2780 W. Pullman Road Moscow, Idaho 83843 Phone : 208-882-3023 E-Mail : [email protected] Web: www.usapulses.org USADPLC MISSION 2018/19 The USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council’s mission is to support the economic, scientific, and political ANNUAL REPORT well being of the United States dry pea, lentil and chickpea industry. We achieve this by USADPLC developing international markets; establishing footholds in domestic consumer markets and food manufacturing; providing a world- class pulse research infrastructure; and by communicating our industry’s goals to potential political allies, partners and stakeholders.
2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 2 CTaobnlteenofts 3-7 03. Staff and Board Roster ABOUT THE COVER: 04. CEO Letter Young Asher Anderson is the son of Chippewa Valley Bean 8-13 grower, Grant, the owner and operator of Anderson Farms in Belgrade, Minnesota. Tessa Rose of CVB remarks, “They have been a trusted growing partner with us for many years.” Photo courtesy of Grant Anderson. 08. International Marketing 10. Idaho Commission Financials 12. Domestic Marketing 14-17 16. Washington Commission Financials 18. Pulse Crop Research 20. WPGA Financials 22-28 22. Information & Government 24. APA Financials 26. USPLTA Financials THE USA DRY PEA & LENTIL COUNCIL RECEIVES FUNDING FROM THE FOLLOWING PULSE CROP ORGANIZATIONS:
2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 3 2018/19 USADPLC / APA STAFF CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP SERVICES USA DRY PEA & LENTIL COUNCIL Tim McGreevy Kim Monk EXECUTIVE BOARD OFFICERS AS OF JANUARY, 2019 [email protected] [email protected] BEAU ANDERSON, NORTH DAKOTA VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH Chairman Jeff Rumney Evy Jaconis ANDREW FONTAINE, WASHINGTON [email protected] [email protected] Vice Chairman VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH & STRATEGIC OPERATIONS MANAGER AARON FLANSBURG, WASHINGTON MEMBERSHIP SERVICES Sandra Rumney Secretary / Treasurer Todd Scholz [email protected] [email protected] CONTACT INFORMATION USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS ASST. MARKETING MGR - GRANTS Drex Rhoades Kara Russell 2780 W. Pullman Road Moscow, Idaho 83843 [email protected] [email protected] Phone (208) 882-3023 DIRECTOR OF DOMESTIC MARKETING ASST. MARKETING MGR - PR Becky Garrison Madison Jacobson WEBSITE www.usapulses.org [email protected] [email protected] INTERNATIONAL MARKETING REPRESENTATIVES Latin America North Asia / China India Mediterranean / Spain Europe Indo-Pacific Region Raul Caballero Lucy Dai Shakun Dalal David McClellan Johanna Stobbs Tim Welsh 2018/19 USADPLC NATIONAL BOARD VOTING MEMBERS Beau Anderson, Chair (ND) Bert Brocke (USPLTA) Brad Karlen (SD) Brian Silflow (ID) Howard Nelson (USPLTA) Gordon Stoner (MT) Andrew Fontaine, Vice Chair (USPLTA) Don Driscoll (USPLTA) Kim Saueressig (ND) Ron Williams (USPLTA) Aaron Flansburg, Sec/Treas. (WA) Nate Hahner (WA) Jay Anderson (ID) Paul Kanning (MT) 2018/19 AMERICAN PULSE ASSOCIATION (APA) NATIONAL BOARD Voting Members: Alternates/Advisors: Greg Johnson, Chair Beau Anderson Dave Kirsten Marty Anderson Kim Murray Cindy Brown Chad Nickels Scot Cocking Pat Smith John McDermott
In the winter months, we take time to reflect on the crop year behind us. We get together at annual meetings and share the hardships, and there were plenty of them in 2019. The year behind us was a pretty wild ride with continued trade tariffs, low prices, the DCM issue, and weather – lots of cold, wet weather. Just about everyone struggled with one of the longest and wettest harvests on record. Farmers, processors, and exporters are all looking down the barrel of financial ruin if the markets do not turn around soon. But hope is not lost. The plant-based food movement has created a gold rush of opportunity for food innovators everywhere. New food products containing pulses or pulse ingredients have set new records every year for the past five years. Working together, we will continue to lay the ground for the future growth of this great industry. The trends are in our favor. Ups and downs are part of the business we dedicate our lives too. We will rise from the ashes. We will continue to produce the food that fuels the growth of this great country. In honor of the men and women who feed the world, I have written the following anthem - the lyrics to a country western song. Imagine this song performed by Garth Brooks. Enjoy! Fellowship of and
Fellowship of Iron & Earth - Tim McGreevy, CEO December, 2019 (copyright pending) We do not seek fortune or fame We work the land until we need a cane We understand the face of pain We feel the sting of judgement and shame We do our best to hide the strain. Of too much water or to little rain Chorus We are the people who plant and seed. We feed the world and those in need. The unsung hero’s of death and birth. We are the fellowship of Iron and Earth We are the medics of our soil’s health The stewards of our planet’s wealth On the frontlines of drought and flood Battling the elements with flesh and blood We are the first to feel the rising temperature range Because we are the first responders to climate change Chorus We are the people who plant and seed. We feed the world and those in need. The unsung hero’s of death and birth. We are the fellowship of Iron and Earth Our job is to put food on the table When people eat the world is stable We feed everyone who comes ashore. Black, White, Brown and more. So we take an oath to feed the poor. For if we don’t, there will be war Chorus We are the people who plant and seed. We feed the world and those in need. The unsung hero’s of death and birth. We are the fellowship of Iron and Earth
2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 6 2019/20 USADPLC NATIONAL BOARD WITH VARIOUS NPGA/USADPLC STAFF FINANCIAL PROFILE: USADPLC USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council Statement of Activities July 2018- June 2019 Income Total APA Programming Services July 1, 2018- USPLTA Programming Services June 30, 2019 WPGA Programming Services IDDPLC Programming Services 125,000 WAPCC Programming Services 306,723 NDDPLC Programming Service MPCC Programming Services 36,777 SDPCC Programming Services 365,557 NPGA Programming Services 797,812 MAP/FMD/EMP/ATP Grants 475,000 Misc Income/ RMA Grant 1,900,000 Retail Sales Total Income 10,000 Gross Profit 10,000 1,424,526 183,645 2,444 $ 5,637,484 $ 5,637,484 Expenses 379,893 Admin Office Operations 1,268,343 Domestic Market Programming 1,074,281 Research Prog APA Programming 478,614 Info, Educ, Gov't Affairs Prog w/RMA Grant 785,039 International Mkt. Programming 271,321 MAP/FMD/ATP/EMP Exp-Int Mkt 1,424,526 Office Rent Depreciation Expense 81,600 Total Expenses 41,919 Draw from Reserves/ FY 17-18 Carryover $ 5,805,536 $ (168,052)
USADPLC BOARD VOTING MEMBERS (1/2019): 2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 7 Beau Anderson, Chair Don Driscoll Kim Saueressig Brian Silflow Andrew Fontaine, Vice Chair Nate Hahner Gordon Stoner Ron Williams Aaron Flansburg, Sec/Treas. Paul Kanning Jay Anderson Brad Karlan Bert Brocke Howard Nelson Retail Sales, $2,444 Income,APA Programming USPLTA Programming Services, $306,723 INSCervOicMes,E$12F5Y,0020 018/19 TOToTAtaLlIN=C$O5M,6E3=7$,54,68347,484 WPGA Programming Misc Income/ RMA Grant, Services, $36,777 $183,645 IDDPLC Programming Services, $365,557 MAP/FMD/EMP/ATP Grants, $1,424,526 WAPCC Programming Services, $797,812 SDPCC Programming Services, $10,000 NPGA Programming NDDPLC Programming Services, $10,000 Service, $475,000 MPCC Programming Services, $1,900,000 APA Programming Services USPLTA Programming Services WPGA Programming Services IDDPLC Programming Services WAPCC Programming Services NDDPLC Programming Service Expenses,MPCC Programming Services SDPCC Programming Services NPGA Programming Services Total = $5,805,536MAP/FMD/EMP/ATP Grants Misc Income/ RMA Grant Retail Sales MAP/FMD/ATP/EMP witEThXOPDTEeANpLSrEe=Sci$aF5tY,i8o20n051,583/169 Depreciation Expense, Exp-Int Mkt, $41,919 (with depreciation) $1,424,526 International Mkt. Office Rent, $81,600 Programming, $271,321 Admin Office Operations, $379,893 Info, Edu c, Gov't Affairs Prog w/RMA Domestic Market Programming, Grant, $785,039 $1,268,343 APA Programming, $478,614 Draw from Reserves/ Research Prog, FY 17-18 Carryover = ($168,052) $1,074,281 Admin Office Operations Domestic Market Programming Research Prog APA Programming Info, Educ, Gov't Affairs Prog w /RMA Grant International Mkt. Programming MAP/FMD/ATP/EMP Exp-Int Mkt Depreciation Expense Office Rent
2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 8 International Market Development 2018/19 HIGHTLIGHTS The Challenge average export declined by about Globally, US exports of US cool 75 percent—to just 67,210 MT. season pulses (US CSP), have been The past year marks one of the most Similarly, the 5-year export average reduced by 41%. Root causes for challenging on record as evidenced to China (2011 to 2016) was 46,974 losses in export volumes vary by by great declines in export sales MT; after entering the US-China market—including tariffs, import for pulse producers and aligned Trade War, the 2018 average export quotas, trade barriers, and strained industries. India, the largest US was down more than 50 percent, trade relations. The overall impact export market, dropped steadily to 20,647 MT. Lentil exports have has brought farm gate prices to a 10 since the tariffs were enacted. Prior increased but dry pea exports to 15-year low. to the tariffs, the 5-year export continues to decline. average (2011 to 2016) was 263,517 MT. However, from 2017-18, the The Pakistan Trade Team tours Glendive, Montana pulse processing facility. Below: The India Trade Team. The Work The USADPLC has doubled efforts to overcome the current challenges. Foreign marketing activities are funded primarily through grants from the USDA Foreign Marketing Service. Over the past year this funding has increased to $3.8 million, resulting in a greater presence and more activities to advance sales. Following are examples of activities organized by the USADPLC staff on behalf the producers and industry for cool season pulses. Overall, our strategy is to increase the demand for CSP by educating foreign buyers of the value of purchasing high-quality US origin dry peas, lentils and chickpeas. Trade Missions Reverse Trade Missions Outbound trade missions take our Bringing foreign buyers to the US products and US industry partners for personal visits to producers, directly to buyers of our products. processors and exporters is a very There is no substitute for face-to- effective way to increase sales of face meetings when it comes to US pulses. This year, the USADPLC building relations and listening to hosted buyers from Pakistan and the needs of our customers. Lessons India—both key trading partners. learned include the need for the The direct sales from these missions US to produce the highest quality, included $12 million and $1 million clean products. The foreign markets for India and Pakistan; respectively. are increasingly concerned about These tours visited entire production residue and contamination. areas including Idaho, Washington, Montana and North Dakota. Additionally, buyers from all the represented states traveled to meet these international buyers.
2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 9 International Market Development CONTINUED Government & Industry Discussing the use of Yellow split pea as a subsitute for mung bean in moon- Relations cake at a Vietnam trade show; Jeff van Pevanage, Brett Melvin, Andrew Fon- The USADPLC international program tain, Joe Cramer, Jeff Rumney. has been engaged on multiple policy fronts to enhance foreign market The USADPLC six international marketing exports. An important success representatives meet foreign pulse buyers (like included opening Pakistan’s market these in Poland) at trade shows across the globe. by easing export requirements. This was accomplished by obtaining a India Reverse Trade Mission - permanent waiver for methyl bromide Jeff Winkler of Mountain View Coop, fumigation and recognition of the non- Dutton Montana discuss pea and lentil GMO status of US produced pulses. In price and availability with an eager India, meetings with the Government group of India buyers. of India Ministry of Agriculture and NAFED (National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd) led to better understanding of the India tariffs and how US pulse exports may increase in the future. In Europe, along with the GPC (Global Pulse Confederation), the USADPLC continued to keep dry peas, lentils and chickpeas off the EU tariff list. Trade Shows Numerous trade shows around the world were on the agenda this year; these shows are vital to stay in the competitive market and maintain relations. Large traditional shows such as SIAL and ALIMENTARIA in Europe, and GULFOOD in Dubai are consistently attended and bring in good business. Newer markets present a greater challenge. Using Vietnam as an example, it has a rising middle class and a growing awareness and appreciation for US products. However, few traditional recipes featuring pulses create challenges. While the potential exists, goals for shows in Vietnam and other South East Asia countries are to build awareness of dry peas, lentils, and chickpeas. Technical Training & Innovation The USADPLC continues a long history of growing demand by introducing new pulse recipes and uses for pulse ingredients. This work includes snack and bakery training in Mexico and South America, chef training in Europe, and product innovation across all of South East Asia.
FINANCIAL PROFILE: IDAHOIdaho Pea & Lentil Commissi2o01n8/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 10 IdaShJtoualtPyeem2a0e1&n8tL-eoJnfutAnilceCti2ov0mit1im9esission Statement of Activities Total July 2018 - June 2019 AcTtoutaall Income Actual TGoIrCBOEAFnotBOEFCA-a--c-s--sl-C--oLA-Y-G-OIheCPLAeYmWnGOrtnheilereWchcrltnotieoPleeokhcelitfoPwlnepkmreiIitInwlnpernIIPePInncaencIPeoPenccaocIaeooamencomIaoammIncImneneomIcIneecnceomoecocmomeommemeeee 13,582 $ 233676621818033761,,,,,,,8038114218466,,,,,,07241554541288469322178024238946 Total Income $$ 363,652 EGxproesns sPersofit $ 363,652 EOxupterenascehs & Education 3,690 NTToTeAUoTot555555tAOUSdotat666666555555IaAdSmluatn145342666666laAElmDtc000050342514iUlrxEnDoP000050eiUIRAAIDpSxnimnnPLasIADARIpAeeSdoPiCnnttfLcsesneAeooPdemmADrChtfteCasnsor/emAmrD(/PaeoeieCntaD&Gsr/PnP/LirassoeienntaGoroPncHCitLirssEsnattaonihocvHCitItircdCswttonihrvaItircoPPCuPaonrcaoPPfnrrtcPartnacrooiaonrrettrovtlaoorgigtodegtevmPlairrrggdrgoePcraaaSSarrrnotRmmcraaeSemSaeogtmmereremdmmevrmgvsrradmmeivrmivSiiccimannriineeSiieccivmnnggngsermeseeggvgsrmssiiv)nciiengcsegs 13,39,66790 $ 321,38,29067 $$ (3316398578339500127373395868,5,,,,,,,0252017358531826,,,,,,,,5738401358851822774600408547231)07607044 5(0129,,151632) RNeseetrvInecso, mJuely(D1,ra2w01f8rom Reserves) $$ (41(859120,95,2,565,512611)23) RNNReeseteestIrenvIrncevocseom,smJ,euJeun(Dle(yDr3a1r0wa,,w22f0r0f1or18om9mRReseesrevrevse)s) $$$$ 482,551 Reserves, June 30, 2019 $
2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 11 Idaho Pea & Lentil Commission Income, FY 2018-19 TOTToAtLaIlGNGRCOrOoSMsSsEINIFnCYcOo2Mm01Ee8=/1=9$3$6336,635,2652 Interest & Misc., Green Pea, $13,582 $8,846 Yellow Pea, $1,104 AWP, $1,229 2018/19 ID COMMISSION (12/18): Lentil, $70,413 Pat Smith, Chair Jay Anderson Chickpea, $268,478 Dennis Dau Dirk Hammond, Handler Richard Grant Kevin Meyer Michael Parrella, Ex Officio Green Pea Yellow Pea AWP Lentil Chickpea Interest & Misc. Retail ID Commission Expenses, EXPENSES FFYY2201081/819-19, TOTAL =To$t3a8l3=,2$13483,214 ID Commission Net Income/ Outreach & Education, $3,690 Administration, $46,787 Info/Gov't, $70,370 APA/PCHI, $51,847 Domestic Marketing, $97,184 Research, $80,836 International Marketing, $32,500 Administration Domestic Marketing International Marketing Research APA/ PCHI Info/Gov't Outreach & Education Contingency /Misc
2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 12 Domestic Marketing 2018/19 HIGHTLIGHTS Overview targeted programming for school Domestic Marketing team received foodservice, to gaining momentum successful feedback with the launch Despite this year’s set-backs and within the Dietary Guidelines for of new materials for the Section 32 market shifts from global tariffs Americans, it was a powerful year program, maintained prominence and trade wars, the USADPLC of pulse promotion. At the end of in the media, and made promising and APA Domestic Marketing 2018, total social media campaign connections while representing the Program harnessed opportunities reach exceeded 2.6 billion, and more U.S. pulse industry at this year’s for expansion and growth on the than 250 articles referencing pulses many tradeshows, seminars, and home front for the U.S. pulse crop and their health benefits were conferences. industry. From a successful U.S. published during this fiscal year. The social media campaign, to specially ATTENDEES OF THE CIA WORLD PULSES DAY IMMERSION EVENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS, PROGRAMS, AND CAMPAIGNS Dietary Guidelines for Americans The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) review process has been underway the past year and the U.S. pulse industry has been there every step of the way! The USADPLC/APA have been actively submitting written and oral comments to the DGA review committee and meeting with USDA and HHS staff in Washington D.C. to discuss the importance of pulses. The pulse industry’s goals are to increase the recommendation from 1.5 cups/week to 3 cups/week and for pulses to be clearly defined in the new 2020 Dietary Guidelines. The DGA report will be released in early 2020. Section 32 Programming Marketing team members, Madison In support of Section 32 purchases of dry and canned Jacobson and Becky Garrison at one of pulses, the Domestic Marketing team, in partnership the many food industry trade shows the with the Northern Pulse Growers Association, launched USADPLC attends. a campaign targeting foodbanks across the U.S. Over 700 outreach boxes containing recipes, posters, to generate awareness and educate school foodservice preparation handouts, and crack-&-peel stickers with operators and students about the uses and health cooking directions for dry product were sent to all 50 benefits of pulses and pulse products in school meals. states. Additionally, the website www.usapulses.org/TIPS To kick off the campaign, the USADPLC/APA developed was launched as a new resource to serve limited income unique resources and recipes designed for school households who are looking for ways to get more pulses foodservice and promoted these new tools through on their plates. school influencer partnerships, trade publications, and at events such as the CIA Healthy Kids Collaborative, the School Nutrition Programming School Nutrition Association Annual Conference, and the 2019 presented a big opportunity to increase the sales Child Nutrition Conference. volume of pulses in school foodservice, and in response, the U.S. pulse industry launched a multi-year campaign
2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 13 Domestic Marketing CONTINUED TRADE SHOWS & EVENTS Chefs plating food at the Pulses of Change Immersion event. American Culinary Federation 2018 The American Culinary Federation the next big protein source. With Food & Nutrition Conference and (ACF) is a qualified organization for this audience, pulses are currently Expo 2018 cooks and chefs with the mission regarded as an area of opportunity The Academy of Nutrition and of advancing and promoting for increased research, investment, Dietetics’ annual Food and professionalism, leadership, and and development. Academia and Nutrition Conference and Expo collaboration within foodservice R&D professionals consistently (FNCE) 2018 attracted more than and hospitality. At the 2019 ACF stated that pulses hold a large 11,000 attendees from food and National Convention, the USADPLC/ margin for growth as the global nutrition industries. The USADPLC/ APA was an event sponsor and population increases, and pea APA joined forces with Lentils.org featured James Beard, Emmy, and protein was of high interest with to educate attending dietitians IACP award-winning author and attending investors. about advancements in the spokesperson Chef Raghavan Iyer as world of pulses and their many guest chef. Attendees raved about Better Buying Lab Annual Meeting nutritional benefits. Becky Garrison, Chef Raghavan’s Southeast Indian- 2018 Director of Domestic Marketing, style Garlicky Black-Eyed Peas with The USADPLC/APA teamed up met directly with 33 high-profile Gingered Spinach and the aromatic with Pulse Canada to embark on food and nutrition influencers to and simple Roasted Yellow Split a joint membership of the World discuss opportunities for future Pea Tapenade which were sampled Resources Institute’s Better Buying collaboration and partnerships. throughout the event. Additionally, Lab (BBL) at the start of 2018 and The pulses booth attracted 1,500 the USADPLC/APA and Chef attended the BBL’s annual planning attendees and distributed 850 Raghavan hosted a demonstration meeting in September. The BBL Half-Cup-Habit measuring cups, as session titled “The Pulse of a Plant- annual meeting invites members to well as thousands of educational Based Diet” on the ACF Demo review research topics and discuss print materials while sampling Stage, highlighting the versatility areas of opportunity through lentil lettuce wraps, lentil and white of pulses and how to maximize interactive and intimate workshops bean sloppy joes, and pumpkin their flavor and functionalities. The with major companies such as hummus. Main event takeaways presentation was well-received and Google, Sodexo, and Hilton. Event included the increasing momentum event attendees were engaged and takeaways included leveraging the around flexitarian and plant-forward intrigued with learning more about blended burger into the foodservice diets and the positive reception of pulses and their many benefits. industry and diving into plant-based educational materials about pulses protein markets. The BBL provides by attending dietitians and student Good Food Conference 2018 phenomenal opportunities to groups. The USADPLC/APA marketing staff educate leading global foodservice attended the first-ever Good Food corporations on the benefits and Conference in September 2018, uses of pulses and to direct action hosted by the Good Food Institute and research toward the pulse crop (GFI). The two-day event focused industry. on the acceleration of plant-based proteins and the expansion of technology and collaboration to meet the global demand for protein for the world’s growing population. Pulses are of great value in this industry, which harnesses the applications of pea protein and other pulse-derived ingredients to manufacture plant-based products by brands such as Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods, JUST, and more. Event attendees included media, scientists, investors, policymakers, innovation experts, food manufacturers, health professionals, academia, and entrepreneurs. Pulses were a constant conversation topic throughout the event, and were highlighted during panel discussions on the event stage as
2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 14 Domestic Marketing CONTINUED Hearst Media Culinary Event & Aaron Flansburg, Garrison, Cindy Brown, Deskside Meetings 2018 and CEO Tim McGreevy attending the To support ongoing media Hearst Media Event. relations and education activities for writers, editors, and content the planet through the benefits of CACFP’s Annual Child Nutrition developers, the USADPLC/APA pulses. Conference 2019 hosted an interactive media event The Child Nutrition Conference is at the Good Housekeeping Kitchen Pulse Innovation Summit: Sprouting the national conference hosted of the Future in Hearst Tower in & Fermentation 2019 by the Child and Adult Care Food New York City. The event included Each year, the USADPLC/APA Program (CACFP). CACFP provides cooking demonstrations showcasing hosts an innovation event daily meals to more than 4.5 million the versatility, sustainability, and targeting emerging trends and children and 130,000 adults. This nutritional benefits of pulses with areas of opportunity for the U.S. year’s conference, held in Chicago, the aim to increase awareness of pulse industry. This year’s event, attracted over 1,700 attendees the superfood category as a whole. which was held in Austin, Texas, who represent 1 million employees Additionally, the team conducted centered around the sprouting nationwide. The USADPLC/APA one-on-one meetings with editors and fermentation of pulses. The sponsored a 10x20 foot booth from Good Housekeeping, Southern event brought together industry distributing educational information Living, Greatist, MindBodyGreen, members, academia, R&D about pulses, which were on high MSN Health, and more to initiate professionals, entrepreneurs, demand as attendees are looking new media relations and establish and food and manufacturing to serve more plant-forward the USADPLC/APA team as a business operators. Sprouting and meal options. The versatility and resource on all things pulses. The fermentation, age-old processes affordability of pulses were exciting event attracted more than 80 media that enhance the nutritional and highlights for attendees, and the attendees and generated immediate digestive composition of foods, are industry website proved to be media coverage, articles, and stories on trend among consumers seeking a valuable resource for CACFP highlighting pulses as superfoods, health-conscious food products. employees. Several of the event’s with additional coverage planned for The summit included presentations breakout sessions focused on the following weeks and months. from Mintel, academic researchers, plant-forward menus and ways to industry entrepreneurs, legal incorporate pulses into meals. As “Pulses of Change: Menus for a Plant- representatives, and the USDA in a result of attending this event, the Forward Future” World Pulses Day addition to interactive workshop USADPLC/APA has secured a spot to Immersion Event 2019 sessions for attendees. The event host a breakout session during next The U.S. pulse industry celebrated generated innovation strategies and year’s conference. the newly designated World Pulses ways to overcome current barriers Day by hosting a pulse immersion for sprouting and fermentation Today’s Dietitian Annual Symposium event at the Culinary Institute of applications which were 2019 America (CIA) in Napa, California. documented in a post-event webinar The USADPLC/APA hosted a The event, entitled “Pulses of and an official summary report. breakout session and exhibit booth Change: Menus for a Plant-Forward at the annual Today’s Dietitian Future” invited leading R&D chefs from companies such as Google, Aramark, Marriott, and more, to dive into the world of pulses through plant-forward cooking challenges and demonstrations. The theme of the event was blends – incorporating pulses into mainstay protein dishes and moving pulses to the center of the plate. The outstanding creativity and innovation of the attending chefs as they worked with pulses to construct unique and crave-worthy dishes was a great success, and chefs reported their excitement over the new possibilities to influence the health of their customers and
2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 15 Domestic Marketing CONTINUED Symposium. Today’s Dietitian Jacobson holding a cocktail demonstration is the top trade publication for utilizing aquafaba at the Culinary Institute registered dietitians and nutrition of America. professionals, with their annual event drawing more than 700 APA exhibited in a 10x20 foot booth, American Society for Nutrition attendees from across the country. distributing literature on pulse Annual Meeting 2019 The USADPLC/APA’s popular lunch nutrition and ingredient applications Thousands of nutrition scientists, session, titled “Dietitians Transform as well as information on sourcing global health specialists, and public the Plate with Pulses,” filled the U.S. pulse products. It was estimated policy experts gathered for Nutrition room beyond capacity, and many that around 30% of all exhibiting 2019, the annual flagship meeting of attendees stated that the session companies were working with pulses the American Society for Nutrition was one of the best presentations – an exciting increase compared (ASN). This is a key event for the U.S. of the entire event. Director of to the last several years! The team pulse industry, bringing together Domestic Marketing, Becky Garrison, collected more than 400 leads who domestic programming, research, and Sharon Palmer, RDN, MS in were interested in membership, and policy initiatives all under one Sustainable Food Systems, co- research collaborations, and product roof. In addition to being a front-line presented during the session, which partnerships, and information exhibitor on the tradeshow floor, featured a chickpea tabbouleh on sourcing product was on high the USADPLC/APA hosted a popular demo, a pulse-powered lunch, and demand. and engaging session entitled offered continuing education credits “Plant-Based Proteins in the Dietary to all attendees. Guidelines for Americans 2020: Positioning Pulses for Success.” Institute of Food Technology Annual The panel presentation included Expo 2019 a robust lineup of expertise and In early June, the US pulse industry drew in over 200 attendees to headed to New Orleans to represent discuss positioning pulse crops for pulses and pulse-derived ingredients success in government programs at the Institute of Food Technology in the short and long term and to (IFT) Annual Conference and Food address gaps in current research Expo. The IFT Annual Event is one and programming for pulses. This of the largest of its kind, bringing event was a great opportunity to together food science professionals connect with new researchers about from all around the globe. This the Pulse Crop Health Initiative as year’s event hosted more than well as discuss domestic marketing 17,000 attendees. The USADPLC/ programs and tools with top health professionals. Some of the pulses showcased at the Pulses of Change Immersion event.
FINANCIAL PROFILE: WASHINGTON2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 16 Washington Pulse Crops Commission Statement of Activities July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019 Income Total A - Green Pea Assessments Actual B - Yellow Pea Assessments C - AWP Assessments 79,433 D - Lentil Assessments 3,982 E - Chickpea Assessments O - Other Income 21,650 122,452 Total Income 526,728 Gross Profit Expenses 12,109 $ 766,354 Administration $ 766,354 17,183 USADPLC Programming Services $ 36,800 5610 Administrative Services 224,093 5620 Domestic Marketing $ 5630 International Marketing $ 73,146 5640 Research 187,098 5645 APA/PHI 117,585 5650 Info/Gov Programming 159,090 Services 797,812 Total USADPLC Programming 4,621 Services 819,616 Outreach & Education (53,262) Z - Other Expenses Total Expenses Net Operating Income Reserves, July 1, 2018 $ 1,102,093 Income/(Change in Fund Balance) $ (53,262) Reserves, June 30, 2019 $ 1,048,831
2018/19 WA COMMISSION (12/18): 2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 17 Allen Druffel, Chair Dan Bruce, Handler Dave Carlton Braidy Haden Kirk Hansen, Vice Chair Nate Hahner Kevin Mader WA CommissionINICnOcMoEmFeY ,20F1Y8/129018-19, Scott Steinbacher, WSDA TToOTtaALl =GR$O7SS6I6N,C3O5M4E = $766,354 Mike Tee Yellow Pea, $3,982 Interest & Misc., $12,109 Green Pea, $79,433 AWP, $21,650 Lentil, $122,452 Chickpea, $526,728 Green Pea Yellow Pea AWP Lentil Chickpea Interest & Misc. Retail WA Commission ExEpXTePOnEsTNeASsLE, SF=YF$2Y8012910,86118-61/199, Total = $819,616 Outreach & Info/Gov't, $117,585 Education, $4,621 Administration, $53,983 APA/PHI, $159,090 Research, $187,098 Domestic Marketing, $224,093 International Mktg, $73,146 WA Commission Net Income = ($53,262) Administration Research Domestic Marketing International Marketing APA/PHI Info/Gov't Outreach & Education
2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 18 Pulse Research Program 2018/19 FUNDING used the pea plant as the model since bentazon is used in the USA, Human and planetary health chatter for how genetics work in the 1800s, it allows for free trade across the has been buzzing across the globe it has taken until 2019 to unleash globe for USA product at the MRL. and with it, we have seen a rise in the pea genome. Six years and a interest for pulse research. Scientific huge international collaboration American Pulse Association organizations are taking note of of scientists have delivered this The American Pulse Association this and emphasizing pulses in their information. The USADPLC was is pleased to say the continuing current and future investigations. acknowledged for their support in research project with Dr. David Baer, The Cereals & Grains Association this endeavor. Why is it important USDA, investigating the true caloric (formerly the American Association to publish a genome? Knowing value of some pulses (chickpeas and of Cereal Chemists International) a plant’s genome gives access to lentils) is progressing. The research has created a new Pulse Division, understanding which genes control team has received the product devoted to research for these important or desirable traits in needed for the human dietary crops. The Foundation for Food and a plant which could range from intervention and has begun the Agriculture Research (FFAR) even in-field characteristics to end-use cooking. Thank you to our members launched a grant opportunity for quality characteristics for product that donated their pulses! To best innovation. Next to come will be the represent USA pulse product, the lentil genome! team is mixing cultivars to represent the diversity of crop produced. Dr. Lyndon Porter, USDA- PET FOOD & DCM ARS, sharing pulse research Pet food has been a big topic over This year, we are seeing some APA at the Western Pulse the last year. While it was previously research come to completion. Dr. Grower’s Annual Meeting identified as a huge opportunity Henry Thompson’s project on pulse for the pulse industry, statements effects on gut, intestinal function, plant based proteins emphasizing by the Food & Drug Administration and adiposity (Colorado State the desire for pulse based proposals (FDA) beginning in July of 2018 University) has been completed to enhance the supply chain for alerting pet owners to cases of and his team is working toward plant based proteins in a profitable a heart condition called dilated publishing the results in a scientific and sustainable manner. The Pulse cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dogs journal. Their main findings support Crop Health Initiative (PCHI) has eating certain pet foods, especially recommendations to increase pulse seen increasing financial support of the “grain-free” label containing consumption, however, they did in the Farm Bill and in 2019, $3 peas, lentils, and other legume find that all pulses are not created million was appropriated for pulse seeds, has put this opportunity equal in terms of health effects. research! EAT, the science-based on pause. Our team has been Diane Mitchell has been working global platform for food system engaged in this issue with multiple towards publishing the Crème transformation, released the EAT- trips to meet with the FDA and our Global pulse intake study, co-funded Lancet Report focused on healthy champions in Congress to mitigate with PepsiCo, to better understand diets from sustainable food systems. the effects because there is no clear pulse consumption among pulse They explain that “transformation proof linking pulses to DCM. The consumers and non-consumers. to healthy diets by 2050 will require pulse industry encourages research The process can be long but the substantial dietary shifts” and of no to shed light on understanding if article is in review! surprise, legumes were a part of the there is a concern with using pulses emphasized foods. in pet food but at this time it is Joan Campbell, University premature for pulse ingredients of Idaho, giving an PEA GENOME to be identified as a cause. introduction to the Weed It is with great excitement that the Partnerships and collaborations Science Field Day 2019 Pisum sativum (pea plant) genome have been made and efforts in the (the complete set of DNA or genetic pet food industry will continue. code for an organism) has been published! Even though Gregor BENTAZONE IN PEAS Mendel, father of modern genetics, In the crop management sphere, the Codex committee on Pesticide Residues has established an international maximum residue limit (MRL) for bentazon, the active ingredient in Basagran®, which is used for weed control in pea management. This establishment is important because many countries recognize the MRL standards and
2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 19 Pulse Research Program USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council a multi-institutional, interdisciplinary Diane Mitchell (right) The USADPLC funded 23 projects study focused on Pea seed-borne sharing results from the ranging among breeding, genetics, mosaic virus. pulse intake study at variety trials, human health and the American Society of nutrition, and food innovation. We Dr. Clifford Hall III, South Dakota Nutrition meeting continue to support the public State University, continues to breeders and variety trial programs develop the industry annual Pulse ARS, the PCHI has seen continued as pulse varietal development spans Quality Survey that helps connect and increasing financial support many years and it is important the harvested product to end-use. with $2.4 million distributed to 24 to investigate performance and Dr. Girish Ganjyal, Washington State cooperative projects in 2019. This characteristics across multiple University focused on evaluating increased from the $1.6 million environments. Royalties for public the nutritional and processing distributed to 13 cooperative pulse varieties continue to support qualities of dry pulses and finding projects in 2018. In 2019, 22 the USDA-ARS Variety Development specific applications based on institutions in 19 states across the Program and the 2018 crop year the processing qualities. This USA received PCHI support. Here is provided $163,615 of support. For connection has become increasingly a taste of the project goals for the example, Breeder Dr. Rebecca important as pulses are an integral 2019 round: McGee, USDA-ARS, is able to part of plant forward consumption send her pea and lentil material and visionary research in all aspects • Determine the role of pulse to New Zealand for a second from field to end-use is critical. food consumption on key health season through royalty support, In the human health realm, a endpoints speeding up the breeding process. Montana State University team led To help with crop management, by Dr. Mary Miles finalized a project • Compare the anti-obesogenic researchers from the University of investigating the incorporation of activity of low and high dietary Idaho, Washington State University, lentils to improve metabolic health fiber cultivars of dry bean and Montana State University in individuals at risk for disease. are tackling weed management We are excited that this research • Characterize the flavor, across the growing regions. This supported by the USADPLC helped functionality, and nutritional year, we also say goodbye to plant make Dr. Miles a competitive quality properties of pea protein pathologist, Dr. Julie Pasche from applicant for the PCHI and her team North Dakota State University, has been awarded the support to • Understand how storage who has been instrumental in our continue and expand this work! practices affect pulse understanding of pulse pathogens. functionality and nutritional Her last project with us on assessing Pulse Crop Health Initiative composition interactions among Fusarium root The goal of the PCHI is to use rot pathogens of pea was finalized cooperative research on pulse crops • Improve nodulation and before her transition to potato to provide solutions to the critical nitrogen fixation in chickpea research. The USADPLC also health and sustainability challenges using diverse rhizobia coordinated an Idaho Specialty Crop facing Americans and the global Block grant led by Dr. Alexander community. Inaugurated in 2018 • Increase seed protein Karasev, University of Idaho. This is and administered by the USDA- concentrations in yellow pea cultivars The USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council and Northern Pulse Growers Association Research Committees at the 2019 Joint Research Re- • Develop efficient methods for view. (left to right (Marvin Tarum, Jason Miller, Matthew McCabe, transformation and gene-editing Chris Westergard, Ryan Brook, John Riser, Todd Wittman, Howard in bean and chickpea Nelson, and Ken Fuchs)
2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 20 FINANCIAL PROFILE: WPGA 2018 WPGA BOARD Western Pulse Growers' Association Statement of Activity July 2017 - June 2018 WPGA Revenue $ 12,378 Membership Income $ 27,478 Idaho Membership $ 3,000 Washington Membership $ 1,575 Associate Membership $ 18,080 Other State Membership $ 54,427 Convention Income $ 10,000 Building Rent-USADPLC $ 8,175 Combine Rent-ARS $ 135,113 Other Income Total Revenue WPGA Expenditures $ 20,708 Convention/Project Exp $ 151,842 Loan /Interest /Fees $ 56,748 Depreciation $ 18,871 Admin/Legal/ Ins/ Bldg Maint USADPLC Contracted Services $ 21,316 Admin Services $ 4,552 Domestic Marketing $ 1,486 International Marketing $ 3,804 Research $ 2,388 APA/PHI $ 3,231 Info/Gov Affairs $ 36,777 Total Contracted Services $ 284,946 $ (149,833) Total Expenditures $ 145,914 $ (3,919) Change in Assets with Depreciation Loan Principal Payments Change in Net Assets (GAAP Basis) Fund Balances, July 1, 2018 (Cash Reserves) $ 184,174 Net Chg in Bal (Change in Assets w/o Dep) $ (93,085) Net Fund Balance, June 30, 2019 (Cash Res) $ 91,089
WPGA 2019 Board (12/18) : 2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 21 Washington Division: FY 2018-19 WPGA Revenue Dan McKinley, Co-Chair Other Income , $8,175 Total = $135,113 Scot Cocking Combine Rent-ARS , Greg Ferrel Aaron Flansburg $10,000 TOTALIGNRCOOSMSEINFCYIdOa2hM0o1$EM81/2e=1,m39$7b18e3rs5h,i1p1F,3Y 2018-19 WPGA Revenue Chase Janson Doug Morgan Other Income , $8,175 Total = $135,113 Jon Olson Combine Rent-ARS , Tim Schultz $10,000 Idaho Membership , $12,378 Washington Matt Weber Membership , $27,478 Dan Westacott Building Rent-USADPLC , Washington Associate Membership , $27,478 Membership , Idaho Division: $54,427 Convention Income , $3,000 Todd Wittman, Co-Chair Building Rent-USADPLC , $18,080 $54,427 Associate Randy Duncan Convention Income , Membership , Neil Heitstuman $18,080 $3,000 Jim Hermann Other State Howard Jones Membership , Other St$a1te,575 Kyle Osborn Membership , Cole Riggers $1,575 Brian Silflow Kendrick Webb Idaho Membership Washington Membership Associate Membership Other State Membership Conv ention Income Building Rent-USADPLC Comb ineOIdRtahheeonr tMS-tAeaRtmeSbMeresmhibpershi p OthCWeoransIvhneicnnogtitmoonneIMnceommbeership Associate Membership Building Rent-USADPLC Combine Rent-ARS Other Income ToFtYa2lE0EX1xPTp8oFE-etYN1an2l9SdE0Ex1Wip8Ste-u1PnFr9dGYeWitsA2uP=0rGEe1s$Ax8=2p/E1$x8e92p4n8e,4snT9,es9O4es4sT66AL = Admin Services , NafetteIrnlcoNaoafetmtneIrNneralcoEefo=atTpmne(aIrer$Neyl=3pomC(,aa$O9yne3m1M,nr99ee1Etn)p9t=)ay($m3,e9n1t9) $284,946 Adm$in21S,3e1rv6ice$s2, 1,3D1o6mestic MarkDetoinmg ,estic Marketing , $4,552 $4,552 AdmMinaA/inLdetmg,a$il1n/8I/,n8Ls7e/1Bgladgl/ In s/ Bldg In tern ation al In tern ation al Main t , $18,871 Marketing , $1,486 Marketin g , $1,486 Research , $3,804 Research , Depreciation , $56,748 APA/PHI , $2,388 $3,804 Depreciation , $56,748 Info/Gov Affairs , APA/PHI , $2,388 $3,231 Loan /Interest /Fees , $151,842 In fo/Gov Affairs , $3,231 Loan /Interest /Fees , $151,842 Convention/Project Exp , $20,708 Convention/Project Exp Loan /Interest /Fees Depreciation Convention/Project Exp , Admin/Legal/ Ins/ Bldg Maint USADPLC Contracted Services Admin Services $20,708 Domestic Marketing International Marketing Resear ch APA/PHI Info/Gov Affairs Depreciation Convention/Project Exp Loan /Interest /Fees Admin/Legal/ Ins/ Bldg Maint USADPLC Contracted Services Admin Services Domestic Marketing International Marketing Resear ch
2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 22 Information / Government Affairs 2018/19 HIGHTLIGHTS The 2019 Washington, D.C. Mission Team, representing the USA Pulse Industry, including USADPLC and APA. Running the Gauntlet the Information/Government the fiscal year provided the education programming area in relationship needed to tackle some The USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council 2018/19 involved crisis management of the issues plaguing the pulse (USADPLC) manages programming in Washington, D.C., ranging from industry these days; like retaliatory for the U.S. pulse industry through applying for tariff relief funds, tariffs, trade wars and other barriers Information and Government Section 32 purchases, Marketing (and the low prices that have been programming. This programming Facilitation Program (MFP) payments the result), a decrease in PL480 covers industry policy positions, to farmers, and responding to purchases, lack of representation crisis communications, membership several decisions made by various in the Market Facilitation Program services, assessment data collection, policy makers that ran counter to (MFP), negative FDA reports grower education, and other U.S. pulse industry policy. The crisis implicating diet to a rare canine communications outreach to is far from over, but in times of heart disease, and unfriendly food internal and external audiences. adversity, the planning and work a safety rules (i.e., FSMA expecting These activities are managed commodity group does on behalf the same safety measures for dry by the Info/Gov Committee, of their industry can often be the peas as with fresh pea handling), comprised of a cross-section difference between survival and to name a few issues that threaten of members representing state ruin, and much of that work is done the industry. The USADPLC has also check off organizations, regional within the Information/Government been working hard to get pulse grower groups, the national trade arm of the USADPLC. crops included in the Childhood association, the American Pulse Nutrition Act reauthorization. Association, and international and Policy Programming national coalitions that support The USADPLC information and Successive visits over the last 10 the overarching goals of ensuring policy efforts emphasize relationship years paid off for the industry, as policy to promote and protect building, partnerships, and fostering Congress approved $3 million in the pulse industry and increasing efforts that increase advocacy funding for the Pulse Crops Health membership in the pulse crop among policy and decision makers Initiative (PCHI) for FY2019/20. coalition. The Committee works in government. In addition, the appropriation is with all members of the USADPLC expected to increase in FY20/21 throughout the year to develop The results of several visits to by an additional $1 million, for a policies that support increased Washington, D.C. by pulse growers, $4 million total budget. The PCHI pulse crop research, ensure equal trade members, and representatives allows the pulse industry to provide support in Farm Program policy of the USADPLC include two pulse health and nutrition research for the for pulse growers, increase access specific research initiatives in the U.S. food industry and consumers to school nutrition programs, and 2018 Farm Bill, continued support of and continues in the 2018 Farm increase opportunities for trade. the Pulse Crop Revenue Insurance Bill. These are great things These policies create the framework Pilot Program, and farm program accomplished on behalf of the U.S. upon which the U.S. pulse industry changes favorable to pulse farmers. pulse industry as a direct result of interacts with government officials In addition, follow up visits to policy investment of time and funding in and agencies throughout the year. makers, agricultural agencies, and policy programming. The USADPLC other decision makers throughout continues to apply for tariff relief Much of the work performed within
2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 23 Information / Government Affairs CONTINUED funding as it becomes available, crop insurance program which paid So far, over 170 growers belong to and has a tally of over $12 million dividends, literally, to U.S. pulse crop the Facebook PulsED community, in Section 32 purchases to date for growers due to industry education and 265 people follow the PulsED dry peas, lentils, and chickpeas, and and outreach efforts. This year, Twitter feed. about $10 million for light and dark 79% of North Dakota growers lead red kidney beans. the enrollment of the revenue pilot, Outreach while, 63% of Washington growers, We produced 78 industry In addition to getting PCHI in the 60% of South Dakota, 59% of Idaho, newsletters on pulse related topics; 2018 Farm Bill, the DC team was and 52% of Montana growers the weekly Pulse Pipeline, and the successful in helping to achieve a enrolled in the program with over bi-weekly, Pulse Mill newsletter. The fix for the Food Safety act, acquire 11 million U.S. dry pea, lentil, and USADPLC alerts members of urgent appropriations funding for PCHI, chickpea acres having pulse crop matters through an e-blast called get the School Pulse Crop Products revenue insurance coverage. the Pulse Connection and send Program in the House and Senate out member surveys through-out version of the new farm bill, apply DC Policy Consultants the year. In addition, we publish a for and receive Section 32 funding, As part of the Information/ bi-annual magazine entitled Take receive tariff relief for dry peas, Government programming, the Your Pulse, the only pulse industry lentils, chickpeas, and kidney beans, USADPLC contracts with Gordley magazine in the nation; and several and continue to provide data and Associates in Washington, D.C. to industry statistical reports, including support for the Pulse Crop Revenue represent the pulse industry and pulse crop production statistics, Insurance Program, an insurance provide timely information on key stocks-on-hand, pulse production program fostered and owned by the issues, technical advice on policy maps, and pulse seeding intentions USADPLC on behalf of pulse crop and provide industry outreach to and seeded acreage reports. growers. advance the industry priorities. Safety Net & Crop Insurance Social Media Grower Education One of the hallmark projects This year with low prices and The USADPLC was awarded funding of FY2018/19 was the social production issues due to weather, by the Risk Management Agency media grower education growers relied a lot on farm through a Risk Management project. Below, the USADPLC programs and crop insurance. The Education (RME) grant to continue posted a harvest video and Pulse Crop Revenue Insurance the grower education campaign, promoted the post. See the Program, managed by the USADPLC called PulsED, using social media video at https://bit.ly/2ZGSsXt and the Risk Management interaction. The project is focused Agency (RMA) provided revenue- on building a virtual community based coverage to pulse growers of pulse growers and scientists to exclusively based on projected help educate producers and give prices versus harvest prices. This everyone another resource for ideas year, the USADPLC was proactive and better production practices and in helping to reform the federal innovation for pulse crops.
2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 24 FINANCIAL PROFILE: APA 2018/19 APA BOARD American Pulse Association FY 17-18 Statement of Activities July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019 APA Income Total National Organization Mbrshp FY 18-19 Pulse Industry Individual Mbrshp Pulse Food/ Feed Manufacturers $300,000 Ancillary/ Associate Members $ 33,869 Research Fund-Income $ 60,000 Other Income $ 4,550 Total Income $ 30,000 $428,419 APA Expenses $ 153,001 Administration $ 15,563 WA DC Missions $ 15,051 Membership Services & Meetings $ 66,565 PCHI/ Pilot Projects/ Research $ 5,438 Scientific/ Advisory Meetings $ 14,862 Printing/ Marketing Materials $ 234,023 North American Promotions Contingency $504,503 Total Expenses $ (76,084) Change in Net Assets Without Restriction Net Assets, July 1, 2018 $496,608 Change in Net Assets $ (76,084) Without Restriction Net Assets, June 30, 2019 $420,524
Members, $33,869 $4,550 APA BOARD (1/19): Alternates/Advisors: 2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 25 Voting Members: Beau Anderson Greg Johnson, Chair Marty Anderson Dave Kirsten OCJSroMNcginhaoabdnnttriyioCszMhnaBoptcarcio,lDoknweinrngmott APA Revenue Kim Murray $300,000 Chad Nickels FY 2018-19 Pat Smith INTCoOtMalE=F$Y422081,84/1199 APA Expenses TOTAL GROSS INCOME = $428Re,4se19arch Fund-FY 18-19 Pulse Food/ Ancillary/ TIonctoamleE, xpenses = $504, National Feed Associate $30,000 Organiz ation Manufacturers, Members, Scientific/ Mbrshp, Advisory $60,000 APA$4,E55x0penses PCHI/ Pilot Meetings, Projects/ $5,438 $300,000 Pulse Industry FY 18-19 No tion Mbrshp NPRPAueuanlstAlcssieieoelaPlnaFrIFAancroyYlhdo/EOudF1Axsru/tgsp8nrFasyde-eon1e-IcinInzdni9aadscMttieoeivomiasdMnneuuMeafmlabMMMcbrSsteebuheermrrperssevtbhriispcneegrsssh,&I…nMi$pd3APb3ivurn,si8lcdhs6iuepl9laa,IPRlnPrC$yedrH6/osu6eIAjs/e,tas5TrcsrPy6tocois5lhIcot/ni,atadtlievEidMxupeaMm$MleWMi1MSsbne5AeesembO,sierr5oDvrertsb6MNsMSngiiAChcnse3acas$bedpegrnit,=e5rssivesiosznh,,&ithan4$s…tiintppao3i5ifol,g8irc0yns/,4,5R0$e36s6e,a5r6c5h,MMP$raa1inrt4ket,eir8nit6agin2l/sg, Manufacturers ome Total ExpensePMSRAPsCc$e$rdeiH6o=es5ve6eInj,it/e4,$sati5Tnco3irP5f6tocg8iriEsc5l0hysot//XT,,4atPO,lM5E$ETWA0Ni1Asx5A3sSPpL,iE5oFADe6nS=YCn3EsF,$s1x5eYp8MMSM0APs$c-2e$r4daeai11i=0e5nnrve,t459nk1,eitt,s4$s08etiNPir8nneo3ii/3tu56fAaa1g8giirsln2tcl09dsysi/se/og,m,4n$F,ai1on5l5oOi0s3drt/,3gr0Faa0ent1eiizodanMti,oMMaPn$nraau1Minrt4fkaebt,ceri8nstit6uahgin2rl$p/se3g,r0s0,000PAunNlcsiAeoPlladrrI$notrmy2hd$m/3ui1AnAso45mtis,ts3rs0iyte,oo2r0Icrnan30iiacdts1atii,oevnindM,ueaml Mbebrrsshp hip PCHI/ Pilot & Projects/ … Research, $66,565 Membership Research Fund-Income Services & Change in Net Assets/Income Meetings,… WA DC North American Change in Net AssetsA/Idnmcoinmisetr=a(t$io7n6,084) WA DC M Promotions, PCHI/ Pilo Missions, $234,023 North American Membership Services & Meetings Printing/ Admin$i1st5r,a5t6io3n, Continge Administration, $153,001 $153,001 Promotions, Scientific/ Adv isory Meetings $234,023 North American Promotions Administration WA DC Missions Membership Services & Meetings PCHI/ Pilot Projects/ Research Scientific/ Adv isory Meetings Printing/ Marketing Materials North American Promotions Contingency Change in Net Assets/Income = ($76,084) Change in Net Assets/Income = ($76,084)
FINANCIAL PROFILE: USPLTA 2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 26 U.S. Pea & Lentil Trade Association Statement of Activities July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019 Total Jul 2018 - Jun 2019 Revenue 157,260 Processor Dues 2,275 Warehouse Dues First Purchaser Warehouse/Elev. 25,513 Exporter-Dealer Dues 28,100 Broker/Comm Dues Finished Product Processor/Manu 1,950 Foreign Associate Dues 32,342 Associate Dues Convention Income 2,275 Other Income 12,725 150,511 Total Revenue 30,325 Gross Profit $ 443,276 $ 443,276 Expenditures USADPLC Contracted Services 24,159 Admin Services 83,184 Domestic Mktg Programming 27,152 International Mktg Programming 69,526 Research 43,647 APA/PHI 59,055 Info/ Government Education 306,723 Total USADPLC Contracted Services 7,242 Legal/ Insurance/ Acctg 3,411 Building Maintenance 12,361 Meeting Expenses 106,921 Projects/ Conv Support 2,865 Loan Interest and Fees Contingency 166 Total Expenditures $ 439,689 Net Operating Revenue $ 3,587 Other Expenditures 643 Amortization Expense 7,558 Depreciation Expense $ 8,201 $ (8,201) Total Other Expenditures $ (4,614) Net Other Revenue Net Revenue including Depreciation Net Assets, without Restriction, July 1, 2018 $ 595,266 Change in Net Assets $ (4,614) Net Assets, without Restriction, June 30, 2019 $ 590,652
USPLTA 2018/19 BOARD: 2018/19 Annual Report | USADPLC 27 Eric Bartsch, Chair Justin Flaten Ron Williams, Vice Chair Howard Nelson Tim Gustavson, Secretary SJehfaf wWninOkl’eCRroenvneenllue Tim McGreevy, Treasurer Gross Income = $443,276 Bert Brocke Don Driscoll INCOME FY 2018/19 TOTAL GROSS INCOME = $443,276 Processor Dues, $157,260 Convention Income, Other Income, $30,325 $150,511 Processor Dues Warehouse Dues First Purchaser Warehouse/Elev. Exporter-Dealer Dues Broker/Comm Dues Finished Product Processor/Manu Associate Exporter-Dealer Warehouse Dues, $2,275 Foreign Associate Dues Dues, Dues, $28,100 First Purchaser Associate Dues $12,725 Warehouse/Elev., $25,513 Convention Income Other Income Foreign Associate Dues, $2,275 Broker/Comm Dues, $1,950 Finished Product Expenditures Loan Interest and Processor/Manu, $32,342 Loan FIneetesr,e$s2t,a8n65d BMuiledMeintei$gen1tgi2$nE,1g3x26pE,13ex6pn1esensTs,eosT,toatlaElExEENxpxXeTpeptPOeREneTNnesAnvSdeLesEnsiSe=ut=uesF$=4Yr=$5e$2846$s0,57414,5797/3491,9878,98191 FCeoenst,i$n2g,e8n6c5y, $167 MainBtueilndainngce, $2,143 Projects/ Conv AdmCinonSteinrvgiecnesc,y, $167 Maintenance, $2,143 PSruopjepcotsrt/,C$o1n0v6,921 Admin $S2e4r,v1i5ce9s, Legal/ Insurance/ $24,159 Domestic Mktg LegalA/cIcntsgu, r$a8n,5ce1/0 Support, $106,921 DPoromPgreoras$gtm8rica3mm,M1inm8k4gtin,g g, $83,184 Acctg, $8,510 Info/ Government APA/PHI, Research, $69,526 InEfod/uGcaotvioernn,m$5e9n,t055 APA$/4P3H,6I,47 Research, $69,526 Education, $59,055 $43,647 Net operating Revenue = $3,586 International Mktg Net operating Revenue = $3,586 IntPerroPngraorta$giom2rna7mm,a1ilnm5M2gikn, tgg, $27,152 Admin Services Domestic Mktg Programming International Mktg Programming AdRmeisneSaercrvhices DoAmPeAs/tPicHMI ktg Programming IntIenrfnoa/tGioonvael rMnmktegnPtrEodguracmatmioinng ReLseeagarcl/hInsurance/ Acctg APBAu/PildHiIng Maintenance InfMo /eGeotivnegrnExmpeennts eEsdu catio n LegParlo/jeIncstus /raCnocnev/ SAucpcptgort BuLilodainngInMtearinetsetnaanndceFees MeCeotnintginEgxepnecnys es Projects / Conv Support Loan Interest and Fees Contingency
USADPLC Phone : 208 • 882 • 3023 2780 W. Pullman Rd. Mail : [email protected] Moscow, Idaho www.usapulses.org
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