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Home Explore 2021_22 USADPLC ANNUAL REPORT


Published by USA Pulses, 2023-01-23 17:35:54

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2021-22 USADPLC Annual Report USEt.oeSiosua. ePhttniuhenbllDgspreaamykuFoooanurrtaemafnegederrlofsbaw(emleitkitrleeyTr)ybwreyalnt pulses! -Page 8 Annual Report to the U.S. Pulse Industry for the fiscal year through June 31, 2022


FARMERS ON A MISSION! U.S. Pulse Farmers want to help you eat better by eating more pulses! The USA Pulses marketing team has launced a campaign to “Bring Farmers to the Center of the Consumer Story.” Search for great pulse recipes on and Head to wittman to watch Cori Wittman Stitt of Wittman Farms give a farm tour. Contents 4 5 USADPLC Staff & Boards 6 CEO Letter 8 Financial Profile: USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council 10 International Marketing 12 Financial Profile: US Pea & Lentil Trade Association 14 Domestic Marketing 16 Financial Profile: Idaho Pea & Lentil Commission 18 Pulse Research 20 Financial Profile: Washington Pulse Crop Commission 24 Information & Policy 26 Financial Profile: American Pulse Association 26 Montana Pulse Crop Committee 27 North Dakota Dry Pea & Lentil Council 27 Nebraska Dry Pea & Lentil Council 28 South Dakota Pulse Crops Council Financial Profile: Western Pulse Growers Association FY2021/22 Annual Report for the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council 3

2021/22 USADPLC / APA STAFF CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP SERVICES USA DRY PEA & LENTIL COUNCIL Tim McGreevy Kim Monk EXECUTIVE BOARD OFFICERS AARON FLANSBURG, WASHINGTON Chairman VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH Dr. Jeff Rumney Dr. Will Lytle PAUL KANNING, MONTANA Vice Chairman ERIC BARTSCH, NORTH DAKOTA VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH & GRANTS AND FINANCE MANAGER Secretary / Treasurer MEMBERSHIP SERVICES Bryce Hooper Todd Scholz CONTACT INFORMATION USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS MARKETING MANAGER 2780 W. Pullman Road Drex Rhoades Madison Jacobson Moscow, Idaho 83843 Phone (208) 882-3023 INDUSTRY WEBSITE DIRECTOR OF DOMESTIC MARKETING STRATEGIC OPERATIONS MGR Becky Garrison Sandra Rumney CONSUMER WEBSITE INTERNATIONAL MARKETING REPRESENTATIVES Latin America North Asia / China India Mediterranean / Spain Europe Indo-Pacific Region Raul Caballero PR Consultants Sachin Khurana David McClellan Johanna Stobbs Tim Walsh Current USADPLC National Voting Members as of 1/1/2023 Aaron Flansburg, Chair, WA Jay Anderson, ID Kim Sauressig, ND Bert Brocke, USPLTA Paul Kanning, Vice Chair, MT Levi Lustig, ID Scott Sova, ND Tim Gustavson, USPLTA Eric Bartsch, Sec/Treas., USPLTA Todd Hansen, MT Brad Karlen, SD Tony Roelofs, USPLTA Rol Rushman, NE Nate Hahner, WA Shawn O’Connell, USPLTA Jeff Winkler, USPLTA 2780 W. Pullman Rd. Phone : 208 • 882 • 3023 Moscow, Idaho 83843 Mail : 4

A message from the CEO Fiscal Year 2021/2022 will be remembered as a very challenging year for the U.S. agricultural industry. In 1977 I graduated from high school in 2021. The dry weather extended The pulse industry began several new and went to work for a custom across the entire pulse growing region domestic and international marketing harvesting crew in the Pacific in the United States. On a positive efforts to capitalize on the worldwide Northwest. I was driving a pretty new note, the drought put an abrupt end trend toward more plant-based foods 6602 John Deere Combine with a to four years of historically low pulse (pages 8/9, and 12/13): “giant” 20-foot header. I was so excited prices and high stock levels. However, • The domestic marketing team to drive this bushel eating behemoth the lingering effects of COVID-19 left of a combine with hydrostatic drive our pulse shippers struggling to book launched a new “Pulse Farmers and a real air-conditioned cab. This containers to our export customers. on a Mission to Help You Eat More was a big step up from the John Deere Prices were high…..if you had anything Plants” campaign that received 95H combine with the open-air cab to sell and could get it shipped. a record 4 billion social media and the Wexler Canopy for shade. I This 2021/2022 Annual Report is a look impressions. drove combine back in the day when at how the pulse industry met the • The international marketing being exposed to the element’s during challenge of the worst drought in 44 team launched new market harvest was a “badge of honor”. I years coupled with the worst shipping development programs in North was happy to turn in my “badge of crisis in recent memory. Africa, Central America, and misery” for an air-conditioned cab. Our government affairs programming technical seminars on how to use Unfortunately, I didn’t really need a turned out to be critical to weathering pulse crop ingredients. monster harvester because the 1977 the lack of moisture this growing • USA Quality Seal- The USA crop year turned out to be the driest season (Page 20). Standard for Quality seal was year in half a century. I would cut a half • Revenue Protection (RP)- In 1977 relaunched into new markets with a day trying to fill up a 112-bushel bulk new companies using U.S. pulse tank of lentils. Harvest was short, dry, pulse growers did not have Crop crops and putting our seal on their dusty, and low yielding. I prayed I would Insurance Revenue Protection. packaging. never see a drought like that again. In 2021 pulse growers have RP The industry research team continues The 2021/22 Crop Year was like déjà vu coverage because of the USADPLC to look for new ways to add funding for all over again. Historically the drought and your state check-off group pulse research (page 16). in 1977 was a little worse than the 2021 that provide the data to establish Pulse Crop Health Initiative (PCHI)- version. But not by much. Pulse crop a “harvest price”. Indemnity Added $500,000 of new funding to the yields were 40-50% below average payments for RP insurance was PCHI bringing the total funding amount over $140 million to dry pea, lentil, to $5.5 million. and chickpea producers. Yield • Pulse Quality Network (PQN)- Protection (YP) coverage paid out Added $500,000 of new funding to $47 million in 2021. the PQN for a total funding amount • Emergency Relief Program (ERP)- of $2.5 million. The pulse industry pushed for Despite a massive drought and major inclusion in the ERP program which shipping issues in 2021/2022 the pulse resulted in $87 million in payments industry continued to make progress to dry pea, lentil, and chickpea on our goal of increasing research producers and $114 million to dry funding, pulse crop demand and risk bean growers (see exerpts of USDA management programs to help our ERP materials on page 22). industry survive the tough times and • Ocean Shipping Reform Act grow into the future. (OSRA)- The pulse industry joined with every ag commodity group to Sincerely, push through the passage of the OSRA through Congress. OSRA is Tim McGreevy, CEO legislation designed to help level the playing field between ocean carriers and Ag shippers. FY2021/22 Annual Report for the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council 5


USADPLC Board (as of June, 2021) Andrew Fontaine, Chair Aaron Flansburg, Vice Chair Paul Kanning, Sec./Treas. Jay Anderson Eric Bartsch Bert Brocke Tim Gustavson Nate Hahner Brad Karlen Shawn O’Connell Cole Riggers Rol Rushman Kim Saueressig Scott Sova Gordon Stoner FY2021/22 Annual Report for the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council 7

International Marketing Plagued by pandemic-induced shipping crises, travel restrictions, and trade barriers, the past year did not fall short of challenges. With sights set on developing new opportunities for international pulse trade, the USADPLC international marketing staff committed to adapting to a strange and changing market environment this fiscal year. And as adaptation requires innovation, thus was the name of the game for fiscal year 21/22. In addition to hosting a series of virtual trade missions in our key markets (which generated over $18 million in projected sales!), USADPLC international marketing staff also launched technical trainings and seminars on pulse-based ingredients in markets from the Philippines to Latin America – but we didn’t stop there! The past year has produced new markets, new representatives, new marketing platforms, and elevated standards, in addition to our tried-and-true trade servicing around the world. Read on for this year’s international marketing highlights! NEW MARKET DEVELOPMENT The international marketing team has trade missions and technical seminars on expanded their global programming pulse flours and fractionates, as well as to include two new markets! Trade launching generic promotional activities servicing for U.S.-grown pulses has begun to generate long-term demand for U.S.- in North Africa and Central America. origin pulses in the market. UNSoArtDhPLCAfrhicaas: For many years, the Central America: The USADPLC marketing maintained relationships staff for Latin America have initiated trade with individual pulse trade members in servicing in the Central American market North Africa via international trade shows, via outreach to prominent pulse traders newsletters, and one-on-one outreach. As in the Dominican Republic, Panama, U.S. pulse exporters sought to develop Guatemala, El Salvador, Haiti, Belize, and more consistent trade opportunities in Nicaragua, with special focus on canners, the region, the International Marketing the snack, baking, and manufacturing staff began investing in trade servicing industries, and government trade activities in North Africa to include market specialists. Regional staff have developed research, participation in regional trade a database of importers, processors, and shows and conferences, and strategic packagers in addition to monitoring and outreach to local buyers. The USADPLC’s developing strategy for country- and first wave of objectives in the region region-specific trade policies and barriers. include identifying solvent importers New funding for trade servicing in with special attention to packagers, Central America will allow for tradeshow canners, and food processors as well participation, in- and out-bound trade Photo above and opposite as an awareness campaign showcasing missions, as well as assessing non- page: In 2021, Montana Senator the consistency, quality, product tracing tariff trade barriers in Mexico to ensure Steve Daines (ctr) traveled to capacity, and sustainability unique continuous market access. Investing in India to meet with government to U.S.-grown pulses. As the Council this new market region will vastly expand officials and members of the develops a deeper understanding of the opportunities for U.S. pulse traders in Indian pulse trade to discuss North African market structure, plans the Latin American market in the wake of import restrictions, tariffs, and to expand programming in the region pandemic-related strain on international trade barriers for U.S.-grown include conducting in- and out-bound trade. pulses. NEW MARKET REPRESENTATION IN CHINA U.S. pulse trade servicing in China is under new management! PR Consultants Limited (PRCL) is a leading consultancy specializing in agricultural and food marketing and charged with implementing USDA-funded programs in the Greater China Region. With offices in Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong, PRCL staff boasts a strong background in market access, market development, public relations, and social media marketing strategy. Since their founding in Hong Kong in 1984, PRCL possesses an accumulation of 200 years’ experience in managing FAS programs. USADPLC industry members may recall PRCL as the representation for U.S. pulses in China during the late 1990s. The staff assigned to the USADPLC international mission possess a wide range of talents and skills to support the U.S. pulse industry’s interests in the region. 8

NEW MARKET PLATFORM: SUSTAINABILITY! ptoFatdbsCotcahhruorrsfuieooaooeeesrnmrwnpddvmesdgfwueeeetaieulrvlryyroondopmsfeshesabreduerro-tleroaasrdgchmciuranidlnhaterdsttmduyiotthientecw-ocphatatsrgchtnrooosneriieais.kolnpurdenntlilenoggrhoTdrddbtao.hnarnwiiicvoncPnngo-wotiiamugg-tlddaiatu,ncagveepemanwertha.borrkcsstamoiaI,ehilnrnnaratgtaP.eakeotrgbradhTewuera,pin-eflethalmeiouisttnamneiafvenoycsfnndics.isdd.aidcaapt:AupSreeiilcakeanvsuAuyroltetniswedtsbt,iaistSottilccoaineii,aiunnnssclyfsnoiits,gancaroaiwtitaekbtannoafnmrn,gibdhoitlcoUdenciaihegetalronaSityirdepgtsenbeAepyneraordrn:lDriir-eriafcohauseftPtutpilgtnwconxSisLltvurteito,opCdnaeuldrmwsslsmgesriueaoe:nahv,/atmgasc/telaiicrwre,opipslknraaiorncsstooewnldnaupu,,uc’goaiiieesleotboewibdsnahtnsnseoulyrceoetsab.kbdsecoahlUeesutyonogamgaetpSmeiiniitrscnnnnoAwehor/cigganDpeenewwsl,butitsPthiqeaeaiUstttdLlarutaohrnitCeSctrnhefeadyodvhfAadahsesw?uDatvstiauvsnirtospPiiosts=ldhislcu,LtnntNieeesriianCladanaosshUit,iltunsed,neaatitmhssoaeBgrptrdteeaaabnrhSerdbardrsistyoKnleieothietttaeutmsbione,osyotndhetmage-snhtdteoftsurmhoAaunftaupstrcroorbphsoctrkausatooeheeuelhsailrmnnygtneyaiGsi,nhshdnarsoltuaaeaoubghtccnmbdnbsilaoosoeditcattelnnanaiivrlntprsdsiarsisynPuurogu,itgtauemmiulaausnsibglnnntoeseteealydddoeiessrrll, FY2021/22 Annual Report for the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council ELEVATING THE STANDARD • The USADPLC launched the Standard for Quality program in the 1990s to build an international brand and a connection to U.S. origin in the global marketplace. With revitalization in mind, this year the Council relaunched the program with an updated logo to include the word ‘pulses,’ developing new partnerships in Mexico, Peru, Colombia, India, and Southeast Asia (see below). During the first wave of the relaunch, three companies in Latin America signed as partners under the program. Aburra Colombia, Surtidora del Bajio, and Corporacion Productiva promoted the new logo and revamped program by placing the Standard for Quality seal on 15,000 SKUs and nearly 100,000 product packages across several brands, in addition to social media campaigns, in-store promotional events, and a program-dedicated trade event coordinated in partnership with FAS-Peru. • As a result, Aburra Colombia experienced an 89% increase in sales volume within the first month of the partnership. • mwIWAnghearIisnnoctud,hefiraaanc,oIttfnvuhifedretiriynasUge. ySe,eAsaaDnrPdtLhfaCepmiarpcialkyroa-togwnwiennrngeeddpfarwcobiicltuiehtsiseiVsnsiiencshigns,i • In Southeast Asia, USADPLC marketing staff produced to highlight the success of the Standard for Quality program in the region, and to recruit new partners. The video has been shown at industry meetings, tradeshows, and conferences. To watch the video, click here: https:// w w w.y o u t u b e .co m/ w a t c h? v = - 5WIK7ZP2Uofractions. 9

Financial Profile: U.S. PEA & LENTIL TRADE COMMISSION STATEMENT OF ACTIVITY FY 16/17 Actual vs. Budget 1.5% Assessment July 2016 - June 2017 10

USPLTA Board (as of July, 2021) Jeff Winkler, Chair Eric Bartsch Brett Melvin Jim Groth, Vice Chair Brady Kok Tony Roelofs Bert Brocke, Sec. Tim Gustavson Andrew Fontaine, Ex-Officio FY2021/22 Annual Report for the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council 11

Domestic Marketing As the world settled into its new normal this past year, the Domestic Marketing Programs’ USA Pulses campaign and outreach pivoted along with it, exceeding annual targets and objectives set forth for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. Vibrant and colorful social media images and links to pulse recipes helped garner nearly 4 Billion impressions through media stories, influencer programs, and digital advertising during the year. Click the image to visit the recipe on Left: Some of the recipes developed for the school foodservice campaign. Click image to download the recipe cards. The interest and momentum around pulse ingredients were launched in for the future to come. Here is a non- pulse crops and products continues the U.S. in 2020 and by June 2022 extensive list of highlights for 2021. to grow with consumers – particularly there were already more than 1,430 FARMERS ON A MISSION CAMPAIGN flexitarians – who are interested in new products launched and finding In FY21-22, we set out to make pulses foods that are nutritious, versatile, their ways to U.S. shelves and into the hero of the flexitarian diet, and climate-smart. With more than consumers’ homes. In 2022, the top launching the brand-new campaign 39% of Americans actively trying categories for new pulse product “Pulse Farmers on a Mission to Help to eat more plant-based foods this launches were Pet Food at number you Eat More Plants.” Officially past year (Nielsen), consumers are one with 416 new product launches launched in October 2021, this looking for nutrient-dense foods, using pulse ingredients, followed by campaign featured eye-catching and in all forms. And according to Ready Meals & Side Dishes at number digital creative pieces, an updated Datassential, 28% of consumers two with 355 new product launches, graphic look and feel for marketing (and 44% of college students) say and the Sports Nutrition category collateral, new informative resources they prefer plant-based protein coming in at number three with 139 and more, with a goal of inspiring over animal-based protein and the new product launches. The USA millennials, Gen-Z and beyond to add demand for regenerative ag is only Pulses marketing team has worked pulses to their plates. This creative expected to grow, especially in diligently this past year to expand and vibrant campaign, brought pulse foodservice. marketing programs through media farmers to the heart of the U.S.- The ongoing and dynamic USA relations, new outreach, and new grown pulse story, as well as the Pulses campaign ensures consumers campaigns, to ensure pulse crops are plant-forward trend that is sweeping and professionals are looking to U.S.- in the spotlight of the plant-forward the nation. To celebrate the 2021 grown pulse crops as the perfect movement. Pulses are truly having harvest season and officially kick-off fit to meet this growing demand. their well-deserved moment as the of the new campaign, we invited food According to Innova Market Insights, darling, the hero, and the solution and sustainability media editors, more than 2,600 new products using consumers are looking for in a world contributors, and influencers to learn that’s searching for answers now and more about U.S. grown pulse crops and pulse products straight from the farm for a virtual harvest tour media event, bringing media members and pulse growers together to discuss pulse cooking tips, nutrition, and the role pulses play in sustainability and soil health. >>> Get Social with USA Pulses! USA Pulses on the World Wide Web See our Pulses in Schools re- sources! 12

QUARTERLY MEDIA / INFLUENCER POWERFUL PAIRINGS CAMPAIGN 2021 CIA HEALTHY KIDS PILOT MAILERS GAINS MOMENTUM USA Pulses continued its sponsorship To further build relationships with USA Pulses is going on its’ third year as of the Culinary Institute of America’s target media and influencers so they part of the collaborative and innovative Healthy Kids Collaborative year-round can relay pulse messaging to their marketing initiative known as initiative, which is designed to accelerate readers and followers, USA Pulses Powerful Pairings. This award-winning innovation and deepen technical and created customized packages to campaign continues to represent a professional expertise in K-12 school send out quarterly to key nutrition unique partnership across agricultural food. It is a unique and focused multi- communicators. These beautiful pulse- industries. And in 2022, the Grain Foods year collaboration between school themed mailers included detailed Foundation joined the coalition as the nutrition professionals, school chefs, information about pulse ingredients, newest partner. Other partners this year suppliers, and other stakeholders to examples of product innovation, new included the U.S. Sorghum Checkoff and create and promote culinary driven, customized handouts, retail products, the National Pork Board. Throughout the heathy foods for kids. festive pulse-themed tissue paper and year, thousands of Registered Dietitians more. As a result of the media event, and consumers learned about Powerful RETURNING TO IN-PERSON EVENTS mailers, continued media outreach and Pairings and their value through a One of the most exciting elements of FY story seeding, we received 30 earned strategic mix of educational materials 2021-2022 was the return to in-person posts and 1M potential impressions and events, personalized outreach events. And the food industry – both throughout the year. and engagement and paid advertising. foodservice and ingredient innovation The Powerful Pairings website and sectors – were the first to return to in- USA PULSES ON TIKTOK campaign offers recipes, infographics, person meetings. The USA Pulses team It is ongoing effort of USA Pulses to fact sheets and other resources to help was excited to be back on the road, connect with consumers through RDNs and their clients use these tasty meeting with chefs and CPG companies, our successful influencer programs ingredients individually and collectively. looking to add more plant-forward and on the platforms they love most like It is estimated that this website has cost-effective ingredients to the menus Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. So educated more than 10,000 RDNs since and products. Some top event highlights to drive awareness and inspire pulse its inception; it receives an increase in included the 2021 Flavor Experience, usage among Gen-Z and millennials, traffic with every interaction, including the Next Level Summit Food Evolution we landed on the latest and greatest educational webinars, paid advertising Summit, and the Culinary Institute of platform this year – TikTok, partnering and in-person events. America’s iconic 2022 Menus of Change with content creators to share event. These events allowed for USA educational content, recipe ideas and SCHOOL MEAL OUTREACH Pulses staff to connect with contacts more (example on right, Andy the A key objective of the Domestic and leads directly and to educate about Dietitian @beautifuleatsandthings). Marketing Department is to increase the the values of adding U.S. pulse crops into With added promotion on Instagram to use of pulses and pulse crops in school menus and retail products. Leads were boost reach, partnerships were broken meals. And the USA Pulses multi-tiered then used for the VIP mailer program as into two programs: registered dietitians marketing campaign continues to grow well as follow-up meetings. to educate fellow Registered Dietitians demand for crops in school meals across and nutritionists, and consumer-facing the country through new resource influencers in the lifestyle and food development, events, outreach, and space. Our FY22 influencer program education. resulted in 16 influencer partners, More than ten new handouts were 1.7MM+ video views, and 10.2MM+ developed, along with five new turn- potential impressions. key and creditable recipes. And in partnership with influencers such as HEALTH PRO RESOURCES / Healthy School Recipes, USA Pulses EDUCATION hosted three customized virtual Focused on individual pulse types and education sessions with school ingredients, we developed four new foodservice operators, covering topics comprehensive and digital education such as flex menus, global flavors, guides for Registered Dietitians to and more. In addition, USA Pulses reference, learn about the latest studies, continued to send out a bi-monthly and share usage tips with their clients newsletter to all school district contacts and social media followers. These new with tips, recipes, and ideas for pulse four guides can be found on https://www. use in lunch, breakfast, and afterschool feeding programs. New resources and In addition, USA Pulses hosted three info were shared by partners on social customized and virtual education media channels and several articles sessions for Registered Dietitians that were featured in trade publications offered continuing education credits for throughout the year, including the attendees, as well as new recipes and School Nutrition Association magazine. handouts to accompany each course. FY2021/22 Annual Report for the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council 13

Financial Profile: IDAHO PEA & LENTIL COMMISSION STATEMENT OF ACTIVITY FY 16/17 Actual vs. Budget 1.5% Assessment July 2016 - June 2017 14

ID COMMISSION (as of Oct, 2021) Jay Anderson, Chair Brett Poxleitner, Vice Chair Levi Lustig Neil Heitstuman Kendrick Webb Dirk Hammond, Handler Mark McGuire, UofI Ex-Officio ID Commission Income, FY 2021-22, Total = $435,201 IDInCtoermestm&isMsiisoc.n, InRceotamil,e$,1F0 Y Green Pea, Total = $435,201 $630 Yellow Pea, 20$6271,9-2392, Interest & Misc., Retail, $10 Green Pea, $1,187 $67,939 $630 AYWelPlo, w$1P0,e6a8,8 $1,187 Chickpea, AWP, $10,688 $274,402 Lentil, $80,345 Chickpea, Lentil, $80,345 $274,402 Green Pea Yellow Pea AWP Lentil Chickpea Interest & Misc. Retail Green Pea Yellow Pea AWP LenItDil CoChmickmpeaissioIntnereEsxt &pMeinscs. es,ReFtaYil 2021-22, NIFA Commodity Bd, Total =$280,596 $15,000 Info/Gov't, $33,699 Administration, $47,867 APA/PCHI, Domestic $36,966 Marketing, $65,393 Research, $54,066 Administration International Domestic Marketing Marketing, $27,605 International ID Commission Net Income = $154,604 Marketing Research APA/PCHI Info/Gov't FY2021/22 Annual Report for the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council 15

Pulse Research The Research program at the USADPLC / APA seeks to increase the body of research on health/nutrition, functionality, and production/sus- tainability of pulses. RESEARCH & SUSTAINABILITY (NDSU) and Dr. Mary Burrows (MSU) continues to provide a collaborative Above: USDA-ARS Plant Patholgist, Dr. Wei- FY 2021 has shown the effectiveness of approach across regions to provide the dong Chen during a WSU field day event. our research process and demonstrated research and education necessary to Pulse breeding and crop health are im- the value of advocating with USDA increase integrated pest management portant facets of the USADPLC research agencies as a key industry stakeholder (IPM) adoption in pulse crops. The program. Dr. Rebecca McGee is a USDA for pulse funding priorities. Despite PCWG responds to these challenges ARS plant breeder focusing on breeding the difficulties with COVID and the by developing and implementing IPM cold tolerant peas and lentils. impact on research institution’s hiring, strategies as well as educational and In the same program, Dr. George Van- drought, pests and pathogens; the outreach efforts as part of the pulse demark works with chickpea varieties, USADPLC has continued to expand the crop scientific community. while Dr. Chen performs research on pulse scope of its research collaborations. The USADPLC Research Committee and pathogens. Pulses are growing in their popularity the NPGA reviewed research proposals as research shows time and again that and developed prioritizations for 12 pulse crops are healthy for people new and continuing projects to fund and the planet. They allow farms to in FY22 at $388,452. We received many be resilient, support biodiversity, use interesting proposals that stretched water wisely, expand crop rotations, fix the boundaries on what we have nitrogen, and sequester carbon. traditionally funded. Researchers from diverse disciplines are recognizing that FUNDED RESEARCH pulses have unique characteristics, and although we were not able to During Spring 2022, the USADPLC held directly fund all of their proposals, we the Annual Joint Research Review are committed to providing support to with the Northern Pulse Growers grow the breadth and depth of studies Association (NPGA) and in conjunction that utilize pulses with the Pulse Crops Working Group The public breeders and variety trial in Bozeman, Montana. Together, the programs were funded and play an groups participated in stakeholder important role in varietal development engagement sessions, research facility and performance across growing tours, and visioning for industry needs. regions. Royalties for public pulse The Pulse Crops Working Group (PCWG), varieties continue to support the USDA- under the direction of Dr. Audrey Kalil ARS Variety Development Program. To help with crop management, researchers from the University of Idaho, Washington State University, and Montana State University are tackling weed management across the growing regions. The 2021 Pulse Quality Survey by Dr. Clifford Hall III of South Dakota State University provided much needed longitudinal data to understand how harvests differ based on time and place. Visit the USA Pulse research page to see past and future projects. >>> 16

Pulse Research of 43 projects are being supported ARS, is leading the expansion of the in the categories of 1. Human Health Network’s hub in Fargo, ND and is PULSE CROP HEALTH Improvement & Chronic Disease hiring several research scientists. INITIATIVE Prevention, 2. Functionality Traits The Wheat and Pulse Quality Lab in & Food Security, 3. Sustainability of Pullman WA, and Dr. Karen Cichy in The Pulse Crop Health Initiative Pulse Production Systems. To learn East Lansing MI will be collaborating (PCHI) continues to see an increase more about the research, view the as well. These scientists will focus on in financial support. This year, $5.5 funded projects here. end-use characteristics, functionality, million dollars were authorized and quality traits of pulse crops and from the Farm Bill. This allows for PULSE QUALITY NETWORK will collaborate with the university the Initiative to continue funding scientists and the public pulse multi-year projects while adding on The onboarding of the new Pulse breeders. As the interest for pulses as new research projects. The goal of Quality Network (PQN) team ingredients and blends continues to the Initiative is to use cooperative administered by the (USDA-ARS) has rise, the establishment of the PQN is research on pulse crops (dry beans, begun! The PQN has been authorized both timely and valuable. dry peas, lentils, and chickpeas) to at $2.5 million for 2021 and our team provide solutions to the critical health will keep working towards increasing and sustainability challenges facing that support. Dr. Mike Grusak, USDA- the citizens of the United States and the global community. In FY21, a total CLIMATE SMART PET FOOD Early in 2022, the USDA announced significant Research has been underway to understand the Food funding for Climate Smart Agricultural Practices. & Drug Administration’s (FDA) 2018 alert to pet owners Although we did not receive funding, the USADPLC of a heart condition called dilated cardiomyopathy and the APA developed substantial proposals (DCM) in dogs eating certain pet foods. It was that will be assets for future Climate Smart speculated that pulses could be a factor in DCM but collaborations. We thank the boards and the staff ongoing research is struggling to find a strong causal for their willingness to explore how pulses fit with mechanism. We anticipate several large peer-reviewed carbon accounting, regenerative agriculture, and studies to be published in the coming year. The pulse sustainable food systems. There will be more updates industry cares about pet health and it is our priority as the programs, budgets, and opportunities solidify. to better understand the inclusion of pulses in pet diets for healthy and happy canine friends. Alongside supporting research, we continue to engage with FDA The USADPLC Research Program funds breeding programs in all of the pulse growing regions. Field days and pulse trials are an integral element of these projects. FY2021/22 Annual Report for the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council 17


WA COMMISSION(as of Oct, 2021) David Carlton, Chair Jake Dewald, Vice Chair Kirk Hansen Kevin Mader Mike Tee Nate Hahner Matt Weber Kyle Hinrichs, Handler Scott Steinbacher, WSDA FY2021/22 Annual Report for the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council 19

INFORMATION & POLICY The Info/Gov Committee is comprised of a cross-section of members representing state check off organizations, regional grower groups, the national trade association, the American Pulse Association, and international and national coalitions that support the overarching goals of ensuring policy to promote and protect the pulse industry and increasing membership in the pulse crop coalition. For the Information / Government (Info/Gov) arm of the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council, FY2021/22 was defined by government relationship building, policy education, and an epic partnership in providing grower education. During this last fiscal year, the U.S. pulse industry of India (GoI) has lowered import restrictions and continued to experience what can only be called a global tariffs, the GoI continues to enact a retaliatory series of dire challenges to the health of the sector. 10% tariff on U.S. pulse exports. 2021 was one of the International market disruption in the form of worst crop years the U.S. experienced in decades retaliatory tariffs and shipping logistic dysfunction due to historic drought and other weather events. continued to plague the trade members of our High demand and low supply resulted in high prices. industry. At the same time, weather events and Still, pulse exporters suffered greatly at the hands of extremely high input costs took their toll on our international shipping companies when attempting to U.S. pulse growers’ financial (and often mental) get their products to their global customers. Despite health. During times of strife, the work of the policy increased domestic and international demand for and member services arm of the USA Dry Pea & pulse crops, disruptions in transportation continue Lentil Council (USADPLC) and the American Pulse to drive USADPLC policy efforts. The USADPLC and Association (APA) play an important role in crisis APA worked hard to pass the historic Ocean Shipping management and communication efforts of the pulse Reform Act (OSRA) to put pressure on ocean carriers industry. to export U.S. Ag commodities. CRISIS STRATEGY & COMMUNICATIONS THE INDUSTRY POLICY FRAMEWORK The USADPLC and the APA sponsor an annual The Info/Gov Committee works to develop policies Washington, D.C. “fly-by” visit, sponsoring growers, that support increased pulse crop research, ensure pulse trade members, and representatives to meet equal support in Farm Program enactment for with policymakers and discuss issues affecting Pulse producers, increase access to school nutrition the U.S. pulse industry. The USADPLC/APA held programs, and increase trade opportunities. This the annual Washington, D.C. “Mission” virtually committee is a true coalition of the U.S. pulse using Zoom technology for the second year. Hot industry, comprised of a cross-section of members topics during these meetings with policymakers representing state check-off organizations, regional and agricultural agencies included shipping woes grower groups, the national trade association, and fees, equality in research spending, unfair the American Pulse Association, and international trade practices, COVID relief package participation, and national coalitions. The USADPLC works with disaster relief, government pulse purchases, the research, policy, marketing, and international and crop insurance payments. The industry is committees to create a policy framework upon which planning an in-person event for February 2023. the U.S. pulse industry interacts with government officials and agencies throughout the year, Meanwhile, the U.S. pulse industry continues to work encouraging U.S. policies that promote and protect the with the U.S. administration to provide agricultural interests of the U.S. pulse industry from farm to fork. relief through grower payments and increased commodity purchases to help reduce the impacts of As part of the Information/Government programming, the global pandemic and continued trade barriers. the USADPLC contracts with Gordley Associates in The USADPLC worked with our Washington D.C. Washington, D.C., to represent the pulse industry, consultants, elected officials and the USDA to ensure provide timely information on critical issues and that the pulse industry was included in the USDA technical policy advice, and provide industry Emergency Relief Program (ERP), ARC/PLC farm outreach to advance the industry priorities. program safety net, and food aid purchases. GLOBAL MARKET DISRUPTION The USADPLC and APA prioritize relationship-building Despite continued demand In FY21/22, U.S. exports and efforts that increase advocacy among policy and have seen a historic decline. Although the government decision-makers in government. These long-term relationships with policymakers continue to pay 20

INFORMATION & POLICY Members of the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council and the American Pulse Association celebrate a successful week of PUBLICATIONS/MEMBER SERVICES virtual DC visits. The USADPLC produces 78 industry newsletters about pulse-related topics, dividends in garnering pulse research to ask Congress to provide disaster the weekly “Pulse Pipeline” and the bi- funding authorized by the Farm Bill. The relief to producers suffering from weekly “Pulse Mill” newsletters. The USADPLC is well positioned for the 2023 natural disasters. The Emergency USADPLC alerts members of urgent Farm Bill planning, acquiring increased Relief Program (ERP was designed to matters through an e-blast called funding for the Pulse Crop Health supplement crop insurance payments the “Pulse Connection” and surveys Initiative, establishing funding for the to producers that suffered from natural members throughout the year about Pulse Quality Network, and responding disasters in crop years 2020 and 2021. emerging issues. In addition, we publish to crisis policy issues affecting the U.S. In late spring 2022, the Secretary of a bi-annual magazine entitled “Take pulse industry. The USADPLC and APA Agriculture announced phase 1 of the Your Pulse,” the only pulse industry continue to garner support to fund the ERP payments. Producers of dry peas, magazine in the nation, and industry Pulse Crops Products Program (PCPP), a lentils and chickpeas have received statistical reports, including pulse crop project to get more pulses in our school over $87 million in payments from the production statistics, stocks-on-hand, diets. It is authorized at ten million but ERP program to date. pulse production maps, and pulse we are still working to gain funding. PULSE REVENUE CROP INSURANCE acreage reports. USDA ARC/PLC 2020 PROGRAM YEAR The USADPLC owns the Pulse Crop GROWER AND INDUSTRY OUTREACH PAYMENTS Revenue Insurance Program (PCRI), a The USADPLC has continued our social USDA ARC and PLC payments are paid to risk management product managed media industry outreach campaign growers after the marketing year ends. by the Risk Management Agency branded as the Puls-ED program, using In October 2021 USDA distributed $19.4 (RMA). Since 2014, the PCRI program social media channels to develop and million dollars of ARC/PLC payments has provided revenue-based coverage share educational materials, conduct to producers of dry peas, lentils and to pulse growers based on projected surveys, and other content relevant to chickpeas who signed up for the 2020 prices versus harvest prices. In 2021, thepulseindustry.Ourgrowereducation farm program year. There will be no the PCRI program paid over $140 project aims to create a community of USDA ARC/PLC payments in the 2021 million in indemnity payments to pulse growers, trade representatives, farm program year because the drought pulse producers, compared to Yield consultants, and researchers to share dramatically decreased production Payments of $47 million. Pulse growers content, experience, and knowledge to which caused an increase in prices well in Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South minimize farming risk with education. above the reference prices established Dakota, and Washington State received The USADPLC continues to serve 272 by Congress in the 2018 Farm Bill. record indemnity payouts. 63% of all Puls-ED community members and EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM (ERP) pulse acreage in the United States countless Facebook and Twitter social The nationwide drought that impacted enrolled in this PRCI program in 2021. media channels through a combination almost every growing region in the Nebraska producers organized a check of prepared content and live and video- country resulted in the pulse industry off organization and should be eligible streamed events. joining with other commodity groups for PCRI in the next crop year. FY2021/22 Annual Report for the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council 21

INFORMATION & POLICY Images extracted from the USDA ERP Dashboard (above), and the USDA FSA- ERP Factsheet (below and to right). Click each image for more information. 22

FY2021/22 Annual Report for the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council 23


APA BOARD: Kim Murray, Chair Chad Nickels, Vice Chair Andrew Fontaine Dave Kirsten Pat Smith Beau Anderson, Alt. Marty Anderson, Alt. Cindy Brown, Advisory Board Steve Savell, Advisory Board FY2021/22 Annual Report for the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council 25

2021 ommittee from Left to Right: •Ryan Bogar, Chair •Jillien Streit •Todd Hansen •Paul Kanning, Vice Chair •Andy Fjeseth, MT Dept of Ag Not pictured Brian Aklestad; Matt Franks, Ex- Officio; Sreekala Bajwa, MSU; Christy Clark, MT Dept. of Ag. Created by a vote of Montana pulse crop producers, the Pulse Crop Research & Market Development Program was put into place to address pulse producer need and issues in Montana. The program will be funded by a check-off on all Montana grown dry peas, lentils, chickpeas and fava beans. MONTANA PULSE CROP COMMITTEE ND producer Scott Sova (and friend) checking plant health on his Noonan farm. ND Council Roster NORTH DAKOTA DRY PEA •Kim Saueressig, Chair & LENTIL COUNCIL •Bob Finken •Jeremy Huether •Scott Sova •Kevin Wolsky Growers of dry peas, lentils, chickpeas, and lupins in ND introduced legislation during the 1997 Legislative session to create a check-off on the sale of dry peas and lentils. The growers established the Council to manage growers investment to best utilize the dollars in the areas of marketing, research, education and promotion. 26

A pulse crop weed control List of 2021 committee members field trial held in South Dakota •Brad Karlen, Chair •Tyrel Eisenbraun •Kip Erickson •Benson Kleinschmidt •Leigh Leesman The South Dakota Pulse Growers, Inc. is a grass roots organization formed to encourage better production of field peas, chickpeas, lentils and dry beans in South Dakota. The organization was formed in 1992 by a handful of South Dakota farmers interested in producing pulse crops. SOUTH DAKOTA PULSE CROPS COUNCIL NEPCC Council Roster (L-R) •Tyler Hughes •Roland Rushman, Chair •Eric Thalken •Ben Goding •Logan Govier, Vice Chair Effective July 1, 2021, Nebraska NEBRASKA DRY PEA & growers voted for a 1% dry pea, LENTIL COMMISSION lentil, and chickpea checkoff, establishing the inaugeral Nebraska Dry Pea & Lentil Commission. On June 10, 2021 the NEDPLC held their first official meeting and officially voted in the first officers of their Commission, where they began the process of joining the USADPLC.


(as of Oct, 2021) WASHINGTON DIVISION Matt Weber, 1st Co-Chair IDAHO DIVISION Scot Cocking Kyle Osborn, 2nd Co-Chair Ian Clark Randy Duncan Greg Ferrel Richard Grant Aaron Flansburg Dave Hawley Braidy Haden, 1st Vice Co-Chair Jack Hermann Chase Janson Howard Jones Dan McKinley Kevin Meyer Doug Morgan Riley Nelson Tim Schultz Cole Riggers, 2nd V Co-Chair Dan Westacott Brian Silflow Todd Wittman FY2021/22 Annual Report for the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council 29

2780 W. Pullman Rd. Phone : 208 • 882 • 3023 Moscow, Idaho Mail : Our Pulse Crop Coalition