Activus NewsFebruary 2016 Edition ACTIVUS SHOWS OFF ITS In this issue:COLOURS • Fleet convoy • Message from the GMFleet convoy to Cronulla sponsored by Ink Signs • Partnership news • DA training forOn Saturday 20th February 2016 Activus If you’d like the chance to win a $100 giftTransport will showcase its newly voucher from Westfield Miranda take a Indigenous driversbranded fleet of vehicles throughout the photo of the Motorcade as it makes its • Activus clients in controlSutherland Shire. way through The Shire and upload it to • Important dates Facebook. The photo judged to be the • What is ‘My Aged Care’?A motorcade of 20 vehicles will depart best will be awarded the prize. • 3Bridges new showroomfrom the Activus depot at Engadine at For a motorcade route map, turn to the • Individual transport9am and make its way through both the back page.Engadine and Gymea shopping villages. for residential agedIt will then make its way past Southgate e. [email protected] care clientsand Westfield Miranda shopping w. • Hire a buscomplexes and on to Caringbah, before a. 11 Monro Ave, Kirrawee NSW 2232reaching its final destination of Perryman p. (02) 9545 1155Square at North Cronulla around 10am.Three vehicles will remain on displayto the general public at PerrymanSquare until 2 pm whilst the remainingvehicles will return to Engadine alongthe Kingsway, President Ave andPrinces Highway. • Social calendar changes • Volunteer Christmas lunch • Route map & timesTIME2 LIVING HEALTH &ENJOY ACTIVITIES WELLBEINGGroup activities, caring Shopping and local village To and from medical, healthcentres or social visits. centre visits. and wellbeing appointments.
ACTIVUS NEWS | FEBRUARY EDITION ACTIVUS TRANSPORT | 2016Message from the GM Partnerships Welcome back to what will allow for better use of our staff and We have signed partnership agreements is turning out to be vehicles and hopefully an opportunity for with several other community another busy year for an increase in the number of trips we are organisations to manage their fleet of the team at Activus. able to offer. vehicles, deliver specific training and As you can see we to facilitate hire of their vehicles to already have lots of Thanks to Sutherland Shire Council for other organisations. new things planned repainting of the exterior of our building, for 2016. Our new we rent these premises from Council and These partnerships are our way of telephone system the new paint, together with our new meeting the challenges of the newhas been installed, our Motorcade is signs have made a great difference to the funding arrangements. We will continuecoming soon and expansion of our appearance of our depot. to look at forming more partnershipsservices with more shopping runs and across the sector. Please contact usincreased bus hire. Our Strategic Plan will be reviewed if your organisation would like to be this year and your responses to the involved in a partnership arrangement.Activus Transport was fortunate to be survey carried out in 2015 will allow uschosen by Transport for NSW as the to determine the best way to improve Activus clients tell ustrial site for a new software package services to our clients. where to goto manage our bookings and our fleet.This new system will be rolled out in the Roslyn Morton We recently surveyed clients who utilisecoming months and will improve the our social outings service to find out if weorganisation of our trips, which in turn were providing the types of activities they were interested in.DA Training for Indigenous drivers To date we have received more than 100Activus Transport (Sutherland Shire the future. The only existing local Driver responses with over 95% telling us theySydney) and Far West HACC Services Authority trainer, Michael Bruggy who has are satisfied with the organised socialInc. (Broken Hill) have teamed up to served this region very well for over 10 outings in the monthly calendar and thattrain 3 new Driver Authority (DA) trainers years, was also involved and supported the cost of the outings are within theirin the Far West region. Two of these this training. This team will complement budget expectations.trainers, Terry Doolan and Robert Clayton this important field of training needs. Thewill be using their new skills to train in Driver Authority is a Transport for NSW Survey respondents identified, in orderAboriginal communities. requirement for bus drivers of public of preference, the types of outings passenger vehicles. they would like to see on the monthlyTerry and Robert are the first Indigenous calendar. The top preference was forDA trainers in the region. They currently Activus trainer, Jenny Rixon, would like ‘Guided Tours of Places of Interest’,are part of the team from Far West HACC to acknowledge Into Training who are closely followed by ‘Scenic Tours’.Services that deliver the Menindee and the accrediting Registered Training Restaurant lunches were the next mostWilcannia bus service to Broken Hill Organisation for the project. popular outing and not surprisingly, Clubsfor their communities. The third trainer came in fourth. Shopping outings andis Andrew Walters, he also volunteers Congratulations to Terry, Robert and Variety Shows were next on the list withhis time to Far West HACC Services Inc Andrew on completing this course and the remainder of the suggested activitiesdriving the bus in Broken Hill and he many thanks to Michael Bruggy for his appealing to a smaller proportionis employed with the local Broken Hill support of the training program, and of clients.Fire Brigade. his continued service to the Broken Hill community. The feedback we have received fromTheir new skills will see that this region this survey, including some very goodwell covered for the Driver Authority into suggestions, will assist us in continuing to provide a ‘Time to Enjoy’ social calendar that provides all our clients opportunities to get out and about. Pictured from left is Terry Doolan, Jenny Rixon (Trainer), Andrew Walters and Robert Clayton.
ACTIVUS NEWS | FEBRUARY EDITION ACTIVUS TRANSPORT | 2016 “As Australia’s population ages, the ability to engage independently with the community through adequate and reliable transport is becoming more imperative.” - Source excerpt: National Seniors Australia, 14 Jan 2016Important DatesFebruary - March 2016 February So what exactly is “My Aged Care?’8th The start of Chinese New Year My Aged Care is part of the Australian care for yourself, a family member, friend 14th Valentines Day Government’s changes to the aged care or someone you’re caring for. You can system which have been designed to call the My Aged Care contact centre on March give people more choice, more control 1800 200 422 between 8am and 8pm on and easier access to a full range of aged weekdays and between 10am and 2pm 1st Clean up Australia Day care services. on Saturdays. The My Aged Care contact 8th International Womens Day centre is closed on Sundays and national 12th Cultural Diversity Week My Aged Care is made up of a website public holidays. and a contact centre. Together they can 17th St Patricks Day provide you with information on aged 19th Earth Hour 21st Harmony Day 25th Good FridayA new showroom for Individual transport Hire a bus for your3Bridges Community for residential aged next event care clientsLocated at Unit 8/16 Hearne St Mortdale Following the introduction of The My Many people are unaware that Activus Aged Care Portal, Activus is receiving vehicles are available for hire.The newly opened showroom provides individual transport requests from clientsprospective clients, family members who are residing in a Residential Aged If you’re a sporting team, social group,and OT’s with the opportunity to try out Care Facility (RACF) within the Sutherland school band or wedding party andstair lifts, platform lifts and view portable Shire. Unfortunately at this point in time require transport for a day or two, overbathroom units (Care Ports) as well as a Activus doesn’t receive Government the weekend, then Activus can help youfully functioning modified bathroom. funding to support these requests. out.There is also an extensive range of In order to accommodate these We have 21 to 24 seat buses and 13mobility equipment available for trial requests Activus is pleased to announce seat mini buses available which canand purchase. that in 2016 we will be offering a accommodate wheel chairs if required. service to RACF facilities within the For all that extra gear or luggage,An Occupational Therapist will be Sutherland Shire. lockable trailers are also available for hire.on hand to provide expert adviceand assistance. We look forward to being able to Vehicles can be provided on a self drive transport residential aged care clients to basis (subject to meeting appropriateTo make an appointment: all those important appointments in our licensing conditions) or a driver can vehicles with one of our courteous and be provided. Our rates are extremelyPhone: 8558 4040 professional drivers. competitive and any funds generated through this enterprise go back toEmail: [email protected] supporting the community.a heartfelt thank you to our volunteers For more information or to make a booking give us a call on: 9548 0122
ACTIVUS NEWS | FEBRUARY EDITION ACTIVUS TRANSPORT | 2016Changes to the social calendar GET NOTICED!‘Time to Enjoy’ social calendar goes bi-monthly With a custom vehicle wrapWith almost 800 calendar recipients calendars, each will have identified the At Ink Signs we have one mission:on our mailing list, we are sure you can date on which bookings will be accepted make sure your business gets noticed.appreciate how much it costs to post for each respective month’s activities.the ‘Time to Enjoy’ social calendar each Stand out on the road! Let Ink Signs makemonth. With the increase to postage For ease of identification, we will sure that your business gets noticed withand handling, this excessive cost will be printing the February and March a custom designed vehicle wrap.adversely impact on our ability to calendars in different colours and havecontinually provide the best possible included an Activus fridge magnet in the We deploy our expert team of graphicrange of social outings. envelope to enable the calendars to be designers and professional installers to displayed on your fridge. create a high quality, custom look thatTo achieve efficiency and cost savings, will maximise exposure and capturewe will be trialling the inclusion of If you aren’t a member of our Time to the attention of potential customers.both February and March calendars Enjoy group, but would like to be, give us Your customised vehicle wrap will bein the same mail-out. As with previous a call and we’ll get you ‘out and about’. seen by thousands of people every week. Why pass up the opportunity toThe Activus Volunteer Christmas lunch promote your product to all of these potential customers?The fantastically dedicated Activusvolunteers were treated to a traditional It all comes down to numbers, and theChristmas lunch and a magical stage more people who see your vehicle wrap,show by Shayne, the magic Jester at the higher your sales are going to be.Heathcote RSL. Thanks to all those who Contact us today for a quote on 9545helped to make the day extra special, 1155. We can look after all of your printingincluding the magic fairy, the Christmas needs including, shopfronts, banners andElf, Mrs Klaus and of course the big man general signage. Visit our website forhimself – Santa. For all the photos of more information:the day log onto the Activus website. you would like to purchase a photo,call Kylie on 9548 0122.Convoy route map Route Timings 9am Depart Engadine Depot 9:05 Engadine Town Square 9:30 Gymea Shopping Village 9:45 Southgate Plaza 10:00 Westfield Miranda 10:10 Caringbah Shops 10.25 Cronulla Esplanade t. 9548 0122 e. [email protected] a. 1160 Old Princes Highway (PO Box 303) f. 9548 0926 w. Engadine, Sydney NSW 2233
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