Activus NewsSummer EditionMessage from the GM In this issue: I would like to thank all organisation, including signing contracts • Message from the of those people who with our funding bodies at several General Manager recently completed Government departments. I would like to surveys. The results thank the members of the Board, all of • Industry news of the survey showed whom are volunteers, for giving us their • The Activus Motorcade that whilst many of our valuable time. • New additions to our clients and volunteers are very happy with Our organisation has seen huge fleet our service, there is changes over the past year. One instant • Christmas closure/openstill some room for improvement. This improvement is the number of clientsfeedback is very useful for us as we are now using our service, in February we dates and final runsalways looking for ways to bring you a had 3890 Home and Community Care • Websitebetter service. (HACC) client trips whilst September the • Launch event (HACC) client trips numbered 4242 – • Kat Taxi over theOne improvement we have started, is obviously our restructure and rebrand isthe upgrade to our telephone system. working. Christmas breakWe recognise that the old phone system • Time to Enjoyand cables were constantly letting us Our rebranding has also seen benefits • Thank you’sdown, particularly when the local junction outside the Shire as we now have • We need you!box was wet. We have invested in a new partnership arrangements with Brokentelephone system which will run via new Hill Community Transport, St. George Volunteer infocabling and our computer system so that Family Support Service, 3Bridgeswe can eliminate the delays and shortage Community and Shire Home Mods. Weof lines available for clients to contact look forward to working with these andus. I would like to thank all of our clients other services to increase the range offor being so patient with us through this services we can offer our clients anddifficult transition. volunteers.Our recent Annual General Meeting, I would like to take this opportunityheld prior to our Launch Event, was to wish all of our clients, volunteers,well attended and we were fortunate staff and fellow service providers athat our existing Board were all elected safe, healthy, happy Christmas and aagain for the coming year. Our Board is wonderful New Year.a valuable part of the organisation, asthey are responsible for making all of the Roslyn Mortonstrategic decisions for the future of theTIME2 LIVING HEALTH &ENJOY ACTIVITIES WELLBEINGGroup activities, caring Shopping and local village To and from medical, healthcentres or social visits. centre visits. and wellbeing appointments.
ACTIVUS NEWS | SUMMER EDITION ACTIVUS TRANSPORT | 2015 Christmas closure/open dates and final runsIndustry news to change seating arrangements to suit Our office will be closed from midday people using wheelchairs and walkers, 24th December, 2015 to 8:00am, MondayIn November several staff attended no hoist or steps just a low ramp. We look 4th January, 2016. As December getsthe Community Transport Organisation forward to giving our clients a ride in the very busy, it is advisable for you to bookconference at Olympic Park, Homebush new vehicle later in 2016. early for your car hear the latest information for oursector from our partners at Transport The Community Transport sector is There is no shopping bus on Thursday,for NSW and other community transport undergoing huge changes in the 24th December, 2015, just our usualproviders across the state. coming years and we look forward to Southgate buses on Tuesday, 22nd the introduction of new technology and and Wednesday, 23rd. Our SocialWhilst at the conference staff were new and innovative ideas so that we Group Outings are as per theable to see the new prototype vehicle remain current and effective in providing Time to Enjoy Calendar.which we will be trialling for Transport transport to people in our community.for NSW in 2016. This vehicle has been From everyone at Activus - have aspecifically designed to transport people wonderful Christmas and a Happy Newwith mobility issues and has the ability Year, see you in 2016! THE ACTIVUS TRANSPORT WebsiteMOTORCADE If you haven’t done so already, you must check out our brand new website. It’s full of useful information about our history, our Board, news and events, our calendar, a gallery of photos, volunteering information and much more. We’d love to hear what you think about it too and what sort of information could also be included. Call 9548 0122 for a chat or drop an email to [email protected] Saturday 20th February 2016 Activus and on to Caringbah, before reaching its will be showcasing their final destination of Perryman Square atrecently branded and highly visible fleet North Cronulla around 10am, where theyof vehicles throughout the Sutherland will be greeted by local council members.Shire. Three vehicles will remain on display toA fleet of 10 vehicles will depart from the the general public at Peryman SquareActivus depot at Engadine at 9am and until 2 pm whilst the remaining vehiclesmake its way through both the Engadine will return to Engadine along theand Gymea shopping villages. It will Kingsway, President Ave and Princesthen make its way past Southgate and Highway. Watch out for more news aboutWestfield Miranda shopping complexes this exciting adventure coming soon. New additions to our fleet We are very pleased to announce several new additions to the Activus Bus and Car fleet, in keeping with our drive to provide our clients with the most reliable and comfortable transport solutions. Since replacing two of the Mazda sedans in September with brand new Honda Odysseys, we have taken possession of two new Mitsubishi Rosa buses as replacements for two of our older vehicles, and acquired a new wheelchair enabled Honda Odyssey to replace the ageing Kia Carnival. We have been receiving so much positive feedback on the new signage on the vehicles, with so many people commenting on how more visible our buses and cars are compared to when they displayed the previous livery. Our aim was to make them more noticeable and this has certainly been achieved.
ACTIVUS NEWS | SUMMER EDITION ACTIVUS TRANSPORT | 2015 We loveour vollies!Volunteers are the backbone of ourorganisation. Without their amazing work, our services simply couldn’trun. Our recent survey showed the following results: How much of an impact A great deal of 87% Launch eventdo you feel your volunteer impact & a lot of After 4 months of rebranding which It was a celebration of our new and work has? impact included, building a new website, creating vibrant brand and a time to reflect on our marketing collateral and advertising; history and how much we have grownHow friendly are the staff Extremely friendly 96% kitting out staff and volunteers with new over the past 30 years. Thank you to all at Activus and Quite friendly and vibrant uniforms, replacing building who celebrated with us and a special signage and inking up the fleet with the thank you to the Board who had theHow easy was it to get Extremely easy & 74% bright orange and purple logo, On 22 strength and vision for change, Sheridanalong with other Activus Very Easy October, it was with great pleasure that (The Harvest Initiative); Adam (Vanguard the official Launch of Activus Transport House), to all the Activus staff and volunteers? came to fruition. Engadine Bowling Club for providing a great function venue.How appreciated did your Extremely 95%supervisor make you feel appreciated and quite appreciatedOverall how satisfied are Extremely satisfied 93% Kat Taxi news over the Christmas breakyou with your volunteer and quite satisfiedexperience with Activus How likely are you to Extremely likely 97% Over the Christmas break while we after hours and weekend transport andcontinue volunteering with and quite likely are closed we will be using KAT taxi are very reliable and friendly. We will and Hire Cars to transport our clients give you the telephone number of the Activus ? to critical appointments. If you have an proprietor Ron to phone in case you have appointment during the break please a cancellation or need to inquire about How likely are you phone before the 23rd December to your booking while we are away. to recommend our book. Kat taxi and Hire Cars do Activus’sorganisation to others as Extremely likely 97% a place to volunteer and quite likely Time to Enjoy The monthly ‘Time to Enjoy’ calendar continues to provide many of our service users with an array of opportunities to get out and about to places they may not have otherwise been able to go. As well as the inclusion of the regular favourite venues, we are constantly striving to include fresh, exciting and different outings that are novel and sure to provide enjoyment and enrichment to those who participate. We have, in recent months, been able to venture further afield with our activities through the introduction of the central pick-up and drop-off process. This has enabled us to visit such places as Bowral for the Tulip Festival, and opens up so many more opportunities for new and exciting venues. We welcome any suggestions for inclusion in the calendar, and to this end, we will be asking our service users to complete a short survey to assist us in providing a range of outings that cater to the desires of our most important stakeholders – our clients.
ACTIVUS NEWS | SUMMER EDITION ACTIVUS TRANSPORT | 2015 Thank you for your generositySt George Leagues Cliffhanger GET NOTICED!We have been taking our clients A huge thank you to The Cliffhanger With a custom vehicle wrapto St Georges Leagues club every café/Restaurant for their donation of giftTuesday of the year for the extremely vouchers’ for the volunteers Christmas At Ink Signs we have one mission:popular ‘It’s Showtime’. Thank you for Lunch. Clients too have expressed how Make sure your business gets noticedaccommodating our clients so well much they have enjoyed lunches andand for providing great entertainment, afternoon teas at Cliffhanger throughout Stand out on the road! Let Ink Signs makevalue for money and a lovely lunch the year. If you’d like to visit them for sure that your business gets noticed, withtoo. We receive huge praise from our breakfast, lunch, morning or afternoon a custom designed vehicle wrap.clients about how much they enjoy this tea they are located at Hopetoun Parkouting. St George Leagues Club, can be Bulli Tops, Bulli Lookout and can be We deploy our expert team of graphiccontacted by calling 9587 1022. contacted on 4267 1096 or visit designers and professional installers to create a high quality, custom look thatClub Heathcote will maximise exposure and capture Ink Signs the attention of potential customers.Club Heathcote has generously provided Your customised vehicle wrap will bemeeting rooms to us throughout the year By now almost every person in the seen by thousands of people everyto run our monthly Board meetings. Shire (and beyond) would have seen week. Why pass up the opportunity to our amazing new fleet signage. Thank promote your product to all of theseThey’ve also provided their function you to Brad and his incredible team potential customers?room to us to hold our annual volunteer for the artwork and design to makeluncheon. Thanks to all the staff and our fleet really stand out in a crowd. It all comes down to numbers, and theBoard at Club Heathcote for your We’ve received so much praise and more people who see your vehicle wrap,ongoing generosity. recognition its incredible. Inksigns are the higher your sales are going to be. also a major sponsor of our Motorcade in Contact us today for a quote on 9545 February 2015 – Thank you for your kind 1155. We can look after all of your printing generosity. To contact Inksigns call them needs including, shopfronts, banners and on 9545 1155 or visit their website: general signage. Visit our website for more information: [email protected] NEED YOU!• Do you like meeting people As a volunteer you will have the a heartfelt and being part of a valued and opportunity to: THANK YOU dedicated team? • Make a difference • Meet new people voTluOnOtUeeRrs• Do you like making a positive • Gain new skills difference to your community? • Help others• Would you like to be an active Become a valued team member and member of your community? give back to the community• Do you have some spare time to So go on, Get Out and About and assist us? make a difference!If you can answered ‘Yes’ to these Please contact via email:questions, why not be a part of [email protected] Transport ‘Get Out and About or phone 9548 0122.Volunteers Team!’We are seeking:• Volunteer Bus Drivers• Volunteer Car Drivers• Volunteer Transport Assistants t. 9548 0122 e. [email protected] a. 1160 Old Princes Highway (PO Box 303)f. 9548 0926 w. Engadine, Sydney NSW 2233
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