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Home Explore Demo Guide - sample pages with exercises

Demo Guide - sample pages with exercises

Published by krystal.snyder, 2020-07-06 13:20:05

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The Superior Joint Replacement Journey S A M P L EAddyourown cover photos SwiftPath Method PATIENT GUIDE Surgeon's Name, MD

KEY CODE The SwiftPath® Summary Sheet XXXXXX “Connecting the right patient, with the right surgeon, and the right pathway.” Age: _____ BMI (body mass index): _____ Surgery Date: _____/_____/_____ Location: Patient Factors that Increase Risk: (see more information on page 00) _____ Surgery Center Diabetes Previous Infection _____ Hospital Narcotic Use S A M P L E Skin Previous Surgeries Discharge Plan: Heart High Blood Pressure Same day Smoking Alcohol Kidney Sleep Apnea 24-hour stay Liver Other ___________ 1-2-day stay at Hospital Bleeding Problems GI Problems Log on to to watch videos and complete the following tasks: To log on:  TO DO CHECKLIST 1. Visit 2. Click Patient Login STEP 1: JOINTCAMP 3. Enter surgeon username & password: JointCamp video Patient Engagement video username: bobsample Modern Pain Management video password: practicename Infection Prevention information 4. Enter your KEY CODE (see upper left corner) Shower and skin information 5. Fill out the registration form (unless you were COVID-19 Prevention video already registered at your surgeon's office) 6. Proceed with the following: STEP 2: DECISION FOR SURGERY a. Watch the Online JointCamp video Decision for Surgery video Pathway Selection Algorithm video Online JointCamp Pathway Selection survey Pathway Selection Score ______ b. Complete the tasks (see checklist on right) Pre-op surveys: KOOS/HOOS, PROMIS Purchase DME STEP 3: THE SURGERY Incentive Spirometer video Daily Pain surveys (Days 0-3) COVID-19 surveys (Days 7, 14, and 21) STEP 4: SIX-WEEK FOLLOW-UP Six-Week Follow-Up video Post-op surveys: KOOS/HOOS, PROMIS, Satisfaction 2

The Superior Joint Replacement Journey Same as cover photo, or S A M P L Ephoto(s)ofyourchoice You may add your favorite quote or note to your patients. Optional. SWIFTPATH METHOD \"W\"WeelclocommeetotoSSwwifitfPtPaathth. S. SwwifitfPtPaaththisischchaanngginingghhoowwjojoinint trerepplalacecemmeenntstsaarereddoonnee, b, byy ddeecrcereaasisninggththeelelennggththoof fstsatay,yi,mimpprorovvininggththeeppaatiteiennt teexxppeerireiennceceaannddlolowweerirninggcocostsst.sT. Thhee SSwwifitfPtPaaththMMeeththooddfofocucusesessoonnyyoouu, t,htheeppaatiteiennt,ta, assththeemmooststvvaaluluaabblelemmeemmbbeer roof fyyoouur r rerecocovveeryryteteaamm. O. Ouur rggooaal ilsistotoreretuturnrnyyoouutotoyyoouur rnnoormrmaal al acctitvivitiiteiessaassqquuicikcklylyaassppoossisbiblele.\".\" Dr. Surgeon's Name

PUBLISHED BY SwiftPath Program LLC EKirkland, WA Copyright © 2014 by SwiftPath Program LLC LAll rights reserved. Alteration, distribution or reproduction of this document, in whole or in part, is prohibited. The Pcontent may not be commercially exploited, transmitted or stored on any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system without express, written permission from SwiftPath Program LLC. Printed in the United States of America S A MISBN 978-0-692-51379-8

Patient Name: ______________________________________________________ Daytime Contact Phone #: _____________________________________________ Or, if found, please contact \"Your Practice\" at \"Phone Number\". Practice or hospital PRACTICE logo LOGO The Superior Joint Replacement Journey SWIFTPATH METHOD®TABLE OF CONTENTS Login Instructions....................................................................................................................................... Inside Front Cover Your Team Bios Your Surgeon ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Your Team ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Pre-op Patient Letter ....................................................................................................................................................... 4-5 Your SwiftPath ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Decision for Surgery SwiftPath® Non-Surgical Conservative Measures Review ...................................................................................... 8 ESwiftPath® Decision for Surgery Review ........................................................................................................................ 9 SwiftPath® Preoperative Patient Education Review ..............................................................................................10 LSwiftPath® Multimodal Pain Management Review .. ....................................................................................... 11-12 SwiftPath JointCamp, Quiz, DME, and Pre-op Physical Therapy PPowerPoint Slide Presentation for Patients ......................................................................................................... 13-26 Infection Prevention: COVID-19 and Other Viral Infection Monitoring......................................................................19 SwiftPath Quiz ................................................................................................................................................................ 27-28 MDME Equipment Prescription for Joint Replacement .............................................................................................29 Pre-op Physical Therapy Referral ...................................................................................................................................30 ALast Minute Checklist ................................................................................................................................................. 31-32 SDay of Surgery ......................................................................................................................................................................33 Home Care and Postoperative Care Medication Chart..................................................................................................................................................................34 Post-op Home Exercises.....................................................................................................................................................35 Home Care Instruction Summary ......................................................................................................................... 36-38 Wound Care and Dressing Change Instructions .......................................................................................................39 Postoperative Day #1 .........................................................................................................................................................40 Postoperative Day #2 ........................................................................................................................................................41 Postoperative Day #3-5 .....................................................................................................................................................42 Discharge Orders for Total Knee Replacement ..........................................................................................................43 Discharge Orders for Total Hip Replacement ............................................................................................................44 Discharge Criteria for Outpatient Joint Replacement ...........................................................................................45 Patient Reported Outcomes SwiftPath Patient Checklist ..............................................................................................................................................48 Glossary ....................................................................................................................................................................................49 Notes ...........................................................................................................................................................................................50 1

The Superior Joint Replacement Journey Your Surgeon Bob Sample, MD Dr. Bob Sample has been in practice for over 35 years, specializing in arthroscopic surgery and knee replacement. As a SwiftPath surgeon, Dr. Bob sample is at the cutting edge of joint replacement excellence. SwiftPath methods are shown to decrease the trauma and pain associated with joint replacement. SwiftPath allows outpatient joint replacement for properly selected patients, and improves the surgical experience for all patients. He performs approximately 350 joint replacements a year. Education • Undergraduate • Medical School • Internship • Residency • Fellowship EWhat Patients Are Saying LDr. Bob Sample's side manner is superb and as a surgeon he is amazingly skilled. Since my two surgeries he performed other doctors have looked at my X-rays and called Dr. Bob Sample's work a \"home run\" .... Great man and great doctor!\" PAccomplishments • Awards • ... MSharing His Knowledge • Teaching A• Presentations S• Publications Your Team Medical Assistant Phone: 123.456.7899 Email: [email protected] Physician Assistant Phone: 123.456.7889 Email: [email protected] Scheduler Phone: 123.456.7889 Email: [email protected] 2

Your SwiftPath TimYeloinuer SwiftPath Timeline Schedule Surgery & Reg- Pre-op PT & Decision for SURGERY In-Clinic Recovery, ister for SwiftPath Surveys Surgery (pre-op) Wound Check 6-week Post-op MCLleeadabrisca&anlcAeppointmen&tTaPsrkesp Surveys Post-op Initial Evalu- JointCamp & Home care & PT ation Patient Guide Surveys 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 Initial evaluation... 2 Patient tasks... Patient's path from the initial 3 Attend JointCamp... evaluation through surgery 4 Patient tasks.... 5 Patient tasks... to complete recovery E6 Decision for Surgery visit... L7 Patient tasks... 8 SURGERY P9 Home care and surveys... 10 In-clinic wound check... M11 Physical therapy visits... S A12 6-week post-op... Emergency information If you experience any urgent issues following surgery, call 911. Otherwise, if you need assistance during office hours, please call......... If after hours, please call........ There is a physician on call 24/7. 3

The SwiftPath ® S AJoMinMettChaoPmd pL E“Connectingtherightpatient,withtherightsurgeon,andtherightpathway” 30-36 slides 4

It is well understood that: 1. Institution factors:... 2. Surgeon training: ... 3. Individual patient characteristics ... • motivation • pre-op fitness • support at home • safe home environment S A M P L EThe SwiftPath Method® allows for different pathway.... The SwiftPath Method® Pathway Selection Algorithm helps plan for the ideal length of stay. Log in ... _____ Pathway Selection Algorithm Score <20: ... 20-24: ... 24-29: ... 30-35: ... Your “Family Care Provider” (spouse, friend, significant other, relative) plays a very important role in the success of your joint replacement. 1. Be sure ... 2. They will help ... 3. They will stay ... 4. They need to make sure ... 5

The SwiftPath Method® has been shown to decrease the pain associated with joint replacement. Proven rapid rehab methods + state-of-the-art patient education + multimodal pain management = a program that allows for outpatient joint replacement, for properly selected patients, and an improved surgical experience for all patients. S A Complications can be identified, and interventions can help prevent readmissions by evaluating: _____ Personal or family history of blood clots _____ Previous problems of nausea and vomiting related to medicines/surgery, motion sickness _____ Urinary retention, frequent urination, etc. _____ Previous wound infections in you or your family M P L E_____ History of bleeding disorders _____ Other Goals: • 50% outpatient • 45% 1 night stay • independent by 5 - 14 days • return to work in 2 - 6 weeks • off narcotics in 1-w2 eweekeks • 90% healed in 6 - 12 weeks • full recovery in 1- 2 years Make note that the SwiftPath Method® is a Paradigm Shift. With the Traditional Joint Replacement surgery, patients stay in the hospital an average of 2-3 days. Using the SwiftPath Method® we are seeing proven, reduced lengths of stay. 6

Infection Prevention: COVID-19 and Other Viral Infection Monitoring Your surgical team is committed to preventing all infections, including COVID-19 and other viral illnesses that could impact your recovery. Please view the infection prevention video. Also review the video on social distancing and disinfecting surfaces in your home by following the login instructions on the inside front cover. What are the symptoms of COVID-19 infection? • cough • fever • body aches • diarrhea • shortness of breath • chest pain • flu symptoms E• chills • repeated shaking with chills • muscle pain L• headache • sore throat P• new loss of taste or smell Here are some simple and effective things that you can do to make your home as safe and comfortable as possible: M Maintain social distancing (6 feet between you and anyone other than your caregiver) for 2 weeks before and 4 weeks after surgery. Avoid contact with people who are not directly involved with your care. A Report any contact with people who have symptoms of cough, fever, body aches, diarrhea, shortness Sof breath, chest pain, flu symptoms, etc. Strict hand washing for 20 seconds each time. Consistent cleansing of surfaces, handles, and doorknobs with germ killing cleansers. Wear face masks as much as feasible. Important: Notify your team if you or your family/contacts have had a positive COVID-19 test, suspected exposure, or any current symptoms (see symptoms above).   You should also be prepared to be tested for COVID-19, antibodies or other tests as indicated. Patient Understanding: ! I have reviewed the infection prevention videos. I understand all of it. To the best of my ability, I will comply with all infection prevention measures including those related to COVID-19 from now until at least 4 weeks after surgery. I ask my caregivers, “dwelling partners,” and those who come in near contact with me to do the same. _____________________________________________________ 7 Patient Signature

The Superior Joint Replacement Journey SWIFTPATH QUIZ The purpose of this quiz is to make sure you have read and understand the information provided in your SwiftPath Patient Guide. Please make note of any items where you don’t know the answer, or have questions, so you can discuss them with your surgical team. Mark the correct answer for each item. 1. What are some simple and effective things you can do to prevent COVID-19 or other viral infections? A. Maintain social distancing... B. Strict hand washing... C. Consistent cleansing of surfaces... D. Wear face masks... E. All of the above E2. Which of the following can be used to manage your pain? LA. Ice B. Tylenol/acetaminophen PC. Anti-inflammatory D. All of the above 3. What is the dose of Tylenol/acetaminophen you will use after your surgery? MA. 100 mg once daily B. 600 mg every 4 hours AC. 1000 mg every 8 hours SD. I am not going to use Tylenol/acetaminophen after surgery. 4. How can you avoid frostbite from cryotherapy/ice after your surgery? A. Do not put the ice ... B. Do not supercool .... C. Move the ice... D. All of the above 5. What medicine is missing from the proposed treatment strategy below? Treatment: ice, Tylenol/acetaminophen, elevation and rest A. Multivitamin B. Vitamin C C. Anti-inflammatory/NSAID D. Iron 12-15 questions 8

The Superior Joint Replacement Journey PRACTICE LOGO LAST MINUTE CHECKLIST Call Hospital or ASC to Verify Final Surgical Information • Arrival time: ___________________ • Person you spoke with: ___________________ • Location: Sample protocol: The surgery coordinator _____ Hospital: __________________ will call you the day before your scheduled Address:___________________ surgery with your surgery time. Tel No.: ____________________ ....... E_____ ASC: ______________________ Address: __________________ LTel No.: ___________________ PTasks Before Your Hospital Visit You have... MYou have... You have... A........ S........ ........ ........ ....... Last minute check list with ....... important reminders Make.... Arrange.... Prepare.... Bring...... ......... 9

The Superior Joint Replacement Journey PRACTICE LOGO DAY OF SURGERY • Wear..... • Take...... SURGERY • Do NOT...... DAY • Bring ........ • Your..... • Bring..... In the pre-op area: E• ........ • ......... L• ......... PIn the recovery area: • ......... M• ......... • ......... A• ......... S• ......... • ........! 10

The Superior Joint Replacement Journey PRACTICE LOGO MEDICATION CHART MEDICATION Eve Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 surg. MULTIMODAL PAIN CONTROL & CLOT PREVENTION TIME TIME TIME TIME TIME TIME TIME TIME TIME TIME TIME Narcotic ____________________ ENSAIDs/ Anti-inflammatories L____________________ PTylenol/ Acetaminophen MDVT medication blood clot prevention AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM S A____________________ PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM TAKE THESE MEDICATIONS AS NEEDED Ondansetron (Zofran) Stool softener ____________________ Other ____________________ 11

The Superior Joint Replacement Journey PRACTICE LOGO POST-OP KNEE EXERCISES AND MILESTONES Engaged patients take control of their care, better understand their exercises, and advance to self-directed programs quickly. The result is a more pleasant and faster recovery. Do exercises for 5 minutes every hour for 8-10 hours per day until you start PT. Days 2-7: Goals... EAssisted leg raises When getting up ... S A M P LWeeks 1-2 Same exercises as above, and adding the ones below. Goals–...Gravity stretchKnee extension withCalf pumps Sit on high stool ... support Foot flexed ... Place foot ... Extension without support Heel slides and flexion Extension with gentle Independent walking Sit in a stable chair... Sit in a stable chair,... pressure Walk... Sit on a flat surface... 12

P R AC T I C E HOME LOGO CARE The Superior Joint Replacement Journey HOME CARE INSTRUCTION SUMMARY Multimodal Pain Management (Pain Prevention and Pain Treatment) • Cryotherapy/Ice/Cooling Device ........ • Anti-inflammatory ........ ........ ........ ........ E• Tylenol/Acetaminophen ........ L........ ........ P........ ........ A M• Narcotic Pain Medication S........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 13

The Superior Joint Replacement Journey PRACTICE LOGO POSTOPERATIVE DAY #1 You have made it through your surgery and are now starting the recovery process. Be sure to log onto and fill out the daily pain survey. (Follow SwiftPath Login instructions on inside front cover). If you experience any urgent issues, call 911. Otherwise, if you need assistance, during office hours, please call ................. PLAN S A M P L EIf after office hours, please call .............. There is a physician on call 24/7. Detailed recovery plan 1. Continue.... for 5 days after surgery 2. ELEVATE ... 3. Take ... 4. Use ... 5. Move... 6. Take... 7. Drink... 8. Take... 9. Leave... 10. Follow... 11. Fill out.... 14

SAMPLE 1st Edition, Month, Year

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