Activus NewsJanuary/February 2018 EditionMessage from the GM Welcome to another We are also investigating new vehicles TIME2 fun filled information and you will be pleased to see the new ENJOY packed Activus bigger vehicles on the shopping shuttle. News. Marie and the Tony our Fleet Administrator, is busy Group activities, caring team have worked investigating more new vehicles so that centres or social visits. hard to bring you we can keep providing you with a safe some interesting and and comfortable ride to your venue. Our HEALTH & unique outings and Premium City Service is very popular and WELLBEING experiences in 2018 we are planning on extending the serviceso check out the social outings calendar further in the New Year, for clients living in To and from medical, healthinside – there’s something for everyone. Sutherland Shire to allow for later returns and wellbeing appointments. from your appointments.We are seeing lots of changes to the way LIVINGthat transport is being developed in NSW, Thank you for completing our recent ACTIVITIESthe State Government has started a range client survey, the overwhelming responseof On Demand trials which will allow meant that Sam our Administration Shopping and localpeople in some areas to book a small Assistant, was kept busy entering village centre visits.bus to collect you from your home, and of the hundreds of returned surveys.course we have been doing this for over The feedback was very positive and your ACCESS20 years. The main difference is that we comments and suggestions will give us an ALL AREASprovide a door to door service with care, opportunity to further improve our service,that is, we help you to the vehicle and on so thank you for your time. Live beyond a disability, let usand off the vehicle, assist with shopping offer you more opportunity.bags or walkers etc. and of course we Please continue to talk about who wealso make sure you are safe if for any are and what we do, to your friends andreason you do not open the door on our neighbours – transport is often the firstarrival. Another change in transport is and most urgent need that people havethat there are options of Point to Point when they develop health problems andtransport, taxis, Uber and Activus to can’t drive or are restricted in their drivingname a few. This means that in the future – we are here to help. So tell everyonewe will be registered to carry people to about us.their destination for a fare, this may suitsome people who do not qualify for our We look forward to continuing getting yousubsidised rate of travel – our full range of ‘Out and About’ in 2018.fares are available on our website. Roslyn Morton
How Do We Stack Up? All passenger payments and contributions towards the cost of providing transport are greatly appreciated and assist us toActivus Transport is a not-for-profit community transport service, improve and extend available services.we rely on the fantastic work of our many staff and volunteers.All of our drivers are required to meet the Community Transport How do we Compare?Quality Safety Framework. This means that they have full policeand driver history checks, undergo commercial driver medicals. We think our Community Transport Service is a great service andActivus Transport receives funding through the Government’s an affordable alternative to other forms of transport. But how doCommonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP). This program our costs and services really compare?funds subsidies, which allow us to provide our transport toeligible CHSP customers at a greatly discounted rate. We also We did a comparison for some typical journeys for Activus clientsreceive some funds from the Community Transport Program using our service vs our main rivals to show how cost-effective(CTP) and the Community Care Supports Program (CCSP). our service is for our passengers. These trip examples below are only relatively small distances. Many journeys within in the ShireIn order to provide a quality service to the community we ask and beyond are much greater due to the unique geography andthat you make a contribution towards the cost of your transport. waterways that surround our beautiful area.FARES / FEES TAXI UBER X ACTIVUS DISCOUNTED # ACTIVUS FULL COST # Not ApplicableBooking Fee $2.50 $0.55 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not ApplicableFlag Fall / Base fare $3.60 $2.50 Not Applicable Not ApplicableRate per km (day time) ** $2.19 $1.45 Not Applicable Not ApplicableWaiting Time* per minute $0.94 $0.40 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not ApplicableSouth Cronulla to Miranda Westfield (16 Kms return journey) Not Applicable $49.50Booking Fees x 2 $5.00 $1.10 Not Applicable Not ApplicableFlag Fall / Base Fare x 2 $7.20 $5.00 Not Applicable Not ApplicableRate (day time) ** $35.04 $23.20 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not ApplicableWaiting Time * 5 minutes x 2 $9.40 $4.00 Not Applicable $77.00TOTAL (Return) ** $20.00Menai to St George Hospital $56.64 $33.30 (38 Kms return journey)Booking Fees x 2 $5.00 $1.10 Not ApplicableFlag Fall / Base Fare x 2 $7.20 $5.00 Not ApplicableRate (day time) ** $83.22 $55.10 Not ApplicableWaiting Time * 10 minutes x 2 $18.80 $8.00 Not ApplicableTOTAL (Return) ** $114.22 $69.20 $35.00** Please note the above rates for Taxi and Uber are for standard daytime only. Rates may increase for evening, weekend or highdemand periods.* Waiting time may be charged once the vehicle arrives at the pick-up point, during loading times and whilst stationary ormoving slowly in heavy traffic.# Activus Discounted Fares are only available to clients assessed and approved under various Govt support programs. Retailclients including NDIS and Home Care Package clients are charged at ‘Full Cost’ as no Govt subsidies are provided to ActivusTransport for these clients.
ACTIVUS NEWS | JANUARY/FEBRUARY EDITION ACTIVUS TRANSPORT | 2018Extra Value and Customer Service• When looking at the $’s, please also consider the extra helping you to and from your door to the vehicle withvalue and customer service Activus provides. This is for your personalised attention.peace of mind when you travel with Activus Transport. • Activus has no hidden extras such as booking charges or• We focus on getting you to your appointments on time. waiting time fees added to the fare.• Your bookings are guaranteed, even in the hard to get to • We have flat rate fares for most journeys across the Shire corners of the Shire. and beyond.• Our service is a true door-to-door service when you need it. • Our vehicles are easy to get into, spacious and able to carry• We know your special mobility needs after talking to you your mobility aids, and shopping.and adding your individual needs to our customer database. • We will even take you and your pets to the Vet in style. Who• Our drivers and bus assistants do go the extra mile in else does that!Cancellation Fees as of January 2018Over many months, we have experienced difficulties in terms to the organisation for which we receive no funding. Cancelledof financial loss and wasted manpower caused by cancellations trips generate all of these costs but with no revenue.running at almost 20% of our total bookings. Most importantly,this problem is also affecting many clients when trips are often Whilst in the past we have had a cancellation policy, this wasbooked out artificially due to vehicles and seats consumed by rarely used. Due to the issues raised above we will now beothers who eventually cancel. charging a fee for cancellations from 1st January 2018.This is especially frustrating to our staff and drivers with a The cancellation fees are shown below:high proportion of last minute cancellations at a client’s frontdoor or even ‘no shows’. Please note ‘no shows’ create further • Cancellation on the day / ‘No Show” at door - $20issues and costs as drivers and phone staff follow a strictclient safety protocol and try to contact the client, family or • Cancellation up to 24 hours before the trip - $10emergency services. We recognise that some clients may have genuine emergenciesAs a non-profit charity, Activus Transport relies solely on the on the day of travel. In exceptional cases only, we may makeincome from the actual trips we provide to clients. This is in allowances after we discuss this with the client.the form of Government funding allocated per trip and a smallrevenue from fares to provide this service. Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter. This cancellation policy is an unfortunate but necessary step so thatThe time and resources involved in taking bookings and we can continue to provide transport and maintain the quality ofscheduling vehicles, bus assistants and drivers is a large cost the service to you.Call for Volunteers Corrimal Bowling club is a relaxed family friendly place open to all membersActivus Volunteers are priceless ! of the community. Our proud bowling tradition has seen us remain in theActivus Transport salutes every one of its volunteers for thewonderful work they do. We rely heavily on their commitment Illawarra community for over 100 years.and dedication. Without them, we simply could not meet the The club has recently been given a freshneed of our community. We thank you them for helping to enrich new look, and we welcome you to comethe lives of our clients. visit us and see the changes.We are currently looking for more volunteers to assist with Enjoy the beautiful South Coastdriving vehicle son Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. this summer with a trip toAs a volunteer you will have the opportunity to Corrimal Bowling Club.• Make a difference• Meet new people Enjoy a sumptuous Buffet on Friday and• Gain new skills Sunday evenings for ONLY $18!• Help others• Become a valued team member The club also does daily bistro specials• Give back to the community and is open Tuesday to Sunday for lunch and dinner.If this sounds like you please call Kylie on 8555 0002
January 2018Time2Enjoy Calendar08 EAST & WEST 09 EAST & WEST 10 EAST WEST 12 EAST & WESTMON TUE WED 11 FRI Free Bingo at Lunch at ‘The CENTRAL PICK UP THU FREE Cabaret ShowIngleburn RSL Club Woolshed’ Salt of Guided Tour of at Rooty Hill RSL & CENTRAL PICK UP & Lunch at the Earth NSW Rail Museum, Guided Tour of lunch at Salute restaurant Restaurant, Yallah Thirlmere & lunch Zest Grill House(preorder on arrival) NSW Rail Museum,OR IKEA, Tempe & Entry/Tour: Thirlmere & lunchLunch at Foodcourt $15.00- $16.00 Lunch: $5 per item Entry/Tour: $15.00- $16.00 Lunch: $5 per item15 EAST & WEST EAST & WEST 17 WEST EAST 19 EAST & WESTMON 16 WED 18 FRI Free Bingo TUE Scenic Drive to THU BBQ Lunch at at Dooley’s, Bellambi & lunch at Woronora RSL Lidcombe St George Bellambi Bowling Scenic Drive to BBQ Cost $9.50 Leagues Club Bellambi & lunch at OR ‘It’s Showtime’ Club Bellambi Bowling Flower Power & Entry $10.00lunch at Taren Point Club OR Hotel EAST Lunch at Illawarra Yacht Club22 EAST & WEST 23 WEST 24 EAST & WEST 25 EAST & WEST 26 FRIMON TUE WED THU Free Bingo at Dooley’s, Sri Venkateswara St Johns Park Lidcombe Lunch at Temple, Bowling Club OR The Illawarra ‘Morning Showtime’ AUSTRALIA DAY Shopping at Yacht Club Helensburgh Entry: $5.50 PUBLIC HOLIDAY Lunch Specials: & Lunch at theRockdale Plaza Lime Leaf Café includes & lunch at the $15.90 Sunrise Nursery morning tea Foodcourt29 EAST & WEST 30 EAST & WEST 31 EAST & WESTMON TUE St George WED Free Bingo Leagues Club Lunch at Altitude CALENDAR KEY at Dooley’s, ‘It’s Showtime’ 1148 Restaurant, Lidcombe Entry $10.00 OR Bulli Tops OR Symbio Wildlife 2 Course SetLunch at Yarra Bay Park, Helensburgh Lunch Menu: $19.90 Shopping Wheelchair Access OR Movie Day Sailing Club BYO lunch or order at Sutherland2 Course Set Menu from the Café Entertainment Entry: $22 -$27.50 Walking Evening Outing $20.00 Centre BUS FARE ONLY $15 Note: The bus fare is in addition to any venue or meal costs unless otherwise stated. Please pay your Activus driver or carer on the day of the outing. Please note that the ticket cost of evening outings include bus fare.
Information aboutTime2 Enjoy OutingsJANUARY FEBRUARY CLUB ENTRYWe will be kicking off with Bingo and Gaden Café proved a popular venue Please note that when entering a club,lunch at a new venue on the 8th, with last year, so we are visiting there a valid ID, Pension and/or Concessionlunch specials from $11.00. While on the again on the 1st and 6th for some Card must be presented. Visitors are9th we are travelling south to Yallah for entertaining Bingo and lunch. Requests requested to sign in, however some clubslunch at ‘The Woolshed’, where lunches for a train trip have been heard, and on will require you to become a member for astart from $15.50. An interesting the 2nd and 9th, we are off to Kiama. very small fee.guided tour of the NSW Rail Museum Please Note: In order to travel by trainin Thirlmere on the 10th and 11th entry you must hold a valid Pensioner OPAL LUNCHfrom $15.00 with lunch options from Card. Please note that there is walking$5.00 per choice. On the 12th to enjoy involved, and some roads may be Unless pre-arranged menu options havea FREE Cabaret Show and lunch mains slightly hilly. Please ensure you wear been organised with a venue, please bearfrom $13.20. Flower Power and Taren non slip shoes, a hat, sunscreen and in mind that lunch costs can vary fromPoint hotel on the 15th for lunch with have an umbrella. The 5th for lunch at venue to venue. Many venues have ameals from $16.00. The 16th and 23rd the Gerroa Boat Club, while on the 12th lunch special menu as well as their mainlunch at the very scenic venue of the the option to either go to the Gerroa menu. You are free to make your choice asIllawarra Yacht Club, where you can Boat Club for lunch or to Bingo and to which you prefer.choose a variety of lunch specials on lunch at Dooley’s. On the 6th and 13thoffer from $15.90. A scenic drive to an exhibition of the famous Rembrandt YOUR T2E OUTING PICK UPSBellambi Bowling Club for lunch on paintings at the NSW Art Gallery. Athe 17th and 18th where mains start ‘fruitful’ trip on the 7th and 8th to Unless otherwise stated our Activus busfrom $13.00. You will be pleased to Minchinbury Fruit Market or Cobbity will pick you up from your home. However,know that the popular BBQ lunch at Wines. The HARS Aircraft Museum for to cater for demand and help speed upWoronora RSL Club is on the 19th for a guided tour on the 14th and 15th and getting the bus on the road for longer daythe very reasonable cost of $9.50. Sri Gunnamatta Park for a BBQ lunch on outings it is necessary to have centralisedVenkateswara Temple and lunch at the the 16th and 23rd. Please remember pickup locations. Clients must make theirLime Leaf Café on the 24th, and off to to wear non slip shoes, bring a hat, own way to these central pick up locations.St John’s Park Bowling Club for their sunscreen and an umbrella. An excitingpopular morning Showtime and lunch lunch cruise aboard the Nepean Belle NOTE: Times are approximate and trafficfor $10.00 on the 25th. Requests for PaddleWheeler on the 21st and 28th. may affect pick up and drop off times.a return visit to Yarra Bay Sailing Club Please note that payment must bewith a set lunch menu for $20.00 is received in our office no later than East Central Pick Up Locations—10th Janon the 29th. Requests to re-visit the the 7th for those travelling on the 21st NSW Rail Museum, Thirlmere & 28th Febupdated and renovated Symbio Wildlife and no later than the 14th for those Nepean Belle PaddleWheelerPark should generate a lot of interest travelling on the 28th. If your paymentwith a visit to the park on the 30th. is not received by the due dates, your Cronulla Station – pick up at 8.00amEntry fees are from $22.00, and lunch booking may be cancelled. There arecan be BYO or purchase from the kiosk. no refunds for cancellations or change Caringbah BeConnected – 386 PortOn the 31st Altitude 1148 Restaurant of mind. Payment can be made by Hacking Rd, pickup 8.15amat Bulli Tops for a set menu lunch for cheque, cash, direct deposit or credit$19.90 while taking in the breathtaking card. Please call our office if you wish to Westfield Miranda, Kingsway – pick up atviews across the valley. The first make payment by credit card. Another 8.30am,movie day of the year at Sutherland popular ‘Showtime’ at St John’s ParkEntertainment Centre is The Greatest on the 22nd. Our regular outings to Gymea Community Aid – 39 Gymea BayShowman on the 31st. Dooley’s on the 5th, 12th, 19th and Rd, (wait behind centre in Warburton Lane) 26th and to the St George Leagues pickup 8.45amOur regular outings to Dooley’s on Club for their popular Showtimethe 15th, 22nd and 29th continue. St concerts on the 13th and 27th. West Central Pick Up Locations—11 JanGeorge Leagues Showtime will now NSW Rail Museum & 21st Feb Nepeanonly be on the second and fourth Our Time2 Enjoy Belle PaddleWheelerTuesdays of the month from January Fares & Other Costs2018. Popular venues such as IKEA, Kirrawee Train Station – Car Park at rearFlower Power and Rockdale Plaza are Our T2E social outings are great value. of station - Pick up at 8.00amalso coming. The bus fare is only $15.00. This is additional to any venue or meal costs Jannali Be Connected – 527 Box Rd, shown in the calendar. Please pay your Jannali (at rear of Jannali Uniting Church) Activus Driver or Carer on the day. Pick up at 8.15am Club on East (SUS Club) Sutherland – 7 East Parade. Pick up at 8.30am Engadine Community Centre – 1034/1036 Old Princes Highway, Engadine. Pick up at 8.45am, drop off at 3.15pm
ACTIVUS NEWS | JANUARY/FEBRUARY EDITION ACTIVUS TRANSPORT | 2018Client Survey Results• The Majority of clients have been with Activus for 3 or more years• 94% of clients are very satisfied with our service• Most popular words to describe Activus – Reliable, Friendly, High Quality• 96% of customers say our transport options meet their needs Extremely Well or Very Well• 97% of customers rate the quality of our transport services as Very High or High Quality• Cars for Medical Trips are the highest usage.• 43% are likely to access our website of social media for information.• 94% of people surveys said Yes to “Do our vehicles meet your needs as far as comfort, space and access are concerned.• Home telephone was the most popular way customers said they communicate with family friends and service. However, 66.75% said they use mobile phones, ipads, tablets and computers too.• When it came to variety of social outings 80% of people said either Excellent or Very Good, while scenic drives and shopping centre visits were the most popular• 97% or respondents rated staff either Extremely or Very professional.• We got a star rating of 4 out of 5 stars.• Somethings you did ask for were – evening outings and weekend outings. Well we listened. Keep Both of these and more have now been added or are soon to be added as a regular edition to the social outings CalendarThanks to all of you who took part in the survey. We really appreciate all of your feedback.TWO DAY ANZAC Train TravelCENTENARY TOUR We will be traveling by train to Kiama in February (for full detailsIn March we are planning check out the calendar enclosed) so don’t forget to bring youran overnighter to Canberra, Opal Card. Unfortunately you won’t be able to purchase a tickettaking in the War Memorial at the train station. If you haven’t yet purchased an Opal cardand other interesting sites. there are 2 ways to apply: either on line at:Clients will travel in comfort Crowthers Coach or by calling 13 67 25 (13 OPAL).Tours and accommodation,meals and guided tours are Make sure you have your NSW or ACT Seniors, Pensionerincluded. $310pp twin share, Concession or NSW War Widow/er card handy to confirm$370pp single supplement. your eligibility.Call Marie on 8555 0000 toregister your interest. NEW Shopping Shuttle Bus Starting in January we have a Brand New Shopping Shuttle Bus going to SUPA IGA in Taren Point. So if you haven’t tried our Shopping Shuttle Bus yet – what are you waiting for? Get on board for a great day of shopping for all your fresh foods, bakery, dairy, meat and fruit and veg.
February 2018 Time2Enjoy Calendar EAST 02 WEST FRI 01BOOKINGS: 8555 0000 Train ride to Kiama THU BYO Lunch or lunchMONDAY TO FRIDAY 8.30 – 4.30PM Bingo & Lunch at one of the at Gaden Café, local venues Woollahra Cost: $17.0005 EAST & WEST WEST 07 EAST 08 WEST 09 EAST FRIMON 06 WED Minchinbury THU Fruit EAST & WEST TUE Bingo & Lunch Minchinbury Fruit Bingo & lunch at Gaden Café, Market & lunch at Market & lunch at at Dooley’s, Woollahra Rooty Hill RSL Train ride to Kiama Lidcombe OR OR Rooty Hill RSL BYO Lunch or lunch OR Art Gallery NSW, Cobbity Wines OR WEST (Rembrandt) & at one of theLunch at Gerroa Estate & lunch at Cobbity Wines local venues lunch at venue of Camden RSL Estate & lunch at Boat Club your choice Entry: $21.00 Camden RSL12 EAST & WEST 13 EAST & WEST 14 WEST EAST 16 WESTMON TUE EAST & WEST WED 15 FRI EAST & WEST St George Guided Tour of THU BBQ Lunch at Bingo & lunch Leagues Club HARS Gunnamatta Park, at Dooley’s, ‘It’s Showtime’ Guided Tour of OR EAST Aircraft Museum, HARS Cronulla Lidcombe Art Gallery NSW, & Lunch at Albion Cost: $10.00 OR (Rembrandt) & Park Bowling Club Aircraft Museum, EAST lunch at venue of & Lunch at Albion your choice Entry: $15.00 Park Bowling Club Lunch at Gerroa Boat Club Entry: $15.00 Entry: $21.0019 EAST & WEST 20 EAST & WEST 21 WEST 22 23EAST & WEST EASTMON TUE WED THU FRI Free Bingo Lunch at St George CENTRAL PICK UP St Johns Park BBQ Lunch at at Dooley’s, Motor Boat Club Lunch Cruise on Bowling Club Gunnamatta Park, Lidcombe the Nepean Belle ‘Morning Showtime’ PaddleWheeler, Entry: $5.50 Cronulla Cost $70.00 Cost: $10.00 includes Bus fare includes morning tea26 EAST & WEST 27 EAST & WEST 28 EASTMON TUE WED Free Bingo St George CENTRAL PICK UP CALENDAR KEY at Dooley’s, Leagues Club Lunch Cruise on Lidcombe ‘It’s Showtime’ the Nepean Belle Shopping Wheelchair Access Entry $10.00 PaddleWheeler, Cost $70.00 includes Bus fare Walking Evening Outing
ACTIVUS NEWS | JANUARY/FEBRUARY EDITION ACTIVUS TRANSPORT | 2018New Bus Hire Program For Community OrganisationsOver many years, Activus Transport has also provided buses for To find out more about the special Thrifty benefits only availablehire for other community or aged care services. After a review of to Activus Community clients please send an enquiry via emailour operation and finances, we have decided that from 1 January to Chris Kontozis [email protected] or phone 13002018 we will no longer able to provide buses for general hire. 879289. Mention that you are an Activus Transport Community Client to access this great new deal.However to provide an alternative service for our Shirescommunity organisation clients we have negotiated a specialarrangement with Thrifty Car Rental based at Caringbah and 23other locations in NSW.Enjoy great rental rates on buses and cars plus other benefits tosupport your community organisations. (Offer available to nonfor profits, charities, church and school groups, aged care andcommunity centres etc.) Sounds of the Shire The Sutherland Shire has had it’s own radio According to the 2SSR General station 2SSR since 1992. This community Manager Gloria Gervasoni. 2SSR station broadcasts from a studio in Gymea has something to suit all of our on 99.7 FM. Activus clients. Their varied program includes time slots for Over the last 25 years 2SSR has emerged news, music from the 50’s, 60’s, from these basic and humble beginnings to 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, classical greats be respected by listeners, sponsors, civic and jazz, comedy, rock and roll, authorities, and the community at large. disco and country.Sutherland Shire Council was a Foundation Sponsor of 2SSR Activus Transport will soon beand has remained a major sponsor. The Mayor of Sutherland working together with Gloria andShire is a patron as is T.V. and recording star Helen Zerefos. The the 2SSR team on some excitingorganisation is non-profit, non-political and non-sectarian. They new projects for 2018. So watch this space.have an amazing team of over 60 passionate volunteers wholove music, broadcasting and the Sutherland Shire. You can tune in to the the Sounds of the Shire on 99.7 FM or listen online. Check out their website for a copy of their radio2SSR offers a wide range of music genres, timely current affairs program or click on the link on the Activus website.and community involvement. They also run training courses inbroadcasting for the over 18’s.t. 8555 0000 e. [email protected] a. 1160 Old Princes Highway (PO Box 303)f. 9548 0926 w. Engadine, Sydney NSW 2233
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