous@/Observationpowers.html. Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 3
Lesson 1 Heads Up: Observation Skills t Watch a crime. Be a witness! #en take the crime scene quiz at http://www.youramazing Notes You can !nd more resources and the most up-to-the-minute links by visiting our website at, clicking on Cookie Jar Mystery course kit, then Tools for Teaching. 4 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Lesson 1 Activity 1: Eyewitness Reporting What did you just witness (see)? Approximately how tall was the person? What color was his/her hair? Describe the clothing this person was wearing. What other details did you notice? How did the person walk? (fast? slow? big or little steps?) What did this person do in your classroom? What else did you notice? Student Book 2 Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 5
Lesson 1 Activity 2: Practice Pictures Picture #1 Look at the !rst picture for 20 seconds and then answer the following questions: 1. What did you see in the picture? 2. How many cars are in the picture? 3. How many trucks are in the picture? 4. How many people are in the picture? 5. Was anyone in danger? Student Book 3 6 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Lesson 1 Activity 2: Practice Pictures Picture #2 Look at the second picture for 20 seconds and then answer the following questions: 1. What is happening in this picture? 2. Where is it taking place? 3. How many vehicles are in the picture? 4. What was the person wearing? Enlarged photo of Cookie Jar Crime Scene 1. What do you notice in the scene? 2. What do you think will be important to remember? Student Book 4 Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 7
Lesson 3 think ink 18 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Lesson 3 Think Ink: Ink Chromatography Objectives 3. Locate Crime Scene Evidence Envelopes, one Students will: labeled “Defense” and one “Prosecution”. At end t Begin to assist Instructor in collecting evidence of lesson, slide one copy of Exhibit C (completed Activity 1) into each envelope and retain for in Crime Scene Evidence Envelopes for Mock Trial Mock Trial. t Examine the techniques used in 4. Mix two teaspoons of salt into two cups (473 ml) chromatographic analysis t Compare ink samples from the four suspects’ of water and stir until dissolved. Make more salt water solution as needed. pens to the ink used on the crime scene note 5. Following instructions under Activity 1, steps #5, Materials 6, and 10 and using Pen #4, discretely mark Instructor: su$cient pieces of chromatography paper (1 t 4 pens, belonging to suspects #1, #2, #3, #4 per group). However, rather than label it #1, as t 1 measuring cup instructed in step 5, label it “CS” for Crime Scene. t salt 6. Organize students into groups of two. t 1 teaspoon 7. Help students set up chromatographic chambers. t 1 chromatography paper per group (to be marked) Place the !ve plastic cups on the foam plate to t 1 chromatographic chamber (plastic cup) reduce spills. Students should pour about ½ inch t 1 foam plate of salt water into each of the 5 chambers. t 1 straw (cut in half) 8. Remind students not to discard foam plates. t 10 blank strips of chromatographic paper #ese will be used again in the White Substance t 1 pencil Analysis lesson. t 1 pair of scissors t 5 paper clips Notes for the Instructor t 1 roll of tape t 2 chromatographic cardstock sheets for Exhibit C In this lesson, students will compare the black t 2 Crime Scene Evidence Envelopes ink found on the crime scene note with the black t Student Activity Books ink from suspects’ pens. #is form of evidence is Students (per group of two): considered class evidence because many people could have owned (and used) a similar pen. t 1 ruler t 5 chromatographic chambers (plastic cups) Chromatography is the science of separating t 1 foam plate (to hold plastic cups) chemicals as they are carried along by a liquid. t 5 straws (cut in half) When we expose a piece of paper with ink on it to a t 4 blank strips of chromatography paper solvent, the ink spreads across the paper when the t 1 chromatography paper (marked by the instructor) ink dissolves. A banding pattern of the parts of the t 5 paper clips ink mixture is called a chromatograph. Some inks t 1 pair of scissors are water soluble, so you can use water as a solvent. t 1 roll of tape t 2 paper towels Students will be using chromatography paper. Its Preparation consistency is similar to that of a co%ee !lter. 1. Prepare student supplies. Students will use a salt water solution as the solvent. 2. Prepare demonstration area; lay out materials for Black ink is made by mixing several di%erent colors. 2 sets of Exhibit C (Activity 1) for the Mock Trial. Certain types of ink adhere to the chromatography Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 19
Lesson 3 Think Ink: Ink Chromatography paper better than others. If the ink does not stick document in question exist? Has more than one pen well to the paper, it will travel faster in the water. been used in creating the document? Bands of color will appear as the ink separates. #e band of color that is farthest from the original dot is #e chromatography used in this activity is called the ink that is least attracted to the paper. #e denser liquid chromatography. Another process, called gas the ink, the slower it travels. Inks that are not water chromatography, actually vaporizes the unknown soluble are o'en alcohol soluble; with these you material and then analyzes the result. can use isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol as the Black pen ink is composed of special combinations solvent to create your chromatograph. of many di%erent colors of ink. Each manufacturer Reminder: In this lesson you will need to has its own special formula. #e note le' on Mrs. prepare two copies of Exhibit C (Activity 1: Randall’s desk was written in black ink. Can one Chromatographic Analysis) to retain in the black ink sample be distinguished from another? Crime Scene Evidence Envelopes (one copy in Can the pen used to write the note le' in Mrs. each envelope) for the Mock Trial. Randall’s room be identi!ed? You will soon !nd out. #e activities in this lesson address Next Generation Vocabulary Science Standards practices of Planning and Carrying Out Investigations and Analyzing and Chromatography: the science of separating Interpreting Data. In addition, they address chemicals as they are carried along by a liquid. Common Core Learning Standards CCRA.SL.1, Class evidence: evidence that will not positively CCRA.SL.4, RST 6-8.3. See page 127 for more convict a suspect but will provide additional details. information that might be presented at trial. Solvent: a liquid (in our lesson, salt water) that is Notes for the Students used to separate the chemicals (in the ink samples) Chromatography is a tool of science used to into bands of color. Each band represents a speci!c determine the composition of an unknown chemical. substance. As a special solvent (liquid) travels Activity 1: Chromatography through the unknown material, that material may 35 minutes separate into bands of color. Each band represents a speci!c chemical found in the unknown material. Please Note: Successful chromatography involves #e color bands that separate and the order of leaving samples undisturbed while the salt water is separation can be used to identify the unknown separating the pigments in the ink. material. 1. Read “Notes for the Students” section to class. #e process is quite complex. #e rule is 2. Invite students to a demonstration area simple. When two unknown materials undergo where you will show them how to construct chromatographic analysis and are compared, they a lab chamber and how to prepare the will produce the same bands of color in the same chromatography paper for analysis. order, if the two unknowns are identical. 3. Place a plastic cup on the foam plate and pour Crime investigators who specialize in forensic 1/2 inch of salt water solution into the cup. #is science use chromatography to identify di%erent is the lab chamber. Next you’ll prepare a piece of inks. #is may help them detect if a document has chromatography paper. been forged or if the amount on a check has been changed. When the document was supposedly 4. Cut a straw in half. (#e students will need to cut written, did the kind of ink discovered on the three straws in half.) 20 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Think Ink: Ink Chromatography Lesson 3 5. Draw a line in pencil across the narrow width of minutes or until water reaches within 1/2 inch of the chromatography paper, approximately 2 the top of the paper. Some of the inks will begin inches from the bottom of the strip. Draw a to separate into di%erent colors as the salt water similar second line at 2.5 inches. Still using moves up the paper. pencil, label the strip #1 at the top edge of the strip. 13. During your waiting time, read “Forensic Careers” (on the following pages and in Student 6. Using Pen #1, make a dot of ink (about 1/2 the Activity Books) aloud. Allow time for questions size of a pea) in the middle of the lower (2 inch) and discussion. pencil line. 14. A'er the 10 minutes, have students remove the 5 7. Using one 1/4-inch piece of tape, adhere the top strips and place them on double thick paper of the paper to the middle of the straw. Tightly towels to dry. (Note: save the plates, they will be twist the paper around the straw stopping just reused.) above the 2 1/2 inch pencil line. Secure by placing a paper clip over the rolled paper and the 15. A'er the strips dry, carefully cut the tape and straw. #e ink dot should be exposed. Carefully adhere them to Activity 1: Chromatographic place the strip into the cup, resting the straw on Analysis Results page in their Student Activity the cup. DO NOT SUBMERGE THE INK SPOT. Books on page 18 in the correct location. Be careful not to cut o% the suspects’ numbers. 8. Ask students to return to their seats to make their lab chambers and prepare the paper. 16. Ask students to answer the questions on Students will be working in groups of two. Each Activity 1: Chromatographic Analysis Summary group will have !ve plastic cups on their foam found in their activity books on page 19. plate. One member of each group should prepare Wrap-up two straws and the other three. 15 minutes 9. Following steps 5 and 6, students should prepare Forensic scientists are also using a new advanced four pieces of chromatographic paper. Each process called capillary electrophoresis (CE). #is piece should be marked with a dot from a method is automated and very fast. It separates ink di%erent pen using Pens # 1- 4; they should be into its di%erent pigments, and the results can be labeled 1-4 accordingly. stored in a database for other forensic investigators to use. #is technique can also be applied to food 10. Students should receive a prepared crime scene dyes, textile dyes, and ink-jet dyes. strip from you. (A strip treated as in steps 5 and 6 but marked with Pen #4 and labeled “CS” Discuss the students’ results. Some of the inks for “Crime Scene.” #e students should not may not have separated at all. Perhaps they would know which pen was used to mark this sheet.) separate if a di%erent solvent was used. Although #ey should prepare this strip for analysis as the patterns of colored ink might not be exactly the well. same length, if the colors are in the same order, the inks are a match and probably from the same brand 11. Ask the students to mark the papers and twist of pen. the straws but wait to dip them until the entire class is ready and the activity can be timed. Tell Make two copies of Exhibit C to retain in the Crime students to try to keep the paper twisted tightly Scene Evidence Envelopes for use in the Mock Trial. on the straw before putting it into the salt water. 12. When everyone is ready, have the students dip their papers. Let strips “develop” for at least 10 Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 21
Lesson 3 Think Ink: Ink Chromatography Clean-up simply so that the attorneys, judges and juries 10 minutes can understand. Before a new forensic scientist 1. Ask students to empty their 5 chambers into the is allowed to testify in court, a mock or pretend sink, discard cups and return bins. court is held so the scientist can see how it feels to be in court and practice speaking so others can 2. Please wipe o% foam plates and clean measuring understand. cup; they will be reused in Lesson 5. Even now, you can start to prepare for a career in Other Directions, Discussions and forensic science. Here’s how: Destinations t Join the debate or drama club. Maybe you can #ere is another form of chromatography (color act in a school or community play. Volunteer analysis) called gas chromatography. Molecules of to read out loud. These activities will help you a substance are vaporized before they are analyzed. learn good public-speaking skills. Research this method. t Do your best in your math and science classes. Get a complete overview of the chromatographic t Learn to take really good notes. process at t Read the newspaper. Look for articles that Environ/CHROMO/chromintro.html. relate to science and forensics. Great photographs show you how your lab should t Work hard in English class because good look at writing skills are a must. html. t Explore what you are curious about and read, read, read. Forensic Careers If you do all of these things, you will be ready Forensic science is a career in which the love of for college. A career in forensic science usually science can help society, public health, and public requires a minimum of two years of college. Many safety. Forensic scientists’ work may reduce the forensic scientists have advanced degrees. They number of cases coming into our court system love their !eld and want to continue studying, by helping decision makers before a case goes to always learning and discovering the newest court. The facts presented by forensic scientists information. from their scienti!c investigation may help attorneys, a grand jury, or a judge reach decisions Many of these scientists work in laboratories and about crimes and trials. visit crime scenes. Forensic scientists can also work in morgues, hospitals, police departments, or If you are interested in a career in forensics, it helps universities. They may be independent consultants to love science and want to !ght for justice. You or employed with the federal, state or local need to be curious and good with details, accurate government. Branches of the military have criminal at recordkeeping, enjoy working in teams and investigation divisions. One branch of the Federal putting the pieces of a puzzle together. You even Emergency Management Association, FEMA, is have to be con!dent in your public-speaking skills. called Disaster Mortuary Operations Response Team (DMORT). Members of this team are sent to Can you think of other skills that would be disasters like 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina to help important for a forensic scientist? local forensic teams. Forensic scientists often serve as expert witnesses One of the divisions of forensic science is called in court proceedings. They must be able to explain forensic engineering. An engineer uses the complex scienti!c and medical information 22 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Think Ink: Ink Chromatography Lesson 3 principles of math and science to design or build. The forensic engineer applies engineering to the Notes purpose of the law. For example, if there was a car accident, the engineer might be asked, “Why did the vehicle roll over? Were there defects in the car’s design or manufacturing?” Can you think of other questions a forensic engineer may be asked? (Why did the plane crash? Why did the building collapse? Why did the dam 'ood?) A forensic engineer may be asked to testify to these questions in a civil or criminal court case. Forensics is a vast and ever-growing !eld. There are photographers and image enhancers, speech scientists, computer specialists, administrators, accountants and more. Artist-sculptors are even employed to make facial reconstructions. You may have seen on the news or read about skeletons that have been discovered. One area of forensics that is very exciting is forensic anthropology. Unknown grave sites are occasionally uncovered in construction areas. Often a forensic anthropologist will be required to determine how long the body has been lying in its resting place and then begin identifying the individual. Forensic anthropologists can determine a skeleton’s sex, age at the time of death, race, dental hygiene and even what type of job or role the person may have held. What clues or evidence would a forensic anthropologist examine in order to determine the occupation or role an individual may have held? (Indicators may include wear and tear on the skeletal structure. Broken bones may indicate hard labor or abuse.) Learn more about career possibilities and the many specialized occupations available in the !eld of forensics. Visit the American Academy of Forensic Science at career. You can !nd more resources and the most up-to-the-minute links by visiting our website at, clicking on Cookie Jar Mystery course kit, then Tools for Teaching. Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 23
Lesson 3 Activity 1: Chromatographic Analysis Results EXHIBIT C Tape each of chromatographic strips in the space provided. #e salt water may not have traveled exactly the same distance for each sample. #is a%ects the color spread. Look for similar colors, not the amount of color. Crime Scene Pen #1 Pen #2 Pen #3 Pen #4 Note Student Book Page 18 24 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Lesson 3 Activity 1: Chromatographic Analysis Summary Crime Scene Pen #1 Pen #2 Pen #3 Pen #4 Note 1. Which pens have identical colors and order in their inks? CS and 4 What does this imply? The same pen was used to write both notes. 2. Do you think this evidence is conclusive? No 3. Why or why not? Someone else could have used the same type of pen. Also, another pen of the same brand with similar ink could have been used. This is class evidence, which is further discussed in Lesson 7. Student Book Page 19 Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 25
Lesson 5 the white stuff 34 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Glossary Agglutination: the clumping of blood cells due to Cotton: a fabric made from the cotton plant. the introduction of an anti-serum. Cross-transfer: the shared exchange of something Arch pattern: the ridges of the !ngerprint that enter (hair, !bers, blood, etc.) between two people or from one side, make a rise in the center and exit on objects that have come in contact with one another. the opposite side of the print, having the appearance of a capital letter “A.” Crystal: a natural formation of a chemical. #is could be a small cube like an individual piece of Arrangement: how the letters and words of sugar or salt. handwriting are placed on the page, including spacing and alignment. Dactyloscopy: the study of using !ngerprints to identify someone. Blood type: the type of blood you have. It will be either A, B, AB or O. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): a self-replicating material present in nearly all living organisms as the Canines: the teeth located on either side of the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of incisors; they look like “fangs” on both the top and genetic information. bottom of your jaw. DNA pro#le: the speci!c pattern of DNA bands that Cause and e'ect: two things interacting with appears when a sample of your DNA is chemically each other producing change. For example, if two analyzed. #ese DNA bands are speci!c to an people bumped into each other, they would each individual (unless you have an identical twin). transfer something (trace evidence) to the other. #e bumping would be the cause; the transfer of evidence Electrophoresis: the process of passing electricity would be the e%ect. through a gel box and separating DNA into separate bands. Chemical indicator: a chemical that changes color showing the presence of some unknown material. Eyewitness: a person who was at or near a crime scene when the crime took place and tells Chromatography: the science of separating investigators what he/she saw. chemicals as they are carried along by a liquid. Fingerprint: sweat glands in your !ngertips make Class evidence: evidence that will not positively a water-based oil solution that coats the ridges of convict a suspect but will provide additional your !ngertips. As these ridges make contact with information that might be presented at trial. a surface, oil is le' behind and it creates a copy or a partial copy of your print. Comparison microscope: a microscope that allows side-by-side comparisons of two slides. Forensic evidence: any physical thing that may be used in a criminal court to convict or free a person. Contact: the physical touching of two persons or a person with an object. If contact is made, trace Forensic odontology: the handling, examination evidence can be exchanged. and evaluation of dental evidence. Content: includes the spelling, phrasing, Forensic palynology: the science of analyzing pollen punctuation, and grammar of the written document. and spores to help solve criminal cases. Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 119
Glossary The Cookie Jar Mystery Form: the shape of letters and their slant, which are Means: a resource to do something. A suspect has a analyzed in a questioned document. gun therefore he has the means to kill someone. Gel box: the scienti!c equipment used to get a DNA Molars: teeth located behind the premolars. #ey are pro!le. wide and &at for grinding food and are located on the top and bottom of your jaw. Incisors: the front, &at-edged teeth on the top and bottom of your jaw. Motive: an inner drive or reason that causes a suspect to commit a crime. For example, a man Interrogation: the rigorous examination of suspects felt his neighbor was always raking leaves on to his thought to be guilty of a crime. property, therefore he cut down all his neighbor’s trees in the middle of the night. Interviewing: the collection of testimony or accounts about circumstances relating to a criminal Naked eye: a term that means looking at something investigation. without magni!cation. Known handwriting: a document that is Natural #bers: !bers created from plant or animal handwritten or signed and known to be written by products. Examples include cotton, linen, silk and the suspect. #is is used as a comparison against the wool. questioned handwriting. Non-request handwriting: an example of the Laboratory: a place where evidence can be sent for suspect’s known handwriting that was written prior analysis by crime scene investigators. to the date of the questioned document. Latent prints: !ngerprints that are made only by the Nylon: a man-made !ber with long thin !bers sweat that is on our !nger ridges. #ese prints can be (strands). seen by dusting with a powder. Observation: the act of perceiving the environment Latent shoe print: a present but invisible print. through one or more of your senses. Line quality: the thickness of the line caused by Opportunity: a combination of circumstances that the type of writing tool and the pressure used while are favorable for a purpose. For example, freshly writing. baked brownies were le' on the counter when the boy came home from school and there was no one Locard’s Exchange Principle: whenever two objects around to tell him not to eat them, so he did. (or persons) come in contact, trace evidence will be exchanged between them. Perpetrator: a person who commits a crime. Loop pattern: ridges of the !ngerprint that enter Person of interest: a person who might have from the le' or the right, re-curve and pass out the committed a crime. #ere is a suspicion of guilt but same side they entered, appearing somewhat like a no real proof. rounded knob. Pollen: the powdery material produced by a seed- Man-made #bers: !bers made from materials bearing plant. other than plant or animal products, such as a combination of chemicals. Examples include nylon, Pollen print: a speci!c mix of microscopic pollen polyester and satin. grains and spores from plants in a particular geographic region. 120 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
The Cookie Jar Mystery Glossary Polyester: a man-made !ber similar to satin but Silk: a fabric made from the cocoon (larval home) of stronger. a silkworm. Polymorphic: DNA sequences which vary between Solvent: a liquid (in our lesson, salt water) that is di%erent individuals. used to separate the chemicals (in the ink samples) into bands of color. Each band represents a speci!c Premolars: teeth located behind the canines. #ey chemical. are wide and &at for grinding food and are located on the top and bottom of your jaw. Specialized evidence: evidence that can positively convict a suspect of a crime. Primary transfer: the transfer of something, such as hair or !ber, directly from the part of the body where Suspect: a person with the means, motive and it is growing or the fabric itself. opportunity (no alibi) to commit the crime. A suspect seems more likely to have committed the Pyrolysis: burning !bers to see what types of gases crime than the person of interest. are produced. #is helps scientists determine what the content of a !ber is. Ten Card: a form containing !ngerprints of all !ve !ngers from the le' hand and the !ngerprints of all Questioned handwriting: a document that is !ve !ngers from the right hand. handwritten or signed and is suspected of being altered, forged (falsely signed), or perhaps a ransom Toxicology: the study of poisons. or crime scene note. Toxin: a poisonous substance that is a speci!c Request handwriting: an example of known product of the metabolic activities of a living handwriting that is obtained from the suspect and organism. written under supervision (as in, “Please write down where you were…”) Trace evidence: small amounts of hair, skin, fabric, or any other material which may link a suspect to a Rh Protein: another substance found in your blood crime scene. cells. If you have it present, you are Rh positive, if it is not present, you are Rh negative. Tread pattern: the pattern that appears on the bottom of a shoe or in a tread mark made by a tire. Ridge pattern: the wavy pattern produced by the cells growing on your !nger tips. #is ridge pattern Unique evidence: points to one individual. causes !ngerprints, which are unique to every person. Visible prints: !ngerprints that can be easily seen because they were made by !ngers that are dirty or Satin: a man-made !ber similar to nylon with long oily. thin !bers. Whorl pattern: the ridges of the !ngerprint that are Secondary transfer: the transfer of something that circular and look like a bull’s-eye target. falls o% (such as hair or !ber) and is then transferred from clothing or objects. Wool: a fabric made from the so', curly hair of a sheep. Before it is made into wool, the hair is oily Serology: the study of the properties of serums. and tangled. Several examples of serums are blood, saliva and sweat. Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 121
Appendix Standards Alignment !e Cookie Jar Mystery, a 15-activity program that excites learners about the challenges and processes All of us have a stake, as individuals and as a society, in forensic science, is adaptable for a'er-school in scienti#c literacy. An understanding of science programs, for youth groups and summer camps, for makes it possible for everyone to share in the richness museum and intersession programming. and excitement of comprehending the natural world. Scienti#c literacy enables people to use scienti#c #e NSES encourage the development of activities principles and processes in making personal decisions throughout our communities to support high and to participate in discussions of scienti#c issues achievement. Among the strong recommendations that a$ect society. A sound grounding in science of the NSES are the following areas of emphasis: strengthens many of the skills that people use every t Engaging in activities that investigate scienti!c day, like solving problems creatively, thinking critically, working cooperatively in teams, using technology questions and extend over a period of time e$ectively, and valuing life-long learning. And the t Using many skills: procedures, thinking skills, economic productivity of our society is tightly linked to managing data, using technology and lab tools the scienti#c and technological skills of our work force. t Gathering students in groups to engage in Many types of individuals will play a critical role problem solving and to use evidence to defend in improving science education: teachers; science their conclusions supervisors; curriculum developers; publishers; those who work in museums, zoos, and science centers; t Publicly sharing results with classmates and science educators; scientists and engineers across the teachers nation; school administrators; school board members; In !e Cookie Jar Mystery, students are exposed to all parents; members of business and industry; and of these new instructional emphases, and experience legislators and other public o%cials. science learning in an atmosphere characterized by t Richard Klausner, Chairman high interest and developmentally appropriate ideas. National Committee on Science Education Standards and Assessment Ideally suited for learners in grades 5-8, !e Cookie Jar Mystery activities meet many of the speci!c t Bruce Alberts, President content standards described in the NSES, both in the National Academy of Sciences K-5 and 6-8 standards sets. Below we highlight just a few of the key standards that “get a workout” when !e Cookie Jar Mystery helps learners meet the learners are engaged in !e Cookie Jar Mystery’s National Science Education Standards (NSES) as well forensic labs and investigations. as the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS). National Science Education Standards Preparing our schoolchildren for future scienti!c CONTENT STANDARD A: careers and research is at the heart of the e%ort to As a result of activities, all students should develop: promote a standardized way of evaluating science learning, teaching and programs in the United States t Abilities necessary to do scienti!c inquiry today. To support that preparation, many schools t Understanding about scienti!c inquiry are turning to activities outside of the traditional classroom. Help students achieve these standards through the Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 123
Appendix Standards Alignment following practices or procedures: or materials. t Scienti!c investigations involve asking and t Materials can exist in di%erent states--solid, answering a question and comparing the answer liquid, and gas. Some common materials, such as with what scientists already know about the world. water, can be changed from one state to another by heating or cooling. t Scientists use di%erent kinds of investigations depending on the questions they are trying to t #e position of an object can be described answer. Types of investigations include: by locating it relative to another object or the describing objects, events, and organisms; background. classifying them; and doing a fair test (experimenting). t An object’s motion can be described by tracing and measuring its position over time. t Simple instruments, such as magni!ers, thermometers, and rulers, provide more CONTENT STANDARD E: information than scientists obtain using only As a result of activities, all students should develop: their senses. t Abilities of technological design. t Scientists develop explanations using t Understanding about science and technology. observations (evidence) and what they already know about the world (scienti!c knowledge). t Abilities to distinguish between natural objects Good explanations are based on evidence from and objects made by humans. investigations. IDENTIFY A SIMPLE PROBLEM. In problem t Scientists make the results of their investigations identi!cation, children should develop the ability to public; they describe the investigations in ways explain a problem in their own words and identify a that enable others to repeat the investigations. speci!c task and solution related to the problem. CONTENT STANDARD B: PROPOSE A SOLUTION. Students should make As a result of the activities, all students should proposals to build something or get something to develop an understanding of: work better; they should be able to describe and communicate their ideas. Students should recognize t Properties of objects and materials. that designing a solution might have constraints, t Position and motion of objects. such as cost, materials, time, space, or safety. t Scientists review and ask questions about the IMPLEMENT PROPOSED SOLUTIONS. Children results of other scientists’ work. should develop abilities to work individually and collaboratively and to use suitable tools, techniques, t Objects have many observable properties, and quantitative measurements when appropriate. including size, weight, shape, color, temperature, Students should demonstrate the ability to balance and the ability to react with other substances. simple constraints in problem solving. #ose properties can be measured using tools, such as rulers, balances, and thermometers. EVALUATE A PRODUCT OR DESIGN. Students should evaluate their own results or solutions to t Objects are made of one or more materials, such problems, as well as those of other children, by as paper, wood, and metal. Objects can be considering how well a product or design met described by the properties of the materials the challenge to solve a problem. When possible, from which they are made, and those properties students should use measurements and include can be used to separate or sort a group of objects constraints and other criteria in their evaluations. 124 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Standards Alignment Appendix #ey should modify designs based on the results of connections with NSES. Please contact us for more evaluations. information. COMMUNICATE A PROBLEM, DESIGN, AND You can learn more about the National Science SOLUTION. Student abilities should include oral, Education Standards. Please visit the NSES website at written, and pictorial communication of the design process and product. #e communication might be show and tell, group discussions, short written Next Generation Science Standards reports, or pictures, depending on the students’ In addition, !e Cookie Jar Mystery helps learners abilities and the design project. meet the practices, cross-cutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas that comprise the Next SCIENCE AS INQUIRY STANDARDS: Generation Science Standards. #e practices, Science as inquiry is basic to science education and concepts, and disciplinary ideas speci!cally covered a controlling principle in the ultimate organization in this unit include: and selection of students’ activities. #e standards on inquiry highlight the ability to conduct inquiry and PRACTICES: develop understanding about scienti!c inquiry. Asking Questions and De'ning Problems t Ask questions that can be investigated within the Engaging students in inquiry helps students develop: scope of the classroom, outdoor environment, t Understanding of scienti!c concepts and museums and other public facilities with available resources, and, when appropriate, frame t An appreciation of “how we know” what we a hypothesis based on observations and scienti!c know in science. principles. t Understanding of the nature of science. Planning and Carrying Out Investigations t Skills necessary to become independent inquirers t Make observations and measurements to about the natural world. produce data to serve as the basis for evidence for an explanation of a phenomenon. t #e dispositions to use the skills, abilities, and attitudes associated with science. t Plan an investigation individually and collaboratively, and in the design: identify Students at all grade levels and in every domain of independent and dependent variables and science should have the opportunity to use scienti!c controls, what tools are needed to do the inquiry and develop the ability to think and act gathering, how measurements will be recorded, in ways associated with inquiry, including asking and how many data are needed to support a questions, planning and conducting investigations, claim. using appropriate tools and techniques to gather data, thinking critically and logically about t Conduct an investigation to produce data to relationships between evidence and explanations, serve as the basis for evidence that can meet the constructing and analyzing alternative explanations, goals of the investigation. and communicating scienti!c arguments. Analyzing and Interpreting Data *Material in this section was quoted from National t Analyze and interpret data to determine Science Education Standards, National Committee similarities and di%erences in !ndings. on Science Education Standards and Assessment, Engaging in Argument from Evidence National Research Council. t Support an argument with evidence, data, or a Our sta% would be happy to help you make more model. Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 125
Appendix Standards Alignment Scienti'c Knowledge is Based on Empirical of conversations and collaborations with diverse Evidence partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing t Science knowledge is based upon logical and their own clearly and persuasively. conceptual connections between evidence and explanations. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.2: Integrate and evaluate information presented in t Science disciplines share common rules of diverse media and formats, including visually, obtaining and evaluating empirical evidence. quantitatively, and orally. CROSS-CUTTING CONCEPTS: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.4: Patterns Present information, !ndings, and supporting t Patterns can be used to identify cause-and-e%ect evidence such that listeners can follow the line of relationships. reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. t Graphs, charts, and images can be used to identify patterns in data. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.1: Read closely to determine what the text says DISCIPLINARY CORE IDEAS: explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter speci!c textual evidence when writing or speaking t Measurements of a variety of properties can be to support conclusions drawn from the text. used to identify materials. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.3: LS3.A: Inheritance of Traits Follow precisely a multi-step procedure when t Variations of inherited traits between parent carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or and o%spring arise from genetic di%erences that performing technical tasks. result from the subset of chromosomes (and therefore genes) inherited. LS3.B: Variation of Traits t In sexually reproducing organisms, each parent contributes half of the genes acquired (at random) by the o%spring. Individuals have two of each chromosome and hence two alleles of each gene, one acquired from each parent. #ese versions may be identical or may di%er from each other. Common Core Learning Standards In addition to meeting the National Science Education Standards (NSES) and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), this unit meets Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) in English Language Arts and Literacy, including the Grades 6-12 Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, & Technical Subjects. Speci!c CCLS addressed include: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.1: Prepare for and participate e%ectively in a range 126 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Standards Alignment Appendix Standards Matrix Lesson Standard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 National Science Education Standards Content Standard A t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t Content Standard B t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t Content Standard E t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t Science as Inquiry t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t Next Generation Science Standard Practice: Asking Questions and De'ning t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t Problems Practice: Planning and Carrying Out t t t t t t t t t t t t t Investigations Practice: Analyzing and Interpreting t t t t t t t t t t t t Data Practice: Engaging in Argument from t t t t t t Evidence Practice: Scienti'c Knowledge is Based t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t on Empirical Evidence Cross-Cutting Concept: Patterns t t t t t Disciplinary Core Idea: PS1.A: t t t t Structure and Properties of Matter Disciplinary Core Idea: LS3.A: t Inheritance of Traits Disciplinary Core Idea: LS3.B: t Variation of Traits Common Core Learning Standard CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.1 t t t t t t t t t t t CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.2 t t t t t CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.4 t t t t CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.1 t CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.3 t t t t t t t t Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 127
Hair We Go: Hair Samples Lesson 54. Divide students into groups of two. Give a set of 4. Why might it be a good idea for investigators supplies to each group. to analyze their own hair sample during an investigation?5. Have students follow the above steps to create slides for hair samples from Suspects #1- 4 and 5. How do the findings today line up with the place them on the Activity 1: Hair Samples chart evidence in the case so far? from Student Book page 30. Clean-up6. Students should complete Activity 1: Comparison 5 minutes of Human Hair on Student Book page 31. Fill in • Clean and return all unused materials to the kit. the spaces to describe the different properties of the hair samples from all four suspects. Other Directions, Destinations and Discussions7. Next, hand out samples from hair found at the crime scene. Have students make a slide of this 1. How accurate is hair analysis? Read about sample and place it in the corresponding space current controversies at: https://www. on the Activity 1: Hair Samples chart. forensic-hair-matches-in-nearly-all-criminal-8. Have students analyze the properties of the crime trials-for-decades/2015/04/18/39c8d8c6-e515- scene hair sample by completing the “Crime 11e4-b510-962fcfabc310_story.html Do you Scene” row on Activity 1: Comparison of Human think hair analysis is helpful in forensic cases? Hair chart. Why or why not?9. If time permits, students will examine a sample 2. Identify the different parts of a human hair. of their own hair. Instruct them to pull out a hair from their heads and place it on the Activity 1: treatments/picture-of-the-hair#1 Comparison of Human Hair page in the space provided (investigator’s sample). They can You can find more resources and the most up- describe their hair in the space provided on the to-the-minute links by visiting our website at activity sheet. and clicking on The Cookie Jar Wrap-up Mystery course kit. 15 minutes1. Discuss the results of the activity. Based on your observations, which sample of hair best matches the hair found at the crime scene? Have students circle the number of the sample that best matches that of the crime scene hair.2. Are these hairs a perfect match? Why or why not? Does everyone in the class agree? What room for ambiguity is there in matching hair samples? How might this affect the case?3. Would you feel comfortable accusing a suspect of the crime based solely on this evidence? Why or why not?Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 41
Lesson 5 Activity 2: Hair Samples EXHIBIT E Suspect #1 Suspect #2 Suspect #3 Suspect #442 Instructor’s Guide Crime Scene Student Book Page 30 Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Lesson 5 Activity 1: Comparison of Human Hair EXHIBIT E Color Straight, Describe the Sketch the Curly, or Wavy appearance of the hair hair sampleSample #1Sample #2Sample #3Sample #4Crime Same as #3SceneInvestigator’s Sample Investigator’s Hair Sample: 1. Circle the number of the sample that best matches the hair found at the crime scene. 2. What properties do the two hairs share?3. Would you feel comfortable accusing a suspect of the crime based solely on this evidence? Why or why not?Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Student Book Page 31 Instructor’s Guide 43