A Study in Forensic Science Cookie Jar R’S GUIDEMYSTERY INSTRUCTO
The Cookie Jar Mystery A Study in Forensic Science Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. Content Developer: Anthony Bertino Managing Editor: Stacy DeBritz Graphics: KCO Graphics Please direct any comments regarding this publication to [email protected].
Table of Contents Preface ..................................................................................................... iii Introduction ..................................................................................................... ix Lesson 1: Heads Up Observation Skills...................................................................... 1 Lesson 2: Think Ink Ink Chromatography ...............................................................15 Lesson 3: The White Stuff White Substances and Toxicology .........................................25 Lesson 4: Pull Some Strings Fiber Analysis ...........................................................................31 Lesson 5: Hair We Go Hair Samples .............................................................................39 Lesson 6: Follow the Grain Pollen Analysis .........................................................................45 Lesson 7: Make an Impression Bite Marks .................................................................................51 Lesson 8: Bloody Brilliant Blood Types ..............................................................................59 Lesson 9: One of a Kind Fingerprint Evidence ...............................................................67 Lesson 10: Crack the Code DNA ...........................................................................................75 Lesson 11: Let’s Talk Questioning the Suspects ........................................................85 Lesson 12: Who Dunnit? Examining & Analyzing All the Evidence ...........................97 Glossary ...................................................................................................101 Appendix Standards Alignment..............................................................105 Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide i
ii Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Preface Welcome! Hands-on Enrichment in Science and Critical Thinking The Cookie Jar Mystery: A Study in Forensic Science is a 12-activity course aimed at students in grades The call for hands-on activities that build critical four and five. It is designed to ignite curiosity and thinking skills, confidence, competence, and science stimulate authentic learning by creating real-life literacy can be heard on the national, state, and local contexts ranging from lab analyses to field work levels. To be sure, educators and officials in both to criminal investigation. The Cookie Jar Mystery the public and private sectors point to the critical has been used enthusiastically in all 50 states, role ongoing, quality after-school programs play, stimulating young minds and engaging young hands especially programs with a focus on science, math, for many years. In fact, thematic integration—over and reading—the same skills now tightly linked to an extended period of hands-on engagement— the economic productivity of our society. forms the driving concept behind all Community Learning’s courses. The Cookie Jar Mystery is The Cookie Jar Mystery exposes students to this aligned to Next Generation Science Standards and more. The course sets up scenarios that invite (NGSS) disciplinary core ideas for grades 4-5. In students to solve problems creatively, think critically, addition, the activities included in this unit align work cooperatively in teams, and use evidence, to the Common Core Learning Standards. For models, tools, and scientific techniques effectively. more information on the standards please see the Standards Matrix provided in the appendix. “Children don’t stop learning when the last bell rings. That’s why ongoing, quality after-school Who Can Teach The Cookie Jar Mystery programs are so important, and why school leaders and Where? need to consider how in-school and after-school learning are connected.” Instructors are supported by easy-to-manage materials and step-by-step plans. No specialized knowledge is • Vincent Ferrandino, Executive Director of the required to launch the course, making this entertaining National Association of Elementary School forensic science mystery ideal for classrooms, after- Principals school programs, intersession programs, museum groups, summer camps, youth groups, and clubs . . . Bringing the Mystery to Life anywhere young people are gathered. A crime has occurred in Mrs. Randall’s classroom! “The Cookie Jar Mystery had my students fully Her favorite cookie jar was broken and some of her engaged in a hands-on learning experience. Each homemade cookies were eaten. While breaking a session my students came with more questions cookie jar and snitching a few cookies are hardly and an eagerness to dig into the exercises to piece serious crimes, they are nevertheless crimes that can together the puzzle.” be solved using a forensic science approach. Mrs. Randall turns this misfortune into opportunity and • Robert K., Middle School Science Teacher, calls in a “Chief Crime Scene Investigator” (your University of Wisconsin Continuing Education course instructor) to lead her “forensics team” (your students) in how to use the tools of forensic science in analyzing clues left at the crime scene. Each student member of this team is a “Crime Scene Investigator” Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide iii
Preface The Cookie Jar Mystery tasked with solving the mystery through scientific contributes, ultimately, to solving the mystery. observation, sample examination, analysis, lab work, Because of this, instructors need to review the testing, interviews, and field work. corresponding pages in the Student Book in order to guide students in completing their part of the To draw the students into the mystery, the instructor activity. sets the stage by recounting Mrs. Randall’s intriguing tale. In advance, the instructor creates names for Course Kit Components the four student suspects—names that students will find believable and relatable. These names replace Each course kit contains an Instructor Guide, Teacher “Suspects 1 – 4” used throughout the course materials. Resource CD, and all of the materials and tools The suspects are three girls and one boy, and two of necessary to teach the course to a class of 30 students. the girls are sisters. Having the instructor choose the Start by reviewing this guide, and tutorials on the names allows the course to be taught again and again, Teacher Resource CD. as this approach prevents incoming students from discovering prematurely who committed the crime. Course Kit Contents “This amazing program has enabled my students to Packed in easy-to-manage carryalls, every material comprehend the process of forensic science as well or tool needed to solve the mystery is organized in as the sophisticated vocabulary encompassed in the a way that makes the course easy to teach again and program’s lessons.” again. Among some of these materials are: • Erika T., Teacher, Freehold Public Schools, • fingerprint “ten cards” Freehold, NJ • ink strips • hand lenses Making the Most of Each Lesson • chromatography paper • simulated blood and pollen samples With all the necessary materials provided in • hair and fiber samples convenient, lightweight carryalls, and the setups, processes, and procedures explained in detail, Instructor’s Guide instructors will find The Cookie Jar Mystery easy and fun to teach. Each lesson provides an activity that Every step is taken to provide an easy-to-follow teaches a new but related aspect of scientific reasoning format and fun-to-read instructions for each lesson. and a particular scientific process. None of the labs In addition to a brief listing of objectives, materials, require special handling or complicated setups. and setup procedures, useful icons point the instructor to a number of key elements: After familiarizing themselves with the lesson, vocabulary, and intended outcome of the activity, Notes for the Instructor instructors set up their classroom so that it is easy for Brief instructor notes introduce the subject matter students to work in groups. Clear guidance is provided and challenges presented in the particular lesson. in each lesson on how to set up the demonstration area They often contain real-life, age-appropriate with all the relevant materials at hand. examples from crime in history or popular culture. Any necessary safety precautions specific to Notes for the Students individual lessons are also provided. The instructor These notes “set the stage” for each lesson by should be sure to know where emergency help and presenting brief material to read, listen to, and supplies are located. discuss. Each lesson activity that the students accomplish becomes part of their crime scene portfolio and iv Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
The Cookie Jar Mystery Preface Vocabulary Companion Resources New and relevant terms are defined here. Note, too, the comprehensive “Glossary” at the rear of the When you adopt The Cookie Jar Mystery: A Study in Instructor’s Guide and Student Books. Forensic Science, your instructors will have access to a number of companion resources. A Resource Activity Description CD offers tips, lesson extensions, and other great Here, step-by-step procedures are provided for both ideas for the classroom. Word search and crossword the instructor’s demonstration and the students’ puzzles help reinforce newly learned and used immersion in the activity. vocabulary. Links to forensic videos and other multi- media resources provide authentic lesson extensions. Wrap-up Immediate support is always available by phone, email Discussion-provoking questions are designed to or webinar from the experts at Community Learning. summarize learning and help students take their inquiry further. To extend the mystery and bring it to an authentic conclusion, the follow-up course, The Cookie Jar Clean-up Case: A Role-Play Mock Trial is available through Clear instruction on preserving and storing our website at http://www.commlearning.com. Here, materials is provided to ensure kit longevity and cost students follow the legal steps to charge a suspect effectiveness. formally and bring him or her to justice. Other Directions, Discussions and “The program is awesome! I’m doing it as part of an Destinations after-school enrichment time. Our kids really enjoy To extend lessons and deepen understanding the projects, and it’s wonderful to use as everything across disciplinary and cultural divides, relevant is provided. links to multimedia, web resources, and books are provided here. • Kathy S., Middle School Teacher, Olympic Middle School, WA Student Books About Community Learning Designed for students to record their discoveries class after class, the Student Books acquire a Community Learning is a socially responsible narrative quality that keeps the young “Crime Scene company focused on impacting positive youth Investigators” engaged in scientific investigation development through STEAM education. We create over time. The books serve as companions to the curriculum designed to expose students to careers and Instructor’s Guide and contain reports, charts, places inspire their development into lifelong learners. Our to attach samples, and areas to record observations, products are developed in collaboration with subject as well as a full glossary of terms used in the course. area experts, providing complete support for program The complete The Cookie Jar Mystery: A Study in administrators desiring rich, engaging educational Forensic Science student book is provided in PDF programs for their students. on your resource CD, with an unlimited license for reproduction for your school or organization’s use. If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please visit our website or email us at info@ commlearning.com. Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide v
Preface The Cookie Jar Mystery Print/Copy Preparation Overview Organize Kit Supplies Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Prepare Heads Up: Think Ink: The White Stuff: Pull Some Strings: Observation Skills Ink Chromatography White Substances Fiber Analysis and Toxicology Student Book Student Book Student Book Student Book pages iii-9 pages 10-12 pages 13-14 pages 15-17 • S ets of practice • Suspect pens • Iodine and dropper • Black fiber samples pictures • Isopropyl alcohol • Vinegar • Tweezers • C ookie Jar • Plastic cups • P ermanent marker • Fiber samples card- Mystery crime scene • Foam plates • Dropper bottles stock photos • Plastic straws • 2,000 mL container • Wide tape • Pencils • C hromatography • S et of white powders • Hand lenses paper • Black paper squares • Pencils • Pencils • Foam plates • Scissors • Hand lenses • Paper clips • Portion cups • Rolls of tape • Wooden splints • Pencils • R ead Instructor’s • M ake crime scene • F ill and label • U nravel fabric Guide Preface and Introduction chromatography dropper bottles with samples • Select and name strips for each group water and vinegar • Tear pieces of tape your suspects • Set up chemical distribution center Acquire • Paper Towels • Water Additional Supplies vi Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
The Cookie Jar Mystery Preface Preparation Overview Lesson 8 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Bloody Brilliant: Blood Types Hair We Go: Follow the Grain: Make an Impression: Hair Samples Pollen Analysis Bite Marks Print/Copy Student Book Student Book Student Book Student Book pages 18-20 pages 21-22 pages 23-25 pages 26-28 Organize Kit Supplies • Hair samples • Pollen samples • Foam cups • S imulated blood and • Hand lenses • Hand lenses • Hand lenses anti-sera • Tweezers • Toothpicks • Plastic bag • Scissors • P ollen samples • B lood exam trays • H air samples for cut slides • P ermanent markers cardstock • Scissors • Pencils cardstock • Rolls of tape • Pencils • Toothpicks • Rolls of tape • Pencils • Rulers • Disposable gloves • Pencils • Scissors • P ermanent markers • B lood typing guides • Set up activity dem- • P rint Pollen Slide • Print Cookie • S et up activity dem- onstration Transparenices from Tarnsparenices from onstration • P rint Hair Slide master on Teacher master on Teacher Prepare Transparenices from Resoure CD Resoure CD. Acquire master on Teacher • C ut transparency • Cut cookie Additional Supplies Resoure CD. sheets into columns transparences • Set up activity into slides demonstration • 3 0 blank • 1 0 blank • Paper Towels • Lined Paper transparenices transparenices • 10 blank • Paper Towels transparenices Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide vii
Preface The Cookie Jar Mystery Print/Copy Preparation Overview Organize Kit Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Supplies One of a Kind: Fin- Crack the Code: DNA Let’s Talk: Who Dunnit?: Prepare gerprint Evidence Questioning Piecing Together Acquire the Suspects Additional the Evidence Supplies Student Book Student Book Student Book pages 29-32 pages 33-36 pages 37-43 Student Book pages 51-53 • Ink strips • 2,000 mL container • Pencils Certificates of • Ink towelettes • Dish soap Completion • Ten cards • Salt • Pencils • Hand lenses • I sopropyl alcohol • Pencils • M easuring spoons • 250 mL containers • Plastic spoons • R esealable plastic bags • Coffee filters • Plastic cups • Wooden splints • Pencils • Foam plates • S et up activity dem- • R emove any • Organize groups of • Print and fill out onstration strawberry leaves students Certificates of and stems Completion • P ut isopropyl alcohol into the freezer • Put water into the refrigerator • F resh or Frozen Strawberries • Water viii Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Introduction Instructor’s note: please read this to students prior to beginning the course or, if this is not possible, at the first lesson. This will help to build intrigue for The Cookie Jar Mystery. The Cookie Jar Mystery Mrs. Randall is a science teacher. She enjoys baking chocolate chip cookies and sharing them with her students. One morning when Mrs. Randall entered her classroom, she found her favorite cookie jar in pieces on the floor. She had baked cookies the day before, but now only a few pieces of broken cookies were left on the floor, next to the pieces of the cookie jar. Mrs. Randall loves to teach, and she loves to use science to solve mysteries and answer questions. She decided to use “forensic science” to solve this mystery of the broken cookie jar, and she got her students to help her. Now she wants you to use forensic science to solve the mystery, too! So what is forensic science? Forensic science is later. She also made a map that showed the layout of science that relates to the law. The word “forensic” the “crime scene.” means anything related to the handing out, or Here is what she found on the floor: fragments of the administration, of justice. You will look at the clues broken cookie jar, pieces of cookies, lots of crumbs, left in Mrs. Randall’s classroom and use forensic and an old science test. A couple of pieces of broken science to decide who broke the cookie jar and ate the cookie jar looked as if they had something on them. missing cookies. Mrs. Randall swept the floor and looked at everything On the morning that Mrs. Randall discovered the in the dustpan carefully. She noticed some hair and broken cookie jar, she entered her classroom from the maybe some threads or tiny, tiny pieces of material. door at the back of the room. She set some books and She put it all in plastic bags to analyze later. papers on the work counter, then she checked on the When Mrs. Randall went to her desk with the box, she plants her students were growing on the windowsills. found something else: a note and a half-eaten cookie! It was when Mrs. Randall got to the front of the She put the note and the half-eaten cookie in the box, classroom that she saw her favorite cookie jar on the too. She wondered, who could have done this? Later, floor in pieces. The door to the storage cabinet where she decided it had to be one of four suspects, students Mrs. Randall usually kept the cookie jar was open, and who had the opportunity to be in her classroom while pieces of cookies were scattered between the cabinet she was out. The suspects are: and Mrs. Randall’s desk. It was a mess. #1_____________________________(male); Mrs. Randall stopped by the front work table while #2_____________________________(female); she thought about what she should do. She knew it #3_____________________________(female); and was important not to touch anything that could give #4_______________________(female, sister of #3). clues about who had broken the cookie jar. But she You will be a Crime Scene Investigator to help solve had to get ready for her class to arrive. She decided to this mystery. Your instructor will be your Chief. Are look at everything carefully and take notes about what you ready to solve this mystery? she found. She took a digital photo of the crime scene. Then she put anything that looked unusual or out of place into a box so she could look at it all carefully Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide ix
Lesson 1 Heads Up! x Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Lesson 1 Heads Up: Observation Skills Objectives to see how many details they can notice and recall. Students will: You will guide students through observations, discussions, and an analysis of two different • Practice observational skills by trying to notice photographs. Then, students will be introduced to and recall details in a photograph The Cookie Jar Mystery with a photo taken from the crime scene. Students will utilize their powers of • Learn about the job of a document examiner observation to begin to unravel the mystery. Taking and the techniques used in handwriting analysis in details at the scene and being able to recall them later is a key skill for investigators. Students will • Practice observational skills of comparing and realize that these skills can be strengthened with contrasting characteristics of handwriting practice and by implementing helpful strategies. In the second activity, students will use their powers Materials of observation to compare and contrast the note left Instructor: behind at the cookie jar crime scene and handwriting samples taken from the four suspects. Notes or other • 10 sets of “practice pictures” (2 pictures per set) written documents that are part of the evidence • 3 Cookie Jar Mystery crime scene photos at a crime scene, usually with an unknown or Students (per group of three): unverified author, are called questioned documents. • Student Book pages (on Resource CD) Handwriting experts called document examiners • 3 pencils are called in to compare the questioned document to Preparation handwriting samples taken from the suspects. • This activity will introduce the four suspects Handwriting samples can be collected in two ways. The first way is called request writing, and is obtained to the mystery. If you have not already, it is from a suspect during the investigation and with a important to give each suspect a name (see witness present. The second type of sample is called Introduction page). Keep in mind that suspect non-request writing. These are samples that were names can be changed each time you teach the written previously, before the person became a suspect course. This can be helpful in keeping the ending in the investigation. If the authorship can be verified, a secret in each session. a non-request writing sample is preferred. This is • Read the Introduction (found on page ix) to because request-writing samples can vary from a students before beginning this lesson. person’s true writing, possibly because the person is nervous about being questioned, or perhaps because Notes for the Instructor he is deliberately trying to change his handwriting. In forensics, experts study the unique characteristics The Cookie Jar Mystery is a project-based learning and nuances of an individual’s handwriting, experience that asks your students to complete a including its form, line quality, arrangement, and series of activities in order to figure out who ate content. They also look at the type of pen and paper Mrs. Randall’s cookies. Students will learn about used. Often the work of a document examiner is specialized jobs, techniques and tools employed by to notice differences rather than similarities. This forensic scientists. The more realistic the mystery is especially the case if a document is suspected of seems to your students, the more engaged and being forged, or written by someone other than the invested they will be in learning the information and conducting the science experiments. As the instructor, your enthusiasm and investment is key! This introductory lesson is focused on observation skills. In the first activity students will be challenged Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 1
Lesson 1 Heads Up: Observation Skills assigned author. While it is possible to copy someone the crime, we are going to spend a bit of time today else’s writing, it is almost impossible to erase all working on our observational skills. traces of our own individual writing style. We will test our observational skills in two different Some characteristics of writing are visible to the ways. First, we will practice looking at various naked eye, meaning they are visible without the use scenes, including the cookie jar crime scene. The of any additional tools. However, forensic scientists goal will be to slow down and take in as many details often use hand lenses, microscopes, and special of the scene as possible. The challenge will be trying lighting to analyze handwriting as well. These to recall these details with accuracy afterwards. tools can highlight inconsistencies in the paper Second, we will look closely at the note left behind or ink of a note. Angled lights can show indents by the person who took the cookies. Notes or other on the paper that might suggest a signature was documents that are part of a crime scene investigation traced. Backlighting reveals eraser marks and use are called questioned documents. Often investigators of correction fluid. The observations made by your need to find out who the author of the note is, or students today will be with the naked eye. verify that the assigned author is actually the person The activities in this lesson address Next Generation who wrote the note. This can be done by observing Science Standards practices of Planning and the small similarities and differences in how people Carrying Out Investigations and Analyzing and write. Suspects in a case will be asked to provide a Interpreting Data. In addition, they address writing sample that can be compared to the questioned Common Core Learning Standards. See the document. People who study notes or documents appendix on page 105 for more details. associated with crimes are called document examiners. Notes for the Students A person’s handwriting is very specific to him. The Welcome to the investigative team! Throughout way someone holds a pen, how he shapes letters, the investigation you will be presented with a lot the amount of space he leaves between words and of forensic evidence that may help you to figure lines, as well as the amount of pressure applied while out what happened in the Cookie Jar Mystery! writing are all features of handwriting that can be Remember, forensic evidence is anything that can used to analyze a document. They can reveal clues, be used to prove that a person did or did not have including the identity of the author. Today you will something to do with a crime. learn about many characteristics that help document examiners distinguish handwriting. There will be many tools that we will need throughout Sometimes handwriting analysis can help solve a this investigation, however the tools you need first are case! In 1922, a few scraps of paper helped capture the already right in front of you, literally! The number Yule Bomb Killer. On December 27th, Clementine one tool or skill for any investigator is the ability to Chapman opened a package that she thought was a late make observations. Observations are any bits of Christmas gift. It exploded. The packaging was pieced information that you gather about the environment back together, and from just a few words recovered using one or more of your five senses: sight, smell, from the address label, the police were able to trace the hearing, touch, taste. bomber. The misspelling of words pointed to someone As a lead investigator it is important your who did not speak English well. When police looked observational skills are top notch. That means using for suspects in the small community, there was only all of your senses and slowing down so that you one person who had been feuding with Chapman over don’t miss any details. It also means being able to land boundaries. This gave the person a motive for the spot similarities and differences between objects. In crime and made him a suspect. A handwriting sample, order to make sure you are up for the task of solving as well as ink and bomb-making materials, were found in the suspect’s home. They led to the arrest of John 2 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Heads Up: Observation Skills Lesson 1 Magnuson. Investigators were correct. Magnuson was Activity 1: Practice Pictures born in Sweden and did not speak English well. 15 Minutes 1. Divide students into groups of three. Ask Today we will use these same techniques of students to position themselves so that when handwriting analysis to try to match the four cookie photos are turned over for viewing, all group jar suspects’ handwriting with the note found in Mrs. members can see clearly. Randall’s classroom. 2. Ask one student to turn over photo #1 for 20 seconds. All students should examine the photo Vocabulary carefully. After the period of study is complete, ask students to turn photo #1 face down and Arrangement: in handwriting, how the letters and answer questions on Activity 1: Practice Pictures words are placed on the page, including spacing and found in their activity books on page 2. Allow alignment time for students to answer questions before you Content: in handwriting, the spelling, phrasing, move on to the next photo. Repeat for photo #2. punctuation, and grammar of the written document 3. Ask students to compare their answers for Document examiners: professionals who analyze photo #1 to the actual photo. Allow some time notes or documents associated with a crime for discussion of responses. How did student Forensic evidence: any physical thing that may be answers differ to questions #1? Why do you think used in a criminal court to convict or clear a person people saw different things? Did anyone answer Form: in handwriting, the shape of letters and their questions #2, 3 and 4 correctly? What techniques slant did they use to remember these details? What Line Quality: in handwriting, the thickness of details led to your answer to question #5? the line caused by the type of writing tool and the 4. Repeat the process for photo #2. Again, allow pressure used while writing time for students to discuss their answers Naked eye: looking at something without assistance and how they lined up with the picture. Were of any device like a hand lens or microscope students better able to recall details in photo #2 Non-request handwriting: an example of a person’s than in photo #1? Why might this be? handwriting that was written before the investigation 5. Display or pass around The Cookie Jar Mystery began crime scene photo so everyone can see it. Ask Observation: information gathered about the the students to observe the photo for clues. environment using one or more of the five senses After a few minutes, take the photo back and ask (sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing) students what they saw that may be pertinent to Questioned document: notes or written articles solving the mystery. related to a crime scene where the author is 6. Refer to the crime scene photo during future unknown lessons as needed. Request handwriting: an example of a person’s handwriting provided as part of an investigation with a witness present Suspect: one who authorities think may have committed a crime Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 3
Lesson 1 Heads Up: Observation Skills Activity 2: Clean-up Comparison of Handwriting Samples 5 Minutes 30 Minutes 1. Make sure the room is back in order. 1. Read out loud Activity 2: Comparison of 2. Collect and store all materials. Handwriting Samples found in the Student Book while students are following along with examples Other Directions, Discussions and of each handwriting characteristic on the activity Destinations sheet Handwriting Exemplars on pages 5-6. 1. To make The Cookie Jar Mystery more fun and exciting, you can mock up a “crime scene” in 2. Direct students to Activity 2: Suspect Handwriting your room. Locate a cookie jar, cookies, and Samples on page 7. Have them complete the catsup or red dye. Carefully break the cookie jar Handwriting Analysis Summary chart on page 8 for on the floor so that it looks like it was knocked each suspect. over. Drip a small amount of artificial blood on a piece of the jar. Now for the fun part: partially 3. Have students study the note left behind at the eat a few cookies and drop them around the crime scene. Complete the last column of the chart broken cookie jar to look like a thief did it. If you based on this sample. want to make it even more realistic, you can add some hair and black fabric threads taken from 4. Using the results from the chart, ask students to the materials in the upcoming lessons. Let the compare the handwriting characteristics of the class look at the recreated “crime scene” for a few four suspects with the note left behind at the crime minutes and then see what they can recall later. scene. 2. Developing our powers of observation often starts with improving our memories. Here’s an 5. Have students work in pairs to discuss their old parlor game that’s still played today: charts. Did both people have the same answers? Why might answers be different? Have students Memory Story share which suspect’s handwriting they think Gather together 15 or 20 items from around the best matches the note left at the crime scene. Do house, the classroom, or the supply box. A pencil, students agree? Encourage students to use their key, comb, spoon or cup could be among these. charts and point out examples to defend their idea. The 15 items should be random. Put these items together on a tray and cover them. Then gather in 6. If time permits, have students analyze one another’s small groups around the tray. Remove the cover for handwriting by completing the Wrap-up Activity: 30 seconds and ask each member in the group to Student Handwriting Samples on page 9. try to commit to memory all of the items. After 30 seconds, cover the items, and ask each person to Wrap-Up write down as many items as they can remember. 10 minutes ӺӺ Some won’t remember every item, and some 1. Discuss the results from today’s lesson. Why is observation important to forensic scientists? will. Ask the people with the best memories how they remembered the items - often you’ll 2. In what ways can observation be helpful? discover that they’ve constructed a “memory story” to help them remember what they’ve seen. 3. What are some ways to improve your powers of observation and memory recall? 4 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Heads Up: Observation Skills Lesson 1 ӺӺ For example, Karen told the following story: NOTES “I just put it together like this when I saw the items: I thought to myself, I need a key (key) to _______________________ open the door to the kitchen, where I would go _______________________ to the drawer and get a spoon (spoon) to stir _______________________ my coffee (cup); as I drink my coffee, I often _______________________ make a list of the things I need to do (pencil) _______________________ which include combing my hair (comb), etc.” _______________________ _______________________ 3. And try these observational skills tests on the _______________________ Internet: _______________________ _______________________ • Here’s some fun: can you find nine people in this _______________________ picture? https://www.orderofthewhitelion.com/ _______________________ observation-powers/ ______________________ _______________________ 4. Do your students think they can forge a note? _______________________ Have every student in the class write a simple _______________________ note using a pencil, such as “Please excuse _______________________ Johnny from school today. He has the flu!” and _______________________ sign it. With students in groups of five, have _______________________ them pass the notes to the person on their right _______________________ and try to copy one another’s handwriting and signature. Do this until each person in the group has had a turn. Mix up the notes – can they find their own original handwriting? 5. Not everyone thinks handwriting analysis is a legitimate science. Read more about it at https://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/ 2447/is-handwriting-analysis-legit-science/ 6. The most infamous forger of the early 20th century was Joseph Cosey. He specialized in copying the handwriting and signatures of many historical figures, including US presidents. See his work at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/ booked/2011/02/13/historical-autographs- forgery-lincoln-franklin-washington/ You can find more resources and the most up- to-the-minute links by visiting our website at CommLearning.com and clicking on The Cookie Jar Mystery course kit. Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 5
Lesson 1 Activity 1: Practice Pictures Picture #1 Look at the first picture for 20 seconds and then answer the following questions: 1. What did you see in the picture? 2. How many cars are in the picture? 3. How many trucks are in the picture? 4. How many people are in the picture? 5. Was anyone in danger? 6 Instructor’s Guide Student Book 2 Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Lesson 1 Activity 1: Practice Pictures Picture #2 Look at the second picture for 20 seconds and then answer the following questions: 1. What is happening in this picture? 2. Where is it taking place? 3. How many vehicles are in the picture? 4. What was the person wearing? Enlarged photo of Cookie Jar Crime Scene 1. List as many details as you can recall from the photograph of the scene. 2. Circle the details that you think may be important to remember in this case. 3. Compare your list to a partner’s list. What details did you each recall? Which ones did each of you miss? Are there any details you both missed? Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Student Book 3 Instructor’s Guide 7
Lesson 1 Activity 2: Comparison of Handwriting Samples There are 12 characteristics that document examiners use to study handwriting. Read below to learn more about them. We will be using some of them, but not all, during our investigation of the Cookie Jar Mystery. 1. Line quality: Do the letters flow neatly or is the handwriting shaky? 2. Spacing: Are letters equally spaced or crowded? Are the margins even? 3. Size consistency: Is the height and/or width of the letters consistent? 4. Continuous: Is writing continuous, or does the writer lift the pen or pencil between letters of a word? 5. Connecting letters: Are capitals and lower-case letters connected? 6. Lettering complete: Does the letter begin and end on the page? 7. Unusual letter formations: Is there a mix of printed and cursive letters? 8. Pen pressure: Is pressure (how hard one presses with the writing tool) equal when applied to upward and downward strokes? Is the pressure light, medium, or heavy? 9. Slant: Do the letters lean to the left, right or both? 10. Baseline habits: Is the text on the line, above the line, or below the line? 11. Fancy curls or loops: Have either of these been used? 12. Placement of crosses on “t’s” and dots on “i’s”: Have these crosses and dots been properly placed? See Handwriting Exemplars on the next page. 8 Instructor’s Guide Student Book 4 Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Lesson 1 Activity 2: Handwriting Exemplars Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Student Book 5 Instructor’s Guide 9
Lesson 1 Activity 2: Handwriting Exemplars 10 Instructor’s Guide Student Book 6 Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Lesson 1 Activity 2: Suspect Handwriting Samples EXHIBIT B Suspect #1 Suspect #2 Suspect #3 Suspect #4 Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Student Book 7 Instructor’s Guide 11
Lesson 1 Activity 2: Handwriting Analysis Summary EXHIBIT B Determine whether or not the following characteristics are present for each sample of handwriting provided. Characteristic Crime Sample #1 Sample #2 Sample #3 Sample #4 Scene Note Are letters neat or shaky? neat neat neat neat neat Is left margin even? no yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Are capital and lower-case yes letters connected? no yes yes no no no Are letters of each word no no yes yes continuous? yes no no no Is there a mix of printed letters and cursive letters? Do all letters slant to the right? Is writing on the line? yes no yes yes yes Do letters have fancy curls no no no yes yes or loops? yes no yes yes yes Is the crossing of “t’s” and dotting of “i’s” correct? 1. Which writing sample shows the most similarities to the questioned document (the note found at the crime scene)? #4 2. Are there any other samples that are somewhat similar? Yes Copy of the Crime Scene Note 12 Instructor’s Guide Student Book 8 Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Lesson 1 Wrap-up Activity: Student Handwriting Samples 1. Examine your own handwriting by copying the following sentence: “Have members of your group copy this sentence and then trade papers with a partner to analyze each other’s handwriting.” 2 . Exchange activity books with your partner. Student Book 9 3 . On the chart below, determine which characteristics are present. Instructor’s Guide 13 Answer the following: Are letters neat or shaky? Is the left margin even? Are capital and lower-case letters connected? Are letters of each word continuous? Is there a mix of printed and cursive letters? Do all letters slant to the right? Is the writing on the line? Do letters have fancy curls or loops? Is the crossing of “t’s” and dotting of “i’s” correct? Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Lesson 2 think ink 14 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Lesson 2 Think Ink: Ink Chromatography Objectives the lower pencil line (at the 1 inch mark). Label the strip with “CS” at the top of the paper. Make Students will: one of these for each group. • Examine the techniques used in chromatographic analysis Notes for the Instructor • Compare ink samples from the four suspects’ Today students will be introduced to the concept pens to the ink used on the crime scene note of class evidence. Class evidence is anything in an investigation that points to a group of people rather Materials than a specific individual. While class evidence cannot pinpoint a perpetrator, it can be used to narrow down Instructor: a field of suspects. Currently your students have a field • 4 pens, belonging to suspects #1, #2, #3, #4 of four suspects who could have possibly broken the • 1 bottle Isopropyl alcohol cookie jar. • 1 chromatographic chamber (plastic cup) The class evidence that you will look at in this • 1 foam plate activity involves the pen used to write the crime • 1 straw (cut in half) scene note. Remember that many people could have • 16 blank strips of chromatographic paper owned (and used) a pen like the one that wrote • 1 pencil the note, so the results today will not point a finger • 1 pair of scissors at one person. However, you can see if any of the • 1 paper clip suspects falls into the group of people that have • 1 roll of tape access to a particular type of pen. Although it might appear that black ink is black ink, Students (groups of two): this is not the case. Each pen manufacturer uses • Student Book pages (on Resource CD) its own unique mix of pigments. A process called • 1 ruler chromatography, can help us better see the differences • 5 chromatographic chambers (plastic cups) between pens. Chromatography is the process of using a • 1 foam plate (to hold plastic cups) liquid or gas to separate a mixture into its components. • 5 straws (cut in half) Today you will use isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) • 4 blank strips of chromatography paper to separate the different color inks within the black ink. • 1 chromatography paper (marked by the The different colors will start all together in a dot of instructor) black ink at the end of a piece of chromatography paper, • 5 paper clips just as they come out of the pen. • 1 pair of scissors Because the ink is able to dissolve into, or get • 1 roll of tape “picked up” by, the alcohol solution, the two will • 2 paper towels (not supplied) travel together across the paper. Different colored inks will travel different distances and at different Preparation speeds depending on the size of the molecules of 1. Assemble student supplies. each color and how attracted the molecules are to the paper. Each color of ink will stop at its own spot 2. Prepare a piece of chromatography paper from the crime scene using Pen #4. Draw a line in pencil across the narrow width of the chromatography paper about 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the bottom of the strip. Make a second line approximately 2 inches (5 cm) from the bottom. Using Pen #4, make a dot of ink in the middle of Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 15
Lesson 2 Think Ink: Ink Chromatography during the trip from the bottom of the paper to the scientists to separate a mixture - like our black ink - top. The pattern, or bands, of pigments left behind into its different parts. We can use chromatography on the paper is called a chromatogram. today to separate the black ink into its parts to learn Black pens made with the same mixture of colored more about the pen that wrote the cookie jar note. inks will have similar chromatograms. When In order to separate ink using chromatography, you comparing chromatograms in this activity, students need to find a solvent, or something that the ink should look for the same colors appearing in the will dissolve into. In our case, we will use isopropyl same order. However the distance up the paper that alcohol (rubbing alcohol) as the solvent since the each color travels may vary from one chromatogram ink will combine with the rubbing alcohol fully to to the other. form a solution. Next, we will need something for the In forensics, chromatography of ink can help chemical and solvent to travel through, or a medium. investigators in a variety of ways. It can show if more Today’s medium is chromatography paper. It is a than one pen was used on a document, revealing special paper similar to a coffee filter. a forgery or changing of the original document. When the ink meets the rubbing alcohol it will Linking a document to the pen that wrote it can dissolve into, or combine to form one solution with, also determine when something was written. For the alcohol. Together the alcohol and the ink will travel example, an alleged antique document from the up the chromatography paper. The different colored 1900s could not have been written by a pen that was inks within the black ink will travel different distances first made in the 2000s. In the case of the cookie jar up the paper depending on their size. Each color will mystery, we can compare the pen used to write the rest at its own spot, leaving behind a band of colors. note with pens available to each of the suspects. The pattern of bands left after the black ink has fully The activities in this lesson address Next Generation separated is called a chromatogram. Since each black Science Standards practices of Planning and pen is made up of a different combination of colored Carrying Out Investigations and Analyzing and inks, each black pen will have its own chromatogram. Interpreting Data. In addition, they address When comparing black inks, we will be looking for Common Core Learning Standards. See the two chromatograms that reveal the same colors in the appendix on page 105 for more details. same order. Keep in mind that the size of the band or how high up it travels on the chromatography paper Notes for the Students may vary. But again, it is the colors and the order in Hello investigators! In the last activity your efforts which they appear that is most important to us. analyzing the handwriting on the crime scene note So when you find the matching pen will you have helped to launch the investigation. Your results know who broke into Mrs. Randall’s classroom? are bringing us closer to figuring out who the cookie Unfortunately, no. In today’s investigation the black thief is! Today we will continue to look at the crime ink on the note is an example of class evidence. Class scene note, but this time rather than handwriting, we evidence is anything in an investigation that points to will be looking at the ink on the note. a group of people rather than one particular person. Did you know that different brands of black pens In other words, once we know what type of pen wrote use different ink? Black pen ink, like the ink used the note we will have a group of people – anyone who on the crime scene note, is composed of special owns or has access to the same type of pen – that combinations of many different colors of ink. could have eaten the cookies. Each manufacturer has its own special formula. However, we will also be able to rule out anyone who Chromatography is a process used frequently by did not have access to this particular pen. We will be one step closer to solving this mystery! 16 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Think Ink: Ink Chromatography Lesson 2 Vocabulary • Cut a straw in half. • Using one small piece of tape, adhere the top Chromatogram: the pattern of separated components of a chemical of the paper (the portion labeled “Strip #1”) to Chromatography: the process of separating a the middle of the straw. Tightly wrap the paper chemical into its components around the straw stopping just above the 2 inch Class evidence: evidence that will not positively (5 cm) pencil line. Secure by placing a paper clip convict a suspect but will provide additional over the rolled paper and the straw. information that might be presented at trial 6. Demonstrate how to place the chromatography Dissolve: when two substances mix together to form paper in the lab chamber. Without submerging one solution the ink spot in the alcohol, carefully rest the Medium: in chromatography, the material through straw on the rim of the cup. The paper should which the chemical and its solvent travel hang into the cup. The bottom edge of the paper Solvent: a liquid into which something will dissolve should touch the alcohol. The ink dot should rest Activity 1: Chromatography above the alcohol. You should immediately begin to see the alcohol travel up the paper. 35 minutes 7. Ask groups to return to their seats. Explain Please Note: Successful chromatography involves that all groups will prepare their materials leaving samples undisturbed while the isopropyl now. However, all groups will be asked to wait alcohol is separating the pigments in the ink. until every group is ready before starting their 1. Read “Notes for the Students” section to class. chromatography tests (dipping the strips in the 2. Divide students into groups of two. alcohol). This will allow everyone to see the 3. Invite groups to the front of the rooms and results at the same time. 8. Have each group prepare five lab chambers. Place demonstrate how to construct a lab chamber and all chambers on a foam plate. how to prepare the chromatography paper for 9. Next, each group will prepare four strips of analysis. chromatography paper. Strip #1 should be 4. To make a lab chamber, place a plastic cup on the marked with ink from Pen #1, Strip #2 should foam plate and pour 1/2 inch (about 10 mL) of be marked with ink from Pen #2, and so forth. isopropyl alcohol into the cup. Do this so there is a strip for each pen 1-4. Make 5. To prepare the chromatography paper: sure each strip is labeled correctly in pencil • Use a pencil to draw a line across the across the top edge of the paper. narrow width of the chromatography paper, 10. While students are labeling their approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the bottom chromatography strips, walk around and pour of the strip. Draw a similar second line at 2 slightly less than ½ inch (around 10 mL) of inches (5 cm). Use the pencil to label the paper alcohol into each chamber. It is important that “Strip #1” along the top edge. the alcohol line sit lower than the pen dot on • Using Pen #1, draw a dot of ink about ½ the size each strip. (You will have alcohol left in the of a pea in the middle of the lower (1 inch) pencil bottle. Save this to use in another lesson.) line. 11. Hand out one “CS” strip prepared before class to each group. Groups should prepare this strip for analysis as well. Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 17
Lesson 2 Think Ink: Ink Chromatography 12. When everyone is ready, have the students 4. Why do you think pen manufacturers use dip their papers. At this point, it is important different mixtures in black ink? not to disturb lab chambers. Let the strips rest for at least 10 minutes, or until the alcohol Clean-up reaches within 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) of the top of 10 minutes the paper. Walk around the room and discuss • Students can carefully pour the contents of their what is happening with groups. What colors lab chambers down the sink. Cups can be thrown are revealed? Which inks are moving quickly? away in a trash can. Which ones move more slowly up the paper? • Please wipe off foam plates; they will be reused in Lesson 3 and 10. 13. During the waiting time, read “Forensic Careers” • Make sure to store alcohol securely; it will be (on the following pages and in Student Books) used in Lesson 10. aloud. Allow time for questions and discussion. • Return any other materials to the kit. Other Directions, Discussions and 14. After the 10 minutes, have students remove the Destinations 5 strips and place them on double thick paper towels to dry. 1. There is an advanced version of chromatography used by forensic scientists called capillary 15. After the strips dry, carefully cut the tape and electrophoresis (CE). This method is automated adhere them to Activity 1: Chromatograms from and very fast. It separates ink into its different Pen Samples chart in their Student Book on parts, and the results can be stored in a database page 14. Be careful not to cut off the number for other forensic investigators to use. This from the top of each strip. technique can also be applied to food dyes, textile dyes, and ink-jet dyes. Spend time 16. Have students answer the questions on Activity researching CE. In what ways is it similar to the 1: Chromatogram Analysis found in their activity process you used today? How is it different? books on page 15. 2. Get a complete overview of the chromatographic Wrap-up process at www.rpi.edu/dept/chem-eng/Biotech- 15 minutes Environ/CHROMO/chromintro.html. 1. Discuss the results with students. Did any of the 3. Pen manufacturers have many different pens found on the suspects match the pen that combinations of colors that they mix together wrote the crime scene note? Remember that to make black in. Spend time color mixing with while there might be some variation in the width paint. Pay attention to how colors add to and of the color band or how far it traveled on the change the appearance of one another. How paper, what we are looking for is which colors many ways can you mix to create black? Research appear and in what order. information about paint mixing and why colors mixed together appear black. How is this 2. We know that the pen used to write the note is different from how light mixes together? class evidence. Review what class evidence is and what it can tell us. What do the results of this lab tell us about the crime? 3. Based on what we know after the first two investigations, do you think we have enough information to accuse someone of taking the cookies? Why or why not? 18 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Think Ink: Ink Chromatography Lesson 2 Forensic Careers • Explore what you are curious about and read, read, read. Forensic science is a career in which the love of science can help society, public health, and public If you do all of these things, you will be ready for safety. Forensic scientists’ work may reduce the college. A career in forensic science usually requires number of cases coming into our court system by a minimum of two years of college. Many forensic helping decision makers before a case goes to court. scientists have advanced degrees. They love their The facts presented by forensic scientists from their field and want to continue studying, always learning scientific investigation may help attorneys, a grand and discovering the newest information. jury, or a judge reach decisions about crimes and Many of these scientists work in laboratories and trials. visit crime scenes. Forensic scientists can also work in morgues, hospitals, police departments, or If you are interested in a career in forensics, it helps universities. They may be independent consultants to love science and want to fight for justice. You or employed with the federal, state or local need to be curious and good with details, accurate at government. Branches of the military have criminal recordkeeping, enjoy working in teams and putting investigation divisions. One branch of the Federal the pieces of a puzzle together. You even have to be Emergency Management Association, FEMA, is confident in your public-speaking skills. called Disaster Mortuary Operations Response Team (DMORT). Members of this team are sent to Can you think of other skills that would be disasters like 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina to help important for a forensic scientist? local forensic teams. One of the divisions of forensic science is called Forensic scientists often serve as expert witnesses forensic engineering. An engineer uses the principles in court proceedings. They must be able to explain of math and science to design or build. The forensic complex scientific and medical information engineer applies engineering to understand the simply so that the attorneys, judges and juries crime scene. For example, if there was a car accident, can understand. Before a new forensic scientist the engineer might be asked, “Why did the vehicle is allowed to testify in court, a mock or pretend roll over? Were there defects in the car’s design or court is held so the scientist can see how it feels manufacturing?” to be in court and practice speaking so others can Can you think of other questions a forensic engineer understand. may be asked? (Why did the plane crash? Why did the building collapse? Why did the dam flood?) A Even now, you can start to prepare for a career in forensic engineer may be asked to testify to these forensic science. Here’s how: questions in a civil or criminal court case. Forensics is a vast and ever-growing field. There • Be observant. are photographers and image enhancers, speech • Join the debate or drama club. Maybe you can scientists, computer specialists, administrators, accountants and more. Artist-sculptors are even act in a school or community play. Volunteer to employed to make facial reconstructions. You may read out loud. These activities will help you learn have seen on the news or read about skeletons that good public-speaking skills. have been discovered. One area of forensics that is • Do your best in your math and science classes. very exciting is forensic anthropology. • Learn to take really good notes. • Read the newspaper. Look for articles that relate to science and forensics. • Work hard in English class because good writing skills are a must. Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 19
Lesson 2 Think Ink: Ink Chromatography Unknown grave sites are occasionally uncovered in NOTES construction areas. Often a forensic anthropologist will be required to determine how long the body _______________________ has been lying in its resting place and then begin _______________________ identifying the individual. Forensic anthropologists _______________________ can determine a skeleton’s sex, age at the time of _______________________ death, race, dental hygiene and even what type of _______________________ job or role the person may have held. _______________________ What clues or evidence would a forensic _______________________ anthropologist examine in order to determine the _______________________ occupation or role an individual may have held? _______________________ (Indicators may include wear and tear on the _______________________ skeletal structure. Broken bones may indicate hard _______________________ labor or abuse.) _______________________ Learn more about career possibilities and the many ______________________ specialized occupations available in the field of _______________________ forensics. Visit the American Academy of Forensic _______________________ Science at http://aafs.org/choosing-career. _______________________ You can find more resources and the most up- _______________________ to-the-minute links by visiting our website at _______________________ CommLearning.com and clicking on The Cookie Jar _______________________ Mystery course kit. _______________________ NOTES _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 20 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
NOTES _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 21
Lesson 2 Activity 1: Chromatograms from Pen Samples EXHIBIT C Tape each chromatogram in the corresponding space provided. Crime Scene Pen #1 Pen #2 Pen #3 Pen #4 Note 22 Instructor’s Guide Student Book Page 11 Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Lesson 2 Activity 1: Chromatographic Analysis Summary 1. List in order the separated ink colors from the crime scene pen. 2. Does this order of colors match the chromatogram of any other pen? yes If yes, which one? # 4 3. W hat d oes t his e viden ce te ll us a bout the case? pen #4 could have been used to write the crime scene note 4. Based on what we know after the first two investigations, do you think we have enough information to ac cuse some one o f taki ng th e cook ies? W hy or why not? No. Someone else could have used the same type of pen. Also another pen of the same brand with similar ink could have been used. This is an example of class evidence. Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Student Book Page 12 Instructor’s Guide 23
Lesson 3 the white stuff 24 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Lesson 3 The White Stuff: White Substances and Toxicology Objectives Material Use and Safety Instructor should handle iodine solution very Students will: carefully. It can stain skin and clothing. If spilled, • Be introduced to the field of toxicology and its rinse quickly with water. Store iodine upright with role in forensic science lid sealed. • View, describe and analyze unknown substances Do not contaminate or mix powders during the • Compare and contrast the characteristics of lab. This will nullify your results. To prevent unknown substances in order to match like contamination, be sure to use a clean splint in each substances bag. Do not cross splints from one bag to another. Materials Notes for the Instructor A toxicologist is a scientist who studies the effects Instructor: of chemicals in living things. Toxicologists will • 1 bottle of iodine solution & dropper be called into an investigation if a victim is found • 1 bottle of vinegar injured or dead and alcohol, drugs or poisons are • 1 permanent marker suspected. Toxicologists will also assist during • 20 dropper bottles for filling investigations where unknown substances are found • 1 large container of water at the crime scene – for example, in medicine bottles • 5 plastic bags filled with white powders or any loose powders at the scene. Toxicologists must identify the substances found, determine how Students (per group of three): much of the substance is present, and explain what • Student Book pages (on Resource CD) effect(s) the substances may have on a person or its • 5 pieces of black paper relationship, if any, to the crime. • 1 foam plate When someone is suspected of being poisoned with • 1 hand lens an unknown substance, the toxicologist will begin • 5 portion cups by recording physical symptoms of the person. • 1 permanent marker Are they conscious? Groggy? Extremely agitated? • 1 dropper bottle of water These symptoms are clues that will help identify the • 1 dropper bottle of vinegar substance. • 5 wooden splints Next, toxicologists can test the person’s body to • 3 pencils learn more about the unknown substances. Alcohol, drugs and poisons can be detected in the blood Preparation or urine of a person. Urine samples are preferred 1. Fill 10 dropper bottles with water. Label these because drugs show up at higher levels and last longer in urine than they do in blood. Additionally, bottles with “W.” hair can tell the story of drugs or poisons. Chemicals 2. Fill 10 dropper bottles with vinegar. Label these in the bloodstream can be transferred to growing hair. bottles with “V.” 3. Assemble supplies for each group. 4. Set up a chemical distribution center. This will be a space where all five white powders are stored in plastic bags. Students will need to visit the chemical distribution center to retrieve their samples. Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 25
Lesson 3 The White Stuff: White Substances and Toxicology Toxicologists can look for substances in living or Notes for the Students dead people. However, samples taken from a living Hello investigators! You have successfully analyzed person are more difficult to interpret than samples the crime scene note for any insight it might provide taken from a deceased individual. This is because a our case. Today we focus our efforts on a mysterious living person’s drug levels drop rapidly as the drug or white substance that was found at the cookie jar poison is processed in their body and eliminated. In crime scene. Amidst all of the things Mrs. Randall contrast, drug and poison levels do not change much swept off the floor that day is a white powder. As after death since the body systems are no longer soon as Mrs. Randall realized what she was looking working. at, she made sure to collect the powder for your In this activity, students will analyze the chemical examination. Investigators also found different types characteristics of four unknown white powders. of white powders in connection to each of the four Although all of these substances are non-toxic, suspects. household items, this is a great time to teach your This white powder is trace evidence. Trace evidence students lab safety. is any small amount of hair, skin, fabric, or any 1. Never eat anything you are using in a science lab. other material, which may link a suspect to the 2. Follow procedures exactly to ensure results. crime scene. Keep in mind that when any unknown 3. Properly dispose of all materials at the end of the substance is found, it has the potential to be dangerous. Forensic scientists must work carefully to lab. determine what type of material has been found. Students will be analyzing the unknown white Toxicology is the study of how different substances substance found at the cookie jar crime scene. affect living things. In forensics, many of the They will also analyze four samples connected to substances you will deal with are poisons, meaning the suspects. Through observation, comparing and they can injure or even kill a person. Rest assured contrasting, students will attempt to match one that all of the substances you work with today are of these substances found at the crime scene to a harmless, however, it is important that you maintain suspect. strict lab safety rules: Again, this is an example of class evidence, or 1. Never eat anything you are using in a science lab. evidence that can help narrow down the field of 2. Follow procedures exactly to ensure results. suspects, but cannot pinpoint a specific individual. 3. Properly dispose of all materials at the end of the The white powder is also what is known as trace evidence. Trace evidence is any small amount of lab. hair, skin, fabric or other material that may link a Drug identification is a very important part of suspect to a crime scene. forensic science. Fatal (also called lethal) doses of The activities in this lesson address Next Generation drugs have been studied since ancient Greece when Science Standards practices of Planning and Socrates drank an extract of hemlock, which led to Carrying Out Investigations and Analyzing and his death. Various types of death by poisoning are Interpreting Data. In addition, they address studied by a forensic chemist called a toxicologist. Common Core Learning Standards. See the Drugs may not always be the cause of a death but appendix on page 105 for more details. they may be a contributing factor in a death. One of the jobs of toxicologists today is to analyze a victim’s body to determine if a poison was present in large enough amounts to cause death. To find toxins, 26 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
The White Stuff: White Substances and Toxicology Lesson 3 the toxicologist examines human body tissue. The Toxin: a poisonous substance that is a specific liver, the liquid inside the eyeball, fingernails and product of the metabolic activities of a living even hair can show the presence of different toxins. organism If a person who is being tested for toxins is alive, Trace evidence: any small amount of hair, skin, blood and urine samples are most often used. Our fabric or any other material that may link a suspect bodies process drugs and poisons rather quickly, and to a crime scene we continually eliminate toxins; therefore, there is only so much time available to test for these. If the Activity 1: Chemical Summary person being tested has died, time is not as much 40 minutes of a concern. Drug and poison levels do not change 1. Read “Notes for the Students” section to class. much in a dead person. Substance identification is also important in the 2. Divide students into groups of three. Hand out analysis of a crime scene. In 1775, Karl Scheele one set of materials per group. discovered a way to test for the presence of arsenic, a deadly poison. This was the first time a chemical test 3. Ask students to use the permanent marker was used to determine if death was caused by a toxin to label the five portion cups as follows: S#1 (poison) entering the body of the victim. (Sample #1), S#2 (Sample #2), S#3 (Sample #3), As we have said, a white powder was found at S#4 (Sample #4), C.S. (Crime Scene Sample). the cookie jar crime scene. A similar powder was collected from the clothing of one of our suspects. 4. Invite one group at a time to the chemical Your role as a toxicologist today will be to perform distribution center. Groups should bring a foam several chemical tests to help identify the white plate to carry the five empty labeled cups and powder found at the scene. Is this the same powder five wooden splints. Using a clean wooden splint as found on any of the suspects? Can the powder be each time, students should scoop a small amount matched through chemical testing? Let’s get started (pea size) of each sample from its container and so we can find out. place it in the corresponding portion cup. It is very important that students use a clean splint for Vocabulary each chemical. Chemical indicator: a chemical that changes color showing the presence of some unknown material 5. After students return to their seats, they should Crystal: a natural formation of a chemical. This place one portion cup at the top edge of each of could be a small cube like an individual piece of the five pieces of black paper. sugar or salt Poison: a substance that can injure or kill a living 6. Next, students should scoop a very small amount thing from each portion cup onto the sheet of black Toxicology: the study of substances and their effects paper. They should examine each sample with on living things the hand lens. Toxicologist: a scientist that studies substances and their effect on living things 7. On the Activity 1: Powder Samples Chart on Student Book page 20 have students fill in the top two rows for each sample by describing the substance’s appearance and completing a sketch. 8. Have students add five drops of water to each sample in its cup and stir using the wooden splint. Does the sample dissolve (seem to Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 27
Lesson 3 The White Stuff: White Substances and Toxicology disappear)? Students should record the results Clean-up on the chart. Be sure not to let the water dropper 10 minutes touch the samples. • Cups, black papers, and remaining white substances can be safely thrown in the trash. 9. Have students add two drops of vinegar to each • Have students return all reusable materials to the sample in its cup. Do any bubbles form? In which kit (foam plates must be wiped clean and reused). sample(s)? Students should record the results on • Make sure to store iodine upright and with the the chart. lid sealed. • Wipe down any surfaces used in this lesson. 10. Instructors should walk around to each group Other Directions, Discussions and and add two drops of iodine to each sample in Destinations the cup. Does the brown color remain or does it change to blue-black? Record the results on the 1. Chemical indicators help us to identify the chart. presence or absence of certain chemicals. A diabetic uses an indicator to check for the Wrap-up presence of sugar in his/her urine or blood. 10 minutes Interview a pharmacist or research online to find 1. Refer students to the activity sheet. Do any of the out about glucose test strips. four powders match the one found at the crime scene? 2. We are treating these white powders as if they 2. Swimming pools are tested with chemical were toxic substances. Discuss some of the indicators. Is there a pool in your community? things a scientist should not do when testing Students could ask the individual in charge or a substances. (A scientist should never sniff, lifeguard how and why the water is tested. touch, taste, or look too closely at a suspicious substance. Discuss why.) 3. Toxicologists often encounter poisons during their work. What do you know about poisons? 3. We have been officially informed that the Check out https://www.poison.org/poison- substance found on the suspect is not poisonous prevention-by-substances. or harmful in anyway. What might it be? How did it get on the suspect’s clothing? Hint: students 4. You can learn a poison prevention song (a in Mrs. Randall’s school take a series of classes “jingle”) in English or Spanish by visiting www. called “Home and Careers.” poison.org/jingle/. 4. Is the evidence today an example of class 5. Learn all about a career in toxicology (and check evidence or evidence that can point to a specific out the other science career links) on this USDA individual? Discuss your ideas. page http://www.agriculture.purdue.edu/USDA/ careers/toxicologist.html. You can find more resources and the most up- to-the-minute links by visiting our website at CommLearning.com and clicking on The Cookie Jar Mystery course kit. 28 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Lesson 3 Activity 1: Powder Samples Use the chart below to compare the five white powders associated with the crime scene. Sample #1 Sample #2 Sample #3 Sample #4 CriSmame Spcleene crystals crystals powder powder powder Appearance of sample (powder or crystals) Sketch what you see Dissolves in water yes yes no no no (yes or no) Reaction with vinegar forms no no no yes no bubbles (yes or no) Color after iodine added brown brown blue- brown blue- (brown or blue-black) black black 1. Which powder(s) is similar in appearance to the one found at the crime scene? What properties do they share? #3- They are both powders. They do not dissolve in water. They do not react with vinegar. They turn blue-black when iodine is added. 2. Which powder(s) reacted the same way as the crime scene sample to the chemical test with water? #3 and #4 3. Which powder(s) reacted the same way as the crime scene sample to the chemical test with vinegar? #1, #2 and #3 4. Which powder(s) reacted the same way as the crime scene sample to the chemical test with iodine? #3 5. Which powder do you think is most like the powder found at the crime scene? #3 Student Book Page 14 Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 29
Lesson 4 pull some strings 30 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Lesson 4 Pull Some Strings: Fiber Analysis Objectives At the same time, the shoe will pick up fibers from the carpet. Students will: Dr. Edmond Locard was the director of the world’s • View and describe four types of black fibers first forensic laboratory in Lyon, France during the • Compare and contrast properties of fibers early 1900s. Dr. Locard was inspired by the writings • Match a fiber found at a crime scene with a fiber of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of the type found on a suspect Sherlock Holmes mysteries. He established several important ideas that are still a part of forensic Materials studies today. In this activity, students will learn about Locard’s Instructor: Exchange Principle as they examine fibers found by • 4 black fiber samples from clothing of suspects Mrs. Randall at the crime scene. The investigation labeled #1- 4, each in a separate bag of fibers and hair is a very large field within forensic • 1 crime scene fiber sample science. • 1 pair of tweezers There are many ways to study fibers found at a • 1 Fiber Samples cardstock activity sheet scene. Chromatography could be used to study • 1 roll of wide adhesive tape the dyes used to color fibers. Sometimes fibers are burned to see what gases are emitted. Additionally, Students (per group of two): fibers can be studied under different types of light • Student Book pages (on Resource CD) to reveal properties that might not be visible to the • 1 hand lens naked eye. • 1 pair of tweezers Fibers are considered a form of trace evidence, or • 2 pencils small pieces of material that can link a suspect to the crime scene (here’s where Locard’s Exchange Preparation Principle comes into play). They can be transferred • Begin to unravel fabric in order to pull out from the clothing of a suspect to the clothing of a individual fibers easily. Be careful to keep fiber victim or remain at the crime scene. Fibers can also samples separate. transfer from carpets, beds or furniture at a crime • Tear off 10 pieces of wide adhesive tape, per scene onto the criminal or the victim. group, in 1” - 1.5” lengths. Place these extending Sometimes fibers are transferred directly from one off the edge of desks for each group to use. source to another. This is called a primary transfer. • Assemble group supplies. An example of a primary transfer is when a person sits on a couch and fibers from the couch stick to the Notes for the Instructor person’s shirt. Fibers can also pass between more than one object. A crime scene can tell the story of what happened For example, dog hair might adhere to a person’s when a crime was committed. The clues left at a bag. When that person enters a school, the bag scene can become evidence that someone has been might come into contact with a rug and leave some there, even if – when investigators arrive – that of the dog hairs behind. This is called a secondary person is no longer there. Locard’s Exchange Principle suggests that the contact between two objects (such as a shoe and carpet) creates an opportunity for exchange. For example, when a shoe touches carpet, the shoe can deposit grit, dirt, or other material from its treads. Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 31
Lesson 4 Pull Some Strings: Fiber Analysis transfer. The dog hair went from the dog, to the bag, Fibers come from many sources. Some are called to the school rug. natural fibers because they come from things that In these scenarios the object that is the source of the exist in nature like cotton, hemp, flax, wool and silk. shed is called the donor garment. The object that Other fibers are created from chemicals and are the shed ends up on is called the recipient garment. called man-made or synthetic fibers. These include Some objects are better donor garments than others. rayon, nylon, polyester, satin, acetates, Lycra and Similarly, some objects are better recipient garments many others. than others. What do fibers have to do with forensic science? Fibers are most likely to be found immediately after Fibers are a common form of trace evidence found contact. The more time that passes since contact, at crime scenes. Trace evidence is any small amount the less likely the chance to find transferred fibers. of hair, skin, fiber, or any other material found at a This is because the fibers can continue to be lost and crime scene that may link a suspect to the scene. The transferred through movement and contact with idea of using trace evidence to solve a crime goes additional objects. Because of this, investigators try back to Dr. Edmond Locard. In the early 1900s, Dr. to collect any evidence from a crime scene or the Locard was the director of the world’s first forensic clothing of suspects as soon as possible. laboratory in Lyon, France. Inspired by the Sherlock In this lesson, students will be examining and Holmes mysteries, Locard established several comparing fibers obtained from the four suspects important ideas that are still a part of forensic studies and from the cookie jar crime scene. This type of today. evidence is class evidence. It will not positively Locard noticed that when two objects come into convict a suspect but will provide additional contact with one another, each object transfers a information that might be presented at a trial. small bit of itself to the other. For example, if you The activities in this lesson address Next Generation walk through the mud and then into your neighbor’s Science Standards practices of Planning and home, you will certainly leave mud behind. While Carrying Out Investigations and Analyzing and you are in the house, you are likely to pick up Interpreting Data. In addition, they address strands of your neighbor’s dog’s hair on your shoe. Common Core Learning Standards. See the The exchanged materials (the mud and the dog appendix on page 105 for more details. hair) show that the two objects (your shoe and your neighbor’s carpet) were in contact with one another. Notes for the Students This is known as Locard’s Exchange Principle. Hello investigators! Welcome to another day on the If someone is involved in a crime, he often leaves case. So far we have looked at the crime scene note trace evidence of himself at the crime scene. He may and the unknown, white powder found at the scene. also take trace evidence of the scene away with him. Today your investigation continues with the small This cross-transfer can help investigators connect bits of fiber Mrs. Randall found when sweeping up the criminal to the crime scene. Trace evidence the scene. might point investigators in the right direction, A fiber is a thread-like piece of material that is the prompt a confession, or – combined with other smallest unit of a woven fabric. You may notice evidence – solve a crime. unraveled fibers on the hem of your old jeans, Fibers can come from clothing, carpet, woven around a hole in a favorite sweater, or along a frayed furniture, curtains, or other sources. They can be edge of a shirt. transferred between the crime scene, the victim and the person who committed the crime. When a fiber moves directly from the source to an object, it is called a primary transfer. If a fiber moves from the 32 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
Pull Some Strings: Fiber Analysis Lesson 4 source, to an object, and again to another object, it Natural fibers: fibers created from plant or animal is called a secondary transfer. Following fibers may products. Examples include cotton, linen, silk and help investigators reconstruct the events of a crime. wool In 1912, a button attached to a piece of cloth was Primary transfer: the transfer of evidence directly found near a body. A matching coat was found in a from the source to another object nearby boarding house. It was found in the room of Secondary transfer: the transfer of evidence a man who had been bothering the victim. The coat between objects where neither object was the was missing all of the buttons and some fibers. The original source button and fibers found at the crime scene were later Trace evidence: small amounts of hair, skin, fabric, matched to the coat and used to convict the owner of or any other material which may link a suspect to a the coat. crime scene In 1983, a piece of rope was used to solve another crime. A rope of unusual composition was found on Activity 1: Fibers the victim. The rope was used to confront a suspect 40 minutes who admitted someone had given him the rope 1. Read “Notes for the Students” section to class. after purchasing it in Korea. The fibers from the 2. Demonstrate the use of tweezers to gently victim were matched to rope fibers in the suspect’s separate one or two fibers from Sample #1. possession. (Please pay special attention to keep different Can the black fibers Mrs. Randall found on a cookie fibers separate. Students need only one or two jar piece link one of our suspects to the crime scene? strands of each sample for examination so your Fibers have been collected from each of the four samples will last quite a while.) suspects. You can compare these to the fibers found 3. Place the fiber in the corresponding space for at the scene and see what story they tell! Suspect #1 on the Fiber Samples cardstock activity sheet. Vocabulary 4. Announce the particular sample you are handing Contact: the physical touching of two persons or out and distribute to all groups. Have students a person with an object. If contact is made, trace separate one or two fibers from the sample and evidence can be exchanged demonstrate how to place these fibers on the Cross-transfer: the shared exchange of something Activity 1: Fiber Samples sheet on page 24 of the (hair, fibers, blood, etc.) between two people or Student Book. objects that have come in contact with one another 5. Have students place a piece of wide adhesive tape Fiber: a thread-like piece of material that is the over the fiber(s) to secure it in place. smallest unit of a woven fabric 6. Give students time to examine the sample using Locard’s Exchange Principle: whenever two objects a hand lens. Encourage students to describe the (or persons) come in contact, trace evidence will be color, texture, shape and any other property of exchanged between them the fiber. Man-made fibers: fibers made from materials 7. Repeat for all four samples. This procedure will other than plant or animal products, such as a prevent samples from getting mixed and causing combination of chemicals. Examples include nylon, confusion for students. polyester and satin Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 33
Lesson 4 Pull Some Strings: Fiber Analysis 8. Have students turn to the chart in Activity 1: Clean-up Fiber Analysis from Student Book page 25 As a 10 minutes group, review each category and what it means. • Discard loose fibers. • Return all other materials, including the 9. Have groups work to complete the chart for all of remaining fiber samples to the kit. the samples. Other Directions, Discussions and 10. Next, hand out a sample of the fiber found at Destinations the cookie jar crime scene. Have students pull 1. Experience primary and secondary transfers of samples and secure them on to the Activity 1: fibers for yourself. Set up an experiment with Fiber Samples page. different squares of fabric – cotton, wool, felt, rayon, etc. Next to each fabric square, place 11. Ask students to compare the crime scene fibers a pile of cut cotton threads. Press the fabric with those from the four suspects. square onto the thread pile. How many fibers were transferred to the fabric? Take a second 12. Guide students to determine if there is a match square of the same fabric. Place the first square between the crime scene and suspect fibers. to the second square. How many fibers were transferred to the new fabric square? Which 13. Ask the students to record the most likely match. was a primary transfer? Which was a secondary Wrap-up transfer? Which fabric was the best recipient 15 minutes garment? Which was the worst? How might what a criminal or victim have on affect the evidence 1. As a class, discuss the findings from today’s left behind and the outcome of a case? activity. Which suspect fiber matched up with 2. The types of materials used to make clothing the fiber at the scene? Do all groups agree? If vary by region, country and part of the world. there is any disagreement, encourage students to Research common materials used in clothing in point to details that support their position. What various parts of the world. What can the type properties of the fiber served key in making a of fiber found or the dyes used on fabrics tell match? investigators about who was at the crime scene? 3. Information about all kinds of fabrics is available 2. Fibers found at a scene are a form of class at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textile. evidence. Review what this means. Based on You can find more resources and the most up- the evidence today, would you feel comfortable to-the-minute links by visiting our website at accusing a suspect of the crime? Why or why CommLearning.com and clicking on The Cookie Jar not? Mystery course kit. 3. How does the evidence today line up with evidence you have collected previously? 34 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
NOTES _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved. Instructor’s Guide 35
Lesson 4 Activity 1: Fiber Samples EXHIBIT D Tape the fiber samples into the corresponding section. Fiber Sample #1 Fiber Sample #2 Fiber Sample #3 Fiber Sample #4 Crime Scene Fiber Sample Student Book Page 16 36 Instructor’s Guide Copyright © Community Learning LLC. All rights reserved.
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