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Home Explore Activus Newsletter July-August 2017

Activus Newsletter July-August 2017

Published by Activus Tranport, 2017-06-20 21:16:29

Description: Activus Newsletter July-August 2017

Keywords: Activus Newsletter


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Activus NewsJuly/August 2017 EditionMessage from the GM Welcome to another that other people often miss out on their TIME2 informative Edition trip. It also means that funding from the ENJOY of Activus News. Did government is not available for cancelled you have a chance trips so we lose money as well as Group activities, caring to ride in the ‘blue passengers. I ask that you work with us centres or social visits. bus’? This was a bus to help implement this new technology so we were trialling for that we are able to support more people HEALTH & Transport for NSW to with their transport needs in the future. WELLBEING help them assess thebenefits of easy access vehicles for the Talking of the future, we have engaged To and from medical, healthfuture. Thanks to all who submitted their a Business Development Manager, Vic and wellbeing on the vehicle – it did not meet Johnston, to work with us in developingour high standards for air conditioning new and progressive ways in which we LIVINGand comfort and we have advised can deliver better services to our clients, ACTIVITIESTransport for NSW of our concerns with his role will also be to seek opportunitiesthis vehicle. to work with other likeminded services to Shopping and local grow our service over the coming years. village centre visits.Another change is in the wind. As youmay be aware, we have moved to a As we grow the organisation we will ACCESSnew data base and scheduling system be taking on more staff and looking at ALL AREASwhich involves using Samsung tablets in suitable vehicles to use in the delivery ofall vehicles which the drivers use to log our services, one of the latest recruits is Live beyond a disability, let usclients trip details. The next stage will be Martina Allen and we welcome her to the offer you more move to more automated scheduling scheduling and dispatch team.of trips using satellite technology todetermine the best route for the vehicles. I have spoken with many of you recentlyThis will mean a slight change to the either at events or over the phone, pleasetimetabling of the trips and as part of free to call me if you have any concernsthis we will soon be sending a message regarding your transport service,to your phone the night before the trip remember that your recommendationto remind you of the pickup time. We is our best advertisement so please tellhope that this reduces the number of last your friends about our service.minute cancellations, these cancellationsare often 20% of our trips and this means Roslyn Morton

July 2017 BOOKINGSTime2Enjoy Calendar 8555 000003 04 05 06 07MON TUE WED THU FRI EAST AND WEST EAST AND WEST EAST WEST EAST AND WESTFree Bingo and lunch at St George Leagues Club Bulli and Hinterland Cobbitty Wines then EVENING OUTING Dooley’s, Lidcombe ‘It’s Showtime’ Drive and lunch at lunch at Camden RSL Mount Kembla Hotel Grease & Hairspray Musical at Includes meal voucher Sutherland Entertainment CentreLUNCH AT OWN COST ENTRY $10.00 LUNCH AT OWN COST LUNCH AT OWN COST COST: $60.0010 11 12 13 14MON TUE WED THU FRI EAST AND WEST EAST AND WEST WEST EAST AND WEST EAST AND WEST Rockdale Plaza and St George Leagues Club Bulli and Hinterland Christmas in Whale Watching atlunch at the food court ‘It’s Showtime’ Drive and lunch at July Luncheon at Cape Solander and lunch Mount Kembla Hotel Wivenhoe House Includes meal voucher at Caringbah HotelLUNCH AT OWN COST ENTRY $10.00 LUNCH AT OWN COST LUNCH COST: $33.00 LUNCH AT OWN COST17 18 19 20 21MON TUE WED THU FRI EAST AND WEST EAST AND WEST EAST AND WEST EAST EAST AND WESTFree Bingo and lunch at St George Leagues Club Shopping and lunch Cobbitty Wines Flower Power and lunch Dooley’s, Lidcombe ‘It’s Showtime’ at Birkenhead then lunch at at Taren Point Hotel Outlet Centre Camden RSL Includes meal voucherLUNCH AT OWN COST ENTRY $10.00 LUNCH AT OWN COST LUNCH AT OWN COST LUNCH AT OWN COST24 25 26 27 28MON TUE WED THU FRI EAST AND WEST EAST AND WEST EAST AND WEST EAST AND WEST EAST AND WESTShopping at Dijon Foods St George Leagues Club Movie Day at Lunch and Free Bingo at EVENING OUTING and Stax Foods ‘It’s Showtime’ Sutherland Kurnell Sports and Entertainment Centre Recreation Club. ‘A Good Man’ Stage Play at the Lunch at Taren Point Includes meal voucher ‘My Cousin Rachel’ Sutherland Memorial School of Arts Hotel ENTRY $10.00 COST: $11.00 COST: $5.00 COST: $40.00 LUNCH AT OWN COST31 BUS FARE ONLY $15MON Note: The bus fare is in addition to any venue or meal costs unless otherwise stated. Please EAST AND WEST pay your Activus driver or carer on the day of the outing. Please note that the ticket cost ofFree Bingo and lunch at evening outings include bus fare. Dooley’s, LidcombeLUNCH AT OWN COST

ACTIVUS NEWS | JULY/AUGUST EDITION ACTIVUS TRANSPORT | 2017 Information aboutTime2 Enjoy OutingsEvening Outings Monday’s and Wednesday’sJULY JULY AUGUSTThe 7th takes you to a very musical On the 5th and 12th, sit back and relax You will notice that we have incorporatedevening with a production of Grease while taking in the sights as we head our Shopping Bus to Engadine, and toand Hairspray at the Sutherland towards Wollongong and stop for Southgate Shopping Centre on our T2Entertainment Centre. Show starts at morning tea at the top of Bulli, before Enjoy calendar this month. On some8.00pm. On the 28th, a stage play ‘A heading off into the Hinterland to explore of these days there will also be otherGood Man’ at the Sutherland Memorial a very old village and old miners houses outings. You are welcome to book forSchool of Arts. Play begins at 8.00pm. dating back to the 1920’s. Stopping for either of these outings. Please call ourRefreshments can be purchased at either lunch at Mount Kembla Hotel. office to discuss your options with ourvenue. Our evening outings are gaining friendly Customer Service team popularity. To avoid disappointment, The 6th and 20th takes you to Cobbittybook and pay early so you don’t miss out. Wines Estate for some free wine tasting The 10th and 24th takes you on a and the option to purchase some wine scenic drive to Austinmeer whereAUGUST from the cellar door. you will stop for a tasty lunch before heading back home.On the 4th and 18th our evening outings On the 14th, it’s time to head on to Capewill be dinner at the Engadine Bowling Solander to catch sight of magnificent Club EntryClub and dinner at St George Leagues whales on their migration journey toClub, Grange Buffet. warmer waters. Please note that when entering a club, a valid ID Card, Pension and/or ConcessionYour T2E Outing Christmas in July on the 13th at the Card must be presented.Pick Ups beautiful old heritage building Wivenhoe House to enjoy a tasty ChristmasUnless otherwise stated our Activus bus luncheon in beautiful will pick you up from your home ornominated location within the Sutherland Our Time2 Enjoy SPECIALShire. However, to cater for demand and Fares & Other Costs Live Showhelp speed up getting the bus on the Pre-paymentsroad for longer day outings, we also have Our T2E social outings are great value.several days where we have preferred The bus fare is only $15.00. This is The stage Show Musical ‘Grease andhome pick up areas or centralised pick additional to any venue or meal costs Hairspray’ and ‘A Good Man’ stageup locations. For centralised pick ups, shown in the play and the ‘Sounds of Andre Rieu’clients must make their own way to concert requires pre- payment of thethese locations. calendar. Please pay your Activus Driver ticket price to confirm the booking. To or Carer on the day. avoid disappointment, please sendOur friendly client service team will your payment to our office as soon asconfirm travel arrangements when you Some venues have a fixed price for meals you receive our invoice. Bookings aremake the booking. which is shown on the calendar. Others also non-refundable. No refunds can be have a restaurant or café where you can issued for cancellations. Cost of ShowsLunch pick your own favourite dish and pay the are inclusive of bus fare. venue directly for your meal.Unless pre-arranged menu options havebeen organised with a venue, please CALENDAR KEYbear in mind that lunch costs can varyfrom venue to venue. Many venues will Shopping Wheelchair Accesshave a lunch specials menu as well astheir main menu. You are free to make Walking Evening Outingyour choice as to which you would preferto order from.

August 2017 BOOKINGSTime2Enjoy Calendar 8555 0000 01 02 03 04 TUE WED THU FRI EAST AND WEST EAST AND WEST WEST EAST AND WEST St George Leagues Club Southgate Shopping at Roselands EVENING OUTING ‘It’s Showtime’ Shopping Bus Shopping Centre and Dinner at Engadine Includes meal voucher lunch at the food court Bowling Club ENTRY $10.00 BUS: $15.00 LUNCH AT OWN COST DINNER AT OWN COST07 08 09 10 11MON TUE WED THU FRI EAST AND WEST EAST AND WEST EAST AND WEST EAST EAST AND WESTShopping Bus St George Leagues Club Southgate Scenic Drive and Lunch BBQ Lunch at to Engadine ‘It’s Showtime’ Shopping Bus at New Headland Hotel, Woronora RSL and Includes meal voucher Austinmer Citizens Club BUS: $15.00 ENTRY $10.00 BUS: $15.00 LUNCH AT OWN COST LUNCH AT OWN COST14 15 16 17 18MON TUE WED THU FRI EAST AND WEST EAST AND WEST EAST AND WEST EAST EAST AND WEST Shopping Bus to St George Leagues Club Southgate Shopping at Roselands EVENING OUTING Engadine OR ‘It’s Showtime’ Shopping Bus Shopping Centre and Dinner at St George BUS: $15.00 Includes meal voucher lunch at the food court Leagues ClubFree Bingo and lunch at ENTRY $10.00 BUS: $15.00 LUNCH AT OWN COST DINNER AT OWN COST Dooley’s, Lidcombe LUNCH AT OWN COST21 22 23 24 25MON TUE WED THU FRI EAST AND WEST EAST AND WEST EAST AND WEST WEST EAST AND WEST Shopping Bus to St George Leagues Club Southgate Shopping Scenic Drive and Lunch Shopping at Cronulla Engadine OR ‘It’s Showtime’ Bus OR at New Headland Hotel, and lunch at BUS: $15.00 Includes meal voucher BUS: $15.00 Austinmer Hogs Breath Café The Sounds of Andre ENTRY $10.00 Movie Day at Sutherland LUNCH AT OWN COST LUNCH AT OWN COST Rieu at Sutherland Entertainment Centre: ‘Churchill’ Entertainment Centre COST: $11.00 COST: $6028 29 30 31MON TUE WED THU EAST AND WEST EAST AND WEST EAST AND WEST EAST AND WEST Shopping Bus to St George Leagues Club Southgate St Johns Park Engadine OR ‘It’s Showtime’ Shopping Bus Bowling Club  ‘Morning Showtime’ BUS: $15.00 Includes meal voucher ENTRY:$5.50Free Bingo and lunch at ENTRY $10.00 BUS: $15.00 INCLUSIVE MORNING TEA Dooley’s, Lidcombe LUNCH: $10.00 SPECIAL LUNCH AT OWN COST

ACTIVUS NEWS | JULY/AUGUST EDITION ACTIVUS TRANSPORT | 2017Are You Connected? Visit to connect with us online or simply sendNew Technology lets you stay in touch your email address to info.transport@and make life a little easier especially so we can keep youwhen trying to find a that special informed by email of the latest Activussomething to buy, pay a bill or just to get news and transport options.around on public transport. You can learn more about usingIt seems that people in the Suvtherland technology from many of the communityShire are certainly on-board with new aid groups in the Shire and our localtechnology or should we say ‘online’. Our Council who conduct training for seniorsmore senior citizens are no exception. in using computers and Ipads etc.It may surprise you to know that For help in getting started and learningaccording to ABS Census data from 2011 more about using technology, try theseover 60% of Shire residents over the local organisations to find out more aboutage of 65 have the internet connected technology training for home. For those over the 80 thefigure is 40%. Both figures well above • Sutherland Shire Council – Enquiriesthe NSW average and for the 80 plus, at libraries in Sutherland, Cronulla,nearly double the figure from only 5 Caringbah, Miranda, Sylvania, Menai,years before. Engadine and Bundeena or phone 9710 0351With even more services for seniorsavailable online, plus more computers, • 3 Bridges – phone 1300 327 434mobile phones and smart TV’s in manyhomes. Let’s see later this year howmany more of our clients are connectedwhen the latest Census data from 2016is published.Activus Volunteers Have you heard of S.H.E.Dare Priceless our new notification system? (Secluded Headquarters forActivus Transport salutes every one Education and Development) of its volunteers for the wonderful It’s a brand new and exciting way for work they do. We rely heavily on their customers to be notified of their transport After several months of planning, building, commitment and dedication. Without trips. An electronic voice message will painting, installing electrics, lighting, air them, we simply could not meet the call your home telephone or mobile conditioning, sliding doors and carpet needs of  our community. with your approximate pick up time the SHED, our fabulous new training and the evening prior to your scheduled meeting facility is complete! We thank them for embracing the appointment. The call will occur between changes within the organisation and for 5pm and 7pm and will say the following: Volunteers and Staff were asked to vote helping to enrich the lives of our Clients. on a name that best described the facility “This is a friendly reminder from Activus and the Shed came in at number one“Alone we can do so little; Transport that you have a trip booked closely followed by the Cubby House.together we can do so much.” with us tomorrow, your approximate The SHED as its name suggests, is the pickup time is scheduled for “time”. This old Lions Shed which used to house their-Helen Keller is an estimated time and the schedule equipment and quite a few spiders is now may change. Thankyou”. unrecognisable from its previous life. If you would like to volunteer, or know someone who would – call our office on: We would love to know if you are Activus will soon be running regular 8555 0000 and ask for Kylie. receiving these messages and what training sessions for staff and volunteers you think of them. Give us a call on as well as team meetings, morning 8555 0000 and speak to one of the and afternoon teas and monthly client services officers – Semra, Natalie Board meetings. or Denise to give us some feedback. S.H.E.D

Spotlight on Tony MossWith over 100 staff and volunteers in Rescue headquarters in Cronulla. On QUICK STATSour Activus team we certainly have our most weekends his voice can be heardshare of interesting characters. In this on the airwaves coordinating Marine TOTAL NUMBER OF TRIPS: 44,900newsletter we introduce Tony Moss, our Rescue activities up and down the NSWActivus Fleet Coordinator. coast helping mariners in distress. TOTAL NUMBER OF KILOMETRES TRAVELLED: 534,351 (13 TIMES AROUND THE EARTH)Tony first started with Activus in February Fittingly for his new role as our Fleet2015 as a volunteer driver and is a familiar Coordinator, Tony’s real passion is cars. OUR BUSIEST DAY OF THEface to many of our bus clients and More specifically his classic Porsche WEEK IS A THURSDAYeveryone at the depot. sports car. As a member of the Porsche Car Club his pride and joy is often outHowever most would never guess Tony’s on the road at club events and shined toback story in aviation – He still holds a perfection.private pilot’s license after first goingsolo in 1975. With over 36 years working Our distinctive Activus vehicle fleetin the aviation industry including as an benefits from Tony’s keen eye for detailair traffic controller at Sydney and other and our vehicles are kept well maintainedmajor airports across NSW Tony has and safe for our clients.many interesting stories to tell. Tony is often out on the road as anAs well as his busy Fleet Coordinator role emergency relief driver. So if you comeat Activus, Tony is an active volunteer across him in your travels with us, saywith NSW Marine Rescue. Where he uses hello or perhaps ask him for some tips onthe skills learned in air traffic control to staying safe on the water or in the advantage on the radio at Marine WE CURRENTLY RUN THE BUSINESS WITH 25 STAFF AND OVER 100 VOLUNTEERS BUS 7 HAS CARRIED THE MOST AMOUNT OF CLIENTS IN THE FLEET

ACTIVUS NEWS | JULY/AUGUST EDITION ACTIVUS TRANSPORT | 2017What Is Travel Training? Thank you Activus volunteersTravel training helps those who want tofor your extraordinary work.gain and independence confidence usingpublic transport. Everyone is different andyour travel trainer will tailor your trainingto your abilities.Who can benefit from traveltraining?• Older people who no longer drive or Shuttle Bus The idea of the Shuttle bus is to reduce drive limited distances cost to clients, provide a safe and viable Have you had a chance to book on the alternative to taxis and allow you to plan• People with a disability or limited new Shuttle Bus? These buses run twice your day. Don’t forget the Shuttle can be mobility a week to Engadine and Menai – they will used to get you to meet with friends for pick you up at a booked time from home coffee or go to the hairdresser – we don’t• Young people with a disability who and ‘Shuttle ‘ you to the local shops for mind what you do as you are on your need to catch public transport to few hours, the Shuttle returns every two own to spend the time as you please. school, TAFE, university, work or day hours to collect you and return you home programs – all for the small cost of $10-00. Pick up areas are very wide but are limited due to• Your family members and friends the return time. who are isolated due to lack of confidence using public transportGroup Information SessionsYour group can book a session onpurchasing, using and topping up yourOpal card. We can provide information toyour group on a range of topics relatingto using public transport.Individual Support is tailoredto your needs and can include:• How to plan your trip using News from the Risk Management Committee (RMC) timetables and / or apps• A trainer going with you on a selected journey• What to do if things don’t go to plan• Reviewing your journey The RMC is an operationally focussed I believe that the RMC has an appropriate sub Committee of the Management mix of management, staff and volunteers Committee. It’s role is to review and to enable it to tackle any workforce make recommendations on management issue and these members recognise systems, practices and procedures, the need to develop a reporting culture to ensure the effectiveness of risk whereby all volunteers and staff have identification and minimisation and the confidence to report any safety or compliance with internal and external compliance issues. Members also agree requirements. It is a committee that the Committee of itself cannot established to enhance and improve decrease reportable incidents. All staff, existing practices in the interests of safety volunteers and clients have a role to play and wellbeing. in ensuring that the organisation is as safe, efficient and effective as it can be. The RMC is well supported by the The RMC’s role is to ensure that incident Activus Management Committee reporting is encouraged and that once which recognises the importance reported, incidents are appropriately of an effective Risk Management reviewed and that recommendations are strategy. Risk Management continues actioned, monitored and implemented, as a Standing Agenda Item for all its if warranted. meetings and the RMC minutes are provided to all Management Committee Feel free to contact any members of the members and indeed to all members Committee by asking your supervisor for of Activus Transport, upon request. their contact details. The RMC would not exist without its endorsement and encouragement. Chris Bentley Chairman Risk Management Committee

All your favourite community groups in one location.W: • Modification & home maintenance services that address customers wholeE: of home needs and provide peace of mind for them and their familyP: 9524 1100A: Unit 32, 65-67 Captain Cook Drive • Qualified, certified, trusted, local and reliable trade staff • Free quotes/estimates provided for all work CARINGBAH NSW 2229 • They can arrange Occupational Therapists to assess the best support options availableW: • Affordable and convenient door to door pickup service to appointments,E: group activities and social groupsP: 8555 0000A: 1160 Old Princes Highway • Modified vehicles, space for walking aids and assistance if required. • Transport types:- ENGADINE NSW 2233 - Medical appointments - Group activities - Social groups or Shopping trips - Hair appointments - Church or visit family or see a friend etc. • Three days prior notice of travel preferredW: • Large choice of mains, mini meals, desserts, soups, breakfast and lunch packsE: • They work closely with family and carersP: 9540 7365 • Customers can order breakfast, lunch and dinnerA: 430 Kingsway • Frozen deliveries are daily from 9.30 – 11.30 • Hot lunches from 11.30 – 12.30 CARINGBAH NSW 2229 • Orders can be made through the website or mobile phone app • Anyone can purchase meals from them (located in the grounds of Sutherland Hospital) • Generally two days’ notice is required to ensure stock and delivery requestsW: gymeacommunityaid • Social connection activities and outingsE: • Variety of multicultural seniors’ clubs & groupsP: 9524 9559 • Vision impairment groupA: 39 Gymea Bay Road • Discussion & guitar groups for men • Computer courses for seniors GYMEA NSW 2227 • Migrant & settlement services • Shopping & transport • Light exercise & wellbeing programs • Home visits & one-on-one social supportW: • Formerly Home Care Service of NSWE: • Providing quality Domestic Assistance, Personal Care, In Home Respite, SocialP: 8536 8800A: Suite 1, Level 1, 37 – 41 Belmont St Support and many other services to support the Shire’s frail aged and disabled residents and their carers for over 40 years SUTHERLAND 2232 • Trusted, local, skilled, caring and reliable staff ready to assist you 7 days a week, 365 days a year (opposite library) • Subsidised rates available to eligible participantsW: • Nurses on Wheels (NOW) is a registered charity that provides comprehensiveE: and quality nursing care in your home. NOW is only a phone call away.P: 9502 3422A: 90b Highgate Street, • NOW responds rapidly – usually within 24 hours • NOW can assist with providing easy access to health care services in your Bexley NSW 2207 home. • NOW can liaise with your GP or specialist. • NOW can assist with pre and post op surgical care