Thinking About Selling Your Business? BY
Calm before the Storm in Business Sales in AdelaideBusiness sellers should “brace themselves for a traditional flurry of activity,immediately following the Xmas break” says Brian Sander, Manager of BenchmarkBusiness Brokers Adelaide Office.Drawing on his 30+ years of experience, Brian says that if you are thinking of selling abusiness in Adelaide, there will traditionally be a strong upturn in buyer activity inthe January/February period.As the largest Business Broking Company in Australia, with five offices across thecountry, Brian says: “Our records indicate that many people use the holiday break tomake some long-term decisions regarding the future direction of their lives”.Many decide that owning their own business and taking personal control of theirfuture is the way to go.
We find enquiry levels in all areas of business sales rise, from Cafes and Coffee shopsto Salons and Spas through all levels of Manufacturing and Distribution toSupermarkets and Child Care Centre’s.My staff are out right now talking to many business owners about coming on to themarket in the early part of 2017, says Brian.So, if you are thinking of selling a business in Adelaide or would just like a freeappraisal to know what your business might be worth, call Benchmark Head Officetoday on 1300 366 521 or call the Adelaide Office direct on (08) 8274 3792.
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