BOOKTOPIA a perfect world of books Introducing the World's bestselling Biography Series for Children \"Little People, Big Leaders\" Introduce the lives of Outstanding people, Inspirational Leaders, Emphathetic Activists, creative Artists and successful Leaders to Children with the \"Little People Big Dreams\" collection. Bright Illustrations, Great Storytelling and a display of Big Dreams to inspire your children. Do not Miss the best selling Biography Series by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara! +971 56 780 8181 +971 4 222 6123 [email protected] WWW.MYBOOKTOPIA.COM +971 54 446 1146
Little People Big Dreams Maya Angelou Author: Lisbeth Kaiser Illustrated by: Leire Salaberria Meet Maya Angelou, the powerful speaker, writer, and civil rights activist. Maya Angelou spent much of her childhood in Stamps, Arkansas. After a traumatic event at age eight, she stopped speaking for five years. However, Maya rediscov- ered her voice through wonderful books, and went on to become one of the world's most beloved writers and speakers. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of Maya Angelou's life ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-maya-angelou-2/ Ada Lovelace Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Zafouko Yamamoto Meet Ada Lovelace, the British mathematician and daughter of poet Lord Byron. Follow the colorful life of Lord Byron’s daughter, from her early love of logic, to her plans for the world's first computer program. As a child, Ada had a big imagination and a talent for mathe- matics. She grew up in a noble household in England, where she dedicated herself to studying. Her work with the famous inventor, Charles Babbage, on a very early kind of computer made her the world's first computer programmer. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical images and a detailed profile of the mathematician's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-ada-lovelace-3/ Rosa Parks Author : Lisbeth Kaiser Illustrated by : Marta Antelo Meet Rosa Parks, the \"Mother of the Freedom Movement.\" Rosa Parks grew up in Alabama, where she learned to stand up for herself at an early age. Rosa went on to become a civil rights activist. In 1955, she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a segregated bus, sparking the Montgom- ery Bus Boycott. Her courageous decision had a huge impact on civil rights, eventually leading to the end of segregation on public transport. She never stopped working for equal rights. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the activist's life. htps:/
Little People Big Dreams Charles Dickens Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Isobel Ross Meet Charles Dickens, the influential author. When Charles was a boy he made up his own adventures. But after a Dickensian twist of fate saw his father go to prison for debt, Charles ended up working in a factory with other children. He worked his way out, trying his hand in a law firm, and then as an actor, before making a name for himself as a reporter and gifted storyteller. Charles became one of the most beloved novelists of all time, aware of the power of a tale and of giving poor children a voice. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the writer’s life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-charles-dickens/ David Attenborough Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Mikyo Noh Meet David Attenborough, the inspiring broadcaster and con- servationist. Little David grew up in Leicester on the campus of a university, where his father was a professor. As a child, he spent hours in the science library, collating his own specimens and creating a mini animal museum. He studied science and zoology—but what he wanted most of all was to be close to the animals he was studying. Visiting animals in their natural habitats, and telling the world the untold stories of these animals. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the broadcaster's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-david-at enborough/ Emmeline Pankhurst Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Ana Sanfelippo Meet Emmeline Pankhurst—the leader of the Suffragettes—in this book and paper doll gift edition set. Read the story of this inspiring activist's life, and role play in an interactive learning experience. Press out Emmeline to set up your own protest, with placards, banners, people, and more. As a child, Emmeline Pankhurst was inspired by books about heroes who fought for others. She dedicated her life to fighting for women's voting rights and, with hard work and great brav- ery, led a remarkable movement that changed the world. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with histori- cal photos and a detailed profile of the activist's life. htps:/
Little People Big Dreams L. M. Montgomery Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Anuska Allepuz Meet Lucy Maud Montgomery, the famous Canadian author of Anne of Green Gables. Born in the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island, Lucy Maud Montgomery lost her mother when she was very young. Left in the care of less-than-encouraging grandparents, she found comfort in reading, writing, and her imagination. When Maud grew up, she wrote about the childhood she wished she had, creating one of the best-loved characters of all time: Anne of Green Gables. This moving book features stylish illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the author's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-lucy-maud-montgomery/ Michelle Obama Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Mia Saine Meet Michelle Obama, the iconic first lady, advocate, lawyer, and author. Young Michelle grew up on the South Side of Chicago in a close-knit family. She loved school, achieving A’s, and worked hard to blaze trails at the universities of Princeton and Harvard. Then, at the beginning of her legal career, she met Barack Obama. As first lady, she used her platform to advocate for women and girls and continues to inspire many with her power- ful voice, and best-selling books. This empowering book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the inspiring woman’s life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-michele-obama/ Jane Goodall Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Beatrice Cerocchi Meet Jane Goodall, the world's foremost expert on chimpan- zees. When Jane was little, her father gave her a toy chimpanzee named Jubilee. This inspired her lifelong love of animals, and she went to study them in the wild as soon as she could. Jane lived with chimpanzees in their natural habitat and became famous for her pioneering approach to research. She now educates the public on animal rights. This moving book features stylish illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the primatologist's life. htps:/
Little People Big Dreams Frida Kahlo Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Gee Fan Eng Meet Frida Kahlo, the world-renowned painter. When Frida was a teenager, a terrible road accident changed her life forever. Unable to walk, she began painting from her bed. Her self-portraits, which show her pain and grief, but also her passion for life and instinct for survival, have made her one of the most famous artists of the twentieth century. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the artist's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-frida-kahlo-3/ Ella Fitzgerald Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Bàrbara Alca Meet Ella Fitzgerald, First Lady of Song who once said, \"It's not where you come from, but where you're going that counts.\" Ella Fitzgerald grew up near Harlem, in New York, where she was surrounded by music and dance. After winning first prize in a talent competition at the Apollo Theater, she went on to tour the world with her pioneering voice. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the singer's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-ela- tzgeral-2/ Jane Goodall Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Erica Salcedo Meet Georgia O'Keeffe, one of America's greatest artists, a talented painter who broke boundaries. As a child, little Georgia viewed the world differently from other people. She roamed outdoors with her sketch book, while other girls played. As an adult, she painted all day. From New York City to New Mexico, she was influenced by the landscapes of her environment. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographi- cal timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the artist's life. ht ps:/ le-people-big-dreams-georgia-oke f/
Little People Big Dreams Mother Teresa Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Gee Fan Eng Meet Mother Teresa, along with her message of love and charity. Agnes (later to become Mother Teresa) was born in Skopje, Macedonia. From an early age, she knew she wanted to dedicate herself to religion. She was fascinated by stories of missionaries helping people and wanted to do the same. She spent the rest of her life caring for the sick and poor around the world and is now remembered as Saint Teresa of Calcut- ta. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of Mother Tere- sa's amazing life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-mother-teresa/ Jane Austen Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Katie Wilson Meet Josephine Baker, the world-famous entertainer, activist, and French Resistance agent. Josephine Baker was born for the stage. But growing up in seg- regated St. Louis, she didn't have the same opportunities as white entertainers. So, she moved to Paris where audiences fell in love with her. Josephine worked as a dancer, an actor, and even a spy. She then spent the rest of her life spreading the word that people of all colors can live together in harmony. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the entertainer's amazing life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-jane-austen/ Mahatma Gandhi Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Albert Arrayas Meet Mahatma Gandhi, a champion of peace and human rights. As a young teenager in India, Gandhi led a rebellious life and went against his parents' values. But as a young man, he start- ed to form beliefs of his own that harked back to the Hindu principles of his childhood. Gandhi began to dream of unity for all peoples and religions. Inspired by this idea, he led peaceful protests to free India from British rule and unite the coun- try—ending violence and unfair treatment. His bravery and free-thinking made him one of the most iconic people of peace in the world, known as 'Mahatma' meaning 'great soul'. htps:/
Little People Big Dreams Stephen Hawking Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Matt Hunt Meet Stephen Hawking, the genius physicist and author. When Stephen Hawking was a little boy, he used to stare up at the stars and wonder about the universe. Although he was never top of the class, his curiosity took him to the best universities in England: Oxford and Cambridge. It also led him to make one of the biggest scientific discoveries of the 20th century: Hawking radiation. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the brilliant physicist's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-stephen-hawking/ Marie Curie Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Frau Isa Meet Marie Curie, the Nobel Prize–winning scientist. When Marie was young, she was unable to go to college because she was a woman. But when she was older, her scientific work was respected around the world. Her discover- ies of radium and polonium dramatically helped in the fight against cancer, and she went on to win the Nobel Prize for Physics! This moving book features stylish and quirky illustra- tions and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the scientist's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-marie-curie-2/ Pele Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Camila Rosa Meet Pelé, Brazil’s all-time King of Soccer. With a sock full of rags for a ball, Pelé honed his skills in a poor neighborhood in Brazil. He believed that, one day, he would lead his country to World Cup victory—and he was right! With Pelé and his super skills on the team, Brazil lifted the trophy three times. Today, he is widely regarded as the greatest soccer player who ever lived—and a hero off the pitch, too, using his voice to help the people who need it most. This inspir- ing book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of The King’s life. htps:/
Little People Big Dreams Steve Jobs Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Aura Lewis Meet Steve Jobs, the visionary whose ideas still shape the world. Steve Jobs grew up surrounded by inventors, in sunny Silicon Valley, California. He and his friend Stephen Wozniak chan- neled their love of computers into their own inventions, build- ing a successful company from Steve’s garage. Steve thought that computers were the future, and his big ideas would transform the world and the way people use technolo- gy. This inspiring book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the brilliant businessman’s life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-steve-jobs/ Bruce Lee Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Miguel Bustosa Meet Marie Curie, the Nobel Prize–winning scientist. When Marie was young, she was unable to go to college because she was a woman. But when she was older, her scientific work was respected around the world. Her discover- ies of radium and polonium dramatically helped in the fight against cancer, and she went on to win the Nobel Prize for Physics! This moving book features stylish and quirky illustra- tions and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the scientist's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-bruce-le / Josephine Baker Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Agathe Sorlet Meet Josephine Baker, the world-famous entertainer, activ- ist, and French Resistance agent. Josephine Baker was born for the stage. But growing up in segregated St. Louis, she didn't have the same opportunities as white entertainers. So, she moved to Paris where audienc- es fell in love with her. Josephine worked as a dancer, an actor, and even a spy. She then spent the rest of her life spreading the word that people of all colors can live together in harmony. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the entertainer's amazing life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-josephine-baker/
Little People Big Dreams Coco Chanel Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Ana Albero Meet Coco Chanel, international style icon. Following the death of her mother, Coco spent her early life in an orphanage, where she was taught how to use a needle and thread. From there, she became a cabaret singer, seamstress, hat maker, and, eventually, the world's most famous fashion designer. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, includ- ing a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the designer's life. Amelia Earhart Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Meet Amelia Earhart, the American aviation pioneer. When Amelia was young, she liked to imagine she could stretch her wings and fly away like a bird. As a grown woman, she set a new female world record for flying up to 14,000 feet. She also flew across the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, and eventually undertook the most dangerous mission of all: to fly all the way around the world. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the aviator's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-bruce-le / Agatha Christie Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Elisa Munso Meet Agatha Christie, the most famous crime writer of all time. When Agatha was young, she read books every night, but always had her own idea for how they should end! As an adult, her crime novels, with their twists and turns and peculiar detectives, challenged the minds of millions of readers, making her the queen of mystery and the best-sell- ing novelist of all time. This stirring book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the author's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-josephine-baker/
Little People Big Dreams Audrey Hepburn Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Amaia Arrazola Meet Audrey Hepburn, the iconic Hollywood movie star. Audrey Hepburn grew up in Arnhem in the Netherlands. After living through the hardships of World War Two, she moved to study ballet in London. She went on to star in plays and films, eventually becoming one of the most iconic actresses of all time. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustra- tions and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the actress's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-steve-jobs/ Harriet Tubman Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Pili Aguado Meet Harriet Tubman, the Underground Railroad conductor who \"never lost a single passenger.\" Little Harriet was born into slavery on a plantation in Mary- land. Though life was hard, Harriet persisted. She used all of her strength and bravery to escape slavery and journey north on the Underground Railroad. Harriet made the dangerous mission back to the South many times, fighting her whole life to bring others with her to freedom. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the abolitionist's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-bruce-le / Anne Frank Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Sveta Dorosheva Meet Anne Frank, the writer whose diary captured the hearts of the public. Anne Frank was born in Germany to a loving family. But when World War II broke out, Anne and her family had to hide in a secret annex in Amsterdam. Here, Anne wrote her famous diary, describing her belief in people's goodness and her hopes for peace. After the war, her diary captured the hearts of the public and she became one of the most impor- tant diarists of the 20th century. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of Anne's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-josephine-baker/
Little People Big Dreams Simone de Beauvoir Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Christine Roussey Meet Simone de Beauvoir, the great French philosopher and mother of feminism. When Simone de Beauvoir was a little girl, her father would proudly boast that she had the brain of a man—whatever that meant. But later, after years of studying, Simone would write a book that challenged the role of women in society, sending shock waves around the world. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the philosopher's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-steve-jobs/ Muhammad Ali Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Brosmind Meet Muhammad Ali, \"the greatest\" boxer of all time. When he was little, Muhammad Ali had his bicycle stolen. He wanted to fight the thief, but a policeman told him him to learn how to box first. After training hard in the gym, Muham- mad developed a strong jab and an even stronger work ethic. His smart thinking and talking earned him the greatest title in boxing: Heavyweight Champion of the World. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of \"The Greatest's\" life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-bruce-le / Maria Montessori Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Raquel Martín Meet Maria Montessori, the pioneering teacher and researcher. Maria grew up in Italy at a time when girls didn't receive an equal education to boys. But Maria's mother was supportive of her dreams, and Maria went on to study medicine. She later became an early childhood expert—founding schools with her revolutionary educational theories and changing the lives of many children. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, includ- ing a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the educator's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-josephine-baker/
Little People Big Dreams Vivienne Westwood Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Laura Callaghan Meet Vivienne Westwood, the flame-haired fashion designer and impresario. When Vivienne was a young woman, she wasn't sure how a working class girl from England could make a living in the art world. But after discovering her passion for design and jewel- ry making, she erupted onto the fashion scene with a bang. Vivienne's designs became iconic, and she became famous for letting her clothes speak for themselves. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the designer's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-steve-jobs/ David Bowie Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Ana Albero Meet David Bowie, the starman who dazzled audiences with his music. As a child, young David had a head full of songs and ideas. He was inspired by the pop and mod scenes in Britain to pick up the saxophone. After earning his stripes in some of the cool- est bands in London, David splashed onto the solo scene. His songwriting talent and musical skill made him one of rock and roll's all-time greatest artists. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the musician's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-bruce-le / Wilma Rudolph Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Amelia Flower Meet Wilma Rudolph, the remarkable sprinter and Olympic champion. Wilma was born into a family with 22 brothers and sisters, in the segregated South. She contracted polio in her early years and her doctors said she would never walk again. But Wilma persisted with treatment, and she recovered her strength by the age of 12. At school, Wilma showed a talent for basketball and sprinting, earning the nickname \"Skeeter\" (mosquito) as she ran so fast. Wilma was in college when she went to the 1960 Olympics. She not only won gold in sprint events, but also broke world records with her sprinting skill. including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the athlete's life.
Little People Big Dreams Dolly Parton Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Daria Solak Meet Dolly Parton, the singer-songwriter and businesswoman. Little Dolly grew up in Tennessee in a family \"as poor as dirt.\" She started performing at an early age, singing on local radio and television. After graduating high school, she moved to Nashville to pursue her singing dreams. Her managers wanted her to sing pop, but she followed her heart to sing and write country songs. Her heart was right—Dolly became a musical superstar, but she never forgot where she came from. She now uses her wealth to give back to people, children, and animals in need. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the singer's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-josephine-baker/ Rudolf Nureyev Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Eleonora Arosio Meet Rudolf Nureyev, one of the greatest male ballet dancers of all time. Rudolf fell in love with dance as a child. But he was not allowed to go to ballet school until he was 17. There, he had to make up for lost time and hone his skills to compete with the other dancers. As a professional, he dazzled audiences with sensational performances and star power. He went on to become a world-renowned choreographer and master of perfection in dance. This inspiring book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-bruce-le / Zaha Hadid Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Asun Amar Meet Zaha Hadid tells the inspiring true story of the visionary Iraqi-British architect. Zaha Hadid grew up in Baghdad, Iraq, surrounded by music. She was a curious and confident child, who designed her own modern- ist bedroom at nine years old. As a young woman studying at University in Beirut, she was described as the most outstanding pupil the teacher had ever met. With her spectacular vision and belief in the power of architecture, she founded her own firm and designed some of the most outstanding buildings in the world—in- cluding the London 2012 Olympic Aquatic Centre. including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the architect's life.
Little People Big Dreams Mary Shelley Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Yelena Bryksenkova Meet Simone de Beauvoir, the great French philosopher and mother of feminism. When Simone de Beauvoir was a little girl, her father would proudly boast that she had the brain of a man—whatever that meant. But later, after years of studying, Simone would write a book that challenged the role of women in society, sending shock waves around the world. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the philosopher's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-steve-jobs/ Martin Luther King Jr. Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Mai Ly Degnan Meet Martin Luther King Jr., the inspiring minister and civil rights activist. Little Martin grew up in a family of preachers: his dad was a preacher, his uncle was a preacher, his grandfather was a preacher…so maybe he’d become a great preacher too. One day, a friend invited him to play at his house. Martin was shocked when his mother wouldn’t let him in because he was black. Martin believed that no one should remain silent and accept something if it's wrong. And he promised himself that—when he grew up—he’d fight injustice with the most powerful weapon of all: words. including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the inspiring activist’s life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-bruce-le / Greta Thunberg Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Anke Weckmann Meet Greta Thunberg, the environmental activist. When young Greta learned of the climate crisis, she stopped talking. She couldn't understand why people in power were not doing anything to save our Earth. One day she started protesting outside the Swedish Parliament, creating the \"School Strike for Climate.\" Soon, lots more young people joined her in a global movement that shook adults and politicians alike. She had found her voice and uses it to inspire humans to action with her power- ful message: \"No one is too small to make a difference.\" This inspiring book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with histori- cal photos and a detailed profile of the climate activist's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-josephine-baker/
Little People Big Dreams Aretha Franklin Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Amy Blackwell Meet Aretha Franklin, \"The Queen of Soul.\" The fourth of five children, Aretha was born in Tennessee and took the stage at an early age in her father's church choir. She went on to become the best-selling rhythm and blues singer of all time, and the first woman to be installed in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, includ- ing a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the broadcaster's life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-steve-jobs/ Charles Darwin Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Mark Hoffman Meet Charles Darwin, the scientist who changed the way people see the world. Although he didn’t do very well at school, Charles Darwin was passionately curious about wildlife, humans, and plants. After a journey to South America, he developed his landmark theory: that all living things are related. Today, he is regarded as one of the most brilliant scientists who ever lived, and a hero to those who dare to think differently. This inspiring book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the iconic naturalist’s life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-bruce-le / Mindy Kaling Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Roza Nozari Meet Mindy Kaling, the actor, writer, producer, and director. When Mindy was a little girl, she loved TV comedy sketches; in particular, Saturday Night Live. At college, she studied theater and met a friend with whom she created her first off-Broadway production. It was there she was spotted by the writer and pro- ducer of The Office (US) for the role of Kelly Kapoor. Mindy went on to write and executive produce hilarious episodes of The Office. She then went on to create The Mindy Project, the Netflix Original smash hit watched by 40 million people, fulfilling her childhood dream of becoming a director and writer. including a biographi- cal timeline with photos and a detailed profile of Mindy’s life.
Little People Big Dreams Marilyn Monroe Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Ana Albero Meet Marilyn Monroe, the iconic movie star. Little Norma Jeane grew up between foster homes, an orphan- age, and a family friend’s house – where she was forbidden from watching movies. Through her difficult childhood and teen years, she dreamed of becoming an actress. One day a pho- tographer spotted her and gave her a modelling contract, and from this day she was “Marilyn Monroe”. She was much-ad- mired but suffered from pre-performance anxiety, which made her late to set and in-and-out of movie contracts. Her films grossed over $200 million but she was known to have said “I don’t want to make money. including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the star’s life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-steve-jobs/ Kamala Harris Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Lauren Semmer Meet Kamala Harris, the first woman, first Black person, and first South Asian American to be elected Vice President of the USA Little Kamala used to accompany her parents to civil rights marches in California, tied to her sister’s stroller so she wouldn’t get lost. From an early age, she dreamed of becoming a lawyer to help people in need. At university, She earned a law degree to make sure the most vulnerable were protected by justice. Kama- la’s life was full of firsts, including becoming the first woman, Black woman, and South Asian American to be elected Vice President. Tincluding a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the politician’s life. ht ps:/ mybo le-people-big-dreams-bruce-le / Albert Einstein Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Illustrated by: Jean Claude Meet Albert Einstein, the legendary scientist. Little Albert grew up in Germany, where it took him four years to formulate his first word. He was fascinated by how objects worked and, although he didn’t love school, he loved physics and math books. His brilliant mind contemplated space and time, and he eventually came up with the theory of relativity. He shared his knowledge with the rest of the world, becoming the most original mind of the twentieth century. This fascinating book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the theoretical physicist’s life.
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